The Great Gatsby Notecard Format.docx


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How does the narrator describe Gatsby?He describes Gatsby as immoral, but still respects him.From where did the narrator come and why? He came from the Midwest to work with bonds in New York.Describe the narrators house.!t is old and weathered. !t is an eyesore.Describe the "uchanans house.!t is lar#e, white, and la$ish.How does Nick know Daisy and %om? He is Daisys cousin and knew %om at Yale.Describe %om. &hat is your impression of him in 'hapter (?He is a white supremacist and arro#ant man.&hat kind of person is Daisy?Daisy is a $ery unhappy person who hates sophistication.&hat did Miss "aker tell Nick about %om?%om is ha$in# an affair.&hen asked about her dau#hter, what does Daisy say?)he hopes her dau#hter is a fool.How is Gatsby introduced into the no$el? He is introduced as Nicks nei#hbor.&hat does Nick feel the need to do twice to Miss "aker in his first meetin# with her? &hat reason does he #i$e? *polo#i+e, because he felt like he was interruptin# her&hat is the theme of ,%he -ise of the 'olored .mpires/ 0the book %om speaks about1?!t is about white supremacy.&hat do we learn about %om and Daisys relationship?%heir relationship is essentially a sham.How does Daisy respond to the phone calls from %oms ,woman in New York/?)he acts okay with the whole thin#, e$en thou#h she is painfully aware of it.&hat does Nick see Gatsby doin#? &hy doesnt he call to him when he first sees him?He sees Gatsby starin# at the water. He doesnt call him because he seems content.&hat is the ,$alley of ashes/? !t is a soot2co$ered area.&hat are the eyes of %.3. .cklebur#?* part of a billboard.&ho did %om take Nick to meet? His mistress, Myrtle.Describe Myrtle and Geor#e &ilson. Geor#e works at a car shop, Myrtle is unhappy.&hat did Mrs. &ilson buy while she was out with %om andNick? )he bou#ht a do#.&here did they #o? &hat was at (45th )treet?%hey went to an apartment that %om and Myrtle rent.!dentify 'atherine and Mr. and Mrs. Mc6ee.'atherine is Myrtles sister and the Mc6ees li$e downstairs.How does 'atherine rationali+e her sisters affair with %om?%hey both are in lo$eless marria#es.&hat does Mr. Mc6ee tell Nick about Gatsby?He is related to the 6aiser &ilhelm.&hat reason did Myrtle #i$e for marryin# Geor#e &ilson?)he thou#ht he was a #entleman.&hat did %om do to Myrtle when she mentioned Daisys name?"reaks her nose.Describe Gatsbys wealth. 7ist some of the thin#s that represent wealth. He is $ery flashy about his wealth. !t is demonstrated by e8tra$a#ant decorum and lar#e parties.&hat kind of people come to Gatsbys parties? 9eople who dont e$en know Gatsby.&hy did Nick 'arraway #o to the party? &hat makes Nick different than most of the people at 3ay Gatsbys party?He wanted to meet Gatsby. He was actually in$ited.How does Nick meet Gatsby? %hey end up in the #arden to#ether. Nick doesnt reali+e hes talkin# to Gatsby.&hat does Gatsby repeatedly call Nick?He calls him ,:ld )port/&hat are some of the stories about Gatsby? %hat he killed a man, that he went to :8ford. &hat has #ot the man with the owl2eyed spectacles so intri#ued?%he car accident intri#ues him.&hat does the reaction of the dri$ers of the wrecked automobile su##est about the $alues of Gatsbys #uests?%hey are careless and reckless people.&hat does Nick $a#uely remember about 3ordan "aker?)he was once accused of cheatin# in a #olf tournament.!s Gatsby a ,phony/?*t the moment in the story, its hard to tell.&ho is 6lipsprin#er? He is a boarder at Gatsbys house.&hat does Gatsby tell Nick about himself? &hat does he show to pro$e his story about his back#round is true? He tells him that he was born in )an Francisco, ;oined the army, studied at :8ford, and had tra$elled the #lobe. He shows Nick pictures and emblems as proof.&hat ,matter/ did Gatsby ha$e 3ordon "aker discuss with Nick? !n$itin# Daisy o$er for tea so she and Gatsby could meet.&ho is Mr. &olfshiem?He is a ,friend/ of Gatsby who #ambles.&hat does &olfshiem tell Nick about Gatsby? He went to ,:##sford/.&hat does 3ordan tell Nick about Daisy, Gatsby and %om?%om started cheatin# ri#ht after the weddin#, and Gatsby lo$es Daisy.&hat information further de$elops the character of %om "uchanan?He started cheatin# ri#ht after the weddin#.*t their meetin# in a hotel in New York, Nick learns from 3ordan "aker somethin# of Daisys past. &hy, if Daisy had once lo$ed Gatsby, had she not married him?Gatsby didnt ha$e enou#h money.&hat happened ri#ht before her weddin# to %om "uchanan that made Daisy want to back out?)he #ot a letter from Gatsby.&hy does Nick refuse Gatsbys ;ob offer?He doesnt want to owe Gatsby anythin#.Describe the meetin# between Gatsby and Daisy. &hy was he so ner$ous?!t was first tense then it started to #o better. He was ner$ousbecause he hasnt seen Daisy in years.How lon# did it take Gatsby to make the money to buy the mansion?!t took < years.&hy did Gatsby want Daisy to see the house and his clothes?%o show that he can pro$ide for her now.&hat had the #reen li#ht on the dock meant to Gatsby? !t reminded him of Daisy.&hat does Gatsby say about how he lost his inheritance and then re#ained his money?He says he lost it in the financial panic and re#ained it throu#h business.&ho is 6lipsprin#er and what does he do?He is the boarder who plays the piano.&hat is Daisys response to Gatsbys shirts? &hy does she react this way?)he cries because she is so happy for Gatsby&hy does Gatsby entertain so much?%o try and find Daisy.&hat does Nick say about Gatsbys dream?He wonders if Daisy could e$er li$e up to Gatsbys e8pectations.&hat had Gatsby turned Daisy into in his own mind?He has turned her into the perfect woman.How mi#ht memory be better than reality in the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy?Now, Daisy cannot marry Gatsby because she is with %om.&hat is Gatsbys real history? &here is he from and what is his real name?He #rew up poor in North Dakota. His real name is 3ames Gat+.&hat did Dan 'ody do for Gatsby?He took Gatsby under his win#.&hat does Gatsby want from Daisy? &hat does he want her to tell %om?Gatsby wants to marry Daisy. He wants her to tell %om she ne$er lo$ed him.&hy do you think %om attended Gatsbys party with Daisy?He #oes to keep an eye on Daisy.&hat is Daisys opinion of Gatsbys party? How does this affect him?)he thinks they are #audy and unsophisticated. He doesnt throw any more parties.How do Daisy and %oms speculations about Gatsby differ?Daisy thinks he owns a chain of dru#stores. %om thinks he is a bootle##er.&hat is Gatsby determined to do with Daisy?'han#e her into perfection, like she was 4 years earlier.How, fi$e years earlier, does Gatsby chan#e by kissin# Daisy?He takes on the persona of 3ay Gatsby. &hat is Gatsbys $iew of the past? &hen Nick says that Gatsby, ,wanted to reco$er somethin#, some idea of himself perhaps, that had #one into lo$in# Daisy,/ what do you think he means?Gatsby thinks it can be repeated with money. He means thathis dream of kissin# Daisy was part of his lo$e for her. Now that it has past, he wants it back.&hy does Nick refer to Gatsby as ,a son of God?/ &hat does he mean by this?He is different than e$eryone else around him.&hat does Gatsby really e8pect from Daisy? Does he e8pect the impossible? .8plain.He e8pects her to be e8actly the same as she was before. %his is impossible because she has chan#ed.&hy does Gatsby fire all of his ser$ants? &here does he #et his new ones? %hey know too much. He #ets new ones from Meyer &olfsheim.&hat does the scene with 9ammy su##ested about Daisy asa mother?)he is not in$ol$ed with her dau#hter.&hat was Gatsby=s reaction to Daisys child? He cannot belie$e the child is real.&hat did &ilson do to Myrtle? &hy? He locks her up and pre$ents her from escapin# until they mo$e &est.&hy did the fi$e dri$in# to the city on such a hot afternoon? %hey wanted somethin# to do.*s Myrtle looks out the window, what incorrect assumptiondoes she make? )he thinks 3ordan is married to %om.&hen stopped for #as, what does %om learn from &ilson? He has disco$ered that his wife had been cheatin# on him, but doesnt know with whom.&hat does Gatsby think about Daisys relationship with %om? He thinks it is fake.&hat is Daisy=s reaction to both men? )he says that she doesnt lo$e %om anymore, but is mad at Gatsby for causin# this.&hat does %om re$eal that Gatsby=s past? He is a bootle##er.&hat happens on the way home from New York?* car hits Myrtle.How does e$eryone react to Myrtles death?&ilson> He feels responsible and is distrau#ht.%om> He is upset because he lost one of his possessions.Nick> He is upset about other peoples reactions.Gatsby> He is worried about Daisy.&hat two facts about the accident does Gatsby re$eal? Daisy was dri$in#, but he will take the blame.&hat is the true relationship between Daisy and %om? %hey are still in lo$e.&hy is %om a hypocrite?He is a cheater who is mad at Daisy for cheatin#.How lon# had Daisy and Gatsby know each other in 7ouis$ille? %hey knew one another for a month.&hat does Gatsby tell Nick about his past? !s it true? Gatsby told him about Dan 'ody. %his is true.&hat does Nick su##est that Gatsby do, and why does he make this su##estion? 7ea$e, because Daisy is not worth his time and he will be in trouble because of the accident.&hat is the last thin# Nick tells Gatsby? &hy is it important? He is better than all the "uchanans. !t shows that he cares about Gatsby.&hy doesnt Nick want to see 3ordan "aker that afternoon?)he is selfish.&hat did Geor#e say is proof that Myrtle was ha$in# an affair? He found the do# collar.How does Geor#e $iew the eyes of Dr. .ckleber#? He thinks they are the eyes of God.&hat does Michaelis belie$e cause Myrtle to run? )he was runnin# from &ilson.&hy did she run? )he ran because she thou#h %om was dri$in#.&hy does &ilson belie$e that Gatsby killed Myrtle? %om said the yellow car belon#ed to Gatsby.&hat does &ilson do?6ills Gatsby then kills himself.&hy couldn=t Nick #et anyone to come to Gatsby=s funeral?Gatsby didnt ha$e any real friends.&hy wouldn=t &olfsheim attend Gatsby=s funeral? He didnt want to #et cau#ht up in a murder.&ho is Henry '. Gat+? He is Gatsbys father.&hat is the book Henry Gat+ shows Nick? &hy is it important?He shows Nick a book that has a schedule for Gatsby for self2impro$ement. !t shows that Gatsby always wanted to be rich and classy.&hat happened between Nick and 3ordan "aker? %hey break up, and she claims she is en#a#ed.How does Gatsby=s funeral reinforce the actual position Gatsby had attained in society?Nobody came because they cared about his money, not Gatsby himself.&hat does Nick said that people like Daisy and %om? %hey are careless and reckless people.&hat does %om disclose about the two unaccounted hours on the afternoon of Gatsbys death?He told &ilson that Gatsby killed Myrtle.&hat does Nick compare Gatsby to on the final pa#e of the book?He compares Gatsby to a boat a#ainst the current.