The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Love… · Dear Happiness Hacker, I’d like to acknowledge...


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The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Love…

Patricia Maddalena NLP Master, Trainer & Happiness Hacker

Copyright © 2013 Patricia Maddalena

All rights reserved.

ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1542959100


To my One True Love


Dear Happiness Hacker,

I’d like to acknowledge YOU and Your journey with Love.

You see, by buying this book it means you haven’t completely given up on Love,

& that’s gotta be a good thing & needs Biggin Up so,

Thank You.

Now, the processes found in this workbook are

EXACTLY what I used to Attract my Best Mate into my Life!

It took 6 weeks from me completing the Uploads to our worlds colliding.

I’m not promising it will be the same for you but,

I do promise that you will Rise in Love with Yourself & from this place of

Wholeness, Acceptance & Love you will Attract a

Like Hearted, Minded other Whole!

Use this workbook, write in it, scribble in it, take notes in it.

Throw it in your bag and Track your Love Hacks during the day,

and Upload them each night using The Ultimate Mind Hack MP3.

It will fast become your Best Friend.

♥ As Within - So Without ♥ Whether you are Single or in a Relationship you can use this workbook to rekindle a love

that’s dwindling or Ignite the Flame of Desire & attract the ONE Worthy of You. You can

also use it the way I did, when I decided that I was NOT going to repeat the same crap

again in the next Relationship!

Together we’ll uncover your current beliefs and expectations you have about yourself, your

worth, your past partners and who you become when you set sail upon the ship of lurve.

Rewriting anything that’s dysfunctional and holding you back from attracting The One,

creating a new & bespoke Powerful Neural Net that will filter out The Frogs and reveal to

you, Your King or Queen.

Over the years, I’ve worked with many people on their Relationship Problems and whilst

sometimes they are in extremely Toxic Relationships, others are simply seeing their

partners through very dirty filters of perception, built up over years and handed down to

them from their Parents and Upbringing.


In these cases, where Love has eroded away due to an inability to communicate adultly,

set boundaries and ask for what they need, separation slowly seeps in, isolating each

other in their own misery of loneliness, wondering where their beloved has gone,

indeed where have they gone?!!? It can get so bad, eventually, they press the

‘RESTART’ button and choose to travel their separate ways, as the Significant ‘other’ is

no longer meeting their needs.

Which, of course, is their job… right!?!


You and you alone are responsible for you getting your HAPPY ON, for meeting your

needs & for giving yourself permission to do X Y or Z. Nobody else, just you.

And here in lies your Point of Power!

So, when the RESTART button is pressed and we jump ship, bumping along until we meet

another seemingly Wonderful Random Soul who, over time, steps into the shoes of our

past partners, until history starts to repeat itself and you are left wondering how come

you keep meeting such ‘wrong uns?!?’

There comes a time, one hopes, in everyone’s life, where “BOOM” the realisation smacks

us firmly in the chops, “It’s me, I’m the common Denominator!” I’ve changed Counties,

even Countries, changed my ‘type’ of partner but eventually the same issues surface!


Because my friend, the people we ‘randomly’ meet, no matter where they are from, or

from what pond they hail are directly in alignment with our inherited programming of who

we believe we deserve, what our partners will be like, what Relationships, in General, are

like and who we become when we embark on that Ship of Lurve.

Yes, It’s because of YOU and your expectations. Harsh I know, but True. When some

people realise this, they then shut down the hatches and Vow “NEVER TO MEET

ANOTHER PERSON AGAIN!!” And for many they don’t, others crumble and think

‘Fuck It’ and go for it, only to be faced with another Version of a Similar Reality all over



So extremely exhausting and utterly debilitating this cycle we can quite literally become ill

with it all. I know. I’ve set sail upon these ships and circled around the Dock of Disillusion,

Pain ’n’ Separation many times trying to sort out my significant ‘other’, blaming, moaning

and doing my girlfriends heads in, taking the shit, sorting through the shit, owning the shit,

well owning, EVERYTHING and trying and trying and trying to make those relationships

become the Dream Version I had floating about my head.

Now, I’m not condoning anyone else’s behaviour and saying it’s ALL your fault. No,

definitely not! What I mean is your part in it all and only yours. Not theirs. Their shit is

quite literally, their shit. You just gotta disentangle what’s yours from theirs and work on

that. This workbook will help you do that.

Now, I know there are complete and utter ‘Wrong guns” out there. But how long you stay

in a Toxic Relationship, even when it’s tearing you to shreds on every level is, my darling

friend, down to you.

Hand on heart I can say this, because I have had TWO, yes TWO relationships with

Psychopaths. One whose weaponry was his fists and the other their mind and their

emotional and mental assault. On both occasions, I came within an inch of my life before

my Survival Program kicked in that said, “Get out or Die”.

Now I had to dig very fucking deep to drag my Arse outta there, with no money and two

children in tow I slowly but surely rebuilt my, our lives, piece by painful piece, with the help

of some good supportive friends, lots of InnerScape Sessions and the Mind Hacks found

within my workbooks. I’ve transformed my entire Life and that of my children.

I decided I would never again attract a ‘wrong un’ so, I’ve programmed myself to ‘smell’

one a mile off and now they Utterly Repel me. So, if you find yourself in a Toxic

Relationship then HACK Like a Bastard and Upload the Confidence and Self Worth you

need to get the hell out there!

If you’re in a Loving Relationship that just needs you to ‘shoe shine’ your Relationship

Specs then use this workbook for that.

If you’re Single use this time to Design the kind of Conscious, Uplifting Soul-Enhancing

Twosome I know you Deserve.


But hey, I’ve not only Survived, I’m Positively Thriving and I know these Mind Hacks

within this workbook will help you. Plus you can pull up a chair at our Kitchen Table

Online Community to get any Mind Hacking support you need. It’s free and we’re over

on Faceborg!

Now, I used this very workbook in it’s raw form to attract my Soul Partner, My Twin

Flame, My Other Whole. My Robbie, within just 6 weeks. SIX WEEKS! Now I’m not

promising you will do the same but I do promise that if you put the work in you will start

feeling and experiencing the difference! Upgrading your Confidence and Self Worth, what

you will accept in your life will change and so who you attract will change. If I can do it

after years of abuse and pain and hating and blaming myself then so can you. There are

enough tools in this workbook to start creating a Full Power Belief Structure that will

Support you seeing and having what you know deep down you deserve. If you wish to

expand on this then you are more than welcome to join other Happiness Hackers from

around the world in our Happiness Hacking Bootcamp.

To get the support you may need please pull up a chair at The Kitchen Table Free

Facebook Group here,

For the Free PDF of this workbook so you can Keep Tracking and Hacking & access to

the FREE Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite MP3 that will help you Upload that New

Belief Structure bounce over here:


Big Love to you and any questions you can find me over at The Kitchen Table drinking



Now get your felts out and grab your favourite cuppa and get Hacking!


What’s your focus, your outcome,

what do you want to achieve from doing this Workbook?

On a Scale of 1 to 10,

10 being “I’m totally there” firing on all

cylinders, where are you right now? /10

What were the best bits about your Relationships?


G’wan, get it off your chest! What were the worst things about your Relationships?

Who do you become when you step into a Relationship?


When it comes to Relationships, what has been your biggest Learning about yourself?

What did you want to do within your past Relationships but didn’t? If you are in Relationship what do you want to

do but don’t? BIG ’n’ small voice em all…


What stopped you? List it all, everything…

Reasons to be Grateful… Practicing the attitude of gratitude is an Art and one that, sometimes

can take an incredible amount of searching for! Learning to find the gift within Life's shit is a very precious tool.

It can turn the crappiest of situations into a gift from god!

Dig Deep ’N’ Think BIG & small & List ALL that you are grateful for from your past Relationships…


Thank You For…

Jot down all the ways in which you are going to do ‘stuff’ differently, either within your current relationship, in your next one or simply

in your life right now…

“I Give Myself Permission To…

WISH LIST Without censoring your thoughts, what kind of Partner would you like to share

your life with? Think about the Physical , Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & what

kind of Adventures and Extra-Ordinary things would you like to do together?

If you’re already in a Relationship then think about all those ways in which

you could Ignite that Spark and Enhance your Lives together.


Dream BIG ~ Dream small ~ Dream ~ Dream ~ Dream

More Space to Dream some More…. Really Go For It!


C’mon, Spill The Beans… What could stop you from achieving all of that? List all your Moans, Groans, Criticisms & Fears…

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would I have to believe about myself for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest.

With this in mind, go on a Quest and find the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect with

them, integrate with them dissolving all that behaviour they are currently responsible for.



Turn all of those Moans & Groans, Criticism & Fears into Positive Present Tense Sentences… (Turn the page & learn how to make a Belief to Upload)

Have a good look at your Positive List… If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be? Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and own it &

Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or bounce over to http:// for your FREE MP3.


How to Move out of Wishful Thinking Abraham Hicks says it takes 20, 30, 40 or even 50 days to rewrite your point of

attention to draw to you your new life experience! Meaning, you would have to repeat

your new affirmation over & over & over again for that many days in the hope that at

some point it would drop down and become unconscious competence!

Well, I don’t know about you, but with my life, my family, work & general ‘stuff’ I’d be

lucky if I could keep that up for 3 days tops before I forgot, or life would get in the way!

It would take a serious amount of will-power, time, energy & be effortful! So, wanna

know how to hack this process & drop it right into the subconscious mind quickly, easily

& effortlessly? Course you do! Right, well it’s UBER important to learn how to create an

affirmation/new belief/program that will work & not be empty words or wishful thinking!

It is imperative that ALL affirmations be POSITIVE and IN THE PRESENT TENSE!

Under NO circumstance use the future tense like ‘going to’ ‘will’ ‘try’ ‘soon’ ‘when’ ‘can’

as this will simply give you more of that.

You see, you have THREE minds, Conscious, Subconscious & Universal Consciousness

Conscious mind is TIME bound! It frets about the Past and gets all anxious about the

Future and so TIME-BASED Language is great if you want to talk to it. But we don’t!

We want to talk directly to the Subconscious so we can re-write the programs of

behaviour/beliefs about yourself & the world around you that are out dated, dysfunctional

& getting you more of the same old same old!

So there are a few things you need to know.

The Subconscious is on the go 24-7. It NEVER sleeps. It runs EVERYTHING without

the conscious mind having to do anything at all. The Subconscious is TIMELESS!

It has no sense of TIME. It just IS. It’s like a MASSIVE library or hard drive, which

stores absolutely EVERYTHING that you have EVER experienced without judgement and

without fail! It will throw up any thought, feeling or memory at a drop of a hat when


Every moan, groan, criticism & fear, every compliment, praise, optimistic opinion that you

think, feel and say, are the very fabric that holds your life experience in place.


They are your programs, your beliefs, your dogmas!

Start to take notice of them because these are the KEYS to your FREEDOM!

Rewriting the negatives for the Opposite, the Positive, the Present Tense will create a

neural net (yes imagine a net) that will support you to create your Dream Life!

Meaning new, empowered, positive programs, when triggered, will effortlessly start to run,

triggering the emotional cortex which will fire out the good, positive, joyful, excited, happy

feelings, vibrating out into the Universe which will respond accordingly! Opening your

eyes, ears & heart to the kind of life you deserve freeing you up to say


If you want to reprogram the hard drive of your mind you have to speak da lingo man!


Frame everything you say as if you have it NOW! Even if it’s so very, very, very far

away from the truth! PRESENT TENSE ONLY GUYS!!!

Remember, there is no judgement from the subconscious. Which is why we can think,

feel, say & attract really dysfunctional, victim consciousness/behaviour into our lives over

& over again.

The Subconscious will just file the NEW EMPOWERED BELIEF away in the library of

your mind & when it’s triggered that’s what you will start to see, hear, feel & experience.

So, from here on in make em good uns!


LEARNING TO FLIP EM! “I never meet anyone honest”

flip it to “One day I’ll meet someone who is honest”

(future tense language) flip it to

“My Partner is Extremely Honest” (Present Tense Language)

“I Deserve & Accept Love”

“Every Partner I’ve ever had treats me like shit” flip to

“I’m going to meet a lovely person that treats me really well” (future tense language)

flip to “I am Loved and Treated like a Queen”

(Present Tense Language) “I am Loveable”

“I end up doing everything, they never help with anything” flip to

“They will help me when I ask” flip to

“We share EVERYTHING all the Domestics. Everything equally” (Present Tense Language)


Imagine each Love Area is an actual net that holds that Life experience in place & now

imagine each sentence makes up one strand of that net.

The more Positive, Present Tense strands you can create, the stronger & bigger the net

will be that will support your New Life Experience & will bridge the gap between the Life

you have now and the Life you desire.

The more strands to the Love/Trust/Connection/Sex/Family/Friends/‘Me’ Time net you

can create the better, the stronger that neural net will be to support your abundant &

adventurous lifestyle!

Really go through your new beliefs/programs with a fine tooth comb to make sure you

have only used PRESENT TENSE Language otherwise you will experience a huge amount

of ‘waiting’ ‘trying’ ‘going to’ and that’s just pants!

This process is simple. The challenge is committing to the work that needs to be done.

For every moan, groan, criticism, fear & judgement around any particular life area, that

you hold and indeed you perceive others to hold about you, needs to be flipped & then



Show me the LURRRRVE ♥ ♥ ♥

“My relationships never last” “I attract Wrong uns!” “They’re all the same!”

“They never make me happy” “I lose myself in Relationships”

“I always do what they want to do”

flip em

“I am enjoying a solid long term and fully loving Relationship” “My Beloved is Perfect exactly how they are!”

“This time it’s different, we communicate lovingly!” “I do what brings me Happiness & Joy”

“I stay Centred and Empowered within my Relationship” “I stay on track and Happily Live my Life”

Wrapped Up “I am Loveable Exactly as I am”

♥ No matter how absurd and out of your reality the new belief seems,

upload them and then TEST them using the Kinesiology Muscle Test!

Own your Affirmation as if you already believe it or have it & set fire to it up by including positive emotions.

“I AM confident & happy!”

“I AM supported and Loved”

“I am Listened to & respected”

“I see & take opportunities to enhance my life Everyday”

“I Love listening to my needs & acting on them”

“I receive gratefully”

“My Partner & I are Best Friends”

“I am excited about our New Life Together”

“I am very Happy, Safe and Content”


ZIP IT! When you need to send someone a HUGE amount of information via email, we don’t

tend to attach one file after another, after another, to that email. Instead, to make it more

efficient and quicker we compress the files into a smaller, easier to manage file.

We ZIP them. The ZIP FILE FORMAT has long been used to compress and archive

data. Suppose you illicit 50 detrimental beliefs, moans ’n’ groans, judgements ’n’ fears

you have around Love & Relationships. Uploading each one of these will take an

enormous amount of time to do. By chunking some of them up and wrapping them in

that one core belief that you would have to have in order to experience all of those smaller

ones, is a way more efficient use of your time and energy. Uploading the Zip File, that

envelope or container that holds all of the smaller ones is a Super Charged way of doing

it. Of course, if you feel drawn to uploading individual beliefs then go with it.

It can help bridge the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be. I

practice a mixture of both ‘Zippin It’ & uploading individual Positive Beliefs.

Love Life Areas! On a scale of 1-10 how happy

are you?

add any of your



Trust /10

LOVE /10

Sex /

‘ME’ Time


Social Time /10

Respect /10

Friendship /10

/10 Home


Pick the Love Life Area you are most drawn to & list all those one liners that whir around your head & spill outta your mouth

when talking to your family & friends… ALL your Moans & Groans, Criticisms & Judgements go here…

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would I have to believe about myself for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest.

With this in mind, go on the Quest and find the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect with them, integrate with them and so dissolving all that behaviour

they are currently responsible for.



Turn all of those Moans & Groans, Criticism & Fears into Positive Present Tense Sentences by asking

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

Have a good look at your Positive List… If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be? Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and own it &

Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or bounce over to http:// for your FREE MP3.


These are your new positive present tense belief structures, & your new core positive

belief which will create a new neural net that will support you seeing, hearing & doing the

kind of things that will bring to you the people, situations & opportunities that you want

to experience!

Use the Limiting Beliefs you’ve uncovered as the Gateway to locating the parts of you

that have been abandoned through time ’n’ space. We have Live Monthly InnerScape

Quantum Quests via Facebook Live as well as all the Quests as MP3’s in The

Happiness Hacking Bootcamp. Using these Quantum Quests you will reintegrate and

Upload ALL the Skills & Strengths the fragmented parts of your younger selfs have been

keeping safe for you all this time, thus dissolving the Negative Behaviour you have been


You see, there is only ONE reason why we keep repeating the same dysfunctional

behaviour in our lives and our relationships, and that reason is a Disconnection to Self.

As we navigate life, we start to abandon little parts of ourselves in order to please or

appease another, to protect ourselves. When this happens the life force, skills, the strength

of character get’s hidden away, protected, such as self-belief, confidence, intelligence,

creativity, trust, courage, never to be shared with the world again. This creates feelings

of separation, loneliness & sadness. This disconnection from ourselves and in turn others

leads to a feeling like something is missing, of not being truly present in one's own life, of

not really being here. Energy levels dip and in some cases dramatically so, and a deep

emptiness grows.

Disconnecting from the Self is a Safety Mechanism that keeps us alive and safe from the

full impact of Trauma. It’s working in our favour. Any event that causes shock can

cause a part of the Self to retreat to a ‘Safe Place’, protecting themselves from that kind

of event from happening again. They remain STUCK in that time and location, with the

beliefs and opinions, fears and behaviours that kept them safe. Just waiting there, under

the surface to be found.

For the most part they are simply triggered and when they are we find ourselves playing

out, outdated modes of protection, Dramas ’n’ Dysfunction. Unless these parts are

discovered and collected it will take a serious amount of Will Power to keep life

Functioning and that takes a huge amount of effort and energy.


With the InnerScape Quest, we travel the timelines, finding and locating the fragmented

Younger Selves hiding in protection, living out various patterns such as fear, shame, lack

of self-worth. By recognising them, listening to them, we can release them, freeing their

Soul Energy, their Life Force and welcoming them home maturing them up to the here and


This is deep integration work of the Highest Order. It is an Epigenetic Breaker. A Life


Then, Upload the New Positive Present Tense Beliefs that you have ‘Flipped’ straight into

the hard drive of your mind using The Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite that comes

FREE with this workbook. Grab yours here:


OH YEAH and when you hear yourself regurgitating the same ol’ neg verbal diarrhoea


Press that PAUSE button

To flip thoughts from Negative to Positive ask

“What would I rather have?”


“What do I want to think~feel~experience?”


“What needs to happen for that to happen?”

When you ask these questions of yourself,

Your Point of attention has to move It moves in the direction of what you DO want and so

change starts to occur and life responds accordingly!


Go back and pick another LOVE Area Grab your FREE PDF here:

to-true-love.html and print of the pages you need and do the whole thing again,

working through each LOVE Area. For the best results I track all my Moans ’n’

Groans throughout my day and then ‘FLIP EM’ every evening & enhance any

positive beliefs I may already have.

Really unpack each Life Area. Think about all the ways you are NOT Rising in ♥

with Yourself Mentally, Emotionally, Physically & Spiritually.

Remember to ask the question,

“What would I rather Have?”

“What would I rather think~feel~experience?”

“What needs to happen for that to happen?”

of yourself every day, throughout your day, every time you notice yourself moaning

& groaning about yourself, your life, your family & the world around & Flip em!

Just doing this ONE Practice raises your Vibration!

Describe your Love Life as it is right now!


How do you spend your time? (Draw a pie chat)

How would you like to spend your time?

What do you notice about that?


Why’s all this so important?

Each thought, memory, scenario or trigger creates a feeling/peptide from the emotional

cortex. These peptides/feelings are a particular shape & travel to the appropriate lock on

the cells in your body, of which we have millions. When they dock & lock, they release

that particular emotion giving you an emotional high, a hit!

We become addicted to these hits, these emotions & our cells being the pesky junkies

that they are, will excrete some of the ‘high’ back into your blood stream to induce more

thoughts, more memories that will produce that particular emotion, giving the cells another


Tolerance to these ‘HIGHS’ increase, so the more extreme the thoughts will become, the

more intense the situations & dramas will be attracted, so that the ‘HIT’ keeps coming!

These psychological process’s & asking yourself these particular questions within this

workbook, helps to break the addiction to victim cycle, flipping the negative highs to

positive highs, which your cells will then become addicted too. Forcing you to seek out

interactions, people, thoughts & memories that will secrete the GOOD peptides/feelings

coursing round your body creating a more healthy mind, body & loving heart!

Every thing in this Universe is matter vibrating at different frequencies, as are your cells,

the peptides/emotions. Negative & Positive thoughts & feelings vibrating out at certain

frequencies into the Universe will attract or repel people & situations, vibrating at that


The Universe, this reality, is simply an echo, bouncing back what you expect it to, without

judgement & without fail!

If you are doubtful you will see doubt. Angry you will see anger. Love will bounce back to

you as will faith, hope, hate, fear, want, courage, frustration, effortless ease, happy, joy,


Consider yourself as a walking talking antennae picking up the frequency, vibration that

you are attuned too!

You will see, hear & feel exactly what you think you will!


Your life is a self fulfilling prophecy! One of the best changes you can make is changing

the term ‘Universe’ for ‘Subconscious’.

That way you will start to look inside, inside your own Universe for the change that needs

to happen. You see EVERYTHING exists in this reality! EVERYTHING! The Good, the

Bad & the Amazingly Wonderful. Living and working your passion, money in abundance,

love, health, prosperity.

It ALL exists!  

Whether you can see it and have it is another thing & only determined by your

programming! And you can Reprogram that in the Exact way that you want!

The bottom line is :

 “If you believe you can or you can’t, you are right!”

Henry Ford

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction works on 3 principles:

The Law of Attraction is working whether you believe in it or not.

Like Electricity you don’t have to see ‘IT’ or indeed understand ‘IT’ to

appreciate the end results!



Conscious + Subconscious Alignment =

Effortless Action and Manifestation


Accepting & Allowing it in GRATEFULLY


Be clear on what you want 

And ASK for it!!

If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious is programmed with

something else, it is still possible to create what you want but it’ll take a serious amount

of Will Power to do it!! Equally, internal conflict can take up so much energy and head

space it can keep you stuck in a "I'm just not doing it" & “I’m relentlessly gonna keep

talking about it” kinda place!

To create a new empowered belief structure that aligns both the conscious &

subconscious mind which will bring about the life experience you want effortlessly, is quite

simple once you know the recipes that will reprogram the subconscious!!! 

In fact there are many ways to do it. And that is what this workbook and ALL the Mind

Hacks found at my online Kitchen Table and Happiness Hacking Bootcamp will do.

For the Free PDF of this workbook so you can Keep Tracking and Hacking & access to

the FREE Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite MP3 that will help you Upload that New

Belief Structure you create bounce over here:

Aligning your conscious dreams & desires with your

subconscious intention = Effortless Manifestation

Throughout this Workbook, we’ve been working with the ASK and the ALIGN parts of

The Law of Attraction. By going deep and looking at what we DON’T want and

FLIPPIN it to what we DO want creates a really intricate and precise list. We then

ALIGN with it by Questing and Hacking, uploading New Programs deep within the Hard

Drive of our Minds which will then help us to tune into, see and take those opportunities

as and when they show themselves to us.

Now let’s look at the RECEIVE element. You see, this was where I use to sabotage

myself. I would get the first Two Principals right and then when the opportunity or that

physical thing presented itself to me


I had a serious amount of Accepting and Receiving to Rewire!

So in order to Receive with Grace and Not Scupper this entire process at the last

moment, Let’s upload,

“I Receive Gratefully’ Neural Net!


List all your Moans ’n’ Groans, Criticisms & Fears about Letting In and Receiving Your Twin Flame,

Your Other Whole, The ‘ONE’ into Your Life?


Turn all of those Moans & Groans, Criticism & Fears into Positive Present Tense Sentences by asking

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”


Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would I have to believe about myself for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest.

With this in mind, go on the Quest and find the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect with them, integrate with them and so dissolving all that behaviour

they are currently responsible for.

Have a good look at your Positive List… If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be? Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and own

it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or bounce

over to for your



I AM….. Two of the most POWERFUL words ever,

‘coz what comes after it shapes your reality! When you’re being SUPER MEAN to yourself

60 seconds, GO…


FLIP IT (Opposite & Positive & Present Tense & Upload them)



MY BODY AND ME… How we talk about ourselves out loud & in our heads, over years, starts to take it’s toll

on our gorgeous homes for this entire life journey.

As a very wise man said,

“If I don’t look after my body I’ll have nowhere to live”

(87 year old, homeless, Irish man)

Beauty & Health really does come from within, and so to kick start and enhance your

inner beauty and light to come radiating out and touching, not only your life and your

families, but also the people around, indeed the WORLD! (see I’m thinking BIG :~)

Check this dude out Dr. Emoto, he did a load of groundbreaking experiments, where he

froze water and wrote Negative and Positive statements on the jars. He then got his

students to look at & meditate with the frozen water every day & say things like “I hate

you” or “You make me sick” to some and “I Love You” & “Thank You” to others.

Then, with super dooper magnifiers zoooomed in and captured the difference in

Crystallised form each student produced with just their thoughts. It truly proves that our

Intention, our Thoughts and Beliefs help Shape our world.

BONKERS EH???!!!???? YEP!!

And guess what?

You’re just a big bag of water!

When we insult ourselves, partners, children or others, we are changing the very structure

of our molecules and cells at the very deepest level and over time it starts to show! We

start to feel our hatred, our fear, our longing and it hurts. The pain runs deep. In turn

we bestow the gift of self loathing onto our children who inherit their inner critic from us.

And so, the cycle flows…

STOP doing it my gorgeous friends!!!

YOU are too Bloomin Beautiful & Gorgeous and Super Important!


When I learnt about this, I realised I just had to change the way I spoke, about myself my

body, the world. I couldn’t let my beautiful children inherit this dis~ease.




I started small, ‘coz I found talking to myself in a loving way really really hard! I felt stupid!

I decided to start small with things I do every day, like moisturising my face & body.

Every time I moisturise I say, “I Love You” and yes, at first, it felt, well, wrong!

I HACKED & I’d focus on the things I liked and ignored all ‘those’ bits, until through this

gentle everyday practice, I could include my ‘mummy tummy’ my hips, my arms, my hands

and fingers. All the parts I would criticise and judge became beautiful and part of ‘ME’.

I started to think about all the things my hands have and are doing for me.

I started to notice how gently they would clean a bleeding wound on my sons knee, or

how swiftly they could whip up a meal that nourishes the soul, or the strength they have

as I hold my daughter while she’s crying her heart out at getting the wrong colour cup!

(she’s three, this stuff’s important at three)

YES!! My hands are oh so much more than stubby, bent, freckly things dangling on the

end of my wrists. They protect, and love and smooth away life's worries. They express

‘ME’ in a very Italian Irish kinda way and are oh so creative with pen and brush!


And so my journey to reconnect with ALL the parts of my body I’ve hated for many years

began! I now find any excuse to LOVE MYSELF UP A BIT!! And when I notice one of

my sons watching me taking in my mindful practice of self care & how he empathically

expresses & questions & accepts & loves & is clear & strong in communication &

boundary making, I know his inheritance is secure & that of my grandchildren to come.




You are what you Think…

The parts of my

Body I dislike


The Parts of my body I Like…

Flip those Negative’s to the Positive’s…

Using all that you dislike about your body, FLIP em to Positive Present Tense Beliefs.

Find time to say these to your body because your body hears EVERYTHING your mind says! Upload them using The Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite


Sometimes when we step into a Relationship we can lose sight of Ourselves. Bending, contorting, compromising and shrinking, becoming less in the hope of becoming more. Who do you become? Or who have

you become? Use your past list and add some more.


Turn all of that into the Opposite and Positive and make some Present Tense Sentences, New Programs by asking

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”


Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would I have to believe about myself for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest.

With this in mind, go on the Quest and find the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect with them, integrate with them and so dissolving all that behaviour

they are currently responsible for.

Have a good look at your Positive List… If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be? Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and own

it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or bounce

over to for your



What ROCKS your boat, fills your Soul, makes you feel ALIVE? What do you LOVE to do MORE than anything else?

BIG or small put it all here…

Make that Plan Batman! So, you’ve created your NEW Neural Nets/Positive Belief Structures and now there may

be some ACTION that you will need to do in order for things to happen!

Stepping out of ‘Waiting’ & instead start ‘DOING’ what you Love frees up that Energy

so, grab yourself a little “I’m just gonna…” book.

At the top of the page write your Dream~Desire~Goal and then ask these questions…


Brainstorm ~ make a mind map, it throws up what ACTION to take

Research it~Talk to people about it~Find out ALL about it. Ask yourself: “Can I Do It?”


This will throw up everything that could potentially get in your way, your blocks, your

negative beliefs. Use the FLIP IT technique & then Upload all the New Positive Present

Tense Beliefs which will FREE you up to actually DO IT!


Ask the Questions:


Bringing you CLARITY



(bind it by time)


Remember to ALWAYS break it down into small bite size chunks & upload any

supporting positive present tense thoughts and beliefs!

For me, once somethings gone into my calendar I’m just gonna DO IT!

It kinda commands me to do it! So, give yourself a time TO DO IT and PEN IT IN!

Use the info gathered here to create more balance in your life. All this may seem obvious and you probably do this for your kids, work etc, but now it’s time to get organised and DO IT for YOU!


GOAL - Holiday in Spain

What needs to happen for that to happen?- Make a research date in the calendar/Area/Places to stay/Talk to people about it/Price Flights/Transport to and from airport/ Whens a good time to go/Need extra money/save/Check out holiday time at work/book it in/ book flights/accommodation (see where I’m going with this?)

When can that happen?

Q: What do I need to do?Q: Can I do it?Q: When am I going to do it?



One Outrageous Life Goal…





Sometimes it’s what others think of us that holds us back, so, list all moans, groan, criticism, judgments & fears that significant others may

have about you Living Your Life to it’s Full Potential & Attracting Your Truly Beloved in this Life Time?



Turn all of those Moans & Groans, Criticism & Fears into Positive Present Tense Sentences by asking

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would I have to believe about myself for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest.

With this in mind, go on the Quest and find the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect with them, integrate with them and so dissolving all that behaviour

they are currently responsible for.


Have a good look at your Positive List… If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be? Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and own

it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or bounce

over to for your


Is there any additional Learning/Education/Hobbies you would like to have that could enhance your Life?


What needs to happen for that to happen? Write it in Positive Present Tense Sentences and then Upload them using The

Ultimate Mind Hack which will make DOING them Eazy Peazy

Self Care Practice! What nourishes & fills you up?

BIG ’n’ small put em here!

~ Pen them in your Diary and Do Them ~ Create PPT Programs ’n’ Upload Them



Letting Go…

Recognising ~ Accepting ~ Forgiving ~ Releasing

Day to day we can carry around a lot of ‘stuff’ that stands in our way from feeling

Happy with who we are & what we do. From that Self Hate Tape that can be playing,

to those Guilty feelings of not having done enough, to letting other people rent space in

our heads ’n’ hearts with their Issues & Dramas.

All of it takes up Valuable Breathe, Valuable Heart Beats, Valuable Earth Time.

By Recognising the ‘stuff’ that keeps us stuck. Accepting it’s there and that maybe it

has a message for you. By talking with it, listening and understating, we can then Forgive

ourselves and others & so releasing that stuck energy, freeing us up to feel Peaceful and


Practicing the aRt of Forgiveness through Understanding and Acceptance is a wonderful

life skill…

“Just for today I Recognise that……………………… …………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………. “I Accept…………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………. “I Forgive…………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….. “ I Feel..……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..

♥ Put this Forgiveness Hack into your Daily Self~Care Practice ♥


TO RECAP! All beliefs, judgements, moans, groans, criticisms & fears are the negative structures or

neural nets that support the way you view & experience your world.

By re-writing the negative belief structures & re-forming those neural nets, with new

empowering, enabling beliefs, language and behaviour, you will draw to you, see & be able

to actually receive Your Beloved into Your Life.

This will free you up to live the life you came to this planet to live.

Once your conscious desires and your subconscious programs are aligned, your desired

outcome becomes doable. Meaning reprogram your subconscious mind to match up with

your Dreams ’n’ Desires which will then make Manifestation happen Effortlessly.

The actual process is simple, the amount of Neural Nets we need to rewire is the

challenge & one we are all capable of doing, especially when we start living out the

results. I LOVE being Happiness Hacker and the more you do the more you will LOVE it


Trisha’s Top Ten Habits that makes my Love Life Easier!

* Know what you don’t want * Know what you DO want * Regular ‘check-ins’ with yourself * Listen to your body * Know when to say ‘YES’ & when to say ‘NO’ * Be really clear and honest with your spoken word * Ask for what you need * Keep learning new skills & doing New Stuff * Make action plans * Be thankful * Finding the gift within life’s shit (its an aRt, practice it) * Enjoy the journey * Receive the gifts that come your way, gratefully * Regularly ‘Unplug from cyber space’ * Have ‘HOT DATES’ with Yourself! * Happiness Hack

OK ! LOL! WAY more than TEN! But you get the picture!!


The Ultimate Mind Hack

Meditation + Intention = Manifestation

* Pick a life area that you are most drawn to.

* Make a list of ALL Moans, Groans, Judgements & Fears.

(These are your beliefs that are supporting your current life experience)

* FLIP each one to the opposite, positive & present tense.

(These will be your new beliefs, a new neural net, that will support your new life


* Re-write each wish on your Wish List into a positive, present tense sentence, as if

you already own them.

* Wrap them all up and into ONE CORE PRESENT TENSE BELIEF

a ZIP File or Upload individual ones.

* Sit cross-legged or in the lotus position, on a chair or lie down with your ankles


* Relax your arms & hands where you are most comfortable.

* Shut your eyes, lower your chin & take in 3 deep breaths.

* As you start to feel centred & relaxed imagine holding your Zip Package.

* REPEAT your New Core Belief internally, “I am Loveable Exactly as I am”

* Visualise a set of steps.

* With every step down you take, repeat your New Core Belief,

“I am Loveable Exactly as I am”

* Go all the way down, repeating your New Core Belief, until you get to a door.

*As you open the door you will see a future you that is actively living out your

New Core Belief as well as all those smaller ones.

* Say “Hello” and let the Future You welcome you in and show you around.

* Keep repeating your new belief while taking in all the sights and sounds.

* Notice what your Future You looks like.

* Notice the environment you are in and who your Future You is sharing it all with.

* Notice how happy and healthy you are.

* Ask them if they have any messages, insights, wisdom and gifts for you.

* Let your Future You share the Feelings they have that is attached to them


being Loveable Exactly as they are.

What does it feel like?

What colour is it?

Where is it coming from in their body?

Where is it drawn to going to in you?

* Download it & absorb it & ALL the opportunities that comes with that.

* When you are at the PEAK of your experience, thank your Future Self &

SAVE IT as you walk back up the stairs to the ‘here and now’.


* You may want to put your hands into a prayer position, touching all your

fingertips together or squeeze your thumb and forefinger/middle finger together,

or touch or tap your sternum or press a point on your arm or leg.

Whatever it is, keep pressing or tapping while you walk back up the steps,

repeating your New Positive Present Tense Belief for a further 15 secs.

When you are at the top of the steps, open your eyes and come back to the room,

fully grounded and present.


* Saving a document to the hard drive of your computer, before you shut it down,

means it’s there when you turn the computer on again.

Same for the mind!

* TEST your New Core Belief is now a Program & has been accepted by your

Subconscious Mind.

* Using kinesiology muscle testing, place the palm of the hand you write with,

horizontally on your solar plexus, with your index finger straight out in front of


* Say your new belief, then pull the tip of your finger down towards your body,

using the tip of your other index finger.

* Your finger ought to remain straight & strong.

* If it is anything other than this, then there are aspects that still need educating,

wisdom and knowledge to be collected, so repeat the meditation.

* The whole meditation can take up to 10 mins, sometimes longer as you start to

really enjoy Time Traveling.

* Now go back and pick the next Zipped Core Belief or one of the PPT Beliefs and

do it all again until the whole neural net, holding a particular experience, has been


“Life can be busy so, I like to do this while I’m in bed before I go to sleep!

Gain FREE access to The Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite


The Happiness Hacker’s Tracker How did you spend your time last month?

(Draw a pie chart)

How would you like to spend your time this month?

What do you notice about this?


What could you do that will help you get more of what you want?

C’mon spill the beans… What could stop you from getting more of what you want?

(All your moans, groans & fears go here!)


What would you rather think, feel, have? (FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense & write them here)

Use These and UPLOAD them using The Ultimate Mind Hack

“I Love Me” TO-DO LIST What are all the Juicy things you are going to do

for YOU this month?

Pen them in your Diary and do em! !95

♥ Make that Date with your Mate♥

Pen them in your Diary & Do them!

Now it’s time to take an Oath!

This year I commit 100% to Listening & Acting on my needs & dreams

I know when to say ‘YES’ & when to say ‘NO’

I remember I am in control and I take full responsibility for my own experience & my own Happiness

(put yours here)

SIGNED …………………………………………………………………… ♥


The Happiness Hacker’s Guide Workbooks in the D.I.Y ~ Help Yourself Range:

The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To A Happy Life The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Health The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Wealth The Happiness Hackers Guide To True Love

Create a Vision Board That Actually Bloody Works The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To The Ultimate Business Mindset

Bounce over to The Kitchen Table Free Facebook Group for ongoing Support and

general Lushness.

For InnerScape 1-2-1 Sessions, the Group Facebook Live Quests & The Happiness

Hacker’s Bootcamp mozy over to,

I know how frustrating it is to not be able to fill ‘stuff’ out when you’ve bought a

Kindle book or if you want to use this workbook again and again & need to print of

specific pages so, bounce over to this page on my website; and grab this workbook

as a FREE PDF. Print it off, throw it in a swanky file, get your felts out and start

uncovering the parts of you responsible for your current life situation. Plus, as a

little extra gift gain FREE access to the Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite MP3

and the ‘Flip It ’n’ Zip It’ Videos - how to make a New Positive Program that is

acceptable for the Hard Drive of your Mind.

BIG LOVE, Trish x

♥ Making Conscious Growth Accessible & Affordable for ALL ♥


Here’s the bit where I get to talk in the third person! YEAH!

Patricia Maddalena is a Mum, NLP Master, Trainer & Happiness Hacker. 

She loves to write and delivers transformative training and coaching

programmes that work on a deep cellular, energetic & soul level.  She

considers herself a Hacker of The Human Mainframe and loves to pick

apart processes, ditching what doesn’t work, weeding out the waffle and

delusion to bring to her students Super User-Friendly Mind Hacks that will

Empower and Enable them to live Happier Lives.

She lives with her three children and Soul Partner on the edge of The Wye

Valley in the U.K. She loves Tea Parties & Cake, Muddy Walks and Sun

Shiny Dayze and despite not having met one yet, Elephants.

You can find her lolling about and drinking virtual tea with other Happiness

Hackers over at The Kitchen Table Facebook group. Feel free to pull up a

chair anytime.

You can find us by clicking here:

Any questions just holler,

Big Love, Trish x

