the Happenings at St. Philip · 2019. 6. 24. · Sermon Preaching Series Promise to Reality: ......


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May 31-June 1, 2014 Seventh Sunday of Easter

the Happenings at St. Philip

Welcome! St. Philip Lutheran Church is a community where all people are welcome,

may come to know Jesus Christ, become faithful followers empowered by

the Holy Spirit, and are sent with Christ’s love into the world.

Sermon Preaching Series Promise to Reality: A Life Changing Gift

Today begins a four-week sermon series on the Holy Spirit titled "Promise to Reality: A Life Changing Gift." Each week the sermon will be based on this theme as we look in depth at the Holy Spirit. We will explore how the disciples were promised the Holy Spirit, how the disciples received the Holy Spirit, what the disciples learned about the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit worked through the disciples. This is a gift that we are still given today through baptism.

We all have been promised things before and we have been given gifts before, so how does this com-pare to the gift God has given us: the Holy Spirit? Promises are always interesting because we don't know exactly what to expect, so we tend to anticipate something that is better than it will actually turn out to be.

For instance, guys often love power tools and when they are told they will be given a table saw for Christmas, they usually get so excited and start to think about all of the great things they could do with this table saw. It's almost like they are children jumping up and down screaming in joy. Then the day comes when they actu-ally receive the gift, but before they can use it they have to learn how to use it. When they have learned how to use it they can cut away for as long as their hearts desire.

For some people this gift turns out to be everything they have ever imagined. They use it and can't believe how wonderful it is. The anticipation and expectation about the promise ended up being the reality of what they were expecting. On the other hand, there are people who think it is a great gift, but never actually use it. It was a great idea and they are glad they have it, but they can't find a way to use it. The anticipation and expectation about the promise ended up not being the reality of what they were expecting.

The same way can be true with the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have this wonderful and amazing gift, but we don't know what to do with it or we don't allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives like it could. For the next four weeks we are going to explore this topic even more as the disciples were promised the Holy Spirit from Jesus, as they received the Holy Spirit, as the disciples learned about the Holy Spirit and as the Holy Spirit worked in their lives.

We hope that you will join us these next four weeks as we explore this theme of Promise to Reality.

Grace and Peace,

Pr. Brad Doty

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 2

Saturday Evening Worship Servants

May 31 June 7

Keyboardist Becky Miller Michael Clough

Cantor Laura Miller Beth Clough

Altar Guild Suzanne Peterson LeRae Schnickel


Sound Board Jerry Jantz Jerry Jantz

Free Nursery Childcare

The nursery is open during worship services and edu-cation hour for infants and young children. Ask an usher to direct you.

Please Be Courteous

Please silence all electronic devices

when in the sanctuary. Thank you.

Children’s Bulletins & Participation

Children are always welcome at our services!

During the service they are en-couraged to come forward to the altar for a special children’s conversation and then again

with their offerings. We also have special bulle-tins for children - please ask the ushers.

Worship Servants for THIS week (06/01)

8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Assisting Roger Pettner

Lector George Rasmussen Sandra Murphy

Acolytes TBD Josephyine Feathers Lauren Petersen

Communion Deacons

Pam Kubicek Sandi Stevermer

Susan Shepard Joseph Rower

Ushers Bob Delong Barb Delong Robert Kidder Bob Kidder

Chris White Marc Roswech Bryant Barchet

Prayer Partner Barb Delong Christopher Patterson

Greeters Robert & Bob Kidder

Altar Guild Barb Delong Gail Rower

Jeanne Rasmussen Kris Mauler

Sound & Slides Beth Mielke/Sue Riecks TBD

Ambassadors Connie & John Schutt


Worship Notes - June 1, 2014

INTRODUCTION: In these days between Ascension

and Pentecost, we gather with the disciples in the upper

room, waiting for the Spirit to transform the church

around the world. In today's gospel Jesus prays for his

followers and for their mission in his name. Amid reli-

gious, social, and economic divisions, we seek the unity

that Jesus had with his Father. Made one in baptism, we

go forth to live our faith in the world, eager for the unity

that God intends for the whole human family.

FIRST READING: ACTS 1:6-14 Today's reading

is part of the introduction to the narrative of the outpour-

ing of the Spirit on Pentecost. These verses tell of the

risen Lord's conversation with his disciples on the eve of

his ascension.

SECOND READING: 1 Peter 4:12–14; 5:6–11 Our faith in Christ does not make us immune from the

scorn of others. Nevertheless, we are to resist the designs

of evil when we experience disparagement from others,

because we trust God's grace will strengthen and guide

us. Christians have a zeal for doing what is right in

God’s eyes no matter what the circumstances because in

baptism we are saved and made alive. Thus our Chris-

tian beliefs and behavior are to be a matter of public

record just as our baptism is.

GOSPEL: John 17:1-11 On the night before his

crucifixion, Jesus prays to his heavenly Father, asking

that those who continue his work in this world will live in



June 1, 2014 Seventh Sunday of Easter

8:00am and 9:30am ELW Setting 10

GATHERING *Please stand as you are able.



The musical call to worship begins the service,

encouraging us to quietly prepare our hearts and

minds to receive the Word of God.


Please stand as you are able and face the

baptismal font at the rear of the sanctuary.

All may make the sign of the cross, the sign marked

at baptism, as the minister begins.

P: Blessed be the holy Trinity, † one God, the life beyond all death, the joy beyond all sorrow, our everlasting home. C: Amen.

P: Rejoicing in Christ’s victory over sin and death, let us come before God who calls us to repentance.

Silence is kept for reflection.

P: God of life, By the resurrection of your Son you make everything new. Newness scares us, and we confess to shutting our doors in fear. We have not listened to voices that challenge us. We have resisted the Holy Spirit moving us in new directions. Our hearts are slow to believe your promises. C: Forgive us, O God, and renew us to embrace without fear the new life you have given us in Jesus Christ. Amen.


P: People of God: Christ is alive, and death has lost its power. Through the waters of bap-tism you have been born anew by the living word of God. Know that your sins are forgiven in † Jesus’ name and that the Spirit of the risen Christ is alive in you both now and forever. C: Amen.

Please turn and face forward for the opening hymn.

*OPENING HYMN Red hymnal, ELW #848

“Give to Our God Immortal Praise”



Please be seated.


FIRST READING: Acts 1:6-14

SECOND READING: 1 Peter 4:12-14;5:6-11

*GOSPEL ACCLAMATION “Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil”

(Words on screens)

*GOSPEL: John 17:1-11

Please be seated.

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 4

CHILDREN’S CONVERSATION All children are encouraged to come forward.

SERMON - Pastor Brad “The Promise of the Holy Spirit”

*HYMN OF THE Day Red hymnal, ELW #631

“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” Verses 1, 2, 4



*SHARING OF THE PEACE Please be seated.


PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND GIFTS The offering is received as the Lord’s Table is prepared.

Children are invited to bring their gifts to the altar.

All quarters received will go to the ELCA World Hunger program.

OFFERING MUSIC (Congregation sings)

Red hymnal, ELW #851 “When in Our Music God is Glorified”

*OFFERTORY “For the Beauty of the Earth”

(Words on screens)




*HOLY, HOLY “Beautiful Savior”

(Words on screens)



Please be seated.

COMMUNION The communion follows. Please come forward

as indicated by the ushers.

Grape juice is available in the blue pottery chalices for

those who do not wish to drink wine.

Gluten-free wafers are also available.

All are welcome, for it is the Lord’s Table.

*COMMUNION HYMNS (as needed)

Red hymnal, ELW #482 “I Come With Joy”

Red hymnal, ELW #474 “Bread of Life from Heaven”

Red hymnal, ELW #483 “Here is Bread”


*POST-COMMUNION CANTICLE “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”

(words on screen)





*SENDING HYMN Red hymnal, ELW #638

“Blessed Assurance”



Members of St. Philip: Mary Jane Rhodes, Kirstine Rand & her family, Roy Hager, Karen Morin, Shirley LeVin, Margaret Rusch, Pam & Andy Kubicek, and Marian Schild. Safe travel for Morgan Wilhelm on his mission trip.

Family Members: Mark Woods (father of Trevor Woods), Erika Kuenne (daughter of Carl & Rita Kuenne), Debbie Armstrong (sister of Pam Kubicek), Jane Stevermer (mother of Michael Stevermer), Donald & Delores Krohn (Michael Krohn’s parents), Bill Orf (son-in-law of Howard & Nancy Hanson), Sarah DeBoer (Mary & Steve DeBoer’s daughter), the children of Larry & Linda Heesch, Louise Carlson (mother of Kirstine Rand), Karen Gardner (daughter of Carole Kessler), Sally Casterline (Nancy Hanson’s sister), Steven Paulson (Florence Jackson’s son), Renee Chavez (Galinda Knight’s mother), Debbie Keeney (Chuck Krieger’s daughter), Harriett Hansen (Kirstine Rand’s great-aunt), and Cathy Silco (Tom Silco’s sister).

Friends: Jacci Pager (Kim Woods), Jeff Wurtzel (Mary Hatlestad), family & friends of Susan Loerner (Carlson family), Gaye Obanion (Pam Kubicek), Julie (Mary Mahaffey), Brian Briggs (former member), John Hoistion (Karen Otto), and Becky Logan (Karen Morin).

Prayers of thanksgiving for Aaron Silco, who arrived safely in Beijing.

Prayers for our companion synods and friends in Madagascar.

Prayers of remembrance and love for all our homebound members.

For all servicemen and women deployed around the world, those suffering with PTSD and those with ties to St. Philip who are currently serving our country.

If you have a prayer concern that you wish to have printed in the Happenings, please call the church

office at 303.979.4491 or complete the prayer request section on a Connection Card and place it in the

offering plate. Prayer requests will be listed for two weeks unless otherwise requested. Thank you.


“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 6

Worship Sources

Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2013 Augsburg

Fortress. Used by permission. Scripture quotations (except

psalms) from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copy-

right 1989 Division of Christian Education of the National

Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights re-

served. Used by permission. License #13076W. Reprinted

under A-705770.


Opening Hymn: ELW #848“Give to God Our Immortal

Praise” Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Music: attr. John Hat-

ton, d. 1793.

Hymn of the Day: ELW #631 “Love Divine, All Loves Excel-

ling” Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Music: Rowland H.

Prichard, 1811-1887.

Sending Hymn: ELW #638 “Blessed Assurance” Text: Fanny

J. Crosby, 1820-1915 Music: Phoebe P. Knapp, 1830-1908.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Communion Hymns:

Hymn #1: ELW 482“I Come With Joy” Text: Brian A. Wren,

b. 1936 Music: W. Walker, Southern Harmony, 1835 Text ©

1971, rev. 1995 Hope Publishing Company.

Hymn #2: ELW 474 “Bread of Life from Heaven” Text: Susan

R. Briehl, b. 1952 Music: Argentine traditional, refrain; Marty

Haugen, b. 1950, stanzas Text and music © 2001 GIA Publi-

cations, Inc.

Hymn #3: ELW 483 “Here is Bread” Text: Graham Kendrick,

b. 1950 Music: Graham Kendrick Text and music © 1991

Make Way Music, admin. by Music Services in the Western



Gospel Acclamation: ELW #512 “Lord, Make My Heart Be

Good Soil” Music: Handt Hanson, b. 1950 Music: Handt

Hanson Text and music ©1985 Prince of Peace Publishing,

Changing Church, In.c

Offertory: ELW #879 “For the Beauty of the Earth” Text:

Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917, alt. Music: Conrad Kocher,


Holy, Holy: ELW #838 “Beautiful Savior” Text: Gesang-

buch, Münster, 1877; tr. Joseph A. Seiss, 1823-1904 Music:

Silesian folk tune, 19th cent.

Post-Communion Canticle: ELW #857 “Lord, I Lift Your

Name on High” Text: Rick Founds, b. 1954 Music: Rick

Founds Text and music © 1989 Maranatha Praise, Inc.

admin. Music Services.



Worshipers on Saturday, 05/24/14 38 Worshipers on Sunday 8am, 05/25/14 77 Worshipers on Sunday 10:45am, 05/25/14 88

Total Attendance 203

Volunteer Opportunity Audio/Visual Team

Members of St. Philip! Do your time and talents lean toward technical type activities? The au-dio/visual team is in need of more volunteers to help run the sound and slides for our worship services. Each service needs both a sound and a slide person. We are happy to train anyone interested.

We are in need of 3 to 4 volunteers so we can always have the worship services covered. Please contact Marc DeFur at or Steve Rower at if you are interested. Thank you!

A Place in the Choir

All God’s people got a place in the choir!!

Yes, they do, and on Pente-cost Sunday (June 8

th), St.

Philip will prove this is true. We will have a cross-generational choir in worship, but only if you and your family participates. We are going to sing “You Are Holy,” one of our well-known worship responses as the anthem.

Come early for the service - 7:25am for the 8am service, and 9:00am for the 9:30am ser-vice. We will hand out small percussion instru-ments and then will practice singing for the ser-vice. This is a GREAT opportunity for everyone to catch some of the “spirit” of the day. So moms and dads, brothers and sisters, young and the young at heart, come on Pentecost Sunday and make a joyful noise to the Lord!!

Pentecost Sunday is June 8th

Wear RED

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 7


Altar Flowers

This weekend’s altar flowers were donated by Art & Elvira Barber to celebrate 62 years of marital bliss. Congratulations, Elvira & Art!

There are still some dates available on the 2014 flower calendar. Altar flower arrangements cost $25, and must be pre-paid. Please call the church office for details.


Synod Assembly Report by LeRae Schnickel

Thank you, St. Philip, for the opportunity to at-tend the Rocky Mountain Synod assembly May 9-10. I found it to be both informative and inspi-rational. (I especially enjoyed listening to Rev. Duran. He challenged us to trade judgment for curiosity. He wants us to get out of our comfort zone and build relationship with our neighbors.)

I attended a break-out session entitled “Mission Interpretation: Telling the Story.” I learned that a healthy stewardship ministry does not rely solely on financial response, but also focuses on education, giftedness, lifestyle, and mission interpretation.

Mission interpreters are the storytellers of our church, providing members of the congregation with a better understanding of how God uses their prayers, tithes, offerings, volunteer efforts to bring hope and healing to people in need. Through this sharing, others may be inspired to be more active in our church.


Summer Activities for Children

Sunday School is taking a break until fall, but the Children’s Ministry is still very active. Here are some of the fun activities planned for this summer for our Sunday School children and youth. Summer Movies Come in and cool off! Bring a blanket, lunch, and a friend. Best suited for ages 0-8 years and their parents. Thursdays June 19, July 17, and August 14 at noon in the Youth Room. RSVP Aurora Keltner at Vacation Bible School Come for a week of fun Bible study, games, crafts, and snacks! For incoming Pre-K (4 years) through 5

th grade. Monday through Fri-

day July 7-11, 9-noon at the church. Register online at Bowling An afternoon of bowling fun for incoming 5-7


graders. Sunday, June 8 at 2:30 pm at Fun City. RSVP with JoHanna at Also coming this summer: a pool party in July and mini golf in August!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

North parking lot From 8-10:30am

Free Will Offering

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” “All of us sharing our gifts in service” 8

Out of Africa - Mary Mielke’s Journey

Mary Mielke is back from a month-long stay in Uganda, and she has a story to share! Mary worked with an organization called Come, Let’s Dance, a grassroots organization acting in the United States and Uganda to initiate social, en-vironmental, and economic health by inviting a generation to live intentionally in service to oth-ers.

Please join Mary on Sunday, June 1, at 10:30am (immediately following the second service) in MC 4/5 to hear her stories and see her pictures. Light refreshments will be served.


FAITH5™ is for families that want to connect— church to home, faith to life, and to each other!

This summer families with children of all ages are invited to participate in a FAITH5™ Ex-press. In three gatherings (normally six) we’ll cover the five faith practices: sharing, reading, talking, praying, and blessing. Each session will offer practical ideas for incorporating these faith acts into your family’s daily routine, as well as the opportunity to build community with other FAITH5™ families. Families that have been in-tentional about the FAITH5™ practices have found that they are closer to God and better connected with one another.

St. Philip’s FAITH5™ families will meet immedi-ately following worship services (10:30-12:30), on Sundays June 8, 15, and 22. Sharing a meal is part of the FAITH5™ experience.

Please contact JoHanna at to sign up. For more information on FAITH5™ visit


©Faith Inkubators. All rights reserved.

Summer Youth Group

Every Wednesday from June 4—August 14

Summer Youth Group is for all youth going into grade 7 through the youth who just graduated high school. We will meet every Wednesday, beginning June 4

th and ending August 14


Most weeks we will meet from 6:30-8:30pm in the Youth Room.

Once a month we will have a day trip. Contact Pastor Brad with any questions.

Vacation Bible School “Forgiven. A Better Version of Me!”

Vacation Bible School will take place July 7-11 at St. Philip, from 9-noon each day. Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp will once again provide talented and enthusiastic camp counselors to lead children in song and activities. This year’s theme is “Forgiven. A Better Version of Me!”

Registration is now avail-able online through the St. Philip website. The cost is $30 per child. For more information, please con-tact Kyle Pitts or Angela Seep.

9 “All of us sharing our gifts in service”


Coffee Fellowship Today

Phyllis and Larry Kemp are the Coffee Hosts today - thank you!

Coffee Fellowship is from 9-9:30am in the nar-thex. Please join us for light refreshments and lots of great conversation! We still have some dates available in June and July on the Coffee Fellowship sign-up sheet.

Please consider volunteering to host the Coffee Fellowship. If you are a Cof-

fee Fellowship “virgin,” simply check the appropriate box on the sign-up form,

and the Coffee Cart Coordinator will con-tact you to help guide you through your first time. The sign-up sheet can be

found on the clipboard at the Coffee Cart in the narthex.

Next up: Ed & Gisela Fritsch will be our Coffee Hosts next week.

Book Club

The St. Philip Book Club will meet on Tuesday, June 10

th at 7pm in the Youth Room.

The book selection for June is Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline, followed by The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin for July, and The In-vention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd for August.

ALL are welcome, and we would love to have some new faces at our next meeting! More people means better discussions!

Questions? Contact Eileen Detweiler (

Sheridan Food Bank Project

The food bank will be opening June 5th, and will

be open for distribution from 4:30pm-7pm. The food bank is located in the Sheridan Rec Cen-ter just west of Sheridan High School.

We still need volunteers to help with: Transportation & stocking of donated items

at the Rec. Center Provide support on June 5

th with set up,

serving clients, clean up afterwards Food Bank of the Rockies (will need to at-

tend an orientation) Online Shoppers - check or coordinate

with Shopping team daily to see what has come in, will need to identify who can pick up order from Transportation team.

Transportation - folks who are willing to go the Food Bank of the Rockies to pick up orders. Will need vans, SUVs, pickup trucks or trailers to haul large quantities. Pickup times are generally M-F, 1/2 hour time slots 9-3:30pm, and one Saturday per month. It would be great to have at least one person to cover each day of the week.

Key Positions to fill: Volunteer Coordinator Outreach/Partnering Fundraising

Food and Other Donations: Please see Food Bank insert for complete list of non-perishable food items, shopping bags, etc.

Please contact Juli Cooley for more information about how you can help. Contact Juli at: or 720.431.0101.



Pastor Brad & Roseanna Have Exciting News!

Pastor Brad and Roseanna are having a BABY!

It is true! Roseanna is due on November 29, 2014. She is 13 weeks along, so just past the first trimester, doing great and feeling well. We have decided to not find out the gender of the

baby until the baby is born. We are very excited and can't wait to be parents!

Thank You!

Doug & Norma Mayotte and VFW Post 9644 wishes to thank St. Philip for their gen-erosity - the Buddy Poppy sales generated $131! Thank you for your support!

The funds from poppy sales are used to support VFW Post 9644’s relief efforts in many ways. For example, many of

their widow members have cancer, and the post tries to boost their income by giving them a one-time financial gift, which really makes a difference.

A Letter of Thanks

The following letter was sent to the Quilting Cir-cle and Ties That Bind from a GI whose unit received some of the blankets that our ladies made. The original letter and the photo that ac-companied it are posted on the Women of St. Philip bulletin board.

Dear Mary (DeBoer) and friends, I wanted to write to you and thank you for the wonderful blankets you made for my unit here in Afghanistan. Our mutual friend Kathy (Rat) Goldstein told me all about the work and devo-tion tht you all put into them and I can assure you that the soldiers who received them are all very grateful and appreciate them and your gesture. It is acts of love and kindness like that which goes so far towards boosting our morale and making the difficult missions we do over here bearable. As the Company First Sergeant, I would like to personally thank you for your support. It means so much. I shared some of the pictures of the soldiers with the blankets with Kathy, and I hope she was able to share them with you. Below is a picture of our unit - A Co 3-227

th Air Assault for the 1

st Air Cavalry

Bridgade from Ft. Hood, Texas. God willing, we will all be home safe and sound by the end of June. Hope you and your church family are well, God bless you and once again, from the bottom of our hearts, a very sincere Thank You! The A Co Werewolves are honored and forever grateful. V/r 1SG Michael Brown

Thank You! Thank You!

I want to personally thank the St. Philip quilters for the beautiful handmade quilts and pillow-cases given to Easter Seals Colorado camp, Rocky Mountain Village. Our kids who attend camp have many disabilities. I assure you that they will smile when they see their cabin beds with bright and colorful quilts. I am very proud to be a member of St. Philip. Thank you so much,

Nancy Hanson


Brrrr…..! And Other Feedback

Last Sunday, May 25th, the worshipers at the

8am service had goosebumps, but it wasn’t be-cause of Pastor Brad’s great sermon! The un-seasonably cold weather from the previous day left the sanctuary rather chilly. Several of you reported that you were uncomfortable, and we were able to resolve the problem in time for the second service.

Your feedback and comments are always wel-come - we will do our best to listen and respond the best we can. Please don’t hesitate to share your concerns with us.

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” “All of us sharing our gifts in service” 11


Annual St. Philip Golf Outing & Silent Auction

Saturday, June 28, 2014

After last week’s snow, it’s DEFINITELY time to think GOLF!! The St. Philip Golf Outing is scheduled for June 28 at Arrowhead Country Club. We have several teams ready to go, so gather yours together and get registered! This is NOT limited to St. Philip members - any golf-ers or golfer “wannabees” are welcome. We will be having lots of contests and specials this year which will allow all levels of golfers to pos-sibly win! Events include longest drive, longest putt, closest to the pin, straightest drive (with minimal distance required - like you have to get it off the tee!), mulligans, putting string, and if all else fails, there will be a putting contest after lunch that will be open to anyone - children, non-golfers and golfers alike. We’re even pro-viding childcare! Come join us for a great day of family fun!

Need more information? Come see us at the Welcome Center kiosk in the narthex.

P.S. We’re still looking for golf cart and hole sponsorships - a truly great way to adver-tise! Talk to Linda Good-nough (303.979.4491) about becoming a sponsor.


Building Use

Scheduling for building usage is done by the Business Administrator, Linda Goodnough.

Need a room for a meeting or other activity? Call Linda at 303.979.4491.

Silent Auction & Golf Outing Update

The Silent Auction begins the weekend of June 6-7 and continues through the month. The golf outing is June 28 at Arrowhead Golf Course, and it’s not too late to sign up.

We have received wonderful donations for our silent auction! New this year will be a children’s “grab-a-ball” full of gift certificates for places kids like. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to be involved! Remember that all proceeds go to improve the Sanctuary lighting.

Whine, Whine, We Need Wine!

Our wine wall for the Silent Auction is looking sparse and time is getting short! Please donate a bottle of your favorite wine ranging in price from $15 to $40 per bottle. Bring your wine do-nations to the church office BEFORE June 1 and leave them with business administrator Linda Goodnough. Linda will be happy to give you a receipt for your donation, if desired.

All bottles will be wrapped in either white or red paper, according to the type of wine it is, and then placed in the wine rack. In June during the weekend silent auction times, all the wines will be available for a donation of $20 per bottle. Pay $20, and you choose a wrapped bottle of wine from the wall.

Everyone is a winner! Knowing that someone at St. Philip enjoyed that wine enough to do-nate it will be the fun part of the raffle. Knowing that you are helping improve the sanctuary lighting, will be the BEST part.

Bake Shop

Something new this year is a bake shop—each week freshly made, homemade goods will be for sale in the auction area. We are looking for donations - bring your specialty any weekend in June, preferably before services on Saturday or Sunday! Items will only be sold the week they are received so each week will have something different. Contact Jan Philpy if you have ques-tions.

12 “All of us sharing our gifts in service”

TUE, June 3 YMCA summer day camp

1:00P SPLC staff meeting (FS)

6:30P Boy Scout Troop 554 (FH)

SAT, June 7 Silent Auction begins

9:00a ACA

10:30a Al-Anon

5:30P Worship

SUN, June 8 PENTECOST SUNDAY Silent Auction & Bake Sale

8:00a Worship

9:00a Coffee Fellowship

9:30a Worship

10:30a FAITH5™ Express (FH)

FRI, June 6 - Church office open 8am-noon YMCA summer day camp

No activities scheduled

THU, June 5 YMCA summer day camp

7:00a Men’s breakfast (off-site at Robert’s Deli)

6:00P Reception for Joanne Smith (FH)

St. Philip Lutheran Church 7531 S. Kendall Blvd. • Littleton, CO 80128

303.979.4491 Website:

Office Hours: Monday–Thursday: 8am to 5pm

Friday: 8am to 12:00noon

Senior Pastor: Nathan P. Doerr Associate Pastor: Brad Doty

Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Nancy Beyer Coordinator of Children & Family Ministries:

JoHanna Buchholz Organist: Gretchen Martin

Business Administrator: Linda Goodnough Editorial Assistant: Susan Riecks

Receptionist: Dana Usinger Nursery: Paula Googins

KeyKeeper Duty

The Keykeeper this week (06/01-06/07) is Greg Luer. Next week’s Keykeeper (06/08-06/14) will be Mark Pixley. Thank you for your service!

WED, June 4 YMCA summer day camp

6:30P Summer Youth Group (YR)

SUN, June 1

8:00a Youth Car Wash Fundraiser (N parking lot)

8:00a Worship

9:00a Coffee Fellowship

9:30a Worship

10:30a Uganda presentation - Mary Mielke

MON, June 2 YMCA summer day camp begins

10:30a Prayer Team (sanctuary)

6:30P Prayer Shawl ministry (FS)

7:00P Nomination committee

This Week at St. Philip

Save the Date

July 7-11


Pentecost Sunday is June 8th

Wear RED


Equipment Wish List for Food Bank Operation

Refrigerator 4-wheel wagon/cart (preferably no more than 24” wide) Dolly Trash can with wheels and lid Tables & Chairs Pop-up shelters for outdoor waiting area Office supplies Gift certificates for Staples or Office Max

Non-Perishable Food Items

Meat & Fish: canned or smoked Canned or Dried:

Fruits Vegetables Soups Sauces Beans

Coffee, tea, powdered creamer Shelf-stable milk and juices Nuts Peanut butter, jelly, jam Pasta & rice Packaged dry meals (macaroni & cheese, Hamburger Helper, etc.) Baking goods: flour, sugar, salt, spices Cooking oil

Non-Food Items

Canvas/cloth shopping bags Paper products: toilet paper, tissues, paper tow-

els, napkins Laundry detergent Dish soap Cleaning products Toiletries and personal care items Diapers & wipes

“All of us sharing our gifts in service”



6/1 Jay Breidenbach Ann LaPoint Aimee Thomas

6/4 Irma Gonnerman Dawn Collins Linda Young Marc Roswech

6/6 Mark Gates Kim Wilhelm Mary Mielke

6/7 Colby Celusniak

6/8 Valerie Nixon Kathleen Reitz Gretchen Sauer Corban Lapp

6/9 JoHanna Buchholz Britta Nelson

6/10 Melanie Hamm Margaret Ahrendsen

6/11 Velton Michael Steve Rower Claire Stevens Jillian Stevens

6/12 Arnie Truman Jeff Giesen

6/13 Jacob White

6/14 Jerry Jantz Matt Luoma

6/15 Noah Ball

6/16 Char Nauman Carl Kuenne Jeri Phillips Joseph Rower

6/17 Janet Wagner Juli Cooley Lesia Hatlestad

6/18 Lynae Foley

6/19 Mark Minardi Isaac Paterniti Chris Brown Jacob Luoma Emilie Young

6/20 Carolyn Morgheim James Obermeyer

6/22 Diane Blue Ross Wilhite Mallerie Lapp Lexie Clough

6/23 Debra Perkins-Smith Kathy Starrs

6/24 Chuck Krieger Bob Carter David Blandin Ken Butts Samuel Mielke

6/25 David Oberg Mark Finnerty

6/26 Melissa Kohn

6/27 Madeline Goral

6/28 Ton Goddery Charlie Petersen, Jr. Andrew Carlson

6/29 Al Herzl Alex Mossbrucker Mitch Clough Casey Graff

6/30 Gene Whitman Glenda Smallwood Alannah Gates

Anniversaries 6/1 Glenn & Beverly Houdek

6/4 Jeff & Angy Lyslo

6/5 Carl & Rita Kuenne Steven & Mary DeBoer

6/9 Larry & Linda Heesch

6/10 John & Hope Bergren

6/12 Aaron & Ann LaPoint

6/14 Clifford & Kay Mosier

6/17 Hal & Jan Erickson Ross & Kathy Wilhite Doug & Sandra Murphy

6/18 Mark & Karen Bentz Lisa & Dwaine Edington

6/19 Bob & Barb Delong Alan & Gretchen Goral Henry & Janet Parker C. Arnold & Harriet Truman Karen & Steve Smith

6/20 Chris & Erin White

6/22 Kenneth & Suzanne Lopata Andrew & Christine Hancock Brett & Leilani Borstad

6/23 Brenda & Carl Norgren

6/26 Philip & Norma Yonker Kent & Shera Eddy Alan & Trudi Clausen

6/27 Velton & Diane Michael

6/28 Vicki & Harold Slusser Brad & Roseanna Doty

6/29 Roger & Wendy Pettner 6/30 Tony & Ginger Cordova Chris & Megan Patterson
