THE GATHERING - · See amid the winter’s snow, born for us on earth below, See, a...


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December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday

in Advent

11:00 am

Welcome! Thank you for turning off cell phones, pagers and beepers, and for refraining

from using flash photography. Please maintain a respectful and meditative quiet

throughout the service, except of course when congregational participation is invited.


PRELUDE Change Ring Prelude on Divinum Mysterium arr. Fred Gramann

Old South Ringers


* Indicates all who are able may stand


*READING Jesus came to earth from heaven, God incarnate, Lord of all,

And His shelter was a stable, and His cradle was a stall.

With the poor, the oppressed and lowly, Jesus lived, our Savior holy.

Jesus is our childhood’s pattern: day by day, like us, He grew.

He was little, weak and helpless; tears and smiles, like us, He knew. And He feels for all our sadness, and He shares in all our gladness.





Dear God, as our Advent pilgrimage draws to completion, grant us the courage

to receive and to share your love. For seeing the wounded one laying on the side

of the road and crossing to the other side of the street, forgive us. As we

prepare for your love made flesh, give us more love for the vulnerable, more

compassion for the hurt, more tenderness for the least of these now and in the

days ahead.




We invite you to greet those around you, wishing them “peace” or “the peace of Christ.”



When they heard the sound of God walking in the garden, Adam and Eve hid themselves among the trees. Then God called to Adam, “Where are you?” Adam replied, “I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself.”

And God said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” Adam replied, “The woman whom You made to be with me gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” And God said to Eve, “What is this you have done?” She replied, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

So God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than every beast of the field. You will move on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; her seed will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:8-15)

CHOIR The Sans Day Carol Now the holly bears a berry, as blood is it red. And Mary bore Jesus, who rose from the dead.

And Mary bore Jesus, our Savior for to be, And the first tree in the greenwood, it was the holly!

The holly and the ivy when they are both full grown,

Of all the trees that are in the wood, the holly bears the crown.


An Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven and said, “The Lord has promised that, because you have been willing to sacrifice your son—your only son—the Lord will greatly bless you and multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens and the sand on the seashore. In your descendants, all nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed God’s voice.” (Genesis 22:15-18)


(Children third grade and younger leave for their classes. Children

fourth through tenth grade leave for caroling.)



The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land

of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon

His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting

Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:2,6)

CHOIR See, Amid the Winter’s Snow See amid the winter’s snow, born for us on earth below,

See, a tender Lamb appears, promised from eternal years.

Hail, thou ever-blessed morn; hail, redemption’s happy dawn! Sing through all Jerusalem: Christ is born in Bethlehem.


CHOIR Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming from tender stem hath sprung!

Of Jesse’s lineage coming, by faithful prophets sung. It came, a flow’ret bright, amid the cold of winter,

When half-spent was the night.


A shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch will grow out of Jesse’s roots.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of

counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and obedient fear of the Lord; and He will delight in

the Lord. With righteousness, He will judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek, the

poor, and the oppressed of the earth. Then the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard

will lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little

child will lead them. (Isaiah 11:1-3a, 4a, 6)




God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin named

Mary. Mary was engaged to Joseph, who was a descendant of the house of David. The angel said

to Mary, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women! But

Mary was troubled by his greeting and confused by its meaning.

The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You

will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you will name Him Jesus. He will be great, and

will be called the Son of the most High, and God will give Him the throne of His forefather

David. Jesus will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no

end.” Then Mary said, “How can this be, since I do not have a husband?” And the angel said to

her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you; and your child will be called the Son of God.” Mary

replied: “Behold, I am the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be as you have said.” Then the angel

departed from her. (Luke 1:26-35, 38)


hymn continued



A decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered, each

person to his own city. So Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to

the city of Bethlehem, because he was a descendant of David. He travelled with Mary, to whom

he was engaged and who was expecting a child. And while they were in Bethlehem, Mary gave

birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger,

because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:1, 3-7)

CHOIR Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine

“Joseph dearest, Joseph mine, help me cradle the Child divine; God reward thee and all that’s thine in paradise,” so prays the mother Mary.

“Gladly, dear one, lady mine, I will cradle this Child of thine;

God’s own light on us both will shine in paradise,” as prays the mother Mary. “He came among us at Christmastime, at Christmastime in Bethlehem.

All shall bring Him from far and near Love’s diadem.”

Jesus! Jesus! Lo! He comes and loves and saves and frees us!



*CALL TO PRAYER John M. Edgerton

One: God be with you.

Many: And also with you.

One: May the peace of Christ dwell in your hearts.

Many: Christ is our peace, our light, and our hope.

One: Let us pray. (The congregation may be seated.)



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy

will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and

forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory

forever. Amen.


Angels called to shepherds, “Leave your flocks at rest, Journey forth to Bethlehem, find the Child so blest.”

Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel, Noel! Noel, Noel, Christ is born!

Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel!

Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the Babe so dear.

Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel! Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel!


Now in the countryside there were shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign to you: you will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

And suddenly a multitude of the heavenly host appeared, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to all people!” When the angels had gone away into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing which the Lord has made known to us.” And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. (Luke 2:8-16)

CHOIR Sing We Now of Christmas CONGREGATION (seated)



OFFERTORY ANTHEM Do You Hear What I Hear? arr. Alan Lohr Old South Ringers



In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In

Him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shined in the darkness, but the

darkness did not comprehend it.

Then God sent a man named John who came to bear witness to Love’s Pure Light. And

the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only

begotten of the Eternal, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-14)


hymn continued


*READING Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation!

Glory to God on high, and to the earth be peace!

Now to God the Eternal, God the Son, and Holy Spirit, Three in One, may every tongue and nation raise an endless song of thankful praise!


POSTLUDE Toccata on Veni Emmanuel Andrew Carter

The Old South Choir; Harry L. Huff, Conductor

The Old South Ringers; Peter Coulombe, Director

Evan Shu and Pam Roberts, Readers

Agita Arista, flute; Grace Shryock, Oboe

Sam Ou, cello; Erik Gustafson, Piano

George Sargeant, organ; Amy Budka, Percussion



Today, following the Postlude, those interested in a tour of the Sanctuary

are invited to meet docent Charles Gerlinger at the front of the Sanctuary.

Welcome to Old South Church in Boston. Our faith is over 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! Old South opens its doors to the city, to tourists from near and far, to the needy, to an array of building users, and to a congregation (of members, friends, and family—both the curious and the committed) who call this their church home. Join us immediately following worship for fellowship and refreshments in the Gordon Chapel.

The poinsettias are given by Old South Church members and friends in honor and memory of loved ones. A listing of gifts is available in the rear of the Sanctuary.

Name tags facilitate community and help newcomers feel welcomed. If you don’t see a tag with your name on it, let us know.

Sunday sermons and services are available as podcasts and text at

If you are interested in deepening your participation, or if you just love Old South, it’s time to think about CONNECTIONS CLASS. Contact one of the ministers: (617) 536-1970.

Audio of the service is available across the Narthex in the Gordon Chapel for those who would like a place to take restless children.

For LARGE print bulletins or hearing assistance devices ask an Usher.


We have arrangements for discounted parking with two nearby garages for Old South worship or

church business (excluding weddings and concerts):

1. Park at the Garage@100 Clarendon (behind Back Bay Station), have your ticket validated at

our Front Desk, and you pay the discounted rate of $7 for up to 3 hours. Old South bears no cost.

2. Park at the Prudential Garage for up to 3 hours, have your ticket validated at our Front Desk,

and the Prudential Garage will bill Old South (costing us $15k - $20k per year).

Old South is located a short walk from bus stops, subway and rail lines, cab stands, and walking/

cycling paths. Bike racks are available on Boylston Street. Find directions by transit from your

address to 645 Boylston Street at

To join the Old South E-mail Forum, e-mail

“Like” us:


—Harry L. Huff , Minister of Music

NOTES ON TODAY’S MUSIC The traditional service of Lessons and Carols is synonymous with Christmas

celebrations. Telling the story of humanity’s fall from grace in the Garden of Eden,

through the promise of redemption in the messianic prophecies and the birth of Jesus,

these beloved services intersperse Bible readings with the singing of Christmas carols

and hymns.

The basic structure of this service was framed by Edward White Benson, who later

became Archbishop of Canterbury, for Christmas Eve 1880 in Truro, Cornwall,

England. Embraced by generations of Christians, this service has been continually

reshaped with various scripture readings and carols that adapt to the needs of individual


A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols, arranged by Anna Laura Page and Jean Anne

Shafferman, honors this tradition. Beloved seasonal scripture readings are tightly

interwoven with a continuous flow of carols. In addition to the eleven carols sung

congregationally, the Choir will sing The Sans Day Carol; See, Amid the Winter’s

Snow; Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming; Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine; and Noël

Nouvelet. The instrumental underscoring of the readings contains references to: Of the

Parent’s Heart Begotten; The Holly and the Ivy; Fairest Lord Jesus; Angels We Have

Heard on High; The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came; Good People All, This

Christmastime; I Saw Three Ships; What Star Is This, with Beams So Bright; as well as

Handel’s For Unto Us a Son Is Born and Bach’s Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly

Light; and Sheep May Safely Graze.

The Old South Choir and Old South Ringers, supplemented by instrumentalists from the

congregation, come together today to present this comprehensive array of venerated

seasonal music. May our hearts once again be warmed with the good news of the



CALENDAR Fourth Sunday in Advent

Sunday, December 23 9:00 am FIRST Worship, Lessons and Carols

9:45 am Old South Café in Gordon Chapel

10:00 am Sunday Morning Bible Study

10:00 am Breaking (Good) News

11:00 am FESTIVAL Worship, Lessons and Carols

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour in Gordon Chapel

12:30 pm Bagels and the Bible

6:00 pm EVENING Worship, Lessons and Carols

Christmas Eve

Monday, December 24 5:00 pm Family Worship

6:45 pm Old South Choir Rehearsal

8:00 pm Lessons and Carols (Preludes 7:30 pm)

Tuesday, December 25 Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day - Church Closed

Wednesday, December 26 Church Closed

Thursday, December 27 6:00 pm JAZZ Worship, Brent R. Damrow preaching

First Sunday after Christmas

Sunday, December 30 9:00 am FIRST Worship, Brent R. Damrow preaching

9:45 am Old South Café in Gordon Chapel

10:00 am Sunday Morning Bible Study

10:00 am Old South Knitters

11:00 am FESTIVAL Worship, Brent R. Damrow preaching

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour in Gordon Chapel

12:30 pm Sunday’s Bread, Saint John the Evangelist

New Year’s Eve

Monday, December 31 3:30 pm King of Instruments First Night Concert

6:30 pm Pipes and Pops First Night Concert

8:00 pm Pipes and Pops First Night Concert

Tuesday, January 1 New Year’s Day - Church Closed

Wednesday, January 2 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayers

Thursday, January 3 6:00 pm JAZZ Worship, Nancy S. Taylor preaching

6:30 pm Old South Choir Rehearsal



Nancy S. Taylor, Senior Minister John M. Edgerton, Interim Associate Minister Harry L. Huff, Minister of Music

James W. Crawford, Senior Minister Emeritus Brent Damrow, Executive Assistant Minister Donald A. Wells, Theologian in Residence June Cooper, Theologian in Action

Calvin Genzel, Wedding Outreach Minister Ken Orth, Healing Worship Minister

Shawn Fiedler, Pastoral Fellow Maggie Lowe, Seminary Intern Patricia Hazeltine, Church School Director Adrienne Kisner, Youth Leader

Carolyn Davis, Director, Old South Preschool George Sargeant, Associate Organist & Choirmaster

Laurel Leslie, Choir Director, First Worship Willie Sordillo, Music Coordinator, Jazz Worship

Peter Coulombe, Director, Old South Ringers Amy Budka, Children’s Music Director Linda O’Donnell, Director, Children’s Choir

Mark Schueppert, Moderator Kate Silfen, Clerk David Vogan, Treasurer Phil Stern, Chair, Board of Trustees Jeff Makholm, Historian

Candace Kosturko, Senior Deacon Vicki A. Newman, Pledge Secretary

Helen McCrady, Senior Church Administrator Amy Perry, Administrator & Webmaster Rosemary Clarke, Accountant

Janet Butler, Wedding Coordinator Elias Perez, Senior Sexton Ozo Nwodo, Robert Blenman & Jahadul Islam, Sextons

Corey Spence, Rubia Reyes & Jim McDonnel, Receptionists (617) 536-1970

A NOTE ON THE INCLUSIVE DIMENSIONS OF GOD’S GRACE Old South Church in Boston, in the name of its host, Jesus Christ, and in the spirit of Christ’s invitation carved into the stone of this church’s portico, “Behold I Set Before You an Open Door,” welcomes all who seek to know God.

Following the One who we believe is Sovereign and Savior, we affirm that each individual is a child of God, and recognize that we are called to be like one body with many members, seeking with others of every race, ethnicity, creed, class, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to journey together toward the promised realm of God.

We invite everyone to join in the common life and mission of our reconciling community through participation and leadership in this congregation, and by fully sharing in the worship, rites and sacraments of this church.

As we all move forward with the work of this church, we commit ourselves to making justice and inclusivity a reality in this congregation and in the world. On the threshold of Christ’s open door, we rely upon the healing, unconditional nature of God’s love and grace to be our help and guide.

(617) 536-1970

Have you “Liked” us yet?

FIRST WORSHIP: Sundays, 9 am. In the intimacy of the Gordon Chapel we turn our attention to God in an

informal service of word and sacrament. Led by Rev. John Edgerton and Seminary Intern Maggie Lowe.

FESTIVAL WORSHIP: Sundays, 11 am. Our worship is enhanced by the Old South Choir and the E.M.

Skinner organ. Led by Revs. Nancy Taylor and John Edgerton, and Minister of Music Harry Huff.

EVENING WORSHIP: Sundays, 6 pm. No service on December 30. Be called into worship by the sounds of

trickling water and the beauty of the flute. Our worship is a blend of ancient and new, contemplative yet bold, song

and story. Led by Pastoral Fellow Shawn Fiedler and the members of Old South Church.

JAZZ WORSHIP: Thursdays, 6 pm. The Willie Sordillo Trio, Rev. John Edgerton, Pastoral Fellow Shawn

Fiedler, and the Holy Spirit are your guides as you move through a rhythm of music, silence, and spoken word that

will freshen the faith of longtime Christians and invite new ones to deeper discipleship.

WEDNESDAY PRAYERS: Wednesdays beginning January 2, 7 pm. Join Old South Church’s Sanctuary in the

City Task Force for a time of reflection, meditation, and prayer.

HEALING WORSHIP: Sunday, January 13, 10 am. Tap into God’s healing love with a gentle service of prayers

and reflection led by Rev. Ken Orth, a pastoral counselor and spiritual director.

GODSPEED BRENT: Sunday, December 30. Next Sunday, Executive Assistant Minister Brent Damrow will lead

First and Festival Worship during which time we will give thanks for his many years of ministry here at Old South.

In the new year, Brent and his husband, Jon Geldert, Old South’s Communication Committee Chair, will embark

upon their next adventure. Brent has been called to serve as the Senior Pastor of First Congregational Church of

Stockbridge, MA. A reception will follow Festival Worship.

SUNDAY FLOWERS: The Sunday Flower Calendar for 2013 is up in the first floor elevator lobby. January 13 is

still available. Donating Sunday flowers is a special way to remember loved ones and special events. The cost is

$50. Put your name by the date you want and send the message you wish to appear in the bulletin to Please note that more than one person can sign up for any one Sunday.

Monday, December 24

CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY WORSHIP: 5 pm. We will sing well-loved carols and tell the Christmas story

together. Children are invited to participate in an unrehearsed pageant. Simple costumes for angels, shepherds and

animals are provided. ASL Interpreter.

CHRISTMAS EVE LESSONS AND CAROLS: 8 pm (Preludes 7:30 pm). We will engage in an elegant retelling

of the Christmas story. The service features carols and readings with music for choir, strings and organ culminating

in the singing of Silent Night in the candle-lit Sanctuary. The pews fill up on this night, so do come early. The

service will be projected on a screen in the Chapel for overflow worshippers. ASL Interpreter.

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: 10 am. Prepare to experience worship more deeply by studying and

reflecting on the day’s preaching text.

BREAKING (GOOD) NEWS: 10 am. As you listen to or read the news do you often ask “Where is God in

this story”? Join us as we discuss the topics of the day.

BAGELS AND THE BIBLE: 12:30 pm. Join the Sanctuary in the City Task Force for a no-commitment,

homework-free discussion on this morning’s Bible passage.

Monday, December 31

KING OF INSTRUMENTS: 3:30 pm. Experience the “Sensurround” magnificence of Old South Church’s

mighty 1921 Skinner orchestral pipe organ—affectionately dubbed the “Copley Philharmonic Organ”—played by

renowned organist Harry Huff. The program will include Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite, Puccini’s Turandot Suite, LeRoy Anderson favorites, and a demonstration of the organ. Entry with a First Night button.

PIPES AND POPS CONCERT: 6:30 pm & 8 pm. The best of Boston’s brass and percussion artists join Harry

Huff, an organist with imagination and verve, in a supersonic program of “Pipes and Pops,” playing electrifying

arrangements of popular classics, as well as leading the audience in singing stirring favorites. These programs will

include Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra (of 2001: A Space Odyssey fame), Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, LeRoy Anderson favorites, and music of Bach and Handel. Entry with a First Night button.

Kurt Gaertner, Stewardship Committee

The Christmas season—a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus—presents each one of us with many

opportunities for the giving of gifts. On the streets of Boston and in front of stores, you can hear the ringing of the

bell at the Salvation Army kettle. In the mail come many choices for an end of the year gift to support causes and

organizations we care about. There are so many ways in which to express our love, improve lives, and spread joy.

What a great time of year. Merry Christmas.

GIVING ENVELOPES: 2013 giving envelopes are available in the Gordon Chapel through Sunday, January 6. If

you have already requested envelopes, there will be a box with your name on it. If you haven’t asked for envelopes,

but would like to use them, you can acquire a box during Fellowship Hour or e-mail

CHRISTMAS FUND: This special mission offering of the United Church of Christ raises over $1.5 million to

help 1,600 lay and clergy individuals or families. The Fund supplements health and pension plans, and affords

Christmas “Thank You” checks for many low-income retirees as well as emergency grants for current clergy faced

with unexpected financial crisis. Giving envelopes are available at the Front Desk. Checks may be made payable to

Old South Church with “Christmas Fund” in the memo line. Or visit

ROLLING FOOD DRIVE: We are collecting hearty canned soup to benefit the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry.

Next month we will collect baking mixes. Donation baskets in stone entryway of the church.

SUNDAY’S BREAD: Next Sunday, volunteers who have already signed up will serve a community meal at the

Church of Saint John the Evangelist on Beacon Hill. To volunteer for our next date, January 27, 12:30 - 4 pm,

contact Lucy Costa and Mary Ann Lape at (617) 435-6776 or

OLD SOUTH KNITTERS: Sunday, December 30, 10 am. Join OSC’s knitting ministry to practice the art of

creating Prayer Shawls.

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Sunday, December 30, 12:15 pm. Join members and friends for Old South’s

monthly celebration of birthdays during Fellowship Hour. We will celebrate all those who are December-born

with candles, cake and song. All are invited to join in the festivities.

YOUNG ADULTS GROUP: Sunday, January 6, 12:30 pm. Join Old South’s college students, grad students, and

young professionals for our monthly luncheon.

CHILDREN AND YOUTH: The Old South Church School offers programming for children, infant through

high school. Infant, toddler, and preschool care is offered 8:30 am - 12:15 pm. Elementary aged children are

invited to a multi-age class during First Worship. Graded classes (through seventh grade) and a Confirmation Class

(for eighth through tenth graders) are offered during Festival Worship. A variety of enrichment activities are

available between services. The High School Youth Group meets at 9:45 am.

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Sundays, 10 am. Prepare to experience worship more deeply by

studying and reflecting on the day’s preaching text.

BREAKING (GOOD) NEWS: Sundays, 10 am. Will not meet December 30. As you listen to or read the news

do you often ask “Where is God in this story”? Join us as we discuss the topics of the day.

BAGELS AND THE BIBLE: Second & fourth Sundays, 12:30 pm. Join the Sanctuary in the City Task Force for

a no-commitment, homework-free discussion on that Sunday morning’s Bible passage.
