The Last Remnant A



The Last Remnant A

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The Last Remnant - Strategy Guide

Written by Jaffer Ibrahim. You may contact be by I also accept paypal donations through that email!Just in case you want to help out a college senior ;), or pay for a game you'dlike me to write a guide for! Other than that, you can email me any blatanterrors, fixes, etc etc you like and I will get around to incorporating them.

=====Table of Contents=====

Just search for the section you want to go to by entering the number. Enteringa side quest number will jump to the story section at which it's available.

[1.00] Game Notes[2.00] Walkthrough2.01 - Yamarn Plain2.02 - Athlum2.03 - Gaslin Caves2.04 - Robelia Castle2.05 - Dillmoor2.06 - Athlum2.07 - Celapaleis

2.08 - Blackdale2.09 - Thlum2.10 - The Ivory Peaks2.11 - Elysion* 2.11b - Balterossa* 2.11c - Vale of the Gods* 2.11d - Baaluk* 2.11e - Lavafender* 2.11f - Royotia* 2.11g - Cleaning Up* 2.11h - The First Path* 2.11i - Elysion2.12 - The Catacombs

* 2.12b - Cleaning Up* 2.12c - The Fifth Path2.13 - The Numor Mines* 2.13b - Cleaning Up* 2.13c - Cerechevaltelle* 2.13d - Crookfen* 2.13e - Melphina* 2.13f - Heroic Ramparts* 2.13g - Ghor* 2.13h - The Fourth Path* 2.13i - Cleaning Up2.14 - Nagapur* 2.14b - Cleaning Up

2.15 - The Nest of Eagles2.16 - Athlum* 2.16b - Cleaning Up2.17 - The Aqueducts2.18 - Wyrmskeep* 2.18b - Cleaning Up2.19 - Fornstrand* 2.19b - Cleaning Up2.20 - Summons to Congress* 2.20b - Cleaning Up

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* 2.20c - The Second Path* 2.20d - Remnants2.21 - Base 12.22 - Base 22.23 - Base 32.24 - Base 42.25 - Base 52.26 - Base 62.27 - [Blocked for Spoiler]* 2.27b - Cleaning Up2.28 - Koenigsdorf* 2.28b - Cleaning Up* 2.28c - The Sixth Path2.29 - Darken Forest* 2.29b - Cleaning Up2.30 - Mt. Vackel2.31 - Undelwalt* 2.31b - Cleaning Up* 2.31c - The Third Path* 2.31d - Cleaning Up2.32 - The Holy Plain2.33 - The Sixth Path2.34 - [Blocked for Spoiler]2.35 - [Blocked for Spoiler]

2.36 - The Final Fight[3.00] Sidequests3.01 - A Day's Beginning3.02 - Baulson3.03 - Mr. Diggs3.04 - Bravery and Loyalty3.05 - The Dreaming Rose3.06 - The Secret Letter3.07 - For Love the Bell Tolls3.08 - Amnesia3.09 - The Silent Soul3.10 - The Hero3.11 - The War of a Thousand YEars

3.12 - Into the Abyss3.13 - The Trade Route3.14 - When the Rose Blooms3.15 - Athlum's Witch3.16 - Celapaleis's Witch3.17 - Elysion's Witch3.18 - After a Day's Work...3.19 - The Wanderer3.20 - Frustrations3.21 - The Losing Game3.22 - The Silver Falcons, Part One3.23 - Goodbye, Sweet Love3.24 - Blooming Flower, Singing Bird

3.25 - Darken Forest3.26 - A Voice from the Past3.27 - The Broken Seal3.28 - The Rainbow Bond3.29 - The Ancient War3.30 - Slumber of the Lost Fragment3.31 - The Standoff3.32 - The Fiery Revolt3.33 - Nagapur's Witch3.34 - Wisdom's Echo

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3.35 - The Cosmos Maiden3.36 - Darien3.37 - The Disappearing Knights3.38 - Emotions3.39 - The Reviving Legend3.40 - At Hatred's End3.41 - The Silver Falcons, Part Two3.42 - Ghor's Witch3.43 - Love Will Rise Again3.44 - The Desert's Legend3.45 - The Successor3.46 - The Assistant3.47 - The Slave Traders3.48 - Infestation3.49 - The Fated One3.50 - Kosmosfest3.51 - The Silver Falcons, Part 33.52 - The Tablet of Marshall3.53 - Kate and Rhagoh3.54 - Seeker of the Ancient Path3.55 - UFO?!3.56 - The Ladies of Bloody Alice3.57 - The Gates of Deceit and Sword of the Dead3.58 - The Fallen

3.59 - Hearts3.60 - The Villain and the Sightless Girl3.61 - Undelwalt's Witch3.62 - Balterossa's Witch3.63 - Royotia's Witch3.64 - Melphina's Witch3.65 - Baaluk's Witch3.66 - The Distant Promise3.67 - History's Boundary3.68 - Things Unchangeable[4.00] Union of the Golden Chalice[5.00] Sword of Three Realms[6.00] Ring of the Labyrinth

[7.00] Leaders[8.00] Locations (later!)[9.00] The Ancient Ruins

=====[1.00] Game Notes=====The Last Remnant's battle system is a convolutedly complex and at times it canbe quite frustrating, to say the least. I cannot really go through all of themechanics, as that in itself could be a guide (and probably is), so I willcover some basics.

Your party consists of Rush (he can be removed on PC), other generals of your

choice, and (possibly) Athlum Soldiers, hired at the recruitment NPC inAthlums Town Square. Your generals are the true backbone of the party, asthey have significantly better stats than soldiers. It is common to see peoplethat play the XBox360 version to forfeit Athlum soldiers all together and justuse as many generals as possible, or to have a union of all generals and havea healing/arcana union with Athlum soldiers in it. This is actually a goodidea, and in a lot of the fights... soldiers will generally just hold you back.On the PC, you are not limited to how many generals you can use, which makesyour party VERY powerful compared to the XBox360 version.

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You will spend about a long time playing this game if you get into it. To beatthe game, while writing this updated guide (I did them side by side this time!)took about 60 hours. Steam reports that I've spent 71.5 hours playing, but Ihave watched probably 3 or 4 movies and forgot to shut the game off, so 60 isa good estimate. This is to go from beginning to end, complete all sidequests,and beat the final boss. This does not include DLC/Special Guild Quests, oreven once opening the door to The Ancient Ruins. While I will cover those inthis guide, do note that doing those may up to 20-30 hours of gameplay, most ofwhich will be farming. This is also on the PC with Turbo Mode on the ENTIREgame. This means I probably saved a good few hours of battle animations.

The equivalent to "level" in The Last Remnant is your Battle Rank. The BR youhave is some kind of weighted average of all the units you have. Weighted? Ithink so -- if you're BR 100 and hire a weak general, you do not go down in BR,it will stay 100. So it is weighted in some way.

In battle, you will not have absolute control. This is where that convolutedcomplexity comes into play. There will be battles you lose simply because yourluck was simply poor. In light of this, I must make a serious suggestion foryou to get the PC version and forego the XBox360 version, as the PC version hasan auto-save function which is an absolute life saver. It may be youaccidentally encountered a rare enemy that's too powerful for you, you tried todo a quest too early, or, well, you got unlucky.

Some battle notes:Deadlock: A head-on attack between two unions. Breaking deadlock by selectinganother enemy or by certain commands will almost always get you hit withRaidlock or a Rear Assault. A good method to avoid that is to have anotherunion Deadlock the union you're breaking off of.

Multi-Deadlock: An ability reserved for bosses, rare monsters, and very largeenemies (Dragons, Greater Demons). This allows a monster to take multiplefrontal assaults AND fight back -- this means they could get three turns inone! As you can imagine, this can be dangerous, especially if the monster usesstrong Area of Effect (AoE) attacks, which could result in an untimely gameover.

Raidlock: A head on strike in which one side was not "expecting" to deadlock.This will happen if you cast magic from afar and the union you targetted comesto deadlock you (or vice-versa). In Raidlock, more damage will be taken.

Flank Attack: A flank attack happens after a union is deadlocked and anotherunion comes and attacks them. In the case of multi-deadlock, it's when theirdeadlock count is full. A flank attack is slightly stronger and you are a bitmore likely to hit.

Rear Assault: When a union is being flanked twice, the next union will RearAssault them. This ends in fairly massive damage being done.

Massive Strike: When a union is being flanked twice, rear assaulted, and then

another union comes to attack, this results in a Massive Strike. You willrarely ever see this, as it's unlikely your unions will live through that muchpunishment unless you're fighting really weak monsters, or that your enemiescan take that much punishment while you're attacking them. I've only done amassive strike once, on one of the rare bandit enemies. It is not possibleto Massive Strike a multi-deadlock unit that can do 3 deadlocks. It ISpossible to Massive Strike a 2 deadlock unit.

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=====[2.00] The Beginning=====You'll watch a quick cutscene, then immediately be thrown into battle.This battle is impossible to lose. On the second turn, a cutscene willautomatically win the battle for you.=====[2.01] Yamarn Plain - The Unknown Cavern=====[Chests]- Broad SwordAfter a scene, walk forward and pick up the Broad Sword in the treasure chest.Proceed forward, talk to Emma, then encounter 3x Jhana in battle. This battleis also very easy and likely impossible to use -- just select the option thatuses the most AP and you will likely win.

[Boss Battle]Raptor x1This is also, as you might've expected, an easy battle. You shouldautomatically dodge and miss all attacks for two turns. Then select the onlyoption "What... what is this power?" and proceed to one-shot the boss.

Another scene.

You will be presented with the world map. Yamarn Plain is now inaccessible.Travel to Athlum.

=====[2.02] Athlum=====Start with some scenes and forshadowing.

Now that you're (relatively) free, you can visit the weapon shop in Athlum andbuy a weapon type you'd like to use. There are plenty of guides to show youhow each weapon type compares, but select whichever you prefer. I usually goTwo-Handed Sword, but all styles are strong in the end.Whenever ready, head over to Virtus Parish, get to the pub Warrior's Honor, and

talk to the bartender. You'll learn that Athlum Castle is further into thecity. Return to the city map and go to Athlum Castle. Scenes will ensue. Youwill get the option to go to the Gaslin Caves or Robelia Castle. In my opinion,the Gaslin Caves are far easier, but both are perfectly beatable as a newplayer. Choose whichever you like, then go to the town map then to the worldmap.

=====[2.03] Gaslin Caves=====[Chests]- 300g- Cureleaf, Relaxing Herb

In here, you will just want to follow the map to the furthest point in thecave. You should see two Rosefly units on the map. Get close and initiatecombat with both simultaneously. Taking the first actual left on the map(when you have a choice) will lead to a quick battle. Go further down toacquire 300g, then turn back and take the other route. Up this route, you willsee two Rosefly groups, and a Manticore group will jump out of the ground. Youcan do all 3 of them, although it may be a bit risky (save if you like!) Pickup the second chest with the herbs in it. Continue up for some scenes and aboss battle.

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[Boss Battle - Defeat the slave traders!]1x Slaver (Boss)2x Slaver GroupThis battle is easy. Have Blocter deadlock the boss union, and have Rush'sunion attack the regular groups. The battle should only take 5 turns likethis. Talk to the people afterwards, then proceed backwards to the Transporterto leave the area. Return to Athlum and take the other mission from David. Youwill get Pagus on your team. Head to the world map and go to Robelia Castle.

=====[2.04] Robelia Castle=====[Get]- Alizarin Orb[Chests]- Cureleaf, Relaxing Herb- Slayer Stone- 500g- GreavesOn the first floor, to the right is a group of Landworm's. To the right is agroup of Vile Lizard's. Both should go down easy with magic. Continuestraight through the large doors. Another Lizard group is here. To the rightis a treasure chest with herbs in it. Continuing left, another Vile Lizardgroup awaits. Continue down to the next set of doors, and another Vile Lizard

group will be to your right. Up and to the left will be a set of landworms.Go into the northmost room to get a Slayer Stone. Then go to the right door inthe previous room and use the Slayer Stone to open the door. Another VileLizard will be ahead. To the right of it is another Vile Lizard group. Behindthem is a chest with 500g. Go up the stairs. The room to the right containsa chest with Greaves. The room to the left... may have two Chimera Groups. Youcan beat them, but I recommend not multi-encountering them. Nothing else is inthe room. Go to the room at the end of the hall. A scene will ensue, andthen, of course, an boss battle.

[Boss Battle - Defeat the anti-Remnant activist!]1x Anti-Remnant Activist (boss)1x Anti-Remnant Bodyguards

1x Anti-Remnant Terrorist

Use a strategy like the boss from Gaslin Caves. Have a unit deadlock the boss,and use the other to kill off the other unions. When you're done talking, usethe transporter to return to Athlum. Return to Athlum Castle for some scenes.You will need to head to Dillmoor now.

=====[2.05] Dillmoor=====[Get]- Timeshift[Chests]

- Cureleaf, Relaxing Herb, 800g- Heatershield- Superior Necklace

First, travel straight to the chest in the distance. You may choose to useyour new timeshift ability to engage multiple unions in battles to get somerares. As a general rule, more than 3 monster groups in a battle will likelybe too difficult to handle at this stage in the game. That is not a definitivemeasurement at all, though. Grab the chest with the herbs and gold, andproceed left. There will be a Raptor. Up the hill will be three groups of

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Divain's. Shortly after will be another three groups. A Raptor Group will beright after that. Crossing the bridge, there will be three groups of JhanaArchfighters. Chain them with Timeshift, as they are the weakest monstersaround. After the bridge, to the right will be three Divian Groups and a JhanaArchfighter group. Grouping these four shouldn't be an issue, as both Pagusand Emma have Restore. One more Jhana Archfighter group down that path and asealed door. Go back to the bridge and explore the left part. Scenes willensue. The last chest is behind the boss. You must come back to get it.

[Boss Battle - Defeat the enemy!]1x Vicious Plant (boss)4x Vile Plant

For this battle, have your unions split up and kill the Vile Plants. Thisshould only take two turns. Have both unions then attack the boss. You maytake him down in a single turn, or it may take two. Either way, still an easybattle. You will return to Athlum automatically and see some scenes.

=====[2.06] Athlum=====[Quests]- A Day's Beginning (Warrior's Honor)- Baulson (Warrior's Honor)

After the scenes, you will be in the Town Square. Go straight ahead and talkto the guy with the red bubble, then head over to Virtus Parish. Head to theguild behind the pub and hire the two units. Head to the pub and get your firstquest! After this, you can get another quest. The bartender will open theroad to Celapaleis for you.

=====[2.07] Celapaleis=====Head to the right when enter and talk to the qsiti. Head north and talk to thelady, both with a red dot over their head. Head to the next district. Head tothe pub and talk to the qsiti to your right for a quest (3.03). After thequest, a soldier will be in the pub. Talk to him. There will also be two new

units in the guild here. Return to Athlum Castle for some scenes.

=====[2.08] Blackdale=====[Chests]- Combat Francisca -1, Weapon Recipe 3- Restoleaf, Cureleaf, Relaxing Herb- Blackdale Map 1- 7200g(Second Area)- Simarrionne- Blackdale Map 2

- Battered Katana, Dull Sword, Heroic Medal, Weapon Recipe 52Enter Blackdale. Scenes. Boss!

[Boss Battle - Defeat the enemy!]1x Jager (Boss)1x Third Committee Melee Squad3x Third Committee Mystic Squad+ Reinforcements Support SquadThis battle is actually fairly difficult. You can try to rush Jaeger and justkill him, or use Rush's squad to fight the other squads (target mystic and

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support squads first!). Make sure to keep healed.

After the boss, you enter Blackdale. To the right is two Giant Spiders, and adeadend. To the left is three giant spiders close together. You should befine multi-encountering them. Continuing down will be a Skull Scavenger. Thefirst right will likely be a dead end (a rare monster spawns there).Continuing, a Giant Spider will be there, and two Hypnos' will spawn in.Multi-encounter should be fine. The first chest should be to your left.Another spider will be down the hall, followed by two Skull Scavengers.After the two scavengers, follow the path until you can turn right, go throughthe two giant spiders and you will get the second chest. Back on the otherpath, you will see three Hypnos groups in a row. You should be fine chainingall three. You can go to the next area. Taking a right will lead you to twoGiant Spiders. Go back left to find 3 Hypnos'. The third chest will be there.Go straight and find two more Skull Scavengers. Go to the next area for somescenes. And yeah, a boss battle.

[Boss Battle - Defeat the Fiery Idol!]1x Fiery Idol (boss)5x Third Committee Soldier

Similar to most strategies. Kill the extra unions, but be careful. After theturn ends, it may use a skill that hits all unions (for quite a bit). So makesure your unions HP stay high. 5 turns should do this boss in. You will return

to Athlum afterwards. To get the 7200g, return later and go to the previouslyblocked route. Do not continue to the next map, as those monsters will beway too strong.

=====[2.09] Athlum=====Once back in Athlum, a new Unit at both the Athlum and Celapaleis guild will beavailable. All you need to do now is go to another section of town, find aguard with a red bubble, and talk to them, then return to the castle. A fewscenes will ensue. After that, David and his four unions will join you. Firstyou should head over to the pub in Virtus Parish and get quest 3.04. Head overto Celapaleis and get quest 3.05. You can pick up a new general at Celapaleis

as well if you complete 4.29. (Uncertain, but that's when he opened up for me)Two new generals opened up in the Athlum Guild as well. After you're done,head to the world map and The Ivory Peaks will open up. I took some time hereto refine my weapons. Check out some of the guides on gamefaqs for itemlocations if you need help!

=====[2.10] The Ivory Peaks=====[Chests]- Ivory Peaks Map- Leraje Princeps, Wayfarer's Ward- Ballista

Travel south, clearing any enemies along the way. Take the first path down fromthe plateau that you can, and head right to get the first chest. This will bethe map. In the bottom left corner is the third chest, and at the east-mostplateau is the second chest. Gather them and head to the next map.

=====[2.11] Elysion=====After a quick scene, head over to the pub to pick up 3.06. You can hire twonew generals at the guild.

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=====[2.11b] Balterossa=====If you do quest 3.06, you unlock Balterossa. This is not mandatory. InBalterossa, you can do the following:- Get quest 3.07- Get quest 3.08- Get quest 3.09- Get quest 3.10- Get quest 3.11As well at get Caedmon at the guild, which I highly recommend. He is one ofthe stronger generals in the game. You can pick up another quest at thecastle... but... that's not a pretty fight. The enemy has aound 100k hp and,well, hurts severely. Don't worry, we'll come back to it. From the GreatSand Sea, you can unlock Vale of the Gods which leads to another city. Toget there, follow the number posts all the way to an inlet and go in. Youcan also get to Lavanfender. Just go pass the E post and it's straight ahead.

=====[2.11c] Vale of the Gods=====[Chests]- Armlet Recipe 2, Mineral Water, Vitaeroot

- Vale of the Gods Map- Bandana of GroomingFirst, take a right and check the rock to get the Letter of Remembrance.Follow the path straight. After awhile, you will see the first chest on yourleft. Forward a bit more will be a split in the road. Go right. You shouldsee the 2nd chest up on the ledge -- go for it. The third chest is in one ofthe large circular areas just south-west of the previous chest (the topcircular area.) Using your map, continue on the path to the exit.

=====[2.11d] Baaluk=====Go up to the guild and talk to the warrior woman along the way, though it's

probably obvious who she is. You can hire another general, as well. Noquests right off the bat, but now that you have the place unlocked, it's outof the way.

=====[2.11e] Lavafender=====[Chests]- Quadrashield- Lavafender Map 1- Lavafender Map 2- ... forgot to write it down (someone please email me)Travel straight and follow the path. Turn right when you can, and go down

that path for the 1st chest. Continue on the path. When you get to the openarea, hug the wall to your left and go to the set of corridoors. Turn rightfor the 2nd chest (you will pass a transporter). Use your map to get to thewest most exit. This will take you to another floor. Go straight and therewill be a chest on your left immediately. Go back upstairs. Head to thesouthernmost point to exit to Royotia. Right before the exit, turn right andup that path get the last chest.

=====[2.11f] Royotia

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=====Two new generals will be available at the guild. Head over to the pub andtalk to the soldier to get word of a quest. Emmy can be found near the smith.Go to the castle and get quest 3.12.

=====[2.11g] Cleaning up=====Head to Athlum to pick up quest 3.13.

=====[2.11h] Elysion=====Now that we've done all the side quests available, back to the story! Headover to the Academy and talk to the lady with the red bubble. Go rightand up the hall and talk to the woman in the lab coat. She will give youAcademy Visistones. Talk to her until she stops. Come back frequently to getthem all. Afterwards, head over to Tula Street for some scenes. Head over tothe Assembly Plaza and up the steps to a lady with a red bubble. Talk to her.Go up the Ark Gate for some more scenes. Travel up the newly opened door andhead straight down the path. This part is very straight forward. Keep usingthe devices and go to the path they open. Proceed for some scenes at the endof the path.

=====[2.12] The Catacombs=====[Chests]- Weapon Recipe 21- Catacombs Map 1- 3200g- Beastman Ale, Fresh OilWalk down the opening path and you will enter a room. You must turn right.Continue along this path until you reach the next area. Keep going until youreach an open room. A small scene will ensue and you will have to fight someenemies. Continue forward along the path. Open the double doors and turnright for the first chest. Keep following the path. After a large door,

the path splits into a V. The right path deadends, so go left. You willget locked into the next room you go into, and a path will open. Follow it.You will come upon another branching path after you fight the months -- goright first. You will grab the 2nd chest this way. Back track to the otherway. You will walk into some gas. Take the first left and go up a ladder forthe 3rd chest. Go out of the fog and take the next left to get to the nextarea. The rest of the way is just a straight walk now. When you enter thefirst set of large doors, turn left for the 4th chest. At the end of the pathenter the door to your left. Scenes!

=====[2.12b] Cleaning Up=====

Before talking to Emma, head over to Celapaleis and grab 3.14. After this,you can hire Violet at the new guild in Celapaleis. Head over to Athlum andpick up Nora from the guild. Head over to Royotia and talk to people in theguild to open The Fifth Path. After that, head over to Athlum's Town Squareand talk to the Mage-Like Girl. That'll take care of 3.15. Head over toCelapaleis and go to Grants Way and talk to the Mage-Like Girl. That'll be3.16. While you're in Celapaleis, go over to the Union of the Golden Chaliceand get Gabriel on your team. Head over to Elysion and go to Hendler and talkto the Mage-Like Girl to finish 3.17. While you're here, head over to theAcademy and grab some Visistones from the researcher. Go back to Hendler and

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talk to Emma to continue the story.

=====[2.12c] The Fifth Path=====[Chests]- Fifth Path Map- Beastman Ale, Fresh Oil- 1900g- Alp's BrioletteHead straight down the path. You will come to a V, head left. You will sooncome across another V. Head right, then keep left until you get to the end.There will be the 1st chest. Turn around and head left, then right at the nextV to get to the second chest. Head back to the original V split and head upthe right path. You will come across another V split. Head right to pick upthe 3rd chest. Go back to the V and head up the left path. It will V. Wraparound to go down the eastern path. A transporter will be there. Go throughthe door and to the next map. You will be in The Final Fortress. Head thruthe large doors, turn right for the 4th chest, then return to the transporterand leave.

=====[2.13] Numor Mine=====

[Chests]- Commander's Rapier- Avalanche- Numor Mine Map 1- Stone of MarshallIt'll be just you and Emma now. The enemies will be weak, too, so you maysplit want to split them into two unions and just refrain from chaining toomany battles together. Head straight along the path. You will come acrossan elevator. Take it down, then take a left for the 1st chest. Head downthe other direction until you hit a T. Go right and head straight throughthe V. Take the door to your left and use the elevator to go down to thenext area. Head straight through the door and you will see another elevatorsoon. Monsters will attack you on your way down. You will reach a platform

that has the 2nd chest on it. Continue down the elevator. The next platformwill not have any chests but has dig points if you want. Once you get to thebottom, take a left and grab the 3rd chest. Head along the path until youcome to another V in the path. Go right to get the 4th chest. Go to theleft path and follow it down. You will see a transporter meaning you're justabout at the end. Continue to the door and use the Stone of Marshall tounlock it. You may want to use one union now. Scene time. Boss fight time!

[Boss - Defeat Namul Sin & Niram Sin!]1x Namul NiramThis battle is easy. Just beat her up and heal yourself. One or two unionapproach works just fine.

Take the transporter back home now. Scenes will follow, and you will gain moreunit/union slots.

=====[2.13b] Cleaning Up=====The Heroic Ramparts and Numor Mines are available on the world map now.Head over to Elysion and talk to the barkeep about surrounding cities. Goupstairs and talk to the White Sovani for 3.18. Berechevaltelle is open onthe map now, which leads to Melphina. Head over to Royotia and pick up quest

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3.19. Head over to Baaluk for 3.20. Return to the Baaluk pub and pick up3.21. Head over to the Merchants Lot in Balterossa and talk to Caedmon. Headover to the pub and talk to Caedmon again for 3.22. Head upstairs and pick up3.23. You can also pick up 3.24. You can grab some Visistones back in Elysionthen head over to Celapaleis to pick up 3.25. Head back to Balterossa and talkto Caedmon again. Head over to Berchevaltelle.

=====[2.13c] Berechevaltelle=====[Chests]- Triumph Belt- Berechevaltelle Map- ChaliceHead straight and to the right after you pass the large rock and you will seethe 1st chest to your right. Continue straight and the next chest will beon your right eventually. (There will be an impassible hook like formationand a massive rock in front of you.) Head left (north on your map) and the3rd chest will be near you on your left. Use your map to get to the southexit to get to Crookfen. The other road is closed.

=====[2.13d] Crookfen=====

[Chests]- Oberon's Baguette- Barbed Wall- Crookfen MapHead straight for the first chest. Hug this wall and head right, continuallyhugging it. You will be at the 2nd chest now. Head out of here and to thewater, looking for a bridge; the third chest is near the bridge in grass.Head over to the exit using your map.

=====[2.13e] Melphina=====Take the first right when you get in to pick up the Book of Remembrance.

Talk to Emmy once you get in here. Go to the guild and talk to the qsiti tounlock The Fourth Path. Go to the pub and just walk right up to the counterand then talk to Pagus to get access to a new quest. Talk to the White Qsitito get 3.26. Head over to the Knight of Melphina and pick up 3.27. Go onover to Royotia and pick up 3.28. Lets take a stab at 3.29 in Balterossa aswell (at the castle). Head over to the Heroic Ramparts.

=====[2.13f] Heroic Ramparts=====[Chests]- Marauders' Glaive- Heroic Ramparts Map

- Greaves of Growling- Medal of Strength, Weapon Recipe 26, Weapon Recipe 27Head left all the way until you see an opening in the wall. Walk through andyou should see a chest in the distance. If you go further to the left youwill unlock Ghor on the map. (Either do Ghor first or finish this). Reenterthe Ramparts and go straight ahead this time. Once you pass through the door,head left to get the 2nd chest. Head the other direction and go to the bottomof the keep are to get the third chest. Go into the keep and you should seethe 4th chest to your left. Get to the next exit with your map and you willunlock Nagapur (the next story base.) Before that, lets clear The Fourth Path.

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=====[2.13g] Ghor=====When you get to Ghor, go ahead just a bit and you will see a huuuuuuuuuugeYama. Talk to him to get 3.30. Head over to the pub and talk to Blocterto get 3.31. Head back to the Ramparts and finish up if you haven't.

=====[2.13h] The Fourth Path=====[Chests]- Anklet Recipe 4, Cureleaf, Relaxing HerbFollow the path until you reach a V, from here take a left (the right has asealed door.) Once you get to the end of the path, you will get the firstchest. That's it for now!

=====[2.13i] Cleaning Up=====You should realize by now that you've gotten all 9 fragments for the old questfrom Royotia. Head to Royotia castle and go see the flame guardian.[Reward]- Manrynell

- Vespe- TakshendQuest 3.32 starts. You can also head over to Balterossa and talk to Jorgen.I don't think having more than 3 items will make a difference in the outcomeof the quest. Just hand over 3 items and you're done, and that wraps up 3.08.And as you might have guessed, you can go get Jorgen at the Balterossa guild.Head over to Nagapur.

=====[2.14] Nagapur=====Go talk to Emmy in the opening area. Go to the docks and talk to the Mage-LikeGirl (3.33). Only after you do that, go talk to the last quest dot (open your

map and look for a weird blue dot) to start the story. You will then need togo to the two other areas and talk to Emma and Pagus and get them to return toFlussbahn. Then head over to Sudenhalm and talk to Oswald. Then head back toFlussbahn for some scenes. Now head over to the pub for more questing! Woo!

=====[2.14b] Cleaning Up=====Head over to the Nagapur pub and pick up 3.34. Pick up 3.35 as well. Aveclyffwill be on the world map now. Go to Elysion and pick up 3.36. Head over tothe pub in Melphina and pick up 3.37 (go to the castle after). Head over toRoyotia to pick up 3.38. That should be all you need to do for now.

=====[2.15] The Nest of Eagles=====Head over to the Athlum Castle for some scenes. You must then go to the Nestof Eagles for a fight. Emma will leave your party, so replace her position ifnecessary. Before that, head on over to the pub and talk to Nora. Go outsidethe guild and talk to Loki.

[Boss - Defeat the main force of the Conqueror's Army!]1x Roeas

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1x Castanea4x Strike Squad1x Escort Squad2x Magus Squad

Have your magic union (or Dave's union) stay back a turn to charge up enough APto use either Gae Blog or Blackout/Whiteout to take care of the large numberof enemies. Once you do so, they will be reinforced. Castanea is verydangerous and does a ton of damage. So long as Roeas and Castanea are bothalive, they can use Catapult which has a large AoE. Once you kill either, theother will use Overdrive. It's really not clear who you should take out firstas with Overdrive anyone is really dangerous, but I'd try to kill them botharound the same time (get one to red, get the other to red.) Don't clutter onCastanea, as he has Hammerspin. When one uses Overdrive, it is most likelythat whoever deadlocks them WILL die. However, if a union in deadlock dies,(and they are the only one) the next union to attack them will not be hitthat turn. It's a bit of bug abuse I suppose, but it certainly helps! Sceneswill ensue.

=====[2.16] Athlum=====Emmy will join your party now. You will now be able to have 15 people and 5unions in battle at once. You could use 5 unions x 3 people or 3x4 + 1x3. I

personally recommend the latter for AP purposes. And despite what people say,Emma's stats do NOT carry over to Emmy. She is still a good fighter and shouldnot take long to raise to where Emma was, so I'd still use her, especially ifyou have been using Emma the entire time (since no other leader will be asstrong!)

=====[2.16b] Cleaning Up=====Head over to the town square to get the Belt of Remembrance from where theYama had been blocking you up until now! Most of your partner's side questswill start becoming available soon, so keep talking to them in their hometownswhen they get a ...! over their head.

Head over to Melphina to pick up 3.39 -- again, go to the castle afterwards.Head over to Melphina and pick up 3.40 (if you fulfilled the requirements!)Head over to Balterossa for 3.41. Grab some Visistones from the Academy inElysion. Go to Ghor and do 3.42 by talking to Mage-Like Girl. Now, head overto Nagapur. Go to Sudenalm and talk to Emmy to go to the Aquaducts.

=====[2.17] The Aqueducts=====[Chests]- Ring of the Patient Ear, Justice Wristlet- Lure and Trap- Sickbed

- Aqueducts Map 1- Defender, Restobulb, Curebulb, Faerie HerbWhen you enter, head forward and activate the device. Go around the hook pathon your minimap to get the 1st chest. Follow the path until you pass a secondbridge. A new path will open, so go over the new bridge. Follow the pathuntil you see a bridge on your right. Go over it and you will come to the 2ndchest. Return to the path and follow it down. There will be another device,activate it and cross the new bridge. Continue down until you pass a set ofdoors to go to the next area. Go straight and down the ladder, then go leftto the next ladder and go up. You will see the 3rd chest from here, so go get

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it. Head down the path until you reach another device, and activate it. Goback to the nearest ladder and go down it. There will be two paths goingright, take the second one. When you hit a bend, a ladder will be behind youon your left. It leads to the 4th chest. Head further down to a dead end,turn left and there will be another ladder. Go up and activate the device,then climb back down and go to the new path. Head past the transporter to thenext area. In this area, head straight for the ladder, go up, and the 5thchest will be in your face. Head right through the large doors for somescenes. And, well...

[Boss - Defeat the Enemy!]3x Harpylia (Boss)Their blaster attack can be dangerous, or can be an absolute joke. They alsohave Caustic Blast, so refrain from stacking on too hard. They don't have muchHP, and should go down really quick -- 4 or 5 turns.

And you get some more scenes. Save in a seperate slot if possible, as a strongboss is up ahead.

[Boss - Defeat the Gates of Hell!]1x Gates of Hell (boss)4x Hypnos GroupThe Gates of Hell is notorious for being extremely difficult. Having theability to resurrect people is a huge plus. Revitalize is a must (Emmy comes

with it, and so does Gleny's!) His Hellfire skill is really powerful andannoying, and comes with quite the AoE, so try not to stack on him too much.Your newly summoned cyclops has about 9,999 HP, so he can do quite a bit oftanking and will always deadlock something. You have about 3 turns to takeout the Hypnos before the Gates of Hell opens and starts fighting. A singleBlackout/Whiteout or Gae Bolg will do this. His Grenade Impact will close toone-shot most unions without high resistance, so be careful about that as well.Keep your HP up and pay attention to who you're healing, as you may try tokeep healing the Cyclops. When a union dies, if they stay dead for the turn,the Gates of Hell will cast Pandemonium which will Enthrall the union, revivingthem and turning them against you, so watch out for this too! What I didwas got 4 unions to attack him and kept a union with the ability to flank themwith "Strike from the sides!" command. This should help. On the PC version,

this boss is significantly easier than the XBox version. If you've been doingall the quest, he will be a challenge, but not impossible. Then, some scenes.

You will be transported elsewhere inside Wyrmskeep.

=====[2.18] Wyrmskeep - Cherry Pavilion=====[Chests]- Cherry Pavilion Map- Cureleaf, Restoleaf, Relaxing Herb.When you gain control, the first chest will be inside this room. The 2nd chestis in the south western room near the northern door. Now head to the northern

most room for some scenes.

[Boss - Defeat Jager and the Lob Omen!]1x Jager (Boss)1x Lob Omen (Boss)2x Nagapurian Soldier2x Third Committee SoldierJager is not very strong, but the Lob Omen is extremely powerful. This battleis not quite as hard as The Gates of Hell, but can still be pretty difficult,especially if you used a lot of your resources fighting The Gates of Hell. You

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also have no chance to build AP up for Gae Bolg or Blackout/Whiteout, so justgo all out, make sure to kill all the regular unions quickly, keep your HP up,and have plenty of resurrection items. Lob Omen's Eclipse and Palsy Skienmay wipe unions out in a single hit. Jager cannot multi deadlock, so takinghim out shouldn't be hard. Once either boss is dead, the battle is much moremanageable. Otherwise, it's just a resurrection fest and a battle ofattrition.

=====[2.18b] Cleaning Up=====Go to Balterossa and pick up 3.43 and 3.44. Head to Royotia for 3.45. Head toMelphina for 3.46. Head over to Nagapur for 3.47, then to Baaluk for 3.48.You can get access to The First Path by talking to a qsiti in the Celapaleis'pub. You can also pick up some Visistones. Don't forget to check your partymembers to see if they have anything special to say in their home towns.When you're done, head back to Dave to continue the story.

=====[2.18c] The First Path=====[Chests]- First Path Map- Liberty Belt, Heels of Victory

- Mystic Fiend Ale, Fresh Oil- 1200gSadly I forgot to get this earlier in the game but it shouldn't make much of adifference, except the monsters will be way too easy. Head straight, at thefirst V, keep right. You will pass another V, just keep going right. You willcome to a third V, go left and you will come to, yes, another V. Go right,slide down the cliff, and go forward to a U. Go right and down the passagebehind you, you will come to yet another V, go left for the first chest. Fromhere, use your map to go to the next area, The Final Fortress. Head down thispath and you will reach a V. Go right until you get to the next V, and goright again for the 2nd chest. You can take a left at this V and pass throughthe door to get a look at some gigantic monster that you may be running intolater! Otherwise, just head back. Now head back to the V right before the

first chest, but go right instead and slide down the cliff. Go straight andignore the first right turn, but take the second. You will come to a V, godown the other side (not the cliff), and take the next two rights and you willbe at the 3rd chest. Head back to the last jagged cliff you passed and go downit. Go left at the V until you reach a T. Head right for the fourth chest,and that's it for this area.

=====[2.19] Fornstrand=====[Chests]- Maelstrom- Fornstrand Map

- Leprechaun's Scissor- Charm Recipe 6, 5200gHead straight and you will see the first chest, so head straight and take thefirst available left to grab it. Continue along the path and you will reach alittle inlet on your left. Ignore it and take the next left and pick up the2nd chest. Use your map to get to the exit nearest you. In this area, keepright to get to the 3rd chest, it'll be across the lagoon. Return to thelagoon and go north. You will reach a T, head right to pick up the 4th chest.Head to the exit of this map for some scenes.

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=====[2.19b] Cleaning Up=====Head over to Athlum and pick up 3.49 in the Town Square. Jager will now beavailable in the new guild you got. Head over to Nagapur to pick up 3.50. Goto Balterossa and pick up 3.51. You can pick Gaou up in the Baaluk guild.

=====[2.20] Summons to Congress=====Now head back to the castle in Athlum. Head over to Elysion's Entrance Hallfor some scenes, then back to Athlum Castle. After some scenes, you can go toVirtus Parish and talk to the Yama behind the guild to gain access to TheSecond Path. Talk to the soldier with the red bubble then return to the Castle.You now have the capability to have 18 units in battle (final upgrade). Irinajoins your party. You can do the B/C/D parts of this, or head to Celapaleis'castle for some scenes. You can pick Zolean up in Balterossa. Head over toGhor then return to Athlum Castle. And now it's time for fuuuun.

=====[2.20b] Cleaning Up Still!=====Head to the pub in Athlum and talk to the soldier to get 3.52. Head toCelapaleis and talk to Rhagoh in Lamberro District (leave and reenter if you

must) 3 times with a red ...! to unlock 3.53. After that, return to the bossarea to pick up Flachonelle.

=====[2.20c] The Second Path=====[Chests]- Second Path Map- Cage- Zane's Ring- Boggart's Trapezoid, Siren's SquareWhen you enter, go down until you reach a +. Head right, continuing down toa jagged cliff. Go down it, and follow the path until you reach a T. Head

left, you will pass a V, continue down until you reach another V. Head leftand behind you will be the 1st chest. Using your map get to the near southexit to get to the final fortress and grab the 2nd chest. When you leave,head left at the T and slide down the jagged cliff, keep going left for the3rd chest. From here, go back and ignore the first left, taking the second oneat the V. Head down and take a left and go down the jagged cliff and headstraight for the 4th chest. That's it for now.

=====[2.20d] Remnant Hunting=====So you got that Tablet... so why don't we go use it?- Head to Dillmoor to bind the Rubber Soul

- Head to Blackdale to bind Schiovana- Head to Ivory Peaks to bind Liafort (the wall)Before continuing, make sure to talk to The Duke of Ghor!

=====[2.21] Base 1=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base![Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!]5x Stormtroopers

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4x Commandos1x Cleric Squad1x Tactics Squad (boss)2x Magus SquadA lot of enemies but they're all regular enemies, so just wipe 'em out. Keepback on the first turn to charge. If you're on the PC you have the chance tosave. On the XBOX360 you do not (which made these battles very... hard.)

[Boss - Defeat Snievan!]1x Snievan (boss)5x Snievan DivisionSo a reason why these bosses tend to be hard is that they have really, reallypowerful attacks. At the end of a turn Snievan will use Lugh's Revenge, whichwas doing almost 3.5k damage to me. The magic groups have Snare Shot, so theyneed to be killed quickly or they will really screw you over. Snievan willcast Miracle after awhile to add annoyance to this battle. He will continueto use Lugh's revenge every 3 or 4 turns, he also uses a lot of Psionics soyour morale will be hurting the entire battle. As far as base bosses though,he's probably the easiest and will go down fairly quick. You will also gainthe ability for Torgal to use Lugh's Revenge once you win.

=====[2.22] Base 2=====

Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base![Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!]2x Escort Squad6x Stormtrooper Squad1x Commandos Squad4x Special Squad1x Tactics SquadAgain, easy, straightforward.

[Boss - Defeat Zuido!]1x Zuido (boss)5x Zuido DivisionThese mage divisions are also really dangerous. At the end of some turns

Zuido will use Giant Press which hits multiple unions, so don't put everyoneon him at one time! He will quite often instant KO whoever he hits. He willcast Miracle after awhile as well. He has some dangerous arts but if you'veactually been following this guide he won't be hard at all. You will get theObsidian, which Gaou will request.

=====[2.23] Base 3=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base![Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!]7x Stormtroopers2x Support Squad

3x Escort Squad5x Magus Squad1x Tactics Squad (boss)

[Boss - Defeat Ludope!]1x Ludope (boss)5x Ludope DivisionLudope is far more dangerous than the previous two bosses, having the abilityto use Galaxy during his turn, which hits all unions on screen, and worse yet,he uses it on his first turn, so it will wreak havoc. He will also cast

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Protection/Ward on himself between turns, which makes him immune to the nextphysical attack he takes. You will probably go through a lot of resses in thisbattle, as Ludope also has every magic, so he will hurt, badly. You will needsome Blackout/Whiteout or Gae Bolg action for this battle. Once he castsMiracle on himself, he will likely wipe unions out with a single magic cast.He drops an item for Pagus.

=====[2.24] Base 4=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base![Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!]9x Stormtroopers1x Escort Squad1x Support Squad1x Commandos5x Magus Squad1x Tactics Squad (boss)

[Boss - Defeat Hannah and Hinnah!]This battle requires a bit more finesse than the others. You will need to killa sister if their HP gets in red quickly, or the other will fully heal them --yes, a 100k+ heal. Once one dies, the other will use Total Domination, whichautomatically enthralls a union, and then Overdrive. Once you will, you will

get a Nightbloom... which Irina may ask for...

=====[2.25] Base 5=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base!Make sure to save before you enter Base 5, as there is a missable enemy. Toattack him, you must wait after they get reinforced without entering the base![Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!]8x Stormtroopers2x Special Team8x Escort Squad1x Beastman Squad

1x Tactics Squad

[Boss - Defeat Young!]1x Young5x Young's DivisionYoung is... annoying. He uses Brawl every turn, which has quite a large AoE.He also spams Victory Cry, which destroys your morale. He will use Miracleafter awhile which will make his Brawl really deadly.

=====[2.26] Base 6=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base!

[Boss - Defeat the command squad and assault their base!](probably not 100% accurate, kept spamming Gae Bolg and Blackout so I didn'tsee all the reinforcements)10x Stormtroopers7x Magus Squad2x Support Squad4x Escort Squad4x Commandos

[Boss - Defeat Milton!]

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1x Milton5x Milton DivisionMilton is pretty easy, except when he uses Iron Will, which is the combinationof Miracle and Overdrive. The odd thing is, his damage isn't something youneed to worry about, his weapon deals instant death, always. 5 attacks +instant death = instant union wipe. Wards (Protection) are very useful in thisbattle, as is Talisman's fight. If you activate a special like Omnistrike etc,use it as your dodge increases tremendously. Lugh's revenge that you earnedshould make this an easy fight.

=====[2.27] Battle Against Cyclops!=====This battle happens after all 6 bases are finished, not necessarily after Base6. It's not hard, but you will not be able to save. This is especiallyannoying on the XBox, as this is 3 battles in a row without saving.[Boss - Defeat the Cyclops!]1x CyclopsHe will open up with Gae Bolg, which will hurt, but nothing life threatening.His arm whip can be a pain, as he hits a wide area and he can multideadlock upto 3 unions. Don't stack too much on him if your HP isn't full. He will useGae Bolg every 3 turns at the beginning of the turn, so keep your HP high.Otherwise, not a hard boss.

=====[2.27b] Cleaning Up=====Well, while that was fun, lets get some more questing out of the way. Headover to Melphina to pick up 3.54. Go to Nagapur for 3.55 from Jager. Now letsget back to the story.

=====[2.28] Koenigsdorf=====Talk to The Duke of Ghor BEFORE entering the base![Boss - Defeat the Ala Melvilana!]9x Stormtrooper Aces

2x Special Aces4x Support Aces1x Ala Melvilana Synthesis2x Magus AcesThis is a large battle. He can use Hurrivane between turns which does about2k~3k to all unions. His Desperate Whail is annoying, but his attacks areactually pretty weak. Make sure to keep your HP up to take the Hurricanes. Hewill cast Miracle on himself, but he's likely going to die the turn he does.This boss is easier than most of the base bosses, so you can take it.

Scenes ensue, and that looked very painful.Adjust your unions to make up for the party change. The Sixth Path opens upon the map automatically.

=====[2.28b] Cleaning Up=====Head over to Melphina and pick up 3.56 from Nora.

=====[2.28c] The Sixth Path=====[Chests]

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- Witch's Signet- Sixth Path MapThis is a short path. Keep straight, ignoring both V's. You will end up atthe first chest. Back track to the V you just passed and head in the otherdirection, going straight through the T that comes up (going right will takeyou to the Final Fortress which has no stuff in it from here right now) tograb the 2nd chest. That's all for now.

There is a Remnant you can bind here, but do NOT bind it just yet.

=====[2.29] Darken Forest=====Head straight a bit and a new path will open up. Head up it to get to the newarea.=====Darken ForestThe Wanderer's Ruins=====[Chests]- Riptide- Darken Forest Map 2- Kobold's Halfdutch, Banshee's Octagon, Weapon Recipe 56Enter and head up the stairs. Take a left and go to the end of this path to

grab the first chest. Head back to the T and go the other way until you havea path on right that leads down. Ignore it for a second and walk forward a bitmore until a small path on your right opens up. The 2nd chest is on this edge.Now go down the steps and head left until you see a transporter. The path toyour right is where you need to go. The third chest will be on your left justbefore you enter the next area.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]3x Anima Group (boss)This battle is easy... just watch out for Bewitch and you will be fine.


[2.29b] Cleaning Up=====(These quests can be done in any order!)This is a tough time. You cannot head to Undelwalt or you will not be allowedto fight The Fallen. On the PC, you must defeat The Fallen to enter theAncient Ruins, which is where you get all your uber gearz. Mt. Vackel opens upon the map. Go to Baaluk and pick up 3.58... and be ready for a fight. Headto Ghor and pick up 3.57 from Ghor Castle. Head to Elysion and talk to Harukoin the pub to start 3.59. Now, head to Mt. Vackel.

=====[2.30] Mt. Vackel=====

[Chests]- Mt. Vackel Map- Obelisk- Rune RingHead straight until you hit a V (it will be awhile). Head left for the 1stchest. Head to the exit using your map. Head straight until you get to aT, and head left for the 2nd chest. Head up the path and the 3rd chest willsoon be on your left. Head over to the exit


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[2.31] Undelwalt=====After you enter Undelwalt, some new quests will open up. When ready, go toCastellum. Once you do, 2.32d opens up. When you're ready, use the Teleporterin Castellum. This is just a straight walk so no problems here.

=====[2.31b] Cleaning Up=====Head to Athlum Town's Square and talk to the Blind Girl, then head over to thepub and grab 3.60. Head over to Gefyri in Undelwalt to do 3.61, head to theMerchant's Lot in Batlerossa for 3.62, to the Byon Sector in Royotia for 3.63,the Cobalt Plaza in Melphina for 3.64, and finally the Grentze Commune inBaaluk for 3.65.

=====[2.31c] The Third Path=====[Chests]- Third Path Map- Gem Recipe 3, Gem Recipe 4, Gem Recipe 5- Divine Metal, Crimson Ore- Gem Recipe 1, Gem Recipe 2Head straight and you will hit a T. Pass straight through it and you will come

to another T immediately after. Head right and take the first available left,sliding down the cliff. Take the next two lefts and head down for the 1stchest. Head back and take a right then a left then another right, headstraight down passed the next T and the 2nd chest will be there. Head back andpass straight through the next two T's, sliding down the jagged cliff (you willbe in the north west corner of the map). Head left (south!) until you reachexit. Pass it and slide down the nearest cliff, head left then turn leftagain to grab the 3rd and 4th chest. Then head back to the exit you justpassed up.

=====The Final Fortress=====

[Chests]- Saintly Band, Holy RelicHead along the path and pass through the large door. The first chest will beon your left. Continue down through the next set of doors to the exit.

=====The Second Path=====[Chests]- Destrier- Dwarf's Cabochon, Leanan Sidhe's BrillianceAgain?! If you had noticed the first time we came here, there was an entirelyinaccessible area. Well, now you can access it. Head straight and when the

path turns right, the 1st chest will be to your left. Head all the way downthis path for the 2nd chest.

=====[2.31d] Cleaning Up=====Head to Athlum pub and pick up 3.66.

=====[2.32] The Holy Plain

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=====[Boss - Defeat the main force of the elite troops!]3x Escort Team10x Stormtroopers8x Assist Team6x Beastmasters3x Mystic Squad6x Commanos1x Beastmasters (boss)Long but not hard. Just keep waiting on your toes and they will march to you.Use Blackout/Whiteout/Megalore/Gae Bolg and just keeping wiping them out. Oncereinforcements stop arriving, kill the dragon easily and you will get nearly50k gold!

Now, for a bit of a tear-jerker... head to Undelwalt and pick up, dun dun dun,the final quest (3.67)! Well, not really. If you've done all the quests (withthe exception of At Hatred's End on PC), head to Atlum and pick up 3.68.

=====[2.33] The Sixth Path=====A way to get to the Holy Land? Hm, why not try the ancient path that connectsEVERYTHING? Well. Head to the Sixth Path. Remember that unopenable door inThe Final Fortress? We're going there.

[Boss - Defeat Gojun!]1x Gojun

This guy MUST be defeated to continue. He will be in the final fortress. He'sa really strong dragon that also has the ability to curse. And while you'veheard it enough -- honestly, if you're been doing the side quests and are THISfar... this will not be much of a challenge.

=====[2.34] The Seventh Path=====[Chests]- Spike

- Satchel- Seventh Path MapUpon entering, head straight until you reach a T. Turn right and go all thepassed the next T to get the first chest. Turn around and head right, goingdown this path until you reach another T. Head left for the 2nd chest and goback to head down the other way. Head along until you reach a V, head leftand behind you will be the 3rd chest. Now just head down the path until youreach a large door.

[Boss - Defeat the Icy Idol!]1x Icy Idol (boss)5x Glagonos GroupThis boss can be nasty. He has Curse and the ability to use skills before AND

after turns, so he can really put on the damage. As usual, kill his supportunions ASAP. He will use Maelstrom Insignia after turns, Acid Rain beforeturns, and he can use Cachexia which... urg.

=====[2.35] The Sacred Lands=====[Chests]- Demonblade- Kelpie's Single, Knocker's Ceylon, Weapon Recipe 62

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Head down straight and use the device to transport across the gap. Head to thenext teleporter and cross this gap. Now, keep right to get to the thirdteleporter, and right before it on your left will be the first chest. Take theteleporter and head across. A control mechanism will be to your left. Go anduse it. Head straight to the next teleporter. Head straight to a T in thepath, you should see the 2nd chest across from you. That's it for chests here,and the rest of the base is a straight shot. Eventually you will take a deviceup a long ways. Behind you will be a transporter to the world map. In frontof you will be, well, the end.

=====[2.36] The Final Fight=====[Boss]1x Roeas1x Castanea1x The ConquerorCastanea and Roeas haven't changed significantly. The Conquerer will reinforceafter you defeat Roeas and Castanea. His strength will depend on what you'vedone in the game. He does quite a bit of damage and likes to use Arcanabetween turns. Keep your HP up, especially when Castanea and Roeas are aboutto die, because he will get a turn and he will cast Blackout. You can hit himwith status ailments (it will not prevent his arcana!) to help you through thebattle. Once you win, congratulations, you had defeats The Last Remnant!

=====[3.01] A Day's Beginning=====- Reward 100gAfter getting this quest in Athlum, you will be taken to Robelia Castle. Theyama will be right in front of you. Talk to him. Quest over.

=====[3.02] Baulson=====[Reward]- 500g

- Baulson (get him at the guild)After getting this quest after 3.01, you will be sent to the Gaslin Caves. Makesure you recruited new units at the guild, or you will meet a swift end. Youcan leave this quest and restart it if you forgot. The layout is the same asthe original Gaslin Caves. Continue in the same direction.[Boss Fight - Defeat the bandit leader!]1x Bandit Leader (Boss)1x Bandit Group

This fight is easy. Have Rush's union attack the regular group, then the bossgroup. Two turns should do.


[3.03] Mr. Diggs=====[Reward]- 1000gBack to the Gaslin Caves, yay. Head up past the first set of rosefly's andthere should be a light metal harvesting point.

=====[3.04] Bravery and Loyalty=====

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[Reward]- 1500g- Mano Salia[Chests]- Aerial Insecta Ale, Fresh OilGo forward a bit to trigger a scene. A ladder will be revealed, and you canuse it to quickly get to the second floor. Talk to the soldier there, thenhead down the path to the right. Through the big doors will be a set of VileLizards. Go through the open set of doors as the other is locked. You willgo back to the first floor. You will be met by a landworm and two Vile Lizardsfurther down. Go through the northern door to get the first chest. Go to theleft door and just follow the path until you find a room with two sets of doors.Go through and find four groups of Vile Lizards. Encountering all 4 should bereadily possible, just make sure to use Mystic Arts and keep your HP up, andmake sure to save beforehand -- a 3 union setup may be more effective than atwo union setup for this. Go left and proceed through the large doors. Sceneswill follow.

[Boss Battle - Defeat the Third Committee forces!]1x Third Committee Combat Squad (Boss)2x Blackwing

This is probably the first real battle you will fight. If you use three unions,send your strongest at the boss and your other two at the Blackwings. This

battle can be decided over if you're cursed or not. If you're on the PC, thenyou will likely have no issues with curse since all your unions should begenerals. If you're on XBox, then you may have issues with curse as regularsoldiers have a tendency to get cursed, and once one person is cursed, theentire union is cursed. Whail on them and try to take down the Blackwings ASAPthen gang up on the boss.

=====[3.05] The Dreaming Rose=====[Reward]- Gaslin Copper- Natural Oil

- 1000gOnce you get to the Ivory peaks, head straight to find three Raptors. Thisshould be no trouble for you. Head forward and there should be a Demon. Thisshould also not be a problem. Continue along there path and there will be alarge number of enemies. After you clear the upper plateau area, head down. Ifyou head all the way to the west once you go down, you can pick up the IvoryPeaks map. With the map, you can head south to the south-western corner of themap, talk to the people, and continue with the quest, or just look around forchests. Since this side quest doesn't open up any new areas, I won't bediscussing the chest contents.

[Boss Battle - Defeat the enemy!]1x Manticore Group

1x Vile Lizard Group1x Landworm Group... This battle should take a single turn. Joke of a boss fight.

=====[3.06] The Secret Letter=====[Reward]- Jade OrbFor this quest you must first take the Southwestern Road.

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=====[3.06a] The Southwestern Road=====[Chests]- 3200g- Talons' Clutch- Southwestern Road Map- Betrothal BandThis area is not difficult at all. Three chains should be just fine. Go downthe long straight path. To your right when you first walk between the largerocks should be a Bandana of Rememberance. Spamming the NPC Lock-On buttonwill help you find it easily. The first little inlet will be on your left.Right after that, you will have a split in the road. Go right to get the firstchest in the area. Continue down and you will see a bridge. Before the bridgehang a left and wrap around to the second chest in the area. After you crossthe first bridge, hang a right for the third chest, then proceed across thesecond bridge. Head left after the bridge to pick up the fourth chest. Afterthis, just use your map and head to the exit.=====[3.06b] Balterossa=====[Reward]- Godstone of LoveHead to the pub and turn in the item to the Cheerful Man.

=====[3.07] For Love the Bell TollsMojcado Castle=====[Chests]- Club- Restoleaf, Relaxing Herb- Necklace Recipe 2- Wroth Volcano- 2100g- Mojcado Castle Map- 1800g

- Earring Recipe 2- Elf's Emerald.This quest is fairly long if you consider all the chests you can get. Youmay scroll down for the tl;dr version just to quickly get the map.

When you enter the castle, take the first right then the first left. Headright to find the first chest. Return to the hallway and continue you downuntil you hit the Phoenix Section. Follow the path to get the next chest,then backtrack. When you get back, return to the entrance, then go up andtake a left. Take a left into the first room down this hallway. Take anotherleft and get chest 3. When you leave the room through the north exit, keepleft and go through the portal to the next area. Follow the path to thefirst room off to your right for a possible good dig sight. Follow the other

path down to get the fourth chest, then backtrack to the Gateway Section.Take the first left out, continue straight, take a right, and head into thefirst room on your right for chest 5. Return out the door and continue alongthe path going right out of the door. Take the next right down the corridoorthen take the first left, then the first right, then left. You will be ina room (probably with 5 pests) that is shaped like a U. Take a left and wraparound the wall for chest 6. You've cleared this area now. Use the map andget to the north center exit. From here, take a left first, follow the pathdown for the seventh chest. Backtrack to the opening of this map and takethe other route. Take the first right and head down this corridoor for the

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8th chest. Return to the main path and continue going until you can turnleft. Take the next left, then right, then right again. Follow this path forthe 9th chest. Go back to the main path and take a left onto it. Scenes,then of course, boss fight.

[Boss - Defeat the assassin!]1x Hitman (boss)2x Jhana Fighter Group

This is an easy, easy battle. You should be able to beat it in one or twoturns no problem.

tl;dr version:Head straight and go through the right path that leads north. Take a rightinto a U shaped room; the map is in here. Using the map, get to the next mapthrough the northern exit. On this map, go to the circular room.

=====[3.08] Amnesia=====[Reward]- Stacked Attack- Jorgen in guildYou need 3 items to help him remember who he is. The Bandana of Rememberance

is one, which you should have already.The Letter of Rememberance is in the Vale of the Gods (near entrance)Belt of Rememberance is behind the Yama next to the Valeria HeartBook of Rememberance is in MelphinaSword of Rememberance is in the AqueductsStaff of Rememberance is in SiebenburBoots of Rememberance are at Blackdale (second entrance near map chest)=====[3.09] The Silent SoulThe Great Sand Sea=====[Reward]- Godstone of Souls

[Chests]- Despair's Edge, Wayfarer's Ward, 1500g- Spriggan's Step, 1600g (Hug the left wall when you enter the searingcauldron, and just follow it)- Bullseye (Between the 2nd and 3rd pillars, behind a massive sand dune)- Great Sand Sea Map (Near where the boy was, continue up to the largerock face that makes up the maps edge, and head right. You should be on amassive sand dune.)C-4-B-E-A-1 is the code.The Great Sand Sea is pretty huge.Head straight and to the right to get to the next area. Note that you doneed to check the pillars "in order," but, once you've checked pillar C, youcan check any pillar you want and it won't matter. So if you check the wrong

pillar, it's ok. Just keep going to the proper pillar.

In this quest, you will be examining pillars in the sand sea. This isactually pretty straightforward. The first pillar you will see is marked 1.If you go horizontally, it will count 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Verticall will startthe letters from A up. Just count the number of pillars, and examine them inthe correct order. Near the "4" pillar, look over the hill and you will seea chasm, and a chest. That is chest 1.

Once you get all the pillars, a person will appear. Follow them. You should

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see a transporter on your way. He will drop an item. Pick it up and thequest is over.

=====[3.10] The HeroThe Great Subterrane=====[Reward]- 2500g- Honor of Determination- Vanguard[Chests]- Minearal Water, Vitaeroot- Great Subterrane Map- 1600g- Divine Statue- Fortune Wristlet- 1700g- Shamshir, 10,000gWhen you enter, take the first left, then another left. Pick up the firstchest. Head back and turn left (past the spiders) and go down that path tothe next map. You'll see a chest up on a ledge. Go get it. Continue downthe path you were on before turning to get the chest. When you get to thecircular room, take a right, then left for the next chest. Return to the

previous map. Here, take the only path remaining (use your map!) From heretake the north path (to your right.) Follow this path and take eitherroute (it's a loop!) You will loop around to the fourth chest. Now that youhave the Divine Statue, check the Stele's around the loop and use the statueon them. Return to the entry point of this path and take the (only) otherpath. Follow this path around the bottom of the map. You should pass twostele's; deactivate them. After the second stele, continue east. Go up tothe right side of the little T for the 5th chest. Continue eastward toanother stele. Follow the path to the next stele. Keep following the mainpath, and take the first left to get the 6th chest. Once all the stele'shave lost their power, a short scene will ensue. A transporter will appear,but it's red. This transporter will move you over to the unreachableplatform! Go to it and use it. In front of you will be the boss.

[Boss - Defeat the Mantroskylo!]1x Mantroskylo (boss)

He is quite powerful and has annoying attacks that can hit multiple unions.It may be necessary to keep a union back as long as you can and let them dosupport when necessary. Frequently break deadlock with him with all but asingle union, and just hit him hard. His Surefire attack can instantly killany person, so he may botch a union. However, if it is not the union leader,this may (oddly) actually help - less people to be hit with Merry-Go-Round,but no penalty to HP makes it easier to live. He should go down fairly quickanyways, so just whail on him. Behind him is a chest... that you need to comeback to get, but the contents are really good, so do so ASAP.

=====[3.11] The War of a Thousand Years=====[Reward]- Rough Elven Stone- 2000gBack at the subterrane! If you just did 3.10, you know your way around. Wellyou just need to go back to where you fought the Mantroskylo, and you will befighting this boss.

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[Boss - Defeat the Absolute Queen!]This battle is really easy. Her only AoE is Laserbreath, which usually won'thit a large amount of people. Just keep your HP up and beat it up.

=====[3.12] Into the AbyssLavafender=====[Chests]- 1800g- Steel Ore, Metal ScrapsThose big doors in lavafender you saw? Time to open them! Head right to thelarge door and unlock it. Right after the door, take the right path for thenew chest. Continue to the new exit. Head straight down this corridoor.Keep going down the path to get to the next chest. Continue back to thelonger of the sidepaths and go up it for your scene. The quest is completed.The Crimson Shard Locations:Mano Salia - Do Emma's Quest in Athlum (start of game)Manoryll Salia - Quest reward from thisShend Salia - Complete the White Sovani's quest in ElysionAes Salia - Complete Hannah's quest in Balterossa (once Heroic Ramparts areavailable)Ves Salia - Complete Dishonest Looking Man's quest in Baaluk (heroic ramparts)

Manryn Salia - At Melphina's pub. Approach the counter, then head toRoyotia to find Dragon with Sibal.Aen Salia - Once you get to Ghor, a white yama should ask you to find his 6shiny treasures, and he will give you this.Tak Salia - In Ghor, beat the tournament (talk to Blocter)

=====[3.13] The Trade Route=====[Reward]- Gaslin Copper- Iron Ore- Jhana Alloy

- Rough Spriggan Stone[Chests]- Restoleaf, Relaxing Herb- Gaslin Caves Map 2- Mootpoint, Weapon Recipe 10When you enter the caves just take a right and head down the path. He willtell you when he thinks Jhana are around.1.) Cover him2.) Go right3.) I'll take care of it(Chest)4.) Lets head left(Chest)

5.) Let's take 'em on!6.) Go on, I got your back.(Chest)With this combination, no battles will be fought. Unless, of course, it'srandom. Then, sorry~

=====[3.14] When the Rose Blooms=====[Reward]

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- 2000g- Access to Sword of Three Realms guild.[Chests]- Beastman Ale, Fresh Oil- Gaslin Caves Map 3- 2000g- Weapon Recipe 18, Charm Recipe 3If you check your map, you will notice the original path is now much longer.Head over to the extended path. Once you get to the part where you foughtthe slave traders in the very beginning, a new path is opened. Follow it.Take a right at the V to pick up the first chest. Now follow the path to thenext area. Head forward until you come to a T in the path. Head left to getthe 2nd chest. Go to the other path and follow it a long ways. The path willeventually branch into a V. The left path has a transporter, so just go right.You will come into a circular room. 3rd chest is on your right. Going on,the 4th chest will soon appear on your left. Gabriel will be there, talk tohim. Boss battle time~!

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]2x Wyvern1x Manticore Group1x Vile Lizard Group

This battle should be no problem at all. Take out the Wyvern's and then the

other groups.

=====[3.15] Athlum's Witch=====[Costs 500g][Reward]- Fresh Oil, Aerial Insecta AleThis quest isn't particularly... interesting. Talk to the Mage-Like Girl inAthlums Town Square (earliest I've seen her is right before you and Emma goto Numor Mines). Buy her potions.


[3.16] Celapaleis' Witch=====[Costs 1000g][Reward]- Cureleaf, Relaxing HerbAfter Athlums Witch, head over to Celapaleis, go to Grant's Way, and talk tothe Mage-Like Girl. Buy her potions.

=====[3.17] Elysion's Witch=====[Costs 1500g][Reward]

- Methone Explosive, GlowrootAfter Celapaleis' Witch, head over to Hendler in Elysion and talk to the Mage-Like Girl and buy her potions.

=====[3.18] After a Day's Work...=====[Reward]- Shend SaliaBack to the Catacombs! For a little anyways. Kill the first four qsiti there

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and you will get the item.

=====[3.19] The Wanderer=====[Reward]- Vys SaliaHead straight and encounter a boss right away.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]4x Bandit GroupThis battle is a joke. Just beat 'em up.

If you recall where the Transporter is, head over to it. If not, follow thepath up until you reach the open area with lava. Head right and stick to thewall. Boss fight![Boss - Defeat the enemy!]4x Bandit GroupThis battle is equally easy.

Follow the path more. When you get to the T, go right.[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]4x Bandit GroupSeriously, this is just sad.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]4x Bandit Group1x MiltonYou can simply kill the 4 bandit groups and be done. Or, you can try and killMilton, who is considerably harder. I don't think it makes any difference. Ikilled Milton... mostly by luck though.

=====[3.20] Frustrations=====[Reward]- 30,000g

- Leshau available at Baaluk guildYou will be sent to the Vale of the Gods. Just walk straight and the monsterwill appear.

[Boss - Defeat Validus!]1x Validus (Boss)He will use Curse right off the bat, so try to not get too many unions on him,or none at all, if possible. He has a few AoE attacks, so stay back withat least one union and let them heal/revive as much as possible. Otherwise,slam him with physical damage. Since you have a guest union, you have theability to flank him, and that union *may* have the option to constantly flank,even if another union breaks deadlock.

After the boss, talk to Leshau again, and you will go back to Baaluk.

=====[3.21] The Losing Game=====[Reward]- Ves SaliaSo, go to the Great Sand Sea and beat up Grand Beetles. Easy. Remember, thatGrand Beetles are green. Other colors and you may have a Terrapest on yourhands. Just run around and kill some and you'll get it eventually.

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=====[3.22] The Silver Falcons, Part 1=====[Reward]- Shamshir- 3000g[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]This is just a long string of really easy enemies. Keep your life up, becausein this game quantity is sometimes better than quality, so you will be takingsome good damage. After you wipe out the first wave, more reinforcements willarrive. Having skills like Blackout is very useful here! Just perservere andit'll be over in no time.

=====[3.23] Goodbye, Sweet Love=====[Reward]- Bracelet of Grafting- 3000g

Simple enough. Head to the eastern exit using your map. Now head to thesouthernmost point on your map, and you're there![Boss - Defeat the seer!]

1x Seer (boss)2x Amoeba's Group

This battle is very easy. Kill the Amoeba Groups, then just kill the seer.Two turns at most!

=====[3.24] Blooming Flower, Singing Bird=====[Reward]- 2000g- Aes Salia- Snowflake

Sent to Mojcado Castle. If you did the previous Mojcado castle quest, go tothe same area. If not, head north to an exit, then head to the northern circlein the next map. Check the Mojcado Castle section to find the map.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]5x Landworm's Group... Yeah. Uh, not really a boss fight.

Next to Hinnah will be the Mojcado Key. Pick it up. Return to the previousarea, and go to the north eastern part of the map to open the door.

=====Mojcado Castle Second Area

Phoenix Section=====[Chests]- Restobulb, Faerie Herb- Silver Ore- Pegasus- Astra Alloy, Medal of Strength, Weapon Recipe 32- RosethornHead forward and take the first right and open the doors. Chest 1 will beright there. Continue along the path until you reach an open room. Head

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straight still and follow this path to the 2nd chest. Turn around and gothrough the other door that was in the open room. Turn right and you will getchest 3. Follow the path for the 4th chest. Keep following the path for the5th chest. On the ground in front of the chest will be a Tarnished Earring.Back track to Hinnah to finish the quest. Then come back! Now you will needto head to the north western exit to get to the other section after unlockingthe door.

=====Mojcado Castle Second AreaSenecio Section=====[Chests]- 4800g- Mojcado Castle Map 2Head straight and take the first available right, following the path down.When you get to a crosssection, continue going straight and follow the path tothe end to get the first chest. Backtrack to the first intersection and takea right (it would be straight ahead if you just entered). Continue until youcome across a room on your right. Enter it for the 2nd chest. That's it!

=====[3.25] A Single SoulDarken Forest

=====[Reward]- 5000g- Rhagoh available at guild[Chests]- Cuchulainn's Heart- Darken Forest Map 1Head straight until the path splits, then go left. Ignore the path down fornow and continue along the high ground to reach the first chest. Back trackto the path going down. Turn right when you descend for the second chest.Hug the wall and walk until you see a man sitting, and go to him.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]

1x Abaddon Group1x Feralwood Group1x Skull Scavenger GroupThis is another joke of a battle. All regular enemies.

When it's over, take his letter.

=====[3.26] A Voice from the Past=====[Reward]- 2500g- Picture of the Second Brigade

Check your map and you will see a new path has opened. Go to that door.=====The Catacombs 2Western Area=====[Chests]- Catacombs Map 2- Cureroot, Refreshing Herb- Withered Parchment, Armlet Recipe 3- Mercy Wristlet, Sylph's Marquise

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Follow the path until you reach a room shaped like a honeycomb. Go up, ignorethe door to your left. Once you pass through the door, head left for the 1stchest. Go back to the split and go the other way to continue on with thequest. Follow the path until you get to the slowing smoke. Take a right andgo into the large door. Once in this area, head left and travel through thedoors to the small room first (use your map~) to pick up the 2nd chest. Gothrough the other door and take a left to get to the 3rd chest. Go back to theT and go the other direction to get to the next area. Once there, headstraight ahead. You will eventually encounter the boss. Last chest requiresyou to come back.

[Boss - Defeat the Souleater!]1x Souleater (boss)This boss is really easy. Just pile on him and hurt him badly. He has a smallAoE attack that isn't particularly threatening. He can heal himself but onlyfor 1500.

=====[3.27] The Broken Seal=====[Reward]- Azure OrbDo you remember those pillars you saw on your way through here the first time?Well, you need to go activate them. When you enter, head straight as one is

directly in your sights.

[Boss - Defeat the Ruler of Mystic Arts!]1x Ruler of Mystic Arts (boss)1x Vile Lizard Group1x Basilisk Group

The boss has surefire, which can instantly kill a unit. Other than that, he'snot dangerous at all. He may get off a single Merry-Go-Round before he dies,and it should take maybe two turns to beat him. Head to the other exit of themap, and that pillar will be weak. Examine it.

[Boss - Defeat the Ruler of Weapons!]

1x Ruler of Weapons (boss)1x Spider's Group1x Grand Spider's Group

This guy is pretty weak. His Eclipse hurts a bit, but far from threatening.

Next you want to go just a bit south and to the east of where you are, to thelittle part of the mpa that hangs off by itself.

[Boss - Defeat the Ruler of the Shield!]1x Ruler of the Shield (Boss)2 Crab Groups

This is easier than the other two bosses... and the last one you need to fight.Now, if you're on XBox360 and you want all the quests, you MUST side withOphelia.

=====[3.28] THE RAINBOW BOND=====[Reward]- Manryn Salia- Maddox in the Royotia guild

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All you need to do is get to the Northernmost part of the map, and...

[Boss - Defeat the Ancient Dragon!]1x Ancient Dragon (boss)This boss doesn't have a lot of HP, but he hits hard. Artsap will drain mostor all of your AP and anyone using techniques will be interrupted because ofit. Blaster CAN do a lot of damage (or pratically nothing) as well as instantKO units. He will use Darkbreath every few turns, which is a massive AoE.But since his HP is pretty low, he will go down in about 5 turns if you've beenfollowing along with the guide.

=====[3.29] The Ancient War=====[Reward]- 20,000gYou should wait until you're battle rank 40ish for this. It'll make it afairly straight forward dragon battle. Watch out for his Vulcan or Dark Breathafter almost every 2nd or 3rd turn. Make sure to keep your HP maxed, and tryto keep a union out of deadlock. Clear out the extra mobs first -- Blackout,Whiteout would do this quickly and cleanly.

=====[3.30] Slumber of the Lost Fragment

=====[Reward]- 4000g- Aen Salia=====Blackdale Second Entrance=====[Chests]- Ring Recipe 5, Armlet Recipe 5, 5000g- Elite's Rod- Ondine's Pear- Blackdale Map 3When you enter, head left to get the First Treasure on the ground. Go down the

path until you hit a V. Head left to get the Second Treasure. Go back andhead the other direction. You will come to another V. Head left until youget to yet another V. Head right to get the 1st chest and the Third Treasure.Head back the other way until you make it to a T. Head righ to get the 2ndchest. Head in the opposite way to the next area. In this area, head forwardand you will reach a V. Head left to get the Fourth Treasure. Head back inthe other direction and you will come to another V. Head left to get the 4thchest and the Boots of Remembrance. Head right, and as you go down this paththere will be a very small inlet on your right with the Fifth Treasure.Continue down this path to get the 3rd chest and the Sixth Treasure.

=====[3.31] The Standoff

=====[Reward]- 3000g- Tak Salia- Basic Customization[Boss - Defeat the Wild Dragon!]1x Wild Dragon (Boss)1x Azhdaha Group1x Weredragon GroupThe Wild Dragon has Merry-Go-Round which is dangerous. Otherwise, it is really

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easy. You will be sent back to Ghor. Talk to Blocter to continue.

[Boss - Defeat the Ferocious Lion!]1x Ferocious Lion (boss)1x Torpedo Group1x Bune GroupThis boss is easy. His screech is annoying, but otherwise, quite weak.

[Boss - Defeat the Hero Slayer!]1x Hero Slayer (boss)1x Demon Group1x Demon KingThis battle can get nasty. Lots of Merry-Go-Rounds will really cripple yourparty (if not destroy it). Keep your HP close to max and keep all 3 unionsbusy. Take out the other two ASAP. When the Hero Slayer gets low on HP itwill cast miracle on itself, greatly raising his stats. But he should diein a turn after that.

=====[3.32] The Fiery Revolt=====[Reward]- Pivasalia[Boss - Defeat Vespalia!]

1x VespaliaThis boss is nasty. His Grenade Impact does a ton of damage. Keep a unit backon heal duty and make sure you have some resurrecting items. He doesn't havea whole lot of HP though, so keep damage on him. Have Rush fighting him ashis Omnistrike will give his union the ability to dodge so long as the fieryicon is there (fail C.Triggers if you must!) That will make his Grenade Impactusually miss your entire union.

=====[3.33] Nagapur's Witch=====[Costs 6000g][Reward]

- Bell Seedling- Water of Eos- Young BudWhen Nagapur opens up, just go to the docks and talk to her. Buy her potions.

=====[3.34] Wisdom's Echo=====Head over to the sealed doors on the far south eastern side of the map and usethe Plateau Key to open them. Head down and open up a large set of doors toget to Aveclyff.=====Aveclyff

=====[Reward]- Honor of Oath- Batwings- Glenys in guild[Chests]- Chisel- Aveclyff Map 1- Leapfrog- Ring of the Patient Ear, Charm Recipe 5

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Follow the path down through a large door. Enter the first door on your leftfor the 1st chest. Head all the way down this area and take the last door out.This will put you right in front of an elevator. Get off on the first stop, gointo the door to the next area. In here, take a right and you will see the 2ndchest. Continue down this path and take the first new exit. Head across andenter the next area, then turn left to get to the exit and leave this area forthe elevator. As you go down, you will see a chest. Go get it by turningright when you get off. Go down into the landworm pit when you're ready toend the quest.[Boss - Defeat the Mantroskylo!]1x Mantoskylo (Boss)1x Spirit Lord1x Landworm GroupThis battle is easy. Gang the boss and have your magic union build up AP.I won with a single cast of Blackout and one turn of hitting the Mantroskylo.

=====[3.35] The Cosmos Maiden=====[Reward]- Royotian Alloy- Worn Manuscript- Antique Platter- 6000g

Her location is indicated on your map. Just go to her. You need to leave outthe way you came in -- the other exit won't work.

=====[3.36] Darien=====[Reward]- 25g- Darien at the guildHead to Melphina. Talk to Festival Head twice, then to the salesgirl. Thento Goster's Wife. Then to Goster. Then to Gosters Wife. Then to Goster.Then to Goster again. Then to Bino. Then the Festival Head. Then go toElysion and talk to Darien.

=====[3.37] The Disappearing Knights=====[Reward]- 4800gThis takes us back to the Fourth Path. Head to the large closed door from ourlast visit. Head down the path behind the door for some scenes.=====The Fourth Path - Behind the Door=====[Chests]- Fourth Path Map

- Magick Lamp, Aged Mace, Aged Staff- Scholarly Band, Merman's French, Aged SpearRight after the scenes, turn right to obtain the 1st chest. Head down the pathtowards a man in black.[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]3x Hypnos's GroupThis is a regular battle with boss music.At this V, head right for the 2nd chest. Head back the other way to get to thenext area. Right before the door, pick up the Staff of Remembrance. Head downthe path at the Final Fortress until you get to a V and head left to get the

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3rd chest. Continue down the path and you will be in The Fifth Path... whichyou have the map for! So just head to the exit. If you don't have it, keepleft, sliding down the slope. Keep again the left wall. It'll take you out.If you're on XBox360 and you want all the quests, you MUST side with Ophelia.

=====[3.38] Emotions=====[Reward]- Godstone of Wisdom- You keep either Royotian Wine or Ancient ScabbardHead over to Balterossa pub and go upstairs to find Rainn. Head over to Baalukand go to the far side of the Grentze Commune to find Alyssa. It'll cost you10,000g. Head back to Rainn and then to Elysion's Genaade District to findBeauson. Now head over to Alyssa then up to just outside the guild to pick upthe Map of Memories. Go to Raphus to finish.

Notes: Apparently you can refuse Rainn's first deal so you get a Scabbard andTuck. You can talk to Beauson again and get an Irised Stone, and Alyssa willgive you another Ring of Morning Calm. The Scabbard is necessary (PC only) toget a special drop from one of the Bases later in game.

=====[3.39] The Reviving Legend

=====[Reward]- 20,000g/7000g- Melphina Certificate of Gratitude- Roberto in guild/Access to the Quest At Hatred's End[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]2x Hypnos Group3x Giant Amoeba Group2x Evil Eye1x Ruler of Weapon (Boss)1x Ruler of Shields (Boss)1x Ruler of Mystic Arts (Boss)Evil Eye's have Caustic Blast which can do a lot of damage to a lot of unions.

The rest of the enemies should be nothing. Watch out for Hypnos Self-Destruct,though. A Blackout/Whiteout union or Gae Bolg will make this battle very easy.For me, a Blackout nearly killed 2 of the weapons. They are not significantlystronger than before, so they should be pretty easy now. It took me 9 turnsto beat this battle.If you're on XBox360 and you want all the quests, you MUST side with Ophelia.

=====[3.40] At Hatred's End=====No guide yet (I missed it!).To get this quest, you MUST side with Ophelia all three times in the MelphinaKnights quest.

=====[3.41] The Silver Falcons: Part Two=====[Reward]- Premier Bracelet- 8000g[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]4x Glasya LabolasA lot of Jhana Unions (15? Or so)

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I kept my magic and David's union back to charge for Blackout and Gae Bolg. Asingle Blackout almost ended the entire battle, knocking off about half theGlasya's HP, making it an easy battle. After you defeat the first two Glasya,more reinforcements will come. If necessary, recover now. Have all the unionsstay put and let your enemies come to you, and use another blackout or Gae Bolgor both to end the battle. If you get neither (unlucky!) just take down thebirds ASAP. The Jhana's won't even tickle.

=====[3.42] Ghor's Witch=====[Costs 4000g][Reward]- Charm of GildingGo to Ghor after you've finished the other witch quests and pay her the 4000g.

=====[3.43] Love Will Rise Again=====[Reward]- Gold Ore- Truesilver Ore- 15,000g- Paris at the Royotia Guild

Head to Royotia Castle and talk to Priam. Head to Lavafender. Stop whicheverarmy you like first.I went to Royotia.[Boss - Defeat all the monsters!]1x Godwood (boss)3x Jhana Fighter Group3x Raptor GroupThis battle is really easy.

[Boss - Defeat all the monsters!]3x Raptor Group2x Jhana Shaman Group3x Jhana Fighter Group

2x Jhana Magus Group1x Weredragon (boss)1x Killer Insect (boss)4x Abbadon GroupSlightly larger but this battle is still pretty easy. Blackout/Whiteout orGae Bolg will help speed things along, but you shouldn't have issues.

=====[3.44] The Desert's Legend=====[Reward]- Claws' Grip- Intermediate Customization

Using your map, head to the eastern most point of the sandsea. Get between thetwo large rocks and you will see where you need to go.

=====Flaumello TowerTier of Doubt=====[Chests]- Flaumello Tower Map 1- 7300g

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- Aged Ring, Aged Sash- Methone Explosive, GlowrootWalk straight to the large room. There is a large stele with some story on itif you like that kind of thing. There are 3 exits, each of which lead to a redtransporter. Lets go right first. Take the teleporter to the next part ofthis area, walk straight and take the left in the T room. This will get you tothe first chest. Head back the other way and go through the other door, gountil you reach the next T room (another stele is right before that.) Headright for the second chest. Go the other way and use the transporter. Youwill now be in the middle section. Head straight and ignore your first left,going through the doors. Take the next left to get the 3rd chest.(This is the best part to take the path to the next floor to get the Map!)Now backtrack to the room with the 3 transporters and take the left one. The4th chest is right before the staircase to the next floor in the little inlet.Go to the next floor.

=====Tier of Pride=====[Chests]- Aged Necklace, Aged Armlet- Gauntlet- Restobulb, Faerie Herb- Ninja Katana+3

- Flaumello Tower Map 2(From leftmost transporter)Follow the path until you reach a transporter. Use it to get to the next part.Continue along the path until you hit a T. Head right and enter the room thatwill come up on your right. Turn right into it for the 1st chest. Follow thepath to the next room, and head out the left door. Head along the path and youwill come across a T. Head straight for the 2nd chest. Head back to the T andgo the other way. Go up the steps and turn into the door on your left for the3rd chest.(From central transporter)Now we'll enter the Tier of Pride from the middle entrance from the Tier ofDoubt. From this entrance, follow the path until you reach a T. Head left forthe 4th chest. Now leave and head to the other entrance to the Tier of Pride.

(From right transporter)Head straight along the path until you hit a V. Headthrough the door in front of you. This will lead to a transporter, take itand you will quickly come to a T. Go right until you reach a T. Head straightand pick up the 5th chest.

=====Tier of Value=====[Chests]- 6900g- Flaumello Tower Map 3(From the entrance of the right transporter in the beginning.)

Walk straight until a T in the road comes up. Go right through the door andturn left for the 1st chest. Continue down until you reach a transporter (astele will appear slightly before you do) and take it. Head left to the firstdoor and go through it, taking the transporter. Go straight down a large setof stairs and head left, going until you reach a ladder. Climb it, and the2nd chest is right to your left. Return back to the transporter and go back.Use one of the 3 red transporters surrounding the central area and go to thecenter. Place the 3 stones on their respective platforms, then walk... intothe light.

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[Boss - Defeat the Mantroskylo!]1x Mantroskylo2x Killer Insect Group3x Pest GroupThis battle is pretty easy. Take out the small groups (easily!) then kill theboss. 2 or 3 turns should do.

=====[3.45] The Successor=====[Reward]- Force Field- Allan available in the guildYou will be chasing 3 Syndicate Members. Just quickly timeshift to catch upto them, and wipe them out. Piece of cake. Just don't grab too many othermonsters in the process or you will be in for a world of hurt. To make it easyjust grab the first two with the first timeshift, then get the last one.

=====[3.46] The Assistant=====[Reward]- 400g- 800g

- 1600g- Divine Elixir- 6000gI hate this quest...=====Yvalock's Nest=====[Chests]- Yvalock's Nest Map 1- 6200g- 6500g- 6700g- Troll's Cushion

So, lets grab the map to make this easier. Take your first left, head straightpass the next left and take the second one. Go down this hallway and takeanother left at the V, then another left down the path. A chest will be toyour right, the 1st chest. Continue going left to the harvest point andharvest the 5 Shadowood Seeds you need. Head to the northernmost point on themap for the 2nd chest. Head back to the second left you took from the entranceand you will see a harvest spot on the wall. This is where you will get theParasitic Oil. To get the Blackrose Nectar, head to the L across from theentrance and it will be on the wall. Turn in these items, exit the pub andreenter for your reward. Then talk to him again for the next part of yourquest. Return to the Yvalock's Nest and head over to the newly opened area.If you see any Echidna Moths, you will not be able to fight the Yvalmock'snecessary to get the Cosmosand. When you reach the new area, take the first

left and harvest your Blackrose Nectar. Why here? It drops more often, andthe other drops are much better. If there are no Echidnamoths, a Yvalmockwill spawn here. They have a lot of HP but aren't threatening, just don'tchain them as this does not effect their Cosmosand drop. (I got 10 Orichalumfrom this spot!) Continue along the main path and another Yvalmock willspawn in the next circular area. Continue along the path to get the 3rd chestand shortly after will be another circle, then a little ledge to the right.Two Yvalock's spawn here. Yvalock's are succeptible to poison, so Poison Gascan make the battles even quicker. Head to the end of the path to get the 4thchest and your dig spot for Shadowood Seed. Turn the quest in when ready.

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Then talk to him again for the final leg of the quest. Return to Yvalock'snest to see yet another area has opened up. Well, head to it. Head straightand encounter Yvalock, who will drop the Nightblossom Seed (by chance!) So youshould say your data and keep reencountering him to speed this up if he doesnot drop the seed. Head along and on your first left will be anotherYvalock spawn... and 5 Yvalmocks. Head down for the 5th chest. Further downthis path in a circular area will be another 3 Yvalmocks and a Yvalock. Nearthe 2nd chest is another 3 Yvalmock's and a Yvalock. Head east of the firstchest to find another Yvalmock. Return to the quest giver when your done andtalk to him three times.

=====[3.47] The Slave Traders=====[Reward]- Linen Belt- 5000gFirst talk to the Brother of Kidnapped Girl in Nordenalm. Head over to the puband talk to Oswald. You will be brought to the Aqueducts.

=====Aqueducts Part 2=====[Chests]

- 7200g- Mermaid's BarrelWhen you enter, take the first ladder down and follow the path to the nextladder. Go up and cross over the bridge to your right, ignoring this devicefor now. Along this path will be two left turns. Take the first and activatethe device. Now go back to the device you ignored, and activate it. Go downthe ladder and through the newly opened path. A ladder at the end will go tothe 1st chest. Cross the bridge and wrap around to the first device youactivated, and use it again. This will open the path to the second chest. Goback to the beginning and travel straight instead of going down the firstladder. You will be in the room where you fought the Harpylia. Use your mapto find the exit (you're going the opposite way from when you did the aqueductsthe first time.) After passing through to the Third Channel, the slavers will

be right in front of you.[Boss - Defeat the Slavers!]1x Slaver (boss)4x Slaver GroupFairly straight forward. The boss union is mildly dangerous as we will useitem arts that can do decent damage. Not that hard, though.

=====[3.48] Infestation=====[Reward]- Empty Aerial Insecta Shell- 10,000g

- Flail[Boss - Defeat the Queen!]8x Hunter Group9x Soldier Group2x Queen's Guard Group1x Queen (boss)

Fairly straight forward. Do not march to them, instead wait where you are tocharge up Blackout/Whiteout/Gae Bolg to quickly dispose of the unions. Thequeen only has like 70k HP, so this should be a joke by now.

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=====[3.49] The Fated One=====[Reward]- Superior Targe- Unlocks Ring of the Labyrinth GuildThis is a quick quest.=====Aveclyff Part 2=====[Chests]- Chipped Axe, Mule Hide Cloth- Ring of the Astute Ear, Necklace Recipe 7, Armlet Recipe 7- 5100g- Emmie Learns Hundred FlowersWhen you enter, you will notice that all of the lifts work. Take the firstlift all the way down. Head right and talk the next lift up a single level.Now, go across this floor to the door on the other side, enter it and head leftand exit out the nearest door. Take this lift up a level, and enter the door toyour left. Head left to grab the 1st chest. Head out the door to your leftand take this lift down a level. Head to the next lift and enter the doorbehind it to get the 2nd chest. Now take the lift you passed up and go intothe door behind you for the 3rd chest. Head forward for the boss.

[Boss - Defeat Warrior Yerva!]1x Yerva4x Yerva DevoteeThis battle is very easy. Take out his support unions and just pile on Yerva.

=====[3.50] Kosmosfest=====[Reward]- Sapphire Crystal- Snowy Crystal- 5000g

- Sheyrl at guildYou will be sent to Fornstrand and need to kill all the monsters. Fairlystraight forward. After clearing both areas you will have to come back andfight 2 Death's. They hit hard, but they should go down quick.

=====[3.51] The Silver Falcons: Part Three=====[Reward]- Wishing Coin- 30,000g- Access to Sword of Three Realms in Elysion[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]

8x Assault Team2x Mystic Team2x Assist Team1x Castanea1x RoeasRoeas and Castanea don't seem any stronger than they were before. The onlyissue is Overdrive. Other than that, they have about 60k HP, which at thispoint is pathetic.


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[3.52] The Tablet of Marshall=====[Reward]- Tablet- Namul NiramMarshalton is the area where you fought Namul Niram.

You should know how to get there, if not, head to the Numor Mines sectionearlier in the guide. A new area is open though, so this is a fine time togo there.

[Boss - Defeat Namul Sin & Niram Sin!]Same boss as before but with much higher HP and... a bit more power. Not muchthough, the boss shouldn't be hard. Just heal after Caustic Blast and youshould be fine.=====Numor Mines 2=====[Chests]- Lariat- Numor Mine Map 2- Blood ChaliceHead straight when you enter and go all the way down through a door. A liftwill take you down to the new area. Head straight and take the first left

around the V to get the first chest. Head down the path until a lift shows upon your left. Take it down to the next part and head forward, taking the nextright for the 2nd chest. Continue down the path, taking a left at thetransporter to get to the next area.

=====[3.53] Kate and Rhagoh=====[Reward]- Ruby Crystal- Emerald Crystal- 5000g- Kate in guild

- Flachonelle bindableYou will see a new door is accessible close by the entrance. Head to it.

=====Robelia CastleUnderground Tier=====[Chests]- Robelia Ruins Map 3- Metallic Stud- Stone of Antimageia- Platinum Ore, Divine DragonyteHead straight until you see some scenes. Head left and go through the door,

and follow the path down. This will take you back to the central tier, in aprevious inaccessible part. Right before you get to the central tier will bethe 1st chest. Head straight and take the door to the right of you down tothe 2nd chest. Head back downstairs and head through the door you ignored.Head down and there will be a room on your left, go in it to grab the 3rd chestthen return to the path. Continue down until you see a transporter. In theroom to your right will be the 4th chest.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]1x Flauros Group

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1x Raptor Group1x Imp GroupThis battle is insultingly easy.

=====[3.54] Seeker of the Ancient Path=====[Reward]- Amethyst Orb- Yuniver at guildYou want to go to the circle in the center of the map where you got a chest.To get there, head straight, go right at the first V, go until you reachanother V, turn left and slide down the cliff, and take the first right. Youwill see a big mirror looking thing.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]3x The TestedJust regular greater demon types, nothing special here.

The next boss is at the eastern most part of the map (not the exit, the otherone.)[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]3x The TestedYou will want to quickly knock these out, as they have Caustic Blast and

Snare Shot, which will really hurt. Once one is down the battle is much easierso just focus on one.

Turn around and head back to the V. Go right and slide down, then keep rightand turn around to get to the last set.[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]3x The Tested3 enemies that cast Curse on the first turn? Awesome! Have your unions justwait and let the birds decide who they want to curse so you don't end up withall your unions cursed. They will also use Artsap... which is just annoying.They also use White Breath and Whirlwind AoE attacks, so keep from stackingon them too heavy. Keep a resurrecting union available.

Ok I lied. Now head over to The Final Fortress and go through the large doorsfor...[Boss - Defeat the Charged Idol!]1x Charged Idol2x Hypnos Group2x DeathThis battle is quite difficult. Make sure you have the ressurection items,you'll need them. He has Curse, Hunter's Claw (high damage, may insta-KO),Tempest Insignia (after turns, full screen, can be defended with Orphic Ward),Dispirit, Bewitch (Enthrall's if they live), and deals a lot of damage withpretty high HP. Try to Blackout/Whiteout or Gae Bolg to quickly take out theother unions because they are very strong.

=====[3.55] UFO?!=====Check your map to see a new path opened up. This leads to Wyrmskeep. Becareful to avoid the new Gates of Hell here, as he will most likely make quickwork of you.

=====The Aqueducts=====

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[Reward]- Lob Omen- Divine Metal- 10,000g- Jager Parameter Bonus (talk to him after you finish)[Chests]- Turtle- Aqueducts Map 2- Cloistral Belt, Ring Recipe 6Use your map to get to the new area (Disposal Tank 8). When you enter, followthe path until you reach a +. Head left and go up the ladder. Cross over thebridge (ignore the device for now), head down and ignore the next device aswell, crossing this bridge. Go down to the previous map and head straight andactivate this device to move the bridge out of your way. Go down the ladderand through the new path for the first chest. Head back to Disposal Tank 8 andcross the first bridge, activating the device. Head to the newly opened pathby taking two left turns, and head down this ladder. You should see the 2ndchest clearly once you do. After grabbing the chest, head back up the ladderand go straight until you cross a second bridge, and activate this device.Now climb down the ladder and circle back to the second chest, climb up thatladder again, head across the bridge and take a right then a left to get to thenewly placed bridge. Cross it for the 3rd chest and to the exit to Wyrmskeep.Once you enter Wyrmskeep, walk forward and...[Boss - Defeat the Lob Omen!]

1x Lob Omen (boss)4x Manticore GroupLob Omen is quite a bit stronger now. Clear out the Manticore's quickly. Donot put too many people on Lob Omen, as he may easily wipe out your unionswith Mystic Mine or Shadowfall. He has some powerful new moves this time and alot more HP. Protection will be very useful for this battle. After about 200kdamage, he will die... or not. He'll run away.

Now, go around and fight some battles, and Lob Omen will appear in them (it maybe random, it may not be. Don't know!) Head up to the area where you foughtLob Omen and Jager here. After all the fights you will get Lob Omen.


[3.56] The Ladies of Bloody Alice=====[Reward]- Ruby Solitaire- Emerald Solitaire- Sapphire Solitaire- Ivory Solitaire- 12,800g- Ring of the Labyrinth in Elysion[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]5x Third Committee Melee Squad (boss)1x Third Committee Mystic Squad (boss)1x Third Committee Support Squad

5x Hypnos Group1x Harpylia GroupThis battle can be pretty painful, but Blackout/Whiteout and Gae Bolg will helptremendously. Each union is fairly powerful, and the Hypnos self-destruct ispretty much assured death.

=====[3.57] The Gates of Deceit and Sword of the Dead=====No guide yet. I missed it sadly. To get this quest, you must talk to The Duke

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of Ghor before EVERY SINGLE BASE (base 1 to 6... and might as well Konigsdorf!)

=====[3.58] The Fallen=====[Reward]- 250,000g- Breath of the Omnipotent- Alabaster Orb- Stone of the Imperator-[Boss - Defeat the Fallen!]1x The FallenWell... this is certainly a hard battle. After almost every turn, The Fallenwill use a powerful skill. Blackout, Whiteout, Animacule, Divine Retribution,Rain of Blades, and it will eventually use Miracle on itself. When the fieldturns red, that means you lose the next turn because he will cast Armageddon.You can prevent this on the XBox360 by using Cachexia, but not on the PC. HisHand of God ability can instant kill units, not to mention deal massive damage(most it hit me for was 5.5k). This battle will just take a few tries, andmaybe some farming to get a higher BR/better gears, or simply because he mayend up critical hitting everyone and wiping out your entire team with a 7kRain of Blades like he did to me. Just keep the damage on him -- if you havethe ability to use Rejuvenating Water, it will be amazing for this battle.

Just keep on it. I did it at BR 85 in three tries.

=====[3.59] Hearts=====[Reward]- Dead Heart Bound- 7500g- Haruko at Ring of the Labyrinth in ElysionAfter talking to her in Elysion, go to Melphina pub and talk to her. Then headto Celapaleis and talk to her again. Head over to Athlum and talk to her yetagain, then to Nagapur and talk to her again, then back to Celapaleis. Thiswill take you to the Darken Forest. Go to the Dead Heart (where you fought

the Harpylia) to finish the quest.

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]1x Tamas (boss)1x Rajas (boss)1x Sertva (boss)2x Arachnid GroupThis shouldn't be hard. They all have less than 100k HP so easy. But thenagain, you know...

[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]1x Tamas (boss)1x Rajas (boss)

1x Sertva (boss)2x Rockshell GroupThey have much more HP than before... but still aren't particularly dangerous.The dragon never used breath attacks on me, so this battle is just a longerversion than the previous.

=====[3.60] The Villain and the Sightless Girl=====[Reward]

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- Hurricane- Loki Parameter bonusThis quest will require you to go to the bulge in the path near the exit on theopposite end of where you entered. It is shown when you first enter.

[Boss - Defeat the Welkin Dragon!]1x Welkin Dragon (boss)1x DragonTwo dragons at once is never good. The Welkin Dragon is pretty powerful. Ifpossible, try to keep just a single union deadlocked with him and take out theregular dragon, as they will both use breath attacks between turns. TheWelkin Dragon has Grenade Impact (ouch!), Mystic Mine (another ouch!), Cachexia(severe ouch!), and most of his attacks will instant KO.

=====[3.61] Undelwalt's Witch=====[Costs 20,000g][Reward]- Prismic RingTalk to the Mage-Like Girl in Undelwalt and buy her stuff.

=====[3.62] Balterossa's Witch

=====[Costs 8000g][Reward]- Roseraphim BraceletTalk to the Mage-Like Girl in Balterossa and buy her stuff.

=====[3.63] Royotia's Witch=====[Costs 12,000g][Reward]- Crimson OreTalk to the Mage-Like Girl in Royotia and buy her stuff.

=====[3.64] Melphina's Witch=====[Costs 20,000g][Reward]- Verge of VictoryTalk to the Mage-Like Girl in Melphina and buy her stuff.

=====[3.65] Baaluk's Witch=====[Costs 18,000g]

[Reward]- Amber Orb- Khrynia available and Elysion Union of the Golden ChaliceTalk to the Mage-Like Girl in Baaluk and buy her stuff.

=====[3.66] The Distant Promise=====[Reward]- Vermillion Cameo

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- PyramidJust follow the path to the next area. There, take a left at the lagoon, thentake the next right.[Boss - Defeat the enemy!]1x Darma1x Karma1x AltaNot funny Square-Enix! (Battle is easy.)

=====[3.67] History's Boundary=====[Costs 450,000g][Reward]- Snakebite- Shard Formula- Finsternis- Spear of Origin- ArchAfter talking to Glenys in the Undelwalt pub... lets go a diggin'! And thatnumber is NOT a typo, it will indeed cost you 450,000g to finish this quest!Head to the guild and talk to the Black Marketeer.Head to Gefyri and talk to the Black Marketeer.Head to the pub and talk to the Black Marketeer.

Head to Castellum and talk to the Black Marketeer.

=====[3.68] Things Unchangeable=====[Reward]- 1,000,000- Dream's EdgeTo get this quest, you must do all other quests on XBox, and on PC, you must doall other quests with the exception of At Hatred's End (it is not required, youcan still do it though.)


4.00 Union of the Golden Chalice=====This section is PC specific and quite incomplete.=====4.01 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 8 Spiders in Blackdale[Reward]- Cup of Celapaleis

=====4.02 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====

Slay 6 Nussknackers[Reward]- Belt

=====4.03 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 7 Crabs[Reward]- Lotion Formula

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=====4.04 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 12 Quien.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 1000g- Scatterswarm

=====4.05 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 6 Jhana Magus.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 3500g

=====4.06 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 12 Rockshell.[Reward]- Box

=====4.07 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 9 Barbarossa.[Reward]- Imp Weekly

=====4.08 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 16 Armorshell.[Reward]

- Anchor of Celapaleis

=====4.09 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 18 Varangand.[Reward]- Oarfish Weekly

=====4.10 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 2 Brynhildr.

[Reward]- Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 5- Albic Qsiti Weekly

=====4.11 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 10 Hraesvelg.[Reward]- Jewel of Undelwalt

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- Phantom Weekly

=====4.12 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 20 Weredragon.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 8000g- Eye of Promise

=====4.14 The Monsterslayer=====Defeat the Dominator in Blackdale.[Reward]- Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 1[Rare Monster: Dominator]The Dominator can be a fairly difficult boss at low battle ranks (I was 28).He has a lot of AoE attacks (Acid Breath, Whirlwind), can inflict Curse,Poison, and his attacks do some heavy damage. To beat this boss, I used athree union setup. One union MUST have the ability to revive people, and youwill need to keep them away from the boss, so make sure they are not the firstunion. Otherwise, just keep having that union use "Stay on your toes" or

"Heal yourself," always. This will help mitigate damage. Make sure you haveplenty of revive items for this battle as well, as it will take awhile.

To spawn him is very simple. Enter Blackdale, walk to the ledge. You can seehim from the ledge. If you do not see a massive golden bird, leave, reenter,repeat until you spawn him. Now just go and beat him up.

=====4.15 The Monsterslayer=====Defeat the Hellbiter in The Great Sand Sea.[Reward]- Church Bell

=====4.17 The Monsterslayer=====Defeat Prometheus in Lavafender.[Reward]- Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 2[Rare Monster: Prometheus]Prometheus is not hard at all. He will typicall spam Spinning Lariat and do abit of damage, but not too much. Just keep a union on heal duty.

To spawn him, you must have access to the second floor of Lavafender and havefinished the Catacombs. Head down to the Underworld and where you fought

Vespalia. He will be there.

=====4.18 The Monsterslayer=====Defeat Ore Cruncher in the Numor Mines.[Reward]- Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 3[Rare Monster: Ore Cruncher]This guy is easier than Prometheus imo, so if you're here, you should destroy

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To spawn, head over to the numor mines and go down the first possible lift.You will see some Dagon's. Head to the left and if you see any Feralwood, justreenter the mines as it won't be there. If there are no Feralwood, it may beat the next right, however other rare monsters can block it from spawning.

=====4.20 The Monsterslayer=====Defeat Death Tank in The Aqueducts.[Reward]- Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 4- Fenris Weekly

=====4.23 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Heaven's Lord.[Reward]- Dragon Weekly- Eye of Oath


4.25 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Copper Ore.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 1000g

=====4.26 The Collector=====Obtain 2 Commemorative Medals. This can be done by dismantling a Broad Sword.[Reward]- Hawk-eye

=====4.27 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Gaslin Copper[Reward]- Mystic Mountain

=====4.28 The Collector=====Obtain 2 flasks of Natural Oil[Reward]

Blueprint 11200g

=====4.29 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Horns.[Reward]Vampire

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=====4.30 The Collector=====Obtain 2 Vase Fragments[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 500g- Goblet

=====4.32 The Collector=====Obtain 2 pieces of Shadow Metal.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 2800g

=====4.33 The Collector=====Obtain 4 Passionblooms[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 2600g

=====4.34 The Collector=====Obtain Sylph's Marquise.[Reward]- Whip

=====4.35 The Collector=====Obtain 5 Fossilized Trees.[Reward]

- Casket

=====4.36 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Titicaca Leaves.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 2500g

=====4.37 The Collector=====

Obtain 3 Royotian Alloy.[Reward]- Lion's Den

=====4.43 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Coral.[Reward]- Grand Beetle Weekly

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=====4.44 The Collector=====Obtain 4 Voltaic Crystal.[Reward]- Tortoise- Homunculus Weekly

=====4.45 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Holy Water.[Reward]- Crab Weekly- Eye of the Dragon

=====4.46 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Divine Metal.[Reward]- Spiritlord Weekly- Eremurus Rain

=====4.49 The Collector=====Obtain a Legendary Platter.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- Caduceus- 7500g

=====4.51 The Weaponmaster=====

Obtain a Shamshir[Reward]- Unicorn

=====4.54 The Weaponmaster=====Obtain a Daimyo Katana.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 4500g


4.55 The Weaponmaster=====Obtain a Champion's Lance.[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 5400g- Fly Weekly

=====4.58 Leader Extraordinaire

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=====Have a Marauder in the party.[Reward]- Mystic Shield

=====4.60 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a unit with 26+ STR.[Reward]Blueprint 1500g

=====4.61 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a unit with 30+ STR[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 2600g

=====4.62 Leader Extraordinaire II=====

Have a unit with 39+ INT.[Reward]- Leash

=====4.63 Battle Chains of Steel=====Create 10 battle chains[Reward]Pincers' Grip

=====4.64 Battle Chains of Steel

=====Create 30 battle chains[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 1300g

=====4.65 Battle Chains of Steel=====Create 50 battle chains[Reward]- Blueprint 1- 3800g

=====4.66 Treasure Hunt=====Bind 5 treasure chests.[Reward]- Pentacle

=====4.67 Treasure Hunt

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=====Bind 30 treasure chests.[Reward]- Bait and Hook

=====4.72 The Collector=====Obtain 1 Dwarven Core.[Reward]- Mystic Skelenyte- Blacksteel Ore- Advanced Customization

=====4.73 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Damascus Ore.[Reward]- Meller Crystal- Legendary Platter- Professional Customization


5.00 Sword of Three Realms=====This section is PC specific and very incomplete.=====5.01 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 6 Flauros.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 1800g

=====5.02 The Bloodthirsty Warrior

=====Slay 5 Vulture.[Reward]- Sword of Three Realms Rank 1

=====5.03 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 6 Rockgrater.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 2800g

=====5.04 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 7 Glutton.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 2700g

=====5.05 The Bloodthirsty Warrior

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=====Slay 3 Spiritlord.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3800g

=====5.07 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 14 Nidhogg.[Reward]- Wings of Nagapur

=====5.09 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 13 Arachnid.[Reward]- Orb

=====5.11 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 15 Charybdis.

[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 5600g

=====5.12 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 9 Mandragora.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 5400g


5.14 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 15 Greater Demon.[Reward]- Chimera Weekly

=====5.15 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 14 Glagonos.[Reward]- Battle Crown- Eye of the Gods

=====5.22 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Mystic Fiend Talons.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 1600g


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5.23 The Collector=====Obtain 2 Plantae Fluid.[Reward]- Cascade

=====5.24 The Collector=====Obtain 5 Thick Mystic Fiend Fur.[Reward]- Wedge

=====5.25 The Collector=====Obtain 4 Mystic Fiend Fangs.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 2500g

=====5.26 The Collector=====

Obtain 3 Land Insecta Fluid.[Reward]- Raiders' Fork

=====5.29 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Beastman Rawhides.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3100g


5.30 The Collector=====Obtain 4 Darkfiend Talons.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3600g

=====5.31 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Mystic Fiend Husks[Reward]- Manticore Weekly

=====5.32 The Collector=====Obtain 2 Tanned Land Dragon Hides.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3200g


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5.34 The Collector=====Obtain 4 Land Insecta Talons.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3400g

=====5.35 The Collector=====Obtain 5 Mystic Fiend Horns.[Reward]- Grand Spider Weekly

=====5.36 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Tanned Archfiend Hides.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 4400g

=====5.38 The Collector

=====Obtain 2 Mystic Fiend Meat.[Reward]- Landworm Weekly

=====5.42 The Collector=====Obtain 3 Tanned Mystic Fiend Hides.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 4800g

=====5.43 The Collector=====Obtain 2 Archfiend Fur.[Reward]- Whirlpool

=====5.44 The Collector=====Obtain 5 Faerie Rawhides.[Reward]- Blueprint 2

- 4900g

=====5.51 Leader Extraordinaire=====Have a Freelancer in the party.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 1400g

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=====5.53 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a party member with 35+ STR.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 3600g

=====5.54 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a party memeber with 33+ INT[Reward]- Jhana Weekly

=====5.55 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a party member with 25+ SPD.[Reward]- Leap Frog Weekly

=====5.56 Leader Extraordinaire II

=====Have a party member with 40+ STR.[Reward]- Blueprint 2- 5400g

=====5.57 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a party member with 45+ INT.[Reward]- Demon Weekly- Eye of the Demon

=====5.58 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have a party member with 30+ SPD.[Reward]- Oculus Weekly

=====5.61 Battle Chains of Steel=====Create 100 battle chains.[Reward]

- Shamshir- Boggart's Trapezoid- Kobold's Halfdutch- Dragonicle Ore

=====5.62 Treasure Hunt=====Bind 150 treasure chests.[Reward]

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- Auld Pitchfork- Dwarf's Cabochon- Meller Crystal

=====6.00 The Ring of the Labyrinth=====This section is PC specific and absurdly incomplete.=====6.01 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 6 Glasya Labolas.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 5200g

=====6.02 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 12 Harpylia.[Reward]- The Daily Jhana


6.03 The Bloodthirsty Warrior=====Slay 12 Diatryma.[Reward]- The Daily Albis Qsiti

=====6.08 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Birdwing in Yvalock's Nest.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 6000g

=====6.12 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Siren in The Aqueducts.[Reward]- Mast of Nagapur

=====6.16 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Bloodhorn in The Sixth Path.[Reward]

- Blueprint 3- 5800g- The Daily Dragon

=====6.17 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Ruler of the Dawn at the Ivory Peaks.[Reward]- Sword of Three Realms Rank 2

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[Rare Monster: Ruler of the Dawn]The fight I can't say much about because I was BR 86 when I got around to this.

To spawn: if a Raptor at the gate is asleep (the pair of raptors, one must be)and only Rosefly/Raptors are present, then the Ruler of the Dawn MAY be spawnedon the top side of the plateau passed the first downward path.

=====6.19 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Terror Wing in The Ancient Ruins.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 12,000g

=====6.20 The Monsterslayer=====Slay Holy Servant in The Ancient Ruins.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 12,000g


6.36 The Collector=====Obtain 1 Tough Killer Insect Husk.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 7100g- The Daily Leap Frog

=====6.52 Leader Extraordinaire=====Have a Runemaiden in the party.[Reward]

- Spell Wall

=====6.55 Leader Extraordinaire=====Have a Scout in the party.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 4600g

=====6.57 Leader Extraordinaire II=====

Have 8 party members with 60+ STR.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 5200g- The Daily Grand Beetle

=====6.58 Leader Extraordinaire II=====Have 8 party members with 55+ INT.

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[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 6500g- The Daily Hydra

=====6.59 Treasure Hunt=====Bind 50 treasure chests.[Reward]- Blueprint 3- 6300g- Eye of the King

=====6.61 Monster Eradication=====Slay 21 Echidnamoth.[Reward]- Phalanx Mace- Siren's Square- Banshee's Octagon- Blacksteel Ore

=====7.00 Generals=====

=====7.01 Generic Generals=====There are quite a number of generic generals. You should only use them whileabsolutely necessary (like the very beginning of the game) and then drop themASAP.

=====7.02 Unique Generals

=====These generals are unique. You must do specific things to get them, and theyimpact either the story or sidequests.

======Starting Out======BaulsonRush Sykes

=====Congress in Elysion=====

David NassauPagusTorgalEmma HoneywellBlocterCaedmonLoki

=====Numor Mines

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=====Nagapur (before sending David off)=====LeshauMaddoxJorgenRhagoh

=====Nagapur (after the meeting)=====DarienRobertoGlenys

=====The Nest of Eagles=====Emmy Honeywell

=====After Wyrmskeep=====Irina SykesAllanGaouParisZolean

=====Second Congress Meeting=====


=====The Six Bases=====SibalYuniver

=====Darken Forest=====

Duke of GhorHarukoWyngale



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The Final Fight=====Leucetius

=====The Enlightened Seven (PC only!)=====You can hire the enlightened seven by beating them in the Catacombs afteryou are near the end of the game (you also need an item on the PC, but I donot know what exactly!)

=====[9.00] The Ancient Ruins=====To enter the Ancient Ruins, you need The Stone of the Imperator key item. Toget this, you need to download it (XBox360) or defeat The Fallen (PC). Theruins are the only location to get Jewel Steel, used to make the best items inthe game. They are located in the north western corner of The Second Path.Visiting the ruins during the normal game progression will make the game prettyeasy, however it will be necessary for things like The Absolute Conquerer,Eldritch Dragon, etc.=====Apex Tier=====

[Chests]- Foxtail- Grammi Key- DaedalusTo get the first chest, take the first left and keep left until you see a largedoor. Enter it. From there, leave and head left at the T, keeping left andyou will get to the 2nd chest eventually (through another large door that willbe on your left.) You could also take the 2nd left from the entrance, headthrough two sets of doors and keep right for this chest. For the 3rd chest,from the entrance take the second right, and keep on this path until you reacha T. Head left, and eventually you will come upon a room. Enter it, headleft, chest will be through the doors.

=====Grammi Tier: Anatoray=====[Chests]- DragontailFor the chest here, head straight until you eventually hit a +. Go left andyou will see the chest. From here, head back to the + and go left to the exit.

=====Grammi Tier: Disith=====[Chests]

- Malystrix- Metopon KeyThe first chest will be on your right the moment you enter. Continue along thepath and you will reach a T. Head left through the door, and you will see adoor in front of you. Head into the door and take a right for the 2nd chest.Now return to the T and head right, you won't have to go a long way and willquickly hit a T. Head left through the door and defeat the Holy Servant (youhave to so that you may continue.) Now head down the other direction to reachthe transporter.

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=====Metopon Tier: Boreas=====[Chests]- Ama-GiTo get the chest, head right at the cross road right ahead of you. You willreach a T, head right down it, turn left at the next T, then follow the pathand a door will be right in front of you. Inside it is the chest. Pretty muchevery godly weapon in this game required Jewel Steel, and this is probably thebest level to get it on, so farm away! While it is *possible* to beat a lotof the special enemies without the uber weapons, it is severely difficult, andjust not recommended at all. To get to the exit, from the entrance head untilyou are required to turn left. Head through this room and out the other side.Turn right, you will come to a T. Turn right again, and you will soon have aroom on your right. Enter it, and head left to exit the room. Head straightfor one of the exits. The other exit is the left turn right before this one.

=====Metopon Tier: Notus=====[Chests]- Jewel Steel, Goddess Wriestlet, Valiant Eardrop- Choros KeyTo grab the first chest, when you enter (regardless of which entrance you used)

head left until you're forced to turn left again, and follow down this path.To reach the next floor, from the entrance of the map, simply head straight foralong while (the first branching path is a loop, so ignore it). Keep goingand you will eventually reach a T. Head right and the next map is throughthere.

=====Choros Tier=====[Chests]- Treasure of DivinityWalk straight to fight the beefed up version of The Fallen, Demigod. Behindhim is a chest. You MUST defeat him to get the chest.

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This guide was written by me, Jaffer Ibrahim. Do not reproduce without anyform of permission from me.

Copywrite Jaffer Ibrahim, 2008-2011.
