The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey


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Fe!had lb'ahim. Cijlistan Gnrbey (eds.)

The Kurdish Conflict in TurkeyObsracles and Chances Ior Peaa and Democncy



.,why rh. Amcd sh$le? Undmbndins rh? viorlic

The Kudnh amsion and Inrndional Lrw

Psetur senkned ofru q\Ku,nishcoifri.tThotrchadmomv . .t

codenpoBJy Adb Asd.nic rd Joumilisri. P.rcePrioc

ft. ..Forcisn Poli./ drdE PKK: R.sionsl Allid od Ei.miB .

!n srtu Bddions Sii-'n.culrwu:

E M m r ' ) f u s h b n T J n q . ' h € K u d d d a ] o b | | z ' i d n

ion d DEc,!.m.n': Kfdnh Misrdk


. ] h s u n i . n g h t o f n ] m i l G s i l T dn ofurrc Lu$m. rrea'] (Lrr 21 ru I

re:j). t. onry @a,y b bc nllL io rorc

d;* ii llE Polnh Miidiri.s rrc"!'{Pvr) orls ru.e rere, sigi€d on rhe

l*"-. re."to". Li"e,i"ri. P*i i"e (plut miqiv riehrs (srch 6lhl igltriF iigurg4 lse rtcogiized for iot

r,l|srins on r An 10 orlhr Lr (An 3 ofPMr) ilpuhGs thn.. dre} sh.rl

4de. aod io *rtis. &eir ovi Elisioess \h{e a roisidsabk pruponio

lra thd. miiorircs rceiYe Priinv edu-*,r; Ltr$eir oM d$4e No $d.

r) nEoreri.alrt uidrt rhe,Mih' sY.d of,.mjnorrY oie i-ssnLY msd,sid€rcd mi&nft3 (se also bdos. b.

$bhsding dsl nslnh rhe MiLldsyncn)?) srrudmlly, Tb€rcr*i.hamrlt tud.ofMcLindhd. soup5 hr!*.'


:) Folinsll): Protdiotr otctunlai n

e€ rE,t of s!{s (10 ArgN r9:o.

1) Ld.oLogicaLlv .h.lead.d ori.! rjui rir. rh. Gd{5 d drrhe oev s'

f o r c ' o l g h l b a d i o g e l i d o i 0 ! ; n n . [ ] .d $h! oi ihem tnor oi 6e'mir. kr),,

1 { i c . e d b y l h e i n e l h e ! a l ] * A f i

e A s 0 g ] s l b t l g h 6 o l s . c h . G | o

3 h ' o n r j D < e n b g ] 9 2 2 R u n h o l d . d .

comission on Miiorirr$,bd if ft€

fre prcri.. orrolsiou5 rigtrd.(Lr in.In md 2) h€ soulil com4r 'o 'he ff

ndrh.fkidrro rhek o$i khooL !NEgmse. I'r D*rnb€r t99r om d irddnrd(rton !t[ krc{tr shh is rigrl-uiis

b,, d{ (i4!&i, rdaidLd k$4 rr

kDorn ro Euopq TV Ms unlno$n -en al

jolnd-caid fion rhe rdnh \Go5 r

^n re,4 a'l 5 (An 71r rnd 4 of Pl\Jr)

b€ r l i i L toq*d i i j bcom ' ryA f t

b ! i | ) ,Tu rNLshru 'bm|o ld } ' hngu

dgnn.d (ii rad, rouded) rrre shk orslr{r (rhe iosdibo oidt R.Ptrbr.rdiF Ldt{, oir9 odobd l92r)openLt

rer:,.orad pndic.l! illarft olrin

Eoeri,.d b!'ruke! rrEjudi s h$

ron rhe 6d rhd 'n{ *.dnd omoar b}d3|$d*dlydlcald.dlh€dang€iPrc.

\ ' . 1 ' . ' ! d + . n ' " + e q r 4 ! e d b r r r)Prtr toi "td

rt21 ). d€ched 'hd rutish tr ..rft larsuige ot'hr

admirGtdion {a 'lie viohrioi or

popuhrion. rr. juds* ,*ays srkd for

pplnd pcn,L'i.s ro rhos *ho jns*d ri

n. siierhei. amtrhmoc Li&aL drirudt

or Tv ndloL bodsnirs in lGd$ bd hN a Foundeidi (,.K0n'Kav) .n!tr)_ pubLnh krspapen, Ff.dnaLs. b

| 1) Nc\| ruk+ ' ^ hvLsrdkd b! d ̂ tatua ksd* 1,1ke otann En

/4) rhe lseord Mrrd sln.n igMrd

1orR. isioi. Er'r rtrigion (ed, f dede'r .otrftsion) srs

(ftligious .omu ")hdion) A@rdhGrhnrc d. ) dlr{mei bdorged ro d'e one ed $me'Mdin Nnrod Gmmtrkrcforc Kurds (oi aiy o'hs Ms im dhoi. soup) v*c rtw sisids.d bh } l , ( pda l . j d tn i ] r ywkn lh .Rep

r$) dominded d'. poLni.aL$.ie in rh. IsoLuriotr ror,,saviie rh! Enpn. (..o'1o

a) rh, to al reParp" al ttu arur

tr) rh!, ||^ ot:o a ltaksL .t"nnindsol$.frikkhniLibJye|il.,Lodji(Lvhse mon of $. Krds rL\€) mqis..trirofi, d.p6 i asainn $e Ru$i45. rhe

t1) fhe K,ikh uPrniry: af th. )

ever.oniisiis po ky ofssinidion Ttr

,b. Miud S)sm Fed sy sdr in,hded b Bllo* for mnhipk ldeirni.s

or rh. n.* rftish €riE diEdrr dekr'l'. 20'h emry rhe Youns rurks (rid

rcs) dom mrd 'he pdLnnaL$.i. in r$Lu'idns ror,,savitrg 'he Empne ('ondnmM". dd'hlmkf) *bi.h hadben ofided but GiLcd

d rs enrcndy honil. ro aoy orhd.!liud|id.nlj l} lha0Tu*6hRrpubli., i i addirioi 'o bcins dsotd

O rh. ko' of re?dnbn af tht otan

snn ndioialtr. sqE ed jn rhe An


lt) fhe4 rds aha o etateer trnensian, nlalt! orqlookad: tn th.

(!h?rc non or $t Kuds livo ns..cnnor 3l d€prh asainn rh€ Ru$idi $e d.haLfo., $pdsUy ar a rim. vhetr

l1) Th. Kutdilh Upti:iqs al the )0s ord th nade i taak 6 rj theli 'hlnrz.ql!t[ '.|heabNenn

RaubL; b| rhe Kurdhh nirift4 inrnigntsh ad Fined by tudish $Dk.5up*ingm4Lynxt€nmonthsdtglhc

evs coiiinuing poli.y olEsimlhrioi. Th€Elorc.lhe Tu nh sbt hd alw,ysi t y l b . c o f t 0 l { h i c | ' * o ! | d o l c o u $ b e

rrEl'vqn*,ion n: rhi5 jdror,h. I

Gid had rft Publi.dLor nopold) {h

Fry lr{!.$ ruErqodd ro blg cnies (m d ' L s o b * & f o f i \ e D t ' ' n n d d . mion n ruBLrss (p.opl. \qrhout rur

lf rcrr a ditricu r.od.{. rbr Tr rh!d5. ! p.oph nillnrh imprcgnded b\ii,pLy ri.iLtB thc nationdn' boq.r

nt \ih: *nrh yolp (..coitomi1liuiifomi1y" rhG soup n $ury rh. otr'hrhe^herbon rn (..pnna4 Eolp ). rk no'lr{ hngq€ r 'h€ non,fr

ss LaEr 'o idqtiry *nh aiorhtr YouP

inp6ed oi rlre iidivldML(..kq cd id. ity ) Thh 3rh€ ds ohh! i^ th. Ne{ world

G) h is! 'br ShF dnapprcq, o.rmr(fd sa'ph deoro$\ nd

sao .{iids,i.Mor .i Trk"l. the K

o) Funhcmore ncs de sbr npr

rqot a knsurer od{ rtra 'he ndh{Gvfl oEry) in rhe.ouidr, rhe indiv dD

rhe $ciar {rgu or rraying dr G( rry re

G) ro shn s rh. i 6.4g..ic obiL

(rdd: onndiomL) ralud" h lch a a

g 0 t r o ! g ] ' ' m n f r * m d f i a i ' d n o n ]

(t)Funhemore.dsic'brsbti'.po$sb!rorc!(s jio'sii iqios'oho$

(!o onlL, in rhe counnr" 'h. iidivid

rlr s.iil nis{ ot h& os qtr Gr. *'a fe!) sulr idfl,iy ody. beaN I'd{t I.s

G ) r o n s n v ' b i i ' h l A s . . r c L o b a l i a i m , s n d n s r i e u { n n g h c \ ! i o r

l[rnon The sul){nnduE onhn no!dhure. {idrr ndd.d by the English l.nsmge (rhc mr and Eal..Eipsaird)

(Hd mnd onaD du6'' ' o j b d | p i d c . n ] g h t \ k L l b e d e i i r c

g o l | ' r c l g h i m e N n n { i l L m d n o nr,$Nd. nr)bt, b geri beic job in 'he

re trar or,hc rwr sh sbt noft pa€ioia. rb:n rc.Lrri.

tror nienEfi.he (ud: s nulh 35 'r e r L n i $ | L y € r P { ' l o r u a b d P r [ I . : h

rockcd r,y fou h6dh rt[hbo5, si,h yq tirrtc naud E5ources ro riveq,. ! "rrrk.J-iiwbhhrh.ynjor,'h.frdilrsdctrrrtrdLrir.,o{hichrheysqn ?

i€€d5 (o fird rcrll and cuhural asp ra'iotr (r*o3 ion orKurdish 'dflrity andra.gurge) of rhr Kudr e. slnllbftously mr! 6.y mjsn' 3d ond 6. .3drual

(b) on rft very .ofuary. io' rb. gni'iig or.uhurar ghB, bd pro.ncty$c

pd |6 .nhop . loEaue t l remd$ ia |ad

P j t€a | l f u t red i f i l sh i . sTheyn ieh .be


To ' | i s . ' | j | b { { (ndnProbabLymadeby ' l r . r c i o \qed ioE |k 'Yahr

anrky, dr 6€ sturior dnph) ed by rhe Tu*kh Rtpubrk so far ,o ..!hte rh!Es'!m lKrdnhlqe{joi haE bEn baed oi rrre d.n arorKldish ragurge

iq f .o i r yhoobv iousTn lnydmugndrrE, 3nd a bigd.adLock 16, ibod

ked $. rccq0ir,on of rhis iderir). In i6 . ' o rcd ! |Ly , l | l kk ' i . d l y6Ec lhd


Abdur arr iJ.ard Ftrps y4ts 0r riehrjo

,EmpIsaae* . f iEb I rh . i l ukF . !m! Ms bNo &compltsli.d Ev{ anvo.

$ourd idr oity hik rhl istl ro R oqi:

iJ.ari^ lourd be broulrl ro llirr r $ ord

N4ioiar coner$ (ANC) and .R hrd Nrh. {d. judrctary 5Fem oiL}sddondid

rhd rhe mrnrddnd .oivdiotr or qr.1roE| sbbrnh€d for Abdu tih oui4 srr
