The Good Shepherd’s Voice - Clover ·...


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The Good Shepherd’s Voice “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

JULY 2013 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 600 South Enota Drive Gainesville, GA 30501


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church



DCE: Wynn Derong

Director of Music & Organist:

Priscilla Jefcoat

Church Secretary: Margie Smith

Custodian: Robin Aikens

Church Council:

President: Jack Enkemann

Vice President: Steve Nimmo

Secretary: Cheryl West

Treasurer: Brad Zimmerman

Financial Secretary: Sally Fuge

Church Boards & Committees:

Altar Guild: Sherry Anderson and

Dottie Warren

Christian Education: Suzy Eberle*

Board of Elders:

Sherry Anderson

Jim FitzGerald

Mike Gaddy

Brad Jovaag

Bob King

Steve Rehnberg*

Jim Walker

Chris Worl

Evangelism: Jim Wetherton*

Flowers: Faye Vogel

Greeters: Nancy Ponder

LWML: Margie Smith

Parish Fellowship: Judy Brookshire*

Public Relations: Lisa Wetherton*

Social Ministries: Betty Dyarmett*

Stewardship: Doug Fuge*

Sunday School Director: Janice


Head Trustee: Stan Dickey*

Head Usher: Thomas Gaddy

Youth Ministry: Susan Barkley*

Thrivent Financial

For Lutherans:

*Church Council Members

It is finally over, our planned expansion

of classrooms and fellowship area has

been given final approval by the City of

Gainesville and we are now free to

resume the long term plans for Good

Shepherd Lutheran Church to spread the

Word and do all we can to reach out to

the unchurched.

As we were rebuilding, some areas of

our church life were disrupted and for

this I can only thank you for your

patience during the eleven months of

disruption. The outside play area for the

children was destroyed and it is our plan

to restore that. The revision to the

fellowship area negated our ability to

drive around the church and now, while

we do have more parking spaces we

also have more grass to mow and more

plantings are needed to enhance the

beauty of our building and surrounding


I am asking anyone who feels so

inclined to make a donation to:


Make checks out to GSLC and note in

bottom left corner where your donation

is to go. No more landscaping will be

done until October, until then we have to

do all we can to keep the grass green and

the trees alive. Any future development of

the playground and shrub plantings will

depend on donations. Ten dollars here and

twenty dollars there, over a period of time

can really help our efforts.

I hope our church budget for 2014 can

include entries for both of these projects,

however our annual budget will never allow

us to pay for both of these projects in total

in one year. We will need your help.

The list of needs is great; fencing, swings,

benches, bushes, trees, roses, holly,

hawthorns to mention only a few. There are

still a few trees to be planted and if you

would care to have the tree planted or a

grouping of flowers planted in honor of

someone, we can arrange that - see Jack

Enkemann. We have a beautiful “Master

Plan” for enhancing the beauty of our

property and as soon as we have a bulletin

board to post it on, we will let you see what

we hope will be the future of our property.

Please give this message your thoughts

and prayers.

Jack Enkemann President

Page 2 JULY 2013

Attention Parents and Kids…Gordy is returning with his antics and exploration of God’s Word. This curriculum is for children ages 3-10 (Preschool-4th grade). You do not want to miss our puppet friend, Gordy, and his mentor, Mrs. King, as they banter back and forth in discovering the meaning of the Bible and how it applies in their lives today. Together they will hear from people like Joshua, Gideon, Peter and Paul, play game shows, or listen to a wacky professor. Then each age group will delve deeper into the Bible truth through discussion and hands-on activities in separate classrooms. The kids ages 11 & 12 (5th & 6th grade) have their own two-year curriculum that will have them discussing topics in life such as time, money, TV, videos, clothes, image, music, food, exercise, friendship, attitude, etc. and what the Biblical answers are. Also, they will focus on Biblical themes, such as the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Parents meeting for

Sunday School-Aged


We have had many

transitions and changes

over the last year with our

building. This fall, we will

finally have more structure

to our schedule and classes.

We encourage all parents of

children aged nursery

through high school to

attend a meeting on July 28

at 9:30 am between

services. We will be

discussing the structure of

the classrooms based upon

age/grade, confirmation

q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , y o u t h

structure, and curriculum.

This will be a very

informative session and we

invite all to attend. Please

meet in the sanctuary.

Questions may be directed

to Wynn Derong or Suzy


Janice Waters has graciously accepted

to become our Sunday School Director!

Here is a message from her:

I am excited about our Sunday School

Rally Day on August 25. All ministries at

Good Shepherd will be in full swing as

this is our first day of classes. Children's

ministries are dear to my heart, having

taught Sunday school, VBS and working

at a Christian nursery school.

Teaching three and four year olds has

New Sunday School Director given me the opportunity to teach Bible

stories and share the love of Jesus with the

children. I was also a Sunday School

Superintendent as well the director of a

Mommy and Me program for many

years. The Lord has blessed me through all

of these experiences. Join us as we share

the love of the Lord with the children, and

be part of the Sunday School. If you

have any questions please call or speak to

me during our Dedication Sunday August


Sunday School

begins August 25

Sunday School classes will begin August 25 with the following classes:

Nursery through Pre-teen meet in the children’s education wing.

Preschool through Junior classes will have a joint opening with Gordy and friends, then

move to their individual classrooms.

Nursery and Pre-Teen go straight to their individual classrooms.

Confirmation and High School meet in their classrooms off the fellowship hall.

Nursery Preschool Primary Junior Pre-Teen Confirmation Senior Youth

Age 0-2 Age 3-5 Grade 1 & 2 Grade 3 & 4 Grade 5&6 Grades 7 & 8 Grades 9 - 12

Teachers and helpers needed! Please see Janice Waters or Suzy Eberle

to volunteer.

“If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment’s dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Savior’s waiting arms”

- Hark The Voice of Jesus Crying” LSB 825

JULY 2013 Page 3

At the beginning of this

month, Kyle, Drake, Austin,

and I took a trip down to

Camp Dream to serve special

needs kids. And I tell you

what, I was so proud of their

love for the students there.

What great patience and love

they had! They were living out

the great commission!!! They

were walking the walk and

not just

talking the


Well our

mission trip

is here.

What a

b e a u t i f u l

thing it is!

Fifteen kids

and six

adults are traveling to Texas to do big

things! We really appreciate all the support

that GSLC has shown us over these years

leading up to this. Looking back at where

we were and looking into the future I

cannot help but see God’s blessings

bestowed upon his people at Good

Shepherd and the blessings in my life. I was

sharing with someone after church one

Sunday that I am truly blown away that God

chose me to serve the people of Gainesville

and Good Shepherd. Out of the millions of

people to serve these students He picked

me, the lowest of the low. The dirtiest of the

dirty. The chief of sinners. But I am super

excited for the opportunity that God has

placed in front of our kids. They will not be

the same when they come back. They will

not talk the same when they come back.

They will not serve the same when they

come back. They will be changed by the

Grace of God to be better servants and

followers of Christ!

As we are leaving, I encourage all of y’all to

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this trip. The devil

likes to get in the way of trips like these so

pray for everyone and everything we

encounter along the way. Also when

praying, thank the Lord for sending these

workers into the harvest fields to MAKE

disciples of others.

Wynn Derong DCE

July 27 will be a “Back to School”

event for the youth, a last chance

to have some summer fun before

school starts again.

“You are what you eat” applies not only to the physical world

but also to the spiritual. There is no way to take in junk without becoming

junky. —Anonymous

JULY 2013



We are blessed to have

as our retreat speaker,

Heidi Floyd. At two

months pregnant with

her son, Heidi, a happily

married mother of three

(and now of four), was diagnosed with

breast cancer. While undergoing treatment,

she faced the challenge of balancing her

guiding faith, family, her own health, her

son's health and work during an otherwise

joyful time in her life. With grace, honesty

and humor, Heidi will recount her

exceptional story of faith, strength and


S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g

Entertainment: Kenyon

Carter and his band:

Kenyon Carter is an Atlanta-

based jazz saxophonist and

international recording artist

recognized for his melodic

smooth jazz compositions and

engaging live performances.

There will be many activities to choose

from as well as free time to meditate in the

beautiful surroundings. Simpsonwood is

located on the Chattahoochee River.

- Margie Smith

If you haven’t already responded, please let

Margie know by July 15 if you plan to

attend the FL-GA District LWML retreat this

fall. It will be held September 27-29 at the

Lodge at Simpsonwood, near Norcross.

Registration forms are on the bulletin

board, or see Margie in the church office.

Scholarship funds are available if you

cannot afford the total cost. Please contact

Margie for more information.


All rooms feature two double or queen

beds, accommodating up to four


Each registration must indicate the

names of all ladies wanting to room

together; submit registration forms


Registering for the retreat reserves

your housing, and includes six meals:

Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast,

lunch and dinner; Sunday breakfast

and lunch. All meals are cafeteria


Early registration fees: (postmarked by

August 1, 2013. Fees are higher after that


Quad: $180

Triple: $195

Double: $225

Single: $315

Please note: The weekend is a package

deal; there will be no refunds for anyone

who has to arrive late or leave early.

Page 4

It’s time to do your “spring cleaning” or

perhaps it is “summer cleaning!” Our annual

LWML yard sale will be held on the first

Saturday in August, so start collecting

items now to donate. But remember, please

don’t bring the items in to the church yet -

we won’t receive items for the yard sale

until Sunday, July 28 - AFTER late service.

LWML meetings this


Tuesday, July 9

Saturday, July 13

Both begin at 10 am.

Both meetings will

include a devotion/

Bible study, and

current LWML news.

All women are invited

to attend either or

both meetings.

July 7 1942

The Lutheran

Women’s Missionary

League (LWML) was

organized in Chicago.

JULY 2013 Page 5

We continue to serve members of our

congregation by providing meals to families when

illness or death strikes. We now have a small

chest freezer in the kitchen to store prepared

meals. Please sign up on the list located on the

bulletin board in the narthex if you can help.

If you have any questions about this ministry,

please contact Ann McDowell.

Proverbs 11: 25b “he who refreshes others will

himself be refreshed.”

In May 30 families came to the

Food Pantry (58 adults & 40

children). This was a total of 98

individuals. Five Bibles were given

to families.

We rece ived a le t ter of

appreciation from The Community Council

on Aging for our donation to the Meals on

Wheels Program. The letter is on the

bulletin board in the Narthex.

Annual Back to

School Drive will

begin this month.

I t e m s f o r

elementary school

age children will

be collected and given to a local school.

The donations will be given to the school

the first week of August. Further

information will be given in the Sunday


A Food Pantry Experience: A little girl of

about 8 years old with long dark hair came

to the food pantry with her grandmother

last week. She certainly appreciated the

food they were given but what excited her

most was the conditioner to go along with

the shampoo. Her reaction to being asked

if they wanted conditioner she replied, “You

mean I can have conditioner too.” We

really never know how important

something that we take for granted may be

to someone else. It is a blessing and a

privilege to be a part of a congregation that

is caring and generous to those in need.

Item for July: Let’s continue with shampoo

and add conditioner this month.

Volunteers Needed: We will need

volunteers beginning in August. If you can

give a few hours a day or two a month,

please contact Betty Dyarmett

Thank you for your continued support of

Good Shepherd’s food pantry with non-

perishable and monetary donations.

Betty Dyarmett Social Ministry Director

When Jesus wanted to feed the crowds of 5,000 and then 4,000 people, his

disciples instantly offered excuses. It would be too expensive. We won’t be able to

get enough food. This is a remote place. Plus, it’s too late.

But Jesus didn’t address any of those excuses. All he asked, in both instances, was

“How many loaves do you have?” Then he miraculously satisfied everyone’s

hunger, with leftovers to boot.

Jesus doesn’t want our excuses, either. All he wants is us — and what we already

have. Watch in amazement as God blesses that and uses it mightily.

—Gregg McCaslin

July 8 1903

The Bethesda

Lutheran Home

Association was


JULY 2013 Page 6

In that the call survey has

been designed to not require

personal identification, the

information concerning

interests and talents to be

included in the member

directory will be requested

separately . (See the

Stewardship article in this

month’s Shepherd’s Voice.)

The call committee consists of: Doug Fuge

(Chairman), Sherry Anderson, Tabby

D’Antonio, Austin Denton, Suzy Eberle,

Janet Fitzgerald, Pam Jovaag, Jim Walker,

Jim Wetherton, Chris Worl and Wynn

Derong. If you have questions feel free to

ask one of the committee members.

Doug Fuge Chairman

Small group sign-ups for the congregation will take

place on three upcoming Sundays... July 14, 21, & 28

for the small groups beginning in August. Selected books, study guides, etc. will be displayed in the

fellowship hall on these Sundays which you may

explore as well as visit with some of the small group leaders, ask questions, and find the right group for

YOU! There are some wonderful new groups forming, and great opportunities to join with others

for Bible study, fellowship, activities, and more. Please stop by and check out the choices!

Janet FitzGerald Chairman

As par t of co l lect ing

information and articulating

the congregation’s needs

regarding a pastor, the call

committee will distribute a

survey to congregation

members early in July. We ask

you to return the completed

survey promptly to the church

so that your input will be

included in the tabulated results and

become part of our self study. Watch your

email or post box and the church bulletin

for additional announcements and details.

We also plan to make the same survey

available at church on Sunday July 7 and

again on July 14 so attendees can

complete the survey there. Please make

copies of the survey as necessary so that

every family member (youth and adult)

can provide input.

We've got a new fellowship hall

and kitchen and we'll certainly

put them to good use. Here are

a few dates to save.

Saturday, August 3 - LWML Yard

Sale (see elsewhere for details).

8AM - 2PM.

Sunday, August 18 - Dedication

Sunday. This is the day we will

dedicate our new facility, kick-

off for Sunday School, kick-off

for Small Groups, and have our

annual church picnic. There will be only

one service, at 10:00, and then the

festivities will begin. Lunch will consist of

a choice of pulled pork or chicken

(provided), with pot-luck sides from the

congregation. More info about what to

bring later.

Saturday, November 16 -

Harvest Carnival (formerly

Christmas Carnival).

11AM - 2PM.

Sunday, November 24 -

Thanksgiving Dinner.


There will be more

information on these and

other upcoming events as

plans are finalized. We

hope you will be able to

join in as often as possible.

Have a safe and happy summer.

Judy Brookshire Chairman, Parish Fellowship

God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable

that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings

that “except the Lord build the house, they

labour in vain that build it” [Psalm 127:1, KJV]. I firmly believe

this. I also believe that, without His

concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no

better than the builders of Babel.

—Ben Franklin at the Constitutional

Convention of 1787

Listen to the Lutheran Hour Sundays on the

following stations: WSPB - 750 AM at 6:30 am KAWZ - 88.7 FM at 10:00 am WGUN -1010 AM at 7:30 am

Page 7 JULY 2013

Rev. David Sieg was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. He earned a

B.A. from the University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. in Clinical

Psychology from the University of Rochester. He earned an

Alternate Route Certification from Concordia Theological

Seminary – Fort Wayne, Indiana, and was ordained in 2002. He

has served as a parish pastor, a hospital chaplain and a hospice

chaplain. He has been married to Rebecca for 44 years, and they

have two adult sons.

His most recent quotes:

“I am one more sinner, saved by God’s grace. He has been

calling me to ministry for years, and I finally listened.”

“No, I don’t psychoanalyze anyone. It’s safe to talk to me.”

Meet Pastor Sieg

We will dedicate our new facilities and celebrate

the completion of our building program on Sunday,

August 18. The day will begin at 10:00 am with

worship service. Note that there will be only one

service on this Sunday.

This will be a great celebration, with special

guests, and games for the kids, including a bounce house. For the luncheon, a

choice of pulled pork or chicken will be provided.

Members are asked to bring a side dish to share.

We will also celebrate the Sunday school kickoff, and

the start up of new small groups.

This is going to be a great day – BRING A FRIEND !

God wants us to enjoy

the good gifts that he

gives to us, provided

that we don’t so focus

on the gift that we

forget the Giver.

When the gift

becomes more

important than the

Giver, you have

idolatry; when the

Giver is seen through

the gift, you have


—Warren Wiersbe

JULY 2013

National Offering gives participants five

choices through which they can share

Christ’s forgiveness and mercy both at

home and abroad.

The five choices are:

Together as Synod (unrestricted gifts)

LCMS Global Mission (national and

international missions)

Lutheran Malaria Initiative (to eradicate

Malaria in Africa)

The Joint Seminary Fund (for our

seminaries in Ft Wayne & St Louis)

Global Seminary Initiative (to establish

and support seminaries around the

world through our partner churches.

A brochure with more

information about the

national offering will be

distributed as an insert in

the July 7 and 14 worship

bulletins here at GSLC.

Remember that if you write

a check for this national

offering, it should be made

payable to: LCMS National

Offering. Do NOT write a

check payable to Good

Shepherd, as these gifts will

not be opened here - they

will be brought to the


The LCMS triennial convention will meet in

St Louis July 20-25 with the theme,

“Baptized for this Moment.”

The convention is the principal legislative

assembly of the LCMS, which amends the

Constitution and Bylaws, considers and

takes action on reports and overtures, and

handles appropriate appeals. It establishes

general positions and policies of the Synod,

provides overall program direction and

priorities, and evaluates all such positions,

programs, policies, directions, and priorities

in order to provide responsible service for

and on behalf of its members. Only a

national convention of the Synod shall

authorize affiliation or association and the

discontinuance of such

affiliation or association of

the Synod with other church

b o d i e s , s y n o d s o r


You can participate with

other LCMS households,

c o n g r e g a t i o n s a n d

organizations in a synod-

wide gathering of financial

gifts called the National

Offering. Leading with a

collection received in

worship services during the

convention, this triennium’s

Page 8

This is a slight change

from last month’s

Stewardship message.

Do you have interests

or talents you would

be willing to share? Do

you wonder who in the

congregation might be able to perform a

service or answer a question? The church

office will be soliciting this information

for an update to the member directory. A

brief entry will be able to be posted with

each member’s contact information. This

information will be solicited independent

of the Call Committee Survey. Members

will also be offered the opportunity to

submit a business card size

advertisement of personal services that

will be collated and distributed as an

addendum to the update. A donation of

$5 will be requested for the ad to offset

the cost of the directory. Look for a

detailed request in your email or postal

box. The directory

update with this

information is

scheduled for early

Fall. If you have

questions on this

program contact

Doug Fuge, Stewardship Chair, or Margie

Smith, our church secretary.

The FL-GA District has posted a brief

survey for lay people to provide

information and suggestions in order to

develop materials needed for all of us to

live a life of Lordship. No personal

information is being collected and your

anonymity is guaranteed. Please use the

following link/web address to access the


h t t p : / / w w w . s u r v e y m o n k e y . c o m /


Doug Fuge Stewardship Chairman

Watch the

convention opening

worship service on

Saturday, July 20

at 7 pm CDT (8 pm

our time) on the

LCMS website -

A new member

directory is being

prepared. Please let

the church office

know of any changes

to your address,

phone, email. The

deadline for

submitting information

including business

cards for the

directory is

July 10.

Listen to the Lutheran Hour Sundays on the

following stations: WSPB - 750 AM at 6:30 am KAWZ - 88.7 FM at 10:00 am WGUN -1010 AM at 7:30 am

Financial Report Brad Zimmerman

Page 9 JULY 2013

Deadline for the



July 29

Actual income for May was down $7,190 or -30.2% to budget. Total offerings were down

Total receipts were $28,732 for May, with $9,695 coming from Capital Campaign pledges.

May Actual May Budget $ Change

Income $ 16,616.20 $ 23,806.00 $ (7,189.80)

Expense $ 14,815.44 $ 25,707.21 $ (10,891.77)

Net Ordinary Income $ 1,800.76 $ (1,901.21) $ 3,701.97

Net Income * $ (33,820.77) $ (1,901.21) $ (31,919.56)

May Actual May-12 $ Change

Income $ 16,616.20 $ 19,078.75 $ (2,462.55)

Expense $ 14,815.44 $ 18,634.60 $ (3,819.16)

Net Ordinary Income $ 1,800.76 $ 444.15 $ 1,356.61

Net Income * $ (33,820.77) $ (5,347.51) $ (28,473.26)

May Actual May-12 $ Change

Capital/Building Receipts $ 9,695.00 $ 10,463.90 $ (768.90)

Capital/Building Expenses $ 47,062.88 $ 17,252.06 $ 29,810.82

Capital Receipts less Expenses $ (37,367.88) $ (6,788.16) $ (30,579.72)

YTD Actual YTD Budget $ Change

Income $ 96,515.15 $ 115,309.00 $ (18,793.85)

Expense $ 104,018.58 $ 128,318.45 $ (24,299.87)

Net Ordinary Income $ (7,503.43) $ (13,009.45) $ 5,506.02

Net Income * $ (395,113.79) $ (13,009.45) $ (382,104.34)

YTD Actual 2012 YTD $ Change

Income $ 96,515.15 $ 102,925.33 $ (6,410.18)

Expense $ 104,018.58 $ 99,651.63 $ 4,366.95

Net Ordinary Income $ (7,503.43) $ 3,273.70 $ (10,777.13)

Net Income * $ (395,113.79) $ 64,863.38 $ (459,977.17)

YTD Actual 2012 YTD $ Change

Capital/Building Receipts $ 52,586.00 $ 72,892.50 $ (20,306.50)

Capital/Building Expenses $ 444,812.87 $ 18,081.80 $ 426,731.07

Capital Receipts less Expenses $ (392,226.87) $ 54,810.70 $ (447,037.57)

Snapshot of Five Month Financial Results - Through five months the net ordinary income is $5,506 over budget (offerings were down $18,794, offset by expense savings of


Building Project Summary - $52,586 has been collected in pledges, and $444,813 has been spent through the first five months on the new building.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21

“Freedom fails

when people decide

that it is their

right to take and

not to give.”

—Stanley Maxwell

Thanks to the Engels,

Rehnbergs, and Mavis’

for storing items during

the renovation and

construction. This saved

our congregation a lot of

money that would have

been used to pay for

storage facilities. And

thanks to everyone who

brought back items from


Pray for our

congregation as we

go through the

process of calling a

new Pastor.



















Page 10

JULY 2013


JOEY DUNAHOO (Robin Aikens’ brother)

DONNA MERSHON (Todd’s mother)

DAN PARKINSON (Sandra’s son)

ERIC SAXTON (Robin Aikens’ friend)

ROBIN WALKER (Sherry Anderson’s friend)

GREG PHILLIPS (Aikens’ brother-in-law)

GREGORY HECHT (Zschoche’s grandson)

MARK IVESTER (Berghel’s friend)

JOHN TONTALA (Faye Vogel’s brother-in-law)

DORIS SMITH (Sandy Parkinson’s friend)

BETTY JEAN CORN (Deby Gaddy's aunt)

TAMMY YAGLE (Sherry Anderson’s co-worker)

NANCY BOULWARE (Karen Pieschke’s sister-in-law)

JEF COLLINS (Deby Gaddy’s brother)

ANTHONY & CARTER TRUONG (Susan Stokes’ son &


BILLY SEITZ (Janie Owen’s cousin)

ELLA TYMCHUK (Danny’s mother)


sister & niece)

NICHOLAS FOLKENS (grandson of Ponder’s neighbor)

TOM WALKER (friend of Zschoches)

TONY ROEHL (son of Carla Roehl)

JENNIFER LAGRANGE (Pam Jovaag’s sister)

7/2/1977 AL & TONI RAMM (36)

7/6/1991 JOE & NANCY PONDER (22)

7/11/1982 BERK & JACKIE PEET (31)

7/11/1981 FRANK & CHERYL WEST (32)

7/17/1949 STAN & GLORIA DICKEY (64)

7/22/2000 PHYLLIS & JABU SIMELA (13)

7/24/1976 BOBBY & ROBIN AIKENS (37)

























7/31 AL RAMM

LINDA HARDY (Judy Smith’s friend)

KEN THOMAS & MOTHER BILLIE (Ponder’s friends)

SHEILA (Lori Lake’s friend)

GEORGE ANGUS (Kathy Broman’s father)

AUDRIA LYNN THOMPSON (food pantry client)

TAYLOR MEARS (Bruns’ neighbor)

RACHEL PIESCHKE (Craig & Karen’s niece)

PAULINE TURNER (Gloria Dickey’s sister)

MARIE JONES (Denise House’s aunt)

DON HEILMAN (Judy Smith’s borther)

CARLYLE WACKER (Ponders’ friend)

RYAN WEST (Wynn Derong’s cousin)

Prayer is a direction of life, a focusing of

one’s most personal and deepest attention

Godward. The purpose is to love God and

learn to know him so well that our wills,

our actions, will be more and more aligned

with his, until even our subconscious

reactions and purposes will have the mark

of his love, his life, about them. Prayer is

no longer an “activity.” It [becomes] the

continuing language of that relationship

God designed to fulfill a human life.

—Keith Miller, The Taste of New Wine

Please check to see when you are scheduled to serve and put it on your personal calendar

JULY 2013 Page 11

Our VBS this year, had 39 children and youth, including 13 children who were not members of GSLC. We had 26 adults helping for a total attendance of 65.

Our thanks to Kathy Conway, Lynn Lindberg and Michele Stephens, who headed the committee, and to all those who donated their time, energy and money so that these children could learn more about God and also learn how to tell others about him.

To God be the Glory!


July 7 Joe & Nancy Ponder (2) Frank & Cheryl West

July 14 Kathy Mayfield

July 21 Bobby & Robin Aikens

July 28 Betty Dyarmett



July 7 8:30 AM Brad Jovaag Christian


Jim & Karen Walker Karen Walker

Rick & Janice Waters

10:45 AM Steve Rehnberg Tyler Craig & Jesse Pieschke Faye Vogel

John & Tabby D'Antonio

July 14 8:30 AM Jim Walker/Dan Purdy Evan


Dan Purdy & George Worton

Karen Walker

Ken & Bonnie Jackson

10:45 AM Mike Gaddy Haylee Tom & Thomas Gaddy

Sherry Anderson

Joe & Nancy Ponder

July 21 8:30 AM Sherry Anderson Madison

Linda Rose

Ken Anderson & Ken Jackson

Robin Aikens

Bobby & Robin Aikens

10:45 AM Jim FitzGerald EmmaLyn Thomas Gaddy & Edie Engle

Denise House

Tony & Michele Stephens

July 28 8:30 AM Bob King Marie


Rick Waters & Jim Giannone

Robin Aikens

Chuck & Betty Dyarmett

10:45 AM Chris Worl Haylee Ken Jackman & Mitchell Mershon

Sherry Anderson

Don & Margie Smith

Page 12 JULY 2013

News from the Flock

Mark William Berghel, grandson of Mary Lou and Bob Berghel , graduated magna cum laude from the College of Mathematics and Science at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. A physics major, he plans to continue his education in the field of aeronautical engineering.

Paige Helen Berghel, granddaughter of Mary Lou and Bob Berghel graduated from Girls Preparatory School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and was honored with the 2013 Patsy Williams Scott Service Award, which is given "to a senior who has actively participated in school affairs and has given

unselfish, exceptional service to Girls Preparatory School." Paige plans to attend Denison University.

An article in the Braselton News reports a victory of the Jackson County Comprehensive High School (JCCHS) junior varsity boys’ basketball team over North Hall High School with a score of 37-34. This victory was accomplished in part by

our own Mitchell Mershon, who tied the game with a pull-up jumper late in the second half. His teammate followed with a shot that gave them the lead. Congratulations to Mitchell – who we all know by now is an all-around athlete, participating in several sports.

OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs 9 AM - 3 PM

Fri 9 AM - 12 PM


July 2013 Check our website ( for calendar updates

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 1:30 pm Food Pantry

2 1:30 pm Food Pantry

3 10 am Food Pantry

4 Independence



5 3-6 pm Cleaning


7 8 1:30 pm Food Pantry

9 10 am LWML circle 1:30 pm Food Pantry 6:30 & 7:30 pm Softball games

10 10 am Food Pantry 6:30 pm HS Youth 6:30 pm Elders

11 10 am Food Pantry

12 3-6 pm Cleaning

13 10 am LWML meeting

14 Small Group sign-up 5 pm Wetherton small group

15 1:30 pm Food Pantry

16 1:30 pm Food Pantry 6:30 & 8:30 pm Softball games

17 10 am Food Pantry 6:30 pm HS Youth 6:30 pm Council

18 10 am Food Pantry 5:30 pm Cleveland small group

19 3-6 pm Cleaning

20 LCMS CONVENTION 9 am Kitchen Workday

21 LCMS CONVENTION Back to School Drive Small Group sign-up 12:30 pm Church Unique

22 LCMS CONVENTION 1:30 pm Food Pantry

23 LCMS CONVENTION 1:30 pm Food Pantry 8:30 & 9:30 pm Softball games

24 LCMS CONVENTION 10 am Food Pantry 6:30 pm HS Youth

25 LCMS CONVENTION 10 am Food Pantry

26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 3-6 pm Cleaning


Youth Back to School Event

28 Back to School Drive Small Group sign-up 9:30 am Sunday School Parents meeting 12 pm Youth Activity Day

5 pm Wetherton small group

29 1:30 pm Food Pantry

30 1:30 pm Food Pantry 6:30 & 7:30 pm Softball games

31 10 am Food Pantry 6:30 pm HS Youth

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

“Working With The Shepherd To Grow The Flock”

Sunday 8:30 am Worship

9:35 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship

Church office hours Monday -Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


The Good Shepherd’s Voice

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

600 S. Enota Drive

Gainesville, GA 30501

Mailing Label

God promised Abram, “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you … so that you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2, NRSV). Especially on the Fourth of July, we in the United States remember that God has blessed us as a nation, too.

That isn’t to say everyone here has an equal share of resources. Our government isn’t perfect, and our land isn’t necessarily more beautiful than any other place on earth. It doesn’t mean we alone model “liberty and justice for all” — or that we do so flawlessly.

Rather, God’s promise to Abram and us means we aren’t to hoard our blessings. We are to share our wealth generously, cultivate liberty and justice, and pass on to the world the gifts we enjoy in this land.

