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A research towards possible risk factors in agility characteristics

concerning non-contact injury events in amateur hockey players

Yosheng Liu, Hatem Sassi, Stef Thierie

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen.

A dissertation submitted to Ghent University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy

Academic year: 2016 – 2017



A research towards possible risk factors in agility characteristics

concerning non-contact injury events in amateur hockey players

Yosheng Liu, Hatem Sassi, Stef Thierie

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen

A dissertation submitted to Ghent University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy

Academic year: 2016 – 2017


Veel mensen hebben bijgedragen aan de totstandkoming van deze masterproef. Langs deze weg willen

wij graag volgende personen in het bijzonder bedanken.

Eerst en vooral een woord van dank aan onze promotor, Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen, omdat hij het

project zowel logistiek als inhoudelijk in goede banen heeft geleid.

Ten tweede bedanken we ook graag de coaches Joffrey Jablonski, Pascal Kina, Khan Naeem, Maurice

Dubois en de fysieke coaches Pascal Bleys en Damien Van Tiggelen van hockey clubs A.R.A. La Gantoise

H.C. en T.H.C. Indiana. Zonder hun engagement en enthousiasme zou deze masterproef niet mogelijk

geweest zijn.

Bedankt aan alle spelers die meegewerkt hebben en aan de Universiteit Gent die het gehele project

omkaderd heeft.

Hartelijk dank



List of figures and tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.6

List of abbreviations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.7

Abstract in English ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.8

Abstract in Dutch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.9

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.10

Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.15

Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.19

Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.22

Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.28

References ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.29

Abstract for laymen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.34

Ethical Committee approval ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.35

Attachments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p.36

Attachment 1: L AND T-drill

Attachment 2: Questionnaire

Attachment 3: Qualitative scoring form T- and L-test

Attachment 4: Chi²- results




Figure 1: Risk factors of an athlete

Figure 2: Agility in invasion sports

Figure 3: Universal agility components

Figure 4: ROC curve for the variable ‘average time T-run’


Table 1: Descriptive statistics participants

Table 2: Coefficients and standard errors logistic regression

Table 3: Classification table logistic regression

Table 4: Area under the ROC curve for the variable ‘average time T-run’

Table 5: Optimal criteria for the average time T-run



ACL Anterior cruciate ligament

FADI Foot & Ankle Disability Index

SAQ Speed, agility and quickness

COD Change of direction

CES Cognitive Element of Surprise

COG Center of gravity

TPR True positive rate

FPR False positive rate

AUC Area under the curve

ROC Receiver operating characteristic

CODS Change of direction speed

GCT Ground contact time

MTt Modified T-test

TTt Traditional T-test



Background: Numerous risk factors for injuries in sports have been reported. In order to prevent athletes from non-

contact injuries, many researchers attempted to establish an adequate definition for agility, injury mechanisms and

the physical needs of the individual athlete. However, results still remain unclear.

Purpose: To determine if there is a link between agility and injuries in hockey, to create a screening tool for athletes.

Hypothesis: Agility and its characteristics play an important role concerning non-contact injuries in field hockey


Study design: prospective cohort study; level of evidence, 2.

Methods: 50 amateur field hockey players from four teams performed a T-test and L-run. The T-test was adjusted

with the use of a reactive component in order to implement a cognitive factor to the test. Based on 13 qualitative

and quantitative parameters a score was assigned to each athlete. Athletes were followed for a period of 7 months.

The correlation between these parameters and their link with injury was measured.

Results: 25 athletes sustained a relevant non-contact injury. Two parameters tended to be eligible to apply in a

logistic regression model. The mean time on the T-test appeared to be a significant predictor (Coef. = 0.70552; P =

0.1258) concerning injuries during the follow-up period. The predictive value of this model can be slightly

augmented if a general impression on the L-run is taken into consideration (Coef. = 0.98034; P = 0.1451). The AUC of

the ROC-curve marginally rises from 0,706 (mean time T-run) to 0,726 (mean time T-run + general impression L-run).

Addition of a reactive component in the T-test did not alter the predicting value for injuries during the period of

follow-up (P= 0,0433).

Conclusion: The use of mean time on a T-test to measure an athlete’s agility skills may be a useful screening tool to

indicate potential future injuries. Notwithstanding the time on this test could be indicative for susceptible athletes, it

is not predictive for inciting injury events. A merger with a general impression on the L-run could slightly augment

the indicative value regarding injury. Nonetheless, further research regarding agility and its link with injury is


Keywords: agility; injury; (field) hockey; screening; prevention



Achtergrond: Verschillende risicofactoren inzake sportletsels werden reeds gerapporteerd. Meerdere onderzoeken

hebben getracht om blessure incidentie bij atleten te reduceren door het omschrijven van risicofactoren, definiëren

van verschillende letselmechanismen en de fysieke, sportspecifieke vereisten van de individuele atleet. Over agility

als risicofactor voor letsels is tot op heden weinig beschreven in de huidige literatuur.

Doel: Aan de hand van agility-testen bepalen of er een link is tussen agility en non-contact letsels bij

veldhockeyspelers om op deze manier een screeningstool te creëren dat kan gebruikt worden bij de voorbereiding

van het seizoen.

Hypothese: Agility, met zijn verschillende componenten, heeft een invloed op non-contact blessures bij


Design van de studie: prospectieve cohortstudie; niveau van evidentie, 2.

Methode: 50 veldhockey spelers uit vier verschillende teams op amateurniveau ondergingen een T en L-Test. De T-

test werd gemodificeerd door toevoeging van een reactieve prikkel, om zo een cognitieve component van agility te

implementeren in de traditionele T-test. Aan de hand van een scorelijst met 13 kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve criteria

kreeg elke atleet een individuele score toegewezen. De atleten werden opgevolgd over een periode van 7 maand. Er

werd onderzocht welke criteria gelinkt kunnen worden aan blessures.

Resultaten: 25 atleten kregen gedurende de follow-up periode een relevante non-contact blessure. Twee

paramaters bleken voldoende significant om in een logistisch regressiemodel te integreren. De gemiddelde tijd op

de T-test bleek een significante indicator (Coef. = 0.70552; P = 0.1258) te zijn voor het ontwikkelen van blessures

tijdens de follow-up periode. Een algemene impressie op de L-test bleek ook een significant indicatieve parameter

maar voegt slechts een weinig toe aan de voorspellende kracht (Coef. = 0.98034; P = 0.1451). De verklarende

integraal onder de ROC-curve stijgt van 0,706 voor de tijd op de T-test naar 0,726 na toevoeging van de score op

algemene impressie bij de L-run. De invoering van een cognitieve component bij de T-test bleek in dit onderzoek

geen toegevoegde waarde te hebben betreffende non-contact letsels (P= 0,0433).

Conclusie: Het gebruik van de gemeten tijd op de T-test zou een handig screeningsmiddel kunnen zijn om te

onderzoeken of een hockeyspeler een hoger risico loopt om een non-contact blessure op te lopen. Indien de tijd op

de T-test gecombineerd wordt met een algemene impressie van de L-test (goed of slecht), kan het voorspellend

vermogen van de testbatterij verhoogd worden. Verder onderzoek naar het verband tussen agility en blessures is


Trefwoorden: agility; blessure; (veld)hockey; screening; preventie



Injuries have been a common problem in sports. Researchers tried to establish and describe risk factors to

prevent athletes for different kind of injuries. In 2007 Meeuiwisse et al.1 drafted a multifactorial model to

elucidate the interaction of multiple risk factors resulting in an injury-inciting event. Intrinsic risk factors,

such as neuromuscular control, previous injury, strength, age etc., alter risk and etiology of injury within a

context of sports. Added exposure to extrinsic risk factors (e.g. equipment, environment, etc.) converts

the predisposed athlete to a susceptible athlete and can, potentially, cause injurious situations with

inciting events as result (Figure 1)1. A dynamic interaction of these factors culminates in a model to

describe risk factors for injury in repeated participation of contact sports. Nowadays, a lot of

biomechanical risk factors have been theorized, with some unambiguous and some contradicting results2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. A more unknown, possible risk factor for injuries is the absence of appropriate agility. A

lack of studies regarding the correlation between agility and injuries led to conflicting results.

Figure 1: Risk factors of an athlete

Determining risk factors in sports is highly relevant concerning prevention of injuries. The avoidance of

injuries to occur includes two different kinds of prevention. Primary prevention attempts to prevent the

onset of specific injuries via risk reduction, e.g. every athlete of a hockey team wears ankles braces to

avoid ankle distorsions12. Secondary prevention uses screening tools that detect and prevent injury

mechanisms to occur a second time. For example The Foot & Ankle Disability Index (FADI) score13

can be

utilized to trace remarkable changes that need intervention. As prevention has been a lifelong challenge is

sports, this study tried to investigate the role of agility in this story of primary and secondary prevention.


In a vast majority of sports speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) are determining factors and separate low

and high-levelled players. The in-game skill to change direction, accelerate or decelerate, tended to be

more crucial than straight-line sprint speed in most sports14. In recent literature, agility is defined as “a

rapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus” 15 and is

susceptible to technical, physical and cognitive components in sports (Figure 2)16. Technical aspects are

specific for every sport and accordingly trainable by executing sport specific exercises. Physical aspects

are general bodily characteristics such as muscle qualities, strength and power, core-stability and straight

sprint speed. These two aspects are the two major parts on which athletes attempt to improve to

enhance their performance. A third, frequently neglected, component is the cognitive component which

is fundamental regarding decision-making time and accuracy 17. Response to an unpredicted external

stimulus is determined by earlier learning experiences and knowledge of the situation. When an

opponent hockey player, who is well-known for his strong backhand, is thriving with the ball towards a

defender, the defender is probably going to prevent the attacker from shooting with his backhand. While

scanning the behavior and movements, the defender recognizes the pattern and anticipates to the

possible following situation. Hence, the way and time to react adequately when a sudden stimulus

appears is depending on these technical, physical and cognitive factors.17

Figure 2: Agility in invasion sports


In 2006, Sheppard and Young15 attempted to describe factors involved in agility performance and

designed a diagram for universal agility components (Figure 3). The diagram was modified from Young et

al.18 and served to classify agility in running sports. The classification was not only made in order to

describe the components of agility, but also for movements with no unpredicted, external stimuli15. In a

vast part of the so-called “agility tests” or “agility exercises” a pre-planned track with change of direction

(COD) is outlined with cones (e.g. T-test, Illinois test, pro-agility test, etc.)19. It is crucial to acknowledge

the weaknesses in present agility tests such as the T-test, Illinois agility test, arrowhead agility test and the

pro-agility test19. These tests are referred to as agility tests. Nevertheless, these tests are dissimilar with

the multi-faceted agility, including a reactive component, as established in the recent literature. Sheppard

et al.20 described COD-speed (CODS) as a separated part of the overarching term ‘agility’. Combined with

perceptual and decision-making factors, these factors are defined as the two major components of agility

(Figure 2).

Figure 3: Universal agility components


This study attempted to make an adapted T-test with the implementation of these perceptual and

decision-making factors 20. The test contained an additional external stimulus, which indicated the starting

direction to pursue. This unpredicted stimulus differs this test from other T-tests, since it is a test aiming

for agility and not for COD. In 1976, Chelladurai et al.21 proposed a classification of agility with four levels

based on the type of stimuli, this model was modified by Sheppard et al.15 A stimulus can be unpredicted

due to temporal uncertainty, spatial uncertainty, both or no uncertainty. Regarding spatial uncertainty,

the timing of the movement is pre-planned, e.g. a defending hockey player knows when a free kick is

coming but not where. Concerning temporal uncertainty, the movement is pre-planned, however the

timing of the stimulus is unpredictable. This study used a spatial uncertainty as the athlete cannot

anticipate on the COD, though he knows when he is going to receive the determining external stimulus.

Remarkably, there is no significant difference concerning COD-tests between high-level athletes and low-

level athletes 16. Despite this similarity on CODS, high-level athletes are tended to perform better on

agility tests 22 20 23 24 23 suggesting agility to be one of the major differences between high and low-skilled

athletes. Nonetheless these results, COD can still be useful to examine athletes during performance tests

and detect shortcomings in the specific kinetic chain of an athlete.

Multiple studies described altered kinematics in sports contributing to injury mechanisms25. In 2012

Cheng-Feng Lin et al.26 described the biomechanical link between kinetics and kinematics in non-contact

ACL-injuries. Previous studies confirmed that small knee flexion angles, greater peak impact posterior

ground forces (PGRF) and knee valgus moments augment strain on the ACL26. Boden et al.25 suggested

that the augmentation of this strain increases the likelihood of ACL-injuries and predisposes athletes for

lower limb injuries. Hence, beside the quantitative scores in this survey, a qualitative scoring system was

developed to determine possible risk factors of the investigated athletes.

Although many possible risk factors are described in the literature, the link between agility and injury is a

more unprecedented topic. Limited insights how agility may manifest within the injury mechanisms

restrict investigators to counter its debilitative effects. In game situations athletes are subjected to a lot of

unpredicted or unanticipated stimuli. Athletes must have the ability to react quickly and adequately to

prevent a potential injurious situation. While reacting, mal-alignment can unwillingly follow this event and

cause injuries. If a hockey player lands on an opponent’s foot, he has to react rapidly to avoid a possible

ankle distortion. Although abilities to react properly are improved with the use of unpredicted stimuli in


training (e.g. different game simulating exercises), too many trainers focus on straight-line sprinting and

therefore improve just a limited part of SAQ. Many researches tried to determine which traits or abilities

are crucial in these situations. Nevertheless, different contradicting epidemiological studies were made in

the past with no homogeneous conclusions.

The trainability of agility performance remains unclear in both low-skilled and high-skilled athletes. As too

many trainers focus on pure speed, they measure speed over a certain distance to estimate how fast an

athlete can move. However, this measurement of sprint time is not valid parameter to describe whether

an athlete is agile or whether he is not. In a vast part of the sports distances of sprints are short and not

linear, except for sprint tracks. Accelerations and COD are repetitive actions affected by a cognitive,

reactive component and used in most sports, as maximum straight-line sprint speed is rarely reached.

This study was performed on field hockey players. As in former times the game was played on natural turf

(grass), nowadays the pitch consists of water-based artificial turf. This conversion of surface took along

many technical, tactical and physiological adaptations on all levels of the game27. Altered mechanisms and

prevalence in injuries are suggested in diverse studies. Nevertheless, no firm ambiguous conclusions could

be found28. Field hockey requires the combination of a good level of aerobic and anaerobic endurance and

a large power output with even reported VO₂ values of 2.26 L/min 27. Various somatotypes are noticeable

on different levels of hockey players, varying from mesomorph to ectomorph. Beside appropriate eye-

hand coordination, it is important to consider the size of the round, spherical ball and the length of the

composite stick.

The purpose of this research was to examine the link between agility and non-contact injury mechanisms.

Findings towards results could be helpful concerning individual prevention programs for hockey players or

other athletes. Furthermore, this study attempted to make a quantitative and qualitative scoring form to

predict potential non-contact injuries based on whether an athlete is agile or whether he is not. The

hypothesis that agility is linked with non-contact injury events was plotted in this study.



Study design

In this prospective cohort study, trials were conducted in August and September 2016. Participants were

recruited from two field hockey clubs in Ghent, Belgium. Each subject completed a pre-season testing

procedure consisting of a T-test, an L-drill and a short questionnaire in which sports-related information

and medical history was collected (Attachment 1). Non-contact injuries were followed up and registered

until the end of March 2017.

The testing procedure and injury follow up was conducted by H.S., S.T. and Y.L., three second grade

master students Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences at Ghent University. The researchers were

supervised by Prof Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen (DVT).

Study population

Two different field hockey clubs situated in Ghent participated in this study. Two teams of A.R.A. La

Gantoise H.C. and two teams of Indiana T.H.C. were investigated in this research. Players were amateurs

playing competitively. The number of training sessions per week varied between two and three times,

depending on the level of competition. Meetings with the coaches in which information concerning the

concept and purpose of this research were given, were organized by the researchers. Ethical Committee

approval was obtained for this study.

In total, the population contained 50 male hockey players (height x̅: 182 cm; mass x̅: 76kg, Table 1)

including 14 strikers, 14 midfielders, 16 defenders and 6 players with no fixed position. Participants

suffering from lower or upper extremity injuries during the testing were excluded. Goalkeepers were also

excluded from this study.

There were 22 drop outs throughout the season, three participants because of inconsistent playing or

quitting their career, one because of the withdrawal of his visa and others (18) due to absence or injury.


Range Mean Std. Deviation

Age 17-32 23,5 4,22

Length (cm) 165-194 182,1 6,57

Weight (kg) 59-102 76,4 8,52

Table 1: Descriptive statistics participants (n=50)

Testing procedure

Before being submitted to the testing procedure, each subject completed a short questionnaire

(Attachment 1) in which administrative data, (previous) hockey clubs, field position and medical history

was enquired. After questioning, athletes performed a T-test and L-drill (Attachment 2, Figure 1 and 2)

while both procedures were captured by two GoPro Hero4 cameras at 60 frames per second. The GoPro

cameras were placed on a tripod with the height of 1,20 meter.

For the L-drill (Attachment 2, Figure 1), time of execution was not recorded. This drill was executed only

once after one rehearsal.

Regarding the T-test (Attachment 2, Figure 2), time of execution was recorded using an iPhone 6 at the

starting point. Furthermore, a modification, compared to the conventional method of testing, was

implemented in two out of four runs. An arrow, placed behind a wooden board at the center of the ‘T’,

indicated the direction to pursue. The board was applied in order to ensure that the subject saw the

indicated direction only after arriving at the center. In this way, a Cognitive Element of Surprise (CES) was

added and was applied in two out of four trials. Incorporating this reactive component made it possible to

conduct a decision time.

Both tests were assessed on a water-based artificial turf field and the athletes wore hockey shoes. Hockey

sticks were not incorporated in the testing procedures.


The resulting administrative information and data derived from the tests was implemented in one Excel-

file. The file contained all the data of the four teams including: name, length, weight, age, team, previous

injuries, injuries current season, data pre-season T-test and data pre-season L-test.

Data analysis

After assembling all gathered data, qualitative and quantitative analysis were applied, resulting in

individual scores. Each item on the scoring form (Attachment 3) was scored with a number from 0 to 1 or

2, which led to a total score on 13. This study suggested that athletes with a higher total score, were more

likely to become injured.

The quantitative measurements of the T-test included time of execution (with and without CES) and

decision time (mean of execution with CES subtracted with the mean of execution without CES). These

quantitative measurements were compared with normative data (Attachment 3, criteria 1 and 2), defined

by the investigators. The qualitative score of the T-test consisted of eight criteria on motion analysis

including: push-off with the outer (0) or inner (1) leg and its knee-foot alignment, the distance (extension

position: 1) from the center of gravity (COG) to the ground, the presence (1) of a cross-step while

progressing sideways and the presence of trunk rotation (1) on the lower limbs or not.

Concerning the L-drill, three criteria on motion analysis were implemented in the scoring form. The width

of the turn at 90 and 180 degrees was scored by 0 or 1 depending on the subjective perception of the

researchers. General impression on the L-drill was scored by 0 or 1 depending on running style, turning

style, arm and trunk movement, lower limb alignment, limberness and effort. All criteria were established

by the researchers in dialogue with DVT (Attachment 3). No quantitative analysis was used on the L-drill.

Kinematic criteria were separately evaluated by three individual researchers. After scoring, the three

observers came together to deliberate the resulting scores. Considering the fact that there were three

testers, there was always a majority. Disagreements according the score were resolved by discussion to

come to a consensus. The intertester reliability between the researchers for the scoring was 97%, which

induced minimal risk of interrater bias.


The purpose of this scoring form was to compose a screening tool for agility to detect athletes who are

susceptible for injuries. This tool contained both qualitative and quantitative parameters, resulting in a

total score on 13. Objectives to make a cut-off value towards prediction of injuries were depending on the

received outcomes.

Injury definition

Injury was considered as relevant when a physical complaint, obtained during a hockey training or match

in a non-contact situation, hindered the athlete to participate in hockey for a certain amount of time or

required any medical attention.

Statistical analysis

The correlation between agility characteristics and injuries was investigated in four hockey teams from

different levels. Characteristics of participants who sustained an injury during the follow-up were

analyzed to determine relevant risk factors for non-contact injuries. The statistical analysis was executed

with the use of Medcalc – version 13.1.2. Thirteen quantitative and qualitative parameters were

subjected to a chi-square test and were conducted into a logistic regression model. The binary logistic

regression model was used to determine the probability of injury incidence based on the predicting

variables concerning agility. This study attempted to establish risk factors that determine the likelihood of

an athlete to become injured.

Sensitivity and specificity were obtained using a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-curve). This

curve exposed the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) as operating characteristics

(TPR and FPR) regarding injuries. Useful cut-off values were attempted to be established based on this




During the period of follow-up, 25 amateur field hockey players in the sample size of 50 were diagnosed

with relevant non-contact injuries, with a consequential injury incidence of 50 percent. Thirteen predictor

variables were tested by means of the chi-square test (Attachment 4). The ‘general impression L-run’ was

found significant (p = 0,0433) to apply in a logistic regression model. After the execution of an

independent samples t-test on ‘mean time T-run’, this variable was found eligible as well for incorporation

in the model (p = 0.053).

Results of the logistic regression model analysis are shown in Table 2 and 3. The effect of the predictor

‘mean time T-run’ on injury incidence has been found significant (Coef. = 0.70552; P = 0.1258). A change

in predictor ‘general impression L-run’ makes the event of a non-contact injury significantly more likely

(Coef. = 0.98034; P = 0.1451). With a standard cut-off value of P = 0.5, 70 percent of the subjects has been

correctly classified by the model. This is shown in the classification table. The area under the curve (AUC)

after ROC-curve analysis is 0.726.

The ROC-curve analysis of predictor ‘mean time T-run’, with a significant (P = 0.0062) AUC of 0.706, is

displayed in Table 4. The cut-off value of this predictor is 10.45 seconds (Table 4). In case of a longer

‘mean time T-run’, an amateur hockey player has a 64 percent chance to develop a non-contact injury

during the following season (sensitivity = 64.00). When the athlete achieves a ‘mean time T-run’ within

10.45 seconds, there is a 76 percent chance that he will not develop a non-contact injury in the following

season (specificity = 76.00) (Table 5). The ROC curve is represented in Figure 4.

Table 2: Coefficients and standard errors logistic regression


Table 3: Classification table logistic regression The event injury: 0 = no injury 1 = non-contact injury

Table 4: Area under the ROC curve for the variable ‘average time T-run’

Table 5: Optimal criteria for the average time T-run


Figure 4: ROC curve for the variable ‘average time T-run’



Statement of general findings

Based on the independent variables ‘mean time T-run’ and ‘general impression L-run’, pre-season

screening of non-contact injuries in amateur hockey players can be made with an accuracy of 72.6

percent, using the T-test and L-drill. However, when only grounding on predictor ‘mean time T-run’, a

similar prediction can be attained with an accuracy of 70.6 percent. The optimal cut-off criterion of the

latter predictor is 10.45 seconds, accompanied by a sensitivity of 64.00 and specificity of 76.00.

The added value of the ‘general impression L-run’ as a predictor can be discussed. One can conclude that,

when comparing both prediction models, predictor ‘general impression L-run’ adds only two percent to

the prediction model. In addition, it must be said that this general impression is a subjective assessment

criterion. Qualitative assessment was executed by three physiotherapy students, experienced in human

body motion analysis. Interpretation of this criterion differs not only from one another, but as well, and

more importantly, from standard coaches and physical trainers. Assessing the quality of a movement calls

for additional education and training to increase standardization. Next to this given fact, the screening

procedure will take longer when including the L-run.

In order to perform CODS, which is defined as “the ability to decelerate, reverse or change movement

direction and accelerate again”29, several components have been suggested as influential. Among them

are running technique (body lean and posture, foot placement, stride adjustment), straight line sprint

speed, and lower limb power qualities (strength, power, rate of force development, and reactive

strength)15 18. When decelerating in a certain direction and accelerating in another, sufficient lower limb

strength, consisting out of eccentric (braking phase), isometric (plant phase) and concentric strength

(propulsive phase), is required while maneuvering in sports 30. Anthropometrics of the athlete in

combination with the type and angle of the change of direction, are of importance regarding

biomechanical elements (kinetic and kinematic)31 32 33 34. Since in this study performance on time of the T-

test is a significant predictor value for injuries, it is important to know in what way faster COD-performing

athletes differ from slower. A faster CODS performance is associated with a shorter ground contact

time(GRT), greater horizontal propulsive forces, greater horizontal braking forces, greater horizontal

breaking forces in the penultimate foot contact and lower vertical impact forces during final foot


contact30. Taking these components into account, one can suggest that there is a difference in

biomechanical conditions between faster and slower COD-performing athletes. An increased breaking

force during the braking phase 35 36, implies a more extensive eccentric lengthening of the muscle,

resulting in an enlarged storage and potential use of elastic energy in the muscle37 36. With this increased

storage of elastic energy, greater concentric strength and thus greater propulsive forces could be

attained. This results ultimately in reduced GCTs, increased exit velocities and faster CODS performance38

36 30. Knowing what distinguishes faster COD-performing athletes from slower, could be indicative for

further risk factor screening procedures regarding athletes at risk.

Milanović et al.39 stated that a 12 week SAQ-program enhanced sprinting time for short distances of 5 and

10 m, but not for distances larger than 20 m. This could implicate that SAQ-training improves quickness,

but not the maximal speed needed for a 20 m sprint39. It is likely to assume that running technique plays a

major role in these shorter distances, more than in straight-line sprint speed. Thomas Little et al. 41

mentioned that acceleration, maximum speed and agility are relatively independent characteristics that

need to be trained separately and that training one of these characteristics does not influence the others.

Young et al.40 stated that there was little to no transfer possible between different elements of the agility

diagram (figure 2). This suggests that shortcomings in these characteristics should be managed

independently, e.g. a weak muscle group should be treated with specific strengthening exercises and bad

technique requires technical adjustments to optimize movement patterns. Wensing et al.30 postulated the

importance of these independent variables associated with agile turning performances, due to the quick

application of large loads of propulsive and braking forces in brief GCTs. These brief GCTs tended to

improve CODS performances. However, the major correlating criterion with potential future injuries in

this study emerged to be the measured time on the T-test. This T-test includes multiple facets and

characteristics of agility, hence could be an argument to incorporate different aspects of agility in one

training or exercise. In this research, separate qualitative criteria appeared to be less correlated with non-

contact injuries and could thus be a counter-argument on Tomas Little et al.41 and Young et al.40 to train

agility characteristics isolated. In summary this implicates that future training programs should focus on

every single component of agility (Figure 2), with distinguished attention when shortcomings are

presented in individual athletes. Nevertheless, regarding injury prevention, training programs should

incorporate exercises with a merger of multiple agility components.


In this study, incorporating a reactive component to the standard T-test did not improve the predicting

value for injury events. A possible reason could be the type of external stimulus that was implemented in

the modified T-test. This research utilized a spatial stimulus as CES but the temporal component was

constant. Athletes could not anticipate on the COD, though athletes knew when they were going to

receive the indicating stimulus of the arrow. A possible reason for the weak indicative values of the

modified T-test is the lack of the temporal uncertainty21. Future studies should try to incorporate

unanticipated temporal stimuli additional to the spatial uncertainty in the testing procedures, e.g. by the

use of FitLights or other such.


Firstly, a larger sample size (n > 50) would possibly strengthen the logistic regression model and allow

researchers to add variables to the regression model. Furthermore, a bigger sample size could increase

the chance that other variables meet the significance criteria as well 42.

Secondly, the assessed qualitative criteria were susceptible to subjectivity and discussion. Out of thirteen

predictors, two were quantitative and eleven were qualitative. This study attempted to describe clear

bounds for qualitative parameters to diminish subjectivity. Nevertheless, examiners were encountered

with unavoidable differences in opinion during their evaluation. For example, the general impression was

defined by running style, turning style30, arm and trunk movement6, lower limb alignment43 3 4, limberness

and effort. The criteria of general impression tended to be highly subjective according to the individual

observer and his experiences and knowledge of movement patterns. Results will differ depending on the

person evaluating the athletes, e.g. the interpretation of a physiotherapist will vary from a hockey coach

his interpretation. Knowledge of human biomechanical risk factors could be a benefit for subjective

parameters concerning movement patterns. Studies must acknowledge the difficulties regarding

subjective parameters and its interpretation. Therefore, future studies should focus on using more

objective criteria that are not susceptible for tester’s subjectivity.

Another downside is the homogeneity of the study population. Two of the four teams compete on a

considerably higher level. This implies significant differences in training frequency and intensity (higher

chronic load), match intensity and attendance on training sessions. These differences in chronic load

implicate a diverse exposure and susceptibility to non-contact injuries. Competing on a higher level


implicates a better ‘injury awareness’. This awareness can be explained as a ‘lower threshold to seek

medical care’, even in the case of feeling minorly impaired.

Further remarks on this screening procedure, is the fact that once screened as athlete at risk for

developing injuries, additional questions emerge. Certain questions concerning specific risk factors and

needed strategies must be ascertained in order to prevent injuries from happening. However, these

additional problems transcend the scope of this study. The procedure used in this study could imply a first

screening link, in a large chain of measurements regarding injury prevention in hockey.

Since agility includes a cognitive, technical and a physical component (figure 2), not all aspects of agility

were taken into account when conducting an individual score for the athletes15 16. Certain elements of

agility make it hard to provide an overview and thus compare individual subjects. Especially cognitive

decision-making speed and accuracy (visual scanning, anticipation, pattern recognition and knowledge of

situation) are seemingly impossible to objectify. Various physical and technical parameters were

neglected in this study because of the redundancy to quantify or qualify these parts of agility. Researchers

must acknowledge the incompleteness of the used agility characteristics in this study and concede the

difficulties to describe its link with injuries. Agility demands further investigations towards the different

characteristics and accordingly with the implication on injury events. Seen the difficulties of these

parameters, a certain insight of the coach is required to recognize the malfunctioning component

responsible for the ‘bad’ outcome on the screening test and on which level the intervention should focus.


A first strength in this study is the emphasis on a clear differentiation between the concepts ‘agility’ and

‘change of direction speed’ (CODS), both in description and testing procedure. Regarding the description,

agility can be defined as ‘a rapid whole-body movement, with change of velocity or direction in response

to a stimulus’ 15, as presented earlier in the introduction. Agility is susceptible to technical, physical and

cognitive components in sports (figure 2). Sheppard et al.15 described preceding first two components as

CODS (figure 3). This is thoroughly tested in the traditional agility tests (e.g. T-test, pro-agility test, etc.),

wherein athletes must complete a pre-planned course of directional changes as quickly as possible16. The

cognitive component, although fundamental regarding decision making time and accuracy 17, seems to

stay ignored in the conventional way of testing. Consequential to the absence of a cognitive element in


the traditional tests, these should be labeled as ‘COD tests’17 20. Misconception regarding these concepts

should be avoided in future research by stressing on the use of accurate terminology. For this reason, it

was necessary to take this differentiation into account for the testing procedure. A modified T-test (MTt)

was implemented in this study alongside the traditional T-test (TTt). Placing an arrow behind a wooden

board provided a ‘cognitive element of surprise’ (CES), as described in methods. This CES presented the

opportunity to differentiate between an anticipated and an unanticipated route. By subtracting the mean

time of the MTt (unanticipated route) with the mean time of the TTt (anticipated route), the exact

decision time of every athlete could be recorded. This measurement directly refers to the, until now

missing, cognitive aspect in traditional agility tests. With this modification, it was possible to test agility

under its current definition. Future research should define accurately whether they intend to test agility

rather than CODS or vice versa.

A second strength in this study is the fact that the commonly used L-drill, also known as the ‘cone drill’, is

an important test in the NFL Scouting Combine. This is held every year before the NFL Draft, to measure

athletic abilities and football skills of college football players44. To our knowledge, this test has only been

used for performance purposes only, and not for an injury screening procedure. Our findings concerning

the predictive value of the ‘general impression L-run’ on non-contact injuries, could contribute a new

dimension to this test.

Another benefit of this study is the usability and low-cost of this screening procedure. When only using

performance on time of the T-test, coaches and personal trainers can rely on the prediction model and its

cut-off value of 10,45 seconds. An adequate (AUC = 0.706) and reliable (sensitivity = 64.00; specificity =

76.00) preseason screening is made possible by this simple, objective and low-cost tool. Necessities are a

stopwatch, and four cones. It is up to the coach to decide whether it is worth the effort to add the

‘general impression of the L-run’ predictor to the screening, making the procedure slightly more accurate.

Once the team has been screened for injuries, the group at risk could be recommended to undergo

specialized screening procedures so as to find specific risk factors. These susceptible athletes could be

subjected to an injury prevention program set up by a physical coach.


Future research

Since ‘general time T-test’ is a strong predictor in this study, we suggest that in future research ‘general

time of the L-drill’ should be investigated as an independent predictor variable. Comparable skills are

required for the performance on time in both L and T-tests. This means also that independence of the

variable should be investigated in order to be able to include these variables in the same prediction

model. Skills like CODS and its associated subdivisions are fundamental for agility according to Sheppard

and Young15. In theory, one can assume that a fast performing athlete on the T-test would perform fast on

the L-test as well. Nonetheless, this hypothesis should first be investigated. If ‘general time of the L-drill’

would be a predictive variable, the screening procedure setup becomes possibly more efficient and less

time consuming, because a setup of the L-drill only would suffice. Since the L-drill is part of the NFL

combined, more insights on this drill would be useful.

Future studies should alter the type of unpredicted external stimuli and incorporate temporal

uncertainty21. A merger of spatial and temporal uncertainty tends to be more specific with regard to in-

game situations and thus agility characteristics. This broader perspective towards agility could alter the

degree of significance concerning non-injury events. Because previously mentioned stimuli were visual, it

could be interesting to reflect on using auditory stimuli, since these also reflect in-game situations in case

of team sports.

A bigger sample size is recommended. In this way, the possibility that more predictor values could be

significant, increases. Consequently, more variables could be included in the logistic regression model.

In order to avoid future misconception, the use of accurate terminology regarding agility and COD, is

recommended. Since traditional agility tests are in fact COD tests, a clear statement concerning what the

aim of the testing procedure is, should be presented. When future research intends to test agility, a

similar approach, as conducted in this study (CES and MTt) would be advisable. Furthermore, taking up

more extensive testing procedures (Illinois test, shuttle run, etc.), will provide further information

concerning this subject.



Notwithstanding the lacking aspects of agility in this study, the mean time on the T-test could be

indicative for susceptible athletes. The performance time on T-test combined with a general impression

on the L-run could slightly augment the indicative value regarding injury. The accuracy of this pre-season

screening test in predicting athletes at risk is acceptable in terms of specificity and sensitivity but could be

improved if other variables would be taken into consideration. Examples of these variables could be

quantitative or qualitative. However, in this study quantitative parameters tended to be superior towards

injury-inciting events. Further research towards various agility characteristics and the link with injury is




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Achtergrond: In de literatuur is veel geweten over risicofactoren in de sport die blessures kunnen

veroorzaken. Heel wat onderzoekers hebben bijgevolg getracht om atleten te beschermen tegen

dergelijke blessures door in te grijpen op deze risicofactoren. Over behendigheid als risicofactor is echter

weinig gekend.

Hypothese: Behendigheid met zijn verschillende componenten speelt een rol in blessures bij hockey


Methode: 50 veldhockey spelers voerden een looptest in een T en L-vorm uit. Aan de hand van een

scorelijst kreeg elke atleet een individuele score toegewezen. De atleten werden opgevolgd over een

periode van 7 maand. Er werd onderzocht welke criteria van de scorelijst gelinkt konden worden aan

blessures en of ze deze konden voorspellen.

Resultaten: 25 atleten liepen gedurende het seizoen een niet-contact blessure op. De gemiddelde tijd op

de T-test bleek een goede predictor te zijn om potentiële blessures te voorspellen. Deze voorspelling

werd accurater door de atleten ook te scoren op een algemene indruk tijdens de L-test.

Conclusie: Het gebruik van de tijd op de T-test en een algemene indruk op de L-test is mogelijks een

handige indicator om te voorspellen of een hockeyspeler een hoger risico loopt om een blessure op te

lopen of niet.





Attachment 1: Questionnaire


Date of birth:




Years of hockey experience:


Previous club(s):

Previous injuries (Which ones and when):


ATTACHMENT 2: L-drill AND T-test

L-drill (Figure 1):

Three cones are set up in an L-shape with 9 meters between each cone. The participant was instructed to

run as fast as possible from cone one to cone two, making a turn of 90 degrees to the third cone. Arriving

at the third cone participants were asked to turn 180 degrees, starting the turn from the right. After this

turn, one had to run back to the first cone, making an L shape by passing exterior to the second cone.

Participants were instructed to execute the drill as fast as possible. A Go-Pro camera Hero (60 frames per

second) on a tripod with a height of 1,20 meter, was placed on 4,5 meters from the last cone on, filming

the L drill with emphasis on the 180 degrees turning manoeuver. Each participant had the opportunity to

practice the L-drill one time before the final execution.

Figure 1: L-drill


T-test (Figure 2):

Participants started in front of three cones that were set up in a T-shape. The distance between cone one

and two was 9 meter, the distance between cones two and three and two and four was 4 meters. A

camera (iPhone 6) was placed on a tripod next to the starting cone on order to time the duration of one

execution. Another camera (GoPro Hero4) was placed 3,50 meter behind the second cone on a height of

1,20 meters. Starting at the first cone, participants were asked to run as fast as possible to the second

cone. When arriving, they were instructed to run sideways to cone three and subsequently run sideways

to cone four. Arriving at cone four, participants had to run back sideways to cone two and backwards to

the first cone

This test was performed four times with 15 seconds rest in between each execution. During the third and

fourth execution, decision-making was incorporated into the test by an unprecedented indication of

direction at cone 2. An arrow was placed on 40 cm behind a vertical board (90x30x1cm) behind the

second cone. The arrow was placed at random pointing left or right and indicated the direction to pursue.

The pointing direction of the arrow changed completely at random during the third and fourth

performance by the tester.

Figure 2: T-test

Legend figures:


Attachment 3: Qualitative and quantitative scoring form T and L-test


T test L test

1. Total time :

- <10 sec (0)

- 10-11 sec (1)

- >11 sec (2)

1. Width of first turn (90°)/turning cycle:

- Short (0)

- Wide (1)

2. Decision time:

- <0.5 sec (0)

- 0.5-1 sec (1)

- >1 sec (2)

2. Width of second (180°)/turning cycle:

- Short (0)

- Wide (1)

3. Push-off with outer leg left cone:

- Yes (0)

- No (1)

3. General impression (running style, turning…):

- Good (0)

- Bad (1)

4. Push-off with outer leg right cone:

- Yes (0)

- No(1)

5A. Correct alignment knee-foot of inner leg:

- Alignment foot-knee (0)

- Malalignment foot-knee (1)

5B. Correct alignment knee-foot of outer leg:

- Alignment foot-knee (0)

- Malalignment foot-knee (1)

6. Criteria 5A + 5B:

- 0/1 = 0 points

- 2 = 1 point

7. Distance COG to ground:

- Flexion position (0)

- Extension position (1)

8. Cross step (one foot before the other) while

progressing sideways:

- No (0)

- Yes (1)

9. Trunk rotation on hip/lower limbs:

- No (0)

- Yes (1)


ATTACHMENT 4: Chi2-results

Variables Signifcance level

KS L-test 1 P= 1,0000

KS L-test 2 P= 0,5704

KS L-test 3 P= 0,0433

KS T-test 1 P= 0,0646

KS T-test 2 P= 0,3442

KS T-test 3 P= 0,4705

KS T-test 4 P= 0,4705

KS T-test 5A P= 0,7405

KS T-test 5B P= 1,0000

KS T-test 6 P= 0,7405

KS T-test 7 P= 0,3447

KS T-test 8 P= 0,7528

KS T-test 9 P= 0,252

