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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department













Putri Anif Sangadah. A 320100069

Departement of English Education. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.


This research aims to describe the implementation of inquiry-based learning in teaching English at SMA N 1 Boyolali in 2013/2014 academic year. It was done to know the implementation of inquiry-based learning and the principles of implementation of inquiry in teaching English at second grade students of SMA N 1 Boyolali. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The writer gets the data from event, informant, and document. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview, and documentation. The technique of data analysis is descriptive interactive which comprises three procedures, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this research show that: 1) the implementation of inquiry-based learning in teaching English was not fully complete at XI Science3 of SMA N 1 Boyolali. Teaching techniques used in teaching English are discussion and problem-solving. There are three activities in teaching learning process, such as: exploration, elaboration and confirmation based on the standard process of Education Ministry. 2) The implementation of inquiry-based learning at XI Science3 of SMA N 1 Boyolali was in-line with the principle of inquiry-based learning. There are four principles of implementation inquiry-based learning based on Joe Exline, such as: learning activities are focus on using information skill, the students put at the center of an active learning process, the teacher becomes a facilitator of the learning process, and assessment is ongoing.

Keyword: inquiry-based learning, principle, teaching English


A. Introduction

Learner has a particular style or strategy to study. Each student has

different way to get experience of study in the class. As English teacher in

teaching learning process, must cover all students’ learning style. Although

they have different style and strategy, teacher must use appropriate teaching

method. Meanwhile English has more than one skill, such as listening,

speaking, reading and writing. As English teacher cover students’ skills in

English language during the process. There are many methods in teaching

learning process. Such as: Direct Method (DM), Total Physical Respond

(TPR), Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Discussion, etc.

Teaching process uses scientific approach is “a body of techniques for

investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and

integrating previous knowledge”. To support learning process teacher has a

role as facilitator. It means that move on to student-centered. Inquiry-based

Learning provides for students to emphasis skills they will need in their life.

According to Kuhne in Branch (2004: 1) “using inquiry based learning with

students can help them become more creative, more positive and more

independent”. Teaching learning process is the way for students understand

what they learn. Inquiry-based Learning is one of approaches that can help

student more active. “Inquiry is the dynamic process of being open to wonder

and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world.” (Galileo

Educational Network, 2004).

Inquiry is the satisfying approach in learning for student. If teacher can

apply maximize, the goal can be reach fully for students. the government in

Indonesia has role to implement how the Inquiry Based Learning in the

classroom procedure. That was published under Ministry of Education in

Permendiknas No 41 tahun 2007. It divides in three stages namely:

exploration, elaboration and confirmation. Exploration is steps for students

try to find the understanding of material from their knowledge. Elaboration is

activity for students to get understand more about materials. Confirmation is

step for teacher give feedback and appreciation for students.


The key principles of inquiry are student-centered which role of teacher

as facilitator, self-directed learning and active students. Joe Exline (2005: 4)

explains that inquiry implied “a need or want to know” premise. Students

find the solution of problem not find the right answer of questions. There are

four principles in above to guideline for classroom practice, such as: 1)

Learning activities should focus on using informant processing skills. 2)

Putting the learners at the center of an active learning process. 3) Positioning

teacher is a facilitator of the learning process. 4) Assessment is ongoing.

Inquiry-based learning is applied at SMA N 1 Boyolali to help students

easily understand the material and make them have more encouraged

exploring their knowledge. Inquiry-based Learning in SMA N 1 Boyolali also

makes students’ critical thinking always grow up, because it encourage each

student deliver their argument with their friends. The writer analyzes the

implementation of inquiry-based learning at second grade students of SMA N

1 Boyolali to describe the teaching technique are used and the procedure in

teaching English. The writer also describes the principle of inquiry-based

learning that implements in SMA N 1 Boyolali.

B. Research Method

The writer uses descriptive qualitative research in this study. The writer

uses qualitative method to get in-depth of the process of implementation

Inquiry-based Learning. Dawson in Putra (2012: 126) “Qualitative research

explores attitudes, behavior and experiences trough such methods as

interviews or focus groups. It attempts to get an in-depth opinion from

participant”. The writer uses descriptive qualitative, wants to describe the

finding of this research. It will show the implementation of Inquiry-based

learning in teaching English.

The subjects of this study are teacher and students second grade of SMA N

1 Boyolali. Then the object is the implementing Inquiry Based Learning in

English teaching of SMA N 1 Boyolali. The data of the research is the

informant of the students and teacher while researcher takes note from field


conduct the observation. The writer takes data source from event, informant

and document. The writer uses methods of collecting data are observation,

interview and documentation.

C. Research Finding and Discussion

1. The Implementation of Inquiry-based Learning in Teaching English

SMA N 1 Boyolali has two teachers in English subject for Science

students of eleventh graders. SMA N 1 Boyolali is one of the schools that

implemented curriculum 2013, but it is still applied for first grade

students. Preparing to apply curriculum 2013 in all grades, the eleventh

graders apply scientific approach as the bridge for curriculum 2013. Next

academic year, all of level Senior High School will apply curriculum

2013, so the teachers prepare the students to be ready to learn to use this

curriculum starting from now. So, the teacher combines curriculum 2007

with curriculum 2013 for teaching learning process.

The observation was taken at SMA N 1 Boyolali for four weeks. It

was conducted on January, 16th 20th 27th and February 3th 2014.

Researcher took eleventh grade of science 3 for implemented inquiry-

based learning. The material that had been observed was hortatory

exposition. The findings of implementation of inquiry-based learning

consist of:

a. Teaching Technique Used in Classroom

Teaching technique is one of important things in learning process.

To support implementation of inquiry-based learning, the teacher used

some techniques in classroom. Based on the interview with English

teacher, there are two techniques applied in teaching English. It was

also reflected on fourth observation that researcher took on January,

16th 20th 27th 2014 and February 3th 2014.

Discussion was the way for students to share their knowledge each

other. Then they could improve critical thinking in that activity. It was

reflected on class, that students discussed the case given by the teacher


to find the information from sources. At January 16th 2014, teacher

was not completely done encouraged students’ discussion, because the

portions of time teacher speak much more than students speak.

Teacher read text herself, and gave more explanation.

In second and third meeting, January 20th 27th 2014, students were

active in discussion. Besides that, students were interested with

materials; they discussed materials reflected in reality. Students

discussed the topic of corruption and the utilization of internet. From

the discussion, students got new experience from friends that could be

applied in their daily activities.

Problem-solving was technique used by teacher to find the solution

that students have. When students discussed in small groups at first

and second meeting on January 16th 20th 2014, they also tried to find

the solution from the case of corruption. Students created solution that

appropriate with real-life. They were active in that activity, because

the materials were interesting. Problem-solving could improve

students’ ability to solve their difficulties in materials. It helped

students’ curiosity and desire to find the result of the case.

b. Procedure in Teaching English

In analyzing the data, researcher presents everything happened

during the observation. The observation took four weeks, (Thursday,

January 16th 2014); (Monday, January 20th 2014); (Monday, January

27th 2014); and (February, 3th 2014). Observation is the way to get

information about implementation of inquiry-based learning in

teaching English. The materials had been observed was Hortatory

Exposition text that focuses on reading skill. Each meeting consists of

pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-teaching. There were three steps

in while teaching; exploration, elaboration and confirmation. The

result of observation was follows:


1) Discussion Technique

a) Pre-teaching

Generally, from fourth times observations have similar

activity in pre-teaching. The teacher came to the class on time.

When she entered the class by greeting “Assalamualaikum”,

and the students answered “Waalaikumsalam”. Then she asked

the students “How are you?” all students said “I am fine”.

Teacher also wanted to know the condition of the class and

students. She made sure that they were ready to follow the

lesson. At this stage the teacher prepared students to be ready

to learn. Teacher asked the students the material last week, and

then students gave their knowledge what they had


b) While-teaching

(1) Exploration

At this stage, there were some differences each

meeting. Teacher had done by discussion activity in

learning process. Exploration was steps for students to find

the understanding of materials from their knowledge.

Observer found that first and second meeting teacher

involved students to explore their knowledge in

understanding the materials. Teacher encouraged students

to explore their memory with analytical exposition then

liked to hortatory. The teacher used some media and

sources. She showed picture and other text not included in

students’ book. And then, the teacher facilitated them to

discuss each other. But in third observation, teacher did not

give chance for students to be active. She used lecturing

during this step.

In exploration step, observer concluded that the

activity was done by exploring students’ knowledge to get


understanding of the materials. And also, teacher used

some interesting media and sources, but the process was

not completely done with standard process, because at third

meeting teacher did not involve students to find

information themselves. Teacher was dominant in

explanation of material without gave chance for students

explore their knowledge.

(2) Elaboration

Elaboration is the stage that students work

collaborative to get information and find the solving of the

problem. Teacher gave assignment for students, and then,

presented their result of discussion. Based on the

observation, teacher gave interesting assignment for

students. In each meeting, teacher gave assignment for

students to discuss in pairs or groups. At first meeting,

teacher was lacked in her role. She read the text by herself,

did not gave chance to students read the text. At second

and third meeting the activity was similar, but just different

assignment. Teacher engaged students to find information

related with real life. The material in second meeting

discussed about corruption. Students discussed what type

of corruption that they had done in their life. In third

meeting, they discussed about utilization of internet.

Students discussed each paragraph of text in English

Assessment Test Book at page 123.

In the elaboration stage, observer founded that

teacher not encouraged students to read text. She read

herself at first meeting, so it was appropriate with standard

process. But teacher engaged students to find more

information and be active during discussion for getting

understanding the materials. Students also have been


curious with the material. It made their critical thing

develop in discussing.

(3) Confirmation

In this activity, teacher gave confirmation and

positive feedback for students’ activities. Teacher asked

question and answer to check students’ understanding. The

students who did not understand could ask the teacher to

find solution. Then teacher motivated students, and made

sure that all students understood with material of that

lesson.From that activity, students could know their

mistake and found solution to make better in learning

process. Students could improve their knowledge and

critical thinking.

c) Post-teaching

In this stage, teacher made conclusion of the lesson. She

made sure students by asking question, “Have you understood,

any question everybody?”. Because the time was up, teacher

finished the meeting. Students prayed before leaving the class.

Teacher closed by saying “Wassalamu’alaikum, see you next


2) Problem-solving Technique

a) Exploration

In the first and second observation, students found the

solution of case given by the teacher. Teacher facilitated them

to explore their information for getting solution. Students

involved actively in their discussion to find the best solution of

the case. Exploration stage generally was done to develop of

understanding the materials. From the observation, this activity

had been done in first and second meeting. Teacher engaged

students to find the best solution from the case. Then, students


shared with their friends to improve their critical thinking.

Most of students were enthusiastically active in each activity.

b) Elaboration

Elaboration is the stage that students understand more about

materials. Teacher gave assignment for students in

collaborative work, and then, presented their result of

discussion. In the first and second meeting, students were

given assignment by teacher to solve the solution of the case.

Teacher facilitated them to discuss and analyze the assignment.

In the first meeting, students find the solution case of

school role. They had been given a text and they discussed

with group what the text is about. Teacher facilitated students

when they tried to find the topic of text or meaning or some

new words. Then they discussed in the class. A student

delivered her arguments, and then other students added their

arguments too. So, there was a transfer for new concept or

knowledge in this activity. In the second meeting, January 20th

2014 teacher gave case from Look A Head Book at page 185.

At fourth meeting, February 3th 2014 teacher held daily exam.

From that activity, students could improve their critical

thinking and made them to be active during the process.

Students also get confident to solve their problem. Then

observer concluded that in exploration stage, teacher had done

completely with standard process.

c) Confirmation

Teacher gave feedback for students’ process and result.

That hortatory was a text consisted of argument from case or

thesis. Teacher made sure that all students understood to find

information of text and how to show their argument. Teacher

motivated students to explore their knowledge. It could be from

internet or book.


2. Suitability of Principle in Implementation of Inquiry-based Learning

The implementation of inquiry-based learning at SMA N 1

Boyolali especially XI-Science3 class had been applied. The process was

in line with the principle of inquiry-based learning. According to Joe

Exline there are fourth principles of the implementation of inquiry-based

learning at class.

First principle: Learning activities should focus on using

information skills. Students learned naturally and actively in each activity.

Teacher guided them to observe firstly before they discussed in groups. In

that implementation, students and teacher applied the rule completely.

They started with observation and had done by communication to get

result. Students found more information to get broad knowledge and

teacher gave material related to real life. So, the activities gave useful

knowledge for students.

Second principle: Putting the students at the center of an active

learning process.It was implemented on processing inquiry-based learning

at SMA N 1 Boyolali. At fourth observation, (January, 16th 20th 27th and

February 3th) all of students were active in the process of learning. They

always discuss with friends and curious with material given by teacher.

Third principle: Positioning teacher is a facilitator of the learning

process. That principle also implemented on process inquiry-based

learning at SMA N 1 Boyolali. At fourth observation (January, 16th 20th

27th and February 3th), teacher is facilitator when students learn in the

class. Students asked her when they get problem, then teacher help them

to find solve. Teacher also monitors the process of students learning.

Fourth principle: Assessment is ongoing. Teacher evaluated

students by monitoring development the ability for getting information of

knowledge, and also how students improve their critical mind to solve the

problem. In the observation, researcher saw teacher monitor students one

by one, and observe them to make assessment. Although teacher done


daily exam on February 3th 2014, teacher focus on process of students

learning to give assessment.

According to implementing inquiry-based learning at SMA N 1

Boyolali, it was in line with the fourth principles from Joe Exline. The

observation showed that the fourth principle was done completely. But

there are some principle was less.

D. Conclusion

The writer draws conclusion based on the implementation of inquiry-based

learning in teaching English at second grade students of SMA N 1 Boyolali.

The writer concludes this research as follows:

1. The procedure of teaching English used inquiry-based learning was not

fully complete at SMA N 1 Boyolali. Based on standard process

Permendiknas no 40 tahun 2007, there are three stages, namely:

exploration, elaboration and confirmation. Inquiry-based learning had

been applied at second grade student at science program with material

of hortatory exposition focus on reading skill. It was implemented by

discussion and problem-solving techniques.

2. The implementation of inquiry-based learning in science program of

second grade student at SMA N 1 Boyolali was in line with the

principle of inquiry. There are four principles inquiry-based learning

based on Joe Exline. Student also interested in learning process using

inquiry-based learning at class. It makes them develop their critical

thinking and get more knowledge.

E. Bibliography

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SAGE Publication.


Khan, P., O’Rourke, K. 2005. Understanding enquiry-based learning. In Barret, T., MacLabharain, I., Fallo, H. (eds), Handbook of enquiry and problem based learning. Galway: CELT.

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