The High Energy Diet



Do you feel tired almost all the time?Do you feel sluggish after meals, especially in the afternoon?Do you lack energy for work and life?Do you lack the energy to enjoy your free time?Do you want to know how you can improve your energy levels and overall health at the same time?All those questions will be answered when you read The High-Energy Diet. Let the diet and nutrition expert, Maggie Fitzgerald, teach you how to improve your energy levels, how to stay alive and youthful, and how to become a happier and healthier you, through making a few changes in your diet and daily habits.

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Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

The High-Energy DietFeel Good and Look Great with a Healthy Energy Diet PlanBy Maggie FitzgeraldCopyright 2015 Maggie FitzgeraldPublished by Natural WayAtlanta, Georgia USA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

Books by This AuthorHealing HerbsThe A-Z of Natural Skin CareThe 3-Step Thyroid PlanThe 14 Day Green Smoothie Detox DietBusy Mom's Mealtime MasteryThe New Green Smoothie DietBackyard Vegetable Gardening Quick Start GuideCopyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

Table Of ContentsIntroduction

Understanding Human Body Energy

Keeping your Energy Levels Up

Improving Energy: Healthy Diet Plus! High Energy Recipes

Energy Boosting Snacks and Drinks

Improving Energy to Feel Alive and Youthful


Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald


Despite the facts that we are different people, we do different things, and we all have different lives, it cannot be denied that we have at least one thing in common and that is the need to feel alive and youthful at all times. As we grow older, we yearn to get back the energy and youthfulness that we once had in our early years. Can we still do that? I say, YES!

We live in a busy world wherein we are constantly doing tasks and chasing deadlines. These often result to stress, fatigue, and loss of energy. We become unproductive at work or in school, leading us to face a number of consequences. The simple feeling of being tired can sabotage our lives in many ways. While sleep may be the quickest solution to get our energy back, it may also not be possible to do it anywhere and anytime. Sometimes, we cannot even enjoy our free time anymore because we are too tired to go out or do anything at all. I aim to change all that with the help of this book.

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

I.Understanding Human Body EnergyImagine your body as a car. A car needs fuel to run. The fuel that you need for your body to function is food energy. Food is one of the main sources of energy to support the numerous functions of our bodies. In this chapter, you will be able to learn about how the body uses and stores energy. It is a simple process that involves many factors, such as our bodys energy requirements, the sources of food energy and how they are converted into energy, and the types of food that will give us long-lasting energy.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

II.Keeping your Energy Levels UpThere are certain factors that make us lose energy and there are also factors that will help us get the lost energy back. For me, I need to boost my energy levels in order to make time for my career, my relationship, and my family. Keeping your energy levels up should be your daily mantra. Energy is, after all, what drives us to get work done and achieve our goals.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

III.Improving Energy: Healthy Diet Plus! High Energy RecipesFood is the fuel that keeps us going. Forget about skipping meals to lose weight! It is definitely the last thing you would do once you find out that it will only make you a sickly skinny person with low energy levels. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are all important meals of the day. Fall in love with food and together, you can improve your health and gain unlimited energy.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

IV.Energy Boosting Snacks and DrinksIt is inevitable that we get hungry in the middle of the day or night. Instead of turning to a bag of chips or that good old chocolate bar, go for healthier snack choices made from natural ingredients.

Making your own snacks is so much fun! During the weekends, my husband and I would cook meals for the family and my children would help me make our own snacks! Bonding over food is one of our favorite activities as a family.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald

V.Improving Energy to Feel Alive and YouthfulThe need to feel alive and youthful is not only applicable to adults. There are some parts of the world where children and adolescents are deprived of their youth because of the responsibilities that they hold. In this chapter, you will learn how to improve your energy levels by creating a healthy meal plan, taking safe energy-boosting supplements, exercising, and following healthy daily habits.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald


There are indeed many factors that drain the energy out of us but there are also many easy solutions that we can do to fill up our tanks again. You can gain energy from many sources and one of these is food. Food energy is essential for us to keep our bodies healthy and alive. Make no mistake of skipping meals because nobody has gained benefits from doing so.

With my years of trial and error, I have finally found the right set of solutions that would help me and my family keep up with fast changing times. Gone are the days when I spent my Saturdays in bed, because I have now learned to balance my energy levels and enjoy life to the fullest through a set of daily healthy habits. Follow the simple solutions that you have learned from this book and you will see how these can change you too.

Now that you have everything laid out for you, it is time to do your part and start the movement toward an energy-filled life.

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Maggie Fitzgerald
