The . · I . ~ DoJ-'s...


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DoJ-'s House:· Ap:ril 17-:18,_

Tbc McPher!on College Play. and · Dr. Rank are of IDl<resl lo crs' production of "A Doll's IDllD.)'.

!louse" is 'entering • the finnl The cast o! the · McPhc~on singes o! Its preparahon. Set College product' -11 be he d construction for the April 17-18 , ion wi a • 11rcsentaUon is .nearing complc· cd by Dell Ann Larsen" sopho­licn. more from McPherson, as Nora.

lbes<ll'1 play· II set In the olrnolpbere oC ' late nlneteealb reotwy ScQdluvla, and lbe prOdlldioa, dlrecled by Mrs. Wlfbur Yoder, director of cfra. maUc:o, wW be set la tJiat per­iod.

Students will be adniiUed to Ille play w)tich starts at 8 p.m. on thcl.r activity tickets. Others may buy .tickets at the door. Adml5slon will be cine dollar fer adults and fifty cents for students.

Nelson Stump, senior Ir o m McPherson, will play Dr. Rank, V.ance Alexander, Junior from Gen"""'?, will be seen as Nils K~tad. Anita Joy LcdeU. sophomore from. McPherson, will play Mrs. Linden.

Peg Meoslcl<, 'junior f r o m llelbetda; Md., and Joyce Mar· Un, sop~oinore. lnim Sl<rUng, Ohio, will portray Ellen and Ana.a, servants ot Nora l:Dd Torvald.

Belhel College Invites Students To Peace Rally .E~qc~iors Plan .Future

At KSTA c·oiivention The Bethel College P c a c e

Fellowship has invited all mem­bers oC the McPherson Studcht Dody lo attend a con!erence on Christian non • violence ln lbe Racial Crisis. "Focus on the F)Jture" is lbe ary fralernitles, Phi Beta Kap. State Oomm!Uees will meet ID

The conference will , be held theme fer the ~nth .onnual Stu· pa, and Phi Kappa Phi, and various rooms in Mohler Ball on the •Bethel campus In Me- den_t I;'ansas Slate Teachers As-. Jlolds B.S. ~nd degrees and the Student Union. morial lfall today and lcmor· . soc1alicn Convention which will from the University , or Wis- At c p.m. there will i.; . a row, April 10 and II. There will be held o_n Macampus lhls year. consln, and ti m~ster s degree ·"""°°"'of caadldalee ror - · be three sessions tomorrow, C. Approx1mnlcly 200-250 slu- !i:oni Princeton University, omceo In 1Jie Sllldeat Ullloa prt. T. Vl\>ian will speak 1 9 . dents lrom 32 colleges arc ex- where he was a Boudinot Fe!· YOio db1lnl roOm. '~ · -.i on the racial crisis .,.::i a.mi . peeled lo allcnd the conference , low in history, and held a social _cbapler mar -i.ate ~ ,.,.. discussion on race' rela~o::·~ 1<'hich will begin this allcrooon Science Research ~· fel· - ror. Olle' of the_, -Kansas will be hFld ot I0:30 and end Saturday allcrnoon. lowshlp in ~Clln History. ,ldettt. viee-proold<lll, -cilr7; o.m. At 1:30 p.m. Vl\>inn will Fealured speaku for the ..,.. Prevlocdl7, Mr. Carrl(n ,... 0-, -*Utt...._, .... speak on the conference theme naUon ·wlll be Richard ~L Car- a slalf member ror Ille .u- ldolorlM. J1ie ~ ..q

Al 6 p.m. Saturday a banquet ~ao, asslslaal seerdar7 !or the ,Slales Seaale M.iorlb' P..uc,. becla campelp~ l"rlllllT. - · )"ill be held with Dr. c. Ro- ~EA Commission 00 Teodlu Coinm!llee for two 7ean. • '*'!· Campalp ~ 11'@1 qucmore. state chairman,. NA·

5= and ProlHSlonal The ConvonUon will begin with be stna al the n~ lltllleil.. •

ACP presiding. • l?lceUngs o! the State Admin- El<dJ-.wlU be heljl al ll. •.m., RegislraUcn fee Including all Mr. Carrigan, who has had islraUve Boord and the Elec· OD ~. .:r

meals and banquet Ucket is teaching experience ·In high. lions Commltloo in the Student , Vl~a Sue Werner, 'Macollese· $3.85. For further information school and college, Joined the Union. Junior majoring Jn En&llal!, students may see Jim weaver starr o! the NCTEl'S in 1956. At 4 p.m. regislraUon will IJe. will run !or ti'Wurer. , or Bob Sbank. He was elccled to the honor- gin in Fricodsblp Hall and the The opening Gftleral 'Sesalon

and Delegate Assembly wU1 ~

"A Doll's Jfouse" has gener­ated contri>versy since its first producUon1 for the play is most concerned wilh the place or wo­men in society.

While this theme can not be overlOoked, other crltles have examined other aspeds or lbe. play. Tbe cbar.acters of Torvald

The . Spectator Vol: 48 . McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 10, i964 ~o. 24

begin at 7:30 FtkW ~­Bud. Campbell, ~t KSTA

, President. from Fort Ha 7.a Kansas Stale Colleie, will. pre. side over the meetb\I.!: • I

'lbe Coavenlloo Wlll ' •P•• 'liialu at t a.m. ~ 'lrl!lt

' the CoavenUOD ._ la Bnnra 'Audltorlmn. At tt:ts IM / AuemblJ' wW dl.W. J.t. ... callloa........ .· ..

College : Adds -To,· Changes. Mac Student Leads Local JFK Drive

The second Delegaje "-ii- . bly will t{e held at 1:30 in Brown Auditorium. puring Ullo tlliie, the new .orocers will be f .an­nounced.

'!'he' ConveoUon • will • 8dlOuns a\ 3:\)0. '

·Faculty for ·Coming Ye~r. . Three new· faculty members aerved u ' cleaa and pror_. of . ~n D • . Rqber aUeDckd ,.,.,.,._..,....,~_,.,,......,.-..-......,

' . Chris van de Velda has been Mac MusiciiiPs. ; .. appainted chairman or the Ken- • w·n ·p f .: ,

1'ill Join the McPherson College -'7 al La Vuae Coll<S". McPll<rfotl C o II c I e 1.. two faculty at the -begining of the .. For "tw'o-ye-"'Prtlr··11e- wu 7..S:-·Be.._ his A.B~ la J- academic year, accord· aulalalit to the presldeat at La· •sz ~ his ~r.A. ID •a ,,_ ing to on onooW.ccmcnt by Dr. Vene. i AdaJqs Slate CoUese, ,\1""10la, D. · W. Bittinger, president of He became director of social Colo. }le~ ir- Wiler, .the college. ~· · education- for the Br~thren Ser· Colo., High School.

Dr. Loren E. Weiss bas beeo vice Commission, Church of the He is currenUy teaching ot appointed pnifcuor of -oioCY Brethren, Elgin, Ill., in 1947. Trinidad State Junior College, and be'f' of lbe l>epartmeot of While in Elgin he was occasional Trinidad, Colo., Jn the areas of SoclolotD': Robert E. Kelm, ... visiting teacher at Beth.any Bib- English and speech. lie Is also lilla.ol proleaar of aocioloCY ud l!e•I , Seminary. band director allll Director oC associate ID itudent ..imi..i-: . Du'ring the period 1952 to 1957, Forensics. and Loren D. Reyber, asslslaul he JNas director of the Idaho His work al Adams Staie was prolesoor Gt drama llJld EDgl:;; 1"4ilule of Christian Education in the area of acting, directing,

Dr. Lore!! E. Weiss, a former "1 the campus of the Uni- and technical thealre. He spent · · vcrslty or Idaho. one summer there' in the study

" college dean and prpf~r. re-ceived his ' Ph.D. in sciciology

Slncc 1951. he 'bas l>ffn pastor of repertory in summer stock. of lbe En$lre, Call!., Church Paul Sollenberger will become of Ibo Brelhrea ud the EW.. head qi, the music dcparU!lcnt forde Church of lbe Brethren next year. lie will conUnuc his at Tonuket, Wash., where be responsibilities as Associate Pro­b curreuUy ....iz,g. · Cessor o( Music· and String In·

Robert E. Keim received his slruments but will carry this A.B. rrom McPherson College administrath'e responslbillly in in 1949 and his B.D. from Beth- addiUon. -any Theological Seminary · In Professor Don Frederick, for­

. 1953. ffe has dQne addlUonnl mtt ·bead of • lbe deparimeot, study at the College· or Idaho wUI coetlnlle bis responslbUJUcs and Is currenUy a candidate !or u Prof.-r of Vol<O and' DI· a Master's degree from Sacra· rector •of Choral OriaamtJoas meqjo State College, Calif. but wW devote 8dd1Uonat lime

Mr. Keim has served as pastor •' ud ~ ID the area . of of lbe Lardunont Cpmmunlty ..m...--. Church of the Brethrec, North Hlghlands, Calif., since Scplcm­ber 1961. Previous 'to this, he was ·pastor of Ille Twin Falls,' Idaho, Church or the ,llk-cthren.

nedy Library Commlllee to di- I er On.Jl ' reel a drive at Mcl'fienoo Col- 0 I T. ' · .

- ~• 1or ·~•10·m1llkiii 'Jcllu n owa our . Fitzeerald Kennecly ..LJb la ' - · • - -Boston. · DUY The McPbenon Co1Jeee1Trom· ,

bone , Quartet wlli 'PN19Pt pro. • • The Institute of Ille llbraey tirams in churches and .cbooll

• will further one· of President in l0wa, Aprll 12·19. Kennedy's deepest "concerna - Members of' lhe quartet ln­

·hls contlnuini aUempt to bring elude Warren Hardeli, .mar, together the world 'of Ideas 8¢ McPherson; Tim Mallhael, the world of a!f1lra; the world freshman, McPherson; llerUn o! scholarship and the world Of Grady, junior, Waterloo, IA; Pd decision. Larry KIW!I, junior, 0 IJl ah•·

The IMtltuto will strive lo Neb. · bring lotellectual and public af. -Rev, Kenneth .Ympt, directol" fairs closer together In a di· or development. of the colle&e, verslly l>t woya - through lee- will be tho facult¥ ' adv.leor ol lures and seminars by pni(es-. . the group. · sors, poliUclana and public aer- • , . vants o! all partlca and from C • ' ,-foreign countries. om•ng •• ~ '

n-•-" Kelm This will also come about .,_,.,, __ • ....... ,;.__.,.:..._._. ~ ~· . tbroUi:h mcetJni rooms for uo- •.• .._., ...... ·--::---•

Pni!essor Frederick hos IJe. dergradualel lnteresled Jn poll· ~u.2 7" ~ ~A !=-- · come nation;illy known as a,. • tics' and public affairs; througb F\'ldlT, April 17 _ I'll;)', "Tile musical composer; he has fellowships for acbolan, "Amer· Doll',• H_,.. -.· 'A81111w-achicved recognition for h I s lean and foreign; through vis!- lum. I

work in nation-wide competition tors-in·re.sideoce; and through ~. April 11 _ M-aai. and awards on nume11>11S oc· a ~bllc~Uon program; through. /llanquel . . , c.asicns. He is pa!tlcularly well litcr!ry llnd pu~Uc aer~ce ~lurda.Y. April 11 ' _ P19T, · known in lhe Church or the ·Bre- awai'ds:. and through. a variety "The Doll'• H_, .. Sr..n All6-thrcn. His eompos!Uons a re of other mC.11111. ltorlum, Widely used in chU(Ch hymnody Any illleresled student ·may sat'urday, 11 - Sllafe• and elsewhere. " • contact Chris van. de Velde. l'~.. ' .

Assistant J>rof essor Irvin Wagn,er will be. on leave of ab­sence to work on his doctor;'.• degree at the Eastman School of Music. His work will be car­ried on by p new person )VhO ,will be employed lo "assume . these . responslblllllCl!,

Dr. GDlonl lkonberr)' will be advuced b'c!m AllOclal<J>fo. f- of Bloloc1 lo Prof.....-o! Blo!OQ. •

Church. Y,lleges to. ~ffer. ~ Educational Seminars·

- 0 • /

, ., 1


Six Ce11,tral Kansas chureti cpl- lpaUna co11oees: . • ~es will cooperate durtng lbe Appnix~ly five 1~ next academic year to offer rnim each of Ibo lis lnstltullmo two semlnan In Noo-westein. will be ellill>le' to ellroll1n -cultures ud clvllltaUons. ' seminar. ·

'noJD ·llHll-~, Mr. Kalm wu a member of the McPbelND College public relations 11aft

from the University of SoutJiem. a.. !aught la NamPa. Idaho, CallfOmlo. H.e oblained hls ilnd- nip School dmtni the 1tsS-St crgraduate degree from LaVerno • ~· ,, . College, Calif .. bolds a master's ' '1fhe former Sybil Miller, a '49 , desree from aar-emo<!i Gradu!'te Mac:ollege ,graduate, is Mrs. Ro­School and a ·B.DJJ(iin. Betl)an)t bert Keim'. The Keim's hav~

• ,,.., aal!ecoo - - Jobdal • Irven Stem, who has been la 11111 ~ - ..., 'l1le fin& -· ... .._. • empl0yed pert' . time'. will enter' Md'llerMa Collep; Kam. la SepleiuOr, wtll He. - ... ' Blblicnl Seminary. ' 'ttu-ee children:: Unda, 14; .. Pauj •

Addltlonal 'grad u a i c study 9; and Sammy, s. · '1as been dope_ a\ W~ton Dr. Kmlitlt \ C. ~hid, pro- : State College an!f Pacific School fessor .0f j0cl010~ ·lllid be.I o! O( Rell~on. In 11!'6, Bethany the deparlme!!t at Mci>b<noo I Biblleal Seminary granted him since 19111· will retire at the end an honorary I;>octor or Divinity or the ~nt year. Howe•er. 1 derree. he will conllDue lo teach nbt

Fr.a Im 18 lJfl, Dr. Wdl8 )'ear on a part-Orne basla.

!UJI Unie employment wjth ti)'! WelleJU UolYel;llliJ, llallaa; For Ea 'Ille ....... ...... .college as i\SSistant ~fesso~ Betbu,y ColJele. LlallllerJ: wW be related 18 ....._ 4- · oi Philosophy and Rell&lon and Betbel Collep, New11a1 1"lte.dl · lea oladlee. · · • of Psychology, VDlvenll;r, Wlddla; W seerilll They '!'Ill COii~ eacb M4!11'

Dr. Wayne MUler will becoltie. Collep, 8lerlJas. • · 'day evenlnJ, 7 lo ji!'_, ~" Diiedor of Rell&lous Lile. This 1 lilcPberoon Colleee will -:we out the ochocll ;yMr .. EMii c:ql­lnvol\'es. also.· belnl Chairman as host eampuo due to Ila cen- lefle wUJ ,nllow lhree llaurs• cf-of the Cliapel Conimitt~ tral loc4IJon ~ j partic·. cndll foe the ~

,-The. Spectator, Phge 2 .-:

• • Lab Course in-. Politics.·

Flory Pl(lijorm BJ Lowell Flog·

·Miller Platform By John t\lUler

L I believe the Stupent Body f>resid e nt sh ould be a useful and creativ«: leader but not a "dema ­


I believe it is the function of the Student Council to be sensitive to student sentiments and to focalize th~se_ .- entiment? in~o workab.le proposals.

I believe·that, in ' the development of these pro­p osnls, it is .the tnsk of the Student Council to carry ou\ such .research and investigation as mny be neces­

. sary to assure.their f ea8:,'.1bility .

~ampajgns Begin· Sti1:1d~y

, 2. I beljeve a more matµre ·: colle1iate ap-Campaigning !or Student Coun- Auditorium or Frlends111p Hall. proach is neceuary ,in the area of freahmen initia­

cil Elections will begin Sunday, Only bulletin boards may be • tion. Freahmen ahould be made a part of the entire April 12 al 2 p.m.. nnd will used

1 !~_M8elz_!~r tHUnil.

1 ·

1 colleie community rather than 'aeparated and hu-

conlinue unlit Thursday, April n - ta~• a on no pas - -16. 5 p.m. ers ,...., allowed on glass, cell· miliated publicly. I believe it is the duty of the Student Council to represent the · sludent body to the faculty nnd administr11:t'io_n ~h~ough sue& · proposals .

In order lo allow - A cap- ings or painted "!alls. Pennis- 3 . I believe in the establishment of better re-::" to-;:;;; =·~: .;!: :;: for ~:t::,;.~ la'tions between the college and the city by pro­deat body, assembly bu ~n do~ .-td ~ obtained moting a student work day a m ong the c itizens. cha.nged from Friday lo Thon- from Ibo head ttS!d<llt. day. Th<R people will then go Candidates · ror President and to Peabody mgh School and Join Treasurer will be allowed 5 Ille other choir memb<TS In lheir minutes per da)' to brondcnsl first concert on tour. over the intercom system in·

4. I believe in extending intercollegiate ac­tivities beyond s ports with other Kansas Conference


5. I believe the Student Court s hould he a

If elected pres ident of the Student Council I would work not: only to e s tablis h clearer represen­tation of: s tudent sentiments to faculty, but also to establish the clearer representiition of faculty sen­timents to students.

~ would-pro~ote consideration. of more stude nt · representation on appropr.iale faculty committees

Voting will I n k e place in the St·udenl Union. Arrnngcments Friendship Hall. Thursday. April for reser-.ed time inay be made "functioning body." 16. from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the director. Mrs. Eliuibcth 6. I believe in a workable Model United Na-

dealing with student affairs. ;: All candidates arc responsible Christensen. lions program for next year. for laking down their posters by · JI a run-orr election l• nccde<I. 5 p.m. on election day. No post- it \\ill be held on Frida)', April

, . I would Promote consideration of snack bar

facilities 'more n~arly co~me'nsurate \vith the de­mands of s tudents.

ers wilf be allowed in Brown 17. ,

In theae, as well ns o t her is.~ues now unfors ccn. "I Rad No lllea There . Wi;re So l'trany Banana Peele Around Thie Cnn11l'~ I· woul(I seek to p(omote nn intellectually s timulat­

ing R!ld a S?Cinlly profitable campus atmosphere.

'The Scholiast By Olrislopber van de Vctde

Mi .the student elections draw ne.'.lr, as I come1lo the end ol my undergraduate career. and to the end of a year on the Student Gouncil. I find myself thinking a~ut the purposes or studcrit governments.

Obviously a primary purpooe Is the admlnhtration of student body activlU ... and another pur­pose ls to enable sWdenta to Uprus their \' fews on coU~e me: but tbeno may be so_. lhinl else.

I)a\·e Anders recenllY wrote an editorial which described the course thnt Student expression US? lll' lakes - expression Of grievnn~cs. Al a recent Studcnl Council meeting. Dr. Flory inen­tione<I that he would like to see the Student Council become. a more • creative orgonlzntlon.

These anft' other expressions of something lacking in our con· ception or student go\'ernment, caused me to begin thinking.

~ This year's Council hns .accom· plished a good deal in my opin· ion. and I could not • sec what lothcr di,rection we might have· taken.

The answer began to come lo me dUrin( Ibo pttformancc of 1'The Te~e Mttk." J am not a drama criUc, so I do...not

want. to ._,, anylhing aboUt the lttbnlcal producUon. but I do have a ~alJIL r.l)• complahi( Is !hat " Th• Terrible l\l .. k" Is ·a good play for an t'.lcmentary school audience but not 111 col· lege audience.

II a Student ·Council wnnle<I lo ,cn,rich the students' college c~pcr1cncc. ~ would hot It be proper to attempt to crcntc n finer culturo1 environment? -Perhaps o line arts commit-

tee could be created with of. lical powers to: approve the selection or dramatic produc­tions: guarantee the penna­nencc of the fine arts fcsth•ol: old in tho Cultural Serles pro· gramming: create n pool Jourc- · ntc: oversee efforts to dccorntc our cnmpus with rN<>gnizcd works · of art: and publicize events or merit on neighboring ~am puses.

In •~mic nrra.s. o <'reatlve Studeot CoanCo could: old the faculty in its efforts lo cotJeo. U\•J:t.e some or the echteaUonAI !acllili<s of !he contra! Kansas l!Cbools: estab11s11 • ro1ati"' 11. brary 1-k propam among !he central Kansas schools: lffk lo

!>..+~ ­

-~-- .

College to Offer Com·se In Hellenistic Greek

enlarge Ille ye~ Of •ludy An introductory course in Hcl- Greek New T .. tament. abroad pl',!>gl'am: . lo inctude South American and /llrkan lenistic Greek will be offered As time permits passages will

J T next year on an cxpcrimcnlBI be read trOm the Greek New : \'~m ::__-:~IUt:nJtlate ·~- basis. Testaineol snd the meaning of ,........ 11 of havtng religiously signlficant w o r d s unit studies tr-. eight - week ReUenlstlc Greek Is Ibo type 'ned periods, when - would ol Greek n1cb became 1be eom· ex~ . lak~ only '!'hi• ~ oi -- ·- ......... will be listed llD· h pcri ~-~ moa tantluire ol the tanda .a.: der lbe department ol .pb!Jooophy eac • od In apectllc artu n>UDding lbe · tasle'11 Medlter- aad ,ttUgion. However, · JI Will of coacentntion). rancan · foll~ lbe coaqu..S flllfUI Ibo ............ requirement

As I say, it is Just reeenlly of Alexander lbe Geeat and COD• for slud.,.ls seeking a Bachelor that I huve begun to think of llnul'!I lhroai h the period of of Aria dogrff, /lllhouglt ii will various ways an imnJ;lnative the Roman Empire. carry an upper level coune sh1~ent body and its governing It is lhe langu•"e in wh'1ch number, ii will be open lo -h-bo<\Y could immensely contrl- - -• b l the the New Testament .wns orig- . omorea. •

u c to ~res ol higher ed· inaily written. It is also th c Students -desiring further in-ucation - perhaps setting n language oC the Greek Old Test- formation may conl.oct Proles-pro;:r!'SSive example for the .;.,. Eil ho · tire acedemic world. amcnt as this was read by sn~. er w will be teaching

It is my hope that this year's Gr~-spealting Jews and by the the course. elections might gi\·c us an C\'Cft earl O:tristians. p Ii . more imaginative and lcieatl\'e Hellenistic Greek. is also the 0 tics Class Student council thanl'wo have '14'!gu~ge'. oLn;iany .other tllr}y In ·washinoiou ever had in the past.• . Christian "'1'1tings as well as •. , . I:)~ . • , or many non-Christian writings. Senators Hubert H ih ·

'Conv.ocations Cn'l"n'dnr · The coarse, will be· l!ven at D-'Mich: · Frank CarbonumR~Konrey, " '8:40 on · Moi1tt1a7 Wednaodaf G ' ' ' " 11\lesdny, April 14 _ Chapel. and ~ and wUI lasl !w U..: Jo'::;:'er Shriver, R-Kan'., ~ n d

S. J. Glaves, sponsored by ...- ..- ;_ It wlD r TO\I'.~\ R·Tcx., arc some Young I>ep>ocrats. , - basic • .._ 0 the people lbe Anlerican i>o~

Thunday, April 1~/lMeni- ,.....,_ _.i wlD Include Wea cla_u has, contacted and bly. Student ~ dtttloas. ~ :=-°""" who ~ey )lope to interview thls

-·..--• - lbe week JD....Wasblhaloo, D. c .

7. I believe that school spirit should nof only be ar<iuse,d but unjfied to make next year the best in the history of McPherson College.

We Get Letters . ' De•r Editor: - ~You bet we didn't! We kept

The actions of t'1c American auling the tnttered remnants people in the few months for I our nation's dearest symbol lowing !he nssasinotlon or th I liberty up that na11pote e\'ery Jntc P resident Kennedy . rning for everyone to see, as to bespeak a common human we do now. trail as regards to the tr<!ntmeot l ID rdlaary times that na which is give.n b)• the public to ·-·be c:oasldertt ' the memory or great men.- ~ l>ut Iii ... aren't ....ii:~"::

1t seems t h n t whenever a We've got to 1boW Billy James great man with crent ideas 11arals, General Walker, IU!d comes on the scene, he is the all the resl lhal we are reslsl· subjecl of controversy. Aftc~ his Ing lbe onslauihl• of tbe eaemy. death, ~pie wllo held. widely Thal glorious, torn. bent-up divergent _1dc_as about him dur- · old nag-will fly, by gum. until mg his hCehm0< Join together it !alls apart! Then we might into an unconscious brotherhood get a new one

. of compromise. .. · Jim Lambert They make a 10rt ol god of

lhe man, and revere bhn, and Dear Editor: talk about bis pea- and We would like to vo ce our become so enthus\asllc about appreciation to Sinter FOod Ser­euloglging him, that they over, vice for the lnlernnUonal Bnn­look the ideas which he 1tood. quct last Saturday evening. It tor. • acquainted us with food from

Thls way, those who expre"!i other couniries and was also belier in the ideas or the greal serve<! lo tis Crom n very at­dcpartl!d don't hove to bother tractively set table. with following them, and those 'Ille daDce foUowtac provided who disagrttd don't have · to an excdlellt opportmal~ to m«t worry abou~ refuting them, and -Is fnm o111tt coaalrles. e\'crybody IS happy. This hap- not oaJy fnm oar ._, but pened beginning 2000 years ago . from •el&l>borlntr coll<ees u with Jesus or Nauireth. It seems w.o. · lo be happening now with John This, what startOcl out. as •• ~·. Kennedy. ~,. agreeable evening, wo1 ruined

Kennedy waa not /1 greot man . for us by the Ooor aho'w at the beca,_ he la dead. Re wu put dance. The Jokes used wer<! en­beca .... of what he aald And did tirely out or place for such a In life. 11 is • peal<r b11>Utoe cultural evening. · lo a dead leader lo earey oa bis Ideas and ~ -·· - • As •ell as beln1 dlsgustlng to Uoas aflu his &1>lrit. lbaa to our own students It gave a veey C&rTY ,now..,.. to bla crave, and poor impression ol our college ........ libraries - rocket laaDeh· lo the. visiting students. Ing aites and -. •ft« blm. °"" °' ...... uk..S .. If •ll

Mahatma Gandhi •nld ' 'I Ille fellowa oa oar .,._ _,, would rather have people follow ' like that. However, thll wM- nol in m)' foolslepo- thon kiss my tlie .,llnt time ,.., "'!" noor feet. " II John F. Kenne<ly were abowa lo have been OD the shady alive, I feel certain that he would sick. . voice the idea. We would like lo ~ the floor

Peter' Ford shows brought from the gutter _up to a higher level.

Dear Editor: . __./ After carefully considering all Carolyn Lunltiey

available facla, 1 have come to Anna Hutchison !he stanling, conclusion that. Edllor's Nole: Doe to Ille ... McPherson College has be<?ri in tare ol a ~ar . • ~o sludent casualties lhe . Ille -e letler, I took have yet been reported: but • · liberty to :let !"• M.C. of you scurry acrQ.s our cr~t:.~ : ~ Sllow read tbe letter pocked campus, look qt our Oag .. ~"' pOlic- Below II bJs and you will see mute evidence • or a fantastic struqle. Dear E4ttor: • ba~ wbat a baltle lllat mast • Please ~cept · 1111 apoloa and ~!>ffa.-• ..:.-· !be lbtllf I promise lo do lietter next ......... . -c oar nae ..... lime ' tt,ba&61-..e..........., . I Bil!

I . _, ..

Sport~A~t~9_nContinues .Do Whal Romans Do

FOr M~c Bulldogs Sports actjpn at McPlicrson

College since Easter Voca tion shows the tennis team 1'i th a J.I record and the trnck squad with a third in a triangular meet and a second In n quad·


The Ancient Mcdltcrrarienn World Class will .at!cmpt to pro­scul ac.."Curntc ro,productlons or nomau iifc durin~ their llomau Banquet to be held May II.

Vaulter Leaps· For Bulldogs

rnngU1ar. · '.The tennis team boat Kon.•••

Mac :Freshman Garners Points At Goll Meet

Gene Czaplinski. frcshmnn rrom McPherson. was the only · member of lhe Macollege go!( team able to garner Points in the Bull~og·s . first meet or the senson.

The Bulldogs were defeated t0-2 by the Kansas Wsleyan Coy­otes in a dual meet held on ,\ pril I. at Salina.-

In a gol! 'meet the points o! e:tch individual m:itch ore bas.· ed on a three point system-one point for lhe winner of lhe most holes for the first nine hole's,

~one point for the winnCr o! the Jost nine holes, and one.' Point for the winner or the most total 'holes.

lo;za~;ns~;~~h~0r~n °~:'1 :~ enough to win two points and lose one. Both Robert Williams, a sophomore. ;ind Ancel Neu· berger. a junior scored 90 but were defeat~ 3.0. Doug Kne- · hans, a ·servor. lola.lled 9!I nnd wns also defeated 3·0.

The ' coyotes hove a v e r y slrong team this yenr, with. three new golfers ahCJld or last ycor's returning numbci- one man. Al Weiss scored lhc iow4

e . .i total o! the meet 1vilh nn 81. The i1acollege gol!ers next

match will be Friday, April lJ at McPherson~

Hallmark ( Cards

• Cifts For

Every Occasion

EBAUGH'S (Formnty Morcia'1) i08 N. ~bin '

Wcsl~yan 7.0 at McPherson,

April t. McPhtt'son • the slnslcs Dl\llchH, S.(J, with Kelty, Warner, Tegc~cr, and MHltr nil winning in h\'O sets. Evnns won In three sets.

McPherson 'also won both

doubles matches in two sets .as Kelly·Tegelcr de/coled Ma£1ey.

~urlney 6-2, 6--0. and Warner· Miller defeated Rilander·Calvin &-0, 6-3.

Bethany College then dclenled

Macollege 6-3 al McPherson Ap. ril G by sweeping the doubles matches a lter the singles hod cndOO even up.

Bill Kelly, l.y"" Warner, and Lairy Evans a ll won lhtlr sing­les matches ip two sell, whlle John Tegeler, Phil Miller, and Roger Ellll!'i rt lost In two sets.

Kelly.Tegeler then lost in two sets, while Warner.Miller and Ev"llns·Emmerl both lost in three.

The triangular trnck meet nt Sl~rling on April I showed Kan­sas Wesleyan with 93 points as the run-away winner, Ster­ling with 53, ond MocollcGe wilh ~ points. ·

Rob DeTour coplurtd the only indh'Jdual first platt for Matol-1ere by thro•ing the Ja,·elJn 171'10". 111e 880 relay team, composed of Larey Beln..tnh, Jim Steinle, John Chance; and John Treadwell. won that e\•ent with a lime or 1 :34.5.

McPherson also cnplured two second places-the mile reloy

· and Coleman in the pole vault. Third places were won by Chance in the 440, Bollinger In ·1he 2-mile. and Jamison in

. the pole \'aull.

Team members placing £ourlh


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were 8eif1'irth in lhe 100, Ste­. inlc' in the !211, Worthing In the 880 and low hurdles, Bollinger in lfle mile, and Patrick In !he ja\•cHn. ·

The quadranfUlar mtet ~•Id pl Mac April S w.. won i>y T•tior College JJilh 69~ polols. ~lacollege placed second with 61 , and Frrends edged Btthtl, S3Y.. to s2: for third.

McPheroon .again captured lwo lirit places, nod ogain the 880 relay learn prol'idcd one or them, winning ,.;jh I :36.0. Cole­man and Jamison. both !rom Mac, tied for lirsl in the pole vaul! al J3'21h:''.

'I11c fh•c second places com­piled by Mac were by Warner in lhe mile, Treadwell in the 100, Bollinger in lhe 2.mile, and 0.Tour in both the jal'elin aad discus.

John Chanct ID the op ea · quarte.r, L1JU1 Wimer ln Lbe 880, Jbo Steinle In Ille 220, ;md Jerry Persons In the dll<Us all scored three points 1'1th third place in thuse .c\•cnta.

Two points for fourth plnee were awarded to Tom Worthing in both lite high lllld low hurdles, Laurel Patrick in ·the jn\'clin, and ihe mile rcllly learn.---.

Fifth p1"ces. worth a single point, went to Treadwell in the 220, Coleman in bolh the high jump and the Jtigh hurdles, Pat­rick in the pole \lault, DeTour in the shot, and Werner in the 2-rnile run.



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Gary .Coleman, a so1lhomore

Car lhis year Gary hns tied £or first. place in the pole \'au1t. He also runs tho high hurdles, broad jumps and high jumps.

His junior year In high school Gary was able lo take second place in tt1e slate meet. A badly sprained ankle kcPt him from cornpeti~ hi.s senior ye.a.r.

Football and basketball were aiso part or his sports Ille dur­ing hiS high school years. Being a very fine basketball player he played this past winter with the Peeples Stale Bank team or lhe McPherson · Industrial League.

Gary went lo Kansas State ·as n freshman, but decided that he would like a small school heller and ended up nl Mc­Pherson.

. Prescriptions Compouniled

Raleigh's Drug Store

MACT~EATRE April 10.12 Fri-Sun •

Walt Disney "The Misadventures

.Of Merlin Jones" COMING APRIL-17 "One M1n1 Way"-

*·STARVIEW ¥ I Follo~ the

B~'dogs ~ th

April 10.12 ; Fri-Sun. - "Move Over Darling"

With Ill e


Doris Day-James On.mer ,PJus

"Ferry To Hong Kong" ·

. With Se:ptinel Curt Jurgens-Orson ~ells

E-Z ' ' Chec~e Account ·• · '

RELAX Take time out

to refresh yourself and your friend



--~•( At.,_ . ,., , , • ·. '

-~ M=mt •' ·-- F.0.LC,

~e· Sl!}lcta~o~, Page .@i

Czaplii;isltj Captures . · ~ ~

Table Te11ms IJ~nQJ.·~ George Czaplinski, sophomore

ffom McPherson, IU~lully

defended his number one posi­tion lhnlughout the year on the ping-pong ladder by winning the, final toum~menl.

sixteen flaaUsta on the ladder entered. ' C..ptllllld did not'. lose·

-_· dncse molcb, d.t~alills Dick

Welcb, Doa ' sPate; Keith Dotm- ' es, Kea Dauer, and 1.ynD Warn .. er ID that order.

The loarnament waa a double



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DON'S , stun10: &' Camera SJio.p ·

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·Schedules Available For ~ Summer School

"Reading is the Key,." .Theme "For National Library Week '

The final schedule for t b !! 'summer school session at Mn·

coUei:e has been set up,. and

copies or the achedule arc now In the Registrar's Of. fi~. .

Four one-week education work· abops have been set \Ip each with one-hour or credit.

1be llnl. Spedal -Worbllop: Ille Glllitd Clllld, will be lldd - ,_ 1-1. Mn. NIM Cole from the Wlcblla Pal>-

Uc - will teacb ihe -· From June 11-12 a Natural Sci· ence Workshop wiU b.i dlrecled by Warren Bell, Dlreclor or Sci· ence Education for the State Department or Education.

Dr. Wayne Miller of the Mn· college facully will"teach a Work­

,sbop on ~ Correction June U-22.

1be tut worklll!P. Tiie T.­lDc of M•m~wW be laad>I by Dr. - Half. mu. a -enlty prof-. All are lipper ln'el cndlt .,.,...__

Twelve 3-hour courses will be offered.

From June J.22 Dr. Kenneth Bec!ttel, professor or sociology

and language will teach His- Short Stoey; and Field Session lory ol Soda! Though!. In Mexican History, Dr. n.y.

From J ... ti.Joly 3, ,_ s. mond Flory, professor or history - -.- will be olfettd: and political science. This courso EJemea&aey Ecoaomlea, Dr. o. consists of one week or study A. otooa. pr<>(,._ oi ecoa.n1c1 on campus .and two weeks or and -.. adm.bilalntloll; Aria aludy aDd travel in ~co. and er,.tla, S. M. DeU, p<Of... From Jilne J.15 Dr. w.,.., - of IDdualrial arts -u... Miiier will teach • t.....-r

Music . in the El~otary .,_.., In - si-di. and scllool under Mrs. Audrey San from J,_ 11!-U. Dr. ~ Romani associate prof...or Of Fl°'7 will leada a ~ piano and organ and Educ.a- American PollllcS .......... tional Psychology uncled the In- Tuition fees for the · summer slnlction of Dr. Dayton Roth· session are $22 per semester rock. professor or education and hour. Classes will begin at 8 psychology. 'n.m. each morning.

From June 13-August 3, Dr . . John Burkholder, · professor or Cast Chosen biology, will teach General Bi· 1

01ogy; Uiand Lengel, assist· For Short Play not professor or hislory and po- •

Jitcal sci•~. will teach Prin· "Doggone Elections" cast has clples or Geography; Dr. Day· been announced by the director,

, Ion Rothrock will teach ·In- Roger Solomon, junior from Mc· ductlon to Education; .and Irv en Pherson. ·

Miss .Virtinia Harris, librar­ian, announced Monday that fines will be reduced by one.­half U students pay f111es dur· Ing National Library Week.

The McPb'erson College LI· brary Is one or 46 college, uni-' crsll:y and Junior college' llbror­les in Kansas th'at will be co­operaling with other school, public, and special libraries In the state's observance of Nn· tlooa1. Library Weelc ,April 12· 13 • .Miss Virginia Harris; librar· Ian, said this week. "Readlatb~ Ker,"lsthe

Iheme of the aevenlh anna.a( aalloaal -..Voce which pro­

moleo rudlat aad llbrarlet ol au kinds.

A number or the 46 college ·libraries in Kansas serve their communities as well .as students and racully. As or July 1. 1964, there will be six state colleges and universities, one municipal university, 14 junior colleges, and i;pmc 25 dlurch-rclalcd In· stitutions. Siem. visiting professor or phi· Ron Cassidenlc, freshman

losophy and religion will teach from Denver, Colo., plays the Lile and LeUers or Paul. . port of the seedy, no - account

n.e llDal - ot1llUll1Dltt mountaineer, Hank Millsap. Kruae, Hayes school wW be beld from Au: Seamy Millsap, Hank's wife, ls Anne EuZabeth Kruse and By· cust

1s.:1. Counes offered this portr.ayed by Jacquelynn Ray. ron K~th Hayes were married

...,.oa are: mond, Junior from McPherson. In the Little River First Metil· Physical Science, R. R. Rush, Their son, Ollie Millsap who odl!t Church, Saturday, March

Perhaps· the greatest problem new COUI3eS, and •the Ol>Cnin: In most or the college libraries ol new areas ol llilowlcdg•. Is that ol the ever-increaslna T1>e pabllc ID"7 DOt be awarc enrollment without a correspond· Ill lbe fllOt tbat. Ille Prl<e 01 Ing increase in facilities, In llbriar7 DYlle(lala la rishit last. sllll(, and in materiab. er &Un~ prices 1~n.

It ls tsUmaltd that there will erally. From Ille late 1940'1 to be 100 per cent more allldenla In JIU, lbe' price o/ the aver•~• college In the Ualted Stales In - IDCftued over 64 P<r cent 1910 Iha there ~re ID JteO, and the prioe of the AVtrlKe

'l1lere Is • cnat 1ncre- In periadleal ~ 13.5 P<r the number of aludeato of col- eeat. Jere .,. - a veattt per 'I1ie libraries in Kansas coJ. cent of them are atleDcllnt col· leges and universities arc Slriv." lef•. ' ing to recruit 'young people lor

A number or Kansas college the library professl~n in . order and univcrsily libraries have ex· to Lry to provide trained hbrnry !ended evening and weekend ' personnel to meet the needs hours lo the limit In order to 10 the fulure. serve the students. At least one A good start has ~n mode library has had• to curtail scr· by the Kansas Library Assoc. vice to the people or the com· la!ion in providing a $1,000 study munlty. grant each ~ear to one ·stu.

The need for more moterlnls conlinues to increase. not only bcenuse or the increase enroll· mcnl, but because or tile trend toward more reference and re. search work, the introduction 'or

dent in library · school. Olhcr grants are needed in this nrCll.

DuriDt NalioDal Ub......,. Wttk, April U.IJ, the M_,_ Col. ~ Ubrary will be tr.ttac lo c1ear -. of an -aid 11J>es.

Foreign ~tudents Discuss Group College. Problems DeCoursey Plans

Nuclear Studies On NSF Grant

visiting professor of physics; Isn't loo bright, is played by 21. Their parents are Air. and Harley Stump teaching The Rufus GeeSJUDan, fremman from Mrs. Vernon B. Kruse, Lillie

Bethel, Pa. River, and Kermit Hayes, Gen· An lnlernaUonal Student Con· coming to the U.S.

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, pro­fessor of chemislr)• at McPher­son College, has accepted o grant to nUend an eight week summer institute in nuclear sci­ence, sponsored by lhe NDtionnl Science Foundalion · and t h c Atomic Energy Commission.

· ~ Institute will be held at Washington Slate University in Pullman, Wash.

Lectures will be gi, ... on nuc­lear science by noted speakers In the field. Laboratory work relating to nuclear physics and chemistry, 'will be undertaken, and some time will be spent at tile Alomlc Encr Commission plulonlum plant in Hanford, Wash. •

It Is inlcnded that professors attending this institule ~U be able to ottain sulficiciit . ]ln>fie­lcncy• in nuclear science to be able lo include it ,;, part or the instlucUonal mailer in sci· Cnca- programs al their own in· stllutlons.

Pre-enrollment Begins April 20

Pro-enrollment lor the 1964 foll semester Ifill begin April 20 and should be completed May 14.

There are several ~hnnges In lhe curriculum. Beginning speech will be offered as a three hour course. AU those taking t h e courie wiU meet ll!ond.ay at 7:45 lor • locture session. The class will then meet in smaller "pro. Jeer sessions" throughout t h e week. The leelures will empha· size tho "communication theory" and accent will be placed on llslenlng as well as speaking.

In nddlllon, a course or Cost Accounting will be added to the business department. Also, Dn· vld L. Eller, assistant professor ol philosophy and religion, will leach beginning Greek on an ex· pcrlmcntal basis.

Caflos Green, freslunan from eseo. lerence was sponsored by the

Phoenix, Ariz., ls pre a ch c r The bride is a junior at Mc- IRC last Saturday and foreign Slaughter, the Republican can· Pherson College and Mr. Hayes students from Bethel, Hesston, dldale for sherilr, and Bill Low· was graduated from the College .and Kansas Wesleyan allcnd· rcnce, lreshriian from Manassas, Inst year. He is engaged in ed. Over twenty McPherson stu· Va.. ls his opponcnl, Sherllf farming, dents allcndcd the discussions Carver. held in the afternoon, und mnny

The Part of Jake, Hank's .Ande1 llfiller more helped with decorations,

~=d dog, has DOI yet been · Mr. ~ Mrs. Leroy Andes, . or refreshments and talent for

This play, Roger's Advanced Mound City, Missouri, announce ~=·ed~thcr programs that IOI· Play Production project, Wiii be the engagement or their d.augh-presenled in Chapel April 24 Jer, Karen I.ynn to John Allen

' · Miller, son ol Mr. and Alrs. E•"

Religious Art Discussion 'i'opic At Church

ereu Miller ol Waterlook, Iowa. 1 Karen is a sopbOmorc and John is a junior al McPherson College.

. ' I Sherfy, Gri/Jith

A School of Religious Art wlll Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Sherly be held at the ctiurcb or the or McPherson announce the en· Brc~rcn this Sunday evening, gagement or their daughter, Son· April 12. Jn, ta Ernest Griffith. son ol

The school will deal with the Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Griffith of dlllercnt arts- sculpture and Carleton, Nebraska.

Tbe main Iheme of dlscuslloa WH lo uadenlaad the allwltioll ol the lnlentaJloaal student on America.a colJe~ campuaes.

Under this lopip, groups dis· cussed rctotions among the In· dlvidual foreign student, Amer· sludents, and other foreign students; how internallonal slu· dents ad.lust to cullural diller· cnccs in the U.S.; and the main

. alms for international students

painting - and their pince In ~th ore former McPherson

!\Inc Group· Attemls ChrisUnnil,y and also the place College students. Sonja w i 11 nod use of music and Hter:~rure graduate from the D tm t

Wottten's Co' nvent1"on ~ epar en

~ub,bell's Drug In Chrlstianily. of Nursing Education, Unlvcr·

At the end of the 'discussion the students gave some Od\•irc that could be used by fulure International students.

An lnlernallonal ""11•1 •·•• aerved following the dlsawlons and the me expreued their appreciation lo Mr. R- WOOd· ·an1 for prepllriaJ the mol.

'Dance Around U., Wrold' wns sponsored 'al 7 p.m. to conclude the day's activities.

Stump Addresses Domestic Art Club '

Harley Stump, professor ol English, spoke to the Domeslic Art Club of McPherson on April 8 at the Warren Hotel.

He spoke to the 1roup on "What's New in the Short Story."

The D,eCoursey family will leave McPherson June 8 for Idaho and Washington, where they will be camping out on their way lo and lrom the institute. They pton lo relurn to McPbcr· son during Augusl.

F'lflcen Mncollegc girls nl· Miss Mary Ann Robinson, slly of Kansas Mcjllcai Cenlcr, !ended the Ka~ns Home Ece>- dean ·or women and assistant In Kansas City in Augusl, and nomlcs Chapter Spring Conven. professor. or arl; Paul Wagoner, Ernie will graduale In August lion Friday, April 3. director of public relations and lrom Kansas Slate University • .

The Convention was hold in nlumnl affairs; and Har I c Y Deportment or lllechanlcal En· Wichita and lasted throughout Slump, proressor ol Englisti, alncering, ManhaJtan, Kansas. the day. / . .are on the planning committee An AugusC, wedding is planned .


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