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Submitted as Fullfilment Requirements for the degree of S.Pd (sarjana


in Study Program of English Education












ما نحل والد ولدا من نحل أفضل من أدب حسن " There is no greater gift from parents to their children than a good education”.

(HR. Al-Hakim)

" The aim of education is to sharpen intelligence, strengthen willpower and refine


- (Tan Malaka)

“The barrier to success is fear, fear of risk means failure, not doing anything is

funny, being scared and failing is still funny”

-(Ikbal Baroka)



This thesis dedicated to.

1. Allah SWT as the only one of my God, the researcher would like to say

Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT, who has given me blessing, healthy,

strongest and patience in finishing the thesis.

2. My great parents as My hero, My father Kamaludin and my beloved

mother Koplaini, who always pray for my success. Thank you so much for

your love, endless support, encouragement, and sacrifices for me.

3. My Siblings; For my brother and sister Rian Sutra, S.kom and Mira

Sartika, S.pd thank you so much for your help, and support, everytime and

every moments. For My sister-in-law Lena Afriani, S.pd and my nephew

Kaisar Rajendra Rutra many thanks all support..

4. My advisor I Risnawati, M.Pd and my advisor II Detti Lismayanti,

M.Hum. has guided me with patience, thank you so much mam.

5. My the great friends : Robinson neto as (Pak ustad) juliansyah as

(dodolipet) and Antonius widuri As (Cik rindu) thank you so much for

everything bro, no words can describe all of you, because you are the best

best friends for me!.

6. My adinda Intan putri dwi pratama it‟s was very kind of you, many thanks

for your support and still beside me.

7. My brother Andar Tianza, S.Pd and Fitri Ayu Anggraini, S.Pd thanks for

your help


8. My gank “No English No Service” : Bopita, indrik, hartita,eem, indah,

iim, and “Tdc squad ”Thank you so much for your spirit, energy, supports

and the funny moments since 4 years ago until now and later.

9. Dema FTT, HMJ Tadris, ESCO (English Student Community).

10. Thanks for all of my friends in English study programme, thanks for your

kindnesses. Especially TBI C,TBI A thanks for being my family, I love

you all.

11. My best almamater, IAIN Bengkulu.



Ikbal baroka, SRN. 1516230110, July thesis title: “ The implementation of

integrated and communicative approaches to improve students’ Reading

comprehension at eight grade students’ SMPN 12 Bengkulu”.

Advisor : 1. Risnawati, M.pd.

2. Detti Lismayanti, M.hum.

This research aims at improving the students‟ reading comprehension in

narrative text by The implementation of integrated and communicative

approaches to improve students‟ Reading comprehension at eight grade students‟

SMPN 12 Bengkulu. The subject of this research was grade eight at SMPN 12

Bengkulu in 2020 academic year.

This research of this study was conducted by using classroom action

research. The data used in this research at the result of the pre- test to know pre-

test and post-test, interview sheet, and observation sheet. The result of this

research showed that there was increasing of students in reading narrative text.

The mean of the pre-test was 39,80. The mean of the second cycle was 87,86, it

indicated that the scores and the mean in second cycle were better that the pre-


The percentage of students who ot point 75 or more there was also grew

up. In the pre-test, there was 3 students (12%) who passed or got score up to 75.

In the post-test of cycle I the students who got point 75 or more there was 26

(100%) and the increasing was about 88%. In other words, the students‟ reading

comprehension in narrative text improved and became well in the first meeting to

the next meeting.

Keywords: Integrated and communicative approaches, Narrative text



Ikbal baroka, SRN. 1516230110, July thesis title: “ The implementation of

integrated and communicative approaches to improve students’ Reading

comprehension at eight grade students’ SMPN 12 Bengkulu”.

Advisor : 1. Risnawati, M.pd.

2. Detti Lismayanti, M.hum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa

dalam teks naratif dengan Penerapan pendekatan terintegrasi dan komunikatif

untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa di delapan siswa kelas 'SMPN

12 Bengkulu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas delapan di SMPN 12

Bengkulu tahun akademik 2020.

Penelitian penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian

tindakan kelas. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini pada hasil pre-test untuk

mengetahui pre-test dan post-test, lembar wawancara, dan lembar observasi. Hasil

penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan siswa dalam membaca teks

naratif. Rata-rata dari pre-test adalah 39,80.

Rerata dari siklus kedua adalah 87,86, ini menunjukkan bahwa skor dan

rerata dalam siklus kedua lebih baik dari pra-tes. Persentase siswa yang poin 75

atau lebih di sana juga tumbuh. Pada pre-test, ada 3 siswa (12%) yang lulus atau

mendapat skor hingga 75. Pada post-test siklus I siswa yang mendapat poin 75

atau lebih ada 26 (100%) dan peningkatannya adalah sekitar 88%. Dengan kata

lain, pemahaman bacaan siswa dalam teks naratif meningkat dan menjadi baik

dalam pertemuan pertama hingga pertemuan berikutnya.

Keywords: Pendekatan terpadu dan komunikatif, Teks naratif


In the name of Allah the beneficent, the Merficul in the name of

Allah the most Gracious and Merficul. Alhamdulilah, all praise be to

allah the most graceful and the Merficul, after such a hard work , finally

the writer could finish research and finish the report in the form of the

minor thesis (skripsi), entitled ” The implementation of integrated and

communicative approaches to improve students’ Reading

comprehension at eight grade students’ SMPN 12 Bengkulu”

1. Prof. Dr.H. Siradjudin M., M.Ag, M.H as Rector of the IAIN


2. Dr. Zubaedi, M.Ag M.Pd As The Dean of Tarbiyah and Tadris

faculty of IAIN Bengkulu.

3. Feny Martina, M.Pd as the chief of English Study Program

IAIN Bengkulu.

4. Risnawati, M.Pd as fisrt Supervisor.

5. Detti Lismayanti, M.hum as Second Supervisor.

Finally the words are not enough to be expressed, except praise is to Allah the worlds for blessing and guidence, May their good deeds be accepted by Allah subhanahuWata‟ala Amin.

Bengkulu, July 2020




COVER ........................... .........................................................................................

ADVISOR SHEET ......... ......................................................................................... i

VALIDITY SHEET ....... ......................................................................................... ii

REPAIR THE TITLE .... ......................................................................................... iii

PRONOUNCEMENT .... ......................................................................................... iv

MOTTO .......................... ......................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................ ......................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .................... ......................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ...................... ......................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLE ........... ......................................................................................... x

LIST OF CHART ........... ......................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ....................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Research ............................................................................. 5

D. Research Question .......................................................................................... 6

E. Objective of the Research .............................................................................. 6

F. Significances of the Research ......................................................................... 6

G. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................. 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 8

A. Reading Comprehension .............................................................................. 8

1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension ................................................. 8

2. Skill in Reading Comprehension ................................................................. 9

3. Main Information in Reading Comprehension ............................................ 11

4. Aspects of Reading Comprehension ............................................................ 14

5. Student‟ Difficulties in Reading Comprehension ........................................ 17

B. The Concept Of Narrative texts ................................................................. 21

1. Definition And Function of Narrative text ............................................... 21

2. Generic Structure .................................................................................. 22

3. Linguistic Elements............................................................................... 22

4. Types of Narrative Text........................................................................ 23

C. Integrated And Communicative Approaches ............................................ 24

1. The Concept of Integrated Approach ........................................................... 24

2. The concept of communicative approach .................................................... 29

D. Some Related Previous Studies ................................................................... 42

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..................... .......................................... 50

A. Research Design........................................................................................... 50

B. Subject of Research.......... ............................................................................ 51

C. Instrument of the Research ......................................................................... 51

D. Data Collecting Technique ... ...................................................................... 54

E. Technique of Data Analysis . ...................................................................... 55

F. Research Procedures................................................................................... . 58

G. Indicators of the Success ...................................................................... ....... 61


A. Research Findings ............................ ............................................................. 60

B. Discussion .......................................... ............................................................. 75


A. Conclusion ......................................... ............................................................. 78

B.Suggestion ........................................... ............................................................. 79

REFERRENCES ........................................ ............................................................. 80



3.1 Respondent of the research .................................................................................. 49

3.2 Students‟ score category ...................................................................................... 58

4.3 the result of pre-assessment test ........................................................................... 64

4.4 the result of post-test cycle 1 ................................................................................ 68

4.5 the result of post-test cycle 2 ................................................................................ 72


1. Lesson plan

2. Reading test

3. Schedule of meeting

4. Students score

5. Observation ceklist

6. Interview

7. Field notes

8. documentation




A. Background of the Study

There are four skills on language learning, they are listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Every student must have them, if they do not have it they

will have difficulty in following the language learning. Reading is one of

important aspect on language learning. Reading is an activity of process of

transferring or decoding from the written to oral form (Harmer, 2010). Based

on the definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is a complex process

of thinking in assigning materials which involves most of the readers‟

intellectual act, such us comprehension in order to get ideas or information

extended by the text.

Curriculum K-13 that mostly applied in many schools in Indonesia,

focussees on the content of reading comprehension. The students in junior

high schools are expected to learn English from various types of text1. This

means that students have to deal with various types of texts during English

lessons, such as narrative, recount, fable, myth, and legend texts. in the

Syllabus it is stated that students must be able to identify topics, certain

information, the meaning of words and sentences in the text. Therefore,

reading comprehension becomes the main activity in learning English in class.

1Badan Standard Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) and Direktorat Pembinaan SMP Ditjen

Mandikdasmen Depdiknas. Kurikulum (Materi SK KD) Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk

Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Jakarta: BSNP, 2011, P. 1.


Reading has an important role to add to someone's knowledge to get

information from a text and make meaning, reading is a daily activity that we

often do especially junior high school students in formal or informal schools,

it can be fun if we understand the contents of a reading or get information

from our reading. Students do not enjoy reading because of difficulties in

vocabulary and have an impact on their reading comprehension ability.

Nurainun in his research stated The students had some problem which difficult

in reading narrative text. First, they lack of vocabularies, they were unable to

read and build sentences well. Second, the students were difficult in

expressing ideas. Third, the teacher seldom use interesting strategies in

teaching reading. In this case, the students felt bored and did not understand

how to read narrative text well2. In others research Yuli Susanti Prihastuti

argued “Based on the preliminary observation and interview with the

English teacher in SMP N I Wonosari, those factors also became problems of

students. The first problem is related to the students‟ vocabulary

mastery. From the interview, the students admitted that they had

difficulties related to vocabulary”. And “The second problem is about the

students‟ interest that affected their motivation. The students‟ problem in

2 Nurainun,Improving The students’ Reading Romprehension In Narrative Text by using concept

oriented reading instruction at grade VIII private Islamic junior high school Ali Imron

Medan.(Medan: UIN MEDAN, 2017)P.10


motivation can be seen from the condition when they were in the English

reading activity”.3

To find out the actual facts, I made the initial observations at SMPN 12

Bengkulu City on August 6-7, 2019. This observation involved teachers and

students. First I interviewed the teacher, he stated that the obstacle in students'

understanding of the text or reading was that their vocabulary was still low with a

lot of vocabulary they did not know so they could not understand the contents of

the reading. it has an impact on communication and interaction of students in the

classroom, students tend to be silent or not active in the teaching and learning

process. On the other hand I also interviewed students to find out what difficulties

they encountered when learning English or reading English texts, they

acknowledged that their vocabulary was still lacking and also lazy to open

dictionaries so they did not understand information from reading texts, some

students also said that the learning provided by the teacher is monotonous in class

and tends to use lecture methods only and lacks interaction in the classroom. one

student told me that he was often sleepy in class when he studied because he did

not understand what was explained by the teacher in front of the class and and the

learning model that the teacher had been applying was boring.There are several

reasons students become lazy to learn and less motivated to learn

3 Yuli Susanti Prihastuti, Improving the reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of

smp n 1 wonosari by using the visualization strategy in the academic year of 2012/2013.

Yogyakarta,2013. P.2


first, their vocabulary is still low so they have difficulty in understanding the

contents of a text or paragraph. secondly, teachers in teaching are very

motivational which causes their learning motivation to be lacking and tend to be

bored because they also read the text and then answered question, they are less

enthusiastic about learning English because always do the same activity every

English lesson for them.

There are many approach in learning process, namely: 1) Contextual

Teaching and Learning,2) Constructivism approach, 3) Deductive Approach, 4)

inductive approach, 5) concept approach, 6) process approach, 7) open-ended

approach, 8) scientific approach, 9) realistic approach, 10) Science Technology

Society and Environment (STSE). In this research the researcher uses an

integrated and communicative approach, this does not mean that this approach

is out of context from some of the learning approaches above. the approach

still has a connection in the meaning and implementation of the reasons

researchers use the communicative and integrated approach model because

both of these approaches include several aspects and characteristics of the

approach above. So that, In this study the researcher interest uses integrated

and communicative approaches to apply at SMPN 12 BENGKULU Academic

year 2020/2021.

Furthermore, students need an approach in learning to improve their

understanding and an atmosphere of English class that is more enjoy for that

researchers propose an integrated and communicative approach is a good approach

to overcome the problems above, (Dadan Djuanda, 2008) states the purpose of


language learning according to the communicative approach is to: (a) developing

students' communicative competence, namely the ability to use contextual

language, (b) increasing the mastery of the four learned to communicate in various

situations and the language skills needed in communication. Meanwhile in the four

language skills are taught in an integrated manner. The four skills are speaking,

reading, writing, listening. Become a single unit in learning English.

From the above explanation, it is important to the researcher to do research

in reading comprehension by using specific strategy in this school. That‟s why the

researcher is very interested in doing a research entitled “ The Implementation Of

Integrated And Communicative Approaches To Improve Students Reading

Comprehension At Eighth Grade Student SMPN 12 BENGKULU Academic year


B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the detailed explanation in background above, the problem in

this research can be identified that the student in this school especially eight grade

students still need more improvement in learning English, especially in reading

comprehension skill and students need interesting strategy in learning English to

encourage them to be interested in learning English.

C. Limitation of the Research

Among the wide problem above, the researcher limited the problem in this

research only to find out whether or not the use of integrated and communicative

approach can improve students‟ reading comprehension in narrative text at eight

grade students of SMPN 12 BENGKULU Academic year 2020/2021.


D. Research Question

Based the problem above, the problem of the research is How does

integrated and communicative Approach improve students‟ reading

comprehension in Narrative text at eighth grade student SMPN 12 BENGKULU

Academic Year 2020/2021?

E. Objectives of the Research

The objective of the research is to found out does the implementation

integrated and communicative approach to improve students‟ reading

comprehension ability an eighth grade student SMPN 12 BENGKULU Academic

Year 2018/2019?

F. Significances of the Research

The result in this research is expected to give important information for the

students, English teacher, and the next researchers. The significances are:

1. For the students

a. To introduce the students fun of learning reading comprehension and

apply it in learning English.

b. To give the students motivation their English reading skill by

implementing this approach.

2. For the teachers

a. To introduce the teachers about implementation integrated and

communicative approaches in mastering reading comprehension skills,

especially comprehending Narrative text for junior high school students.


b. To inform English teachers about one kind of teaching approach that can

be used to improve students in reading comprehension skill.

3. For the next researcher

a. To encourage the next researcher to explore various kinds of effective

teaching approach to improve students‟ ability in English skills.

b. Hope that the next researchers can apply this methods to improve

students' reading comprehension.

G. Definition of key Terms

In this study, there are three key term in this below:

1. Reading comprehension is understanding the nature or meaning of; grasp with

the mind; perceive something of reading text.

2. Integrative and communicative approach is an effective an innovative

teaching strategy In English reading comprehension which uses as tool to

enhance comprehension of reading.

3. Narrative text is a kind of text which consist of orderly account of events in

the past and highlight to problematic experience and resolution in order to

amuse and give moral value to the readers.




A. Reading Comprehension

1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension

In the process of teaching and learning English in the classroom,

reading comprehension is an important activity because by doing reading,

the students can get information or idea. Reading comprehension can be

defined as a process of grasping information from the texts that usually a

primary focus on largely mastered word recognition skills, although

comprehension of text should be an integral part of reading instruction

with beginning readers as well4. Therefore, vocabulary should be a focus

starting in reading comprehension activities. The students need to have

good vocabulary mastery to succed in reading comprehension and get the

idea in their reading materials in the classroom.

Then, Van Dijk and Kintsch said that reading comprehension is as

the process of creating meaning from text5. It proves that reading

comprehension is not only the activity of reading text loudly, or

understanding the meaning of word per word that is found in the text, but

comprehending the content of the text in order to get the information.

4Rand study group, Reading for understanding toward R&D Program in reading

comprehension, (Santa Monica, CA: Office of Education Research and Improvement, 2002, P. 10. 5NarjesBanausabauri, “How can students improve their reading comprehension skill”.

Jurnal of studies education. Vol. 5 No 2, 2016, 230.


Therefore, it can be said that the main purpose of reading comprehension

is to get an understanding of the text rather than to acquire meaning from

individual words or sentence. Therefore, reading is not partial activity, bit

it is a total activity to gain meaning.

Based on the detail explanation above, it can

be concluded that reading comprehension is an ability to find or

understand writer‟s idea in a certain text or all information delivered by

the writer, and it also refers to students‟ ability to connect between words

in the text, to understand the ideas and relationship between ideas

conveyed in a text in order to create total meaning of the text by

articulating various vocabularies in it.

2. Skill in Reading Comprehension

Basically reading comprehension is the activity that is not merely to

read the text, but the purpose of reading is to comprehend the text through

constructing meaning delivered by the writers in a text. Therefore, it is

important for students to master some basic skills in reading

comprehension in order to know the nature of reading itself and improve

their ability in reading comprehension. For this case, Jordan stated that

some of skills and sub-skills utilized in reading comprehension that must

be understood by students consist of the following detail6: Prediction;

Skimming (reading quickly for main idea or gist); Scanning (reading

6R.R. Jordan. English for Academic Purposes A guide and Resource Book for Teachers.

Australia: Cambridge University Press, 1997, P. 143.


quickly for a specific piece of information); Distinguishing between : (a)

Factual and non-factual information, (b) Important and less important

items, (c) Relevant and irrelevant information, (d) Explicit and implicit

information, (e) Ideas and examples and opinions; Drawing inferences and

conclusions; Understanding graphic and presentation (data, diagram); and

understanding text organization and linguistic/semantic aspect, for

example: (a) Relationships between and within sentences (e.g. cohesion),

(b) Recognizing discourse/semantic markers and their function.

English learning strategies above are usually used by readers to

understand English texts. When they are using and application in the

process of reading comprehension, the readers can grasp the meaning of

the texts they are reading. The success of the readers on decodes and

comprehension English text depends on their skills on applying above

strategies because the skills above are frequently taken as the basis for

practice material in textbooks.

All skills above play important role in reading comprehension

activities. In reading comprehension, sometimes the skills are taken

separately, or in combination, and used as focus for the unit or exercise,

but more frequently they are integrated within unit in form of activities,

tasks, problem solving, which are topic or content based. The texts that are

used as the basis for the practice are usually authentic according to the

language level. In the process of learning reading comprehension, it is

suggested for the students to understand the skills above to help them to


make easy in comprehending texts that they are reading. The

understanding of those skills will determine how well the students‟ reading

ability and how well their achievement in understanding reading texts that

they are reading.

3. Main Information in Reading Comprehension

In reading activities, the readers‟ main aim is to find the information

they need in the texts that they are reading. It is widely known that not all

informationstated in a text is important for the readers. Therefore, the

readers should separate which information must be adopted from the text.

In reading, it begins with a general idea of what the passage is about, and

finds content words7. It means that main information in reading

comprehension is how to find the main ideas of texts. In this activity, the

reader should understand the author‟s viewpoint. By knowing the main

idea, the readers understand about the text in general.

Then, it is important to find content words which consist of major

details of the texts. The major details can formulate by asking 5W+1H

questions. In this activity, the readers ask to themselves that they would lie

to answer the formulation by remembering the details. To explore the

5W+1H questions in understanding the details of a text, see the following

explanation of the questions usage below8:

a. Who

7Sharpe, Pamela J. How to Prepare for TOEFL. Indonesia: Binapura Aksara, 2005, P. 224.

8Harrisonburg. Reading: 5W’s and 1 H. Retrieved on March 10, 2013 from, 2012, P. 1.


Question word who is dominant used in reading comprehension.

It has some function in its usage, namely: it is to identify the characters

in the reading and make a list of them. Then, it is also used to draw

connecting lines between the characters and describe to the readers the

relationship between the characters.

b. What

The main functions of question word are to identify the events or

actions and make a list of them. Then, it is also to drawing connecting

lines between the events or actions to show the relationship between

them. The important function is to draw connecting lines between the

characters and the events as readers describe to themselves the

relationship between them.

c. Where

It is to identify all the places in the reading and make a list of

them and to draw connecting lines between places, events and

characters as the writer describes to the readers such the relationship

among them.

d. When

It is to identify all the time factors in the reading and make a list

of them, and draw connecting lines between time factors, places, events

and characters as the writer describes to the reader such the relationship

among them.

e. Why


It is to identify causes for events of actions and make a list of

them, and draw connecting lines from the causes to effects on the

characters, events, places, or times as writer describes to the readers in

the text in order to know the relationship among them.

f. How

This question word is to identify the way events took place and

make a list of them, and draw connecting lines between the way events

took place and other factors as the writer describe to the readers in order

to know the relationship among them.

To make easy in implementing the six kinds of questions in

reading above, it is helpful to answer the questions using an outline or

graphic organizers in order to review all the details which the readers

have listed. Then it is also important to make an outline of the overall or

main ideas and then select details from the lists in order to include

every detail that has been identified. This helps the readers see the

relationship between all the information. When they complete they

outline. By doing these activities, the readers will have a complete

picture of the overall ideas and how the details relate to these. The last

but not the least, It might also be helpful to draw lines integrating all the

details. In short, main information is major information of a text which

consists of main idea and major details of the text by covering 5W+1H


4. Aspects of Reading Comprehension


Reading comprehension is included into receptive skill where its

process needs comprehension ability in conducting it in real activities in

order that the readers can have complete understanding of reading

materials. Therefore, it is important for the readers to elaborate aspects of

reading comprehension during reading activity. Simon and Swan stated

that reading comprehension has five aspects that clarify actually concerned

with reading comprehension, namely: main idea, specific information,

reference, inference, and vocabulary9. It means that the readers should

comprehend the detail information of the text.

The first aspect is main idea. Main idea is called the topic sentence

or key idea in a paragraph10

. It tells the content of the paragraph. Although

a paragraph tells much information, the paragraph gives only one key idea.

The readers must be able to find the key idea in order that they can

understand the paragraph clearly. In other word, the main idea is the

important ideas that is developed by the writer throughout paragraph and

sometimes are available in key words and explicit or implicit message.

The second aspect is specific information. Specific information or

supporting idea is developed from the main idea by giving the specific

definitions, examples, facts, comparison, cause and effect that is related to

the topic sentence11

. In addition, specific information is also called as

9Greenall Simon and Michael Swan. Aspects of Reading Comprehension: Meaning and

Example, 2015, P. 1-5, retrieved on April 4, 2017 from

of-reading-comprehension-meaning-and-example/. 10

Otong Setiawan Djuharie. Extensive Reading Top-Down Reading. Bandung, Yrama

Widya, 2008, P. 9. 11

Greenall Simon and Michael Swan. Ibid. P.2


details and content words in reading comprehension where it can be in

form of noun, verb, and adjectives. Sharp stated that content words contain

meaning of a sentence12

. In short, this aspects of reading comprehension is

very important because it consists of the most important information of

reading texts.

The third aspect is reference. According to Sharpe, reference is the

words or phrases that is used either before or after the reference in the

reading material; they are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words or


. It means that such words are used to be a signal to the reader to

find the meaning elsewhere in the text or sometimes is called pronoun. For

example: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella.

She lived with her stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She

had to do all the housework. What does the word ”they” in the sentence

refer to? The word “they” refers to her stepsister and stepmother. The

word “they” is called reference because it becomes pronoun to “her

stepsister and stepmother”.

The fourth aspect is inference. Inference is a logical conclusion

based on evidence; it can be about the passage itself or about the author‟s

point of view14

. In other words, when a reader adds information that he or

she already knows to what is stated, the reader is making an inference. The

readers can make conclusion after reading the text. For example: One day


Pamela J. Sharpe. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL Test: Test of English as a

Foreign Language Eleventh Edition. Indonesia, Binarupa Aksara, 2005, P. 225. 13

Pamela J. Sharpe. Ibid. P 228. 14

Pamela J. Sharpe. Loc Cit. P. 226.


Aladdin and Mustafa walked in the desert and came to a cave. Mustafa

was afraid to go inside the cave, so Aladdin went inside and found more

riches alone. Did Aladdin enter the cave with Mustafa? No, he did not.

Aladdin entered the cave alone (inference). The inference or the

conclusion from the sentences above is Aladdin entered the cave alone

because from the sentences we can make the conclusion that Mustafa did

not enter to the cave so, Aladdin entered the cave alone.

The last aspect is vocabulary. Stock of words are used by person,

class of people, profession is called vocabulary15

. In this definition,

vocabulary can be understood as a number of English words that mastered

by learners in learning English. Concerning with the statements indeed

vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who wants to speak or to produce

utterance for reading.

5. Students’ Difficulties in Reading Comprehension

Challenge to master skills in English is different. In reading

comprehension skill, students do not only read aloud the text; but they also

construct the meaning in order to reach the understanding of the

information stated in the text. In English class, students find different

difficulties in reading comprehension, especially constructing meaning of

the texts. Celce-Murcia and Olshtain explained that there are some


Greenall Simon and Michael Swan. Loc Cit. P.3


fundamental difficulties encountered by the students when they read a text.

The difficulties can be explained as the following detail16


a. Global Processing Difficulties

Students as readers often face a dilemma with respect to the

plausibility of the message or the information presented in the text,

when perceived from their point of view. In this problem, it can be

said that there is a mismatch between the readers‟ view of the world

and the view that seems to be presented in the text. In conclusion,

when there is no mismatch, the interaction between plausibility and

context works well in advancing the interpretation of the text.

b. Grammatical Features that Cause Reading Difficulties

Every language has some linguistic features at the sentence

level that can be perceived as difficulties. In English, nominalization

is a grammatical process that enables the writer to impact a great deal

of information into one noun phrase. This destiny of information and

complexity of the resulting structure greatly affect the processing of

the written text. The complexity of any given English noun phrase

may be due to multiple modifiers such one finds in complex

compounds relative clauses with deleted relative pronouns and various

other compound modifiers in pronominal position. These types of

structures are extremely common in English exposition in general and


Marianne Celce-Murcia and Elite Olshtain. Discourse and Context in Language

Teaching. USA, Cambridge University Press, 2000, P. 127.


in scientific writing in particular which cause difficulties for the

students in comprehension process.

c. Discourse Features That Might Cause Problems

Reference needs to be maintained throughout a written

message of any sort in order to ensure both cohesion and coherence.

The reader relies on grammatical features that provide indications of

reference such as the pronoun system, or demonstrative one. However,

English often creates ambiguity in terms of such referential ties since

redundant such case and gender are not always available or if

available, still allow for simple antecedents. For example: “Bob talked

to Hans and then drove his car to Berlin”. What does “his” refer to-

Bob or Hans?. In short, discourse features can also become difficulties

for the students in comprehending a text.

d. Lexical Accessibility

Some experts suggested that readers guess the meaning of

unfamiliar words by using clues from the text thus minimizing the use

of dictionary. This strategy is useful and general very effective and

provide readers with important sort cuts and increase decoding speed.

Based on Haynes‟ research in (1993) showed that ESL readers can be

good guessers only when the context provides them immediate clues

for guessing, while insufficient context and low proficiency level on

the part of the learner may lead to mismatches in word analysis and


recognition that can cause confusion and misinterpretation of the

target text.

It is obvious that there are four kinds crucial difficulties

encountered by the students while reading, namely: global processing

difficulties, grammatical features, discourse features and lexical

accessibility. The difficulties are serious problems for both students

and teachers to overcome. It is important for them to find out the best


One of the best solution for this problem is the students should

try to become effective readers. Although it is not easy and needs long

process, this kind of solution must be run step by step by the students

who want to success in reading comprehension. Effective readers are

the readers who adjust to the material at hand and quickly fit their

“attack” skills to the type of the text they are reading and to their

personal objective for reading17

. For this case, the readers must be

more creative. When mismatch occurs, good readers know how to

abandon no successful strategies and select new ones, and how to

combine those that seem to work best in particular interaction.

Another expert like Penny Ur also suggested that in the

process of comprehension, the students do not only need skill but also

effective reading. In other words, to support the success of reading

comprehension process, students need both skill as effective readers


Marianne Celce-Murcia and Elite Olshtain. Ibid. P. 123.


and efficient reading as strategy. Efficient reading can foster the

learners to overcome more and more sophisticated texts and tasks and

deal with them efficiently quickly, appropriately, and skillfully. Ur

explained that there are ten characteristics of efficient reading; they


: (1) language: the language of the text is comprehensible to the

learners; (2) content; the content of the text is accessible to the

learners. They know enough about it to be able to apply their own

background knowledge; (3) speed: the reading progresses fairly fast

mainly because the reader ha „automatized‟ recognition of common

combination, and does not waste time working out each word or group

of words anew; (4) Attention: the reader concentrates on the

significant bits, and skims the rest, may even skip part he/she know to

be insignificant; (5) incomprehensible vocabulary: the reader takes

incomprehensible vocabulary in his or her stride: guesses its meaning

from the surrounding text or ignores it and manages without; uses a

dictionary only when these strategies are insufficient; (6) prediction:

the reader thinks ahead, hypothesize, and predict; (7) background

information: the reader has and uses background information to help

understand the text; (8) motivation: the reader is motivated to read; by

interesting content or challenging task; (9) purpose: the reader is

aware of a clear purpose in reading; for example, to find out


Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching, USA, Cambridge University Press, 1996, P.



something to get pleasure; (10) strategies: the reader uses different

strategies for different kinds of reading.

Based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that as

one of English skills, mastering reading comprehension also has

specific challenge which cause students‟ difficulties In order to reach

the goal of reading comprehension, the students should be able to

identify the problems in their own selves and try to find the best

solution related to their problems. The most suggested strategy is as

experts suggested that the students should attempt to be effective and

efficient readers during the process of teaching reading

comprehension in the classroom.

B. The Concept Narrative Texts

1. Defenition and function of Narrative text

Narrative text is a type of text in the form of fantasy stories, real stories

that are fabricated, or fairy tales. Narrative text tells a story that has a

series of chronological events that are interconnected. The purpose of

narrative text is to entertain the reader.

2. Generic structure

The structure of the narrative text as follows:

a. Orientation: introduction or opening in the form of introduction of

characters,time, and place.

b. Complication: complicit development or problem arising in the story.


c. Resolution: complict resolution or steps taken to respond to the


d. Re-orientation: closing remarks that indicate the and of the story.

Reorientation is optional or does not always exist in narrative text.

e. Coda: changes that occur in characters and moral lesson/values that

can be learned from the story, coda is also optional.

3. Linguistic elements

In general, narrative text has the following linguistic elements:

a. Noun: generally nouns are used as pronouns for animals, or objects in

the story, for example stepmother, the dwarfs, carriage, and so on.

b. Past tense: narrative text uses past tenses(verb 2), for example went,

ate, met, and others.

c. Time connective: is atime connector to short events, for example after,

before, after that, and so on.

d. Action verbs: verb that indicate events or activities, for example

stayed, climbed, wrote, and others.`

e. Saying and thinking verb: verbs that indicate reporting or utterance, for

example said, told, wrote, and others.

4. Types of Narrative text

Some types of narrative text that introduced in schools are as follows:

a. Folkflore/folktale


Is a story of trust that has long existed in the community. Derived

from the ancestors and delivered from mouth until it continues to be

told until now. Some people also call it the term “folktale” in English.

b. Legend

Is a good that has long been widely spread in the community and is

believed to be a history or believed to be the right thing to happen in

the past, usually due to the existence of the remaining evidence of the

relics. If we pay attention, it turns out there are similarities between

the types of story with legend folklore yes, and it turns out there are

those who believe that they are one type of story where folklore is the


c. Myth

Is a types of Narrative that deals with supernatural things, tells the

origin of a culture, which is usually associated with supernatural

beings such us gods and so on. Myth or myth is considered as a type

of Narrative text that has values related to the religion and beliefs of

society. Still the same as above, the story that is classified into a myth

is also considered as part of folklore, so do not forget to read a more

complete explanation, my friend.

d. Fable

Is a types of story that uses animal characters in it. So far, maybe

we know him as an animal story that can talk and think like humans.

If we pay attention, usually stories like this are not only aimed at


entertaining the reader or listener, friend, but usually there are moral

values to be conveyed, such as the attitude. Of helping help or good

values. This way we can also conclude that the purpose of a Narrative

text to find.

e. Short story

Is a story that is fictional or just an illusion. Because it comes from

someone‟s imagination, anyone can make a story in the form of this

short story, friend, do not be surprised if this the most abundant and

easiest form of Narrative text to find.

C. Integrative and Communicative Approaches

1. The Concept of Integrative Approach

a. The Description of Integrated Approach

Dr. Robert Slavin(2006), a director of Elementary School

Programs, has contributed a lot in the subject of collaborative or

cooperative learning. There's no doubt that collaborative or cooperative

learning is a great way of building and teaching students. Students

learn in groups in a much better way that they do it individually.

Cooperative learning is not relatively new but it traces its history back

to early 18th

century. Cooperative learning not only encourages

students on learning the group's tasks and activities but also helps them

in building a social personality in them. The instructor of the group is a

very important personality or entity that directs the movements of



Integrated Approach in Reading. It is a reading and writing

program for beginning students. It has three principal elements: story-

related activities, direct instruction in reading comprehension, and

integrated language arts/writing. Daily lessons provide students with an

opportunity to practice comprehension and reading skills in pairs and

small groups. Pairs of students read to each other; predict how stories

will end; summarize stories; write responses to questions posed by the

teacher; and practice spelling, decoding, and vocabulary19

. Within

cooperative teams of four, students work to understand the main idea of

a story and work through the writing activities linked to the story.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that a major

objective of Integrated Approach is to use cooperative teams to help

students learn broadly applicable reading comprehensive skills. In this

case, the objective of the researcher is to design, implement, and

evaluate a reading process that would make extensive use of peers.

b. The Procedures of Integrated Approach

For the teachers of researchers who want to apply Integrated

Approach as teaching approach, they must apply the three principle

elements of Integrated Approach, namely: (1) Basal-Related Activities,

(2) Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension, and (3) Integrated

Language Art/writing20



IES. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition, retrived from P. 1. 20

Michael R. Hannigan. Cooperative Learning in Elementary School Science, America:

Association for Supervisor and Curriculum Development, 1990, P. 25.


1) Basal-Related Activities

In this step, the students use their regular basal readers

(whatever texts or reading materials are used in the school). Stories

are introduced and discussed in teacher-led reading groups that meet

for approximately 20 minutes each day. During this sessions, teacher

set a purpose for reading, introduce new vocabulary, review old

vocabulary, and discuss the story after the students have read it21

. In

other words in this part, the students determine their reading

partners, mastering word meaning, story telling, spelling, partner

checking and test of their reading comprehension.

2) Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension

In this step, after each lesson, students work on reading

comprehension activities and games with their team, first gaining

consensus on one set of items and then assessing one another and

discussing any remaining problems on a second set of items. Then,

one day each week, students receive direct instruction in reading

comprehension skills. The activities can be identifying the main idea,

drawing conclusions, Interpreting figurative language, etc22

. A step-

by-step curriculum was designed for this purpose.

3) Integrated Language Art/Writing

Integrated Language art/writing is one of important part in

applying Integrated Appproach teaching strategy. It consists of two


Ibid 22

Michael R. Hannigan. Op Cit.


four procedures: first, Independent Reading (1). The activities are

every evening, students are asked to read a book of their choice for

at least twenty minutes. Parents initial forms indicating that students

have read the required time, and students contribute points to their

teams if they submit a completed form each week. Second,

Independent Speaking (2). The Activities are the sstudents complete

at least one book report every two weeks, for which they also receive

team points. If students complete their story activities or other

activities early, they are encouraged to read their independent

reading books in class. Third, Program evaluation (1). The

activities are two field experiments with intact third and fourth grade

classrooms have evaluated the effectiveness of the Integrated

Approach program, as compared to control groups using similar

basal reading curricula with more traditional instructional processes.

Fourth, Program Evaluation (2). In general, the results show superior

performance by the Integrated Approach classes on standardized

achievement tests, writing samples, and oral reading inventories.

Similar effects were seen with the sub population of mainstreamed

students found in the classrooms involved in these studies23


In conducting a research, the researcher should do some series

of procedures of Integrated Approach in order to reach objectives, in


Michael R Hannigan. Loc Cit. P. 27


this case mastering reading comprehension of narrative texts. The

procedures are below24


a) Make groups consist of 4 members heterogeneously.

b) Teacher gives text with of the topic learning.

c) Students cooperate to read each other, find main idea, and give

opinion to text. At the end, the students write the result on the


d) Make presentation or read to the result from group‟s discussion.

e) Closing.

b. The Concept of Communicative Approach

Communicative approach is oriented in language teaching-

learning based on communicative tasks and functions. The key

principles of communicative approach are: (a) focused on all

components of communicative competence; (b) designed to engage

learners in the use of language for meaningful purposes; (c)

fluency and accuracy are seen as complementary principles

underlying communicative techniques, d) students ultimately have to

use language in unrehearsed contexts, e) students are given

opportunities to focus on their own learning process, and f) teacher as

facilitator and guide for the students.25


Ibid 25

Rosalina Ulfah. & friends. “The implementation of communicative language teaching

approach in teaching speaking”.Vol 4. No.1(2015), p.2 accessed on 11 July, 2019 from site


According to Liao, ministries of education in many EFL countries

adopted the Communicative Language Teaching approach (CLT) based

on their objectives of developing communicative abilities in learners.

Introducing CLT was perceived to develop in learner‟s greater

competence in the use of English for communication and help them

overcome earlier concerns on being “communicatively incompetent”.26

Communicative language teaching (CLT) facilitates the transfer

of understanding given by the teacher to students in the learning process

in the classroom, the teacher acts as a tutor or facilitators. It aims to

stimulate students' skills in expressing their opinions after they learn the


c. Integrated and Communicative Approach

Many definition about integrated and communicative approach

As in many third world countries, as in Oman, we have found that an

integrative and communicative approach is the most useful method of

teaching English language through drama. When we use this approach,

it is found that the students are fully involved in the classroom. The

teacher ceases to be a lecturer and instead becomes a facilitator. In

this case, language skills will not be taught in isolation. On the

contrary, they are taught in an integrated way, incorporating a set of


Al-Khatib, H. (2017). Revisiting the Communicative Approach: The Tripod Construct.

Arab World English Journal, 8 (1). DOI:


text-based, student centered activities which as Collie and

Slater(2000:28) suggest add fresh momentum into the teaching of

drama by stimulating students‟ desire to read[or role playing and by

encouraging their responses”. It should involve pre reading activities,

interactive work on the select play, and follow up activities. Activities

like predicting, gap filling, creative writing, role playing, integrating

spelling with vocabulary, etc. are found very useful as these can

establish necessary connections between language and literature which

eventually make the teaching and learning of a dramatic text a very

meaningful and productive enterprise. These activities not only create a

challenging environment where students try to apply their mettle in

the best possible way, but also call for a great deal of attention on the

part of the teacher. To quote Dutta (2001:522) these type of activities

help the students to have the “intuitive response of a practicing literary

critic and the analytical tools of a practical linguist”. Roman

Jakobson‟s statement quoted in the beginning of this paper implies

that language, the medium through which the writer brings out her/his

creative output claims a closer attention than most teachers of literature

are willing to devote themselves too.

In this approach, the classroom activities may be divided

into three categories viz. “Pre- Reading Activities”, “While- Reading

Activities”, and “Post- Reading Activities”, Pre- reading activities are

a sort of warming up which can provide a platform to elicit from


students their feelings and responses to ideas and issues in literary

text. “While- reading activities” aim at helping the students to

experience the text holistically by developing a fruitful interaction

between the text and the reader. Post- reading activities encourage

students to reflect upon what they have read and they generate

thoughtful interaction and deliberations on different issues both related

to language and literature arising from the text.

In what follows, I shall try to discuss how some of these

strategies that are adopted while teaching a dramatic text to the

students who learn English as a foreign language. As mentioned

earlier, Robert Frost‟s One Act Play “The Death of a Hired Man”

(dramatized version of his poem under the same title) has been used as

a model.

a. Pre- Reading Activities

Before students read the play, it is useful to give them

some background information about drama/One Act Play,

discussing its important elements and how drama differs

from novel/poetry/short story etc. The next stage is to try to

involve the students in activities that will create the right attitude

for receptivity and enjoyment and so result in their being inspired

to read the play repeatedly. The activities demand that the

students use their experience of the world, as well as their

imagination and intelligence to guess what may happen in certain


situations. Some properties of the text which may be used for

drawing inferences are the title, illustrations, warmers, keywords

and expressions, language exercises etc.

b.The title of the play

The title of the play is always important as it often

indicates the subject and/or theme of the text. The instructor

announces that s/he is going to discuss the One Act Play “The

Death of the Hired Man” and the students are asked to predict

what is likely to happen in the play. Writing the title on the

board, the instructor may ask a range of questions to elicit

response from the students. In this case, some possible questions


What do you understand from the title of the play? Does it

give any clue about what might happen in the play? Is the

play going to have a sad ending or a happy ending? How did

you guess?

Does the definite article “The” in two places suggest anything

to you?

How would the meaning change if instead of “The” the article

“A” is used?

What does a „hired man‟ do?

c. Illustrations


Having discussed the title, the instructor may now present

an illustration that gives a pictorial expression of the play under

discussion. This activity may provide important clues for

predicting the content of the play. Many texts have front-cover

illustrations. If these are not available, the teacher may help by

having an artist prepare one. Even some students may have

artistic talent for drawing/painting. In the present case, the

illustration may show a farm house near farmland with cows

and buffalos, a woman sitting in the courtyard waiting for

someone, and from the distance, a man approaching carrying


After distributing the copies of the illustration, the

instructor asks the students to derive from it as much information

as possible about the background and setting of the play. While

students study the picture, the instructor may ask questions like:

What do you think is happening in the picture?

Can you guess who could be the man in the picture? Justify

your answer.

Explain the background of this picture.

d. Warmers

Pre-reading activities can be carried out with the help of

some one-line warmers from the play or can be chosen from

maxims, proverbs or quotations that are closely related to some


aspects of the play‟s content and theme. Such “warmers”

facilitate open discussion and elicit predictions of what the play

will be about. They encourage a response to the theme and

prompt a prior personal involvement with the subject

represented in the text. The teacher, choosing some closely

related warmers, distributes them among students and asks them

to express the idea contained in them. In order to highlight the

theme of “The Death of the Hired Man”, the instructor, for

example, can select the following „warmers‟.

A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men

Gentleness and kindness will make our homes a paradise upon


A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than

a great deal of money

Home is where your heart is

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have

to take you in

Nothing to look backward to with pride, nothing to look

forward to with hope

Students may be asked to discuss in pairs or groups and

write down briefly what they understand from the one-liners or

maxims. The warmers give an opportunity for the students to


discuss at a more Concentrated level the possible meaning of the


e. Keywords and phrases

Sometimes the play provides clues for predicting its theme

or content through the vocabulary items or expressions used in

the play. It is, therefore, rewarding to pay special attention to

the structure, organization, selection and collocation of lexical

items in the play. The words and collocated units that appear

in the form of keywords, through a semantic link, help readers to

predict what the atmosphere of the world inside the play is going

to be like. The teacher, giving a list of particular words and

expressions from the play, may ask students to imagine the


implications of the listed items. In the case of the present

dramatic text, the instructor can give some of the following

expressions, words/phrases. God admit, haying, depending on,

fixed wages, bettering oneself, I‟m done, ditch the meadows,

Jumbling words, studying like violin, kinfolk, to make the

bed, how much he is broken, Students can be asked to discuss in

groups or pairs the semantic implications of the above and try

and reconstruct a play which may resemble the one they are

going to read. These pre reading activities heighten student

involvement in the play and stimulate their interest in reading it.


At this juncture, the teacher may ask the students to start reading

the first two pages of the play and engage them in “while

reading activities” and during that time, the students are eagerly

waiting to see to what extent their predictions are true.

f. While- reading activities

Having done a set of pre-reading activities, students have

brought themselves very close to the one act play that they are

soon going to read. The while- reading activities therefore are

designed to make the play more accessible by developing a

purposeful interaction between the text and the reader. The

following activities may be considered at this juncture.

Reading the play in the class

Language exercises

Checking against predictions made about the play in the pre-

reading activities

g. Reading the Play in the class

The instructor can start reading the first few dialogues in

the beginning and then the students may be asked to read the play

in pairs. This activity will give students self-confidence and a

sense of the whole play. It will also help them achieve a

dramatic sense created by sound and intonation. Silent reading of

the play can also be encouraged. Thereafter, students may be


asked to prepare a list of dialogues that they find interesting and

relevant to the play.

While reading the play, the students will notice that Silas

is the hired man, working, on the farm of Warren who is a very

strict person and who will never tolerate indiscipline. Silas,

though old, is a good worker, but he goes away during the peak

season of harvesting to work with someone else who can pay him

some extra money. Warren is annoyed about this behavior of

Silas, and so, has made up his mind not to take Silas back on the

latter‟s return. Silas came back when Warren was not there, and

Mary, Warren‟s wife, took Silas home as he was very sick at

that time. Mary knows that for Silas this house is a home for

him even though he has a rich brother. Mary tries to convince her

husband that Silas has come back and that he said in his

delirium that he wanted to clear the meadows and take care of

the farm again. But Mary knows that his health is deteriorating

and he cannot work again on the farm. She says, “He has come

home to die”. At this juncture, Warren also feels pity for Silas.

Mary asks him to go and see for himself the condition of Silas.

He goes to the kitchen where Silas was supposed to be sleeping

and finds that Silas is dead. The sad ending of the story will

create a touching impact in the minds of the students who now


will be ready for some Post- Reading activities which will lead

them to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the play.

h. Post- Reading Activities

Post- Reading Activities are meant to create an

appropriate situation for the learners where they can express their

reactions to the play. These activities are supposed to deepen their

understanding and generate interest in the creative use of language

and provide opportunities for further interaction. Comprehension

questions, language exercises, and other creative activities can be

included at this stage.

Comprehension Questions

These questions will help the teacher to examine what the

students have made of the play that they have read. Based on the

play, the teacher can ask the flowing questions related to the

setting, plot, characters, theme etc. which will help the students in

understanding the play better.

When Warren comes home in the evening, Mary takes the

market things from him and then draws him down to sit beside

her on the wooden steps. Can you guess why she does this?

“I won‟t have him back…what good is he at this age?” Who

said these words? Explain the context. What do these words tell

us about the speaker?


Mary is depicted as a kind person in the play. Can you give

some examples from the play that explain this trait in her?

How did Mary help Silas when he came back very sick and


Who is Harold Wilson mentioned in the play and what is his

connection with Silas?

“I think he (Silas) has come home to die”. Who said these

words and what was the context?

What do you think is the difference between “home” and

“house”? What is the definition of “home” as stated in the


Warren says, “Do you think Silas has a better claim on

us…than on his brother?” What is his brother doing? It is not

directly mentioned in the play why Silas does not go to his

brother at the time when he is very sick? Can you make an


The play ends on a sad note with the death of Silas. Can you

change the ending with a happy note? If “yes” what changes

would you like to incorporate?

At this juncture, the teacher may divide the class into

small groups and ask them to discuss these questions and ask the

students to write the answers as home assignments.

i. Language Exercises


The instructor also can introduce a variety of language

exercises in order to develop students‟Language skills: Vocabulary

Use the following words/expressions/phrases in sentences of your


Musing on

To sit beside

To set it on


To take one in

To be kind

Be surprised

To be worn out

To have some pity

The fool of books

Students also can be asked to identify some

colloquial/conversational expressions in the play like

“Godammiit” ,” Shhh” etc

Change these questions that are asked

in the play into normal statements:

When was I ever anything but kind to him?

What good is he?

Who else will harbor him?

What help he is there‟s no depending on?


Change the following from present tense to the past tense:

Mary sits musing on the moon

What is going on?

He thinks he ought to earn a little pay

j. Creative Activities

Students may be involved in a whole range of creative

activities designed to enhance their understanding and

appreciation and improve their expressive and receptive skills.

Some of the activities like rewriting the play with a happy ending

(as mentioned in one of the comprehension questions above) can

be tried out in the class with the guidance of the teacher. A

playwright always wants his/her play to be performed. Using the

stage directions (Usually incorporated in parenthesis) the teacher

can help the students to arrange a performance of the play for a

larger audience.

D. Some Related Previous Studies

The first, Fredrik joko santoso (2009) with the title: “Penggunaan

Model Pembelajaran Terpadu Keterhubungan Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan

Keaktifan Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pedidikan Kewarganegaraan Kelas

Viii Smp Muhammadiyah 6 Surakarta Tahun 2009/2010”. From the results

of the initial conditions of student achievement, it can be seen that students

who have finished studying as many as 8 students, the percentage is 33.33%.

In cycle 1 students who finished learning were 13 students or 54.17%.


Whereas in cycle 2 students who completed learning by 19 students or

79.19%, it showed a significant increase in student achievement after the use

of integrated learning. Based on these results it can be concluded that the

application of integrated learning methods can improve the learning

achievement of Civics in class VIII A students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6

Surakarta in the 2009/2010 school year.

The second, Rosalina ulfah and friend with the title, “The

Implementation Of Communicative Language Teaching Approach In

Teaching Speaking”. The research results showed that the teacher provided

learners with communicative activities –such as games, simulation, certain

command, problem solving, discussion and role play– and guided learners to

be able to use the target language. Besides from the book and students

worksheet (LKS), the teacher provided the students with various sources of

learning material that reflect to the real world language use. The teacher also

provided the students with assessment that emphasizes the measurement of

learning outcomes in the form of students‟ competencies to do something.

The third, Lutfi effendi (2016) with the title, Improving Students’

Speaking Skills Through Communicative Activities Of Grade Viii Students Of

Smp Negeri 2 Sewon In The Academic Year 2015/2016. The results of this

research showed that there were some improvements of students‟ speaking

skills. Students gained more confidence to speak as their fluency improved.

Students were motivated and willing to participate in the activities. Firstly,

speaking skills could be taught equally in the classrooms. Secondly, the


speaking activities in the classroom became varied. Thirdly, students gained

more confidence to speak as their fluency improved as well as their

vocabulary. They were motivated and willing to participate in the activities

and also to work in pairs and groups.

The researcher is interested to conduct a research entitled, “The

Implementation Of Integrative And Communicative Approaches To Improve

Students Reading Comprehension An Eighth Grade Student SMPN 12

Bengkulu In Academic Year 2018/2019”. Essentially, this research has no

difference with the researches above. The only difference is the subject,

application, and the media that use of the research.

Name Title Year Method Difference Similar Result





a ulfah








sebagai upaya


keaktifan siswa

padaa mata

pelajaran PKN

kelas VIII Smp


h6 surakarta”





approach in




















It can be



who have


studying 8



in cycle 1

13 student


In cycle 2

19 student


Result show teacher provided learners with communicative activities –







skill through


activities of

eight grade

student smp 2





m action






such as games, simulation, certain command, problem solving, discussion and role play– and guided learners to be able to use the target language Firstly,



could be


equally in



. Secondly,




in the









to speak

as their



as well as



. They







integrative and


approach to





an eighth grade

student smpn

12 bengkulu

academic year











with first







is same







willing to


in the


and also to

work in

pairs and





A. Research Design

This research applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) method.

Classroom action research appropriate method for educational instructor or

teachers to do research because it gives advantages not only for teachers but

also students. CAR is a systematic process of solving educational problems

and making improvement27

. It means that CAR does not require elaborate

statistical analysis and lengthy narrative explanations, but it is more concerned

with solving a problem in efficient and feasible manner. In addition, another

expert said that Classroom Action Research (CAR) is different from other

research methods; it is a rather simple set of ideas and techniques that can

introduce the power of systematic reflection of the practice28

. This definition

means that CAR as a method focuses on the effectiveness of strategy

implementation in order to solve the students‟ problems, especially in

improving their English mastery, in this research is students‟ reading

comprehension skill of Narrative text at the eighth grade students of SMPN 12

Bengkulu City academic year 2020/2021.


Daniel R Tomal, Action Research for Educators, (The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Oxford),

2003, P. 5. 28

Frances Rust and Christopher Clerk, How to Do Action Research in Your Classroom,

(Teachers Network Leadership Institute, USA), 2012, P. 3.


B. Subject of the Research

Cclassroom Action Research is different from other kinds of research in

taking population and sample. It does not know about population and sample

because the effects of the action focus on the subject that is investigated29

. The

subject that is investigated in Action Research is called respondent. The

respondents of this research were the eighth grade students of SMPN 12

Bengkulu City in academic year 2020 class VIII A. There were 26 students as

respondents in this research. For the detail description of respondents, see the

following table:

Table 1

Respondents of the Research

No. Class Male Students Female Students Total

1 VIII 13 Students 13 Students 26 Students

C. Research Instrument

Instrument is an important part of a research to collect the data. The

researcher used some instruments in collecting data in completing this

research; they are:

1. Test


Suharsimi Arikunto, Suharjo, and Supardi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (PT Bumi Aksara,

Jakarta), 2008, P. 39.


The test were in form of reading comprehension test. The researcher

prepared some reading texts with some items in each text. The items were

in form of multiple choices There were 40 items which were taken from

students‟ textbooks at school which was preferable with national and local

current curriculum.

The teacher gives some test to the students. The procedures are:

a. Distributing the test material to the students.

b. giving instruction that the test should be done directly.

c. Specifying the time.

d. Collecting the test when the time is up.

e. Evaluation the score.

2. Observation

This research used structural observation where the researcher has

planned a machanism of the research in form of observation sheet. The

researcher designed list of activities and students‟ behaviour as the focus

of observation. By doing observation, the researcher could observe all

activities and behaviour in the classroom during the implementation of

cycles (actions).

The formula is used to know successful or not as follows:

The percentage of Observation sheet (%O) =

4 = Very good 2 = Fair

3 = Good 1 = Poor

The criteria of success determine as follows:


75% < MS ≤ 100% = Very good 25% < MS ≤ 50% = Fair

50% < MS ≤ 75% = Good 0% < MS ≤ 25% = Poor

3. Interview

Interview was useful for the researcher to get data by making

dialogues with teacher and students as source of information or data.

Interview was used to describe students‟ basic condition and problem,

their learning habit, and the students‟ responses in implementing

integrative and communicative approach in the classroom during the


The indicator of the students‟ success is when 75% of the students

get actively involved during teaching and learning process by

implementing integrative and communicative approach in the classroom.

4. Documentation

Documentation is use to obtain data from all documents. Arikunto

said that documentation is observed in form of notes, books, and other

sources besides human beings30

. In this research, the documentation data

in form of photographs, teacher‟s and students‟ observation sheet, and

students‟ worksheet. The documentation above were used to support to

describe authenticity of the data in the research.

D. Data Collecting Technique

1. Data Collection Technique for Qualitative


Arikunto, ibid. P. 234-235.


As Moleong explaine that the main instrument in a qualitative

research is human (the researcher)31

. The researcher‟s competence in this

research becomes the main instrument to explore the data. The qualitative

data in this research take from observation checklist, field-notes, and

interview. The first data take from observation checklist and field-notes.

The collaborator observe the process of teaching and learning by using the

observation checklist and field notes in every meeting. The researcher

collect it in each cycle. The second was interview. The interview is use to

complete the qualitative data. The researcher interview all of the students.

The interview is done at the end of the cycle.

a. Observation

Observation is an activity which concern to research object by the


In conducting observation, the researcher use the observation

scheme to make it more systematic containing list of activity or

happening which might happen during the research. Observation

needed for monitoring condition of class and students and to know

students‟ difficulties with material and method that used during

teaching learning process33


In observation step, the researcher help by the teacher in

observing what happen in the class during the lesson from opening until

closing of teaching activities. Then, the researcher also observe what is


Lexy J Moleong. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung, Rosdakarya, 2003. P. 9. 32

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT

RinekaCipta, 2006, P. 222. 33

Louis Cohen, et all. Research Methods in Education Fifth Edition, New York,

Routledge, 2000, P.396


going on in the classom and observe the effect of her teaching to

improve students‟ reading comprehension ability of narrative texts. In

addition, the researcher also observe what is going on in the classroom

and observe the effect of her teaching to improve studens‟ ability in

reading comprehension of narrative texts. The aspects of observation in

this research are as follow:

1) Students concern toward teacher‟s explanation.

2) Students cooperative in group.

3) The students activeness in present the material.

4) Students concern toward other group presentation.

5) The students‟ activeness in asking question.

6) The students‟ activeness in answering questions in group.

To interprete the observation sheet above, there were some

criterions of scoring as the following description:

a) Score 1 if the student‟s participation is poor.

b) Score 2 if the student‟s participation is fair.

c) Score 3 if the student‟s participation is average.

d) Score 4 if the student‟s participation is good.

e) Score 5 if the student‟s participation is excellent.

The observation conduct more cycle until the target is reached

b. Field Notes

Field notes is a method of data collection by making records on

whatever happens in the field. In this research, the researcher used field


notes to collect the data related to: (1) the teacher presents the material

in teaching activity; (2) kinds of strategy are employed to help the

students understand the material; and (3) the teacher conducts

evaluation for students with special needs.

c. Interview

Interview is one of important instrument used in qualitative

research. Esterberg state that interview could be said as a meeting of

two people to exchange information and idea through questions and

responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of

meaning about a particular topic to provide the researcher a means to

gain a deeper understanding of how the participant interprets a situation

or phenomenon that could be gained through observation alone34

. It

means that interview is really needed in this research to explore the

information in depth.

In this research, the researcher used unstructure interview to

collect the data. Related to the interview, it is conduct by using the

guideline of interview which focuses to the problem of this research.

2. Data Collection Technique for Quantitative

To get accurate data, the researcher used instrument. The

instrument need as tool to collect the data completely and

systematically in this research. To make this research successful, the

researcher used test to collect the data. Test generally can be defined as


Sugiono. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif Dilengkapi contoh proposal dan laporan

Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), p.88


a sequence of questions or exercises or other apparatus to measure skill

knowledge, intelligence, ability or aptitude of individual or group35

. In

this research, the researcher used a test in form of reading

comprehension test. The items were in form of multiple choices. There

were 30 items which would be taken from preferable English textbook.

The material will be discussed with the collaborator about its level and

appropriateness for the respondents. In this research, the test conduct

several times, namely: pre-assessment test, and some cycle tests until

the students can reach the research target.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Analysis Technique for Qualitative Data

The qualitative data in this research derive from some sources ; they

are: observation checklist, field notes from the collaborator, and the result

of the students‟ interview. To analyze this data, the researcher use

interactive model of data analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman

(1994). The data analysis consists of three main components, namely: (1)

data reduction; (2) data display; and (3) drawing and verifying conclusion.

The components above can be illustrate as the following figur36


Figure 1:

Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model

Miles and Huberman


Suharsimi Arikunto, Ibid, P. 156 36

Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Sourcebook

Third Edition, USA, Sage Publishing, 1994, P. 174.


The figure above can be explained that:

a. Data reduction: Data reduction occurs continually through out the

analysis. In earlt stages, it happens through editing, segmenting and

sumarizing the data. In the middle stages, it happens through coding

and memoing, and associated activities such as finding themes, clusters,

and patterns. In the later stages, it happens through coceptualizing and

explaining, since developing abstaract concepts is also a way of

reducung the data.

b. Data Display: Data display organize, compress and assemble

information. In this reseach, the way of displaying data through –

graphs, charts, and diagrams in order to make the data clearer.

c. Drawing and verifying conclusion: reducing and displaying the data

aim to help drawing conclusion. While drawing conclusions logically

follows reduction and display of data. Then, possible conclusion can be

noted and need to verify

2. Analysis Technique for Quantitative Data


Quantitative data are derive from test. The result of the students‟

reading comprehension test score based on percentage formulation






P: The Students‟ Reading Comprehension Score

F: Total Correct Answer of the Students

N: Total Number of the items

Then, the result of this research interprete by using the table of score

interval based on scoring standard eighth grade students of SMPN 1

Bengkulu in academic year 2019/2020 as the table below:

Table 2:

The Students’ Score Category

Score Interval Category

80 – 100

70 - 79

60 - 69

50 - 59

< 50





Very Poor


Rosma Hartiny Sam‟s. Model Penelitian Tindakkan Kelas: Teknik Bermain Konstruktif

untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika, Yogyakarta, Teras, 2010, P. 94.


After that, to investigate the improvement made by the students, the

resercher calculate it by reducing the students‟s average score in last cycle

with students‟ average score in pre-assessment test.

F. Research Procedures

The systematic procedure of this research was started from pre-

assessment test and some cycles the to treat students in order to solve their

problems and make significant improvement. CAR consists of planning,

implication of action, observation, and reflection. For clearer image, see the

following figure38


Figure 2:

An Ideal Action Research Cycle



Rosma Hartiny Sam‟s, Metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Teras, Bandung), 2010, P. 73.



Cycle I


Cycle I Cycle I

Reflection I Observation I

Cycle II

New problems

after reflection I

Observation II Planning

Cycle II

Observation II Reflection II



The Figure 2 above can be explained as the following detail description:

1. Pre-Assessment Test

In pre-assessment test, the researcher give a test to the students in

form of reading comprehension test by using instrument which is prepare

by the researcher. The score was as the basic score of students‟ ability in

reading comprehension of narrative texts before they get some cycles of

actions from the researcher by implementing integrative and

communicative approach.

2. Actions

Actions are a set of process of giving some treatments to the students

in order to solve their problems and making some improvement in their

skills. Based on figure 1, the steps could be developed as the following


Cycle 1

a. Planning

Planning is an initial step for the researcher. It is concern with

a good collaboration between researcher and collaborator. The

activities should the researcher do in the planning are: (1) identifying

If the problems

haven’t overcome Next Cycles


the issue to be changed. The researcher should have a good

discussion with the teacher about the students‟ condition by showing

him the students document especially their English study mark, and

discussion with the students about their usual habit of learning

activities; (2) informing: the researcher should inform the lesson plan

to collaborator in order to assess for its reliable; (3) organizing: the

researcher should organize some kinds of activities which are

regarded very important for research development.

b. Implementing Action 1

The researcher implements the strategy to solve the students‟

problem and make improvement for them. In this research the

researcher by implementing integrative and communicative approach

to improve students‟ reading ability in understanding narrative texts.

The researcher taught the students narrative text by implementing the

detail teaching procedures of by implementing integrative and

communicative approach in the lesson systematically in order to

make improvement for the students.

c. Observation

The researcher help by a collaborator as observer in this

research. The researcher should do some activities in this step: (1)

analyzing: analyzing the evidence and collating the findings; (2)

reporting: discussing the findings with co-researchers and or

colleagues for the interpretation, and then write the report; (3)


sharing: sharing the findings with the collaborator, peers or


d. Reflection

Some activities that the researcher should do are: (1)

evaluating: evaluating the first cycle of the process. The researcher

evaluates the action that has been given to the students, included

evaluation about quality, quantity and time from each action. In this

process, the researcher did discussion with the collaborator about

what the researcher has to do as an improvement in the next cycle

based on the result and experience in the cycle one in order to give

significant progress in the process of teaching and learning during

the action; (2) implementing: implementing the findings or new

strategy; (3) revisiting: revisiting the process.

Cycle 2

Cycle two is conduct as better as the cycle one, and it is done based

on the result of cycle one.

Next Cycles

Next cycles are conduct as better as the cycle 2, and they are done

based on the result of previous cycles.

F. Indicators of the Success

Indicators of the Success in this research are:

1. Quantitatively, the indicator of the students‟ success is when 75% students

have high percentage in reading comprehension of narrative texts


measurement level after getting actions by implementing integrative and

communicative approach.

2. Qualitatively, the indicator of the students‟ success is when 75% of the

students get actively involve during teaching and learning process by

implementing integrative and communicative approach in the classroom.




In this chapter, the result of the research was presented. The

result showed that Reading comprehension of class VIII A

students of SMPN 12 Bengkulu in academic year 2019/2020 was

slightly improved. It can be seen from the comparison between

the result of pre-assessment test and test of cycle II. It was present in

the following.

A. Result

1. Pre-Assessment test

Pre-assessment did at the beginning of the research. The

purpose was to know the students‟ reading comprehension

narrative text, before they were implementation of the

integrated and communicative approach.

Reading test was used to evaluate students‟ reading

comprehension and how the result of the scores that they

comprehend. The English teacher made 75 as minimum

standard (KKM) in English lesson especially in reading


The result of pre-assessment test could be seen in the

following chart.


Chart 1: The students’ score Pre-Assessment test

Based on chart above, The number of the students who took

the test was 26 from the result of reading test in pre-test, the

total score of the students was 1035 and the mean of the

students‟ score 39,80.

Tabel : The Result of Pre-Assessment Test





80-100 EXCELLENT - 0%

70-79 GOOD 3 12%

60-69 MODERATE - 0%

50-59 POOR - 0%

<50 VERY POOR 23 88%

Based on the table, it was indicated that the students‟ reading

comprehension in narrative text was low. It can be seen from the

mean score of the students was 1035 and the percentage of the

students‟ score of the test was 3 students who passed or got score

up to 75, it was only 12% good. On the other hand, 23 students

failed or did not get score up to 75, it was 23 students very poor

88%. So that, there were 88% students‟ did not get score average.













2. Description of cycle I

In this cycle, the researcher conducted four steps: planning,

action, observation, and reflection. In this cycle, there were three

meetings which were conducted to the students. A test was given

in the end of learning process. The steps of this cycle were.

a. Planning

In this step, the researcher arranged all of the

preparations before conducting the research. The activities

which were done by the researcher were all instruments

such as observation sheet, interview question, test had

been well prepared. To make improvement in their

competence in reading, the implementation of the

integrated and communicative approach would be applied.

Then the lesson plans and narrative texts were prepared.

Learning sources and the learning media were prepared. In

this research, the researcher would be as the teacher.

b. Implementation

The implementation of action I was done on February 9th

2019. 15th

February, 16th

February 2019. In this step the

researcher applied the lesson plan. The following procedure

of action I:

1. Pre-reading activities


Before students‟ read the text, its useful give them

some background information about narrative text

especially legend text, discussing important elements

and try to involve students activity that will create the

right attitude for receptivity and enjoyment.

2. The title of the play

The researcher announces that s/he is going to

disscuss “ the wolf and the goat” students‟ are asked and

predict what is likely happen in the play.

3. illusstration

The researcher may now present an illustration that

give a pictorial expression under disscussion.


Warmers facilitate open discussion and elicit

predictions of what the play will be about.

5. keywords and phrases

The word and collocated units that appear in the

form of keyword through semantic link, help reader

predict what the atmosphere.

6. while-reading activities

7.reading in the play class reading activities


9. language exercise

c. Observing

Observation proposed to find out information action

by the writer in the classroom. The observation was done

to observe what the students had done during the teaching

learning process. It was about the behavior, attitude, and all

activities during the action process. Thus, the result of

observation was collected as the data, which is used s basic

reflection. In this phase, there are two types of

observations, they are collected quantitatively and

qualitatively, the authors provide a post-test in the second

cycle. The results of the post-test in the first cycle showed

that students' understanding increased the implementation

of integrated and communicative approaches in the

learning process. Based on observations of data, there is an

increase in the teaching. and learning process. The teacher

can improve students' reading comprehension in legend

texts. But, the scores did not up to the target 75 as

minimum standard (KKM).

d.The Result Of Test In Cycle I

Quantitatively, the results of the post-test of the first

cycle, it shows that the total score of students is 1869 and


the number of students who take the test is 26. So, the

average student test score is 71.88. It can be seen that the

value of students in reading comprehension of legend texts

increases. The percentages of student test scores is 13

students pass and get a score of 75 or up to 75 it is 50%. So,

the post-test of the first cycle was categorized as

unsuccessful, It could be seen on the table below:

Tabel: The Result Of Test In Cycle I






80-100 EXCELLENT 7 27%

70-79 GOOD 12 46%

60-69 MODERATE 4 15%

50-59 POOR 3 12%



e. Interview

Based on the interview, the students‟ likely of legend

text. But, s/he did not understand with the word or

vocabulary they were still low, because they were lazy

open the dictionary. The researcher as a teacher motivated

the students‟ find the meaning of the word to understood

the text.

f. Reflection


The implementation of actions in Cycle 1 had been

done in three meetings. From the information stated

before, there are some points that can be reflected from the

actions done. Some actions were considered successful and

others were unsuccessful. Details of the reflection are

presented below.

1. The successful actions

a. The students‟ involvement in the classroom

improved and could be easily seen from their

active engagement in the discussion activity. The

topics of the discussion were mainly about generic

structure legend text.

b. The students‟ interest and motivation were

improved too. They were given legend texts

which were familiar with them. It made them

interested to join in the reading activity in the


2. The unsuccessful actions

a. The Student are still mistaken in searching for the

main ideas of legend texts, and confused in

determining the generic structure of legend texts


b. The other problem which had not improved yet

was vocabulary mastery. The students often

complained about the difficult words in the text.

They seldom used their dictionary even they had or

they were supplied by their school. They often

relied on their teacher to know the unknown


3. Description of cycle II

Cycle II was did based on the result of the cycle I test.

Cycle II was done on February 22th,February 23th, March 1st.

After seeing the result in cycle I, the researcher prepared again

material more interested to improve students‟ reading

comprehension on narrative text. Then, the researcher tried

students‟ fully involved on learning process by integrated and

communicative approach have done explained narrative text.

The researcher ceases to be teacher and instead becomes

facilitator. The procedure of cycle II as follows:

a. Planning

In this step, the researcher arranged all of the

preparations before conducting the research. The activities

which were done by the researcher were all instruments

such as observation sheet, interview question, test had

been well prepared. To make improvement in their


competence in reading, the implementation of the

integrated and communicative approach would be applied.

The researcher ceases to be teacher and instead becomes

facilitator Then the lesson plans and narrative texts were


c. Implementation

The implementation of action I was done on February,


2019. 23th

February, 1st March 2019. In this step the researcher

applied the lesson plan. The following procedure of action I:

Such us Pre-reading activities, The title of the play,

illustration, warmers, keywords and phrases, while-

reading activities, reading in the play class, post reading

activities, language exercise. The researcher ceases to be

teacher and instead becomes facilitator.

c. Observing

Observation proposed to find out information action

by the writer in the classroom. It was about the behavior,

attitude, and all activities during the action process. Thus,

the result of observation was collected as the data, which is

used s basic reflection. In this phase, there are two types of

observations, they are collected quantitatively and


qualitatively, the authors provide a post-test in the second

cycle. The results of the post-test in the second cycle

showed that students' understanding increased the

implementation of integrated and communicative

approaches in the learning process. Based on observations

of data, there is an increase in the teaching. and learning

process. The teacher can improve students' reading

comprehension in legend texts. the scored have done up to

the target 75 as minimum standard (KKM) .

d.The Result Of Test In Cycle II

Quantitatively, the results of the post-test of the second

cycle, it shows that the total score of students is 2,284 and

the number of students who take the test is 26. So, the

average student test score is 87.86. It can be seen that the

value of students in reading comprehension of legend texts

increases. The percentage of student test scores is 26

students pass and gets a score of 75 or up to 75 it is 100%.

So, the post-test of the second cycle was considered

successful. This data can be seen in appendix.

Tabel: The Result Of Test In Cycle II






80-100 EXCELLENT 7 27%

70-79 GOOD 12 46%


60-69 MODERATE 4 15%

50-59 POOR 3 12%



e. Interview

Interviews were also conducted after applying the

strategy to the English teacher and some students who

scored low and high during the learning process. The

results of interviews with students are as follows.

"Learning is not difficult, because sir teaches him to tell

stories related to everyday life, so he can understand the

structure of texts and figures in the legend, and makes us

even more curious to keep on reading to know the end of

the story and remember the cartoon that I often watch. "

(Student Interview)

From the results of student interviews, students stated

that they felt better, easier, and interesting to learn to read

in legendary texts, and were more enthusiastic about the

implementation of integrated and communicative


That is also supported by an increase in their progress

scores. In addition, the results of interviews with English

teachers are: "integrated and communicative approach is

good to be applied in learning English subjects especially


in reading comprehension. I see an increase in their scores

after they learn with an integrated and communicative

approach and they are also interested. " (interview English


Based on the results of interviews with English

teachers, he felt the teaching and learning process was

more interesting. It can be concluded that students' reading

comprehension in legend texts increases. And the teaching

and learning process with the implementation of an

integrated and communicative approach becomes more

effective and successful.

So, in this study, students were shown grades up

and it happened because there was a good increase. And

some documentation, also found that students are active

and focused during the teaching and learning process after

the teacher implements an integrated and communicative

approach. This can be seen by contrasting student scores in

the pre-test and post-test in the second cycle.

f. Reflection

In the implementation of integrated and

communicative approach in cycle II, there were some

improvement that had been achieved. The following are


the improvement that achieved in cycle II, comparing to

the cycle I test in reading comprehension narrative text is

increase. In cycle I, students average score was 71.88

while in cycle II was 87.86. Next is the students active

increased. It was shown by most of them pay attention,

active to asked, helping their friends who still can not

understand, and most of them understand the material. The

another is the students improvement in comprehend of

reading narrative text was increased.

1. The analysis of the Pre-assessment test and Cycle II

In analyzing the test of pre-assessment and cycle II, the

scores were compare to see whether the action had improved or not.

The improvement achieved by students from pre-assessment test,

cycle I and cycle II could be seen in following chart.

Chart 2: Improvement of students‟ reading comprehension




Pre-Assesment testcycle 1


Post-Test Cycle 1 71.88

Post-Test Cycle 2 87.86






' SC



students' reading comprhension improvement


Based on chart above, showed that comparison score pre-

assessment test, post-test cycle 1 and cycle II. The percentage the

students‟ average score pre-assessment test was 39.80 and post-test

cycle I was 71.88 meanwhile post-test cycle II 87.86. The increasing

students‟ reading comprehension average pre-assessment to post-test

cycle II was 48.06.

B. Discussion

This research was conducted to find out the improvement of

students' reading comprehension in legend texts by applying an

integrated and communicative approach. The application of an

integrated and communicative approach is one of the many learning

strategies that can be used by teachers in teaching English, especially

in reading comprehension.

This research has proven that this approach is effective for use

in teaching reading in legendary texts. This can be seen in the table

increasing student scores from pre-test to post-test cycle II. the

improvement was because the teacher controlled the class better.

Another is because the application of an integrated and communicative

approach makes it more helpful in stimulating students' thinking in

learning to read in legend texts, so that it is easy to determine the main

ideas of the text and the generic structure of legend texts.


Based on the results of quantitative data, the results show that

students improve their reading comprehension in legendary texts.

Student scores get better from the first meeting to the last meeting on

the exam. That is evidenced by the average value of students who

increase in each meeting. The mean score of students in the pre-test

was 39.80. It was low because only 3 students scored 75 and above.

The average value of students in the post-test cycle I was 71.88. That is

higher than pre-test cycle I. The average value of students on post-test

cycle II was 87.86. That's higher than the pre-test and post-test cycle I

or succeed.

Then, the percentage of students who scored 75 and more in the

pre-test was three out of twenty-six students (12%). The percentage of

students who scored 75 and more in the first cycle post-test was 13 of

twenty-six students (50%). the percentage of students who scored 75

or more in the post-test cycle II was 26 out of 26 students (100%) The

increase in the percentage of students who were competent from pre-

test to post-test cycle II was 89%. This shows that the increase in

students' reading comprehension in Legend text is significant.

Based on the results of qualitative data taken from observation

sheets and interview reports, it was found that the class was effective.

The students pay attention to the teacher during the learning process.

They are also passionate about reading and enjoying the learning

process. Then, it can be said that qualitative data also shows an


increase in teacher and student activities during the teaching and

learning process. This indicates that the application of integrated and

communicative can motivate students to be more enthusiastic in

learning to read in legendary texts.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the results

of the study indicate that the application of an integrated and

communicative approach can improve students' reading

comprehension in legendary texts. This can be proven by quantitative

data that shows student scores getting better from pre-test to post-test

cycle I to post-test cycle II. It can also be proven with qualitative data

which shows that the teacher is better at controlling the class. and

students are more active and enthusiastic about learning to read in

narrative texts.




A. Conclusions

Based on the result of the research, it could be concluded that:

1. In the preliminary study, quantitatively showed that score of the

students was 1035 and the mean of the students‟ score 39.80. the

percentage of the students‟ score of the test was 3 students who passed or

got more score up to 75, it was only 11%. There was 23 students who got

failed. Qualitatively showed from the result of observation and the

interview, it can be proven that the students‟ reading comprehension was

not good yet and low in reading test of the pre- test.

2. In the first cycle, quantitatively showed that the total score of the

students was 1869 and the mean of the students‟ score of the test was

71,88. The percentage of the students‟ score of the test was 13 students

who passed and got score 75 or up to 75 it was 50%. Qualitatively, showed

from reflection cycle I, The student confused in determining the generic

structure of legend texts, The other problem which had not improved

yet was vocabulary mastery, Some of the students are often not focused

on learning and there are still those who are sleepy in class it can be

concluded the students felt better, easier, and interesting to learn reading

narrative text by integrated and communicative approaches.


3. In the second cycle, quantitatively showed that the total score of the

students was 2284 and the mean of the students‟ score of the test was

87,86. The percentage of the students‟ score of the test was 26 students

who passed and got score 75 or up to 75 it was 100%. Qualitatively,

showed from the result of interview, it can be concluded the students felt

better, easier, and interesting to learn reading legend text by

implementation integrated and communicative approach.

4. Based on the data analysis, the result of the research showed the

improvement of the students‟ reading comprehension in narrative text

by implementation integrated and communicative approach.

B. Suggestions

The result of this research showed that the implementation integrated and

communicative approach could improve the students‟ reading

comprehension in legend text. Therefore, the following suggestions were


1. For the principal SMPN 12 Bengkulu, it is useful to make an

instructional concept in English subject especially in teaching reading in

legend text by implementation integrated and communicative approach.

2. For the English teacher, it is useful to apply integrated and

communicative approach as one of the alternative way in teaching reading

in legend text to make a variation in teaching reading in narrative text so


that the students do not get bored in learning English especially in reading

comprehension in legend text.

3. For the students, they feel more interest and motivated in learning

reading in legend text because they can enrich their knowledge and helps

stimulate their thoughts in reading.

4. For the other researchers, it is very useful as the information in

conducting in depth research which is related to this research.


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Appendix I


(Meeting I)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and

simple short essays in narrative text form to interact with the


2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative

written texts by using a variety of written language accurately,

fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding


3. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of

the text d. Finding out words meaning

of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on

the text b. Students are able to identifying main idea of

the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of

the text d. Students are able to find out words meaning of

the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense.

The purpose and social function of the narrative text is to

entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as


a. Orientation : the part where the writer

describes the setting, the context or situation

in which the story takes place and the

characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the

writer introduces a problem, a change in the

situation,or an action that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer

present the way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

6. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

7. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

multiple choice.

- Asks the students to answer test based on their

understanding of the tests that have been learned.

- Provides an opportunity for the students to think, solve

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1. What can we learn from story


a. Don‟t look down to other


b. Don‟t easily believe in well

behave creatures

c. Don‟t jugde other by


d.Dont‟t easily beat other creatures

The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

Standard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

11. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based

English for grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung:

Grafindo Media Pratama.

Bengkulu, 09 February 2020

Appendix II


(Meeting II)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII / 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and simple

short essays in narrative text form to interact with the surrounding

2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative written texts by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to

interact with the surrounding environment.

3. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of the text d.

Finding out words meaning of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on the text b.

Students are able to identifying main idea of the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of the text d.

Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The

purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse

the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as follows:

a. Orientation : the part where the writer describes the

setting, the context or situation in which the story takes

place and the characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the writer

introduces a problem, a change in the situation,or an action

that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer present the

way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

6. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

7. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1the Similarity between fairy and and

human according the text

a. the place they life

b. the jealous that they posses

c the way they don‟t feel a love

d. the streng they have

The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

Standard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

11. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based English for

grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Grafindo Media


Bengkulu, 15 February 2020

Appendix III


(Meeting III)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII / 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and simple

short essays in narrative text form to interact with the surrounding

2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative written texts by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to

interact with the surrounding environment.

3. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of the text d.

Finding out words meaning of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on the text b.

Students are able to identifying main idea of the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of the text d.

Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The

purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse

the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as follows:

a. Orientation : the part where the writer describes the

setting, the context or situation in which the story takes

place and the characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the writer

introduces a problem, a change in the situation,or an action

that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer present the

way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

6. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

7. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

multiple choice.

- Asks the students to answer test based on their

understanding of the tests that have been learned.

- Provides an opportunity for the students to think, solve

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1 Why did the boy get off from the


a. the passerby needed him

b. his father asked him to do that

c the donkey was tired carrying


d. the boy wanted to be with the


The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

Standard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

11. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based English for

grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Grafindo Media


Bengkulu, 16 February 2020

Appendix IV


(Meeting IV)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII / 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and simple

short essays in narrative text form to interact with the surrounding

2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative written texts by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to

interact with the surrounding environment.

3. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of the text d.

Finding out words meaning of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on the text b.

Students are able to identifying main idea of the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of the text d.

Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The

purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse

the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as follows:

a. Orientation : the part where the writer describes the

setting, the context or situation in which the story takes

place and the characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the writer

introduces a problem, a change in the situation,or an action

that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer present the

way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

6. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

7. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

multiple choice.

- Asks the students to answer test based on their

understanding of the tests that have been learned.

- Provides an opportunity for the students to think, solve

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1 The Text Generally Tell us About?

a. the adventure an ant

b. the ant and chrysalis

c the changing and chrysalis

d the regret of and ant

The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

tandard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

1. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based English for

grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Grafindo Media


Bengkulu, 22 February 2020

Appendix V


(Meeting V)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII / 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and simple

short essays in narrative text form to interact with the surrounding

2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative written texts by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to

interact with the surrounding environment.

3. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of the text d.

Finding out words meaning of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on the text b.

Students are able to identifying main idea of the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of the text d.

Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The

purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse

the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as follows:

a. Orientation : the part where the writer describes the

setting, the context or situation in which the story takes

place and the characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the writer

introduces a problem, a change in the situation,or an action

that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer present the

way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

multiple choice.

- Asks the students to answer test based on their

understanding of the tests that have been learned.

- Provides an opportunity for the students to think, solve

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1 we can learn thet we have to?

a. show our loves to our mother

b. buy flowers for our mother

c keep our mother alive

d obey to our mother

The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

Standard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

11. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based English for

grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Grafindo Media


Bengkulu, 23 February 2020

Appendix VI


(Meeting VI)

Name of School : SMPN 12 BENEGKULU

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : VIII / 2(genap)

Kind of Text : Narrative Text

Theme : Legend Text

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

. Standard Competence :

1. Reading

The Understanding of functional meaning in the written text and simple

short essays in narrative text form to interact with the surrounding

2. Basic Competence :

1.1 The understanding in the form of simple short narrative written texts by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to

interact with the surrounding environment.

. The Indicators

a. Answer the question based on the text

b. Identifying main idea of the text

c. Identifying specific information of the text d.

Finding out words meaning of the text

4. The Objectives of Learning

In the end of learning process:

a. The students are able to answer the question based on the text b.

Students are able to identifying main idea of the text

c. Students are able toidentifying specific information of the text d.

Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

The students‟ characteristic are expected:

- Trustworthiness

- Respect

- Diligence

5. Materials

- Definition of narrative text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The

purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse

the readers or listeners about the story.

Narrative text has a generic structure such as follows:

a. Orientation : the part where the writer describes the

setting, the context or situation in which the story takes

place and the characters (who involved in the story)

b. Complication/Proble : the part where the writer

introduces a problem, a change in the situation,or an action

that require a response.

c. Resolution : the section where the writer present the

way the problem has been resolved.

- The text of narrative text

- Narrative text use Grammar past

6. Time Allotment

2 x 40‟

7. Teaching Method

Integrated and Communicative Approaches

8. Procedures of Teaching

No Learning Activities Time Allotment

1 Introduction

Apperception :

- Greeting the students.

- Checking the students‟ attendance list.

- Asking the students‟ knowledge about narrative texts and

15 Minutes

reading about The legend text


- Delivering the objectives of learning

- Explaining the importance of the material

2 Main Activities


In the exploration activity, the teacher:

- Involves the students in looking for the wide information

about the topic/theme of the materials that will be studied by

implementation of integrated and communicative approaches.

- Facilities the students‟ interaction among the students with

the teacher, the environment and other learning resources.

- Involves the students actively in each learning activity.


In the elaboration activity, the teacher:

- Explains about narrative text.

- Gives the example of the narrative text.

- Explains about integrated and communicative approach

- Gives a test which contains 10 questions and its form is a

multiple choice.

- Asks the students to answer test based on their

understanding of the tests that have been learned.

- Provides an opportunity for the students to think, solve

60 minutes

problem and act without a fear.

- Facilities the student to compete in a sportive way to

improve the learning objectives.


In the confirmation activity, the teacher;

- Asks the students to read and do the test.

- Collect student answer sheets.

Closing Activities (15 minutes)

In the closing activity, the teacher:

- Discusses the text with the students.

- Concludes the material with the students.

- Reflects the activities that have done in the learning process

and motivates the students.

- Conveys the lesson plan for the next meeting.

15 minutes

9. Evaluation

Evaluation Technic Evaluation Instrument Sample of Instrument

Written test Multiple Choice 1 what did the milk-maid carry on her


a. some cream

b. some butter

c A pail of milk

d A pail of eggs

The instructionl scoring

The student‟s score: the correct answer x100

the total question

10. Aspect of Assessment

Criteria Score

Comprehension 5

Standard of each elements

Excellent 5

Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

11. Learning Sources

Anwar Sofyanda and friends. 2005. Competenced- Based English for

grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Grafindo Media


Bengkulu, 23 February 2020

Appendix VII



Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C OR D!

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.

The Wolf and the Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the

thought of a fine goat dinner.

“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren‟t you afraid you will fall

down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level

ground. ”No, thank you,” said the goat.

“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren‟t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer

grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area. ”No, Thank you,” said the goat.

“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf, “Why dine alone?”

“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worrying

about and not your own?”

1. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?

A. To be his friend

B. To graze on the level ground

C. To climb up higher

D. To be his dinner

2. “Aren‟t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word „there‟ refers to ….

A. A high cliff

B. Sheltered area

C. Grass

D. Ground

3. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don‟t look down to other creatures

B. Don‟t easily believe in well behaved creatures

C. Don‟t judge others by their appearance

D. Don‟t easily beat other creatures

4. From the story we know ….

A. The goat was very hungry

B. The wolf was a helpful animal

C. The wolf was eager to eat the goat

D. The wolf was going to fight with the wolf

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals,

there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang

Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous

for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the

matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.

Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used

magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was

searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked

fairy.The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan.When Princess Teja Nirmala

heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

5. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?

A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise man

6. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?

A. She didn‟t like Raden Begawan

B. She didn‟t want Raden Prabu marry the princess

C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding

D. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess

7. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in

the earth at that time?

A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan

B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition

C. Raden Begawan will not die

D. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan‟s life

8. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers


A. The wicked fairy

B. The nice fairy

C. Princess Nirmala

D. Prince Teja

9. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.

A. The place they live

B. The jealousy that they posses

C. The way they don‟t feel a love

D. The strength they have

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 13.

A man and his son were going to the market. While they were walking, a country man

passed and said, “You fool, what a donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the man put the boy on the donkey. But soon, some passersby said, “See that lazy, young

steer. He lets his father walk while he rides.”

So the man ordered his boy to get off and got on himself, but the passerby said, “Shame on…

that lazy old man, he lets his poor son walk, while he rides.”

The man did not know what to do. Last, he took his boy on the donkey. Then the passerby said,

“Aren‟t you ashamed of yourself for overloading the poor donkey?”

The man and the boy got off. They cut down a pole, tied the donkey‟s feet to it and raised the

pole to their shoulders. They arrived to a bridge when the donkey, getting one of its feet loose,

kick all out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle, the donkey fell over

the bridge and then it was drowned.

10. Why did the boy get off from the donkey?

A. The passerby needed him

B. His father asked him to do that

C. The donkey was tired carrying him

D. The boy wanted to be with the donkey

11. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The man and his son took a rest near the bridge

B. The man and his donkey arrived at the market

C. The man‟s behavior made the donkey alive

D. The donkey was carried by its owners

12. What is the moral value of the text?

A. You should believe in yourself

B. You cannot please everyone

C. Do what everyone asked you for

D. You must be careful when riding a donkey

13. “… Tied the donkey‟s feet to it ….” (Last paragraph).

The underlined word refers to ….

A. The market

B. The donkey

C. The pole

D. The river

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 17.

An ant nimbly running in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close its time to

change. The chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant who for the first time

realized that it was a living thing. "Poor, pitiable animal!", cried the ant disdainfully "what a sad

fate is yours! While I can run with my pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell". The

chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.

After a few days, when the ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.

Wondering what had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the

gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly. "Behold in me," said the butterfly, "your much pitied

friend!". So the butterfly rose in the air and lost in the summer breeze.

14. What happened to the chrysalis after few days?

A. The chrysalis had gone from the shell

B. The chrysalis had become a butterfly

C. The ant felt sad about chrysalis death

D. The ant felt happy for the butterfly

15. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Chrysalis is a animal

B. The chrysalis lie imprisoned

C. The ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis

D. The ant goes around having fun

16. The text generally tells us about....

A. The adventure of an ant

B. The ant and the chrysalis

C. The changing of the chrysalis

D. The regret of the ant

17. From the text we can learn that ....

A. We have to be arrogant to others

B. Freedom is everything in life

C. We have to take revenge

D. The appearance may be deceptive

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 20.

One day a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his

mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company. Meanwhile he was looking at

sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong and she

replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but my money is not enough”. The man

smiled and said, “Come on in with me I‟ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a rose and he

ordered for his own mother flowers too.

After buying a rose flower for the girl the man offered the girl a ride to her home. She

said” yes please! You can take me to my mother. She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed

the rose on her mother‟s fresh grave. Knowing the girl‟s mother had died the man realized that

he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the

flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order picked up the rose flower and drove to reach

his mother‟s house.

18. We can learn that we have to ….

A. Show our loves to our mother

B. Buy flowers for our mothers

C. Keep our mother alive

D. Obey to our mother

19. What did the man do after buying the girl a red rose?

A. He gave her a ride to her home

B. He took the girl to her mother‟s cemetery

C. He went to his own home

D. He placed the rose on his mother‟s grave

20. The main idea of the first paragraph is …

A. A sad girl was thinking of her mother

B. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower

C. A girl needed a man to deliver her a flower

D. A man bought a flower for a girl

Read the following text to answer questions number 21 to 14.

A Milkmaid had been in the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with

a pail of milk on her hand.

She thought, "I will make cream and butter out of this milk. Then after selling them, I will

buy eggs. And when they hatch, I shall have a good poultry farm".

She further thought, "I shall sell some of my chickens and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on

my body at the party, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away".

She went on day dreaming; she forgot about the pail on her head. She moved her head

suddenly and the pail of milk came tumbling down. It was broken and all the milk split.

"Dear, 0 dear!" she cried, "I have lost mine all".

21. What did the milk-maid carry on her hand?

A. Some cream

B. Some butter

C. A pail of milk

D. A pail of eggs

22. What does the text tell us about?

A. Spilt milk

B. A pail of milk

C. A hardworking girl

D. A day dreaming milk-maid

23. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don't cry over the split milk

B. Don't cry before you are hurt

C. Don't dream when you sleep

D. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.

Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see

the big city that was about ten miles away they talked about it for a long time and at last they set

off to the city.

It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when

one said to the other, "we must be nearly there, and can you see the city?" "No," said the other

frog, "but if I climb on your back I might be able to see it.

So he climbed up on the back of the other frog to see the city.

Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind. And not what was

in the front. So he saw the village they had just left. "Can you see the city?" asked the frog who

was below. "Yes," answered the frog that had climbed up." I can see it. It looks just like our


Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any further. They went back and

told the frogs in the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs.

24. What did they feel on their way to find a big city?

A. Happy

B. Glad

C. Sad

D. Tired

25. Why did one of the frogs climb on the other's back?

A. It felt tired

B. It was a hot day

C. It could not see the city

D. It thought it was worthwhile

26. " last they set off to see the city." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word means....

A. Left

B. Gave up

C. Decided

D. Stopped

27. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Never do something useless with your friends

B. Never trust within a single opinion without other evidences

C. We have to accept whatever information we receive

D. We can always ask someone's opinions for anything

Read the following text to answer questions number 28 to 30.

In ancient times, the king placed a boulder on a roadway. Then he hid and watched to see

if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king‟s wealthiest merchants and courtiers

came by and simply walked around its

Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything to get

the big stone out of the ways. Then a peasant came along, carrying a load of vegetables. On

approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side

of the road. After lots of pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up

his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying on the road where the boulder had been.

The purse contained a lot of gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold

was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many

others never understand.

28. Why did many people blame the king?

A. He did not make good roads for them

B. He loved to hide behind the rock

C. He showed no care on their roads

D. He did not keep the road clear

29. What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. The roads that people built with the king

B. The person who liked keeping the roads well

C. The purpose of putting the boulder and purse

D. The way the peasant removed the boulder on the road

30. From the story, we know that ….

A. Many people liked the peasant

B. The peasant was a good man

C. The boulder was really small

D. The king was very stingy

































Appendix VIII



Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C OR D!

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.

The Wolf and the Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the

thought of a fine goat dinner.

“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren‟t you afraid you will fall

down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level

ground. ”No, thank you,” said the goat.

“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren‟t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer

grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area. ”No, Thank you,” said the goat.

“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf, “Why dine alone?”

“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worrying

about and not your own?”

1. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?

A. To be his friend

B. To graze on the level ground

C. To climb up higher

D. To be his dinner

2. “Aren‟t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word „there‟ refers to ….

A. A high cliff

B. Sheltered area

C. Grass

D. Ground

3. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don‟t look down to other creatures

B. Don‟t easily believe in well behaved creatures

C. Don‟t judge others by their appearance

D. Don‟t easily beat other creatures

4. From the story we know ….

A. The goat was very hungry

B. The wolf was a helpful animal

C. The wolf was eager to eat the goat

D. The wolf was going to fight with the wolf

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals,

there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang

Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous

for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the

matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.

Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used

magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was

searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked

fairy.The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan.When Princess Teja Nirmala

heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

5. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?

A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise man

6. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?

A. She didn‟t like Raden Begawan

B. She didn‟t want Raden Prabu marry the princess

C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding

D. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess

7. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in

the earth at that time?

A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan

B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition

C. Raden Begawan will not die

D. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan‟s life

8. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers


A. The wicked fairy

B. The nice fairy

C. Princess Nirmala

D. Prince Teja

9. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.

A. The place they live

B. The jealousy that they posses

C. The way they don‟t feel a love

D. The strength they have

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 13.

A man and his son were going to the market. While they were walking, a country man

passed and said, “You fool, what a donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the man put the boy on the donkey. But soon, some passersby said, “See that lazy, young

steer. He lets his father walk while he rides.”

So the man ordered his boy to get off and got on himself, but the passerby said, “Shame on…

that lazy old man, he lets his poor son walk, while he rides.”

The man did not know what to do. Last, he took his boy on the donkey. Then the passerby said,

“Aren‟t you ashamed of yourself for overloading the poor donkey?”

The man and the boy got off. They cut down a pole, tied the donkey‟s feet to it and raised the

pole to their shoulders. They arrived to a bridge when the donkey, getting one of its feet loose,

kick all out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle, the donkey fell over

the bridge and then it was drowned.

10. Why did the boy get off from the donkey?

A. The passerby needed him

B. His father asked him to do that

C. The donkey was tired carrying him

D. The boy wanted to be with the donkey

11. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The man and his son took a rest near the bridge

B. The man and his donkey arrived at the market

C. The man‟s behavior made the donkey alive

D. The donkey was carried by its owners

12. What is the moral value of the text?

A. You should believe in yourself

B. You cannot please everyone

C. Do what everyone asked you for

D. You must be careful when riding a donkey

13. “… Tied the donkey‟s feet to it ….” (Last paragraph).

The underlined word refers to ….

A. The market

B. The donkey

C. The pole

D. The river

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 17.

An ant nimbly running in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close its time to

change. The chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant who for the first time

realized that it was a living thing. "Poor, pitiable animal!", cried the ant disdainfully "what a sad

fate is yours! While I can run with my pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell". The

chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.

After a few days, when the ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.

Wondering what had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the

gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly. "Behold in me," said the butterfly, "your much pitied

friend!". So the butterfly rose in the air and lost in the summer breeze.

14. What happened to the chrysalis after few days?

A. The chrysalis had gone from the shell

B. The chrysalis had become a butterfly

C. The ant felt sad about chrysalis death

D. The ant felt happy for the butterfly

15. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Chrysalis is a animal

B. The chrysalis lie imprisoned

C. The ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis

D. The ant goes around having fun

16. The text generally tells us about....

A. The adventure of an ant

B. The ant and the chrysalis

C. The changing of the chrysalis

D. The regret of the ant

17. From the text we can learn that ....

A. We have to be arrogant to others

B. Freedom is everything in life

C. We have to take revenge

D. The appearance may be deceptive

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 20.

One day a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his

mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company. Meanwhile he was looking at

sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong and she

replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but my money is not enough”. The man

smiled and said, “Come on in with me I‟ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a rose and he

ordered for his own mother flowers too.

After buying a rose flower for the girl the man offered the girl a ride to her home. She

said” yes please! You can take me to my mother. She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed

the rose on her mother‟s fresh grave. Knowing the girl‟s mother had died the man realized that

he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the

flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order picked up the rose flower and drove to reach

his mother‟s house.

18. We can learn that we have to ….

A. Show our loves to our mother

B. Buy flowers for our mothers

C. Keep our mother alive

D. Obey to our mother

19. What did the man do after buying the girl a red rose?

A. He gave her a ride to her home

B. He took the girl to her mother‟s cemetery

C. He went to his own home

D. He placed the rose on his mother‟s grave

20. The main idea of the first paragraph is …

A. A sad girl was thinking of her mother

B. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower

C. A girl needed a man to deliver her a flower

D. A man bought a flower for a girl

Read the following text to answer questions number 21 to 14.

A Milkmaid had been in the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with

a pail of milk on her hand.

She thought, "I will make cream and butter out of this milk. Then after selling them, I will

buy eggs. And when they hatch, I shall have a good poultry farm".

She further thought, "I shall sell some of my chickens and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on

my body at the party, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away".

She went on day dreaming; she forgot about the pail on her head. She moved her head

suddenly and the pail of milk came tumbling down. It was broken and all the milk split.

"Dear, 0 dear!" she cried, "I have lost mine all".

21. What did the milk-maid carry on her hand?

A. Some cream

B. Some butter

C. A pail of milk

D. A pail of eggs

22. What does the text tell us about?

A. Spilt milk

B. A pail of milk

C. A hardworking girl

D. A day dreaming milk-maid

23. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don't cry over the split milk

B. Don't cry before you are hurt

C. Don't dream when you sleep

D. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.

Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see

the big city that was about ten miles away they talked about it for a long time and at last they set

off to the city.

It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when

one said to the other, "we must be nearly there, and can you see the city?" "No," said the other

frog, "but if I climb on your back I might be able to see it.

So he climbed up on the back of the other frog to see the city.

Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind. And not what was

in the front. So he saw the village they had just left. "Can you see the city?" asked the frog who

was below. "Yes," answered the frog that had climbed up." I can see it. It looks just like our


Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any further. They went back and

told the frogs in the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs.

24. What did they feel on their way to find a big city?

A. Happy

B. Glad

C. Sad

D. Tired

25. Why did one of the frogs climb on the other's back?

A. It felt tired

B. It was a hot day

C. It could not see the city

D. It thought it was worthwhile

26. " last they set off to see the city." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word means....

A. Left

B. Gave up

C. Decided

D. Stopped

27. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Never do something useless with your friends

B. Never trust within a single opinion without other evidences

C. We have to accept whatever information we receive

D. We can always ask someone's opinions for anything

Read the following text to answer questions number 28 to 30.

In ancient times, the king placed a boulder on a roadway. Then he hid and watched to see

if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king‟s wealthiest merchants and courtiers

came by and simply walked around its

Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything to get

the big stone out of the ways. Then a peasant came along, carrying a load of vegetables. On

approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side

of the road. After lots of pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up

his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying on the road where the boulder had been.

The purse contained a lot of gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold

was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many

others never understand.

28. Why did many people blame the king?

A. He did not make good roads for them

B. He loved to hide behind the rock

C. He showed no care on their roads

D. He did not keep the road clear

29. What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. The roads that people built with the king

B. The person who liked keeping the roads well

C. The purpose of putting the boulder and purse

D. The way the peasant removed the boulder on the road

30. From the story, we know that ….

A. Many people liked the peasant

B. The peasant was a good man

C. The boulder was really small

D. The king was very stingy

































Appendix IX



Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C OR D!

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.

The Wolf and the Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the

thought of a fine goat dinner.

“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren‟t you afraid you will fall

down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level

ground. ”No, thank you,” said the goat.

“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren‟t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer

grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area. ”No, Thank you,” said the goat.

“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf, “Why dine alone?”

“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worrying

about and not your own?”

1. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?

A. To be his friend

B. To graze on the level ground

C. To climb up higher

D. To be his dinner

2. “Aren‟t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word „there‟ refers to ….

A. A high cliff

B. Sheltered area

C. Grass

D. Ground

3. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don‟t look down to other creatures

B. Don‟t easily believe in well behaved creatures

C. Don‟t judge others by their appearance

D. Don‟t easily beat other creatures

4. From the story we know ….

A. The goat was very hungry

B. The wolf was a helpful animal

C. The wolf was eager to eat the goat

D. The wolf was going to fight with the wolf

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals,

there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang

Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous

for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the

matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.

Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used

magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was

searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked

fairy.The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan.When Princess Teja Nirmala

heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

5. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?

A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise man

6. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?

A. She didn‟t like Raden Begawan

B. She didn‟t want Raden Prabu marry the princess

C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding

D. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess

7. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in

the earth at that time?

A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan

B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition

C. Raden Begawan will not die

D. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan‟s life

8. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers


A. The wicked fairy

B. The nice fairy

C. Princess Nirmala

D. Prince Teja

9. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.

A. The place they live

B. The jealousy that they posses

C. The way they don‟t feel a love

D. The strength they have

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 13.

A man and his son were going to the market. While they were walking, a country man

passed and said, “You fool, what a donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the man put the boy on the donkey. But soon, some passersby said, “See that lazy, young

steer. He lets his father walk while he rides.”

So the man ordered his boy to get off and got on himself, but the passerby said, “Shame on…

that lazy old man, he lets his poor son walk, while he rides.”

The man did not know what to do. Last, he took his boy on the donkey. Then the passerby said,

“Aren‟t you ashamed of yourself for overloading the poor donkey?”

The man and the boy got off. They cut down a pole, tied the donkey‟s feet to it and raised the

pole to their shoulders. They arrived to a bridge when the donkey, getting one of its feet loose,

kick all out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle, the donkey fell over

the bridge and then it was drowned.

10. Why did the boy get off from the donkey?

A. The passerby needed him

B. His father asked him to do that

C. The donkey was tired carrying him

D. The boy wanted to be with the donkey

11. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The man and his son took a rest near the bridge

B. The man and his donkey arrived at the market

C. The man‟s behavior made the donkey alive

D. The donkey was carried by its owners

12. What is the moral value of the text?

A. You should believe in yourself

B. You cannot please everyone

C. Do what everyone asked you for

D. You must be careful when riding a donkey

13. “… Tied the donkey‟s feet to it ….” (Last paragraph).

The underlined word refers to ….

A. The market

B. The donkey

C. The pole

D. The river

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 17.

An ant nimbly running in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close its time to

change. The chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant who for the first time

realized that it was a living thing. "Poor, pitiable animal!", cried the ant disdainfully "what a sad

fate is yours! While I can run with my pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell". The

chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.

After a few days, when the ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained.

Wondering what had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the

gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly. "Behold in me," said the butterfly, "your much pitied

friend!". So the butterfly rose in the air and lost in the summer breeze.

14. What happened to the chrysalis after few days?

A. The chrysalis had gone from the shell

B. The chrysalis had become a butterfly

C. The ant felt sad about chrysalis death

D. The ant felt happy for the butterfly

15. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Chrysalis is a animal

B. The chrysalis lie imprisoned

C. The ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis

D. The ant goes around having fun

16. The text generally tells us about....

A. The adventure of an ant

B. The ant and the chrysalis

C. The changing of the chrysalis

D. The regret of the ant

17. From the text we can learn that ....

A. We have to be arrogant to others

B. Freedom is everything in life

C. We have to take revenge

D. The appearance may be deceptive

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 20.

One day a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his

mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company. Meanwhile he was looking at

sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong and she

replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but my money is not enough”. The man

smiled and said, “Come on in with me I‟ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a rose and he

ordered for his own mother flowers too.

After buying a rose flower for the girl the man offered the girl a ride to her home. She

said” yes please! You can take me to my mother. She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed

the rose on her mother‟s fresh grave. Knowing the girl‟s mother had died the man realized that

he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the

flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order picked up the rose flower and drove to reach

his mother‟s house.

18. We can learn that we have to ….

A. Show our loves to our mother

B. Buy flowers for our mothers

C. Keep our mother alive

D. Obey to our mother

19. What did the man do after buying the girl a red rose?

A. He gave her a ride to her home

B. He took the girl to her mother‟s cemetery

C. He went to his own home

D. He placed the rose on his mother‟s grave

20. The main idea of the first paragraph is …

A. A sad girl was thinking of her mother

B. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower

C. A girl needed a man to deliver her a flower

D. A man bought a flower for a girl

Read the following text to answer questions number 21 to 14.

A Milkmaid had been in the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with

a pail of milk on her hand.

She thought, "I will make cream and butter out of this milk. Then after selling them, I will

buy eggs. And when they hatch, I shall have a good poultry farm".

She further thought, "I shall sell some of my chickens and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on

my body at the party, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away".

She went on day dreaming; she forgot about the pail on her head. She moved her head

suddenly and the pail of milk came tumbling down. It was broken and all the milk split.

"Dear, 0 dear!" she cried, "I have lost mine all".

21. What did the milk-maid carry on her hand?

A. Some cream

B. Some butter

C. A pail of milk

D. A pail of eggs

22. What does the text tell us about?

A. Spilt milk

B. A pail of milk

C. A hardworking girl

D. A day dreaming milk-maid

23. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don't cry over the split milk

B. Don't cry before you are hurt

C. Don't dream when you sleep

D. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.

Two frogs had lived in a village all their lives. They thought they would like to go and see

the big city that was about ten miles away they talked about it for a long time and at last they set

off to the city.

It was a hot day, and they soon began to feel tired. They had only gone a little way when

one said to the other, "we must be nearly there, and can you see the city?" "No," said the other

frog, "but if I climb on your back I might be able to see it.

So he climbed up on the back of the other frog to see the city.

Now when the frog put up his head, his eyes could only see what was behind. And not what was

in the front. So he saw the village they had just left. "Can you see the city?" asked the frog who

was below. "Yes," answered the frog that had climbed up." I can see it. It looks just like our


Then the frogs thought that it was not worthwhile going any further. They went back and

told the frogs in the village that they had seen the city, and it was just like theirs.

24. What did they feel on their way to find a big city?

A. Happy

B. Glad

C. Sad

D. Tired

25. Why did one of the frogs climb on the other's back?

A. It felt tired

B. It was a hot day

C. It could not see the city

D. It thought it was worthwhile

26. " last they set off to see the city." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word means....

A. Left

B. Gave up

C. Decided

D. Stopped

27. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Never do something useless with your friends

B. Never trust within a single opinion without other evidences

C. We have to accept whatever information we receive

D. We can always ask someone's opinions for anything

Read the following text to answer questions number 28 to 30.

In ancient times, the king placed a boulder on a roadway. Then he hid and watched to see

if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king‟s wealthiest merchants and courtiers

came by and simply walked around its

Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything to get

the big stone out of the ways. Then a peasant came along, carrying a load of vegetables. On

approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side

of the road. After lots of pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up

his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying on the road where the boulder had been.

The purse contained a lot of gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold

was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many

others never understand.

28. Why did many people blame the king?

A. He did not make good roads for them

B. He loved to hide behind the rock

C. He showed no care on their roads

D. He did not keep the road clear

29. What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. The roads that people built with the king

B. The person who liked keeping the roads well

C. The purpose of putting the boulder and purse

D. The way the peasant removed the boulder on the road

30. From the story, we know that ….

A. Many people liked the peasant

B. The peasant was a good man

C. The boulder was really small

D. The king was very stingy

































Appendix X



Meeting I Cycle I Pre-Test

Meeting II Cycle I

Meeting III Cycle I Post-Test

Meeting IV Cycle II

Meeting V Cycle II

Meeting VI Cycle II Post-Test

Appendix XI

The Students’ Score In The Pre-Test

Of Cycle I Grade VIII


No The Initial Of Students’ Name The Students’ Score Description

Score Criteria (> 75)






























TOTAL = 1035

X = 39,80



Criteria Total Students Percentage

Passed 3 11 %

Failed 23 89 %

TOTAL 26 100 %

Appendix XII

The Students’ Score In The Post-Test

Of Cycle I Grade VIII


No The Initial Of Students’ Name The Students’ Score Description

Score Criteria (> 75)






























TOTAL = 2284

X = 87,86



Criteria Total Students Percentage

Passed 26 100 %

Failed 0 0

TOTAL 26 100 %

Appendix XII


(Meeting I, FEBRUARY 9th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.


(Meeting II, FEBRUARY 15th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.


(Meeting III, FEBRUARY 16th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.


(Meeting IV, FEBRUARY 22th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.


(Meeting V, FEBRUARY 23th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.


(Meeting VI, MARCH 1th


No Focus Activities Meeting I

Yes No

1. The researcher as

the teacher

1. The teacher comes on time. √

2. The teacher greets the students. √

3. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance


4. The teacher delivers the learning


5. The teacher explains the narrative text √

6. The teacher gives the text to the students. √

7. The teacher gives the opportunities for the

students to ask a question if they do not

understand the learning material

8. The teachermanages the learning sources √

9. The teacher gives the learning sources √

10. The teacher manages the time effectively √

11. The teacher concludes the lesson √

12. The teacher manages the class effectively √

13. The teacher conveys the text lesson plan √

2. Students 1. The students come to class on time. √

2. The students answer the teacher‟s greeting √

3. The students listen and pay attention to the

teacher‟s explanation

4. The students study seriously. √

5. The students answer the questions which

are given by the teacher.

6. The students are interested and enthusiastic

in learning reading narrative text by using

CORI learning strategy

7. The students read the text and answer the


8. The students give good responses to the

material given

9. The students uses the dictionary to find the


10. The students use dictionary to do the test √

11. All of the students answer the test given √

3. The context 1. The classroom is noisy √

2. The classroom is comfortable √

3. The classroom has medias, such as:

whiteboard, marker, and duster.

interview transcript,

8 Februari 2019

“They felt interest in study of English, but the students

still low especially in reading. They felt very difficult to find the

main idea in the text, they were also difficult to know meaning the

words.”(Interview. Teacher).

R: Researcher, S: Student

Interview transcript

8 Februari 2019

R : Menurut adek membaca teks legend susah nggak?

S1: Membaca teks bahasa Inggris berbentuk legend text sulit, karena tidak

mengerti pengucapan dan artinya. (Reading the English text form the legend

text is difficult becauseI am not understanding about the pronunciation and

the meaning of the text).

S2 : Membaca teks bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk legend text ada susah dan

gampangnya. Susahnya ketika menjawab pertnyaan berdasarkan teksnya

(Reading the English text form the legend text, sometimes it‟s difficult and

easy. The difficult is to answer the questions based on the text.)

S3 : Membaca teks bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk legend text susah,

terutama dalam menentukan ide pokok dari ceritanya. ( Reading the English

text form the narrative text is difficult, especially depend on the main idea of


Interview script

16 Februari 2019

P : Kamu suka ga sama teks yang dibagi tadi?

(Did you like the text given to you?)

S : Suka, sir. Itu setelah sir ceritain. Soalnya ga mudeng sama kata-


(Yes, I liked, sir after you explained it for me. I did not understand the


P : Kalo suka, harusnya semangat buat nyari arti dari kata-kata di teks

tadi dong.

(If you liked it, you must be motivated to find the meanings of the words,


S : Iya dong, sir. Kan biar bisa jawab soalnya juga. Sama ngerjain soal

yang sir kasih.

(Yes. Ofcourse. I had to find the meanings in order to answer the

questions given to me.)

P: Researcher S: Student


Field note

February 8th

, 2019

Peneliti menyiapkan soal dan melakukan pre-test, hal bertujuan untuk mengetahui

nilai siswa khususnya reading comprehension.

Researchers prepare

Field note

February 8th

, 2019

To find out the obstacles faced by students conducting interviews, the facts found

from interviews as a reference to take action to resolve the problem

Field Note

9 Februari 2019

Researchers as teachers do some teaching and learning activities in class, there are

several activities carried out by researchers, including: introduction, core activities, and

closing. In the introduction, there are several activities that have been carried out by

researchers, such as: (1) The teacher explains the objectives and learning procedures. (2)

The teacher makes a perception by greeting students, checking the attendance list of

students, and asking students about reading in the narrative text of the legend given by the


Field note

February 16th

, 2019

Peneliti mengamati kemajuan yang terjadi pada siswa, hari ini siswa antusias

belajar dan 17 dari 26 siswa yang ada dikelas VIII A membawa kamus, bagi yang tidak

membawa kamus akan mendapat hukuman dari peneliti yaitu; bernyanyi atau pantun

didepan kelas.

Field Note

22 Februari 2019

Peneliti sebagai guru melakukan beberapa kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas, ada

beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, termasuk: pengantar, kegiatan inti, dan

penutupan. Dalam pengantar, ada beberapa kegiatan yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti,

seperti: (1) Guru menjelaskan tujuan dan prosedur pembelajaran. (2) Guru melakukan

persepsi dengan menyapa siswa, memeriksa daftar hadir siswa, dan bertanya kepada

siswa tentang membaca dalam teks naratif yang diberikan oleh guru

Field Note

1 Maret 2019

Peneliti sebagai guru melakukan test. Post-test dilakukan untuk mengukur

kemampuan siswa setelah pendekatan pembelajaran telah dilaksanakan pada siklus 1 dan

2. Siswa mengerjakan soal yang telah peneliti persiapkan berupa photocopy soal, butir

sosl yang diujikan berjumlah 30 soal, siswa antusias mengerjakan soal dan suasana kelas

kondusif dan tidak ada kendala yang berarti.

Field Note

1 Maret 2019

Setelah selesai melakukan post-test dan soal-soal sudah dikumpulkan diatas meja

guru selanjutnya Peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan siswa dan guru mata pelajaran

bahasa inggris untuk mengetahui pendapat mereka setelah peneliti melakukan kegiaan

penelitian, untuk mengetahui pendapat mereka setelah peneliti mengimplementasikan

integrated and communicative approach in reading comprehension class.
