The Internship Report Preparation GUIDE


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  • 8/10/2019 The Internship Report Preparation GUIDE



    The Internship Report Preparation Guide consists of the folloin! sections"



    A. Overview

    1. Selectio o! Iter"#i$In consultation ith the Internship Co##ittee $co#prised of an InternshipAd%isor & ho #a' also (e the student)s ori!inal Acade#ic Ad%isor& and toadditional facult' ad%isors*+ the student deter#ines and coordinates aninternship that (est #eets his/her needs,

    %. Iter"#i$ Co&&ittee Pro$o"'l A$$rov'l Meeti(

    Priorto the start of the Internship+ the student #ust discuss and define thepurpose of the Internship ith his/her co##ittee, The student ill su(#it aproposal $see IMS Internship Proposal !uidelines* to co##ittee #e#(ers fortheir re%ie+ cul#inatin! in an Internship Co##ittee Proposal Appro%alMeetin!, This proposal ill pro%ide the (ac-!round infor#ation necessar' forco##ittee #e#(ers to ad%ise the student a(out ho to approach his/herinternship+ as ell as hat for#at his/her Internship Report ill ta-e $thesis orportfolio*,

    ). Iter"#i$ Co&&ittee Meeti(

    .ithin one #onth of co#pletion of the internship+ the student should or!aniea follo&up Internship Co#pletion Meetin! ith his/her co##ittee in order toin%entor' the re0uire#ents of the Internship Report+ and to pro%ide !uidancefor its preparation. It is reco##ended that the student plan to co#plete theInternship Report ithin one #onth after the date of the InternshipCo#pletion,

    *. Iter"#i$ Pre"et'tio '+ De!e"e.

    The student should su(#it his/her final Internship Report to his/herco##ittee, This Internship Presentation and 1efense ill pro%ide anopportunit' for the student to place in conte2t and re%ie his/her internshipe2perience ith his/her co##ittee #e#(ers and other interested facult' andstudents,

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  • 8/10/2019 The Internship Report Preparation GUIDE



    I! t#e co&&ittee +eter&ie" t#'t t#e iter"#i$ re,-ire&et" +e"i('te+ 't' $revio-" ti&e #'ve ot /ee &et+ the' #a' re0uire that the studentre#ediate to fulfill these re0uire#ents, For e2a#ple+ the co##ittee couldre0uire the student to co#plete an additional literature re%ie+ rele%ant to theinternship,

    0. Iter"#i$ Re$ort Pre"et'tio '+ De!e"e

    The steps toard the conclusion of the Internship Report Presentation and1efense process include"

    7* Su(#it the co#pleted Internship Report to the Internship Co##ittee forinitial re%ie in a ti#el' fashion,4* .or- ith the Co##ittee to deter#ine the da'+ ti#e+ and location of theInternship Report Presentation and 1efense,

    8* .hen the 1efense has (een co#pleted and the Internship Co##ittee hasappro%ed the final co#pleted Internship Report+ the Co##ittee si!ns theFulfill#ent of Internship Re0uire#entsfor#+ and the Internship Ad%isorpro%ides a !rade for the hours of Internship credit,B. Itro+-ctio to t#e M'-"cri$t For&'t

    The su(#ission of 'our Internship Report is one of the last steps in the pro!ra#leadin! to the co#pletion of the IMS de!ree, The report is a scholarl'state#ent of the results of the student)s internship or-, The Place#entOffice has esta(lished !uidelines for unifor#it' in the for#at of the

    #anuscript, These !uidelines ere desi!ned to ensure that all papers ere hi!hin 0ualit' and consistent in the arran!e#ent of the contents,

    The Internship Report #ust (e a professionall' finished or- in for#at+ st'le+spellin! and appearance+ as the finished docu#ent reflects on (oth the studentand the 9ni%ersit', The for#at of the #anuscript should (e consistent ith the!uidelines presented herein, Failure to follo these instructions #a' result ineither re:ection of 'our Internship Report or an instruction to re%ise it,

    There are se%eral approaches to ritin! an Internship Report, This Internship;and(oo- pro%ides sa#ple for#ats for IMS Internship Reports, So#e for#ats

    follo a structure si#ilar to a traditional thesis< others follo a portfolioapproach,

    The thesis st'le is appropriate for a student ho has or-ed on a sin!lefocused pro:ect or research acti%it' and/or is e2a#inin! a specific corporateissue in the conte2t of the practical internship e2perience. In al#ost all cases+Internship Reports follo the thesis st'le for#at,

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  • 8/10/2019 The Internship Report Preparation GUIDE



    The portfolio approach is appropriate for a student ho has (een in%ol%ed in ase%eral discrete acti%ities durin! his/her internship, Each student #ust see-the ad%ice of his/her Internship Co##ittee $hich is co#prised of a Facult'Pri#ar' Ad%isor+ To Facult' Ad%isors+ and an Internship Sponsor Ad%isor* as tohich for#at (est suits hi#/her, This decision should (e #ade durin! the

    proposal sta!e

    of the Internship process,

    C. Arr'(e&et o! M'-"cri$t

    1. Title A$$rov'l P'(e

    One ori!inal title pa!e+ prepared in the sa#e for#at as the attached sa#ple$see the end of this docu#ent*+ #ust (e su(#itted ith the ori!inal si!naturesof all #e#(ers of the Internship Report Co##ittee, $There #ust (e at leastthree #e#(ers of 'our co##ittee+ #e#(ers of the IMS Pro!ra# facult'+ and

    the co##ittee #ust (e appro%ed (' the Pro!ra# 1irector,* The title pa!e isnu#(ered i+ (ut the pa!e nu#(er is not displa'ed, The date on the title pa!eill depend on the se#ester 'ou ill recei%e 'our de!ree,

    %. T'/le o! Cotet"

    =oth reports are e2pected to ha%e a Ta(le of Contents for the con%enience ofthe reader, If plates or illustrations $i,e, #aps+ dia!ra#s+ charts+ photo!raphs+etc,* are scattered throu!hout the te2t+ include a separate List of Fi!ures orTa(le of Illustrations after the Ta(le of Contents,

    ). A/"tr'ct

    An a(stract #ust (e included ith each cop' of 'our internship report, Thea(stract #ust

    '.state the pro(le# or pro(le#s that 'ou or-ed on
