The Impending Coming of the Antichrist!



Prophecies from Jesus, taken from a Christian article named “Endtime Series” written in 1999. The source is reserved by Héctor Medina, the editor and compiler of this paper.

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The Impending Coming of the Antichrist

Prophecies of Jesus – (1999 A.D.)

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Excerpts from prophecies from a Christian article named “Endtime Series” written in 1999. The source is reserved by Héctor Medina, the editor and compiler of this paper. (Jesus speaking:) Let Me pull the wool off of your eyes so that you can see things in the spirit, so that you can see the signs of the times that surround you:


Look how many signs of the times are appearing and being fulfilled: [August 1999] the uniting of Europe; the use of technology for financial, political, and thought control; the voluntary forfeiting of nations' sovereignty to the idea of a one-world government; the desensitizing and dumbing down of the masses through "education" and the mass media; the secularization of religion, etc.

Look with excitement upon these signs of the times! The end of all things is at hand. The time of My return draws near. The events leading up to My return are truly happening!

You are indeed living in the Time of the End, and not only are you living in the Time of the End, as you have been for some time, but you are on the brink of major economic and political signs, those that mark the Great Tribulation.

This is indeed the Time of the End. These are the Last Days, the final days, and the generation that now lives shall not pass before all the signs of the End, including the Great Tribulation and My return to the Earth, are fulfilled.

That which is to be shall be. My plan will not be defeated.

I have set the boundaries of the Endtime --the last

seven years, the two three-and-a-half-year periods, and have numbered the days within them.

But I give the Evil One a certain amount of leeway in when he may begin this period.

He knows that once these days are begun, then the

day of his end is determined, the day of My return is determined, and his choice has ended.

It's Satan's destiny to fulfill his place as leader on the world's stage, in the person of the Antichrist, and his day will come. The time will come when all the pieces are in place, when their preparations and plans are consolidated, and the world falls within their grasp. When I see that this time has come, I will cease to hold back the flood of iniquity, and it will be let loose on the world. In that day you will have no further doubts as to whether this is the Time of the End. The time is at hand. It is even at the doors-- the Endtime, the last days of man's rule on Earth. The signs of the End shall continue to increase throughout your generation, until the End itself comes. This generation which lives to see these things shall not pass until all be fulfilled.. the majority [of My children of this last generation] will be there to greet Me and be received by Me upon My return. (A saint speaking from Heaven:)

This is the final act, the curtain has gone up. All the players are in place and the final act has begun. That's a fact, and it won't be long now!

The clouds are there for everyone to see. If you can discern the face of the sky, then you can discern the signs of the times.

(Jesus speaking:)


The Great Confusion is the emergency the Antichrist needs, to have his regime put into power…

Though I have My plan, and things will happen as I have said they will,

even the Enemy has a degree of choice with which to make his plans. So

he is setting the stage, and if the conditions are right, if the world is in enough chaos, if things get bad enough that they need a savior, then he will arise. He is behind the scenes, creating confusion, so that he will be able to step forth and assume

power, to save the world for a time. Even this is within My will, for he but sets the stage for My return, as I foretold in My Word.

He [the Antichrist] shall enter peaceably upon the fattest places and take the kingdom by flatteries. Do you not see how he even now plans and schemes and twists the world around his finger? Do you not see the hand of the Antichrist working behind the scenes to bring about a one-world power? Globalization? Ha! Globalization is nothing without the strong hand of the ACs driving and pushing for it. The world is fatalistic now; they see it as a natural course of events. But it's not

happening naturally; there's a definite plan behind it. The ACs want all the markets linked so they can pull the plug on them all in one shot. They don't want to have to destabilize country by country; they want to do it all in one shot. That's why all the financial markets and exchanges are getting more and more linked and dependent on each other.

They'll be able to crash the entire market economy of the globe with one phone call, one flick of their wrist. They'll be able to pull the world down to poverty in an instant. You can see that they're not quite ready for this yet (1999). They've been testing things out, trying the waters to see if things are going to work or not. It's a slow process, because they tamper with this market here and see what effect it has on the other markets, then they turn around and fix this little glitch that caused this market not to rise or fall at their behest. And on the

game goes, until every market will be so entwined that there will be no escape. The global exchange will rise and fall at whim. They will take the entire stock market, bonds, securities, commodities,

and other financial markets down with them in one shot to

ensure that the entire civilized world falls into chaos at the same time.

They're going to want it to happen quickly so that the whole world will be open at the same time for a ruler. It'll happen

in a blink of an eye. They're just not quite ready yet (1999). They've got a bit more fine-tuning to do before they're ready, and they're waiting on something else. They need faster technology to help their plans work, so they're pushing the computer and Internet scene. They're behind much of the research into cloning, biotechnology, and chip advancement. They're funding and fueling its current drive, because they need results. They need the biggest brains out there working on solutions that are going to benefit their system. That's one reason they're continuing to let the economy prosper, because it makes it simpler and easier for them to achieve their aims and to fund all this technology. They're the ones pouring big bucks into the research and development of chips that can be implanted under your skin. They're the ones funding bionics and chip research. They're pushing ahead

at breakneck speed because they need all the technology they can get to make their plan work without major glitches.

They're building the networks now. They're working furiously behind the scenes to ensure that their system will be undisputed

and that it will work. What you see on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg. What you see now is only the aftereffect of what's really happening out there on the front lines of technology.

You can bet that the U.S. military and the British, Russian and American agencies are all working together behind the scenes to set this program up. They're training the executives. They're creating the technology needed to fund and to power their new programs. They're the ones pushing behind the scenes. All the big players are involved in this plan. While they make it appear as if each one has their own agenda and plan, and they strive to keep

up the façade of independence and of making these advancements for the

good of their respective nations, behind closed doors they're getting their orders straight from the top. They don't do a thing without being told what to do by the ACs who are in charge and running the show. They're financing more and more globalization and global projects, buying out or crushing competition. They're behind these mergers too. They are consolidating the markets, making sure

the big money boys are even bigger and have control. They want to make sure that all their assets are shored up and in safe industries when they pull the plug. They want to make sure that they have a corner on the market of all the major industries--media, cars, electronics, software. You name it and they've got a finger in that pie! They didn't stop with oil; when they saw how much success they had in that market, they moved into other markets, just like any good businessman would.

They're very crafty and they know how to use the System; they created it to their own ends. They know how to weave a dastardly web of deception that's going to draw the world in, and they won't even know they're caught. That's how good they are.

It's going to happen very suddenly. One day you'll wake up and the global markets will have plunged, and that money you're holding will be worthless. That's not a myth or a

theory--that's the truth. It's going to get sucked down to the bottom of the pool, and they'll take as many people down as they can. Those who are heavily investing in Internet-based companies and in the stock market are going to be some of the hardest hit. Their money will plunge through the floor because it wasn't invested in hard, evidence-based enterprises. The whole stock market is a matter of faith, as David [Brandt Berg] has told you. It's paper money, fake, false. It provides a false sense of security because it can all be gone in a moment, and it will be very soon.

Once they've got the world groveling at their feet, they'll start bailing them out one by one, by offering them new and improved methods of marketing, new and improved

economic plans. They'll "offer," but what they're not saying is that

they're going to implement this plan "or else"--or else they'll crush you and starve you and bring you down till you accept their plan. It's such a farce, a fake, this phony front they put up of wanting to help and being so charitable and philanthropic. They're only philanthropic when it suits their purpose and when they can get control of or access to something they want. They don't give away "help" without very tight strings attached. And they pull the strings as they wish. All this is going to come about very suddenly. There'll be a "mighty widening of the eyes," because things will be going great till suddenly the bottom will fall out of it, and people will be left with nothing but paper--worthless paper. Be prepared by sticking close and tuning in. I'll help your losses not be too great. I'll provide for you, because you'll be right in the forefront of My will... I'll use you mightily if you'll stay close to Me.


The Antichrist must solve the Middle East crisis. In order to do

that, he must be a man of the Middle East--one who understands and is accepted initially by all parties. He must know the Jews and the Arabs, and must have their blood in his veins. In addition, he must be the perfect vessel for the

Devil. He also must have the sponsorship of a superpower.. Russia.. they will be beholden to him--so beholden that he eventually becomes their leader too. The King of the North [or Antichrist] will receive power and backing from Russia. He will come from the North with power, using its manpower and its wealth of people, scientists, and the military structure that is in place. He will be a hero that is welcomed by the military. He will appeal to the military to put him in power, and this is his muscle. He will use the military to crack down on crime, and will reorganize and restructure. He will bring peace to his people and therefore be hailed as a savior. Although he is not completely Russian, it will not matter, because the people will be so desperate after

deprivation and hunger and a cold winter and crumbling economy. They will see fast results from his reforms, which will boost his favor with the military and with the masses, and they will back him. It will be considered a miracle and turnaround never seen before, because of the rapid improvements, the organization, the cleaning up in favor of the common person, but without the cruelty of communism on the innocent. There will be programs to wipe out the criminal elements that have taken over the country, and with the success of this plan he will be heralded as the savior of the people. With such popularity behind him, he will be able to do what he pleases with the support and backing of millions. Because of his success in Russia…his counsel will then be welcomed worldwide. He will have the gift of diplomacy, and because he is not completely Russian he will not be considered a threat

to the West and other countries... Russia will be his test case, and he will reside there and establish headquarters. Russia…still rests on the laurels of being a world power, and he will use that to his advantage. With the new strength Russia will attain, as if being resurrected from the dead, she will become a center of activity and symbol of power and authority.


The signing of the Covenant will be open; it will not be a secret to the believers. You will see the writing on the wall, for I will make it plain to you. You will not wonder or be mistaken. You will know because My Spirit will bear witness, and the signing of the Covenant will bear witness. When I allow the Antichrist to reveal himself and I make that stage of the Endtime known to you, I will make it plain to you that it is him...When I reveal him to you, it will be your job to reveal him to the world… then I will also reveal to you your specific role. You will play a key role in the wars against the Antichrist. You will play a key role in informing others, in comforting My children, in ministering to other Christians, in giving faith to those of other religions, and in announcing the truth. I will show you how you will do this.

Through Habakkuk I said, "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry…: but the just shall live by his faith" (Hab.2:3,4).

It's My will that My children walk by faith and not by sight.

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and

would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods”

By staying close to Me, I will be able to lead and guide you not only into all truth, but also into green pastures, and feed you bountifully in the presence of your enemies. The World exists to serve you; use it until the World makes it mandatory to deny your faith in order to use its services. The Mark is not yet fully in place, the Antichrist regime is not in

power, so until then, use the World. But keep in mind that you must progressively prepare to reduce your dependence on its services as things move towards the one-world regime… keep things in perspective. Once evil floods the world, then shall the days be shortened, as I have promised. They are counted and numbered, and they will not last one more moment than you're able to bear. I will even make them

seem shorter by shortening them in your minds and hearts, by filling you with the visions of things to come, and with great power of My Spirit to work wonders. (A saint speaking from Heaven:) Even if something unforeseen were to happen tomorrow, even

if the End were to come suddenly, you simply need to have the faith to

obey what the Lord has told you to do. Again, be like Martin Luther, who said that even if he knew the world would fall to pieces tomorrow, he'd go on paying his debts and planting his little apple tree. (Jesus speaking:)

Are you living by faith? Are you exercising the gifts of the Spirit that enable you to trust Me to supply your needs? Are you learning to walk on the water? Are you building up your faith muscles? The just shall live by faith. The just shall survive by faith!