The Lord s Day/ Día del Señor · The Lord’s Day/ Día del Señor October 6, 2019/ 6 de Octubre,...


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The Lord’s Day/ Día del Señor October 6, 2019/ 6 de Octubre, 2019

Prelude/ Preludio

Welcome & Visitor Information/ Bienvenida y Avisos

Opening Music/ Canto de Apertura "No Longer Slaves”/ “No Más Esclavo"

- Hispanic Ensemble

*Call to Worship/ Llamamiento a la Adoración

Psalm 98:4-6 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!

Salmos 98:4-6 Cantad alegres a Jehová, toda la tierra; Levantad la voz, y aplaudid, y cantad salmos. Cantad salmos a Jehová con arpa; Con arpa y voz de cántico. Aclamad con trompetas y sonidos de bocina, Delante del rey Jehová.

*Hymn of Approach / Himno de Acercamiento —No. 465

“Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord"/ "Gracia Admirable del Dios de Amor”

Prayer of Adoration and Confession/ Oración de Adoración y Confesión

Assurance of Pardon/ Seguridad del Perdón

Colossians 2:13-14

And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.

Colosenses 2:13-14 Y a vosotros, estando muertos en pecados y en la incircuncisión de vuestra carne, os dio vida juntamente con él, perdonándoos todos los pecados, anulando el acta de los decretos que había contra nosotros, que nos era contraria, quitándola de en medio y clavándola en la cruz.

*Affirmation of Faith/ Afirmación de Fe Heidelberg Catechism Question 122

Q122: In the Lord’s prayer, the first petition is “hallowed be thy name.” What does this mean?

A: “Hallowed be your name” means: Help us to truly know you, to honor, glorify, and praise you for all your works and for all that shines forth from them; your almighty power, wisdom, kindness, justice, mercy, and truth. And it means, Help us to direct all our living— what we think, say, and do— so that your name will never be blasphemed because of us but always honored and praised.

Pregunta 122 del Catecismo de Heidelberg

P122. ¿Cuál es la primera súplica?

R. Santificado sea tu nombre, es decir, concédenos ante todo que te conozcamos rectamente, y que santifiquemos y celebremos tu omnipotencia, sabiduría, bondad, justicia, misericordia y verdad, que se manifiestan en toda tus obras. Concédenos también, que toda nuestra vida, en pensamiento, palabra y obra, sea siempre dirigida a este fin: que tu santísimo nombre no sea por nosotros blasfemado ni menospreciado, sino honrado y glorificado.

*Hymn of Faith / Himno de Fe

“Sovereign Over Us”/ "Soberano sobre Nosotros” (Ushers come forward on last verse)

Prayer of Dedication/ Oración de Dedicación

Offertory/ Ofertorio “Take Time to be Holy” / “Ser Santo Toma Tiempo”

- Choir

(Children ages 4 years to 2nd grade may be dismissed to Children’s Church. All children will be escorted back to the sanctuary by their teachers at the end of the sermon.)

(Niños de 4 años hasta segundo grado van a la Iglesia Infantil, y la congregación Hispana sale para la predicación en español y regresan para tomar juntos la Santa Cena.)


Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer/ Oración Pastoral y El Padre Nuestro

Our Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Reading From the New Testament/ Lectura del Nuevo Testamento

Revelation 4:1-11/ Apocalipsis 4:1-11 Pew Bible Page: 1030 (NT)

Reading From the Old Testament/ Lectura del Antiguo

testament Exodus 3:1-4:17 / Éxodo 3:1-4:17

Pew Bible Page: 46 (OT)

Sermon/ Sermón

“Turn Aside” / “Apartate” - Rev. David Yoran

*Hymn of Preparation/ Himno de Preparación “Lord I Need You”/ "Dios te Necesito”

Service of the Lord’s Table/ La mesa del Señor *Bread provided for Communion is gluten free/El Pan de la Comunión es libre de gluten

*Closing Hymn / Himno de Clausura—No. 252

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”/ "La Cruz Excelsa al Contemplar”

*Benediction/ Bendición

*Threefold Amen/ Triple Amen

*Postlude/ Postludio

*The congregation stands / La Congregacion de Pie

You are invited to join us immediately following the morning service for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Tea & lemonade will be available in the Fellowship Hall, located

behind the sanctuary. / Esta invitado a acompañarnos a un tiempo de compañerismo y refrigerio al termino del Servicio de Adoración esta mañana. Tenemos limonada y té en el Salón de Con-

vivencia ubicado detrás del santuario. /

Benevolence Offering In association with the service of the Lord's Supper, we will receive a Benevolence offering at the end of today’s worship service. This will be for the sole purpose of giving relief to persons in finan-cial crisis. The fund will be handled by the deacons. A deacon will stand at each door and if you are desiring to respond to the Lord's Supper with an offering, you will simply drop yours in the plate. This isn't a replacement for your tithe of course, it is an additional voluntary offering.

Sermon Notes/ Notas del Sermon

“Turn Aside” / “Apartate” Exodus 3:1-4:17 / Éxodo 3:1-4:17

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan (2018- 201)

October 6: Ephesians 4.17-6.9; Psalm 86 October 7: Ephesians 6.10-24; Psalm 87 October 8: Catch-up day; Psalm 88 October 9: Philippians 1.1-26; Psalm 89 October 10: Philippians 1.27-2.30; Psalm 90 October 11: Philippians 3.1-4.3; Psalm 91 October 12: Philippians 4.4-23; Psalm 92

Community Group Questions

1) What types of things would you do if someone gave you 1 million dollars? Why would you choose to do these things?

2) Was there anything in particular that stood out to you from this week’s sermon (or if you weren’t able to hear it…anything from the sermon summary that is particularly interesting to you)? If so, what about this stood out to you?

3) Read Psalm 84:1-2, 10. What do you observe in these verses? What stands out to you? How does this relate to Moses’ experience on Mt. Horeb?

4) When Moses turned aside to encounter God, he was changed (for the better!). He was strengthened and emboldened, and he got to know God better. Turning aside to focus on God and pursue a deeper relationship with him always leads us to blessings. Can you think of examples of blessings that you have experienced in your own life because of “turning aside” to be with God?

5) What keeps you from turning aside to be with God? What circumstances or struggles in your life make this difficult? Can you think of ways to overcome these challenges?

6) Read Hebrews 12:28-29. What do you observe in these verses? What stands out to you? What do you think it means to be reverent? According to these verses, why should we be reverent in approaching God?

7) On Mt. Horeb, God had a very specific and challenging call for Moses to answer. Can you think of anything that God might be impressing upon your heart right now, for you to do (anything that God might be calling you to do for his glory)?


Wednesday Nights @ Carolina

•6:30pm…………..GriefShare (E101) •6:45pm…………..Children’s Classes (Choir Room) 268 Youth (Youth Room Upstairs)

Hispanic Bible Study (E103)

Volunteer/Service Opportunites As the holidays approach there will be many opportunities to serve. Check out some ways your family or Community Group can be involved! -Serving thru Sewing: Students and adults make a variety of fabric items throughout the year for ministry groups. Their current project is tote bags for Side-By-Side ministry in Liberia. Want to help or donate supplies? Contact Jeannine Jordan at -One of our Community Groups will be hosting a table and games at the Locust Fall Festival on Thursday, October 31st at the Locust Ball Field (6-8pm). If you would like to donate candy to be passed out to the children, please bring it to Eva McLean’s office by October 27th.

New Check-In & Check-Out Process for Wednesday Night Children's & Youth Ministry

Your child's safety is of the utmost importance! As such, we are always looking for ways to improve our safety policies and procedures. In the interest of improving our Wednesday night safety, we have made the following changes to our check-in/check-out process: Beginning September 18th, we will have a new check-in/check-out station located in the Family Life Center foyer. Parents of children 5th grade and under: Please come in with your children to sign them in at the beginning of the night and sign them out at the end of the night. Parents of youth, grades 6th-12th: Your students may sign themselves in, although we are asking that you sign them out at the end of the night, unless your youth drives themselves. Parents, children, and youth are all to enter through the Family Life Center main doors. Check-in is anytime from 6:30-6:45pm, and classes start at 6:45pm.* Check-out is at 8pm. The doors will be locked before 6:30pm and after 8pm, to make sure the facilities are only being used by the children and youth when there is adequate adult supervision. Thank you for your willingness to partner with us as we seek to create the most fun, positive, and safe environment for your children each Wednesday night. *The exception to this is the once-a-month meal night when we all gather at 6pm to eat. Even on these nights, we will have the check-in station present in the Family Life Center foyer to check-in your students when they arrive.

Note To Ministry Leaders Ministry Leaders, if you would like to make an announcement for your ministry in the bulletin, or the Wednesday email, we would be happy to include it for you. Please send it to the church office at no later than Tuesday afternoon of the week you would like it to be included. Any announcements received after Tuesday afternoon will need to wait until the following week to be included. Thank you!

Prayer Requests Civil Authorities: the President, Congress, state and local governments Active Military, &/or Being Deployed: Drew Almond (Everette & Jan’s son), Chris Almond (Rick & Teresa’s son), Curtis Mabry (Kirsten Kopp’s brother), David J. Alexander (David & Elaine’s son), and Brian Alexander (David & Elaine’s son). Economy: Pray for those who seek employment and for their families. Those with Cancer: Doris Morgan, Elizabeth Ward, Dave Eddy, Harriet Evans (family friend of Patti Lemmond has bone cancer), Isabella Salman (daughter of Ashley Barrier), Tom O’Donnell (Mary Beth Flowe’s father), Katherine Speight (James Kluttz’s mother), Trent Burleson Home Bound or Nursing Home: Lib Barrier, Brenda Almond, Doris Renfro Continued Prayer for Health: Bud Pethel & Bonnie Pethel, Thomas Haigler, Gary & Mary Ames (Tami Carr’s parents), Irene Cochara (Peggy Arey’s aunt),, Dana Barbee (Doris Barbee Renfro’s son), Leon Fowler, Shirley Hill, Iris Efird (Jay & Larry Efird’s mother), Myrtle Tucker, Addison Garvey (Jason Griffith is friends with her family), Judy Eddy’s mother, Sonja Furr’s mom & dad, Jimmy Furr’s dad, Buck & Betty Mosal (Wendy Hammond’s father & mother), Larry Carpenter, Mary Eddy (Dave Eddy’s mother), Richard Davis, Teresa Almond, Reba Tucker, June Morgan (Londa’s mother-in-law), Ines Gutierrez, Mike Arey GriefShare: A new class began September 18th

Note: Please notify the church office with any prayer request additions or updates.

Faith Promise 2019 Faith Promise Pledges 2019—$83,298.00

Faith Promise Contributions Received To Date 2019—$62,283.64

Thank you for your support and please continue to pray that God will bless all of our missionaries, both domestic and abroad.

Online Giving and Text to Give We are now able to accept tithes/offerings online. To give online, go to our website:, click the GIVE tab, and follow the steps to make a one time gift or setup a recurring donation. You can also donate by texting any amount to 84321 and selecting Carolina Presbyterian Church.

Church Budget Update

Weekly Church Budget

Weekly Need: ..................................................................................................... $ 9,614.00

Weekly Receipts: ................................................................................................ $ 8,244.35

This Week @ Carolina October 6, 2019

Carolina Presbyterian Church (PCA) 406 Renee Ford Road Locust, NC 28097 Phone: 704-888-4435 Fax: 704-888-4492

Website: Email:


Rev. David Yoran

Rev. Salatiel Chuc

Cory Falgione Children’s Ministry Director Eva Mclean

Bob Hammond

Trent Thomas

Joyce Barbee

Kim Craven CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday: 9:00am—1:00pm


Russ Eppley Jayne Efird CONTACT INFORMATION Church (704) 888-4435 Fax (704) 888-4492 Preschool (704) 888-3658 School (704) 888-4332

SESSION Scott Childress (2021) Shane Everts (2020)* John Hartsell (2021)* Gary Harwood (2022)* Sam Kopp (2020) Eddie Page (2020)* Trent Thomas (2022)* Tyler Thompson (2021)* * Eligible for re-election

BOARD OF DEACONS Ryan Cornell (2022)* Jason Griffith (2021)* Andy Hall (2021) Hal Jordan (2021)* Jonathan Lemmond (2021) Jason Martin (2020) Sean McCarthy (2022)* Ryan Rogers (2020)* H.G. Troutman (2021)* Brantley Whitley (2022)

Today 9:15am……..Sunday School 10:30am…...Combined Worship Service &

Communion Greeters Michael & Judy Adrian Nursery Ages 0-1: Bruce & Tami Carr Ages 1-2: Matt & Alicia Morrow Ages 2-3: Nathan & Katie Furr Children’s Church Ages 4-5: Angelina Parks & Ella Johnson Ages 6-2nd Grade: Gary & Donna

Harwood 4:15pm……..Choir Practice (Choir Rm) Monday - 10/7 6:30pm……..Trail Life (Fellowship Hall) Tuesday - 10/8 7:00pm……..Youth Com. Mtg. (FLC) Wednesday - 10/9 6:30pm……..GriefShare (Room E101) 6:45pm……..Children’s Classes (Choir Room) ……..Youth (Upstairs Youth Room) ..…...Hispanic Bible Study (Room E103)

Sunday - 10/13 9:15am……..Sunday School 10:30am…...Worship Service .….Hispanic Worship Service (Choir Room) Greeters Sonja Furr & Jason Griffith Nursery Ages 0-1: Josh & Jennifer Hartsell Ages 1-2: James, Kelly & Syndney

Kluttz Ages 2-3: Dennis & Mary Ann Conard

Children’s Church Ages 4-5: Scott & Amanda Childress Ages 6-2nd Grade: Kevin & Yelena

Pietrus 4:15pm……..Choir Practice (Choir Rm)

GRIEFSHARE—Your Journey From Mourning to Joy. Whether you have experienced a loss recently or if it has been years, we invite you to join us as we learn how to walk the journey of grief and be sup-ported along the way. The 1st session of this 13 week class was on September 18th, but you can still join. It meets from 6:30-8:15pm in Room E101 (the Abundant Life Room). For more information please contact Londa Morgan at 980-581-1628.
