The Helicopter Newspaper - July 2009



The July 2009 edition of The Helicopter Newspaper.

Citation preview

July 2009 1

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Liability exposure of a contract pilot, Battery sulfation: prevention and repair, Habits, ALEA comes to Savannah, Eurocopter presents the EC175

1992 Bell 206L3TOTAL TIME: 3,675 ASKING PRICE: Call for priceCONTACT: Mike Russell 404-307-3254, www.prestigehelicopters.comMore about this helicopter on page 20

VoluMe 10, JulY 2009This edition mailed on: June 23, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace


from thepublisher’s desk

Graham Lavender,

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The helicopTer Newspaper is published by

universal Helicopter, Inc.

P.O. Box 850 • Perry, GA 31069 USA

475 Myrtle Field Rd. • Perry, GA 31069 USA

PHONE: 866-864-8237 • 478-988-0787

FAX: 888-382-6951 • 478-987-1836



PUBLISHER: Graham Lavender

eDIToR: Paige Welch

ADVERTISING: Ernie Eggler & Jackie Trotter


PRoDuCTIoN: Paige Welch

CIRCULATION: Tammy Bridges

The helicopter Newspaper is published monthly for $24 USD for a one (1) year subscription and $45 USD for a two (2) year subscription (international rates will vary).

All material published remains the copyright of The helicopter Newspaper. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the publisher. editorials published do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Content within The helicopter Newspaper is believed to be true and accurate and the publisher does not assume responsibility for any errors.

Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcomed and encouraged. The helicopter Newspaper cannot be responsible for return unless submissions are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Photos submitted by mail or electronically become property of The helicopter Newspaper unless otherwise specified. Copyrighted photographs must be clearly marked, otherwise they become property of The helicopter Newspaper.

Deadline for all advertising is the first day of each month for the following month’s edition. Information about rates, mechanical requirements, etc. is available upon request.

The helicopter Newspaper is a proud member of:

© Copyright 2009Postmaster: If undeliverable, return mailing label only.Printed in the United States

As we were wrapping up the July edition of The Helicopter Newspaper, I had the opportunity to read a short article about the development of GPS WAAS LPV (Wide Area Augmentation System Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance) approaches to helipads. WAAS is a system of satellite and ground stations that work in conjunction with each other to improve the accuracy of the GPS signal, by up to five times. According to Garmin, the WAAS enabled GPS receiver can give you a better than three meter accuracy 95% of the time; in contrast to a traditional GPS receiver of around ten meters. I have flown many of these LPV approaches into airports around the country

and can attest to the simplicity and accuracy of them. Imagine having a precision approach into your helipad or predesignated LZ, glideslope indication and all! This will surely be an asset to the industry.

I have been involved in aviation my entire life. After my initial ratings (while I was in high school) I always kept current with training trends and safety initiatives, plus additional ratings. Countless CRM classes stressed the importance of communication and the accident chain. Always aware that there is usually a chain of events that lead to an incident (or worse, an accident) I was never presented with a clearly defined opportunity to “break” that chain…until late last month. Loaded and ready to depart on an hour-long cross-country IFR trip, I completed a

normal startup and all of my post-startup checks. Right before departure one of the engine gauges were displaying an abnormal indication. A quick troubleshoot and I aborted and returned to diagnose the problem. With this behind me, another attempt was made to depart and complete the trip. Right after leaving the airport environment, and not five minutes post departure, another electrical issue arose. This represented the second flag, or link in what looked to be a chain of events forming. I aborted the flight and returned to the airport. Much to the disappointment of my passengers, we loaded the car and completed the trip via ground transportation. I was able to recognize the chain of events forming and although unpopular, break that chain. While you are out there flying, be observant to any potential chain forming in your flights, and don’t be reluctant to throw in the towel. This practice will ensure there are many more trips to plan.

The 233rd anniversary of our country’s independence brings to light the need to protect our ability to take to the skies. AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) is in full swing with a campaign to show how General Aviation is vital to our nation’s economy, and how unnecessary security regulations and government-imposed fees could hamper how we utilize it. Visit and tell them your story.

Our digital editions are in full swing this month. Twice a month eEditions delivered to your inbox and the cloning of our print version into an interactive digital edition have become extremely popular. The digital edition is available at

Finally, ALEA is taking place in Savannah, GA July 22-25. While The Helicopter Newspaper won’t be exhibiting, we will have representatives there handing out our latest edition. Keep an eye out for them!

July 2009 3 • 800-251-7094 • 423-538-5111P.O. Box 3689, Bristol, TN 37625

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You’re a guardian. Ready at a moment’s notice to assist and save. You’re one who restores life.

Coffee County (AL) Sheriff’s Department’s (CCSD) newly renovated OH-58 C aircraft will be utilized as part of the department’s Coffee Airborne Law Enforcement Unit, said Sheriff Dave Sutton at its unveiling last month. “During the summer and early fall months, the unit will focus largely on marijuana eradication efforts. From 1,000 feet above, the trained eye can spot anything from a single marijuana plant growing next to a house to a group of plants in a thickly wooded pine forest,” he said. The airborne unit will also assist in search and rescue through Project Lifesaver.

The helicopter was donated by Dale County (AL) Sheriff’s Office to the CCSD and immediately began its retrofit into a law enforcement tool. All repairs and updates to the aircraft were paid for by private donations and, according to Sutton, have been at no cost to the county or taxpayers.

Neighboring Enterprise (AL) Police Chief T.D. Jones said having a law enforcement helicopter within the county would be beneficial to all local agencies. “It is another tool for us to fight crime in the county,” Jones said. Currently, we have utilized the Dale County Sheriff’s Department helicopter in its crime-fighting efforts. “Dale County has been good to us in the past, but this will give us another option,” he said.

OH-58 donation valuable to agency

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April 2009 1

INSIDE: Formally Universal Helicopter



TOTAL TIME: 4749.5


cONTAcT:, 360-754-7200

More about this helicopter on page 20

Volume 10, May 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

April 2009 1

INSIDE: Heli-Expo 2009 review, Helisupport NZ services, Letters to the Editor

Volume 10, April 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Formally Universal Helicopter

2 Eurocopter AS350BAsREGISTRATION: PENdINGSERIAL NUMBER: 1873 & 1087TOTAL TIME: 9881, 7702ASKING PRIcE: OPTIONS STARTING AT $850,000cONTAcT: about this helicopter on page 20, more on Helisupport NZ on page 4


July 2009July 12-14 ALA 2009, Mi-ami, FL, www.ala-internet.comJuly 22-23 uV europe, Cardiff, Wales, 22-25 ALEA 2009, Savannah, GA, www.alea.orgJuly 23- 25 25th Annual Homer Bell Copter Meet, Hillsboro, oH, www.kitcopterconsult.comJuly 27-August 2 EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, WI,

August 2009August 10-13 AIAA Guid-ance, Navigation & Control Conference & Exhibition, Chicago, IL,

september 2009September 8-10 Asian Aerospace International expo, Hong Kong, China, www.asianaerospace.comSeptember 8-11 DSEi Ex-hibition 2009, london, uK, 15-17 AIAA Space Conference & Exhibi-tion, Pasadena, CA, www.aiaa.orgSeptember 21-24 AIAA ATIO & ANERS, Hilton Head, SC,

September 22-24 Helitech Europe, Duxford, Cambridge, UK, 23-24 MRo eu-rope 2009 Conference & Exhi-bition, Hamburg, Germany, www.aviationweek.comSept 30- October 1 Night-Vision/EOS 2009, Gaylord Nat’l Hotel & Conv Ctr,

OctOber 2009October 20-22 NBAA 62nd Annual Meeting and Conven-tion, orlando, Fl, www.nbaa.orgOctober 20-22 AFCEA Info-tech, Dayton, oH, www.dwafcea.orgOctober 25 Wings, Wheels & Rotors, Los Alamitos Army Airfield, www.WWREXPO.netOctober 26-28 AMTC, San Jose, CA www.aams.orgOctober 28-29 Secure Lon-don, london, uK,

NOvember 2009November 4-5 Heli-Power 2009, Prague, Czech Repub-lic, 5-7 AOPA Expo, Tampa, FL, www.apoa.orgNovember 30-Dec 2 Int’l Aviation Trade Show & Con-gress, Cancun, Mexico,

FebruAry 2010February TBA IDEX 2010, Abu Dhabi, UAE, www.idex2009.comFebruary 2-7 Singapore International Air Show 2010, Singapore, www.singaporeairshow.comFebruary 21-23 Heli-Expo 2010, Houston, TX,

mArch 2010March TBA PAMA 2010 Aviation Maintenance & Management Symposium,

April 2010April 25-30 MTlI, Wheeling, WV,

mAy 2010May 4-6 EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland, www.ebace.aeroMay 25-27 Heli-Pacific 2010, RACV Royal Pines Resort Aus-tralia,

JuNe 2010June 8-13 ILA, Berlin, Ger-many, www.ila-berlin.comJune 14-18 eurosatory, Paris, France,

July 2010July 14-17 ALEA 2010, Tuc-son, AZ,

calendar of events

Feature your helicopter on our cover. For more information, contact The Helicopter Newspaper, or 866-864-8273, 478-988-0787.

July 19-25 Farnborough International, uK, www.farnborough.comJuly 26-August 1 EAA Air-venture, oshkosh, WI,

August 2010August 2-5 AIAA Guidance Navigation & Control, Toron-to, Canada,

OctOber 2010October TBA AMTC, Ft. Lau-derdale, FL, www.aams.orgOctober 5-7 Helitech Portu-gal, Airport Cascais, Portu-gal, www.helitecheurope.comOctober 19-21 AFCEA Info-tech, Dayton, oH,

NOvember 2010November 15-19 Dubai Helishow 2010, Dubai,

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July 2009 1

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Liability exposure of a contract pilot, Battery sulfation: prevention and repair, Habits, ALEA comes to Savannah, Eurocopter presents the EC175

1992 Bell 206L3TOTAL TIME: 3,675 ASKING PRICE: Call for priceCONTACT: Mike Russell 404-307-3254, www.prestigehelicopters.comMore about this helicopter on page 20

VoluMe 10, JulY 2009This edition mailed on: June 23, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

July 2009 5

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The Airborne Law Enforcement Association (ALEA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational, individual membership organization, founded in 1968 to support and encourage the use of aircraft in law enforcement. They are over 3,500 members strong from the international to the local level. ALEA’s mission is to support, promote and advance the safe

ALEA comes to Savannah July 22-25and effective utilization of aircraft by law enforcement agencies in support of law enforcement missions through training, networking, advocacy and educational programs. The goal is to have a safe and successful completion to each airborne law enforcement mission. This is accomplished through safety, education and training,

networking, public service and professional ethics and integrity

ALEA provides networking systems, educational seminars and product expositions that members find invaluable. Benefits of becoming a member of ALEA are: free registration to the six regional safety seminars held throughout the year in the United States and Canada, access to the

member’s section on the ALEA website, bi-monthly subscription to Air Beat magazine, access to the world’s largest online database dedicated solely to airborne law enforcement information and discounted registration to ALEA’s annual conference and exhibition.

This year’s annual conference will be held in Savannah, GA July 22-25 at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center. The conference will feature more than 150 exhibitors over the four-day event. There will be a number of seminars and classes available, with some beginning as early as Monday, July 20. For a full listing of events, registration information and information about the host city, visit

MINERAL WELLS, TX - Cobham’s synthetic vision glass cockpit has been approved for single-pilot IFR operation of the Bell 412 helicopter by the Federal Aviation Administration with the granting of a supplemental type certificate to Arrow Aviation. This marks the world’s first IFR approval for a synthetic vision system in a helicopter. The Search and Rescue unit of North Slope Borough, Alaska will be the first customer to have Cobham’s electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) installed on a 412.

Arrow Aviation, the completion center responsible for installation of Cobham’s EFIS, was selected to complete the 412 retrofit based on its proven track record of successful avionics equipment installations and superior ongoing maintenance and service.

The North Slope Borough 412 performs medevac, search & rescue, and emergency missions in the rigorous environment of Alaska’s North Slope. Working across diverse coastal and inland topography, the Bell 412 uses the synthetic vision three-dimensional graphic technology to translate the terrain ahead of and around the helicopter into an intuitive, real-time visual picture, helping the pilot “see” aircraft position in relation to its surroundings regardless of darkness or weather conditions. This display reduces instrument scanning and pilot fatigue by consolidating readings

of all primary flight instruments into one efficient tool, resulting in a dramatically reduced pilot workload and safer execution of flight plans and procedures.

Features of the Cobham EFIS include: advanced, four-screen glass cockpit package – two Primary Flight Displays (PFD) and two Multi-Function Displays (MFD); enhanced situational awareness via 3D Synthetic Vision; Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS); full-function Flight Management System (FMS); Highway-In-The-Sky (HITS) Predictive Flight Director; user-definable approaches, geo-referenced hover vector with “mark-on-target” functionality; Remote Bugs Panel (RBP); IFR approved with Cat-A capability; NVG compatibility; digital flight recording; intuitive audio and visual warning and advisory systems; traffic display from TAS, TCAS-I/II, and ADS-B; integrated GPS/WAAS (Global Positioning System/Wide Area Augmentation System), and an Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference System (ADAHRS). Supported WSI Weather products include NEXRAD Weather Radar, Echo Tops, Graphical METARs, Textual METARs, Textual TAFs, Lightning, SIGMETs/AIRMETs, TFRs, and Winds/Temps aloft; ADS-B datalink display functions, including TIS-B (traffic) and FIS-B (flight information, including

weather). David Guidry, Arrow Aviation

General Manager, said: “The Bell 412 is already a capable aircraft, and the addition of the Cobham EFIS make it even more so, bringing it into the 21st Century in terms of pilot interface and enhanced safety.”

Cobham, Arrow Aviation receive IFR approval for glass cockpit



Aviation-Specific MaintenanceBattery Charger-Desulfators

Now with NEW Plug 'n Run feature

VDC Electronics,

800-379-5579 x251 ET (M-F)

Special Offer for The Helicopter Newspaper readers! Mention Code HELICOPTER and receive a FREE 12-Volt Battery Condition Indicator with your order (MSRP $11.95). No need to register product to receive it.

It’s long been known that aviation, as well as non-aviation lead-acid batteries, sealed AGM or flooded (wet cell-filler caps) types, lose power and have shorter lives than batteries used on a regular-daily basis. Why should this be? It is counter intuitive. Something else must be going on that is not seen or readily understood. The major unseen is sulfation.

Sulfation is a build-up of lead sulfate crystals causing bad things to begin happening, i.e. loss of cranking power, longer charging times, excessive heat build-up (leading to “boil out”), shorter running times between charges and lastly, dramatically shorter battery life.

Although sulfation is by far the number one cause, it is not the only reason a battery fails. Vibration, contamination, damaged charging plates (due to overheating) and under-over charging are the other major causes.

Testing your battery for sulfationThe following, if done correctly,

will tell you more about the condition of your battery than any anecdotal history would ever. Use of a digital volt meter ($19.95 at Radio Shack) is mandatory.

Step 1Charge battery to as full a level

as possible with an aviation-specific charger or after a flight of no less than several hours. Allow battery to rest; don’t charge or discharge for a minimum of 12 hours.

Step 2Measure and record the

battery’s voltage using a digital meter. If your battery is a wet cell type (has filler caps), you can also test the Specific Gravity (SG) of the liquid electrolyte in each cell. Record the SG readings in each cell. Note: Any cell-to-cell variation in SG will diminish as the battery becomes less sulfated as a result of desulfating it with a BatteryMINDer*.

For 12-Volt minimum voltage for effective desulfation = 12.5. (wet cell SG reading 1265 [2 balls, if a 4 ball type hydrometer]). Note: 12.5-V = a battery with only 50% of original capacity.

For 24-Volt batteries – minimum voltage = 25.0. (wet cell SG = 1265 [2 balls in a 4 ball type hydrometer]) Note: 25V = only 50% of its original capacity.

Step 3If your battery qualifies as a

candidate, continue to leave battery connected to your BatteryMINDer for a minimum of 72 hours.

Step 4Disconnect and retest battery

voltage and SG. You should measure an increase in the voltage and SG, indicating desulfation is taking place, i.e. The sulfuric acid that was in the sulfate crystals has now returned to the electrolyte where it came from originally.

Leave your battery connected to BatteryMINDer for an additional 72 hours minimum and test again. Continue this testing until you no longer measure any improvement (increase) in the battery’s voltage (and SG, if wet cell).

Note: increases in battery voltage and a wet battery’s electrolyte specific gravity, will be very small and depends on how sulfated the battery was, and how long has the sulfate been deposited on the storage plates.

Conclusion: De-sulfation, via variable high frequency pulses, works at removing sulfate from any type sealed or wet cell lead-acid battery*. By doing so, otherwise healthy batteries, those who have lost no more than 25% of their power**, can be

Battery sulfation: prevention and repair

expected to improve to an 85% or greater level of performance. As with our own bodies, prevention beats rehab, every time. With BatteryMINDer’s ability to fully charge, without ever overcharging, no matter how long left connected, there is no reason sulfation should ever become an issue. Further, without sulfation ever reaching damaging levels, life and performance can be expected to be several folds better than any battery left to self-discharge, as is typical of so many GA batteries. The proper use of the BatteryMINDer ensures the longest performance life of any GA battery (sealed or wet cell lead-acid). Our unconditional guarantee and five year full parts and labor warranty should tell most that we “walk the walk”.

* Includes AGM and PLT (pure lead tin) such as those made by Odyssey and Gill Teledyne.

**As determined by electrolyte specific gravity (wet –flooded types) and/or no load battery voltage (sealed AGM or PLT) after “resting” battery for 10-12 hours.

July 2009 7

the anatomy ofaviation insurance

About the author: Jim Gardner is a retired U.S. Air Force officer, a former commercial pilot, and an aviation insurance specialty broker with JSL Aviation, a division of J Smith Lanier Co., one of the largest privately owned insurance agencies in America, insuring people and business since 1868., 678-639-4108

A young pilot recently furloughed from a large carrier went to work for a small charter company. He was used to having an employment contract, which provided language holding him harmless for any damage done to the company aircraft. He never thought about insurance issues or his liability to third parties and passengers. He assumed the air carrier would defend him and pay for damages in any case that arose. The charter operator called his agent, asking him to talk with the pilot and give him an explanation of insurance protections in their policy as they pertained to a contract pilot or 1099 employee. The pilot was concerned about several issues in the event of an accident:

1. Being held responsible for damages to the aircraft

2. Being sued individually by his passengers, other third parties

3. Being sued by the insurance company for recovery of any liability awards or damages paid

4. Having an adequate legal defense

There are five key insurance issues or definitions involved:Named Insured and Insured–The “Named Insured” is the owner of the policy, in this case the charter company. From the Omnibus Clause, an “insured” party includes all of the employees while they are performing their duties on the behalf of the policy owner. It usually specifically excludes non-employees or services providers engaged in aviation commerce such as contract pilots, whether working as an individual or as an employee of professional pilot services company.

Subrogation–This is the right of the insurance company to seek financial recovery for any loss they paid on behalf of the insured from any party they feel is responsible for the loss. The Named Insured gives up this right of recovery to the extent of the terms, conditions,

and limitations of the policy. An insurance company will not usually subrogate against a contract or permissive pilot, however that is no guarantee, especially if there is any severe gross negligence involved. A “waiver of subrogation” must be agreed to by the insurance company. It is a contractual agreement by the insurance company NOT to seek recovery from the pilot regardless of the transgression. This usually applies to aircraft physical damage but could also apply to third party liability.

Additional Insured–This is an agreement by the insurance company to add an addition person or entity to the policy as an “insured” party within the terms, conditions, and limitations of the policy. This could include a lien holder, contract pilot, service provider, or other party who had an interest in the ownership, maintenance, or operation of the aircraft. The insurance company will offer the same protections to the additional insured as they do the insured “as their interest may appear.” This could include assigning separate defense counsel if the insured and additional insured have sufficient conflicting interests. Adding an additional insured to the policy does not increase the liability limits of the policy. Instead it has the potential of diluting the limits of liability available to either or both parties.

Defense and Defense Costs–One of the most important reasons to buy insurance is for professional aviation defense in the event of an improper claim or claim that is asking for damages beyond reason. The defense costs are defined in the insuring agreement and are usually “outside” the overall liability limit. For instance, if the policy liability limit is $10,000,000, the judgment is $10,000,000 and the legal defense cost are $500,000, then the total costs paid by the insurance company would be $10,500,000. Be careful.

Some policies deduct defense costs from the liability limit available for a judgment.

The Terms, Conditions, and Limitation of the Insurance policy–Whether or not a formal professional services contract exists which promises to indemnify and hold harmless the contract pilot without limitation, the protections promised cannot alter the terms, conditions and limitations of the insuring agreement. Once those are met, the insurance company has no further obligation. If, for instance, the pilot fails to meet the training requirements of the policy, any subsequent accident may not be an insured occurrence. Or, if the judgment is likely to go beyond the liability limits of the policy, the insurance company may elect to pay to the limits of the policy rather than defend the case. The charter company, the pilot, or both, may be left to defend themselves and pay additional damages with their own resources.

In finality, all of us operating an aircraft are exposed to limitless liability depending on the egregiousness of our error.

Airlines and large charter companies have detailed employment contracts with hold harmless and indemnification language for their employees backed up by anywhere from $50,000,000 to $500,000,000 in liability insurance or more. This is usually more than adequate to keep any judgment within the limits of the insurance. It is extremely rare to find one of these operators using a contract pilot or a pilot services company.

However, the use of contract pilots by smaller charter companies and individual aircraft operators is common. Liability limits are generally much lower—as little as $1,000,000 with a sublimit of $100,000 for passenger bodily injury—but can be

$250,000,000 or more depending on the type of operation and aircraft being flown. The lower the liability limit the greater the contract pilot’s exposure to the insurance company settling the claim for the maximum liability limits in the policy, thus allowing themselves to be absolved from any further involvement, including defense.

Ideally every contract pilot should be protected by their own professional liability insurance in the form of Non-Owned Aircraft and Hull Liability. While professional pilot services companies should have ready access to this insurance, for the individual pilot it is expensive if available at all. In addition or as an alternative, they should have themselves named as an “additional insured” with “waiver of subrogation” on the aircraft operator’s insurance policy.

Every pilot, whether a contract pilot or an employee should know and understand the terms, conditions, and limitations of the insurance policy of the operator and specific airplane they are flying. For an “Additional Insured” the insurance company will issue a certificate of insurance which outlines the coverage of the applicable policy. Unless the company has a formal dispatch system with tracking and support services, I encourage all small operators to carry a copy of the policy on the aircraft for the pilots to review and refer to in case of questions or an accident.

In finality, for the risk you cannot transfer to your insurance company, the best and cheapest retained risk option may be a sound operations plan, well thought out standard operational procedures, good training, and an active safety awareness and accident prevention program that starts from the top down.

Liability exposure of a contract pilot


thn tid-bitsLetter to the editorAs a helicopter pilot for some 54 years, I find the new magazine really interesting.

Glen PearsonBuffalo, OK

UAV makes bust in NetherlandsPhotoDutch police started using a special unmanned aerial vehicle last month in the Netherlands to combat illegal cannabis growing. The Cannachopper can fly in the air by itself for several hours and is equipped with smell and image sensors, meant to detect cannabis fields from long distances.

On its first shift, the Cannachopper immediately proved to be effective; a cannabis field was discovered and seven suspects were later arrested. Several tons

of cannabis was intercepted. At another location, a grow-shop was found with a significant amount of cannabis, according to a Dutch newspaper.

Aside from the Cannachopper, authorities are attempting to curtail cannabis by forbidding coffee shops (which sell the plant) to be within 820 feet of schools. The Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), a Dutch centrist ruling party, advocates abolition of the so-called “tolerance policy” towards cannabis presently adopted by the Netherlands.

EC135 gets dual qualificationThe German Bundespolizei have received dual certification for their Frasca built EC-135 helicopter device as a JAR-FTD H FTD 2 and FNPT III MCC. The device was modeled after an EC-135 T2+ helicopter and features a 200° x 70° TruVision™ visual display system with a large real world database including the Bonn and Cologne area. Other features include a high fidelity EC 135 T2 cockpit equipped with EFIS, moving map display, GPS and realistic vibration cues. The device is installed in Sankt Augustin Germany.

Frasca has delivered and is currently building simulators for many helicopter types including

two Full Flight Simulators for Bristow Helicopters, 3 Level 7 FTDs for FlightSafety International, an S76 FTD for Era Training Center and others.

FAA extends special training rule for Robinson helicoptersThe FAA has announced it will continue to require special flight training for Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters. The agency first put in place a special federal aviation regulation (SFAR) to address the unique aerodynamic and design features of the helicopters in 1995, after the helicopters had more fatal accidents due to “main rotor/airframe contact than other piston-powered helicopters.” There have been no such accidents over the past few years. The latest extension of the SFAR was set to expire June 30, 2009; a new rule extends it indefinitely.

Arson suspected in helicopter fireArson is suspected in a recent fire at Birmingham International Airport in the UK. Air traffic controllers noticed flames coming from the Midlands Police helicopter and quickly rushed in to deal with the situation.

Police are now investigating; trying to assess just how much

damage was done to the aircraft, which was on the helipad at Elmdon. A criminal investigation was launched and investigators are working closely with airport security to determine exactly was happened.

While this is Midland’s only helicopter, police spokesperson Joanne Hunt told that the department “will continue to provide air support when necessary” with the help of neighboring cities.

Daniel Scaife, Birminham Airport’s spokesman, said there were no injuries reported and that although the airport was shut down for an hour and a half, all flights resumed with no delays.

The helicopter debuted in September 2007 and was fitted with a high-definition video and thermal camera system.

Craig Fuller Statement on Report Regarding General Aviation SecurityFrederick, MD – “The report issued by Richard L. Skinner, Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, on general aviation security validates what AOPA the general aviation industry, and even the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) have always contended – that the threat to national security posed by general aviation is ‘limited and mostly hypothetical,’ and that measures taken voluntarily by the industry are ‘positive and effective.’

“The report notes that while the threat is minimal, it is not non-existent and that constant vigilance must be maintained, which is why AOPA coordinated with the TSA to develop and implement the Airport Watch program. We have always done our part and will continue to do so. And we appreciate the recognition that our efforts have been effective.”

July 2009 9

FFC_UniversalHelicopterAd2008.psd @ 33.3% (RGB/8)

FFC and FFC Manufacturing are setting the standards for Aircraft Fuel Cell Manufacturer’s throughout the United States.

Floats & Fuel Cells earns AS9100 certificationFred Tavoleti, President of Floats

and Fuel Cells, Inc., a Memphis, Tennessee Fuel Tank Manufacturer, has announced that as part of the organization’s continuous quality improvement, FFC and FFCM have achieved the AS9100 Aerospace Quality Standard Certification, Certificate number: 12986.

National Quality Assurance (NQA), one of the largest and most respected ISO registrars in the world presented

FFC and FFCM with both the AS9100 and ISO9001:2008 certifications after successfully completing a rigorous Quality Management Systems Audit.

The ISO 9001:2008 is the latest revision, and the AS9100 was designed to enhance this standard by focusing on the additional expectations and requirements of the aerospace industry. Many leading aerospace manufacturers and governments around the world

now require ISO 9000 and AS9100 Certification as a prerequisite to doing business.

Kevin Brewer, Director of Sales and Marketing said, “This Certification achievement assures our current OEM customers of our commitment to providing an overall quality business experience and positions the organization for world wide opportunities. We are proud to have attained the certification and join the ranks of other well recognized organizations such as Boeing, Lockheed and Northrop.”

As part of an agreement with West Point and Army ROTC cadets, the University of North Dakota (UND) has been training new helicopter pilots since 2003. So far, UND has trained 179 students through the program.

With a fresh batch of cadets waiting in the wings, ground school and hands-free training has already begun. Travis French, one of UND’s flight instructors, told the Grand Forks Herald that this is his favorite part of his job; watching students at this level become confident, self-assured pilots. “They’re psyched about it,” he said.

French explained that while the training students get at UND won’t get them a private pilot’s license, “they have a pretty good ‘in’ with the very good program they have here.” In order for students to earn their private pilot license, they are required to fly an additional 20 hours. The program gives them a great start; the 17 graduates from last year’s class all went into different of the aviation industry.

Acquiring the knack for flying a helicopter can be tricky because pilots must operate two foot pedals and two hand controls simultaneously. Add to that the glide ratio of the aircraft and it becomes more of a challenge.

Students are taken only about 15 miles away from the airport when they’re training. They generally reach speeds of approximately 100 mph and an altitude of 700 feet. The big hurdle in Grand Forks is the strong winds that often times make flying difficult to impossible. According to French, “It’s like trying to learn to walk while someone is pushing you.”

French says hovering is the most difficult thing to master. The first few times attempting the maneuver, students tend to get a little out of control, but French says he’s learned when to step in to keep everyone safe.

Training new pilots to fly


ntsb reports

WPR09LA226DATE: Friday, May 01, 2009LOCATION: Santa Clarita, CAAIRCRAFT: MD Helicopter 369FFINjuRIES: 1 uninjured.On May 1, 2009, about 1530 PDT, a MD Helicopter 369FF made a hard landing following a malfunction of the tail rotor near Santa Clarita, California. The pilot was not injured. The helicopter sustained substantial damage to the tail boom. The local external load flight departed a helipad at Bouquet Canyon, near Santa Clarita.

The pilot stated that the tail rotor drive shaft fractured, and he made an emergency autorotation onto rough terrain. The skid of the helicopter dug into the soft dirt, and nosed forward. The main rotor blades struck the ground, and the tail boom bent down about 30 degrees.

WPR09CA224DATE: Sunday, May 03, 2009LOCATION: Cottonwood, AZAIRCRAFT: Robinson R44INjuRIES: 4 uninjured.The local sightseeing flight departed Prescott to tour the Jerome, Cottonwood, and Verde Rivers areas in Arizona. The pilot was maneuvering through a dry river bed in a hilly area. He did not see the power lines until they hit the windshield about level with the top of the instrument panel. The nose immediately pitched up and then quickly pitched forward. The pilot estimated that the airspeed was 70 knots, and the altitude was 150 feet agl. He lowered the collective to enter an autorotation, but delayed the flare until passing over a ridgeline. He was able to bleed off most of the airspeed, and leveled the skids prior

to touchdown; however, the skids dug into soft dirt, and the helicopter pitched forward. The main rotor blades were still at 100 percent rpm when they struck the ground and sustained substantial damage. The helicopter rocked back and came to rest upright on the skids. The main rotor blades, mast, firewall, tail boom and tail rotor drive shaft sustained substantial damage.

CEN09CA275DATE: Monday, May 04, 2009LOCATION: High Island 138, GMAIRCRAFT: Bell 407INjuRIES: 1 uninjured.The pilot was approaching an off-shore oil platform and positioned the helicopter to land “into the wind.” The intended flight path crossed over a crane with a windsock on top. Having observed the obstructions, the pilot continued the approach to the helideck. As the helicopter overflew the crane, the helicopter’s tail rotor contacted the windsock resulting in substantial damage to the helicopter’s tail boom section. The pilot was able to land the damaged helicopter on the oil platform’s helideck.

ERA09LA284DATE: Thursday, May 07, 2009LOCATION: Winter Haven, FLAIRCRAFT: Robinson R22 BetaINjuRIES: 1 uninjured.On May 7, 2009, about 0800 EDT, a Robinson R22 Beta landed hard during an autorotative landing near Winter Haven, Florida. The helicopter was substantially damaged and the pilot was not injured. The flight originated from GIF about 0745.

The pilot stated that after

takeoff he remained in the traffic pattern for runway 11 and executed practice autorotative landings with a power recovery. During the downwind leg for another practice autorotative landing while flying at 600 to 625 feet mean sea level with the governor on, he applied carburetor heat and five seconds later he perceived by sound that the engine quit. He turned onto base leg and attempted to restart the engine but allowed the main rotor rpm to decrease to 87 percent. He stopped his restart attempts and initiated descent for an autorotative landing. He maintained 65 knots during the descent and when the flight was at 40 feet with obstacles ahead (mobile homes), he intentionally slowed the helicopter. At 20 feet agl he pulled collective which activated the main rotor rpm warning and resulted in a hard landing.

Preliminary examination of the accident site by a FAA airworthiness inspector revealed the helicopter landed 100 yards short of the mobile homes. A portion of the tailboom was separated and the main rotor blades were bent and wrinkled. The throttle, mixture, and carburetor heat control rigging was found to be correct. The fuel gascolator and bowl were clean.

Following recovery of the helicopter with the main rotor blades removed, an FAA inspector observed the engine start and operate to idle rpm.

ERA09WA286DATE: Sunday, May 10, 2009LOCATION: Malyshkino, RussiaAIRCRAFT: BELL 407INjuRIES: 9 Fatal.On October 5, 2009,

approximately 1001 UTC, a Bell 407 helicopter impacted terrain in the Irkutsk region approximately 3 kilometers from Malyshkino, Cheremshanka. The helicopter was substantially damaged. The 5 crew and 4 passengers were killed. The flight’s last departure point was approximately 62 kilometers from the Irkutsk Airport (UIII), Irkutsk, Russia, and its intended destination.

ANC09TA040DATE: Tuesday, May 12, 2009LOCATION: Iliamna, AKAIRCRAFT: Robinson R44INjuRIES: 3 uninjured.On May 12, 2009, about 1330 Alaska daylight time, a Robinson R-44 sustained substantial damage during a hard landing, about 57 miles northwest of Iliamna, Alaska. The pilot and the two passengers were not injured.

During a telephone conversation with the NTSB IIC on May 12, the director of maintenance for the operator said the flight was made by the Alaska State Troopers, Fish and Wildlife Service, who were doing a game management patrol. He said the pilot told him that he had taken off from a ridge, and climbed about 300 feet above the ground. The helicopter was flying about 90 knots indicated airspeed when the pilot felt an unusual medium-frequency vibration in the controls. He said the pilot decided to make an immediate precautionary landing. During the descent the pilot told him the vibration increased. He said the helicopter landed hard, and the main rotor blades struck the tail boom. The pilot did not report any unusual mechanical problems prior to the accident.

July 2009 11


money talkby Sam


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The demand for aircraft charter has decreased with the economy. The number of aircraft owners seeking to obtain revenue through leaseback arrangements with charter operators has increased due to many owners seeking some income to cover their decrease in utilization. Historically, the charter market has always been priced at such low levels that no reasonable return on investment (ROI) could be achieved. The market included many operators of older aircraft that required a minimum investment of capital as well as cutting every corner to keep expenses down. The charter rates of these operators assure their failure as a viable business. Unfortunately, as soon as they fail, they are replaced by a similar operation with the same mindset. Most customers of these operators

Check your charter rateare driven by saving money with no regard for their safety or the values received by a professional operation. Like many things in life, the customer gets what they pay for. How long will this type operation continue in our industry? What can you do to eliminate these shoestring operations?

If you are a user of charter services, don’t do business with the cheapest operator without thoroughly investigating the operation. This is just good common sense. What appears to be “too good to be true” usually is. What makes the lowest priced operator so smart that their services are offered at rates less than competitors? Do you want to do business with companies losing money and destined for failure? I continue to be amazed at the people that have prepaid for

charter cards and lost a large sum of money due to the failure of the charter company.

If you are an aircraft owner seeking a charter leaseback arrangement, please evaluate the net revenue. Run the numbers. Determine the cash flow with and without the leaseback. What is the after-tax dollar difference? Pay particular attention to the decrease in resale value of the aircraft due to the additional utilization. Does the revenue received justify the leaseback arrangement?

Finally, if you are the charter operator, make sure your charter rate produces a profit so that your business will survive. Sell the features, benefits, services, safety, and discuss the shoestring operations with potential clients. If you offer leaseback arrangements, make sure the revenue returned

to the aircraft owner is a financial benefit to the owner. You will benefit from a long-term business relationship. Determine the hourly charter rate that produces a ROI acceptable to your investment goals.

Now is the time to change our industry standards so that charter rates produce a profit for the professional operators. Calculating the profitable hourly rate requires a concentrated effort. AircraftCostAnalysis performs the analysis required to determine a profit as well as providing aircraft owners with leaseback cash flows. AircraftCostAnalysis will save you many hours of building and checking the math in your own spreadsheet. See for the details.

Abaris Training has won a one-year, renewable training contract with the Federal Aviation Administration to train FAA aviation safety inspectors in advanced composite maintenance and repair.

Inspectors will learn basic principles of advanced composite structures to help them determine reliability of major composite repairs in the field and monitor successful maintenance of aircraft. Classes for more than 190 students will begin in June and continue through the end of 2009.

Repair and maintenance of modern aircraft such as the Boeing 787, the Hawker 4000, and many others that use composite materials in primary structures, require detailed knowledge and techniques in a rapidly evolving industry.

Topics covered in the course, “Composite Awareness for the Aviation Safety Inspector,” reflect the growing use of composite materials in not only interior panels and control surfaces but also wings and fuselages.

Abaris to train FAA inspectorsFor example, a key component

of the class is familiarization with methods used to detect hidden damage in composite structures as part of maintenance procedures. Inspectors will also learn how and why repair designs and processes must meet the same performance requirements as the basic structure of the aircraft. Documentation, regulations, airworthiness and certification topics will be covered in depth.

Abaris has a 26-year history of providing effective training to high standards. “We have been using the services of Abaris composites training for many years at MidCoast Aviation and appreciate their hands-on personal training methods,” said Bill Kener, composites supervisor, MidCoast Aviation. “Eighty percent of our composite shop technicians have attended numerous courses with continued benefits to their personal skill level and their ability to apply those skills for the benefit of (our) shop.”

July 2009 13


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trials & tribulationsby Andy

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple comment to change your flying habits. When I bought my first helicopter, no one was going to tell my how it was done. I was fortunate, however, to meet a very experienced helicopter ag-pilot while having some work done at Big Valley Aviation, located at the Stockton airport. This guy had bounced around, like some of us, from one gold mine to the next looking for that dream job.

I started out by purchasing a Bell 47G3-B1. It was a very nice bird, very low time and priced right. I bought her, transported her home and had Big Valley Aviation perform her annual. While there, this guy happened to drive by, saw the spray booms on the trailer and came over. He ended up showing me that it was possible, and is actually preferred, to turn the helicopter around at the top of the turn with your feet on the floor. Hmm...Let the rotor system do all the work? I was impressed! Pull back on the cyclic and up a bit on the collective to go right; nudge the cyclic a little left and push collective down to turn left. It took a while to become comfortable at it, but hey, it works well and it is easy on everything.

HabitsThat was in 2004. In 2006 I

became a hired pilot. My first helicopter job since being self-employed was with a large company flying the Bell 47. My first flight check went well, as I was very easy on the controls, again using what I was taught from the guy I had met in Stockton. While at this company I picked up the habit of using the pedals more and more to make my turns. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. It just came naturally over the course of time. I may have even started to pick this up while still self-employed.

I ended up leaving that company after two seasons. I gave three months notice and everything. I did not want to leave any hard feelings, so that’s the way to do it. Give plenty of notice...a good habit!

At my current job, the comment was made that I was sliding through my turns. I had become a pedal pounder! I was actually glad to hear the comment (so I could change!) because I had been turning like that for a while, maybe the last two seasons or so. It just crept up on me and for whatever reason no one ever mentioned it to me. Maybe they just didn’t know any better either.

It took a couple of additional working days to revert back to what I was taught in the beginning. Since then, I have transitioned into the Bell 206B. These machines are very comfortable to fly. It is like going from a car built on the 1950s to any modern-day car. Until you make that transition, you just don’t know. But, I strongly feel that starting out in the Bell 47 or Hiller is the best way to learn. The older helicopters require a little more work and finesse. Not to say that the 206B or OH-58 doesn’t, but it is different in a nice way!

I think we should all be open to change. Our industry is always

changing. It may take longer for equipment changes to show up, but at every NAAA convention you will see something different, a newer design or different way of doing the same thing.

Update: Since starting this article, I have transitioned into the OH-58C. This machine is a bit better in the ag-flying environment. No more ITT temping out and a bit more power. I once again found myself using the pedals in the turns, but have finally broken that habit. In all honesty, it is not a natural feeling to make all my turns using only the cyclic and collective, but slowly it is becoming second nature.

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April 2009 1

INSIDE: Formally Universal Helicopter



TOTAL TIME: 4749.5


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More about this helicopter on page 20

Volume 10, May 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

April 2009 1

INSIDE: Heli-Expo 2009 review, Helisupport NZ services, Letters to the Editor

Volume 10, April 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Formally Universal Helicopter

2 Eurocopter AS350BAsREGISTRATION: PENdINGSERIAL NUMBER: 1873 & 1087TOTAL TIME: 9881, 7702ASKING PRIcE: OPTIONS STARTING AT $850,000cONTAcT: about this helicopter on page 20, more on Helisupport NZ on page 4


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LE BOURGET - Eurocopter presented the EC175 for the first time in Europe at the 48th Paris Air Show. A full-scale mock-up of the 16-seat civil helicopter in its corporate version is on display at the EADS stand. The EC175 program is jointly managed by Eurocopter and HAIG, Eurocopter’s Chinese partner. The EC175 perfectly rounds off Eurocopter’s current range of products.

“We (were) delighted to present the latest addition to our range for the first time in Europe,” announced Lutz Bertling, President and CEO of Eurocopter. “The EC175 program is on time, with the maiden flight scheduled for the end of the year. The Paris Air Show (was) also an opportunity for us to show that Eurocopter has the most comprehensive range of helicopters in the world, and that we can offer customers a helicopter for every type of mission.”

During the show, Eurocopter’s latest-generation combat helicopter, the Tiger, performed daily flight demonstrations. The qualification for the Tiger’s operational entry into service was recently issued and the HAP (combat support helicopter) version of the aircraft was on display. Another world first: The naval version of the NH90 – NFH (NATO frigate helicopter) performed a flight demonstration on the first two days of the show.

Eurocopter’s static display helicopters included:

- An AS550 Fennec. The military version of the Ecureuil/AStar is often used for pilot training, as well as reconnaissance and light utility transport missions. The AS550 C3 Fennec excels in extreme weather conditions (hot and cold temperatures).

- An EC135 belonging to the French Gendarmerie. The French Gendarmerie has just begun

operating this type of light twin engine helicopter. The EC135 can perform parapublic missions, such as law enforcement duties for police departments, border control and coast guard operations. It can also carry out emergency medical services, such as urgently transporting the sick or injured.

- An EC145 Stylence. This aircraft in its corporate configuration is used to transport passengers, in particular business clientele, for whom the helicopter saves precious time.

- An AS565 MB Panther. The military version of the Dauphin performs search & rescue missions and maritime surveillance duties. It can also be used in the fight against piracy. The aircraft presented at the Paris Air Show is destined for Bulgaria, which recently chose the AS565 Panther to modernize its fleet and comply with NATO standards.

- An EC225. This aircraft is

used to transport passengers and equipment to and from oil & gas platforms. It can also perform search & rescue missions at sea. The EC225 on static display at the Paris Air Show will be operated in the oil & gas industry in Vietnam.

- A Tiger prototype. The latest-generation combat helicopter.

Finally, on the neighboring stand, NHIndustries displayed the NH90 NFH, the naval version of the NH90.

Eurocopter chose these models to show that its range is perfectly adapted for the many tasks helicopters are called on to perform, and for the missions that only a helicopter can carry out. In addition to the tasks mentioned above, helicopters are used to fight forest fires and to perform aerial work (repairing wind turbines, building refuges in the high mountains, etc.)

Eurocopter presents the EC175

Only a few weeks to go before the fun-est festival in Northern California: Take Flight for Kids at San Jose Reid Hillview Airport Saturday August 8, 2009.

Take Flight is a huge flying festival at Northern California airports. We recruit about 75 volunteer pilots of small airplanes and helicopters, then provide free flights for about 750 young people with disabilities, at risk youth, homeless kids, foster kids, you name it. We take the young people flying for 20 minute flights, in this case over Silicon Valley. Most of the kids get to fly the plane to experience the empowerment of being in absolute control of complex aircraft.

About 200 nonprofit agencies are expected to join us and network with the crowds. We expect up to 4000 people to join us at Reid Hillview Airport on August 8th, making this the

Take Flight for Kids festivalbiggest aviation-based STEM science/technology/engineering/math festival in Silicon Valley.

Everything is FREE to all attendees, all volunteers, all booth hosts! Free admission, free parking, free BBQ at noon, free airplane rides to kids 8-17 years old (must be pre-registered online), free live entertainment, petting zoos, hot air balloon rides, helicopters, radio controlled aircraft, model rockets, science experiments, games, rides, fun, fun, FUN!

To reserve a (free) booth in this hottest gig in town, all you have to do is RSVP online. We’ll take care of the rest:

For more info, check the website:

July 2009 15

airworthiness directives

RIN 2120-AA64Eurocopter Deutschland EC135 HelicoptersDATES: This AD became effective on june 12, 2009.SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH (Eurocopter) Model EC135 helicopters. This AD results from a report of abnormal main rotor blade vibrations on a Eurocopter Model EC135 helicopter. This AD also results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community. The MCAI states that an operator reported unusual vibrations during the start phase of the main rotor blade on one helicopter. The vibrations stopped after the application of torque. Subsequent maintenance personnel found that six of the eight attachment screws of the lower hub-shaft bearing support were loose. This condition was discovered in two additional helicopters. Loose screws in the bearing support, if not detected and corrected, could result in abnormal main rotor blade vibrations and subsequent damage to the main transmission.

RIN 2120-AA64DATES: This AD became effective on june 12, 2009.Airworthiness Directives; Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH (ECD) Model MBB-BK 117 A-1, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, and C-1 HelicoptersSUMMARY: We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for the specified ECD model helicopters that currently requires initial and repetitive inspections of the main rotor blade (blade) upper

and lower surfaces for bulging. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community, based on reported incidents in which a balance weight migrated toward the tip of the blade. The MCAI states that new blades have become available that are not fitted with lead balance weights. The MCAI states that only blades equipped with a lead balance weight may result in the unsafe condition. This AD retains the requirements of the current AD but limits the applicability to those part-numbered blades that are fitted with lead balance weights. The actions are intended to limit the applicability to those blades fitted with lead balance weights that could detach, migrate, and cause severe vibrations leading to blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.

RIN 2120-AA64DATES: This AD became effective june 17, 2009.Airworthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney Models PW2037, PW2037(M), and PW2040 Turbofan EnginesSUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Pratt & Whitney models PW2037, PW2037(M), and PW2040 turbofan engines with high-pressure turbine (HPT) 2nd stage hubs that have previously been exposed to Pratt & Whitney cleaning procedure SPOP 10 or SPOP 9 or equivalent procedure. This AD requires a onetime optical comparator inspection (OCI) of the blade retention slots of the affected HPT 2nd stage hubs at the next HPT

overhaul after the effective date of the AD. This AD results from an uncontained release of HPT 2nd stage blades and blade retention lugs. We are issuing this AD to remove nonconforming HPT 2nd stage hubs, which could result in an uncontained release of turbine blades and blade retention lugs, and damage to the aircraft.

AD 2009-09-51Eurocopter EC225LP helicoptersThis Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) is prompted by mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community. EASA notified us of an accident that occurred April 1, 2009 on a Eurocopter Model AS332L2 helicopter. Although the cause of the accident is still under investigation, EASA advises that the “cause of the accident seems to be connected with degradation of the epicyclic module of the main gearbox (MGB), the root cause of which is still to be determined.” EASA further advises that “In the light of this information, the detection of any contamination of the MGB is of utmost importance as a precautionary measure.” The EASA Emergency AD applies to both the Model AS332L2 helicopters and the Model EC225LP helicopters because both helicopter models use a similar epicyclic reduction gear module (module). This AD applies only to the Model EC225LP helicopters because there are currently no Model AS332L2 helicopters on the U.S. registry. Also, this AD differs from the EASA AD in that the EASA AD specifies that the module be disassembled,

inspected, and then reinstalled when particles are detected on the magnetic plug of the module, allowing flight operations until another particle is detected. This AD requires, before further flight, determining if the “CHIP” detector light previously illuminated. If the “CHIP” detector light did illuminate and it illuminated because of a metal particle on the magnetic plug of the module, or if you cannot determine from the maintenance records which chip detector caused the the “CHIP” detector light to illuminate or whether the detector light stayed illuminated after the “CHIP” detector switch was turned to the “CHIP PULSE” setting, replace the module with an airworthy module before further flight, replacing the module with an airworthy module is required before further flight. Also required before further flight is inspecting the MGB module magnetic chip detector electrical circuit and determining whether the system is functioning properly, including whether the “CHIP” detector light annunciates on the instrument panel (Vehicle Monitoring System Screen). Finally, this AD requires replacing the module with an airworthy module if the “CHIP” detector light illuminates, stays illuminated after the “CHIP” detector switch is turned to the “CHIP PULSE” setting, and you determine that a metal particle on the module magnetic plug caused that illumination. This AD is an interim action. We anticipate additional rulemaking once the cause of the accident is determined and the manufacturer develops a terminating action. This AD is being issued to prevent failure of the MGB and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.


OWEGO, NY–Lockheed Martin has delivered the 200th Common Cockpit™ avionics suite to the U.S. Navy’s MH-60R and MH-60S multimission helicopter programs. The avionics suite has flown more than 250,000 flight hours aboard the two SEAHAWK® helicopter types since cockpit deliveries began in January 2000.

To date, Lockheed Martin has delivered 47 cockpits for the MH-60R, the Navy’s newest and most advanced anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopter. Another 153 cockpits have been produced for the MH-60S, which currently performs ship-to-ship vertical replenishment, protects the fleet with Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, and eventually will perform mine clearance operations.

“The suite’s common avionics architecture meets the Navy’s need for a single cockpit that can talk to multiple weapons and sensor systems aboard the MH-60R and MH-60S helicopters, and display the integrated information,” said Richard Holmberg, general manager of Naval Helicopter Programs at Lockheed Martin Systems Integration in Owego, NY where the cockpit is designed and built. “This commonality drives down total ownership costs by providing Navy maintainers with a single logistic support infrastructure, and enabling our development team to easily add mission capabilities when needed.”

The Common Cockpit(TM) avionics suite is designed to support technological improvements for weapons, navigation and communications

systems. Recently, Lockheed Martin added a Link 16 communications data link by which aircrews can automatically exchange tactical information with friendly ships and aircraft, and coordinate a response to assigned targets and threats.

“The ability to add new mission technology to the Common Cockpit(TM) avionics suite will continue to give our aircrews the advantage during the 30-year life of these SEAHAWK aircraft in defense of the Fleet,” said Capt. Dean Peters, MH-60 Multi-Mission Helicopter program manager. “The system has demonstrated very high reliability during 10 years of operation in the maritime environment.”

The Lockheed Martin cockpit’s mission and flight management systems augment the very capable Sikorsky-built MH-60

SEAHAWK aircraft. Aboard the MH-60R, the computing power automates many of the tasks associated with locating, tracking and prosecuting surface vessels and submarines. Four large 8 in. x 10 in. color displays provide dual flight and mission instrumentation, enabling the pilot and co-pilot to share workload.

Lockheed Martin currently is performing on time and schedule as part of a $521 million multi-year contract that combines five annual fiscal year buys from 2004 to 2009 into a single purchase at estimated savings to the Navy of $64 million. Cockpit production is expected to continue through 2015 to meet U.S. Navy requirements for 300 MH-60R and 273 MH-60S aircraft.

Lockheed Martin delivers 200th cockpit to U.S. Navy MH-60 helicopter program

July 2009 17

Air Rescue Systems (ARS) has announced the launch of its first complete short haul safety system. The equipment, which was designed by ARS director of operations, Bob Cockell, includes Soft Steel static lines, Line Ballast system weight bags, Heli-Bridle Anchor and Release system, harnesses and hardware all of which work together to create a world class safety standard.

In addition, this includes a

short-haul parachute – the LARO (low altitude, rapid opening) – that is designed to open fast enough to allow a short hauler to land safely should an emergency arise in the air.

The new gear was created after ARS team members realized that the short haul market had never fully matured and was filled with non-standardized equipment. This hindered the development of using the best technology and the

Air Rescue Systems announces first short haul safety system

deepest bench of experience to produce the safest, easiest to use equipment.

“We heard time and again from the special ops people we train that they wanted something better,” said Cockell. “We’ve created a system made by operations personnel for operations personnel. We think it’s the best and we know it’s the safest in the industry today.”

The components to the helicopter-based rescue systems are being marketed directly by ARS and, in part, manufactured by Yates Gear, the leading manufacturer of tactical and rescue equipment. Yates brings years of design and cutting edge manufacturing experience to an industry that, until now, has been dependent upon gathering parts. Made in a “one-off” manner

to piece together a workable system. For more information, visit

Visit Air Rescue Systems at ALEA Booth #603.

Sikorsky Aerospace Services has announced that it has opened a rotary and fixed wing Avionics Center of Excellence at its Derco Aerospace campus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

The Sikorsky Aerospace Services Avionics Center of Excellence provides comprehensive avionics repair and overhaul services at the Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), Sub Replaceable Unit (SRU), and component levels. Using specialized open architecture test and measurement equipment, the Center is capable of providing a wide range of repair and overhaul support for fixed and rotary wing avionics. The Center supports

the following platforms: C-130, F-15, F-16, F-18, UH-60, H-53, S-76, S-92, and CV-22 aircraft.

“The launch of the Sikorsky Aerospace Services Avionics Center of Excellence further supports our mission to provide complete aftermarket support to the rotary and fixed wing communities,” said David Adler, President of Sikorsky Aerospace Services. “It positions Sikorsky to fulfill avionics repair and overhaul requirements that traditionally used third-party services. Establishing this capability in-house allows us to better control cost and turn times, resulting in efficient and cost effective solutions for our customers.”

Sikorsky opens Avionics Center of Excellence


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Repairable case part numbers 6877410 and 23057142are THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE candidates for exchange.

US $4250.00US $4550.00

London’s Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit is celebrating the landmark of 5,000 hours flown on its fleet of three EC145 helicopters, with a ringing endorsement of the contribution made by Skyquest Aviation’s video management system. Sergeant Richard Brandon says that the five mission management screens, multiple recording devices and the ability to view multiple sensors at once, “continue to represent a revolution in law-enforcement imagery.

“Scarcely a day goes by when we don’t look at our system – now approaching two years old – and remark that this remains absolutely cutting-edge technology. There’s simply nothing better out there.”

Skyquest’s VMS is currently

London police fly 5,000 hours with Skyquest

fitted to over half the police helicopters flying over the UK. Using touch-screen technology, it enables observers and pilots to independently select, view and record the images they need with no signal loss.

Geoff Turner of Skyquest says that their VMS, uniquely, enables each crewmember to select and view the most appropriate sensor for the task in hand. “ The pilot may select the moving-map on his flip-up

screen, while one observer can view approaches to a crime-scene and the other check a road for infra-red traces. It offers each of them complete flexibility.”

HORSEHEADS, NY--Sikorsky Global Helicopters, a Sikorsky company, announced that it has delivered another S-300C™ helicopter to All American Helicopters LLC, a flight school in Denton, Texas.

The new S-300C™ helicopter will join the three Sikorsky helicopters already in operation

at All American Helicopters and will be used exclusively for flight training. It is the second helicopter the company has purchased from Sikorsky Global Helicopters in the past year.

The S-300C™ helicopter is versatile in a broad range of operations and combines high useful-load capabilities with precise maneuverability. Gene LaCoste, founder and president of All American Helicopters, said the S-300C™ aircraft offers the durability All American Helicopters requires to meet students’ needs.

“I look for safety, reliability and value when purchasing an aircraft,” LaCoste said. “The helicopters Sikorsky Global Helicopters produces provide all these attributes.”

Founded in November 2007, All American Helicopters focuses primarily on training

domestic and international professional pilots. The company also offers vocational training to injured veterans. The flight training curriculum has received approval from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and the Texas Veterans Commission.

The S-300C™ helicopter operates throughout the world in many demanding roles including law enforcement and military patrol, power line/pipeline patrol, commercial and military flight training, ranching, external load operations, animal surveys, aerial photography and personal transportation. The cockpit size, load capacity, performance characteristics, robust design and low direct operating costs make the S-300C™ a leader in its class.

Sikorsky Global delivers S-300C™ helicopter to All American Helicopters

July 2009 19

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2001 Agusta 109E Power SN 11129, HB-ZDT. VIP configuration. 1,252 hours. One private owner. Located Switzerland. Exceptional. Full details at Contact Peter Leonard-Morgan, Loudoun Aviation, Inc, +1 (540) 751-9543.

For sale, Bell 206L-1C30P, N207OU, SN45706. Total Time, 11,000 hrs. New paint and good com-ponent times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information

Brand New AS350B3For Sale or Lease. Can be equipped to

customer specifications. Call: Tori 337-364-4357 or

1990 Bell-412SP, N586AC, Sn-36009, Complete refurb, 0 Timed engines & Cbox (3B’s), New Paint & interior, All maintenance inspections completed, Sperry Autopilot, KMD-540 MFD with RDR-81 Radar, KLN-90B, KRA-405, KTR-908’s, KXP-756, KNR-634, KDF-806’s, KN-63, Wire strike kit, Low skid gear, Alpine Exhaust deflector’s, Rotor Brake, Pop Out float kit and floats avaialable. Contact Brad Emsland for more details. Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202, FX-250-376-1119

NEW 2009 EC-120B, freon air cond, energy attenuating front seats, float provisions, dual con-trols, engine wash kit, standard avionics w/Garmin moving map. US registered and certified. IMMEDIATE Delivery Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552,

1997 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS 600N: S/N: RN12, N660MC, 1239.2 TT, 1239.2 SNEW, Very Nice MD 600N, YSAS system installed; Paint 9/10; Interior 8/10; extra bench never installed, 6 seats or 7 seats. Fresh 1200 hr inspection/Annual May 09. $1,500,000 OBO. Contact: FL 954-943-0999

Street legal electric vehicle pulling a 40 x 48 utility trailer equipped with a generator and dolly style mobile AC/heat unit. Available in 110 or 220v with 10” air return and dual ducting. Features high capacity 12v twin condenser fans and powder coated frame. HC-7000; dolly style AC heat unit sold separately. For more information contact: Medivac Vehicles Inc., PO Box 1009, Mount Pleasant, TX 75456-1009, 903-572-0689 Ph., 903-572-5113 Fax,,,

Bell 206L3 1992 Long Ranger TTSN 3,675 White/Blue/Red/Blue cloth int. King KCS 55a HSI, King KY 165, KNA audio panel & more! Great times remaining: Call Mike Russell 404-307-3254

July 2009 21

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FEATURED CLASSIFIED ADToll Free Tel: 866-864-8237 • Tel: 478-988-0787 •

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2001 Bell 427 Helicopter. S/N 56028, 3700 TT, Engines Overhauled by Pratt & Whitney, Utility Configuration, Cargo Hook, Complete Records, No Damage, Located and Registered in US. Southern Cross Aviation, 954-377-0320,,

Bell 206B JetRanger, C20B Engine, Fresh FAA Annual, VVIP Config. New T/R Blades & Turbine Hot Section Inspection. Dual Controls, High Skids, Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX-327, King KCS 55a H.S.I., Garmin GMA-340. Price $599,950 USD. For full details visit or contact Apple International Tel: 423 652 0206 Email:

NEW EC-135P-2i, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SP-IFR certified, Cat ‘A’ ops certified, paint to specs, air cond, corp config, leather int, rotor brake, avionics solution 11, glass cockpit (MEGHAS FCDS). US registered & certified. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552,

File Photo

2006 RII w/AC - 560 hours TT. Metallic paint, leather seats, Garmin 420, bubble windows up front, and 2 Bose headsets. Best Price on the Market! Export Services & Shipping Available. Call Dave at 757-488-9044 or e-mail

2002 AS350B2 2975TT, RH & LH Sliding Door, Dual Controls, Air Conditioning. Contact Marc Mongeau: +33 608 786 373 tel, +33 153 016 550 fax

1987 ENSTROM F28F HELICOPTER, 436 Hrs. remaining on Lycoming 220 hp Turbo charged, Dual comm. radios. Very nice in & out. Sold w/fresh annual. $179,900. See specs & photos at or call Mark Clark at (800) 426-8783, IL, (815)2295112. Courtesy Aircraft Sales~QUALITY WARBIRD & CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT SALES SINCE 1957.

1955 Hiller UH 12 - ground up restoration. New glass, paint etc. This beautiful ship is perfect for training, tours or photoflights. Low & Mid time components, museum quality restoration! $99,000 Call (818) 557 0903



NEW! 2007 Agusta Koala A119, Ferry Time Only. 6 seat VIP interior,Garmin GS530, 230 gallons fuel, air conditioned & extended baggage. $3,195,000 USD, Make Offer! Contact: Ivan Chebaux, Interna-tional Tech Trading. 305-792-6936, 954-629-8075 cell,, Visit: for the specs (07-09)

2001 Agusta 109E Power SN 11129, HB-ZDT. VIP configuration. 1,252 hours. One private owner. Lo-cated Switzerland. Exceptional. Full details at Contact Peter Leonard-Mor-gan, Loudoun Aviation, Inc, +1 (540) 751-9543. (07-09)

1994 A109C SPIFR 5645 T, Utility Config with Many Optionals, Contact:, tel: +33-608-786-373, fax: +33-153-016-550 (07-09)

bellBell 206 B2 & B3, PARTNERSHIPS AVAILABLE. South-ern California. Call for Details: 619-884-8353 (07-09)

Bell 206L3 1992 Long Ranger TTSN 3,675 White/Blue /Red/ Blue cloth Int., King KCS 55A HSI, King KY165, KNA audio Panel, & More! Great times re-maining! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254

Bell 206B3 1976 N43CM Jet Ranger TTSN 6,340 hours since new, good times remaining! Free Transi-tion Training! NDH! Ready for Immediate Delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

1981 Bell 206 L-1, good componet times, King radios, Garmin 400, A/C, stereo, gorgeous recent custom leather interior. Pop-out float gear available. Very good condition. $585,000 USD. Call: Preston @ Production Helicopters TODAY! Kissimmee, Fl. 407-383-6555 (07-09)

1997 Bell 407, SN 53197, TT 2410, leather interior, customer spec. paint scheme, T/R pedal lockout kit, wire strike protection, night scanner, New condition. Call 423-538-5111, email or 12-09

2001 Bell 430, SN 49081, TT 1000, Single pilot IFR, leather interior, wood trim, excellent condition. Call 423-538-5111, email or 12-09

For Sale: 2002 Bell 407 S/N: 53522, N407BH, 2690 TT, fresh annual, new paint, new interior, 2500 hour completed. $1,900,000. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more de-tailed information (07-09)

Bell OH-58, 5712 AFTT, Good times remaining on all major components; Allison 250C20B engine, bleed air heat and defrost, range extender, auto relight, tinted wedge windows, dual controls, particle separator, high skids w/step, total refurbishment in 2000 included 206B nose, new wiring and hydraulic lines. $310,000 USD. Contact: Todd @ 208-420-0715. Email:, Website: (07-09)

For sale, Bell 206L-1C30P, N1076T, SN45373. Total Time, 28,200 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed information (07-09)

For sale, Bell 206L-1C30P, N10761, SN45381. Total Time, 25,600 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed in-formation (07-09)

For sale, Bell 206L-1C30P, N207OU, SN45706. Total Time, 11,000 hrs. New paint and good component times. The helicopter has been operated in the Las Vegas area doing FAR 135 flightseeing. For Sale or Long Term Lease. Please contact Lash Larew,, 425-825-8411, for more detailed in-formation (07-09)

Bell 206B JetRanger, C20B Engine, Fresh FAA Annual, VVIP Config. New T/R Blades & Turbine Hot Sec-tion Inspection. Extensive Range of Extras including Dual Controls, Bleed Air Heater, Nightscanner Search Light, Particle Separator, High Skids, Range Extender, Garmin GNS 430, Garmin GTX-327, King KCS 55a H.S.I., Garmin GMA-340. Price $599,950 USD. For full details visit or contact Apple International Tel: 423 652 0206 Email: (07-09)

Bell 206B111 New Style JetRanger, S/N 3941, Year 1987, Fresh FAA Annual. Beautifully VVIP refurbished with new Bell Paint Scheme, Leather Seats and Thick Pile Wool Carpets. Extras include Bleed Air Heater, Particle Separator, High Skids, Dual Controls, King KX-165, King KT-79 & Gamin GMA-340. Price $679,950 USD. For full details visit or contact Apple International Tel: 423 652 0206 Email: (07-09)

Bell 206 fuselage SN1510, good shape, good condi-tion. Call 631-588-2780. 07-09

Bell 206 Series Helicopters for lease long term all Maintenance included, equipped and configured to customer choice. Short term lease e.g. Natural disas-ter relief also catered for. Worldwide Lease purchase and outright sales a specialty. Apple International Inc. Bristol TN. Email us on or call of-fice 423 652 0206 or Cell 423 366 3466. Check out our web site (07-09)

1990 Bell-412SP, Complete refurb, 0 timed engines, new paint, ready to go April-2009. Inquire for more details See details on website:, PH 250-554-4202, FX 250-376-1119, (07-09)

2001 Bell 427 Helicopter. Serial Number 56028, 3700 TT, Engines Overhauled by Pratt & Whitney, Utility Configuration, Cargo Hook, Complete Records, No Damage, Located and Registered in United States. Southern Cross Aviation, 954-591-4490,, (07-09)


1987 ENSTROM F28F HELICOPTER, 436 Hrs. re-maining on Lycoming 220 hp Turbo charged, Dual comm. radios. Very nice in & out. Sold w/fresh annual. $179,900. See specs & photos at or call Mark Clark at (800) 426-8783, IL, (815)2295112. Courtesy Aircraft Sales~QUALITY WARBIRD & CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT SALES SINCE 1957. (07-09)

1992 ENSTROM F28F HELICOPTER N669CE 225hp Turbo, 1382TT, Dual Controls, Dual Com’s, VOR/GS. GPS, Transponder, Baggage Compartment, excellent Condition Inside & Out. $185,000 USD. Contact: Ken @ 218-820-3780 (07-09)

eurOcOpter1996 B2 rebuilder, hardlanding, M.R strike, West-can Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119, (07-09)

July 2009 23

2007 EC-120B, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 250 TT, no damage history, Freon A/C, dual cntrls w/MF cyclics, US reg/cert, custom avionics, custom leather int. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (07-09)

NEW 2009 EC-120B, freon air cond, energy attenuat-ing front seats, float provisions, dual controls, engine wash kit, standard avionics w/Garmin moving map. US registered and certified. IMMEDIATE Delivery Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (07-09)

2002 AS350B2 2975TT, RH & LH Sliding Door, Dual Controls, Air Conditioning. Contact Marc Mongeau: +33 608 786 373 tel, +33 153 016 550 fax (07-09)

NEW EC-135P-2i, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SP-IFR certified, Cat ‘A’ ops certified, paint to specs, air cond, corp config, leather int, rotor brake, avionics solution 11, glass cockpit (MEGHAS FCDS). US registered & certified. Helicopters Unlimited, 979-335-4552, (07-09)

2003 Eurocopter AS350B2, 3100 hrs TTSN, no dam-age history, one owner since new/always hangared, operated in non-corrosive environment since new, left hand sliding door, high back seats, door openers, heater, high skids w/ maint. steps, high vis windows, dual control provisions. Excellent, well maintained aircraft. $1,525,000.00 Contact: Wayne 704-233-5000, (07-09)

1979 SA-300L PUMA 1500 TT, VIP Configuration and Utility Configuration, Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (07-09)

1991,SN2415,AS350B-2 for sale. Total time 13,880. Used for flightseeing. No offshore history. Please call or email for component times, pricing and aircraft equipment. For Sale or Long Term Lease. 425-825-8411, (07-09)

1991,SN2475,AS350B-2 for sale. Total time 13,560. Used for flightseeing. No offshore history. Please call or email for component times, pricing and aircraft equipment. For Sale or Long Term Lease. 425-825-8411, (07-09)

2009 EC-130B4 Factory Delivery New March 2009, VIP, Air Conditioning, Cargo Swing, Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (07-09)

Brand New AS350B3. Sell or Lease, Can be equipped to meet customer specs. Call Tori 337-364-4357 or (07-09)

1981 AS-355F1 AFTT: 3600 Hr, Private Use, Cor-porate Interior with Leather Seats. Contact:, +33 608 786 373 tel, +33 153 016 550 fax (07-09)

1978 SA365C3 IFR SN 5013, 8545 TT, Utility configu-ration, Optionals. Contact:, Tel: +33 608 786 373, Fax: +33 153 016 550 (07-09)


Fairchild-Hiller FH-1100 - this is a museum piece! Plenty of time left on the engine for years of fun with this baby! Lovingly maintained and restored. Very unique turbine, 5 seat helicopter! $195,000 - for more info (818) 557 0903. 09-09

1955 Hiller UH 12 - ground up restoration. New glass, paint etc. This beautiful ship is perfect for training, tours or photoflights. Low & Mid time components, museum quality restoration! $99,000 Call (818) 557 0903 09-09

hughesHUGHES 269B 1964, 4966.0 TT, Currently 135, Excellent Times Remaining, 2 ea. 1190 M/R 3270.5, 1 ea., 1190 M/R 4889.4, -21 T/R 1984.2, M/R Trans. 4068.6, T/R Trans. 1789.4, Dual Tanks, Contols & Oil Coolers, Paravion heater, trailer, platform, too many parts & extras to list. PACKAGE DEAL. (479) 236-3838 (07-09)

1967 TH55 Hughes/Schweizer 269A, Normal cat-egory, 2-owner machine with spare M/R blade, cargo rack, modern avionics. For more info. Pls. Email/call ken at 850-763-9000 12-09


1969 Hughes OH-6A, S/N 69-15988, stored indoors since 1995, maintenance records. TT 3109, without main rotor blades, but have spare parts. Aircraft will be up for AUCTION, June 27th 2009. Call for details. 228-452-2030 (07-09)

Hughes 300C 1989 SN1398 TTSN 5,805 Aux Fuel, Heater, KY 196A Com, KT 76A TXPR w/mode C, Dual Controls & More! Price Reduced! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09


Hummingbird Helicopter-Delivery positions available in our next production run. Contact Vertical Avia-tion Technologies, Inc., 407-322-9488,, (07-09)

mD helicOptersFor Sale: NEW 2009 MD530F for December 2009 De-livery Position. $1,800,000 USD, Please Contact: Peter Farmar, 858-735-1120, (07-09)

TO BE AUCTIONED: July 22, 2009 @ The County of San Diego Facility, Sandiego, CA. (2) 1980 MD500 (Hughes-369D) helicopters. For more information & location of General Auction Company, visit our website. CONTACT: Kevin Churchill, 714-670-8510 or (07-09)

1997 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS 600N: S/N: RN12, N660MC, 1239.2 TT, 1239.2 SNEW, Very Nice MD 600N, YSAS system installed; Paint 9/10; Interior 8/10; extra bench never installed, 6 seats or 7 seats. Fresh 1200 hr inspection/Annual May 09. $1,500,000 OBO. Contact: FL 954-943-0999 (07-09)

MCDONNELL DOUGLAS 530F SN:0044FF, N530KD, 2823 TT, Garmin 430 GPS/VOR, Garmin 327 Transpon-der / Encoder, AMS42F Audio Panel, Technisonics TFM 138B Flex COM, HTC Main Rotor Blades & Tail Rotor Blades, High Skid Gear, New 6 Place Glass, New Ferrari Red Paint. Call For Price. Carol Mace:(602) 531-9303, (480) 288-9644, (07-09)

rObiNsON1998 Robinson R22 Beta II, S/N 2889 N452SD, TTSN 2237.0 hrs., TTSOH 37.0 hrs. Many Extras! $190,000 USD, OBO. Please Contact: Blueridge Helicopters: 404-401-9130, or visit our website at (07-09)

2007 Robinson Raven II, S/N 11702 N3254E, TTSN: 670.0 hrs., IFR Trainer, 10 hole Panel, Air Conditioned, Jet Black Pearl Metallic Base. Many Extras. $390,000 USD. Please Contact: Blueridge Helicopters: 404-401-9130, or visit our website at (07-09)

2000 Robinson Raven, S/N 0860 N244CC, TTSN 1467.0 hrs., White Imron Base w/Flame Red Trim. Very Clean! $245,000 USD. Please Contact: Blueridge Heli-copters: 404-401-9130, or visit our website at (07-09)

2007 Robinson R44 Raven II, S/N 11717 N579DG, TTSN: 700 hrs., Annual Completed May 2009, Many Extras! Please Contact: Blueridge Helicopters: 404-401-9130, or visit our website at (07-09)

2006 Robinson Raven II, S/N 11083 N6505P, TTSN: 210 hrs., Many Extras! $385,000 USD. Please Contact: Blueridge Helicopters: 404-401-9130, or visit our website at (07-09)

2004 Robinson R44 Raven II, S/N: 10388, N510KJ, 855 TTSN, Garmin 420, Garmin Xponder, Factory Tow Cart Included, AM/FM CD Player, One Owner, Always Hangered, No Damage History & 4 seats. Please Contact: Ken Drenth 708-417-6650 07-09

R22 Beta II 2001 SN: 3222, TT: 4300 hrs., TSO: 5 hrs. Volcano Red Prl Met/Silver Met Trim, Gray Ve-lour Interior, Attitude Gyro w/Inclinometer, Garmin 420 GPS/COM. Financing, Flight Training & Export Services Available. Ready for Immediate Delivery! Visit our website. (07-09)

R44 1 N724RG 300 remaining to Overhaul! Black/Gold/Tan Leather, Garmin 420, AH, DG, Nat AA12, 4 Bose Headsets & More! Bank Financing Available! Call Mike Russell 404-307-3254 07-09

R44 2006 N122AA TTSNFOH 92 hours! Factory overhauled Nov 2008! Gold Metallic/ Tan Leather, 9 Hole Panel, Air Conditioning, Garmin 530 w/pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Art horizon, turn Coordinator, 2 Bose Headsets, ELT & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

Shop in a BoxComplete Robinson R22 and R44

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July 2009 25

#9 – 5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y 2N3Phone: 604-533-1148 · Fax: 604-533-1517AOG After Hours Phone: 604-818-4185

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R44 II New 2009 SN12812 Black Metallic/Gold Me-tallic/Tan Leather, Taped on N#, Garmin 430 & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Art Horizon, Turn Coordinator, 4 Bose Headsets, 4 point safety harness, 4 bubble windows, Kannad 406 ELT & more! 2008 Pricing! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 2007 N133AA TTSN 290 Black Metallic/ Gray Leather, Taped on N#, 9 Hole Panel, Air Condition-ing, Garmin 530 w/pilot side console & HSI, Garmin GTX330, Radar Altimeter, Art horizon, turn Coordi-nator, Bose Headsets, 4 point safety harness, 4 bubble windows, Kannad 406 ELT & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 II 2007 SN11646 TTSN 600 hours Blue Metallic, Tan Leather, Air Conditioning, Garmin 420 GPS/COM, Garmin GTX 330 TXP, Art Horizon, DG, Bubble Windows, Bose Headsets, & more! Price reduced for quick sale! Ready for Immediate delivery! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 II 2006 N3194W TTSN 1,070 White/ Silver/ Gray Cloth, Air Conditioning, Garmin 420 Garmin GTX327, Art horizon, 2 Bose Headsets, bubble win-dows, ELT & & more! Priced for quick sale! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 II 2005 SN10915 TTSN 1,100 hours NDH White/ Blue Trim / Blue Cloth, AH, DG, Garmin 420, AM/FM/CD & more! Price Reduced! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 Raven I (2001) N7196U TTSN 1,060 hours Red/ White/ Gray Leather 9 Hole instrument panel Garmin 430 & More! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 II 2005 SN10971 TTSN 890 hours NDH Red Met/Gold Trim / Tan Leather, AH, DG, Garmin 420 & more! Priced Reduced! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 I 2002 (IFR Trainer) N820DF TTSN750 Hours Green/ Gold/ Tan Leather, 10 Hole Panel, HSI, AH, TC, CDI/GS, Dual (2) Garmin 430’s,Marker Beacons, Bubble Windows, 4 Bose Headset Jacks, ELT 3000_10 & More! NDH! Priced for quick sale! ! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

R44 I 2001 N474BV TTSN 850 Hours Black/Gold/Tan Leather, Garmin 420, AH, DG, Nat AA12, 4 Bose Head-sets & More! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 07-09

2006 RII w/AC - 560 hours TT. Metallic paint, leather seats, Garmin 420, bubble windows up front, and 2 Bose headsets. Best Price on the Market! Export Services & Shipping Available. Call Dave at 757-488-9044 or e-mail (07-09)

2005 Robinson R44 Raven II, 225 hrs TT, NAT AA12S Audio panel, intercom, KY196A, KT76C, Garmin 420 GPS/COMM, artificial horizon, directional gyro, leath-er seats, bubble windows. Lane Aviation, Rosenberg, TX, 281-342-5451 OR FAX 281-232-5401,, (tfn)

BRAND NEW 2009 RII w/AC. Viper Blue/Silver, Gray Lthr, Bubble Windows, 4 Bose Headsets. Art Horizon, Turn Coord, 2 King Radios, AM/FM/CD, Garmin 330 Trans w/Mode S, Pilot Console w/Garmin 400W & Traffic Display. $25,000 Price Advantage. Export Ser-vices & Shipping Available. Call Dave at 757-488-9044 or e-mail (07-09)

2002 Robinson R44 Clipper I SN 1146 TT: 2,200.0hrs TSO: 3.0hrs New overhaul. 7 hole, Artificial Horizon, DG, Garmin 420 GPS/Com, Garmin GTX 327 Trn-spdr. Pop Out Floats - no longer available on Raven 1. Bubble windows, leather int. 2 camera record system, 7” display. Phone: 805-512-1371 Fax: 805-512-8105. 09-09

Raven 1 - 2009 available now. 25 hrs. 4 Bubble win-dows, leather interior, stick on numbers ready to ship worldwide. We can supply Cert of Export. Below dealer cost - $315,000 Call (818) 557 0903 - 09-09

2009 Raven II - $20K below current dealer cost - with AC available May 2009. Gray metallic, bubble windows, gray leather int. Below dealer cost! Add instruments below RHC pricing. Cert of Airworthi-ness for Export at basic cost: will dismantle, arrange shipping worldwide. New price - $379,500.00 Call Mark (818) 557 0903 09-09


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2000 Robinson R22 Beta II, S/N: 3140, TT: 4,400 hrs. All components 0 TSO, new lower, upper frames, tailcone, MR hub. This 4400 hour overhaul is a better value than a 2200 hr overhaul. Built to factory new specs. Blue/grey trim. New grey velour interior (opt leather), cabin heat, vertical card compass Avionics include: 7 hole panel Garmin 250 XL GPS/Com, KY197A Com, upgraded Bendix/King KT76A, 3 channel audio. Phone: 805-512-1371. 09-09

2007 R-22 - 450 hrs TT. Nice basic ship with heater, leather seats, King Radio & Transponder, and Garmin 400. Perfect personal ship or trainer. Export Services and Shipping Available. Call Dave at 757-488-9044 or e-mail (07-09)

NEW 2009 RAVEN II, $364,029. Viper Red. Con-tact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2391 tfn

NEW 2009 RAVEN I, $292,133. White with Blue Trim. Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2391 tfn

NEW 2009 ROBINSON BETA II, List $244,000, Of-fered $212,933. White with Blue Trim. Contact: Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Bill Cooper, 800-391-2391 tfn

R44 I 2002 (IFR Trainer) N820DF TTSN750 Hours Green/ Gold/ Tan Leather, 10 Hole Panel, HSI, AH, TC, CDI/GS, Dual (2) Garmin 430’s,Marker Beacons, Bubble Windows, 4 Bose Headset Jacks, ELT 3000-10 & More! NDH! Priced for quick sale!! Call Mike Russell 404 307-3254 (07-09)

ROBINSON R22 BETA II with Garmin G400 GPS available for lease to flight school. Call 323-376-1969 or email, Visit our website (07-09)

R44Sales.com2008 & 2009 New and used R44 Raven Is & IIs, Clip-per Is & IIs & IFR Trainers. Many new and used listings. Deliveries from October thru May 2009. Choose color and options. Full factory warranty. Call Andres Kerllenevich 904-824-5506 or visit for details. (07-09)


2007 Schweizer 300CBI, N511BH. TT921 hrs., dual controls, heater, flyable ground wheels,dual landing lights, Bendix/King Ky96A COMMS, Xponder, GPS Mount & VSI. Aircraft location: Norwood, MA. Con-tact: Blue Hill Helicopters, 781-688-0263. Visit our website for more opportunites: 07-09

1997 Schweizer 300C, TTSN: 644 hrs., ideal trainer or personal aircraft, low DOC, fresh overhaul w/12 hrs., dual controls, can seat 3. Aircraft has a wide range of options & accessories, which makes it easily adaptable to a multitude of diverse missions. Clean, Low Time, well maintained. Intercom, starter overspeed, throttle governor, dual controls, photo window/ doors, dual fuel tanks & much more. Price reduced from $245,000. Call for pricing. For more details please contact: OF-FICE 727-823-5200 or FAX 727-823-5484. Visit our website at: (07-09)

For Sale: 2004 Schweizer 300CBi, 388 TTSN, VFR w/6pack Instrumentation, Left Hand Pic, Very Clean aircraft, 2004 paint, 2004 interior, 3 seats. Call for price. Aircraft located in St. Petersburg, FL. TT 388 hrs., and much more! Call for pricing. For more de-tails please contact: OFFICE 727-823-5200 or FAX 727-823-5484. Visit our website at: (07-09)

1978 Schweizer 269C, S/N: 1179, N58274, 6470 TT, 663 SMOH, 6470 SNEW, VFR, 3 seats. Motivated Seller! Please contact: Tim Shunk @ 303-419-1389 or Visit us at (07-09)


2001 Sikorsky S76 C+, 1120 hours. Single pilot IFR, emergency flotation system, Garmin GS200 MFD moving map, Artex 406 MHS ELT, EGPWS. excel-lent maintenance, engines/powertrain on support by the hour programs. Contact: Dave 781-259-2501,

SALES SPECIAL! Straight From The Factory! Sikorsky arriving soon! SN 0352, a 2008 S-300CBi at 2008 prices! For More details please contact: OFFICE 727-823-5200 or FAX 727-823-5484. Visit our website at: (07-09)

SALES SPECIAL! Sikorsky 2009, SN 0357, 2009 Basic VFR 300CBi Trainer! For More details please contact: OFFICE 727-823-5200 or FAX 727-823-5484. Visit our website at: (07-09)

helicOpters wANteDNeed an IRS Tax Deduction? Donate Your Helicopter to Charity, email us: (12-09)

Ag relAteD

Dolly style mobile ac heat unit equipped with 10” air return and dual ducting. Features high capacity, 12V twin condenser fans and powder coated frame. Avail-able in 110V or 220V. HC- 7000; mobile ac heat unit sold separately. Medivac vehicles inc, 903-572-0689 phone, 903-572-5113 fax,, 07-09

Ag Business in NICARAGUA Pilot-Partner-Investor WANTED. Bell 47G2, Bell 47D1 and Piper Paw-nee Bravo plane. $180,000 takes it all. Call JD 561-719-1479 (USA #) (07-09)

Everything for the Ag Operator. Satloc Level III Sales & Service, Spray Systems, CP Nozzles, Dry Breaks, AgTex, Avtex Airforce/Navy Flight Suits Helmets. Light Weight, Noise Attentuated. Mid-Continent Aircraft, Hayti, MO, 573-359-0500, email to: (07-09)

eNgiNes1991 ENSTROM 280 FX, TT 1400.30, Engine TT 1100.30, S/N L24867-51A. ADF.KING KT76, Tran-sponder, COM/NAV, Audio Bose, MARKS I.EAGR-ALWAIS in the box. $80,000 USD. Email: (07-09)

ROLLS ROYCE/ALLISON-250-C30S Engine. Com-plete w/all accessories. TT 971 Hrs. In shipping container. Available Immediately. FBO Florida. Contact: Paul Barth 305-793-7033 or (07-09)

Call Precision Air-Power for all your engine needs. 801-295-9100, email (12-09)

July 2009 27

Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 engines. Excellent module times. Removed from S76C+. Will Sell complete by module. Call: Mark, National Aviation Logistics, LLC 559-259-2268, (07-09)

C-30P Gearbox and Fuel system overhauled. West-can Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119, (07-09)

ROLLS ROYCE 250 COMPRESSOR CASE ASSEM-BLIES. P/N 23057142. EXCHANGE PROGRAM PRICE US $4550.00. PHONE 816-246-4527, FAX 816-246-5341, EMAIL, (02-10)

Lycoming VO/TVO-435 & 540, many new parts, 50% off! Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

PT-6, Allison and Turbomeca parts. We have a small in-ventory of new parts, including consumables. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

RR250, Lycoming & Continental engine overhauls and accessories, TCRs and prop strikes, call Preci-sion Air-Power 801-295-9100, email (12-09)

Action Aircraft is a full-service overhaul/repair facility for Rolls -Royce 250 series engines located in Dallas, Texas. We offer superior service and pricing in addition to free technical assistance. Engines, modules and parts available on outright and exchange basis. When you need RR250 engine overhaul and repair - “Take Action”. Please call phone 214-351-1284 or 1-800-909-7616, fax: 214-351-1286, email:, website: (12-09)

UNIVERSAL TURBINE PARTS, INC.Stocking Sup-plier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Condi-tions. Call for Fax or a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)


Dolly style mobile ac heat unit equipped with 10” air return and dual ducting. Features high capacity, 12V twin condenser fans and powder coated frame. Avail-able in 110V or 220V. HC- 7000; mobile ac heat unit sold separately. Medivac vehicles inc, 903-572-0689 phone, 903-572-5113 fax,, 07-09

Short Haul Line Anchor/Release System or Heli-Bridle™ made to order, air frame specific, comes as primary/secondary twin anchor/release systems or back-up anchor/release to cargo hooks. Call OR 541-690-6178 07-09

Short-haul Line Ballast System - stream-lined weight bag, low profile, non-swinging, rock solid, multi-point attachment system. Sizes from 12.5lbs to over 50lb., field adjustable, modular components. Call OR 541-690-6178 07-09

ARS SOFT STEEL™ 9/16” Short Haul Line - polyester sleeve covering a braided 100% Dyneema core. MBS of 17500 lbs. Proof loaded to 5000lbs. Soft Steel™ lines are polyurethane coated for superior wear, durability. Call OR 541-690-6178 07-09

YATES™ Short Haul Harness with “D” ring attachments at the waist, chest, mid-back. Moves seamlessly from aircrew operations to short haul, SPIE and heli-rappel. “W” design leg/waist belt provides with freedom of movement. Call OR 541-690-6178 07-09

Dyna Nav (Dynamic Navigation & Mapping Systems) provides GPS guidance systems for your aircraft. 604-465-0009,, 06-10

L.A.R.O.™ Parachute System (Low Altitude, Rapid Opening) works at 200’ AGL with a 600lb load. Incor-porate the new standard in Short Haul emergency safety into your program. The L.A.R.O.- reduce the risk. Call OR 541-690-6178 07-09

BAG-A-SEAT R22 and R44 seat covers. Totally por-table - just slips over the seat and closes down tight. Keep warm in winter and cool in summer. 100% pre-mium lambs wool pelt. (818) 557 0903. 09-09

BAG-A-DOOR! How many times have your doors got dinged or scratched, For R22 & 44, MD 500, Bell 206, Astar, EC130 and your helo! Strong gun-case foam material, 3 side zip, ID pocket, soft interior. Every hangar should have some! (818) 557 0903 09-09

LongRanger Cargo Hook & Beam Assy 206-706-341-101 including provisions. Also have 206B/206L rotor brake, dual control, wire strike Kits and parts for sale Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. Fax: 608-756-2606. Email:, (12-09)

FOR SALE: DART Heli-Utility-Pod for Eurocopter AS 350. P/N D350-602-011. Like new, with paperwork and hardware. Call: Jay Reeder @ 208-948-0506 or Email: (07-09)

Bubble covers, Engine covers, Blade tie-downs, engine plugs & blade covers at Bruce’s Custom Covers, 408-738-3959, (02-10)

Longranger Pop out floats, Complete. New Aeronati-cal on condition bags installed in 2002. Aeronautical Electric Valve. Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119,, (07-09)

New & Serviceable helicopter floats and fuel cells in stock includes all Bell models. We also repair and certify floats and fuel cells for most helicopters. Call 337-839-0500 or email (07-09)

Chadwick Track And Balance units, complete. Full warranty. Heli-Tech, 850-763-9000; fax 850-763-8712 (12-09)

iNsurANceFalcon Insurance is spreading the wings of insurance protection to helicopter owners and operators with the largest independantly owned insurance specialists in the country. We are dedicated to serving you. (12-09)

NEED INSURANCE? Call Jeff, Sharon, Monica, Dana, Beth or Jerry at 877-661-1799. Online quote at (07-09)

Mid-Continent Aircraft Insurance Brokers - Over 59 years Risk Management Experience for Professional Operators. 800-325-0885, e-mail: Sharon/Laura (07-09)

Helicopter Insurance! Mark Klokkenga holds an ATP certificate in helicopters. Having held the positions of Chief Pilot/Instructor for various companies, he has made tough decision on the type of aircraft insurance they needed. He started a helicopter leasing company in 2000 leasing helicopters to companies in need of aircraft. He is experienced as an aircraft and business owner and makes the tough decisions on what insur-ance coverage is best on his aircraft. As an experienced Insurance Agent, Pilot/Instructor and Aircraft Owner, he knows how important it is to save as much money as possible and still have proper and adequate coverage. He is committed to quality customer service and can offer the best rate possible. He is available anytime! CALL or EMAIL NOW for a free quote on any policy world wide. MARK KLOKKENGA 860-655-7151, Leading Edge Insurance Agency (07-09)

The Right Aviation Insurance Broker makes all the differ-ence in the world. The experience you need to get the job done right. Focused on service. We work for you, not the insurance companies. Jim Gardner & Rick Langley @ J. Smith Lanier & Co. 678 - 639 - 4108, 800-654-7892, x4108 or 4104,, Your team that can’t be beat. (12-09)

Specializing in placing aviation/helicopter insurance. We have access to all markets, domestic and overseas. Your inquiries are appreciated. Phone: 562-492-1217 Fax: 562-492-1147 Cell Phone 562-756-8685 E-mail: Clemens Meuleman/CFM Aviation Insurance (07-09)

misc. itemsSchweiss Bi-Fold Doors leads the bifold door industry in quality, innovation, design, and price. Our website at offers assistance with installing bifold doors, upgrading your existing building structure, and helping you find the best bi-fold door for your needs (12-09)


Dolly style mobile ac heat unit equipped with 10” air return and dual ducting. Features high capacity, 12V twin condenser fans and powder coated frame. Avail-able in 110V or 220V. HC- 7000; mobile ac heat unit sold separately. Medivac vehicles inc, 903-572-0689 phone, 903-572-5113 fax,, 07-09

The great new Schweiss one-piece hydraulic door features a self-supporting header frame, requiring a minimum 4-inch headroom, and the ever-fast-moving bifold door features the new lift strap technology that provides a quiet, smooth operating door. Schweiss Bi-fold Doors, at or 800-746-8273 (12-09)

LOT FOR SALE: One-acre-square house lot, Plane Living Sky Park, 2,000 s.f., all-brick, covenants, 5 miles west of I-75, Exit 142, Public water, septic sewer. paved streets, curb and gutter, street lights. Lot is one of 13 directly on new sod runway, Google It! (Google photo before development). South side of Hwy 96 at 50 Lane Rd., Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, Save thousands and buy from owner. $49,900 includes closing costs. 478.987.2250 (07-09) (tfn)

LOT FOR SALE: Beautiful 2.73 acres wooded lot, 298’ wide and 400’ deep, Pine Ridge Equestrian Es-tates, Public water and septic sewer, Five miles from Crystal River, Florida, Covenant exclusive neighbor-hood, Community center, Pool & golf course. Mini-ranchettes with zoning that allows up to three horses and stables with your home. 27 miles of horse trails with access at rear of lot. GOOGLE IT! Citrus County, Florida, 3620 Stirrup Drive, Beverly Hills, FL. $92,000. Save Thousands-buy from owner. Realtor and closing fees paid for by seller. Priced below appraisal for quick sale, 888-987-2250, (tfn)

OperAtiONsCORPORATION WITH HELICOPTER #135 CER-TIFICATE FOR SALE. Located Midwest. For more information: Email 07-09

For Sale, 100X100 Behlen heated aircraft hanger, with 30X15 office, central heat and air in office, Schweis 60’ Bi fold door, electric & water, completed in 2005, located at (47K) KS. Ideal facility for Ag operator, main-tenance operation or corporate flight department.Price $265,000. Contact Randy Hardy @ 316-655-2322 or Dick Russell @ 316-208-3140 (12-09)

400+ Acres: Managed as wildlife reserve for over 20 years. Area known for record buck, abundant turkey, deer & other native wildlife including eagles. Located on paved road w/large barn, 1-room cabin& well, Noxubee County, MS. 3/4 mile driveway w/me-chanical gates. $2650USD per acre. 662-361-8697, (07-09)

Ag Business in NICARAGUA Pilot-Partner-Investor WANTED. Bell 47G2, Bell 47D1 and Piper Paw-nee Bravo plane. $180,000 takes it all. Call JD 561-719-1479 (USA #) (07-09)

pArtsBell-206B in for parts, undamaged aircraft, Complete, High Skid gear-025 Main Rotor Tranny, mast, Free-wheel, C-20 Engine. C-20B compressor, Contact Brad with your needs. Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250376-1119, (07-09)

Bell Helicopter Tailbooms For Sale. 205/212/412 to 206B/L series and 407. Sold with Transport Canada Form 1 Certification, overhauled using Bell CSF Approved Jigs to ensure Structural Compliance for alignment. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, 06-10

ALL ITEMS TO BE AUCTIONED: July 22, 2009 @ The County of San Diego Facility, Sandiego, CA. Various spare parts, Several Avionics, Electronics and Equipment. New Continental Engine: Model Number R-10-470E17B, HP 260, TSFRM 0. Blades for sale. (2) Collins navigation indicators (3) Bendix-King, Loran-C receivers (2) Collins VHF navigation receivers (3) Collins VHF radios (16) Wulfsberg Electronics VHF FM Radios (10) Wulfsberg Electronics control heads (6) Narco Avionics (2) VHF/NAV radios Escort II (2) glideslope indicators (2) transponders AT-50A & AT-150 (6) Magellan Systems Corp. GPS receivers Skynav (2) McCauley 2 & 3 blade spinners (8) Apollo, Comm pannel (6) various partial chadwick kits. Much, Much More!!! For more information & location of General Auction Company, visit our website. CONTACT: Kevin Churchill, 714-670-8510 or (07-09)

Dolly style mobile ac heat unit equipped with 10” air return and dual ducting. Features high capacity, 12V twin condenser fans and powder coated frame. Avail-able in 110V or 220V. HC- 7000; mobile ac heat unit sold separately. Medivac vehicles inc, 903-572-0689 phone, 903-572-5113 fax,, 07-09

Parting out Bell 212 and 206 Fuselages, many parts available. Please phone or Fax your requests. CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, E-mail: 06-10

Parting Out 365N Dauphin. (2) Arriel 1 C’s w/good module times, SFIM Auto Pilot, many servicable parts, SAVE! Call: Mark, National Aviation Logistics, LLC 559-259-2268, (07-09)

UH-1H Composite main rotor blades for sale P/N 205-015-150-101 and main rotor blades B model P/N 204-011-001-015. Tail rotor blades Van Horn Aviation P/N 2042200-101 for the H and B models. Call Pablo at HeliBlade, Inc. 530-743- 0151. 04-10

1988 Bell-412SP in for parts, Complete undamaged aircraft, Tail boom with strake kit, Twin pac, rotables, instruments, etc,etc Westcan Aircraft PH-250-554-4202 FX-250-376-1119, (07-09)

Robinson Helicopter Parts - visit our site for complete parts pricing. Overhaul kits. Complete overhauls, 100 hrs and annuals. Best service in California! Dan Casey Phone: 805-512-1371 Fax: 805-512-8105. 09-09

Bell 206L-4 New Low Skid kit for sale. Will trade for float kit for L-4. 631-588-2780. 07-09

Bell 206B Tail Rotor Gear Box as removed. P/N 206-040-400-13 outright. 631-588-2780. 07-09

Cascade Aircraft Conversions new Barrier Filter System. Reduce your TOT by up to 38º C.,, 509-635-1212 06-10

NEW Tail Rotor Blades for UH-1H–FAA STC/PMA SR02051LA, Carbon Fiber construction, 2400 hr ser-vice life, competitive pricing. Van Horn Aviation LLC, 480-483-4202, (12-09)

Parting out a 1995 Schweizer 300CB, drive train/power train & many more parts. Pls. contact Ken 850-763-9000 Fax 850-763-8712 or email (12-09)

Search for over 70 million line items and find the helicopter parts you need with a PartsBase mem-bership.,, 561-953-0700 (08-09)

Accessories & Parts! 100’s of new and OHC acces-sories, accessory parts for just about everything. Big discounts! 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Sikorsky parts. We have a growing stock of new Sikorsky parts. We can often save you time and money. Contact us or check stock on our web site. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

MD Helicopter parts. We have a few new MD Helicopter parts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Hughes parts. We have some new Hughes parts at big discounts. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Hiller parts. We have a small stock of new Hiller parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Eurocopter parts. We have purchased several in-ventories of new parts and are ready to serve you. Contact us, or search our web site for the parts you need. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Enstrom parts. We have a small stock of new Enstrom parts. Check with us often. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

Bell parts. We have a nice stock of new parts for Bell 47, 206 and others. It’s worth the effort to check with us, or search our web site for your part numbers. Preferred Airparts, 800-433-0814 US/Canada; 330-698-0280. Check stock at (02-10)

New STC Tail Rotor Blades, Part No. 204-2200-101 for 204 UH-1 heliopters from Van Horn Aviaiton LLC. Contact HeliBlade Inc. Distributor & Service Center for these new and improved composite tail rotors 530-743-0151 (04-10)

RR 250-C20B complete compressor 0.00 TSO new wheels. $45,000.00 USD exchange. Call 631-588-2780. 07-09

Request a copy of THN today!See our subscription form on

page 30 or visit our website

July 2009 29

ENSTROM PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Huge parts inventory, 20 yrs exp., loaner tools. AOG same day shipping a specialty, full time factory trained A&P parts man on staff. Get service advice with your parts. A.O.G. and Exports Sales New Garden Aviation, Ask for Tom 610-268-2048 Fax 610-268-0342 (07-09)

Bell OHC Tailbooms For Sale. Outright or Exchange. 206 A/B -206-031-004-155, 206-031-004-071B, 206B - 206-031-004-115B x 2 and -111FM x 1, 206L - 206-033-004-177A, 407 - 407-030-801-101, 212 - 212-030-100-069 and -089, 412 - 212-030-100-203A. Canadian Certification provided. Alpine Aerotech Ltd. Contact : Dick Everson, Ph. 250-769-6344 Fax 250-769-6303 or e-mail (07-09)

BELL 47 PARTS FAA/PMA Approved Many in stock and ready to ship. M/R Grips for 1200 hours with no eddy current inspections. Fan Belts, Engine Mounts, Mufflers, Sprag Kits, “ No Bar” Control System and many other parts., or 972-399-1045 office or 972-790-6397 fax (07-09)

Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax or a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)

UH-1 Overhauled Components available exchange or outright; 204-012-101-141 M/R hub, 204-040-016-5 Transmission, 204-011-400-11 Swashplate & Support assy., 204-011-401-11 Scissors & Sleeve assy, 205-040-263-111 Input Quill, 205-040-200-1 gen. Offset Quill, (4) 204-040-600-11 Hanger assy., 204-040-003-37 gear box 42, 204-040-012-13 gear box 90. Pac West Helicopters CRS PW6R1161J Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (07-09)

UH-1 Vertical Fin Spar Kits. Pac West Helicopters is an approved Distributor for the Global Helicopter Technology STC approved Vertical Fin Spar replace-ment which terminates AD99-25-12 action. Have your kit installed by us at our Cal. facility where we are able to perform extensive repairs if necessary, order your kit and install it at your shop, or arrange for us to install it at your location. For sales and scheduling contact Tel/530-241-2402 “e” (07-09)

servicesTRANSLAND~Your Aerial Dispersal Equipment Choice! We have Stainless Steel Booms, Pumps/Valves & much more. We look forward to serving you! Contact us Today. Please visit our website:, Se Habla Espanol 940-687-1100, 940-687-1941 Fax 06-10

Bell Helicopter Importations and Exports, Pre Buy Inspections, as well as Helicopter Appraisals. . Contact: CHS. Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, E-mail: 06-10

CHS - your complete Bell Helicopter Repair and Overhaul Facility, supporting only Bell Helicopter Products from Component Overhauls to Major Inspections. CHS puts quality first. CHS #9-5225 216th Street Langley, B.C. V2Y 2N3 Transport Canada AMO#.137-96 and EASA.145.7112 604-533-1148 Fax: 604-533-1517 06-10

Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Component Overhauls. 205/212/412/206B/L Series and 407. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff, specializing only in Bell Products. Contact: CHS, Mike Duck, Phone: 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, E-mail: 06-10

Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Tailboom Overhauls. 205/212/412 Tailbooms, 206B/L and 407 overhauled using Bell Approved Jigs. Tail-booms overhauled to Bell Specifications. Certification provided Transport Canada Form 1. Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, 06-10

WEST FLORIDA HELICOPTERS~Authorized sales dealer for Sikorsky Global Helicopters/Light Heli-copter Program. For more details please contact: OFFICE 727-823-5200 or FAX 727-823-5484. Visit our website at: (07-09)

Specializing in Bell Helicopter Commercial and UH-1 Air Frame Completions/Refurbishments. Authorized Bell Helicopter Textron Customer Service Facility, specializing in Models 205/212/412, 206 Series, 407s. Quality Services, Competitive Pricing with Technical staff specializing only in Bell Products. CHS, Mike Duck, 604-533-1148, Fax: 604-533-1517, 06-10

Shop in a Box - Complete Robinson R22 and R44 Service Center comes to you! Call Steve Alcorn “The Copter Doctor”. Bachman Aviation, 317-506-0854, (07-09)

Round ‘em Up! with Enchantment Helicopters serving west Texas and eastern New Mexico. Livestock herding, predator control, crop pollination, aerial surveillance, photography, game surveys. Call 575-760-4034 or email (07-09)

Helicopter Component Repair : Metal bond and composite repair - fast and easy! Your one stop re-pair facility. Now producing High Heat Components. Contact : Helicomb International, Tulsa, OK 918-835-3999 02-10

SCENIC FLIGHTS OVER TUCSON, ARIZONA & surrounding area. Call Arizona Aero-Tech @ 520-294-1551. 07-09

MAINTENANCE, TIE DOWNS, HANGERS, FUEL on small Aircraft & Helicopters. Located at Tucson Int’l Airport. Tucson, AZ. Call: Velocity Air @ 520-434-0440. 07-09

D&D Avionics Services–Avionics & Modifications. Distributor of Skeyeview–Producing DVD quality video files with cockpit audio in a vidoe standard for-mat for easy playback. 478-254-6552, (tfn)

Rotor blade repairs by HeliBlade, Inc. a FAA Repair Station. Contact Pablo Martinez at 530-743-0151 (04-10)

Cylinder restoration, component overhaul, fuel in-jection, cable assemblies, hose assembllies and top overhauls. Call Precision Air-Power 801-295-9100, email (12-09)

Magellan Aerospace Turbine Services LLC a FAA/EASA Approved repair station, for A250, T53, CT58 and TPE331 turbine engines component overhaul or repair. For more information visit our website at or Call 623-931-0010 (07-09)

Bell 212/412 Exhaust Ducts, Repairs-Overhauls-New, Exchange Units in Stock. Call Alpine Aerotech Ltd. at 250-769-6344 or Fax 250-769-6303 (07-09)

Component Overhauls & Part Sales, FAA,CRS, Agus-ta, Bell, Eurocopter, & MD Approved CSF, Acclaimed Quality Service, Competitive pricing, Discount on Parts, Dedicated Friendly Customer Service. Contact Tom Sullivan at Sterling Helicopter. 215-271-2510 Fax 215-788-7319, E-mail: (07-09)

Export / Import, Pre-Buys & Transport ANY-WHERE! Aircraft Recovery. Contact Tom Sullivan at Sterling Helicopter 215-271-2510 Fax 215-788-7319 E-mail: (07-09)

BELL 47 PARTS FAA/PMA Approved We have over 50 years of knowledge in the Bell 47 Model Helicopter. If you have a question or need a part contact us.Texas Helicopter Co., Inc. 972-399-1045 office or 972-790-6397 fax or email us at or visit our web site (07-09)

Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. Stocking Supplier of Pratt & Whitney PT6A & PT6T Parts, Engines & Accesories. New, Overhauled & Serviceable. We Buy Turbine Aircraft, Engines, & Inventory. All Conditions. Call for Fax for a Quote Call USA +1 334-361-7853, FAX USA +1 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)

schOOls / trAiNiNgBLUE HILL HELICOPTERS, Norwood MA. Part 141 approved Flight Training, Photo Flights, Helicopter Sales/Services, Helicopter Tours. For more details, please visit our website:, Contact us at, 781-688-0263 Come Fly With Us! 07-09

Enchantment Helicopters Flight School operating from Portales Municipal Airport, New Mexico. Start your career with us! Call 575-760-4034 or email (07-09)

Florida Suncoast Helicopters, Sarasota and Lakeland. Come fly with us - we offer training & tours. Autho-rized Robinson sales & service. Call: Sarasota: 941-335-1258 or Lakeland: 863-648-9680. tfn

HELICOPTER & FLIGHT TRAINING in Tucson, AZ. Private, Instrument , Commercial, CFI and CFII training. We have special hotel rates that include transporta-tion to the school. We have 300+ days of flying weather a year. We also offer fixed wing instruction. Call: 520-2941511 or email: 07-09

Helicopter Training in Hawaii. “Excellence in Flight Training” at Mauna Loa Helicopters on Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. Come fly with us in the best weather in the US. MLH offers: PVT, COM, IFR, CFI, CFII, ATP, FAA certified FLY-IT simulator, mountain course, external load training, and now offering fixed wing training. MLH is 141 certified, and VA approved. Student financing / student housing / college degree programs / International flight training / accelerated programs available. Call (808) 334-0234 or e-mail, 07-09 Helicopter Opera-tors can calculate your breakeven, % investment return, profit potential, and produce annual & monthly cash flows. Project your financials without spending hours of your time. All reports are produced auto-matically and accurately after you provide your inputs. Types of analyses performed include: Company/Indi-vidual Ownership, Managed with/without Leaseback, Commercial Operation, Agricultural/Fire/Ambulance Operations, Joint Ownership, Fractional Ownership, and Charter/Rental. Helicopter sales organizations can provide your prospects with customized & pro-fessional ownership cost analysis. This program is a great sales aid and management tool. FREE sample reports. Click REQUEST INFORMATION on the website or call 281-419-7443 (12-09)

tOOlsMake life easier - or at least make your engine and aircraft inspections easier using a flexible borescope from Machida, Inc. Call: 800-431-5420 or 03-10

Borescope and Videoscope Repair Services. Any brand or any model. Your one stop source for the best value visual inspection equipment since 1981. Check out our new products and rental units at or call Borescopes-R-Us at 931-362-4009 (07-09)

wANteDParts Wanted Bell 206 B&L, 204, 205, 212, 214 , MD, Eurocopter, & Allison. Looking for R/B, W/S, Duals etc. kits and parts. We buy inventories or By The Piece. Call Tradewind Int’l. 800-585-7004, 608-756-3632. (12-09)

Universal Turbine Parts, Inc. We buy Turbine Aircraft Engines & Inventory. All conditions. Call or Fax for a Quote 334-361-7853; fax 334-361-0290 E-MAIL: (08-09)


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July 2009

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July 2009

July 2009 31

Action Aircraft Parts .................5

Aircraft Magneto Svcs ........... 18

Air Rescue Systems ..................17

Arizona Aerotech .................... 19

Aviation Insurance Corp ....... 28

AvidAir ...................................... 18

Bachman Aviation .................. 24

Bag-A-Door .................................8

BatteryMinder ............................6

Blue Hill Helicopters .............. 19

Brightline Bags ........................ 25

Bruce’s Custom Covers .......... 27

Canadian Heli Structures ...... 25

Cascade Aircraft Conversions ...17

Dyna-Nav ................................. 16

Eastern Helicopter .................. 19

Easy Access/Joe Scaffold .........4

Edwards & Assoc. ......................3

Enchantment Helicopters ...... 19

Falcon Insurance ..................... 14

Floats & Fuel Cells .....................9

FL Sun Coast ............................ 19

Hampton Roads Helicopters. 19

Heli-Tech ................................... 28

HeliBlade .................................. 13

Helicomb International .............2

Helicopter Assoc, Int’l .............11

Helicopters of America .......... 19

Machida Borescopes .................8

Mauna Loa Helicopters ......... 19 ......................... 22

Preferred Airparts ................... 23

Prestige Helicopters ...Cover, 19

Schweiss Bi-Fold Doors .......... 24

Simplex Manufacturing ......... 32

Tradewind Int’l .........................12

Transland .................................. 26

Tulsa Propulsion ...................... 23

Universal Turbine Parts ......... 29

Van Horn Aviation .................. 24

Wallace StateCommunity College ................ 19

Advertisers Index

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U.S. & Canada Telephone Area Codes


TEL: 866-864-8237 or 478-988-0787


June 2009 1

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Come fly with Loudoun Aviation, British team

challenges for World Helicopter Championships, Tim McAdam’s

Protecting your much more!

2002 Robinson R44 Clipper I




ASKING PRICE: $315,000

CONTACT: 805-512-1371,

More about this helicopter on page 20

VoluMe 10, JuNe 2009

This edition mailed on: May 26, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

April 2009 1

INSIDE: Formally Universal Helicopter



TOTAL TIME: 4749.5


cONTAcT:, 360-754-7200

More about this helicopter on page 20

Volume 10, May 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

April 2009 1

INSIDE: Heli-Expo 2009 review, Helisupport NZ services, Letters to the Editor

Volume 10, April 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter marketplace

Formally Universal Helicopter

2 Eurocopter AS350BAsREGISTRATION: PENdINGSERIAL NUMBER: 1873 & 1087TOTAL TIME: 9881, 7702ASKING PRIcE: OPTIONS STARTING AT $850,000cONTAcT: about this helicopter on page 20, more on Helisupport NZ on page 4

July 2009 1

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Liability exposure of a contract pilot, Battery sulfation: prevention and repair, Habits, ALEA comes to Savannah, Eurocopter presents the EC175

1992 Bell 206L3TOTAL TIME: 3,675 ASKING PRICE: Call for priceCONTACT: Mike Russell 404-307-3254, www.prestigehelicopters.comMore about this helicopter on page 20

VoluMe 10, JulY 2009This edition mailed on: June 23, 2009

Your #1 source for the helicopter