The Human Aura - Heavenly Pearls for the...


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The Human Aura



Heavenly Pearls for the Soul................................4

IntroductionWhat is the Human Aura.......................................6

Does the Aura ever lie?.........................................8

Questions and AnswersWith Elizabeth Clare Prophet................................9

Prayer of Saint Francis........................................11

The Aura of a Saint..............................................12

Mantra of the Month............................................14

Meet the MastersKuthumi...............................................................16

About Elizabeth Clare Prophet............................18


In such a fast-paced world, it becomes necessary to take time to step outside human drama and obligations to inspire and renew ourselves. Our quest for spirituality, and a deeper meaning for living, begins to fall behind our human worries, until we learn that we can incorporate profound spirituality into the practicalities of our world. Spirituality matters most and reveals its best face in our daily lives. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet’s lifelong goal was to help everyone to realize more of that loving essence hidden in the human heart.

Spiritual masters, East and West, understand that most people are searching for a deeper meaning for their existence. Beyond the orthodoxy and separation of religious teachings, a deep unity underlies all religion and spirituality. The Hindu yogi, the Taoist sage, the Buddhist monk, and the Christian or Jewish mystic—all have valuable lessons to teach us. And we can and should learn from them, one and all. We should feel as comfortable reading the Hindu Bhagavad Gita as we are reading the Holy Bible or the Buddhist scriptures. We should feel as comfortable meeting the Dalai Lama as we would meeting the Pope!

The Heavenly Pearls for the Soul are commonsense guides to spiritual growth. They were created with excerpts from publications and lectures by Elizabeth and Mark Prophet as well as from the teachings of the greatest of spiritual masters of the ages. These Pearls teach us to weave the messages of our Highest Self into our everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions. The stories, lectures, anecdotes, and techniques for self-mastery can help us see ourselves and the world around us through new eyes.

And perhaps most importantly, they will show us how refreshing it is to laugh at

Heavenly Pearls for the Soul


our own humanity. As Mark Prophet used to say, “It’s okay to be human as long you remember you’re divine.”

It is the vision of the masters that we discover the golden thread which creates unity out of religious diversity—the realization that each of us can experience our own intimate relationship with our Higher Self.

Inside each of us resides a beautiful divine spark. We just need to look for it.

The spiritual quest, though challenging, should be fun

and practical.


The book The Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul is a series of letters dictated through Mark Prophet to his students throughout the world. It goes into the aura in an exceptional way. We are all interested in knowing about the aura because at sublevels of awareness we all perceive one another's aura. We're all reading each other and that reading is being translated to our conscious mind.

When we have a sense of danger about a certain individual or an immediate affinity with someone or we sense that someone has a certain personality, we are contacting the aura. It's an energy field. It's a blueprint, and it exists before birth and after death.

Scientists have conducted studies on this energy field and have postulated that this nonphysical matrix, this electromagnetic blueprint, or "life field," exists around every living thing on the planet—not just around people but around animals and plants. It has also been shown to exist around inorganic matter. Scientists call it an L-field.

Researchers have also discovered an energy field originating in the mind, which they call a "thoughtfield" (T-field). This in turn controls the L-field, or the life field. They say that the thought field exists independently of the physical brain, and both the T-field and the L-field are influenced by greater electromagnetic fields of the universe.

When we start thinking about this and the flow of life, we begin to reconsider our entire world view, even our concepts of theology and science, and we begin to realize that there is a continuity of being that we have been divorced from by the way we view the universe in the West.

What is the Human Aura?



The aura is like a garment, and it is possible for people to completely conceal very dark modes of consciousness by putting over the aura a patine of great light and the manifestation of light. Kuthumi describes this in The Human Aura.

He says that at various moments when individuals are off guard and they suddenly become enraged or irritated or challenged, the aura will turn inside out and these dark manifestations hidden neatly between the folds of the garment will come to the surface. We see this happening again and again as people's hidden selves come to the surface for judgment.

Part of this is an activity of the soul itself. The soul is not content to be dwelling within a personality that is deceitful, because the soul's basic orientation is to move toward oneness with the Spirit of the living God. And therefore the soul arranges circumstances whereby we are exposed or we betray ourselves.

This is why many times criminals who commit the perfect crime will make an obvious mistake. At subconscious levels the soul really wants to be caught, wants to be discovered and wants to be brought to judgment so it can begin to atone for its sin—or, in Hindu terms, to balance its karma. We can hide certain emanations of our consciousness for a time but not permanently because the law of God forces them to the surface for cleansing.

Does the Aura Ever Lie?


Q: “Mrs. Prophet, we’ve been talking about the aura. Can you tell us more about it?”

A: The aura is an example of the interdependence of all life, because it is through the aura and the seven chakras that emanations of love, feelings of joy and buoyancy flow and are received and transmitted. Through the aura we all interact with life. We interact with distant galaxies and distant stars, and we have the capacity to give and receive energy.

The concrete forcefield of man, the physical body, is the focal point on which all of this hangs. The physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the memory body all interpenetrate as four interconnecting sheaths. These sheaths are surrounded by the L-field and T-field we were discussing earlier.

The fact that researchers have postulated the preexistence of those energy fields makes us grapple with questions of theology because we are discovering more and more of man as we discover more of the aura. What is the source of the aura?

We can conclude that our Creator has placed a portion of himself within us, beginning with the threefold flame in the heart. We know that the aura is actually a garment we wear. It is a transmitting and receiving station. It is highly susceptible to the mass consciousness, to emanations from beyond our planet, and even to beings who are beyond our level of consciousness. I often think of the plane in which we live as a thin line in time and space, with a vast cosmos above and below.

This cosmos consists of frequencies that our five senses are not equipped to deal with. Considering this, we can realize that if the aura itself extends beyond this thin black line, then it can be used as an extension of the self into other dimensions—for instance, as a space probe or a time probe or as an energy that actually enables us, while we are tied to this physical frame, to explore many planes of consciousness.

Elizabeth Clare ProphetQuestions and Answers with


Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, Make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much Seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and It is in dying that we are born to eternal Life.


It can be summed up in the simple statement of Jesus: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Not only shall they see God but they shall be God. For the pure in heart—by purity of desire, motive, speech, conduct and works—continually qualify with light the stream of energy that flows through the heart. And that pure light fills the aura.

So, seeing God is possible because there is something within us that we can equate with God and thereby we can identify God. That "something" is his light. God's light is his greatest gift to us. It is like water: it will take on the color, the vibration, the density that we put upon it. We can change water from a liquid to ice or vapor.

God's light is our immediate resource, and it is continually flowing like liquid, like moving fire. It is what manifests in the aura and determines the personality of the individual. The difference between a saint and an ordinary person is that the saint has chosen day by day, hour by hour to amplify the light of God as good works.

Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Wherever we go we have the opportunity to let our light—our aura—shine. We can consecrate the garment of our being, our aura, to be worn by the Holy Spirit. Hence, our good works become the activity of the Holy Spirit.

There are many saints walking around on earth today who do not know that they are saints and who are not recognized by others as saints because many people truly walk in darkness, having not the vision of God. And many in the pulpits teach that it is not by good works that we enter in but only by grace. In other words, there is nothing we

The Aura of a Saint


ourselves can do whereby we can inherit the consciousness of God, the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Yet we have this direct order from Jesus to qualify the aura with light, to let the aura shine, to let it be amplified so that men may see our good works. If good works are not necessary, then why should we let men see them that they might glorify God? It is through our good works that men recognize God and therefore increase their faith.

So the difference between the saint and the non-saint is the difference between the individual who has elected to be God and the one who considers it blasphemy to elect to be God and therefore does nothing.

“I can find nothing with which to compare the great beauty of a soul and its great

capacity.”—Teresa of Avila


Mantra of the Month

A mantra is a brief prayer that is given over and over again to develop the momentum of a particular virtue within the soul. The word mantra is taken from the Sanskrit, meaning “sacred counsel” or “formula.”

Today in the West, many people have a difficult time meditating because their minds are so busy. To compensate for this, we give mantras during our meditation. The mantras help us focus on words and on word pictures and visualizations. As we meditate and give these mantras, we are becoming one with the object of our concentration. The mantra can keep the mind in line.

The following mantra is a powerful tool for transmuting feelings of anxiety, frustration, irritation or anger, which are translated into our aura, and can affect those around us.

Give the mantra for five minutes daily, and feel your spirit become filled with love, wisdom, and power!


Known as a world teacher and master psychologist, Kuthumi serves on the ray of wisdom

and illumination for the planet. He trains students in the art of meditation and the science of the

Word in order that they may become master psychologists of their own psyche, or soul.

He embodied as the Greek philosopher

Pythagoras. As a youth, Pythagoras longed to

discover the science behind the truths revealed

to him in meditation. Pythagoras influenced

many great philosophers, including Plato,

Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and

Francis Bacon.

Kuthumi also embodied as Saint Francis

of Assisi, who converted many to God. His pure

love for the divine was rewarded with the sign of

the stigmata, the wounds of Christ on the body.

“My assignment [is] to work with each

one of you individually for your physical

health and for the healing of your psychology,

that we might swiftly get to the very cause

and core of physical as well as spiritual and

emotional conditions that there be no

more setbacks or indulgences and

surely not two steps forward and

one step back.”



“The Perfecting of the Aura”Excerpts from a Message by Kuthumi

As we commence these auric studies, let it be understood that the combined manifestation of body, soul, and mind creates around the spinal column and the medulla oblongata those emanations called by some the human aura and by others the magnetic forcefield of the body of man. Let it be understood by all who read that each individual in whom is the flame of life reveals himself as though he were to shout it from the housetops—all that he really is, all that he has done, and even the portent of that which he shall be—right in the forcefield of his being and in the magnetic emanations surrounding his physical form.

The reading in depth of the human aura is no ordinary science. Those who would undertake to do so should understand that by a simple change in thought the fountain of the human aura, which pours forth from its own orifice, can change its color, its emanation, its magnetic affinity—its complete identity. Yet at the same time it may retain beneath the surface the capacities to poison the atmosphere of the individual or the auric emanation within, by virtue of his failure to cleanse himself in heart….

We have pondered the great need of humanity for purification, and we advocate above all the purification of motive. But when individuals do not see clearly just what their own motives are, it becomes exceedingly difficult, by reason of their own internal blindness, for them to purify themselves….

Now, as man studies the science of perfecting the aura, he should also understand that through the misqualification of thought and feeling, many undesirable traits are brought into manifestation. Most dangerous of all is misqualification in the emotional body of man, in the feeling world, for thereby the heart is touched and in turn often sways the whole life record of the individual into a miasma of doubt and questioning….

Let us free humanity by right knowledge from all that has bound them and blinded them to their own great inner power, to the treasure-house God has locked within their consciousness.


Just who is Elizabeth Clare Prophet and what does she have to say to America and the world?

It’s really great to be able to talk to you and to a lot of wonderful people who are seeking the meaning of the inner life. I remember when Gautama Buddha first came on the scene. He was such an extraordinary individual that they didn’t ask him, “Who are you?” but they asked him: “What are you? Are you a God? Are you a man? Are you human or divine?” And he gave the simple answer, “I am Awake!”

So, rather than talking about who I am or where I came from, I would simply say that I am a devotee of God. And in the devotion that I have found for God, I have discovered that he has a great truth for his people on earth in this hour.

The truth comes from within all of us. It is the truth of the Inner Self and the law of being. I come as a devotee of God, to share my devotions, for I believe God has given to us a new science and a new religion whereby we can master ourselves and our age.

About Elizabeth Clare Prophet


Elizabeth Clare Prophet on The Human Aura


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