The Gamer Gazette #3 ()



A monthly eMagazine all about games and entertainment. (VALENTINES SPECIAL)

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20 Places to Take Your Girlfriend this

Valentine's Day... on GTA 5!

GTA 5 Online Review

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

- Movie Review

Thor 2: The Dark World (CANCELLED)

Resident Evil 6 - Game Review

Kim's Magic Tips - Magic 2014 Tips #2

Announced Game Releases for Feb

and March

TaZeR News:

Entertainment Central: This month

we introduced a new entertainment

page to replace "Live-Stream World".

This includes our favourite YouTube

Channels, Web-Based Series, Our New

SNAP! Movie Reviews, GameZone,

Website Exclusive Content and soon

to be our New Podcast!

Discount System: We have scraped

the Friday discount system in favour

of a constant updating discount


Google Ranking: We recently ran a

search on Google to check our status

and were surprised and pleased to

find that when we search for "PC

Gaming Community" on,

we came up as the 12th option on the

first page. A good sign that we are

starting to get noticed.

Quad-Core Editions: In April our first

"Quad-Core Edition" of The Gamer

Gazette will be released. This will be a

special edition of the gazette, which

consists of the first 4 issues for 2014,

with some extra reviews and stuff

including an exclusive competition for

gazette readers. These editions will be

released in April, August and


New Reviewer: This month we

welcomed a new reviewer to the

team...James Clayton. He will be

writing reviews on classic and retro

games from the last decade that he

considers are worthy of a revisit.

Above: Coming Soon...Quad-Core Editions of The Gamer Gazette!

20 Places to Take Your Girlfriend

this Valentine's Day...on GTA 5! The Casino... Los Santos boasts two of any

gambler’s favourite pastimes side by side...a horse racing track and a casino. Just lookout for ‘rigged’ games or you could lose the shirt right off your back.

A Gentle Bike Ride... Take advantage of Blaine

County’s many wonderful trails and tracks and impress your girlfriend with a display of power and stamina...just remember to look where you’re going!

Impress Her with a Fast Car... Girls love fast cars!

And girls love guys with fast cars! But what girls don’t like is being featured on the Local News as the girl dating “That guy who got caught and shit his pants when he was tasered.”

The Fun Fair... Definitely a good place to show off

your manly skills by winning her lots of stuffed animals to take home, just be careful you don't overdo it or there may not be enough room for all of you in the small Ferris Wheel's bucket seats.

A Romantic Camping Trip... Alone... Together... In

the Woods! Not many better ways to get close and personal with a girl then when she is scared and you have to comfort her. But for pity's sake, don't forget to put the handbrake on your RV! Deep Sea Diving... A great way to impress, rent a

boat and pretend it's yours. Take her somewhere really far out and suggest skinny-dipping! Tee Hee! Oh, and don't forget to leave it an hour before getting in the water after eating.

An Expensive Shopping Spree... Sure to impress

any girl with only one major's expensive! Got no money? Not too much of an issue in Grand Theft Auto! A Helicopter Ride... Take a scenic tour of Los

Santos, Blaine County and San Andreas, there's plenty to see. Wind Farms, Towering Skyscrapers and OMG WTF is that!? Extreme Off-Roading... A unique and thrilling day

out for anyone and a real chance to show off! All any man needs is a girl and something powerful between his legs to really go for it...although in most cases he probably shouldn't. A Simple Meal at a Restaurant... One of the best

ways to impress your girl, after all what girl doesn't like to be wined and dined? Unfortunately, due to the lack of actual food outlets in GTA 5, you will have to resort to other means of finding food. I think the term is 'skipping'.

Rent a Speed Boat... Expensive but impressive,

most girls will just assume that you own it and we all know what that means you weren't looking while her face was in your lap and didn't spot those pesky rocks! Warning! A sudden impact may result in your date biting down...HARD! Sky-Diving... Only for the most adventurous of

couples, but for the love of god if your girlfriend is blonde don't let her pack your parachute! A Round of Golf... Relaxing and practical with the

added bonus of being able to stand behind your girlfriend and help her swing. So in theory a very good choice for a stress free date. But it's a well known fact that golf is so boring, you may have to find ways of keeping yourselves entertained.

Visit the Movie Studios... One of the most

interesting places in Los Santos to visit you will see many weird and wonderful things here. Just don't overreact if you suddenly come face to face with a six foot alien! Trainspotting... A date with a difference! Different in

the way that you're a trainspotter and so you will most certainly be going home alone...or with an ambulance crew because you were too busy pulling a 'selfy' with a moving train to notice that it may be a little too close... Atomic Blimp Ride... Most guys go on dates with

the hope of ending it with a satisfying explosion. Well, if your plans are to ride the Atomic Blimp then that is pretty much guaranteed!

To a Night Club... A few drinks and a dance is a

really great fun way to end the night...and if your girlfriend catches you dancing with the stripper the night will end much quicker than you think! A Hiking Trip... The best way to see the sites is by

helicopter, but as we have already established there are strange unholy things in the sky, so one alternative is to walk to the top of a mountain to view it from there, but when your girlfriend suddenly announces that she is really "in the mood" after all that walking, be careful you don't get too excited and lose your balance. On "your" Private Jet... Private Jets are out of the

question for dates unless you are a billionaire, but GTA being GTA this is not much of a problem, there are tons of them just 'lying' around which probably don't belong to anyone. However, if the one you choose does happen to have an owner, who also happens to have the number to Merryweather Security this may create one or two issues for your perfect date.

The Final Step - Take her Home... So if you have

followed all of our wonderful advice and managed to get this far with your girlfriend, then there is only one thing left to do...Take her home, make sure you have a Bong, Whiskey, Wine and some weird green goo in a glass and just get Freaky! (Special Thanks to Alex Dardani and James Clayton for their help with getting the pictures needed for this article.)

GTA 5 - GTA Online Review By Nathan Scullard Well let's start's fantastic! There you go review done! No seriously! I have never really given much thought to an online version of GTA, probably because I was too busy picking up prostitutes and mowing down random pedestrians to care. But what a great idea! I had tried the online section of GTA 4 very briefly but wasn't all that impressed to be

honest. GTA 5 too isn't without its faults. First of which is the really really really...really long tutorial! It doesn't help at all either. When I finished it I was bored, pissed off and still had no clue what I was doing. Admission Time! I have to admit that I have been playing this on the Xbox 360 as I'm sure a lot of you know we PC gamers have to wait even longer to play it as its not yet been released! Which I think is totally unfair. So I apologise if anything mentioned in the review isn't in the PC version, but I would have thought they would be pretty similar. Let's just hope that they have a GTA Online or I'm gonna look REALLY stupid! But the reason I mention this now is because if it wasn't for my friends on Xbox I think I would still be driving around Los Santos without a clue what to do because the tutorial was pants. Thankfully if you have some friends and manage to get the hang of what to do, it's so much fun! You can do practically anything you can do in the normal campaign (which btw is also fantastic and it's worth buying the game for the campaign alone- Trevor is Awesome!) including visiting the cinema, playing Golf and Tennis, having street races, robbing convenience stores, hijacking armoured cars full of cash and loads more. I'm also go go out on a limb and say that they have big plans for the future too. All around Los Santos, Blaine County and San Andreas there are signs on buildings like Casinos and Horse Tracks that say "Coming Soon" or "Opening Soon" and although it's not confirmed, I believe that these will be coming into play as updates during the next couple of years. Rockstar have already confirmed that they will be implementing 'Heists' into the online mode, which will allow you and your crew...yes I did say crew, can plan and carry out heists. If you wish to start a crew you will need to register yourself on Rockstar's Social Club website and get all your friends to do the same, then create and invite them into a crew. This however has created one major drawback! I have always known GTA to be a fun do anything you like kind of game where the rules didn't apply. Killing prostitutes to get your money back was acceptable and stealing a bus full of school kids just to drive it off a cliff was laughed about. But now, because of the missions, races and other game type, which I will go over in more detail in a minute, it has attracted the attention of competitive gamers. I have nothing against competitive gamers, I used to be one myself and probably will be again when Destiny comes out, but GTA being full of competitive gamers is a bit of a buzzkill. I just want to play GTA and have a laugh, I don't want people

sending me abusive messages because midway through an online mission I got distracted by rabbit that I just had to get a photo of or decided that breaking into the prison was way more fun than the mission I was in. Thankfully they have addressed this issue by letting you create private servers which you can just play in with your mates. Now as I mentioned, in GTA 5 they have put things for you to do, which is always nice, but one of the biggest additions is the street races, missions and team-based games. I'm in two minds about these though, I like the missions that you can play together and work on completing an objective, but I don't really like the team deathmatch type things or last man standing, and that is simply because I still think that the shooting on the game is still too clunky. It has vastly improved over the years, in fact, I played GTA 3 on steam the other day and OMG the shooting was bad! There is no shooting mechanics as such, you just lock onto someone wherever they are and spam the shoot button. But it still isn't quite there yet. The driving on GTA has always been good and GTA 5 is no exception making the street races a great addition to the online missions. My only problem with them in fact is that it seems they are the only ways to level up you character online, you do get points for escaping cops, doing stunt jumps and a few other things but you don't get anywhere near the experience points you get on the missions, which is a shame because the mission are ok, but they aren't what I bought GTA to do. Although having played the campaign through and have a good idea of what to expect from the new 'Heist' missions I am in fact looking forward to them. Making money in GTA has never been easier...well if you're a cheating mofo who prints his own cash anyway. GTA 5 have recently been clamping down on all the cheaters who have been creating their own money, so it may be something as a PC gamer you may wish to look out for. If you were expecting to go onto GTA to just that, be aware that Rockstar are ready for you, they have been very successful so far in routing out the trouble makers. But if you are like me and went into a lobby and got gifted like 100 Billion without asking for it, you may have your cash taken off of you eventually but my advice is in the meantime...Spend, Spend, Spend! Rockstar will take illegal funds from people who had the cash gifted to them, but if you have bought items or property with it then you get to keep it as it wasn't you fault in the first place! Top tip there!

GTA 5 allows you to buy properties too, but now we come onto the only major problem I really have with this game. If you buy a property like a house or a garage then you cannot buy another without selling the one you have! If I have the cash, I want to be able to buy whatever I want! I bought an expensive penthouse apartment with a 10 car garage, and as soon as I filled the garage I thought, "No Prob, I'll buy a separate 10 car garage somewhere else." Oh no! You can't do that says GTA, you have to sell your house with the garage to buy this garage...WHY!? One other thing, if you buy an apartment with a 10 car garage and then your friend buys one, but not the same one, not even in the same block or street, they will look exactly the same inside! I hate that, they should all be different in my book. I don't want a carbon copy of my friend's house I want it to be mine! At least let me have some customizable options like carpet colour or different furniture or something! (Breath...) Rant over... But to be totally honest that is the only bit that annoys me about this online section of the game. As an open world online experience it's second to none. There is nothing better than piling all your friends in a car and driving around terrorising people, or inviting them all up to your flat, calling some strippers and getting steaming drunk or off-your-face-stoned with the complimentary bong supplied in every 10 car garage apartment. There are things it could do better, but you never know, those things may already be in the pipeline to be implemented in later updates (I hope so). If not, then my character will starve to death due to the lack of food outlets, which I was very surprised to see had gone. You can see them when you drive around but you can't go more making your character hurl after too many cheeseburgers... (Sad Face). I could talk about all the features for hours, but honestly there are so many, it's better you just buy the game when it comes out and see for yourself, you won't be disappointed it is a great game.

My Rating: 9.5/10 (If they improve some things with updates then 10/10)

The Hobbit:

The Desolation of Smaug By Nathan Scullard

I have to admit

that I am not a

fan of The Lord

of the Rings. I

never have

been. Even the

books I found a

little dry in

context and

the story just

dragged on and


I don’t know how many of you know this, but

J.R.R Tolkien originally created the wondrous

world of Middle Earth as a bedtime story for

his children, and what a story! Even though I

will happily admit that it is not my personal

favourite, even I can see its merit and why

people would fall in love with the shear

concept of a fantasy world. And if my parents

had created

stories such as

the Lord of the

Rings and The

Hobbit for my


stories, I

imagine my

dreams would

flow with the

tales of Bilbo

Baggins, Gandalf and all the other amazing


But although The Lord of the Rings didn’t

strike a chord with me, The Hobbit will always

have a special place in my heart. I read it as a

12 year old child and it literally had me

captivated throughout. I may even go as far as

to say that it was the very first spark of

inspiration that sparked my love for writing.

Indeed, the first book I wrote as a child was a

medieval fantasy called “The Master of

Tempests” and the similarities were quite

obvious to anyone who read it.

So when I heard that they were making a

Hobbit film I was torn. I had loved the book,

but I really had not been keen on the

adaptation of The Lord of the Rings on film,

and I knew that they would be similar.

But the first film had surprised me and

surpassed my expectations by delivering a

wonderfully accurate version of the book. And

when I realised that they weren’t going to try

and squeeze the whole book into one film I

was even happier, because I still think that

that is where they went wrong with The Lord

of the Rings, which in book format is much

longer then The Hobbit.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the

story of The Hobbit, I will briefly go over it.

The story follows a Hobbit called Bilbo Baggins

who gets unexpectedly dragged into helping a

band of Dwarves break into their ancestor’s

hidden kingdom under the lonely mountain,

which was taken over by a vicious dragon

named Smaug, who wiped out the dwarves

who lived there

and claimed all

their gold for

himself. And

there he has

remained ever

since. But there

is a prophecy

that the true

King will return

and claim the

kingdom once again for all dwarf-kind.

This is where Bilbo comes into it. He is

recommended by Gandalf, a wise wizard, as

an excellent thief for the quest as Hobbits are

small and if they need to be can be very quiet.

At first Bilbo flat out refuses, and to be honest

he doesn’t stop refusing, but no one really

pays it much attention he is quickly whisked

away with the others.

We pick up the story in the second film as the

group are trying to avoid a pursuing band of

Orcs who are trying to stop them from

reaching the mountain. Their journey leads

them to many places, but one of the first

places they visit is an enchanted wood which

they end

up losing

their way

in and get


by giant


But with a

little help

from Bilbo

and the

magic ring,

they manage to escape, only to be captured

by wood elves and imprisoned. Here we see a

young Legolas.

The dwarves manage a daring escape by

hiding in some barrels and riding them

downstream over white-water rapids at the

same time as being attacked by the group of

Orcs who had tracked them to the wood

elves’ kingdom.

They then manage to bargain for

transport to Esgaroth, a struggling

lake-town from a man named Bard

who was waiting to collect the

barrels downstream.

Once they reach Esgaroth, they are a

mere stone’s throw away from the

lonely mountain, and waste no time

in getting there. Once there they

encounter Smaug still guarding the

treasure and attempt to kill him, but Smaug is

smart and decides to attack Esgaroth,

knowing that it will make Thorin, the dwarve’s

leader and the prophesized ‘true’ King under

the Mountain feel personally responsible for

all the lives he takes.

And this is where the second instalment ends.

It doesn’t really sound like much happens in

the movie when you write it like that.

Especially when you think that this movie is

about 2 hours and 40 minutes long. But there

are a few other sub-plots which I have not

mentioned as I don’t want to ruin it for you if

you haven’t yet seen it, which let’s face it, if

your reading a review on it then you probably

haven’t seen it yet.

The film was very

good and as I have

already mentioned

I’m a huge fan, but

even I noticed a

few problems. The

first of which being

one I had not

expected to have

an issue with. I

know that this is a single book made into

three films, and it is not the first time I have

seen this either. Harry Potter and the Deathly

Hallows for example was the first to my

knowledge that made a single book into

multiple films (probably totally wrong, but I

did say “to my knowledge” lol). Now, I don’t

usually have a problem with this, but this time

it just felt like they had gone out, bought a

copy of




opened it

on a


page and

used a

pair or



those ones which cut in jagged lines, to cut

the book into three sections to make their

films. And while all the good juicy content of

the book is still there, it just feels...messy. As a

result I felt that instead of this feeling like a

second film in a trilogy, it really felt like the

middle of something without a beginning and

an end. I know some of you will be going,

“What is this idiot talking about? It IS the

middle, so why wouldn’t it feel like the

middle?” Well, we I was at school and was

learning about writing stories, I was always

told that a good strong story is only as good as

the strong opening and the even stronger

finish, and although this is the middle part of a

book that has both of those things, when you

cut it up to make a stand-alone film you have

to create a sort of beginning and end to make

it feel complete and have substance, and it

was just lacking.

The only other issue I had with it was, and I

could be wrong here as I have not read The

Hobbit for years, but when I read it I don’t

remember Legolas being in it at all? Not

necessarily a bad thing that they have tried to

link the films, but I don’t think it worked this

time. It was obvious that they had tried to

make Orlando Bloom look younger, but I think

they had only succeeded in making him look

older and ever so slightly like a drag-queen.

But overall when you slide this into place with

the first film, it is a very good film, not quite

as good as the first but still important in its

own right. And despite its downfalls I am still

eagerly awaiting the final part.

My Rating: 7/10

By Kim Gustafsson

So resident evil is a new passion of mine! The

first film made me get resident Evil 5 and from

then on I was hooked, be it the movies or

games. I spent so many hours in that game

that I think I had double SS or triple SSS

ranking on every mission and Mercenary level

at the end, and thanks to a good friend the

same went for the split screen Mercenaries'. I

can't even begin to tell you how many hours

went into that game, and maybe that's a good

thing come to think of it. And when they

released Resident Evil 6 I had high hopes, not

just to see what they would do with the game,

like new game mechanics and so on, but also

about the story. I'm the type of person that

needs to know EVERYTHING in a game. Every

little bit of story that can be found, every

readable scrap of paper that can be collected

needs to be made mine. Anyway, I'm rambling

on a bit, let's get to the game shall we.

So Resident Evil 6 is now divided into four

different campaigns that in one way or

another ties into each other, and to

understand the game and all of the story, one

really needs to play all of them in order to get

what's going on. It's even set out in such a

way that you are still in the dark in some

cases until you play the very last part, and its

locked until you have done the other three,

and after playing it I can see why.

So I thought I would simply talk about them in

the order I played them, and hopefully not

give away any spoilers as best I can about the

story's end. But before I do that there is a few

other things that will cover all of the

campaigns. And the first thing I noticed was

that I could now move AND shoot, which

would alter the game entirely from Res5 (Res5

is Resident Evil 5 for the duration of this

article) where you had to make the choice of

one of them. Another thing I noticed right

away is the "that body is dead but not really

and will try to kill you when you get close"

mechanic. In Res5 you could shoot the bodies

before going past them, in Resident Evil 6

your bullets will simply pass through the body

and you have to go past it, take some

damage, before you can kill it. And that's

another thing I was not so happy with, if

something grabs you, let's say a "dead body"

you will instantly lose life and you can't do

anything to avoid it, that I hate. Now there are

perks in the game (I will talk more about them

later) that will make you lose less life, or to

make it easier to get out of the enemies grip.

But why aren't I simply supposed to shoot first

and walk past later. Its slows the game down

all the time for no reason for the bodies to

reanimate just as you walk past to grab you.

This aside, it did not slow the game down to

the point that I did not play the game, but it

was annoying interruptions that I feel could

have been avoided in my mind.

Then they had the interface, that I have to say

I kind of liked. It even alters between

characters, the base is the same but coloured

edges and well most of the design alters, I

love that and a big thumbs up. It gives the

characters a certain individuality that Res5 did

not have. You also have a bigger inventory in

this game, but I still find that I fill it up way too

fast for my liking, and not so long into the

game I stopped picking up grenades and

remote charges, as they took up a lot of space

and I never really used them that much, there

was just no need to as the guns where just

better. Maybe in harder game modes I will

use more of them, but in Normal, I had no

need of them. The space was of better use for

extra ammo and anything that would refill my

health. And there's another thing that I found

to my liking, the health system is now divided

up in an x number of cubes shown on your

HUD, normally 5 of them. Lose all of them and

you die, well you fall to the ground and need

your partner to come by and help you get

back up again. If they fail you will die. You still

have the health spray that will refill all of the

lost health cubes, or pills (I call them tic tacs!)

that replace just one of the cubes at a time.

Not only can you carry up to 16 of these pills

at a time without them taking up any place in

your inventory making them highly useful,

they are also fairly easy to come by, and after

getting to know the weapons I rarely needed

to use the sprays. Once I had finished playing

through the game from start to end four

times, I realised I had only used two life

sprays, the rest was just as well healed with

the tic tacs (pills just don't sound so positive,

don't you think). Not only are they so many of

them, I can use them without having to go

into the menu, making them not only

inventory space free, but also faster than

getting the spray. Oh and one final pointer

before going into the campaigns, snipers are

horrible. They do a lot of damage sure, but a

sniper is a long range weapon right? Well not

in this game, here it's more like a midrange

weapon. There is so much weapon sway that

its useless, and there is not a "hold your

breath" button to aim better anywhere in

game. I used snipers as someone else would

have used a shotgun, in small alleyways

instead of on longer ranges. And it has the

damage output to justify it, instead of 3-4

shoots with the shotgun, I take one shot with

the sniper and moves on. The sniper needs to

be better at long range in my opinion. Oh and

one more thing about aiming, when aiming

you get the standard crosshair with a red dot

in it (that you can alter colour of by the way)

nothing unusual there right. Well here's the

kicker, when you start to fire your guns your

little dot moves around in the crosshair, from

being centred it jumps around inside it

throwing your aim off as the recoil would

have done. Kind of nice in a way, but the bad

part is that you have to wait a little while

before the coloured dot becomes visible

again, at close range it's not that much of a

big deal, but at range, it's a pain in the butt.

And to make it worse, if you want to reset the

dot, you have to lower your weapon and get it

back up again, it's a fast move, but sometimes

there are times when you simply can't or

don't want to for the fear of getting eaten

horribly by some monster. So NOW I can

move on :D

Leon and Helena:

After getting

into this I

noticed that

it was more

of a horror

story this

one, and I

have to be honest, I did not like it. It just

moved too slow for me. The story and acting

is good, but there was just so many

inconsistencies from the Res5 game that I had

come to know and love so much. And yes I

know that Leon was in the series before game

5 but I had a really hard time trying to warm

to the character as much as I would have liked

to. But then again I was never that keen on

the horror genre, and even though I see that

that's what they tried to do here, they failed

in my opinion. It's a fun campaign but as a

horror story just know that it's bad. But it

soon gets better as the story goes on and you

get a bit more speed in your steps, and in my

opinion the thing that turned the game was

more guns. When you finally gets to get out of

the puny peashooter you start with, the game

all of a sudden became really good and I had a

hard time seeing why they simply had not

given me the guns right of the start. It's hard

not to say too much and still leave the bigger

picture untouched for you guys as I don't wish

to divulge too much of the plot, but as far as I

can tell you it's a good campaign even though

it starts really slow and it is still the one I look

forward to playing the least. And since I have

not played anything before Res5, I did not

really know this character, and the game does

a piss poor job to introduce you to him I think,

the best information I got on him was from

collecting the special emblems that unlock

some info files that can be read later, but in

the game I just don't think they did a good

job. But maybe that is part of the characters

story from before, I don't know, anyways next

time I play it I will play as Helena, which

seemed more interesting, even though it was

stupid, incredibly naive and slow to explain

regarding her sister and the past events. I'd

still go with her before I'd play as Leon again.

All in all its a nice campaign, but for me it's

not the way I want to play the game, and I

found it slow and clumsy, and there were

several times when I yelled at the screen as

once again Leon went along with something

that there was no point in going along with,

that then eventually led to even more

problems. And all of the mystery could have

been avoided if his companion Helena, had

taken her head out of her ass and told the

truth to begin with.

But as I sad, once it got rolling properly I

enjoyed it enough to keep going instead of

giving up on the game.

Chris and Piers:

Chris I know from before,

but was a bit surprised

about his newly found

drinking problem, I had

not seen him as that type

of character in the

previous game, but I

guess everyone needs

something to believe in.

Then along comes Piers, a young soldier in the

BSAA telling him it's time to face your ghosts

as the world needs his services once more. He

tells Chris about the recent developments and

makes him give up the bottle but not his

problems as he joins the BSAA once again as

the Point Man of Alfa team with Piers as his

second. This campaign was more to my liking,

(I did not need to stop every three steps to

stumble over something that I could not walk

around). I simply liked the military strategy

more then I liked the previous attempt of

horror. Again I don't want to say too much

about the story, even though this is a review I

still feel that I want you to see this for

yourself, as I think they did a great job with it,

and it needs to be experienced, and not told

to you by an amateur review man. During the

story you also get to see what happened to

Chris to send him to the bar where he

apparently stayed until Piers came along. And

during their fight you also get to see some

very good acting between them, as more and

more of Chris' past unfolds and he falls further

and further away from his objective as part of

the BSAA and relies on Piers to keep him in

line. Over all this is by

far the best one of the

campaigns in my mind,

and that could because

its simply the most

straight forward one,

very little puzzle solving

or stealth, its more run

and gun, and that was

perfect for me. There

was this one time while

fighting a giant BOW

that I did not know what to do, but after a

good night of sleep, I figured it out the day

after, so I'm going to blame being tired as hell

and not figuring it out right away. It was not

even a puzzle, I just failed to see what my

team was doing. And it was a lot faster passed

then Leon's and Helena's one as well, another

reason why I liked it, and it made me very

excited to start on the next ones to see if they

would be as good. Over all it was a lovely

campaign, not just for the shooting but also

for the characters

Jake and Sherry:

This one is a bit special in

yet another way from the

other two. Here you play

as Jake (well I did) who as

it turns out is Albert

Weskers son, and as such

also carries the genetic

DNA that allowed Wesker

some control over the C-

virus. Jake is a mercenary, and we meet him

for the first time just after he gets a dose of

the C-virus proving that he has antibodies for

the virus. Here we also meet Sherry who says

she is working for the government and wants

Jake's help to develop an antidote. Just as that

is said you have to fight for your life against

the same mercenaries that Jake a minute ago

trusted his life with, and I have to say, he

takes it really good. His only concern being

that the BSAA keeps firing on him as well as

his former comrades. Jake is a cold hearted

mercenary, and I like this character a lot, even

when asked to help the world he still comes

up with a price that has to be met or he will

simply walk out letting the world fend for

itself. But as you might have imagined, it gets

more complicated, and gaining a simple blood

sample lead's to a whole world of shooting,

fighting and running. And incidentally that

sums this campaign up pretty nicely. You

spend some of the time feeling like a god,

killing zombies and being an overall badass,

and the other running away like a little girl

from a particularly tough BOW that seems to

have its mind set on Jake. While you either go

on like a battering ram or run like a school girl

Jake finds a friend in Sherry, and for the first

time he makes a connection with another

human being since he lost his mother some

years back. And maybe I let my own feelings

for the characters get the best of me here (I

love Jake and I always had a soft spot for

Sherry too). I thought that they were hitting it

off a couple of times during the story, but in a

way I did not have to stop and think, "oh

that's so cheesy" so I'm kind of curious about

what they will make them do in any future

games. But unfortunately I don't like all of the

running away parts, since it simply slows the

game down to a crawl. And they often give

you an instant death should you fail, not a fan.

But I found them to be kind of easy so they

are not that bad and don't slow you down for

too long.

Now even though I like the campaign, there

are two very bad things with this campaign.

The first one is Jake's hand to hand combat,

he is described as very good at it, but the

hand to hand system does not justify that at

all. It's just too stale, and has only three

different moves to it, so there's not that much

versatility in it (not that

those three attacks are

the ones used while

having Jakes Hand to

hand "weapon"

equipped, and not the

standard attacks that all

characters can make).

Sure they do some

damage, but its faster

and just better to shoot

them instead of risking

getting too close just to try them out.

The second thing that's really bad here is the

driving you get to do is horrible. The first one

was a snowmobile or a "Scooter" as I would

say considering I'm from Sweden. But the

handling of the thing is utterly horrible. You

have a throttle and a break/reverse and that's

it. And while driving down from a mountain

that's coming down over you, you have to

jump between cliffs, go left and right between

trees and so on. Unfortunately your

snowmobile is as nimble as an oil tanker sent

down the same hill sideways, with a small

man called Bob to steer it down using a toy

car steering wheel. It simply will not move the

way you want it to and should you, god

forbid, have to turn at some point, you can

simply end up going down sideways, and with

only a throttle and a break, you have no way

of getting back up again. "But you can use the

sticks to steer" (was playing this part with a

controller) you say, well yes in a way, left stick

controls the scooter, or so it claims, it just

tries, that's it, while the right one controls the

camera, and can actually make you go

sideways again. Needless to say, it was bad.

And after a few more missions you have to

drive a bike, now this was still bad and I

thought boring, but it was far better than the

previous attempt at driving. And it was

enjoyable even though I did not like it.

But I still felt a bit cheated as I thought I

would be able to use some nice hand to hand

combat moves, but the system just was not

there. And to make matters worse, at one

point you are forced to use it as your weapons

have been taken away, and it does nothing to

help you like the system, shooting is fine, and

the normal hand to hand system is fine, but

not the actual hand to hand that's supposed

to be good (a lot of hands there) and it was a

big disappointment. But it still makes up for it

with the nice gameplay and you don't need to

use anything but guns in all but one mission.

And again they have made good work of how

the characters intermingle and talk, all but in

one place. There is a level where I have to

hide from a set of what I can only describe as

bloat flies, who are trying to track me, and I

can jump into a container to hide from them.

But when I do my companion Sherry, does

not, she simply stands there and nothing

happens to her, I wonder why, if it's a bug, or

if the flies simply only react to Jake, or the

character you are currently using, other than

that it went on with no more problems, and in

the end I liked the story.

Double Doors:

Now there is another campaign, and I will get

to that in a minute, but first I have to talk

about the biggest ghost in Resident Evil 5-6.

The Dual-Controller-and-Lock-Out-System

that seems to be pestering the game.

Everywhere, no matter where you are, who

built it, or in what country you are in, be it

Chinese, or Indian culture, if you are going to

open a door, you have to pull two different

levers at two different places at the same

time. Who the fuck makes this system and still

thinks it's a good thing? It slows the game

down terribly as you have to wait for your

partner (this is playing with an A.I) to kill all

the monsters before getting to the door,

while you simply wanted to open it and be

done with it. Admittedly I can see its uses

when playing with a human player, as it forces

a way of interacting with your companion as

having to watch each other's back and so

forth, but in single player, it's simply a bad

idea I think. This being said, let's go to the last

of the campaigns.

Ada Wong:

So this campaign is a

bit different from the

others in the sense

that you are alone as a

player, but I have to

say you are

encountering so many

other characters that it

kind of feels like you

have them tagging along with you anyways.

And it also solves the problem with the Dual-

Door-System as she is alone it would stop the

game, so instead they gave her a nifty gun

with a rope and a hook in it, awesome! Not

only does it feel more fluent as you swing

yourself across the levels instead of waiting by

a door for your partner, it also added a nice

new mechanic, sure you simply press one

button, but still it's new. And I have to say it

allows you to move in a way that feels free

even though its horribly scripted. And to add

to it you get the awesome crossbow, I'm not

sure how much damage it does, but I just

liked it, it's just a shame how few arrows you

can carry before it starts to fill up your

inventory (again, I threw away all the

grenades and took more arrows).

As you started the first campaign, in my case

Leon's, you notice a lot of inconsistencies, and

keep thinking, wtf? And they just add up until

you get the last one, Ada Wong is your

answer, I was so glad that they did not simply

let it hang in the air, and simply took you

through what happened, but it only makes

sense after you have played that last

campaign. Unfortunately I found it to be very

short, but as it tied in all the things that I had

had a problem with so far, I still found it to my

liking and I did not find any real thing to

complain about either. Its short, simple, but it

answered my questions, and maybe even

more importantly, I did not have to drive a

single thing, that made me even more happy.

I still would have used the crossbow a bit

more though, were it not for the lack of



I promised to talk about the perks in the game

so here it is. Some enemies will drop a small

piece that will look like a piece from a

chessboard and will give you a certain number

of points as you pick it up. This is your

currency and can be used to pay for perks and

upgrade them once you have unlocked them.

You can only have three of them on at any

given time, and I believe they did this so you

would have to alter between campaigns and

characters to make it work out. But on Normal

Mode I found a combination of three that

worked overall, good on all of them. And I

have to say they are pretty good, I don't know

about the damage boosts, since I can't get any

number on it but for the rest I have to say I

fell in love with the "Breakout" one the most.

It helps you get out the grip of enemies, and

the faster you get out, the less life you take as

well. And it could just be me, but I think it

helps with the quicklime events as well. But

that could just be my own imagination playing

pranks on me. The other ones I used was the

"Increased Gun Damage" (even though I could

not tell how much extra damage it was doing,

but felt it could not hurt all the same) and

"Fast Reload" just in case anyone wanted to


Overall I love this game, and I have not even

started talking about the mercenaries mode,

and all the extras in the game, and I won't,

cause I want you to get the game, and once

you have, you will be a happier person for

doing so. If you liked Resident Evil 5 , I'm

pretty sure you will like this one as well.

Acting is good, voices are good I have to say,

the only thing that I think is horribly broken

that I have not yet talked about is the reload


As your gun empties, I figure it should reload,

but it does not. It stays empty until you pull

the trigger again or press the reload button,

why not just reload right away as the gun is

empty? And the setting "Reload

Automatically" seems to be there just to look

good, as it made no difference at all whether I

had it boxed in or not, it still played the same.

So other than that and the other small failings

of the game I still love it for what it does. It's a

good game for the zombie genre that seems

to be a bit over populated as it seems at the

moment. I dare say, I will have many hours in

front of the mercenaries screen. Until I see

you all next time.

Happy Gaming People!

Guardians of the Light: So I'm not going to be explaining much about

the game this time since this is the second

instalment in the series, but I will explain why

I went for this deck in this article.

The Guardians of the light was the second one

I unlocked, to do that you need to first

complete the first chapter on the single player

mode, then you click the "Spellweaver"

symbol down in the right corner and click on

the deck you want to unlock. You will have to

face them and should you win, you unlock

that deck to be used in both single player

mode and multiplayer, simple as that. That

being said I will get right to the deck, as there

is going to be a good number of cards on this

one so keep with me. And I will not be putting

up a picture for every card I talk about, as I

feel it will be a bit too much, so let's get


So this is an augment deck, and what I mean

by that is that it's got a few creatures and

then a whole bunch of Enchantments and

Auras to make them stronger or right out

indestructible. It's an awesome deck in my

opinion and hopefully I can give you a few

hints about what to do with this deck. Keep in

mind that whenever I talk about

Enchantments on creatures they are also

called Auras, and I will be using that term on

creatures and Enchantments on the ones that

go on the board on their own.

First card of the day is Kor

Spirit Dancer. This is an

amazing card, not only

does it have an innate

ability for every

enchantment you put on

it, giving it an automatic

+2/+2 but you also get to

draw a card, and to add

on top of that you get the benefit of the Aura

as well. It's just perfect and can snowball out

of control really fast, so if you're playing

against it, you might want to take it out early

so to keep your enemy from becoming too

dominant early in the game.

Next up is Daybreak

Coronet. This card can

only be put on another

card that already has an

Aura on it (so perfect on

your Kor Spirit Dancer)

so you might need to

hold on to it for a little

while, but for what it

does its amazing. For only the cost of two

mana, you get +3/+3, Lifelink, Vigilance and

First strike! Remember though that you have

to have another enchantment on it already

for it to work, so it's a bit more expensive

then it suggests, but when you get it out, you

can turn an low level card to something that

can become a big threat on the board.

Let's say you want to

protect one of your

creatures from the

enemy. You can play

Spirit Mantle and have

the creature get +1/+1

and protection from

creatures. This means

that when you attack no

creatures can block it, and if they do if forced

by a spell or other, they won't do any damage

to it. So the only way to get it off the board is

by a spell or by some other sneaky play from

your opponent, it can give any card the ability

to stay and keep dealing damage to your

opponent. There is another card with almost

the same function as well, Unquestioned

Authority does the same, but you also get to

draw a card. A win win if you ask me!

Divine Favor is a very good defensive card.

Not only does it give any creature a healthy

+1/+3 but it also gives back 3 life to the player

something you and in case you have a partner

would not say "No" to.

Nomad Mythmaker is a

good card to have on

hand, and if you can

protect it you have a very

good starting point in the

game. If a creature dies

with an enchantment, it

usually takes the Aura

with it to the grave, but

with this card you can bring them back to the

board, think of it like a sort of recycling

program for your enchantment cards. Not

only that but it gives it directly to another

creature of your choice instead of taking it to

your hand. Saving you the mana it would cost

to put it back out again.

Skyhunter Skirmisher is

not the best card on its

own, but it is a flyer and

it has double strike,

meaning that whatever

aura card you put on it, if

it's a damage aura, it's

going to double the

damage dealt to the

enemy, an awesome and dangerous play for

anyone. Just keep it alive and it will deal

massive damage before you know it.

Guardians Magemark is a little special. Not

only can you play it as an "Instant", cause of

its Flash special rule. Now the card does affect

all cards with an Aura on them that you

control, and gives thems +1/+1. So if you have

five cards with an Aura of some kind, it will

affect all of them. A simple way of increasing

the damage of your army in general and not

just one creature at a time.

As you imagine by now

you're going to be

playing a lot of

Auras/Enchantments so

cards like Ajanis Chosen

will come in real handy.

It's only a 3/3 but for

every Enchantment you

play, you get to add a

free 2/2 cat creature token on the field,

always adding to your army even if you did

not play a creature, it's awesome. Make

another creature stronger and get one for

free. It's like buy 1 get as many as you like for


Seraph of the Sword,

now this is not the only

card with this ability, it

just happened to be the

one I picked to talk

about. It's a creature but

it has the rule; "Prevent

all combat damage that

would be dealt to

Seraph of the Sword" meaning if you're

defending or attacking, it will not take

damage from other creatures. Keep in mind

though that this will not save it from spells

and certain abilities you will face in the game,

it will only save it from normal combat

damage, nothing else. Still it's a powerful play,

as your opponent might not have anything to

counter such a card.

Angelic Destiny, now

this is a super card, not

only does it give your

creature a good +4/+4

but it also grants it

Flying, Fist Strike and it

becomes an Angel as

well. And if that was not

enough should the

creature die this card will be put back in your

hand, it's a never ending cycle of angels at

your disposal. What's not to like. Keep in mind

though that some cards especially in the black

decks have spells and creatures that target

Angels specifically, so keep that in mind.

Indestructibility, now this is exactly what it

sounds like, it makes a card indestructible, it

can still be exiled, but this card is mostly going

to stay on the board, simple but oh so


Armored Ascension. This

is another of those cards

that can win the game for

you. It will give a creature

+1/+1 for each plain you

control, and to top it off

will give it Flying as well.

However considering it is

based on the number of

plains you have it might be better to save for

the late game as you are bound to have more

of them on the board. But it can also just as

easily make for a nasty surprise in the early


Dawnstrike Paladin, this is a creature with the

2/4 on its profile. But it also has Vigilance and

more importantly, it has Lifelink making it the

perfect card to Enchant increasing the

damage it does and increasing the life you

gain from it every time it deals damage, don't

underestimate the power of Lifelink.

Sigil of the Empty Throne, now this is a card

you should never leave home without. It's an

Enchantment that gives you an 4/4 angel, for

EVERY Enchantment card you play after this

one, giving you an army of angels in no time,

it's one of the best cards ever.

Celestial Mantle, this

card is another one of

those that can win you

the game in an instant,

not only does it give a

creature +3/+3 it also has

a special rule that goes

like this "Whenever

Enchanted creature deals

combat damage to a player, double its

controlling players health total". If I had 15

health, and it does damage I will get another

15 health for a total of 30, next time I get 30

and then 60, it can cause you to become a

god. BUT your enemy will know this and might

have a way to kill it before it gets to do its

thing, keep that in mind.

True Conviction. This is a monster card, it's an

Enchantment card that gives all your

creatures double strike, doubling their

damage, but it also gives them Lifelink, it's a

deadly combination and in my opinion

especially good in multiplayer games. But it

will make you a target though, so keep that in


Final Judgment, this is a

last resort card in my

opinion, if your

creatures and tricks

aren't enough to win the

game, and your

opponent is having

board control, then this

is what you play, it will

Exile all creatures on the board, all of them

gone, a great way to reset the board if you

took a wrong turn, or if you wanted to get rid

of your enemies strong killer creatures. Keep

in mind though that it will remove creatures

with Indestructible as well, as Exile and

Destroy are not the same rule, so keep that in


Now there are a lot of more cards in the deck

that I would talk about but I'm not going to,

these are the cards that I think are the most

interesting to use in a game with this deck,

and the combinations are endless. Just read

the rules of the cards and see your army

snowball out of control over and over again.

Until I see you again, I wish you all happy


The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 --

Smoke and Mirrors PC

Adventure Telltale Games

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Jazzpunk PC

Adventure Necrophone Games

February 7, 2014

The LEGO Movie Videogame PC

Action , Adventure Warner Bros. Interactive

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Banished PC

Simulation Shining Rock Software

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Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare PC

Shooter Not Available

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Thief PC

Adventure , Adventure Square Enix

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Divinity: Original Sin PC

RPG Not Available

February 2014

South Park: The Stick of Truth PC

RPG Ubisoft

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Shooter , First-Person Electronic Arts

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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls PC

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