The Indian Act Social Studies 10. Ms. Benko…what happened last class? NWMP Cypress Hills...


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The Indian Act

Social Studies 10

Ms. Benko…what happened last class? NWMP

Cypress Hills Massacre

The Number Treaties

Shape of the Day What impact did residential schools have on

the First Nations community?

Objectives:1. Understand the Indian Act.2. Understand assimilation and the reasons why

government might want it.3. Analyze residential school photos (Primary

Document Analysis). Consider the lasting effects of the Indian Act.

What does Wab Kinew think?

500 years of history in 2 minutes….

What is the Indian Act? Read page 182.

Write down two ways the Indian Act directly affected the way of life of First Nations people.

Be ready to share!

Indian Act Indian Act: An act created to

regulate the lives of the First Nations of Canada Introduced in 1876 Formalized the assimilation of First

Nations Assimilation: the process by which a

person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group.

Allows the government to control most aspects of Aboriginal life: Indian status, land, resources, wills, education…etc

Handout: Residential Schools Read the “Residential Schools” handout with a


Discuss questions 1 and 2 in “Reconnect.”

Be ready to share your ideas with the class!

Residential Schools Conditions:

Overcrowding Unsanitary Outbreaks of tuberculosis

and other infectious diseases

Poor diet Inadequate medical care Physically and sexually

abused Some schools had more

than 50% of the children die

Residential Schools – Primary Source Analysis Analyze the following photo of Thomas Moore,

a First Nations boy who attended a residential school in Regina

Complete the graphic organizer and answer the 2 follow up questions. You may work alone or with a partner.

After completion, be prepared to share your answers with the class!

How does this affect Canada today? What does Stephen Harper have to say?

Residential Schools - Reconciliation “I stand before you today to offer an apology to the former

students of Indian residential schools. The treatment of children in Indian residential schools is a sad chapter in our history…The burden of this experience has been on your shoulders for far too long. The burden is properly ours as a government, and as a country…Two primary objectives of the residential school system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture. These objectives were based on the assumption Aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal. Indeed, some sought, as it was infamously said, “to kill the Indian in the child.” Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.” - Prime Minister Stephen Harper, official apology, June 11, 2008

Residential Schools - Reconciliation 2006, the federal government reached a

settlement with former residential school students Largest settlement in Canadian history Students received $10,000 each for the first year they

attended schools $3,000 for each subsequent year Additional compensation for abuse

2008, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) created Give anyone affected by residential schools a chance

to share their experiences and create a historical record


Do you think the response from Harper and the settlement and TRC is sufficient compensation for the impact that the residential school system has on the First Nations people of Canada?

Write a mini-letter to Harper/The Canadian government expressing your opinion on the government’s efforts to reconcile the residential school system.

Be ready to share your letter with your classmates!

Extension: Complete the Ethical Dimension

worksheet You can focus on any aspect of the

Indian Act or materials covered in class so far.

