the LINK July 2018 - · 7/1/2016  · the LINK July 2018 Vision Statement:...


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the LINK July 2018

Vision Statement:

To Be a faith community that Loves God and all creation, Grows in the

knowledge of God and Serves actively because of our faith in God.

If not us, then WHO?

630.972.1011 ~ 305 E. Boughton Road

Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Worship Service Sundays at 10:00am

The Giving Tree

It seems hard to envision “Back to School” with summer just begun, but The

Giving Tree is collecting for ChildServ’s “Backpack Drive”. Please visit the Giving

Tree outside the Sanctuary to choose a school bus ornament and return it to the

bin provided beneath the tree by August 5th. We are asking that you also include

the receipt, or just a note as to how much you spent, so we can keep track. We

will assemble age appropriate backpacks and bless them on August 12th at the Bless

the Backpacks service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Julie Verson.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Vacation Bible School

July 23-27


Register Today!

Come hear State Representative David Olsen! Thursday, July 12; 1:00 pm

Friendship UMW team members have met with our state representative and state senator in

conjunction with submitting our gun control petitions. We have now scheduled a meeting with

our very own state rep David Olsen to hear about his work in Springfield. We will meet in the

Friendship Center. Everyone is invited, both women and men!

Summer Sermon Series - Begins July 29th

Sacred Earth, Sacred Work

When God began to create the heavens and the earth— the earth was without shape or

form... and God’s wind swept over the waters... God saw everything God had made: it

was supremely good. What if we lived life truly connected to the origins of Creation and

the Creator? In the beginning God created all things and called them originally “good.” In

this series we will explore six essential ideas found in Creation Spirituality–a way of living

within the community of earth that deepens our reverence for life, participates in the

creativity of the cosmos, and develops our passion for justice and human transformation.

It compels us to lead lives of spiritual inquiry, creativity, and prophetic action as our

sacred work in the world.

Join us on July 29th for “Creation as Blessing”.

Soon, I am leaving for the airport to catch the flight that will take me to the country where I was born

and raised. I’ll have a chance to visit my parent’s grave yard. This time I’ll be able to observe 9th

anniversary of my mother’s death. She passed away on the July 4th, yes, the Independence Day of the

United States of America. As I received a phone call on the eve of the July 4th nine years ago (Korea is

14 hours ahead of us and I had already purchased the ticket departing July 7th.),the first thought on my

mind was that mom was sending me a message: “KyungHae, my daughter, it’s time to claim who you

have become. Learn to let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are, who

you’ve become.” She was, is and I know, will be my side.

When you read this, I’ll be in Korea, eating Bee-Bim-Bop ( I wish I could put a picture of it!), Soon-Doo

-Boo (bean based stew with tofu, seafood), or innovative fusion food which I can’t imagine what I am up

to. I am very excited and looking forward to catching up the news after the historic SUMMIT in June.

Often distance helps us to get a clearer vision of our reality. It offers an opportunity to raise some

very good critical questions which we can’t have when we are so close. Perhaps I have a tendency to grab too tightly to what I love. By doing it I may become blind to an alternative vision or solution or


Summer is already in full swing. When I return, the Vacation Bible School, July 23-27 will be in full gear

to embark. This year, we invite North Central College students (called ‘New Beginnings’) to lead the

whole program. 5 young men and women will bring their fresh energy to nourish young children in our

town. They will stay overnight at our church and stop by our members’ home to refresh and have

dinner each night. Please be generous and welcome them and let us be the best host for these college

students. This will be a new way to serve our own community but also grant an opportunity for these

young women and men to put their compassion into action in the real world. Crossroads of Faith

United Methodist Church will join us in this outreach ministry.

I pray you will find an opportunity to take a look at your life and our world from a distance. You may

have a sharper vision of it. I pray we all have a better discernment about it. Enjoy your summer and

stay healthy. I am certain that is what our Creator wants us to appreciate and be thankful.


Pastor Anna

Reflections from Pastor Anna Shin

Children and Family News

Vacation Bible School

July 23-27 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Children from preschool through 5th grade are invited to

enjoy a week of music, bible study, crafts, snacks, games,

and recreation.

Our program will be led by the New Beginnings team from

North Central College. Learn more about the team at:

Register now at:

Early bird registration by July 9 = $20 per child/$50 family max

$25 per child after July 9

For more information, contact the church office at

or 630-972-1011

Summer Sunday School - Sundays at 10:00am

No Sunday School - 7/2

Join us for the rest of the

month as we learn the

parables of Jesus.

Bring your friends!

See you in Sunday School!

July 2018

July 2 - No Sunday School

July 9, 16, 23, 30 - Sunday


July 24-27- Vacation Bible


Mission Trip 2018

Citizenship Workshop a Huge Success!

On June 23, the United Methodist Women of Friendship Church, along with

Family Focus of Aurora and the South Suburban Immigrant Project of

Bolingbrook hosted a citizenship workshop to help neighbors on their path to citizenship. Friendship members

served as greeters, ushers, food servers, and parking attendants as well as helping clients fill out the N-400, a 20

page form submitted as a first step in applying for citizenship in the United States. Our church assisted 25

neighbors from several towns in Illinois. It was a very rewarding day for all who assisted in this worthy cause.

FUMW supports the United Methodist Church’s stand -affirming all those regardless of country of origin as

members of the family of God. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” -Matthew 25:35b

Friendship UMW News

Save the date!

Climate Justice

Workshop ~

Friday, Sept. 28; 7:00pm

Interested in both the scriptural basis and

public facts on the climate debate? Want to

know what you can do? Come hear Peggy

Hansen speak on this important topic in

today’s news. This event is open to all

members and friends of Friendship Church.

Men, too! More information coming soon!

Northern Illinois Conference

June 3-5, 2018

I recently attended my second year as the lay member from FUMC to the Northern Illinois Conference, the

conference that Pastor Anna and I attended with over 900 United Methodists from the top 1/3 of the state of

Illinois. The theme of this year’s conference was “Navigating Uncharted Waters”, something we do often in our

church and in our own lives. The 2 ½ days consisted of 3 worship services, one of ordination of new pastors and

deacons, one of retirement and one of memorial for those no longer with us. We enjoyed wonderful music

throughout and discussion of local and global issues.

We heard a scriptural view of migration. For example, the phrase “Welcome the strangers” is stated several

times in the Bible. Thank you for your generosity toward the Bishop’s appeal for global migration. We raised

$1000 and the NIC raised $73,339. Also, for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center we collected 8 buckets, 13

pair of work gloves, and 14 scrub brushes. The Aurora District collected over 300 of each.

Among the legislative items passed was a call to end gun violence and churches were encouraged to conduct

energy audits. On the information table, you can read more about the material in gun control bills that have been

sent to Gov. Rauner.

I need to give you a little background information for the next item discussed at the conference. Two years ago

the United Methodist Church was at an impasse regarding the issues of same-sex marriage and ordination of

LGBTQ members. In 2017, the Commission on a Way Forward began and suggested 3 plans. In May of this year,

the Council of Bishops met and recommended the One Church Plan. This removes the current wording in the

UMC Book of Discipline and allows clergy and churches to make their own decisions. On November 10, there

will be a listening session to hear more about this proposal. I will remind you of that date again in the Fall. The

Bishop’s recommendation will be taken to the General Conference in February 2019, and hopefully a decision can

be made at that time.

Also, we heard of our history in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the United Methodist Church. The future

investments of the church will no longer be made in areas that do not share our values, such as tobacco, alcohol,

gambling, and fossil fuels.

Please see me if you have any questions or check the Northern Illinois Conference website.

Carolyn Weber

Friendship Flames

Softball All Games are held at Jamie

McGee School

Start time: 6:30pm

July 3, 10, 17, 24, 26, 27, 31

Come on out and cheer on the Flames!

Friendship Church is now an Eco-Friendly


Our community of

faith will no longer be

serving food or

beverages in Styrofoam


Scholarships Awarded

The Henry family has established the Eleanor Henry Memorial Music

Scholarship in memory of Eleanor Henry, who had a 70-year music

ministry in the Methodist Protestant/Methodist/United Methodist Church;

she died in 2013. It is awarded to a student who is studying, or has been

accepted to study, music/music education at an accredited university. On

May 20 Christina Chocian received the first Eleanor Henry Memorial

Music Scholarship. Christina has been accepted to the music department

at Benedictine University in Lisle, Illinois, and has already signed up for

music programs there during the summer. Christina also has an interest

in music therapy, and one of the last things Eleanor Henry worked on was

the use of music as therapy for Alzheimer's patients. The Henry family congratulates Christina on receiving

the scholarship and look forward to her success in college.

Last year the Friendship Career Scholarship was started to help children who have been active members of Friendship United Methodist Church. It is awarded to graduating high school seniors, who plan on continuing

their education. Students must apply by March 31 of their senior year.

Thanks to your donations this year we were able

to award two scholarships. On May 20 Joseph

Callahan and Ayokunmi Olatunde both received

$1,000 to help with education expenses. We

hope that you will continue to support this

mission to help our kids. Use the envelopes

provided at the information station or mark

donation for the “Friendship Career Scholarship


Career Choices for High School Students

CCHSS will be taking a break for the summer but will return for the fall. A Fall Planning

session is being planned. More information to follow.

Two years ago, Career Choices Club at Bolingbrook High School was started to help

youth discover what they wanted to do after graduation. We are excited to announce

that this year, we will be meeting two Sundays a month from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at Friendship. If you want to

know how you can be a part of this, please read the flyer on the information table or contact Robin Lichty at; 630-660-3215

Friendship Methodist Women’s Summer Outing - July 22nd, following worship

I&M Canal Mule-Pulled Boat Ride, LaSalle, Illinois-Come journey back in time aboard the “Volunteer,” a 70-

passenger, mule-pulled 1840’s replica canal boat as it coasts gently up and down the I&M Canal. Cost of the

trip is $25 - attendees will carpool and stop somewhere for lunch. Contact Donna Jacobs: 630.759.6015 or or Dena Byrd 630.983.8211 or for more details and to

sign up.


Save the Date! Church Picnic

August 26th, following worship

Looking for that "end of summer” activity that will

make you smile? Ready to celebrate the start of

school (yea parents we mean you)? Can't wait to

mingle with all your Friendship friends? Well, save

Sunday the 26th of August as your "End of

Summer" blowout day. Help us celebrate the

incredible, fantastic, memorable summer that is

coming to a close with the biggest event of the

year. Smell those dogs, slurp that lemonade, and

munch that popcorn. Your Friendship picnic is

here. There will be delicious food for your tummy, games for your competitive side, crafts for the creative side and best of all there will be your Friendship brothers and sisters. Don't miss out on this fantastic

event. Mark those calendars and count down the days until the biggest event of the summer. Friendship will

rock and so will you.

Register to vote while you are at the picnic! As American citizens, it is our privilege and responsibility

to vote. The next election is November 6th. We will have a voter registrar at the church picnic. Requirements

to register: 1) must be 18 years old by the election date, 2) must be a U.S. citizen, and 3) must have lived in

the precinct for at least 30 days prior to the election. What to bring to register: 2 forms of identification, at

least one that shows current residence address (examples – driver’s license, utility bill, paycheck, bank

statement, government check, other government document). Michelle Braxton will be available Sundays in July

after worship to answer questions.

Celebration offerings

The tradition of the Celebration Offering came to

us from our African Fellowship.

On the first Sunday of each month as we celebrate

God’s abundant gifts on our lives, a special offering

is taken in addition to the general offering.

It’s a chance to celebrate the blessings God has

bestowed upon our lives. Look for the special

offering envelope in the bulletin. There is a place

to mark if you would like to share your story with

the congregation during a Sunday worship.

This month we received 13 envelopes for a total of $207 in honor of the following: thank God for

everything; our grandson’s graduation from

Bolingbrook High School; the graduation of a son

from high school and blessing on my family; God’s

grace for a son’s graduation; for a son’s wedding;

and other unspoken celebrations.

May God continue to bless you richly as your

compassionate heart grows daily!


Pastor Anna


Serving at Daybreak is a long standing tradition at

Friendship. On the third Friday (and following Saturday

morning) we donate food, cook and serve two meals.

Watch inserts in 2nd Sunday bulletins for details on how

to donate and get involved in serving at the shelter.

Dinner on Friday, July 20@ 5:30 pm

Breakfast on Saturday, July 21@ 5:00 am

Richard Guzman, Coordinator


Is open to all senior adults. It meets on the 3rd

Thursday of each month at 11:15am. The study is led by

Pastor Anna and is followed by a delicious luncheon. If you would like to attend, contact the church office

at 630-972-1011.

Study & Lunch: Thursday, July 19 at 11:15am


Friendship is a place of help and hope for those

struggling with addictions. Meetings are open to all.

AA Meetings: Saturdays @ 9am & Sunday @ 5pm

GA Meetings: Fridays @ 7:30 pm


Meets the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month

from 7—9pm. Open to all.



POWER Connection

West Suburban Community Pantry

1st Sunday of every month




Contact Chris Bosacki, Director,

for more information.

Prayer Circle

The prayer circle will take a short hiatus during July

and August. Prayers will still be offered, however,

so send any requests to the church office:



Friendship Community

July 2018 ~ Friendship Church Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 10am Worship

11:15am One

Month to Live


5pm AA

2 3 10am BPCM

6:30pm Softball

4 Independence

Day - Office


5 6 10am BPCM

7:30pm GA

7 9am AA

8 10am Worship &

Sunday School

5pm AA

9 10 10am


6:30pm Softball

11 12

7pm Anxiety


13 10am BPCM

7:30pm GA

14 9am AA

15 10am Worship

& Sunday School

5pm AA

16 17 10am


6:30pm Softball


6:30pm Boy


19 11:15am Sr.

Lunch & Bible


20 10am BPCM

7:30pm GA

21 9am AA

22 10am Worship

& Sunday School

5pm AA


Vacation Bible




6:30pm Softball

25 26

6:30pm Softball


6:30pm Softball

7:30pm GA

28 9am AA

29 10am Worship

& Sunday School

5pm AA

30 31 10am


6:30pm Softball

7pm Nomina-
