The interview


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Shree Prasad Devkota

M. Phil. (Development Studies)

First Semester

Process of Interview Techniques

Kathmandu UniversitySchool of EducationBalkumari, Lalitpur



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The definition Five steps in conducting an interviewI. Determine the objectivesII. prepare for the interviewIII. carry out the interview IV. Conclude the interviewing processV. Compile and analyze results Conclusion

Outline of the presentation

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The interview is a way to:•Share ideas, engage in dialogue, solve

problems•Obtain peripheral information that may be

associated with an analysis goal, McNamara. (1999)

Types of interview techniquesStructuredSemi- structuredunstructured

The Interview: an Introduction

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Determine the objectives prepare for the interview carry out the interview Conclude the interviewing processCompile and analyze results

Steiner (1996)

Five steps in conducting an interview

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Are you looking for information about:Optimal performance?Actual performance problems?Feelings about performance?Solutions to performance? business opportunities and barriers to

implementing them??

Determine the objectives

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Draft objectives for the interview using standard terms ,keeping them clear, direct and short

share the objectives with the champion of the needs analysis initiative for their review and comments

Finalize the objectives


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Clarify and make decisions:The specific purpose of the interview the population or simple or respondentsDevelop protocol /script to help in carrying out the

interviewsDraft an opening statement explaining the purpose

of the interviewIndicate the estimated time that will be neededProvide an explanation concerning issues of


Prepare for the interviews

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Do not dominate the conversationEncourage the respondent to talk avoid interrupting Avoid stating your own opinionsAim your questions at the required

informationAllow the respondent to follow his/or

own line of thought

Conduct the interview

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Show that the views expressed are understood and taken seriously

Use the interview to supplement information already obtained

Identify /investigate any inconsistenciesAsk specific questions to allow for

quantitative responses distinguish hard facts from opinion


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When questions are answered vaguely, pursue them until they are clarified.

Respondent may be too theoretical, conceptual or uses jargon

If your don't understand-ask for concrete examples and explanations


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Don't ask strong, direct questions early in the interview.

Begin by building upon information already available or use closed –ended questions which are not provoking

Establish rapport and make respondent comfortable

Then ask open ended question


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Stop the interviewing process when your begin to hear the same information from several respondents

After 4 to 6 interviews, you could notice much redundancy

If you hear similar responses with 2 or 3 stop the interviewing process

Conclude the interview process

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Follow –up with any respondents to get further clarification or needed data

Don't betray trust/confidence of those you interviewed

Remove information that could indentify a particular respondent


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Review one

Used semi-structure interview Conducted with 15 teacher,10 headteacher,12 resources

person,4 school supervisors,5 teacher trainers,4 trainee teachers,2 district education officers,2 officers from Nced and 1 from department of education.

Open-ended interview 9 teachers (3 from each district) Purposeful sampling method was used to chose teachers All teacher selected for the interview had rated

themselves 5 on a five point likert scale where 5 equal the most effective

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Review Two

Establish rapport with participantsHe informed about the purpose of the study Tried to build the trust and create supportive

atmosphere (for this, he understand their problem, discussed the process of interview and developed confidentiality)

Ensure participant to use their fake name not the real name

Try to make needy interview

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interview Student(two from each school)


interview Parents (two from each school)


interview Teachers (two from each school)


interview Head teachers (one from each school)


School survey 4 schools4

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Questions should be as open-ended as possible

Questioning techniques should encourage interviewees to be as frank as possible

Develop good prompting skills. Prompting encourages the respondent to produce an answer

Probing is a key interview skill to have


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Foddy, W. (1993). Constructing Questions for Interviews: Cambridge University Press

McNamara. (1999). General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews: Minnesota

Steiner, k. (1996). An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing :Sage Publications

Shrestha, P.K. (2011).Primary Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Continuing Professional Development. An unpublished M.Phil dissertation submitted to Kathmandu University.

Shrestha, D. (2011).Free and Compulsory Basic Education for Chepang Children. An unpublished M.Phil dissertation submitted to Kathmandu University.

