The Growing Human Footprint on Coastal and Open-Ocean ... · and ocean circulation) Fig. 1....


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DOI: 10.1126/science.1185198, 1512 (2010);328 Science

Scott C. DoneyBiogeochemistryThe Growing Human Footprint on Coastal and Open-Ocean

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The Growing Human Footprint on Coastaland Open-Ocean BiogeochemistryScott C. Doney

Climate change, rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, excess nutrient inputs, and pollution in its manyforms are fundamentally altering the chemistry of the ocean, often on a global scale and, in somecases, at rates greatly exceeding those in the historical and recent geological record. Major observedtrends include a shift in the acid-base chemistry of seawater, reduced subsurface oxygen both in near-shore coastal water and in the open ocean, rising coastal nitrogen levels, and widespread increasein mercury and persistent organic pollutants. Most of these perturbations, tied either directly orindirectly to human fossil fuel combustion, fertilizer use, and industrial activity, are projected to grow incoming decades, resulting in increasing negative impacts on ocean biota and marine resources.

The ocean plays a pivotal role in the globalbiogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitro-gen, phosphorus, silicon, and a variety of

other biologically active elements and chemicalcompounds (1, 2). Human fossil-fuel combustion,agriculture, and climate change have a growinginfluence on ocean chemistry, both regionally incoastal waters and globally in the open ocean (3–5)(Fig. 1). Some of the largest anthropogenic im-pacts are on inorganic carbon (6), nutrients (4, 7),and dissolved oxygen (8, 9), which are linkedthrough and affect biological productivity. Sea-water chemistry is also altered, some times quitestrongly, by the industrial production, transport,and environmental release of a host of persistentorganic chemicals (10) and trace metals, in par-ticular mercury (11), lead (12), and perhaps iron(13).

Marine biogeochemical dynamics is increas-ingly relevant to discussions of ecosystem health,climate impacts and mitigation strategies, andplanetary sustainability. Human-driven chemicalperturbations overlay substantial natural biogeo-chemical cycling and variability. Key scientificchallenges involve the detection and attributionof decadal and longer trends in ocean chemistryas well as more definitive assessments of theresulting implications for ocean life and marineresources.

The biogeochemical state of the sea reflectsboth cycling and transformationswithin the ocean,much of which are governed by biological dy-namics, and fluxes across the ocean boundarieswith the land, atmosphere, and sea floor (2, 14).For most chemical species, seawater concentra-tions are governed more by kinetics—the rates ofnet formation and transport processes—than bychemical equilibrium with particles and sedi-

ments. Clear exceptions are dissolved gases suchas carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), whichare driven to solubility equilibriumwith the partialpressure of gases in the atmosphere in the surfaceocean by air-sea gas exchange.

Phytoplankton in the ocean surface plays acrucial biogeochemical role, converting CO2 andnutrients into particulate organic and inorganicmatter via photosynthesis and releasing O2 in theprocess. The rate of marine primary productionis governed by temperature, light (strongly in-fluenced by surface turbulent mixing depths), andlimiting nutrients, most notably nitrogen, phos-

phorus, iron, and silicon for some plankton. Somefraction of the biologically produced particulatematter subsequently sinks into the subsurfaceocean and is consumed by microbes and macro-fauna, releasing CO2 and nutrients and con-suming subsurface O2. Export production thusmaintains strong vertical gradients in biogeo-chemical tracers over the water column.

The global biologically driven export flux of~10 Pg of C year−1 must be balanced by a supplyof “new” nutrients brought up from below byocean circulation, input by rivers, or depositedfrom the atmosphere.With sufficient iron and phos-phorus, some diazotrophic microbes can produce“new” nitrogen in situ through nitrogen fixationthat converts inert nitrogen gas into biologicalreactive nitrogen. Marine microbes produce andconsume a number of trace gases that can in-fluence climate, for example CO2, nitrous oxide(N2O), methane (CH4), and dimethylsulfide(DMS).

Ocean upwelling and mixing bring water withelevated CO2 and nutrients to the surface andreplenish subsurface O2, with ventilation timescales of years to a few decades in the mainthermocline (upper 1 km of the water column) andmany centuries for deep waters. Natural ocean-atmosphere climatemodes (e.g., El Nino–SouthernOscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation) gen-erate substantial interannual to interdecadal var-iability in ocean biogeochemistry. The majorexternal source terms to the ocean are typicallyriver inputs and atmospheric deposition of dust,

Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department, WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543,USA. E-mail:

Carbon dioxideOrganic pollutants and trace metals



Deforestation AgricultureFossil fuelsand industry Coastal eutrophication

and hypoxiaAltered primary

productionOcean uptake

and acidification

Low O2 upwellingDeoxygenation

Climate change(winds, temperature, sea ice, precipitation, runoff and ocean circulation)

Fig. 1. Schematic of human impacts on ocean biogeochemistry either directly via fluxes of material intothe ocean (colored arrows) or indirectly via climate change and altered ocean circulation (black arrows).The gray arrows denote the interconnections among ocean biogeochemical dynamics. Note that manyocean processes are affected by multiple stressors, and the synergistic effects of human perturbations is akey area for further research.

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aerosols, and precipitation. Thesesource terms are balanced mostlyby losses to the seafloor via the burialof the small fraction (<1% of organ-ic matter) of sinking particulatematter that is not destroyed eitherin the water column or in surfacesediments.

Human Drivers on BiogeochemicalCycles and Ocean ClimateFor most of history, it was in-conceivable that humankind coulddirectly influence ocean chemistryother than in local and inconsequentialmanners. That changed after theindustrial revolution with the devel-opment of modern energy systems,chemical industries, and agriculturethat process ever-growing volumesof material, some of which arereleased either advertently or inad-vertently into the environment andeventually reach the ocean. Forexample, because of human fossil-fuel combustion, deforestation, andland-use change (3), global meanatmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)has grown by almost 40% fromabout 280 parts per million (ppm) inthe preindustrial era to nearly 388ppm by 2010 (15). The invention ofthe Haber-Bosch process, whichconverts N2 gas into fixed nitrogenfor agricultural fertilizer, has hadan even greater proportional im-pact on the global nitrogen cycle, approximate-ly equaling the annual production of reactivenitrogen from natural sources (4). Comparableamplifications of a factor of 2 to 3 have oc-curred in the emissions of reactive phosphorus(16) and mercury (17) to the atmosphere andhydrosphere.

Indirect human effects on ocean chemistry canalso occur, mainly through climate change.According to the most recent synthesis by theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,warming of the climate system since the mid-20th century is unequivocal and is very likelycaused by the increase in anthropogenic green-house gas concentrations (CO2, N2O, CH4, andchlorofluorocarbons) (18). Documented physicalchanges relevant to ocean biogeochemistryinclude upper-ocean warming, altered precipita-tion patterns and river runoff rates, and sea-iceretreat in the Arctic and the West Antarctic Pe-ninsula. Reduced stratospheric ozone over Ant-arctica appears to be causing a major shift inatmospheric pressure (more positive SouthernAnnular Mode conditions), which strengthensand displaces poleward the westerly winds inthe Southern Ocean and which also may be in-creasing ocean vertical upwelling (19). Future

climate projections indicate continuation, and inmany cases acceleration, of these trends as wellas other changes such as more intense tropicalstorms, an ice-free summer in the Arctic, and avery likely reduction in the strength of theAtlanticdeepwater formation.

Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic CO2

Rising atmospheric CO2 causes a net air-to-seaflux of excess CO2 that dissolves in surfaceseawater as inorganic carbon through well-known physical-chemical reactions. The globaluptake rate is governed primarily by atmosphericCO2 concentrations and the rate of ocean cir-culation that exchanges surface waters equili-brated with elevated CO2 levels with subsurfacewaters. The distribution, global inventory, anddecadal trend in anthropogenic CO2 are well char-acterized from ship-based observations (6, 20)and models (3). Based on a recent synthesis, in2008 fossil-fuel combustion released 8.7 ± 0.5 Pgof C year−1 to the atmosphere primarily as CO2,contributing to an ocean uptake of 2.3 ± 0.4 Pg ofC year−1 (3). Cumulative ocean carbon uptakesince the beginning of the industrial age is equiv-alent to about 25 to 30% of total human CO2

emissions (6).

Climate change is expected todecrease ocean uptake of anthro-pogenic CO2 because of lowerCO2 solubility in warmer watersand slower physical transport intothe ocean interior due to increasedvertical stratification and reduceddeepwater formation (21). In con-trast, stronger Southern Oceanwinds and ocean upwelling mayincrease future uptake of anthropo-genic CO2 (22). Changes in oceancirculation also alter the upwardtransport of subsurface water en-riched in nutrients and dissolvedinorganic carbon, and these biogeo-chemical feedbacks tend to partiallyoffset climate effects on anthropo-genic CO2 uptake. In model esti-mates for the contemporary SouthernOcean for example, enhanced ef-flux of natural CO2 due to strongerwinds and upwelling more thancompensates for increased anthro-pogenic CO2 uptake, leading to anet reduction in global ocean uptake(19, 23). Recent observations of theair-sea difference in the partialpressure of carbon dioxide ( pCO2),the driving force for air-sea CO2 ex-change, indicate a weakening ofoceanic uptake in a number of re-gions, although there remains somedebate about whether this signalshould be attributed primarily toclimate change or decadal climate

variability (3, 24).

Ocean AcidificationOcean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 also altersocean chemistry, leading tomore acidic conditions(lower pH) and lower chemical saturation states(W) for calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals usedby many plants, animals, and microorganisms tomake shells and skeletons (25). Seawater acid-base chemistry is buffered largely by the inorganiccarbon system, and CO2 acts as a weak acid inseawater. Processes that add CO2, like air-to-seagas flux or bacterial respiration of organic matter,increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+)and thus decrease pH (pH = –log10[H

+]).Critically for many organisms, the addition of

CO2 reduces carbonate ion (CO32–) concentration

through the reaction H+ + CO32–→HCO3

–, eventhough the total amount of dissolved inorganiccarbon (DIC) goes up (DIC = [CO2] + [H2CO3] +[HCO3

–] + [CO32–]).DecliningCO3

2– in turn lowersCaCO3 saturation state, W = [Ca2+][CO3

2–]/Ksp,whereKsp is the thermodynamic solubility productthat varies with temperature, pressure, and min-eral form. Ocean surface waters are currently super-saturated (W > 1) for the two major forms usedbymarine organisms, aragonite (corals andmany













91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09



tal s


, in







Sea pCO2 based on DIC and TA

Wet air pCO2 based on MLO data

pH based on DIC and TA

pH based on direct measurement

Air pCO2 trend = +1.69 ± 0.03 μatm y-1

Sea pCO2 trend = +1.88± 0.15 μatm y-1

In situ pH trend = -0.0019 ± 0.0002 y-1

Fig. 2. Time series of (top) atmospheric CO2 and surface ocean pCO2 and(bottom) surface ocean pH at the atmospheric Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO)on the island of Hawai‘i and Station ALOHA in the subtropical North Pacificnorth of Hawai‘i, 1988–2008. [Adapted from (26)] SCIENCE VOL 328 18 JUNE 2010 1513





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mollusks) and calcite (coccolithophores, forami-nifera, and some mollusks). Because of pressureeffects and higher metabolic CO2 from organicmatter respiration, W decreases with depth, oftenbecoming undersaturated (W < 1), at whichpoint unprotected shells and skeletons begin todissolve.

Ocean acidification is documented clearlyfrom ocean time-series and surveymeasurementsover the past two decades (Fig. 2) (26, 27). Frompreindustrial levels, contemporary surface oceanpH has dropped on average by about 0.1 pH units(a 26% increase in [H+]), and additional declinesof 0.2 and 0.3 pH units will occur over the 21stcentury unless human CO2 emissions are cur-tailed substantially (28). Surface ocean CaCO3

saturation states are declining everywhere, andpolar surface waters will become undersaturatedfor aragonite when atmospheric CO2 reaches 400to 450 ppm for the Arctic and 550 to 600 ppm forthe Antarctic (29). Subsurface waters will also beaffected but more slowly, governed by oceancirculation, with the fastest rates in the mainthermocline and high latitudeswhere cold surfacewaters sink into the ocean interior. Many coastalwaters naturally have low pH, a factor amplifiedby acid rain (30) and nutrient eutrophication (seebelow).

The rates of change in global ocean pH andWare unprecedented, a factor of 30 to 100 timesfaster than temporal changes in the recentgeological past, and the perturbations will lastmany centuries to millennia. The geologicalrecord does contain past ocean acidificationevents, the most recent associated with thePaleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 55.8 mil-lion years ago. But these events may haveoccurred gradually enough and under differentenough background conditions for ocean chem-istry and biology that there is no good paleo-analog for the current situation (31).

On the basis of laboratory experiments andlimited surveys across ocean chemistry gradients,ocean acidification will likely reduce shell andskeleton growth by many marine calcifyingspecies including corals and mollusks (25).Ocean acidification alsomay reduce the toleranceof some species to thermal stress. Some studiessuggest a threshold of about 550 ppm atmo-spheric CO2 where coral reefs would begin toerode rather than grow because of acidificationand surface ocean warming; this would negative-ly affect diverse reef-dependent taxa (32). Polarecosystems also may be particularly susceptiblewhen surface waters become undersaturated foraragonite, themineral formused bymanymollusks.

Some organisms may benefit in a high-CO2

world, in particular photosynthetic organisms thatare currently limited by the amount of dissolvedCO2 in seawater. In laboratory experiments withelevatedCO2, higher photosynthesis rates are foundfor certain phytoplankton species, seagrasses, andmacroalgae, and enhanced nitrogen-fixation ratesare found for some cyanobacteria. Indirect impactson noncalcifying organisms andmarine ecosystemsas a whole are possible but more difficult tocharacterize from present understanding.

Climate Change and Trends inBiological ProductivityPrimary production by upper-ocean phyto-plankton forms the base of the marine food weband drives ocean biogeochemistry through theexport flux of organic matter and calcareous andsiliceous biominerals from planktonic shells.Satellite observations indicate a strong negativerelationship, at interannual time scales, betweenproductivity and warming in the tropics andsubtropics,most likely because of reduced nutrientsupply from increased vertical stratification (33).Numerical models project declining low-latitudemarine primary production in response to 21st-

century climate warming (34). The situation is lessclear in temperate and polar waters, although thereis a tendency in models for increased productionbecause of warming, reduced vertical mixing, andreduced sea-ice cover. The climate signal inprimary production may be difficult to distinguishfrom natural variability for many decades (35).

Changes in atmospheric nutrient depositionalso can alter productivity but mostly on regionalscales near industrial and agricultural sources.Present anthropogenic reactive nitrogen deposi-tion to the surface ocean (54 ± 23 Tg of N year−1)(Fig. 3) supports an export production of ~0.3 Pgof C year−1 (~3% of global total) while producingan additional ~1.6 Tg year−1 of N2O (7). In muchof the North Pacific, equatorial Pacific, andSouthern Ocean, phytoplankton are limited byiron, but most of the atmospheric iron depositionis in the form of mineral dust that is not readilybioavailable. Anthropogenic combustion sourcesand increased cloud-water acidity are increasingsoluble iron input to the ocean (13, 36). Modelssuggest that anthropogenic iron deposition couldhave a greater positive impact on productivitythan anthropogenic nitrogen and also enhancenitrogen fixation, but direct observations arelacking (37).

Coastal Hypoxia andOpen-OceanDeoxygenationLow subsurface O2, termed hypoxia, occursnaturally in open-ocean and coastal environmentsfrom a combination of weak ventilation and/orstrong organic matter degradation (8, 9). Dis-solved O2 gas is essential for aerobic respiration,and low O2 levels negatively affect the physiol-ogy of higher animals, leading to so-called“dead-zones” where many macrofauna are ab-sent. Thresholds for hypoxia vary by organismbut are ~60 mmol of O2 kg−1 or about 30% ofsurface saturation. Under suboxic conditions (<5mmol kg−1), microbes begin to use nitrate (NO3)

1 1.45 2.09 3.02 4.37 6.32mmol m-2 y-1

NOy deposition NHX depositionTotal = 9.32 Tg N y-1 Total = 27.88 Tg N y-1

9.15 13.23 19.13 27.66 40

Fig. 3. Model estimated deposition fluxes of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (mol N m−2 year−1) to the ocean surface for oxidized forms (NOy), primarily fromfossil fuel combustion sources, and reduced forms (NHx) primarily from agricultural sources. [Adapted from (30)]

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rather than O2 as a terminal electron acceptorfor organic matter respiration (denitrification),resulting in reactive nitrogen loss and N2O pro-duction. Toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) produc-tion occurs under anoxic (no O2) conditions. Theorganic matter respiration that generates hy-poxia also elevates CO2, thus leading to coupleddeoxygenation and ocean acidification in a fu-ture warmer, high-CO2 world. The synergisticeffects of these multiple stressors may magnifythe negative physiological and microbial re-sponses beyond the impacts expected for eachperturbation considered in isolation (38, 39).

Fertilizer runoff and nitrogen deposition fromfossil fuels are driving an expan-sion in the duration, intensity, andextent of coastal hypoxia, leadingto marine habitat degradationand, in extreme cases, extensivefish and invertebrate mortality(8, 40, 41). About half the globalriverine nitrogen input (50 to 80Tg of N year−1) is anthropo-genic in origin (4, 42), and anthro-pogenic nitrogen deposition isconcentrated in coastal watersdownwind of industrial and in-tensive agricultural regions (30).The result is coastal eutrophica-tion and enhanced organic matterproduction, export, and subsur-face decomposition that consumesO2. Nutrient eutrophication isalso associated with increasedfrequency of harmful algal blooms(43).

Worldwide there are nowmorethan 400 coastal hypoxic systemscovering an area > 245,000 km2

(40). Population growth and fur-ther coastal urbanization will onlyexacerbate coastal hypoxia withoutcareful land and ocean manage-ment. Accelerated hypoxia mayalso result from climate warming and regionalincreases in precipitation and runoff that increasewater-column vertical stratification; on the otherhand, more intense tropical storms could disruptstratification and increase O2 ventilation (8).

Expanding coastal hypoxia is also inducedin some regions by reorganization in ocean-atmosphere physics. Off the Oregon-Washingtoncoast, increased wind-driven upwelling is linkedto the first appearance of hypoxia, and evenanoxia, on the inner shelf after 5 decades ofhypoxia-free conditions (44). Further south in theCalifornia Current System, the depth of thehypoxic surface has shoaled along the coast byup to 90m (45). The same physical phenomenon,along with the penetration of fossil-fuel CO2 intooff-shore source waters, are introducing waterscorrosive to aragonite (W < 1) onto thecontinental shelf (46). There is conflicting evi-

dence on how coastal upwelling may respond toclimate change, and impacts may vary regionally(47).

Extensive deoxygenation is also occurring inthe open ocean, most notably in the thermoclineof the North Pacific and tropical oceans (9, 48)(Fig. 4). A portion of the observed oxygenchange likely reflects decadal variability in oceancirculation, but similar to ocean CO2 distinctsecular trends are apparent at some long-termtime series stations (49). Models project furtherreductions of 1 to 7% in the global oxygeninventory and expansions of open-ocean oxygenminimum zones over the 21st century from

decreased solubility in warmer waters and slowerventilation rates (50).

The Global Spread of Industrial PollutantsPoints sources of pollution from industrial dis-charges and oil spills are often highly visibleand destructive to the local and regional marineenvironment (51). Perhaps less well known isthe global spread of industrial pollutants intowhat otherwise would appear to be pristine envi-ronments. Elevated oceanic levels of persistentorganic pollutants (10) and methyl mercury, ahighly toxic organic form (11), raise serious con-cerns for marine ecosystem health and, poten-tially, human health through the consumptionof contaminated seafood. Many organic andorgano-metallic compounds bioaccumulate inthe fatty tissues of marine organisms at levelsorders of magnitude higher than ambient sea-

water concentrations. Such pollutants are passedup the food chain and are most concentrated inmarine organisms at the higher trophic levelsincluding predatory fish, marine mammals, andseabirds.

Key factors in determining overall biologicalimpacts for a particular pollutant are source mag-nitudes and locations, physical and biologicaltransport pathways, toxicity, and persistence inthe environment. Pollutants exhibit elevated levelsnear local point sources and in coastal and open-ocean waters because of atmospheric depositiondownwind of industrial regions (e.g., westernPacific near East Asia and North Atlantic near

North America and Western Europe) (17, 52)(Fig. 3). However, they are also distributed glob-ally, found in even the most remote marine lo-cations, transported through the atmosphere inthe vapor phase, aerosols, and soot particles (i.e.,black carbon); by ocean currents; and in somecases by migrating animals (53).

Elemental mercury (Hg0), the main chem-ical form in the ocean, is transformed into themore toxic methyl mercury form by microbes,particularly in reduced environments such ascoastal sediments and perhaps oxygen minimumzones (11). Although mercury distributions arepoorly characterized from direct seawater mea-surements, time histories reconstructed fromnumerical models (17) and biological samples(e.g., seabird feathers) indicate increasingtrends over the 20th century (11). It is encourag-ing that, after the phaseout of leaded gasoline in

150E 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W 140W 130W

CLIVAR P2 (2004) − WOCE P2 (1994) : AOU ( mol kg )

















th (



Fig. 4. Decadal change in subsurface O2 from 1994 to 2004 along 30°N in the North Pacific with positive valuesindicating an increase in apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and a decline in O2 (mmol kg

−1); contour plot is overlaid bymixed-layer depths (green line) and potential density surfaces (pink) (48). The large AOU increase on the 26.6 potentialdensity anomaly surface (purple line) is a combination of a decadal-time-scale ventilation cycle in the North Pacific anda smaller deoxygenation trend estimated to be about 5 mmol kg−1 decade−1) (48, 49). CLIVAR, Climate Variability andPredictability Program; WOCE, World Ocean Circulation Experiment. SCIENCE VOL 328 18 JUNE 2010 1515





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North America that began in the mid-1970s, thehigh levels of anthropogenic lead observed in theNorth Atlantic declined sharply and are now com-parable to those occurring at the beginning of the20th century (12).

Some persistent organic pollutants aresynthetic and did not exist in nature beforeindustrial manufacture. Production for someorganic pollutants peaked in developed nationsin the mid- to late 20th century but is continuingto grow in the developing world. Commonlymeasured synthetic contaminants include pes-ticides like DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls,and brominated flame retardants such as poly-brominated diphenyl ethers. However, there aremany more organic compounds synthesized andused that presumably exist in the ocean but thathave not been detected (54).

Human activities have also increased levels ofnaturally occurring compounds such as poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which have sourcesfrom petroleum spills and natural oil seeps aswell as, primarily, incomplete combustion fromwildfires, biomass burning, and fossil fuels (55).In a study on the Gulf of Maine downwind of theNortheast United States, another combustionproduct, black carbon, contributed up to 20% ofthe total particulate organic carbon in seawaterand about half of the “molecularly uncharacter-ized” fraction (56). Environmental samples oftencontain organic compounds similar in chemicalstructure to known pollutants but which may bebiosynthesized natural products; compound-specific radiocarbon analysis is emerging as apowerful tool for distinguishing between naturaland industrial sources (10).

Future Research DirectionsA deeper understanding of human impacts onocean biogeochemistry is essential if the scien-tific community is to provide appropriate andtimely information to the public and decision-makers on pressing environmental questions.Although some progress has been made on anascent ocean observing system for CO2 (57), themarine environment remains woefully under-sampled for most compounds. The oceanograph-ic community needs to develop a coordinatedobservational plan that takes better advantage ofin situ autonomous sensors and observation plat-forms (58). Monitoring efforts should be pairedwith laboratory and field process studies to bet-ter elucidate the biological effects of changingchemistry at organism, population, and eco-system levels.

In particular, more detailed biochemical,system biology, and genomic studies are requiredto explain mechanistically the responses of cellsand organism to external perturbations, supple-menting what have often been to date morephenomenological findings. Genomic and phys-iological research should be embedded in large-scale ecological and biogeochemical spatial

surveys and time series to facilitate scaling toecosystems (59). Further work is needed acrossscales exploring possible synergistic effectsamong multiple stressors and to assess the po-tential for biological acclimation and adaptationto human perturbations over decadal to centen-nial time scales. Lastly, targeted research isneeded on the impacts on marine resources andfisheries, potential adaptation strategies, and theconsequences for human social and economicsystems (60).

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61. This work was supported by the Center for MicrobialOceanography, Research and Education (C-MORE)(NSF grant EF-0424599) and the W. Van Alan Clark,Sr. Chair for Excellence in Oceanography from the WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution. I thank J. Dore forFig. 2, I. Lima for Fig. 3, S. Mecking for Fig. 4, andC. Reddy and C. Lamborg for discussions on oceanpollutants.


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Changing Oceans




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