The Life of Jesus (44) Did Jesus Arise from the Dead? Examining Theories


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The Life of Jesus (44)

Did Jesus Arise from the Dead?

Examining Theories

Last lesson – We examined the conduct of the eyewitnesses which argues for His resurrection

Theories refuting resurrection

Jesus was a spirit, hallucination

Jesus proved His physical resurrection – Lk. 24:39-43 1 John 1:1 They handled, heard, and saw

Theories refuting resurrection

Jesus was a spirit, hallucinationEpistles referenced a physical resurrection cf. Jn. 12:1, Acts 3:15, 13:29-30, Rom. 4:24, 6:3-5, Col. 2:12, etc.Appearances do not fit a vision or hallucination – groups, multiple appearances, etc.

Theories refuting resurrectionBody stolen by disciplesCf. Matt. 28:11-16

Why would his disciples (and leaders) die and give up all they did for a known deception?Too many disciples for none to admit it was a fraudDoes not explain appearances

Theories refuting resurrection

Body stolen by enemies

Why did they not produce the body when resurrection was preached?

Account of bribing the soldiers.

Does not explain conversion of Paul and James

Theories refuting resurrection

Wrong tombSeveral women, Joseph and Nicodemus all knew the place. It was Joseph’s tomb!As they began to preach resurrection, the correct tomb and/or body would be produced and refute disciples

Theories refuting resurrection

The “Swoon” Theory

States Jesus didn’t really die, but passed out. IN grave, He “recovered.” Then He appeared to disciples

Theories refuting resurrection

The “Swoon” TheoryThe Roman executioners knew their job. Verified his deathHis body was handledThe degree of punishment would not lend toward Jesus swooning.

Theories refuting resurrection

The “Swoon” TheoryThe quality of His appearances – not a weakened state.IF Jesus didn’t die on cross, when did HE die? Where was His tomb?Also lives of disciples!

Theories refuting resurrection

The “Swoon” TheoryJesus claimed He would arise!Also, prophecies – Isa. 53, Ac. 22, etc.What would be odds of such claims being accompanied by one not dying when condemned?

Theories refuting resurrection

Jesus was not crucifiedProposed by some Muslims (cf. Gospel of Barnabas) Body not produced. Who was buried?The empty tomb still recorded!

Theories refuting resurrection

Other theories:Mistaken identityGod destroyed the physical body, appearances spiritualSpiritual appearance, but they never visited the tombALL such theories fall short!

Other observations!

Why so much opposition to the resurrection?

To disprove the resurrection is to disprove Christianity!To validate other systems, the resurrection must be refuted!

Other observations!

His enemies did not deny the resurrection!

Gospel preached with resurrection. While they mocked, it was never refuted. Cf. Acts 25:18-19, 26:23-28

Other observations!

Jesus mentioned in external sources!

Tacitus (55-120 AD), Roman historian, “a most mischievous superstition”) Annals, 15:44

Other observations!

Jesus mentioned in external sources!Josephus (37-97AD), Jewish historian, “had condemned Him to the cross,…for He appeared to them alive again the third day”) Antiquities, 18:63

Other observations!

Jesus mentioned in external sources!

Lucian (2nd century satirist), spoke of Christians speaking of being immortal and they had contempt for death

Other observations!

Jesus mentioned in external sources!Celment (ca. 95 AD), Ignatius (110-115 AD), Justin Martyr (ca 150 AD) “church fathers” referenced resurrection in their correspondence.

Muhammad’s tomb – occupied!

Buddha’s tomb – occupied!

Confucius’ tomb – occupied!

Jesus tomb – EMPTY!

Where is your hope?
