The Incan Empire. Cuzco (Peru) = capital (200,000) Empire stretched from Ecuador to Chile (3500...


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The Incan Empire

Cuzco (Peru) = capital (200,000) Empire stretched from Ecuador to

Chile (3500 miles) thru Andes Mtns. 10 mill. people

I. Founding the Inca

Built empire on previous cultural foundations Chavin, Moche, Nazca (Peru)

A. Early Inca

Settled on fertile lands in Valley of Cuzco Est. small kingdom by early 1200s Ruler = descendent of Inti (sun god)

B. Early Inca Rulers Early, Incan kingdom grew slowly Viracocha (1410-1438)—8th emperor

Conquered adjacent lands Instituted a divine monarchy

Pachacuti (1438-1471) son “the greatest man ever produced by the

American race” Conquered all of Peru & moved north & south Used diplomacy & military force

Honorable surrender?

II. Incan Govt.

Imposed single official language Quechua

A. Govt. Presence

Architecture was consistent across empire All roads led to Cuzco Masterful engineers

B. Incan Govt.

Incan govt. = SOCIALISM Controlled most economic activity Allowed little private commerce

Citizens were expected to work for the state

Ayllu = extended family group Worked together

Mita = labor tribute

C. Public Works

Incan road system Unified empire Symbolized power of the state 14,000 mi. Chasquis = messengers

Allowed for easy movement of military

D. Govt. Record Keeping

NEVER developed a writing system Oral tradition

Quipu = knotted strings for accounting

III. Incan Religion

Focused on key nature spirits Primary Incan god = Viracocha (creator)

Next = Inti (sun god) King = descendent of Inti

A. Religious Practices

Priests led sun-worship Mamakuna = full-time female workers Yamacuna = full-time male workers Sacrificed llamas & exchanged goods

B. Great Cities

Temple of the Sun (Cuzco) Most sacred of all Incan shrines “sweat of the sun”

Machu Picchu Religious center? Estate of Pachacuti? Retreat for rulers or nobles?

IV. End of the Inca

Early 1500s = height of glory Huayna Capac died

Split empire betw. sons (Atahualpa & Huascar) Civil war broke out --- Atahualpa won

Weakened state --- Pizarro took advantage