The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


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  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Pbh bcstiry ig tbh dhmckkckm ok

    hstodecsbahkt ig \hvhktb-@oy O vhktcst

    lburlb ck DokmeohsbDy \ukce \orfor

    Ck tbh dhmckkckm ig ?3>7, tbh rst O vhktcst eiloe ackcsthr ig

    Ck co ostir Eoe Mipoe Aiifhrjhh ok bcs wcgh Mrolh Aoheckh

    Fheeimm Aiifhrjhh o Dcdeh wirfhr gria ]csliksck bo driumbt tbh

    O vhktcst trutb ck Dokmeohsb gir tbh rst tcah ck O vhktcst Bcstiry.

    Ckctcoeey ostir Eoe Mipoe Aiifhrjhh ok bcs gotbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhh

    whrh tbh ahadhr ig ]ceecoa Lorry ckctcoth Doptcst lburlb ot

    \rcroapirh, Ck co wbish oklhstir wos ikh ig tbh rst likvhrt ig

    ]ceecoa Lorry. Ck ?23= ogthr rhlhcvckm tbh O vhktcst trutb, tbh gotbhr

    ok tbh sik bo storth ti wirf gir tbh O vhktcst loush ck Loelutto,

    Ck co wctb tbh girhaist O vhktcst acsscikorchs wbi whrh shkt dy tbh

    Mhkhroe Likghrhklh ig tbh O vhktcst lburlb ti hstodecsb tbh rst

    O vhktcst acsscik stotcik ck Ck co ok wbclb wos hxthk h tcee gor ti


  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Pbh O vhktcst lburlb bcstiry ig Host Dhkmoe (Dokmeohsb) cs

    vhry aulb likkhlth ti tbh O vhktcst lburlb bcstiry ig Ck co6 ok

    ostir E. M. Aiifhrjhh cs ikh ig tbh rst eiloe O vhktcst ackcsthr ig

    Ck co6 ok tbh rst phrsik ti stort tbh O vhktcst wirf ck Host Dhkmoe

    (Dokmeohsb). Hehr M. L. Phkkhy wos tbh rst Mhkhroe Likghrhklh

    wirfhr ti trovhe gria O heoch, Ahediurkh ik ]hkhsoy, Iltidhr

    ?4, ?234. Ogthr sphk ckm ghw tbiumbtgue oys wctb Ars. Heehk M.

    ]bcth ok O.M. @okchees6 bh dirh o sthoasbcp koah Aossceco ti

    Lieiadi ti trovhe ti Loelutto gir tbh rst tcah. Ogthr aofckm siah

    liktolts ck Loelutto, M.L.Phkkhy whkt ti ottock tbh Mhkhroe

    Likghrhklh ahhtckms vco Huriph ok tbhk twi ecthroturh hvokmhecsts

    koah ]ceecoa Ehkfhr ok Oahrclok, ok O.P. \triph ok Oustroecok

    whrh shkt gir tbh he ig Ck co (?).

    Ik Kivhadhr 4

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ecthroturh hvokmhecsts ti tbh Girhcmk Acsscik Dior ig Mhkhroe

    Likghrhklh ( ti jickh tbh Dcdeh

    rhockms hvhry \oturoys ok ]hkhsoys ok 4>> phipeh wiue

    motbhr ck tbhcr ahhtckm boee hvhry \uk oy hvhkckm ahhtckms (7).

    Bhrh cs o truh stiry gria tbh tcah ig ]ceecoa Lorry. ]bhk

    ]ceecoa Lorhy bo dhhk prholbckm ti o lriwh ck o lcty ig Ck co6 bh

    bo aht o Drobaok prchst lorrch ik tbh sbiuehrs ig shvhroe ahk.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Lorry bo bok h ti bca o pophr ig tbhsh wrctthk wirs C oa o

    sckkhr6 Lbrcst cs ay \ovciur". Ki ikh hvhr orh ti thee tbcs Drobaok

    aok tbot bh wos o sckkhr os bh wos rhmorh airh os mi. Pbh

    prchst bo rhphoth tbhsh wirs omock ok omock ck bcs ack C oa o

    sckkhr6 Lbrcst cs ay \ovciur "6 ok koeey bo soc ct cs truh". C oa

    o sckkhr ok Lbrcst cs ay \ovciur. Dut tbh prchst wokth ti thst

    Lorry rst. Bh soc ck bcs bhort6 cg Lory cs truh, bh wcee hot wctb us.

    Xp ik tbh ckvctotcik, ]ceecoa Lorry bo ollhpth ti hot tbh rclh ok

    oe wctb tbh prchst ck bcs biush. Ok tbh Drobaok prchst eoc osch

    bcs prchstey ridh ok ihr bcasheg gir tbh doptcsa. Ct wos tbh

    likvhrsotcik ig tbh rst Drobaok aok ti ollhpt Lbrcstcokcty ck

    Ck co.

    Ok tbh mrok sik ig tbcs Drobaok prchst cs tbh wbcth bocrh

    aok Eoe Lbok Aiifhrjhh ck bcs shvhktchs ok ecvh ck tbh morhk

    biush ck tbh sudurds ig Loelutto. Ok bcs sik O.L. Aiifbhrjhh ikh

    ig tbh rst O vhktcst likvhrt ok tbh horey Ck cok O vhktcst wirfhr

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ot Loelutto Hkmecsb Lburlb scklh Dritbhr @.O. Tidcksik wirfh ck


    Ck tbh aiktb ig Jukh?23= dritbhr Heehry Tidcksik bo sie

    dritbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhh o lipy ig otrcorlbs ok ripbhts"6 tbhk o

    lipy ig Mrhot Liktrivhrsy"6 ok tbhk o diif ik @okche ok

    Thvheotcik" ok dritbhr O.L. Aufbhrjhh bo ollhpth tbh trutb os

    bh wos eh dy Mi. Dritbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhh bo hehvhk siks ok

    oumbthrs ok oee ig tbha ecvh uk hr tbh soah riig ot morhk

    biush. Hvhry airkckm, kiik ok kcmbt bh bo motbhrh tbh goacey

    stippckm tbh wirf ck tbh prcktckm ilh ti stu y tbh ]ir ok proy

    wctb tbha. Ok tbhsh O vhktcst diifs whrh ush illoscikoeey gir tbh

    goacey hvitcik.

    Dritbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhhs biah wos ecfh ok O vhktcst trockckm

    slbiie ig giurthhk ahadhrs ckleu ckm bcs sik ck eow wbi bo

    ollhpth tbh trutb. Pbh iehst sik ig tbh goacey dritbhr E.M.

    Aiifhrjhh bo dhhk wirfckm os kursh ck Loelutto scklh tbh tcah ig

    @r. oeolh ck ?23=6 ok wbi wiue igthk proy wctb tbh potchkts ti

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    osf girmcvhkhss ig tbhcr scks ck tbhcr leckcl dh ck tbh ?3> orf \trhht ot Dritbhr E. M. Aiifrjhhs peolh

    wbhrh Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh wos ck lbormh ig tbh trhotahkt riias

    gir tbh ahk ok liktckuh ti wirf tbhrh gir scx yhors tcee bh cslivhr

    Host Dhkmoe (3).

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Hehr ].O. \pclhr bo vcscth Loelutto gir tbh shlik tcah ok

    hslrcdh tbh okxchty ig wirf ck Ck co ok ck tbh aiktb ig Aoy,

    ?3>? tbh Acsscik Dior opprivh vh acsscikorchs ecfh righssir

    ok Ars J. E. \bow6 tbh gotbhr ig scsthr \bow Hehr M.F. Iwhk tbh

    Dcdeh tholbhr6 Acsshs Okkch Fkcmbt ok @iko Buapbrhy tbh kurshs

    ti wirf ik tbhcr iwk lbormhs (?>). @urckm tbcs tcah Acss Mrolh

    Aoheckh Fheeimm ok O vhktcst Dcdeh wirfhr ot Tcpik, ]csliksck oesi

    bo loeeh tbh ]csliksck Likghrhklh ti rhscmk tbh wirf ti soce ti

    wirf ck Ck co ik \hpthadhr, ?3>? (??). Dritbhr Eutbhr J. Durmhss

    oesi orrcvh ck Loelutto, Ck co ik Jukh 48, ?3>? dhgirh itbhr

    acsscikorchs ok storth ti aosthr tbh eiloe eokmuomh ti rholb iut ti

    airh bukmry siues ck Ck co (?4).

    \cklh ?3>?, \csthr Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm bo dhhk wirfckm ot

    Lbok hrkomirh, Biimey orho ok wos lorryckm iut tbh wirf ck spcth

    ig tbh bck roklh ig Bck u rhecmcius phipeh gria tbh surriuk ckms.

    Dhloush ig bhr Dcdeh stu chs o yiukm aok bo tofhk o stok gir

    Lbrcst6 o Bck u aok hlch ti ihr bcs biush ti lik ult wirsbcp

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ahhtckms6 ok o Auseca aok priacsh ti jick Dcdeh leosshs rhmueorey

    (?< ok doptczh tbrhh lok coths ck tbh rcvhr ig Biimbey dhgirh

    ikh buk rh gty Hkmecsb ok kotcvh phipeh ot Lbok rokomir,

    Biimey. Pbh Bck u kotcvh huloth aok tbot bo ollhpth Lbrcst

    bo eist bcs jid ok bcs wcgh rhturkh ti bhr porhkts ogthr rhlhcvckm

    Lbrcst (?0).

    Ck Juey, ?3>< wbhk \csthr \.H. ]bcthcs wctb \csthr Totko

    Aiifhrjhh tbh scsthr ig Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh bo vcscth \csthr

    Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm6 tbhy giuk bhr mcvckm Dcdeh rhockms ti

    aoky Hkmecsb-sphofckm Dhkmoec eowyhrs, iltirs ok tholbhrs ot

    Lbok hrkomir6 ok aoky ig tbha whrh ckthrhsth ti ollhpt tbh Eir.

    Ikh Dhkmoec dodu ogthr mhttckm Dcdeh stu y bo sborh ti bcs wcgh

    ok os sbh liuekt sphof Hkmecsb ct dhliahs cluet gir \csthr

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Fheeimm ti mcvh bhr Dcdeh stu chs. Okitbhr wiaok wos ckthrhsth ck

    zhkkos wirf os sbh fkhw Hkmecsb (?8).

    Ck tbh aiktb ig Juey ?3>0 Loelutto \okotircua wbhrh Dritbhr

    E.M. Aiifhrjhh wos wirfckm bo dhhk aivh ti Ki. 8>, orf \trhht

    (?7). @urckm tbcs tcah \csthr Tcmok gria Durao ok dritbhr ok

    scsthr Durmhss whrh mcvhk ehovh ti mi dolf ti Oahrclo (?=).

    \cklh tbh dhmckkckm ig ?3>0 dritbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhh bo dhhk

    lik ultckm Dcdeh ehssiks ik @okche ok Thvheotcik sphlcoeey tbh

    pripbhlchs wctb lborts ot 0

    tbhy bo rocsh 44 Tuphhs gria tbh eiloe Lbrcstcoks ig Loelutto ti

    pudecsb Irchktoe ]otlbaok, Mii Bhoetb ok rhshkt Prutb

    trolts ck Hkmecsb ok Dhkmoec ot Ckthrkotcikoe Prolt \ilchty. @urckm

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    tbcs tcah tbhrh whrh 40 rhmueor Dhkmoec \oddotb fhhphrs otthk ckm

    tbh \hroapirh lburlb hvhry \oddotb (?2).

    Ck tbh aiktb ig Oumust ?3>0 Dritbhr O.M. ]otsik bo ckctcoeey

    jickh ti wirf wctb tbh eiloe Ckthrkotcikoe Prolt \ilchty rhss ot

    \hroapirh. Ck Oumust o doptcsa shrvclh wos likulth ot

    \hroapirh lburlb wbhk tbrhh siues bovh ollhpth Jhsus os tbhcr

    phrsikoe sovcir (?3).

    Dhsch tbh kursckm wirf ot tbh trhotahkt riias6 Dritbhr E.M.

    Aiifhjhh wctb \csthr Mrolh Fheeimm Aiifhrjhh bo dhhk bieckm

    Dcdeh leosshs ot Loelutto, \okotircua. Ck Iltidhr, ?3>0 EM

    Aiifhrjhh hxpeockh odiut bcs mockckm ig hxphrchklh quitckm Ars.

    Heehk ]ctbh tbot "tbh trcoes ig ecgh orh Mi's wirfahk, ti rhaivh tbh

    capurctchs ok riumbkhss gira iur lborolthr. Pbhcr bhwckm,

    squorckm ok lbcsheckm, tbhcr durkcsbckm ok piecsbckm, cs o pockgue

    prilhss, ct cs bor ti dh prhssh iwk ti tbh mrck ckm wbhhe. Dut tbh

    stikh cs driumbt girtb prhporh ti ee cts peolh ck tbh bhovhkey

    thapeh (4>).

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    \cklh tbh dhmckkckm ig ?3>8 dritbhr O. L. Aiifhrjhh bo dhhk

    aofckm shvhroe ckqucrchs ik Mipoemikj, tbish oys ot Gorcpur

    @cstrclt ig Host Dhkmoe wbhrh bh bo giuk tbh rhschklh ig 4>>

    goacechs ecvckm ck tbh wothry eok ok ghw prithstokt Lbrcstcoks whrh

    prhshkt tbhrh. @urckm tbhsh ckqucrchs ok trolt rhockms twi phipeh

    gria Gorcpur bo hxprhssh tbhcr hscrh gir tbh trutb ok ghw

    itbhrs bo hxprhssh ti stort tbh wirf ck Gorcpur, Host Dhkmoe os

    tbhy bovh ehorkt tbh trutbs gria tbh trokseoth trolts ok

    sudslrcptciks. Ikh ig tbh eiloe acsscikory gria Gorcpur @cstrclt

    bo liah ti dritbhr O.L. Aiifhrjhh ti csluss tbh trutb ok wos

    sotcsh wctb tbh okswhrs. Ck tbh hk ig ?3>8 O. L. Aiifhrjhh bo

    dhhk shk ckm trolts ok okswhrckm tbhcr quhstciks wctb aoky phipeh

    ig Host Dhkmoe (4?).

    Ck tbh dhmckkckm ig ?3>8, Dritbhr O.M. ]otsik ok O.L.

    Aiifhrjhh bo dhhk trokseotckm Irchktoe ]otlbaok ck Dhkmoec oeikm

    wctb itbhr Dcdeh trolts. @urckm tbcs tcah o aok vcscth tbha koah

    Dritbhr A.F. Lbofrivirtc, wbi both Lbrcstcoks dhgirh6 dut wctb tbh

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ckffluhklh ig o Doptcst acsscikory bh wos doptczh. Bh fkhw aoky

    prithstokt Lbrcstcoks ig Host Dhkmoe ok Loelutto gieeiwh tbh Khw

    Phstoahkt ok c kit idhy tbh giurtb liaaok ahkts tbh \oddotb


    O prholbhr bo tie ti Ar. Lbofrovirtc tbot dritbhr O. L.

    Aiifhrjhh wos o do aok wctb do airoe lborolthr6 dut ct ikey

    aoh bca airh ckthrhsth ti ahht bca. Ok os dritbhr O.L.

    Aiifhrjhh rho Dcdeh wctb Ar. Lbofrovirtc6 bh hleorh O vhktcst

    ahssomhs os tbh trutb. Gckoeey Ar. Lbofrovirtc bo rhscmkh bcs

    tholbckm jid wctb tbh Doptcst Acsscikory Lieehmh ik Oumust 48

    ok ik Grcoy Oumust 48, ?3>8 bo liah ti Loelutto, rhsch wctb

    Dritbhr O. L. Aiifhrjhh (44).

    Eotthr Ar. Lbofrovirty bo jickh tbh Loelutto \okotircua ti

    wirf wctb Ar. sckmb ok Kodi Aiifhrjhh tbh sik ig O.L.

    Aiifhrjhh .Ck tbh hk ig?3>8, Ar. Lbofrovirtcy oesi bheph hctckm

    ok trokseotckm Dhkmoec trolts ecfh Bcs Meircius Opphorckm ok

    Pbh Caairtoecty ig tbh \iue6 ok urckm tbcs tcah dritbhr O.L.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Aiifhrjhhh bo dhhk trokseotckm Cs \uk oy \oddotb9 (47, Dritbhr E. M. Aiifhrjhh ok

    Bcs dritbhr ck Eow bo vcscth Mipoemikj ig Host Dhkmoe gir tbh rst

    tcah ti ckqucrh odiut tbh ckthrhst lrhoth iut tbriumb tbh

    lirrhspik hklh ig O.L. Aiifhrjhh(48). \cklh tbhk dritbhr E.M.

    Aiifhrjhh bo storth ti vcsct tbh wothry he ig Host Dhkmoe tcah ti

    tcah. O oy ck tbh aiktb ig Aorlb, ?3>76 bh hlch ti stoy ck Host

    Dhkmoe he odiut vh oys ti vcsct kikdhechvhrs, lik ult ahhtckms

    ok Dcdeh. Igthk dritbhr Aiifhrjhh bo wifh up 4 ti < OA ck tbh

    airkckm ti csluss tbh misphe wctb siah prithstokt Lbrcstcoks,

    Bckus ok Auboaaocoks ti tbh \oddotb trutb, pripbhlchs ok

    tbh shlik liackm ig Jhsus. Bh oesi bo storth ti tholb siah

    lbcerhk ig Host Dhkmoe ti ahairchs tbh Dcdeh vhrshs.

    Hvhk tbiumb Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh wos gria ahcloe he6

    tbcs tcah bh rhoecsh tbh jiy ig prholbckm ti sovh tbh kikdhechvhrs.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Ogthr wirfckm gir odiut tbrhh aiktbs6 Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh bo

    dhhk wirfckm ck tbcs he gir post tbrhh aiktbs ok wos odeh ti

    irmokczh siah \oddotb fhhphrs ck tbrhh chrhkt vceeomhs. \iah ig

    tbh prithstokt Lbrcstcok wbi bo jickh tbh \oddotb ahhtckms whrh

    phrshluth dy tbhcr lburlb ehohrs. @urckm tbcs tcah dritbhr E.M.

    Aiifhrjhh oesi bo oppech gir o acsscik dior odiut o acsscik

    mriuk , o dukmoeiw ok o diot ti trovhe gria vceeomh ti vceeomh ti

    phraokhktey stort tbh wirf ck Host Dhkmoe (47).

    Ok koeey ck goctb wctb tbh eivh ig prholbckm tbh phipeh ig Host

    Dhkmoe dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh ok \csthr Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm

    Aiifhrjhh bo gueey aivh ti Mipoemikj ti lorry ik tbh wirf ik

    tbhcr iwk hxphksh (4=). Ck tbh ckctcoe stomh tbhy rhkth o au -

    ffliirh, aot-woeeh juth miiwk biush gir Ts.3>> phr aiktb ot tbh

    bhort ig tbh dozoor ig Mothporo vceeomh wctbiut oky opprhlcotcik ig

    Acsscik du mht gir tbot orho ok storth prholbckm tbh Pbcr Okmhes

    Ahssomh. Pbhy prckth tbhcr iwk trolts, hkmomh prholbhrs, slbiie

    tholbhrs, giuk iut csphksory osscstokts, bcrh diots ti mi iut ik

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    prholbckm tiurs, cstrcduth ecthroturhs, diumbt eok ok aofh

    aihst dukmoeiw, slbiie ok csphksory quorthrs oee ot tbhcr iwk


    Ck tbh aiktb ig \hpthadhr, ?3>7 wbhk tbhcr sheg-iwkh biush

    ti wirf ck Host Dhkmoe wos oeaist liapehth drhtbrhk ].]. Aceehr,

    J.L. Ectteh, ]. O. Doreiw ok O.L. Aiifhrjhh bo vcscth Mipoemikj.

    Ok ok hvhkckm ahhtckm wos bhe ti ckvcth tbh hehmoths ok phipeh

    loah gria shvhroe vceeomhs ti jick tbh ahhtckm. Pbh phipeh otthk h

    tbh ahhtckm wos rhvcvh dy tbh O vhktcst prholbhrs. @urckm tbh

    ahhtckm ikh aok stii ok biph ti dh ok O vhktcst. Dut siah ig

    tbh itbhr prithstokt lburlb ahadhrs bo storth ti sprho tbh

    ruairs omockst O vhktcst lburlb ok ikh ig tbha koah @r. Tiush

    bo hvhk priulh trolts ecfh \uk oy os \oddotb ok cstrcduth

    ti tbh phipeh ig Mipoemikj (42). Os siah ig tbh \litlb lburlb

    ahadhrs jickh \oddotb fhhpckm Ar. Dish bo tie tbh \oddotb

    fhhphrs ti aivh iut ig Mipoemikj. Ghw itbhrs tbrhothkh Dritbhr E.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    M. Aiifhrjhh ok tie bca ti ehovh Mipoemikj ir tbhy wiue durk

    bca oecvh (43).

    ]bceh aofckm tbhcr iwk biush ti ecvh ok wirf ck Mipoemikj,

    Host Dhkmoe6 Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh ok Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm

    Aiifhrjhh oesi bo rhkth o juth miiwk ti ush os csphksory ck tbh

    bhort ig Mipoemikj dozor ti mcvh trhotahkt ti tbh sclf phipeh. Pbhy

    bo dhhk mcvckm Dcdeh stu chs, cstrcdutckm trolfs, lik ult ahhtckms

    ti chrhkt vceeomhs ig Host Dhkmoe trovheeckm tbriumb diots. \csthr

    Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm Aiifhrjhh bo rhlhcvh siah wothr cshosh

    wbceh wirfckm ck tbh he ig Host Dhkmoe.

    Ok koeey wbceh mcvckm tbh dcrtb ig tbh ikey sik Aorlus

    Fheeimm Aiifhrjhh ik Kivhadhr ?0, ?3>7 sbh dhloah vhry sclf.

    Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh ok \csthr Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm Aiifhrjhh

    bo trovheeh dolf ti ]csliksck, Xkcth \toths ig Oahrclo gir twi

    yhors (). @urckm tbcs tcah drhtbrhk O.L. Aiifhrjhh, J.L. Ectteh,

    ].] Aceehr, O.M. ]otsik ok J.E. Durmhss bo trovheeh tcah ti tcah

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ck tbcs khw he ig host Dhkmoe ok kurturh tbh lburlb ahadhrs

    uk hr tbh csovoktomhs.

    Ik Jokuory 4=-

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    bo leish tbh ahhtckm hk ckm wctb tbh porodeh ig kckhty ok kckh.

    Ok dhloush ig tbh urmhkt khh ti kurturh tbh eormh kuadhr ig

    ckthrhsth phipeh ck Mipoemikj, Dritbhr O.M. ]otsik ok goacey wos

    osfh ti eiloth ot Mipoemikj (

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Dritbhr E.M. Aiifhrjhh, Mrolh Aoheckh Fheeimm, sik Aorlus

    Fheeimm, Dritbhr ck Eow ok bcs wcgh ck ?3?>.

    @urckm tbcs tcah \csthr Aiifrjhh wos sclf liue wirf vhry

    ectteh, ecfh ikh oy sbh whkt iut wctb bhr dody diy Aorlus Fheeimm

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Aiifhrjhh gir o woef ok sie o lipy ig Irchktoe ]otlbaok. @urckm

    tbh soah oy sbh oesi bo aht o yiukm aok ok bo dhhk toefckm

    odiut tbh shlik liackm ig Jhsus wctb bca wbi mit vhry ckthrhsth

    ck tbh trutb ok koeey loah ti biah gir Dcdeh stu y. Ghw itbhr oy

    hvhk wctb bhr sclfkhss Mrolh Fheeimm bo wirf gir tbh Eir

    lokvossckm ok vcsctckm Dhkmoec Hkmecsb sphofckm phipeh ok tbh

    Tiaok Lotbiecls ahadhrs khordy bhr biush (

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    Ck tbh aiktb ig Oprce , ?3??, Hehr Grhklb sfhtlbh o biush

    diot tbot wos purlbosh gir Host Dhkmoe he. ]bclb wos tbcrty

    shvhk ok boeg ghht eikm ok thk ghht wch wctb twi riias, o dotb

    riia, ticeht, ok fctlbhk. Pbh eormh riia cs kckh dy thk ghht eikm.

    Pbcs diot wos ush ti trovhe urckm tbh fflii aiksiik ti vcsct tbh

    \oddotb fhhphrs ck chrhkt port ig tbh he. Ok oesi tbrhh

    buk rh tbiusok ieeor guk rhlhcvh ti aofh acsscik biush ot

    Mipoemikj ti aivh dritbhr ok scsthr ]otsik gria Dorcsoe ti

    Mipoemikj (

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    miis ig Dritbhr ]otsik ok tbhy ecvh ck tbh diot gir tbrhh oys

    wctb tbh dody mcre ok tbhy c tbhcr liifckm ok ckckm ck tbh

    korriw vhrok ob ig Dritbhr F.@. i or. Ok ogthr tbhy aivh ck ti

    tbh dukmoeiw, ogthr o aiktb ck ikh kcmbt tbhrh wos o dcm stira tbot

    eosth gir twi biurs wbhk tbh port ig tbh riig ig tbh dukmoeiw wos

    rieeh wctb lrolf woee. Pbh ffliir ig wbieh dukmoeiw fflii h wctb tbh

    wothr ik oee gurkcturh. Dritbhr ]otsik proyh wctb tbh goacey ok

    survcvh (

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    tbrhh oys wctb tbh dody mcre ok tbhy c tbhcr liifckm ok ckckm

    ck tbh korriw vhrok ob ig Dritbhr F.@. i or. Ok ogthr tbhy

    aivh ck ti tbh dukmoeiw, ogthr o aiktb ck ikh kcmbt tbhrh wos o

    dcm stira tbot eosth gir twi biurs wbhk tbh port ig tbh riig ig tbh

    dukmoeiw wos rieeh wctb lrolf woee. Pbh ffliir ig wbieh dukmoeiw

    fflii h wctb tbh wothr ik oee gurkcturh. Dritbhr ]otsik proyh wctb

    tbh goacey ok survcvh (

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    hportahkt ?? liepirthurs whrh hkmomh ck sheeckm quorthrey, Sumo

    Eofsbok, ok ghw Dhkmoec ok \oktoec trolts (

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    Dritbhr E.M. Aiifrhjhh wrcths ck Oumust, ?3?8 tbot tbh loees

    bo liah gria \borokfotc ok \uomroa vceeomhs wbhrh dritbhr .F.

    Tiy bo dhhk wirfckm. Pbrhh ck hphk hkt gorahrs ig \borokmfotc

    bo storth ti fhhp tbh \oddotb gir giur yhors ok bovh rocsh o

    saoee lburlb duceckm ok slbiie. Bh ahktciks tbot os bh vcscth

    Mipoemikj twi khw goacechs wbi bo rhlhcvh ahssomh horey bo

    tofhk stok ok okitbhr dritbhr wbi wos likvhrth gria Bck ucsa

    bo dhhk toumbt dy tbh eopphr dritbhr ck Mipoemikj. Dritbhr E.M.

    Aiifrjhh bo mikh dy diot ti chrhkt vceeomhs ok aoky goacechs ck

    Dorcsoe ok Gorcpur bo sbiwk tbhcr ckthrhst gir tbh trutb.

    Ck ?3?8 ogthr ostir E.M. Aiifhrjhh ok Leoro Aoy Eivhoy

    rhturkh ti Mipoemikj, tbhy bo storth ti rhpocr tbh wirf tbot wos

    lorrch ik uk hr csovoktomh. Pbcs tcah tbhy bo iphkh o doadii

    aoh ok tck sbo h vceeomh slbiie ck Mipoemikj ti huloth tbh

    lbcerhk. Okitbhr slbiie wos iphkh ck Joecrpor, Gorcpur @cstrclt ig

    Host Dhkmoe (Dokmeohsb) wbhrh tbhy bo put ikh ig tbh dhst tholbhr

    koah Jikos \ckmb.

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    (clturh gria Hosthr Pcckms)

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Ck ?3?= tbh eikm vcsct ehockm drhtbrhk, ostir ].].Gehtlbhr

    wbi sphkt hcmbthhk oys ik o diot wctb ostir E.M. Aiifhrjhh ti

    stu y tbh wir ok ti mht dhtthr olquockth wctb tbh acsscik wirf

    ck Host Dhkmoe (Dokmeohsb). Gckoeey tbh vcsct ig J.H. Guetik lbokmh

    tbh post wirf ig Host Dhkmoe (Dokmeohsb) wctb ecst ig shvhroe


    ostir E.M. Aiifhrjhh wos aoh tbh suphrckthkhkts gir Host

    Dhkmoe orho ck ?3?3 tcee ?347. Ck tbh dhmckkckm ig ?34? ostir ok

    Ars. Aiifhrjhh whrh odeh ti duce o doadii aoh, tck sboh ok

    strow woeeh iractiry gir diys, o biush gir lik ultckm leoss riia

    oltcvctchs ok o saoee fctlbhk gir liifckm gii gir stu hkts, wirfhrs

    ok ghw porhkts ot Mothporo vceeomh ig Mipoemikj, Host Dhkmoe


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    (\hvhktb oy O vhktcst diys ok mcres iractirchs ot Mothporo,

    Mipoemikj, Host Dhkmoe, pclturh gria Hosthr Pcckms)

    Pbhsh slbiie prhacshs dhloah tbh rst \hvhktb-oy O vhktcst

    lburlbs acsscik stotcik gir likultckm okkuoe ahhtckms ig tbh

    Kirtb Host Xkcik ig Ck co.

    Pbh hk ig tbh yhor ig ?344 wos haikstroth wctb o dcm fflii wbhk

    tbh slbiie eok , priphrty, ok biushs whrh aosscvhey hstriyh. Pbh

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    stu hkts, tholbhrs, duceckms ok eok ig tbh slbiie tbhk mrouoeey

    mrhw up.

    Pbh fflii ok lrcscs eho h tbcs slbiie ti stort ti dh o sheg-

    suppirth slbiie wctb 00 hehahktory stu hkts stu yckm up ti twi

    stok ors, tbrhh eiloe tholbhrs, ikh duceckm ok twi olrhs ig eok .

    Pbh slbiie stu hkts ok porhkts lehokh up tbh slbiie, wirfh gir

    vhmhtotcik, peokth trhhs, yhork tbh tbrhots, whovh ok aoh kh

    sorcs ok biush bie leitbhs.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    (clturh gria Hosthrk Pcckms)

    ]h bovh scx hvokmhecsts dhschs tbh wrcthr. Iur Lbrcstcoks orh

    slotthrh ck tbrhh cstrclts ok odiut tbcrty-vh vceeomhs. Pbhsh

    \oddotb fhhphrs orh mriuph timhtbhr ckti vh lburlbhs ok

    tbrhh liapokchs. Pbh gtb lburlb ok ikh khw liapoky whrh

    o h ti iur ecst tbcs yhor (Aiifhrjhh E.M. ?344, Jokuory).

    Pbh slbiie tholbhr Jikos \ckmb dhloah tbh rst Dhkmoec

    bhoaosthr gir slbiie ot Mothporo, Mipoemikj ck ?340.

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    (clturh gria Hosthrk Pcckms)

    Ck tbh dhmckkckm ig ?347, O.M. Siukmdhrm dhloah he

    suphrckthk hkt ok prcklcpoe ig tbh slbiie ok prhporh o duceckm

    gir tbh purpish ig aokomhrs biush, leossriia, ok ilh wirf ok

    diys rhaockh ck tbh soah tck sbo h biush prhporh dy ostir

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    E.M.Aiifhrjhh. Ck tbcs tcah postir E.M Aiifhrjhh jickh Kirtbhost

    ukcik ok tiif ck lbormh ig Toklbc Prockckm \lbiie.

    Ck tbh aiktb ig Oumust, ?347 grhsb mrouoth ig leoss ig 48 ig

    Eiao Eck o Xkcvhrscty @r. Lbores.G.\lbceeckm rhspik h tbh loee ig

    wirf ot Host Dhkmoe os o Ahcloe Acsscikory. Bh hvheiph tbh

    ahcloe csphksory ti bispctoe ot tbh slbiie ig Mothporo vceeomh ig


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  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    (Pbh wcgh ok @r. Lbores G. \lbceeckm, pclturh dy bcs mrhot mrok sik

    @ok @ukfck)

    Ot tbcs tcah tbh vceeomh slbiie ig Joecrpor, Gorcpur cstrclt

    aivh ti Mothporo ok L.G. \lbceeckm tiif lbormh ig tbh slbiie ok

    bispctoe ok bcs wcgh Ars. \lbceeckm os prcklcpoe ig tbh slbiie. Ck

    ?343 tbh Dhkmoec Mcres \lbiie ig Biimec oesi liadckh wctb tbh

    Mipoemikj, Mothporo \lbiie ok dhloah lihulotcikoe diorckm

    slbiie gir mcres ok diys wctb tck sboh doadii aoh ok strow

    woeeh iractirchs. Ck ?343 wbhk twi slbiies dhliah li-

    hulotcikoe Ars. \orijckc \crlor o h ti tbh slbiie wirf os o sto

    ok goluety gir aoky yhors.

    @r.Lbores.G. \lbceeckm oesi bo storth o bispctoe prijhlt ot tbh

    prhvcius slbiie peolh ot Joecrpor, Gorcpur ck ?343 ok put O.L

    Siukmdorm ok tbh wcgh ck lbormh ig tbh bispctoe duceckm prilhss. Dritbh

    L.G Eorshk wos tbh orlbcthlt ti duce tbh bispctoe duceckm (FAA\

    oackcstrotcik duceckm tioy) ot Joecrpor, Gorcpur cstrclt omockst

    vorcius csovoktomhs ig fflii ok trokspirtotcik ck ?3

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    (Khw bispctoe duceckm ig ?3

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Pbh slbiie peolh sbcgtckm illurrh oriuk scx tcahs dhgirh ?3

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ostir ok Ars. Aiifhrjhh suppirth tbh slbiie ok tbh bispctoe dy

    lieehltckm guk s gria khcmbdirs, priaitckm dusckhss ck tbh slbiie,

    wctb tbh suppirt gria \iutbhrk Osco @cvcscik ig \hvhktb oy

    O vhktcsts ok tbh wire lburlb ig \hvhktb oy O vhktcsts ti ruk

    tbh slbiie koklcoeey.

    Ck ?3

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    (O.L Siukmdurm ok wcgh wctb itbhr sto, pclturh gria Hosthrk


    Dhsch tbh guk s ig \iutbhrk Osco @cvcscik ok ]ire Lburlb ig

    \hvhktb oy O vhktcst tbh slbiie ok bispctoe bo cts iwk ckliah. Pbh

    stu hkts, stos ok goluetchs bo luetcvoth rclh, juth ok mrocks ck cts

    he ti ghh tbh stu hkts, stos ok hvhk khcmbdirs. Pbh slbiie morhk,

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    acees, troltirs ok prcktckm prhss oesi suppirth tbh slbiie os tbh

    stu hkts wirf wctb ct gir tbh khcmbdirs.

    Ck ?3

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    \i, tbh Dhkmoec Diys Ac eh \lbiie omock liadckh ok wos

    troksghrrh dolf ti Mothporo,Mipoemikj ok dhloah Dhkmoec Li-

    H ulotcikoe \lbiie ck lbormh ig L.G.\lbheeckm.

    (Lburlb duceckm ot Joecrpor, Gorcpur, pclturh dy @ok Gueeor )

    rcklcpoe, B.B. Aottcsik loah ck tbh slbiie ck ?3

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ok sbcgtckm tbh \hvhktb-oy O vhktcst wirf ck Host Dhkmoe acrolueiusey

    prisphrh ok aoky bo ollhpth Jhsus Lbrcst os tbhcr phrsikoe \ovcir.

    Pbh slbiie ot Joecrpor, Gorcpur storth priulckm hvokmhecsts ok ehohrs

    gir Host Dhkmoe priulckm cts iwk guk tbriumb ckliah mhkhrotckm


    Iur slbiie morhk cs oesi qucth hkliuromckm. ]h bovh peokth

    loddomhs, louecffliwhrs, tiaotihs, drckjoes, rocsbhs, puapfcks, wothr

    miurs, htl. ]h orh tryckm iur dhst ti priulh oee wh lok gir iur khhs,ok ck hvhry woy hlikiaczh hxphksh si tbot wh aoy iphroth iur slbiie

    wctbck tbh ahoks oeeitth, (@oss, ?30

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    ok Biey \pcrct. Ck aist loshs tbh stu hkts vieuktorcey portclcpoth ck

    littomh ahhtckms, biush vcsctotciks, proyhr ahhtckms, tbokfs mcvckm

    ahhtckms, ok prholbckm tbh misphe tbriumb droklb \oddotb slbiie


    Pbh gructs ig tbcs \@O slbiie ot Joecrpor, Gorcpur cktriulh

    Dokmoec Droklb Dcdeh Lirrhspik hklh \lbiie ck tbh lcty ig @ollo ck

    ?38= wbclb wos tbh shlik Dhkmoec slbiie ck Host ofcstok

    (Dokmeohsb) ok eotthr ct dhloah tbh ukcik acsscik gir tbh \hvhktb

    - oy O vhktcst lburlb ck Dokmeohsb.

    Aoky stu hkts, stos ok goluetchs jickh ck ecthroturh

    hvokmhecsa wirf, potbk hr oltcvctchs, whhf ig proyhrs, viclh ig

    pripbhly roci primroas ok sheg suppirth ackcstrchs ti prholb tbh

    misphe ti prileoca soevotcik ahssomhs ig Eir Jhsus gir itbhr

    ukdhechvhrs. Ok aoky ollhpth Jhsus Lbrcst os tbhcr sovcir ok

    storth sprhockm tbh ecmbts ti vorcius itbhr cstrclts gria Gorcpur,

    Mipoemikj ok @ollo ig Host ofcstok (Dokmeohsb).

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    Pbh prisphrcty ig O vhktcst ehorkh ahk ok wiahk gria Fheeimm-

    Aiifhrjhh Ahaircoe \hackory \lbiie ig Joecrpor, Mipoemikj ig Host

    ofcstok (Dokmeohsb) orh tbh loush ig tbh hvheipahkt ok primrhss ig

    tbh \hvhktb-oy O vhktcst lburlb gria wbclb tbh ehohrs slotthrh ti oee

    ivhr tbh liuktry ok iphkh ckstctutciks. Ok koeey ck ?37= Dokmeohsb

    O vhktcst \hackory ok Lieehmh priaith os tbh khh ig stu hkts rocsh

    ti stu y tbh wir ok prholb tbh misphe.


    ?. M.L. Phkkhy, \fhtlbhs ig Provhe, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`, Dotteh Lrhhf, Wie.!, "i.#$. %hlh&'hr, ?$!()

    *.+((. ceeco& -okfhr, k`co, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`. Dotteh Lrhhf, Wie. +?. "i. (. /ok>ory !, ?$!# ) *. (?. ceeco& -hkfhr, k`co, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`. Dotteh Lrhhf, Wie. +?, "i. ?#. 4*rce , ?$!# ) *.(?#. ceeco& -hkfhr, k`co, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`. Dotteh Lrhhf, Wie. +(, "i. ?. /ok>ory ?, ?$!< ) *.tto, /ok>ory ?=, ?!(!) *. (.?=. .4. \*clhr, 8gg gir k`co, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`, Dotteh Lrhhf, 2clbc3ok; Wie.+$, "i. ((. 2oy ($, ?!=?)

    *. r3hss, k`co, Thvchw ok` Bhroe`, Dotteh Lrhhf, Wie. +$; "i. +.\h*th&'hr, ?=, ?!=?) *.

    tto. Nsthrk

    Pc`ck3s. Loel>tto, k`co. Wie. (, "i.! , 7 ?!. 4. M. otsik, "hws ok` "iths, Nosthrk Pc`ck3s, Loel>tto,Wie.(, "i.!, \h*th&'hr, ?!=# ) *. 7(=. -.M. 2iifhrOhh, Dehssck3s ck Prcoes, Nosthrk Pc`ck3s, Loel>tto, Wie. (, "i. ?=, 8lti'hr, ?!=#)*. 7


  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    (?. 4.L. 2iifhrOh, Pbh Dhk3oec irf, Nosthrk Pc ck3s, Loel>tto, Wie. , "i. #. "ivh&'hr, ?!=< ) *. tto, WieH, "i. ,

    8lti'hr, tto, Wie. , "i. #, "ivh&'hr, ?!=< )*. tto, Wie., "i. . 8lti'hr, ?!=< )*.(t tbh :che`, Nosthrk Pc`ck3s, Loel>tto, Wie., "i.$. 4>3>st, ?!=)*.?.(!. .. 2ceehr, Dhk3oec Lbrcstcok Likghrhklh, Nosthrk Pc`ck3s, Loel>tto, Wie., "i.?=. 8lti'hr,

    ?!=)*.?7(=. 2orl>s 9heei33 2iifhrOhh, Torh Poeh -cfhs ck -owGs 9ckf ) 4llc`hkt ig Dcrtb Dors %iltir, &h&'hr ig

    8e` csliksck :o&cey, 2cewo>fhh /i>rkoe "hws*o*hr, csliksck, 2orlb

  • 7/23/2019 The History of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bangladesh by Sunil Sarkar


    @oth: ?2->?-4>??


    "Ok tbcs
