The Invisible Cycle of Architecture


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  • 7/24/2019 The Invisible Cycle of Architecture


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    The Invisible Cycle Of ArchitecturePart 2 Dissertatin 2!!"

    Valeria Abrahan Garay

    Melina Zabek

    Univerit! O" Men#o$% Men#o$% Ar&entin%

    This research #a#er started with a sin$le but very dee# %uestin& what a(es a wr( f architecture


    The e*a#les we studied+ allwed us t see that there was sethin$ s#ecial in each and every ne f

    the+ even thu$ht this is seties nt s evident in itself, -e started ur %uest thru$h Ital Calvin.s

    literary wr( and his #r#sal f /The Invisible0, The te*t was analysed fr an architectural #int f view

    and this led us t research eanin$ in Seitics, Therefre we culd e*tract evident #hils#hical truths in

    Architecture such as idea versus atter, -e als discvered syblic as#ects fr the Invisible Cycle f

    architectural wr(s such as activity versus recyclin$,

    By devel#in$ this idea+ we thu$ht we culd have discvered what a(es ne buildin$ different fr the

    ther, -e reali1ed these reasns were beynd the #hysical as#ects and these aster#ieces re#resented a

    s#ecific sciety and a s#ecific #erid, -e cncluded that the real eanin$ f a wr( is fund in the invisible

    and this allws a wr( f architecture t bece #art f a City and its cunity, The authr #lays an

    essential rle since his understandin$ f a $iven sciety allws hi t cnvey eanin$ and deliver his

    #werful essa$e, This is a very #ersnal #rcess since there are n established frulas that will hel#

    the Architect ,-e cncluded that these wr(s caused such an i#act in their cunities because any

    as#ects were cbined, An$ these+ the authr.s sensitivity+ the e#ch and even the #erce#tive ca#acity

    f #e#le that live an$ these wr(s f Architecture,

    The individuals a(e buildin$s their wn in the way in which they feel the because there is n

    ind Student ind Schl ind Pr3ect
  • 7/24/2019 The Invisible Cycle of Architecture


    #reestablished fr that will allw us t deterine the essence f a Master#iece, -e can nly say that if an

    idea #revails ver atter+ the ia$e is i#ssible t re#lace,

    Valeria Abrahan Garay

    Melina Zabek

    The fllwin$ analysis is based n the literary wr( f Ital Calvin, r this wr(+ Ms, Abrahan 4aray

    and Ms,5abe(+ e*tracted literary ideas which they related t se architectural cnce#ts in different levels

    n a $lbal scale, -hat is st i#rtant in this dissertatin is the analysis f each architectural case,

    These cases are related t a re abstract cnce#t f Architecture, They i#ly an i#act in a cunity

    when the st inherent as#ects f a culture are #r3ected in a wr(, Therefre a wr( f architecture

    inserts itself in the urban s#ace+ becin$ an icn beynd its #hysical #resence,

    6 Pa$e 7its& 829: 6 ;ntry Date& !2
