The Hardships of King's


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  • 7/28/2019 The Hardships of King's



    The hardships of


    By Eli Park

  • 7/28/2019 The Hardships of King's



    The hardships of


    By Eli Park

  • 7/28/2019 The Hardships of King's



    For my loving family

    Who have always stood behind me

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    Table of contents

    Prologue .. 5

    Chapter 1 .. 9

    Chapter 2 .. 14

    Chapter 3 .. 19

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    The city of Roetathon was hot and humid. Crowds bustled

    along the streets in packs stopping occasionally for charred meat of

    dubious origin. Over the past couple of week crowds had flocked

    leaving the inns of the city packed and the streets crowd for today

    was the crowning of the new King.

    The previous king had been an old and feeble man who did

    little more then spend his days in alone locked up in his tower. Years

    went by without progress and the people began to complain. Crops

    were failing, cities dying and the King sat, not lifting a finger,

    watching the people starve. The last winter had been a miracle but

    somehow the people had made it. The kingdom would last one more


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    But there was a reason the crowds came to the city. For the

    kings son was a man loved by his people. A renowned warrior, a

    scholar, the prince had the support of his people. He had often rode

    into the city followed by crates of food for the poor and time to hear

    his peoples needs. For the past half decade the people had been

    whispering that it was high time for the old king to hurry up and die.

    They wanted this new ruler.

    In the plaza beneath the Great Temple stood the prince.

    Nobles, holy men, guards, and such men flocked around him. The

    people stood in a hushed silence as the high priest came out into onto

    the plaza with the great crystal crown. It glimmered in the morning

    light, carved intricately into the shape of white flame, moving

    toward the prince. As the crown drew near the prince rose and

    bowed his head.

    Finally the crown reached the steps and the high priest called

    out to the crowd, We have gathered here today to witness Robert

    son of Stefan to ascend to the crown. His father, King Stefan, passed

    form us into the arms of the creator one fortnight ago and as the

    trueborn heir he will succeeded by his son. He will serve us

    honorably and to the best of his ability.

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    The crowd erupted in applause and Robert stepped forward.

    Thank you for the introduction. I, Robert Stefan-son descendant of

    the mountain kings of old swear to lead my people to prosperous

    times and a new era. I accept the kingship.

    The crown was placed on his head and for those moments the

    kingdom seemed secure and in good hands. Cheers went on for what

    seemed like hours, but were brought to an abrupt halt. The new

    King, who had looked so mighty only moments ago, stopped and

    staggered. There was a growing red spot on his splendid robes. The

    high priest ran to his aid and it was only then that the crossbow bolt

    was noticed. The king tried to call for help but only spit up blood.

    Then he called no more.

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    The hopes of the people had been crushed in one shot of a

    crossbow. Who ever had fired the bolt was long gone and a search

    was hopeless. The killer was gone.

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    Chapter 1

    Today was the tenth anniversary of Roberts death. Petyr

    stepped onto his balcony and onto his kingdom. After Robert had

    died the kingdom had passed to him, the second son, and the people

    hated him for it. They seemed to think Petyr had done something to

    kill Robert only for the throne. He had fought for years to prove the

    legitimacy of his claim. He was tired. So very tired.

    Petyr knew he had never been as strong, likeable, or even

    handsome as Robert. But Robert had been an idiot. He had no limits

    and would do whatever it took to reach his ideals. He would have

    emptied the vaults of the royal family for the sake of one poor man.

    But Robert was long gone and Petyr was left to fend for himself.

    The past couple of years had been strenuous to say the least.

    New conspiracies popping up and threats to the legitimacy of his

    seat. His sole comfort was his loving wife Talia. She had married

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    him fifteen years ago when his father still reigned. It was considered

    a great scandal by many because Petyr wassupposedto marry some

    old widow in order to inherit her lands when she died but instead he

    broke the pact and married for love. Talia had been comforting and

    his best advisor. With her he could say anything. With her he didnt

    have to fear for his reputation, without every word under scrutiny.

    But she was all that was left to him.

    But Petyr shrugged to himself and thought these thought are

    far to heavy for the early morning. I need to head down to the throne

    room and deal with those scheming lords and backstabbing ladies.

    And so Petyr headed down to another tiresome day at court. The

    steps down to the ancient throne room of the mountain kings. And

    there sat the craggy piece of rock sculpted into the throne that he had

    come to dread. It signified his lack of freedom and the mountain of

    responsibility. He climbed into the seat and sighed. And one by one

    the lords and ladies entered the room to begin court. Old gruff Lord

    Caron, the sly and small Lord Arthur, the cruel and cold Lady Eiron

    and a host of others who he never wished to see again. Just another

    sad cold day at court.

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    King Petyr called to the unseemly noblemen My lords please

    let us begin court.

    He heard a couple snickers and remarks but said nothing.Let

    them laugh at whatever cruel jest one of them has made. It makes

    little difference I am still king. He continued his the court session

    allowing different lords to beseech him in some new request for

    more land. Finally the commoners were allowed in to ask questions

    of the king. He passed judgment on one after the other. They were

    petty squabbles like those of children. Grown men begging for a

    chicken he swore his neighbor had stolen. It was nothing if not sad.

    Once Petyr had dreamed of being a conqueror, a man to

    change the world, but the world had crushed his dreams and forced

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    him to live with the vile beings such as the ones before him. But he

    soon realized that he was little more then a man. It saddened him to

    know that these were the people who ruled the realm. Just a couple

    of greedy men who wanted nothing more then a couple extra coins.

    But he had dealt with this for years and nothing had changed. There

    were many kinds of lords, the loud ones, the scheming ones, the

    vengeful one, and the most dangerous of all the stupid ones. Such

    men were given power and had no idea what to do with it.

    Petyr dealt with any and all of his complainers and hardened

    his heart. The day would end soon if only to begin another one. After

    the court session Petyr strode upstairs into his bedchamber and was

    greeted by Talia, his wife, and fell onto his bed.

    He began to share all of the horrifying details of his day his

    wife sat in an attentive silence. At the end of it she simply replied

    You are too weak. You just doze off and endure your challenges.

    Face them like a man!

    And at that Petyr turned. He had always depended on her for and

    never expected base betrayal. He felt a single tear roll down his

    cheek and he knew he could not bear it any more. Petyr lifted his

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    head and met his wifes eyes and then grabbed his cloak and ran out

    onto the balcony to be alone.

    Hour passed and Petyr sat there lamenting his failures. He was

    always the second best. Not good enough to replace Robert. Not

    good enough to ascend the throne. Not brave enough for his wife. He

    sat there and soon his depression melted away replaced by a bitter

    taste. He yearned to prove them that he was better then Robert ever

    was. He was going to show them all.

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    Chapter 2

    Petyr awoke the next morning feeling oddly satisfied. He felt

    comforted by his new found strength and a little more driven then

    usual. He walked down to take his breakfast and found his wife

    already sitting in the private dining hall.

    Good morning my lord she chirped in an unusually upbeat

    tone especially considering her tone the previous night.

    Petyr grunted and continued on his way toward the table. He

    sat and smiled at his wife with the most wicked look he could


    She frowned at him and continued to eat her breakfast. Petyr

    sighed and grabbed a piece of melon. He made idle chat with his

    wife all the while thinking of how she had scorned him the previous

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    night. He felt as if he could no longer trust anyone. As if he was

    insane. But kept this to himself. Petyr held his head high and

    prepared for another day at court. But instead of his usual resigned

    face today he held an enthusiastic and somewhat devious one. He

    intended to root out all of his false councilors today.

    Petyr strode down the stairs into the courtroom with a smirk on his

    face. As the lords and ladies began to enter the throne room they

    noticed something different about him. Petyr could see it in their

    eyes and he would show them all today.

    He calmly walked into the center of the court and announced

    Todays court is now in session

    Lord Arthur whispered some cruel jest to the lady next to him

    and she started to giggle. Petyr called out Lord Arthur is there

    something you would like to tell the rest of the court.

    Petyr smirked. That Lord Arthur who had always made jokes

    at his expense would finally learn his place.

    However Arthur called back My liege we were simply

    discussing your most unusual taste in clothing.

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    Petyr looked down and frowned. He could not find a single

    thing wrong with his attire. And then it hit him Arthur had made fun

    of him in front of the entire court and he had responded in the

    dumbest way.

    The whole room rang with the mocking laughter of all of the

    nobles. Petyr had never hated them so much. He would give

    anything to duel Arthur right then and there. But he restrained

    himself. I am a good king Petyr told himself once again.

    But even as he said it he could feel his new confidence

    beginning to crumble. But he still shoutedback, Arthur, if you are

    going to embarrass yourself in front of the court why would you

    bother coming?

    Arthur smirked and said I was going to ask you the same

    question your grace.

    And once again the court erupted in laughter.

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    Petyrs anger could not be tested anymore. Out, he shouted,

    guards take him out!

    The guards obliged and the laughter died immediately. As he

    was dragged out of the room Arthur glared at Petyr as did any other

    nobles. Arthur was far too popular for his own good.

    In his anger Petyr hissed I any would like to join him please

    leave now.

    Many court members actually did get up and Petyr realized

    his mistake. He was furious. But if he did anything he would only

    end up making things worse. He ordered to the court to end early

    and left foot his bedroom.

    His wife waited there the fury and disappointment plain on

    her face. She screeched What the hell were you thinking? Are you a

    fool or a coward? What man in his right mind would dismiss the

    most loved man in court and then ask his friends to leave to. You are

    a special kind of coward Petyr. One who instead of running from his

    problems pushes them away. You will live to regret this!

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    Petyr shrank down dont you think I know, he moaned.

    He went to his quiet place and began to think.

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    Chapter 3

    Petyr emerged after his thought. He had been weak. So weak and

    now he was strong. He would use no tricks of confidence. He would not

    comply with any court. He was KING! Petyr deserved respect. He needed

    it. He strode into his room pushing his wife out of the way.

    He walked down to through the throne room past the seat he had

    hated for so many years. As he strode by it he kicked it in rage. He would

    be unstoppable and Lord Arthur the little piece of shit would soon learn


    Out of the throne room and into the yard. The boys were hard at

    work training to be knights. He had such dreams once before Robert proved

    that he could never be a knight. He tried to push Robert out of his head.

    Thank god that muscle bound fool wasnt a king he muttered. Petyr then

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    walked into the armory and grabbed his most prized possession. The thing

    that made him who he was today. With this he could once again move

    forward in life. Out of the armory and once again in the yard he kept on

    walking. The squires stared.

    Why is he holding that? he heard one foolish boy ask his friends in

    rude fit of curiosity.

    Petyr then walked up to the tower of Lord Arthur. Now he is in my

    grasp Arthur thought. Now I have him. He knocked on the great oak door

    and a serving woman answered.

    Petyr growled I wish to see his lordship Arthur for a meeting. We

    have business to attend to.

    Of course your grace. Right away. The lord is in his study. It is the

    first door on the second floor, the serving lady stammered obviously


    Petyr climbed the steps and reached the first door. He opened

    without even knocking. Lord Arthur sat there going over some dusty old

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    tome. He turned as the door opened and stared at Petyr in mix of confusion

    and smugness.

    My king what has brought you here to my humble study? Are you

    angry for my behavior in court today? I do apologize but my tongue runs a

    mile before my mind. Please come and sit and rink with me, the graceful

    lord said to Petyr as he strode to stoke the fire.

    Petyr decided to play along to this idiotic game after all this

    bumbling fool would soon be gone. He sat down in a fine mahogany seat

    by the fire and looked around him. The room was not designed for style but

    rather for comfort and the pursuit of knowledge. Letters were scattered

    across the table and the shelf went up to the ceiling. The book that Arthur

    had been poring over was on the failed rebellion that took place 50 years


    Petyr narrowed his eyes. Just another piece of treachery he thought

    to himself. And then he knew the moment was his. He reached inside his

    cloak and pulled out the crossbow. This crossbow had won him a throne

    and now it would secure that same throne.

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    Arthur backed away eyes wide in fear. He looked up confused and


    What are you doing your grace? What treason have I committed?

    the frightened lord begged please stop

    Petyr grinned and bent down to Arthurs ear you thought

    you could make a fool of me and turn my lords and ladies on me huh? Well

    Im going to stop your little plan once and for all. I will claim the safety of

    the realm in a way Robert never could.

    Something crept onto Arthurs face You killed him didnt you!

    Your own brother is dead because of you. You are forever cursed in the

    eyes of the gods. I took no part in any rebellion. I only made a few japes at

    court. What are you doing and why.

    But Petyr would not answer to scum like that. He stepped back and

    cocked the crossbow. The fear in Arthurs eyes grew and Petyr smiled. He

    fired the bolt.

    This was his final victory and the realm was now safe. He picked up

    the blood spattered Lord placed him in the fireplace.

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    Petyr had finally showed them.

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    Picture Sources

    Arthur. "Last Updated September 2009."Arthur's Free Silhouette Clipart Page 3.

    ARTHUR'S SILHOUETTE CLIPART, 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.

    Cinhype29. "Blood Splatter Clip Art." - Vector Clip Art Online, Royalty Free &

    Public Domain. Clker, 24 Nov. 2010. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.

    Seamus. "King Seamus Portfolio." SoundCloud. King Seamus, 13 July 2012.

    Web. 14 Apr. 2013.

    Venezolano, Jess. "Tumblr."Dead Knight. Tumblr, 15 Feb. 2013. Web. 14 Apr.


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    About the Author

    Eli Park is an eighth grade student at Eastern middle school. He

    enjoys fantasy novels specifically ASOIAF by George R. R. Martin.

    He spends his free time reading or swimming.