THE GOSPEL OF MARK · Passion narrative Account of the Lord’s Supper ... Miracle stories...


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The Gospel of Mark

“Author” : Anonymous ? John Mark (companion of Peter) Greek speaking Christian Community influenced by Peter

The Gospel of Mark

When? 65-70 (CE) Where? Rome? To whom? Gentile Christians experiencing


The Gospel of Mark Sources: ORAL PROCLAMATION

(& maybe some written sources) Passion narrative Account of the Lord’s Supper Miracle stories Controversy stories Collection of parables Apocalyptic writing

The Gospel of Mark

Emphasis: Jesus as the suffering servant The cost of discipleship

The Gospel of Mark

The central theme to the gospel … MESSIANIC SECRET 1. Jesus as Messiah was dangerous info → suffering Mark’s community wanted to be Christians

without the cross

But Jesus is the Messiah b/c he suffered & died (NOT what people expected)

The Gospel of Mark

Messianic Secret, continued

2. hides the “good things” (power over evil, healings) about Jesus’ ministry

because complete image of Jesus hasn’t

been revealed. Messiah cannot be rightly understood until the

cross & Resurrection

The Gospel of Mark Related consideration: Misunderstanding (not many recognize his identity & not

many understand)

This starts to change midway through the Gospel (8:22-26). The blind man gradually gains sight.

Symbolic expression of what will happen to the disciples who

gradually come to see who Jesus is