The Holocaust. Propaganda and Censorship Nazis took control of Radio, newspapers, magazines, movies,...


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The Holocaust

Propaganda and Censorship

• Nazis took control of Radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, music, art, and more

• Got rid of anything that went against the Nazi way of thinking

Hitler Youth

• Who is more impressionable than kids

• Brainwashing kids through a program like boy/girl scouts

• Pre-military training

• Blind loyalty to Hitler and Nazi Party


• In our culture today, what would be the easiest way to brainwash people into believing something is true.

Night of Broken Glass

• On the night of November 9, 1938

• In two days, over 1000 synagogues were burned and 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted

• Many Jews killed

• Retaliation to German official shot in Paris by a Jewish teenager

Sign says “boycott Jewish Businesses”


• Ghetto - Slums where Jews were forced to live

• Singled out from the general population, forced to wear yellow stars

Transportation to Camps

• People were jammed into cattle cars

• Hundreds in one car

• Many people died


• Write a 2 paragraph DESCRIPTIVE essay detailing the conditions of the train ride to a concentration camp.

• Smells, temperature, hunger, being tired, pain and discomfort.

Concentration Camps

• Concentration Camp: prison camp for innocent civilians

• Prisoners worked to the death

• Starvation

• Terrible living conditions

• Humiliation by the Nazis

Forced Labor

Death Camps

People on trains that were seen as weak were sent to Death Camps

Methods of Killing:1. Gas Chamber2. Firing Squad3. Ovens (Fire)

Nazis have no regard for human lifeGenocide: killing off an entire race of people

Gas Chamber after liberation

The Holocaust

• Holocaust: massive slaughter of Jew and other groups during WWII
