The Galahad Movie Night On April 8...


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SG Movie Night

On April 8 the Galahad guys all got to see Batman

vs. Superman. We all met at the lodge at 5:30 and

went down to Flippy’s for dinner then headed

down to the theater for the movie. The movie was

great, but left a cliff hanger which are always

annoying. After the movie we all went home.

-AJ Ammon

GBHQ Reception

On April 30 Ayden, Bryce, Eric and I all went to the

lodge for Jordan's Reception. We all showed up at

the lodge at about 5:30 and waited for everything

to be ready. Once it was ready we watched what

they all had planned. Jordan got some pretty cool

pixie wings and a few tears. Once that was done we

got to eat and dance. Bryce and I danced when

Barbie Girl came on and we rocked it, everyone

was mad jealous of our skills. Once it was done we

all went home.

-AJ Ammon

Parents Day

On May 3 the Galahad Guys all came to the lodge

with their parents for a pot luck dinner and

something for the parents. Everyone showed up

around 6:30 pm and all ate some delicious food.

After we ate, we went up stares to witness Eric do

the flower talk which was amazing. All the ladies in

the room got a flower. After that we all talked and

went home

-AJ Ammon

Promise Land Paintball

That time again where we go play Paintball is

almost here. On July 16th we will be driving to

Trevor for Paintball, Archery, and/or Swimming.

All this for $35 or $15 if you just want to do is

Archery and Swimming, what a deal!

SG Highway Cleanup

On May 7 Ayden, Eric, Dylan, Julian, and I all helped

out our community by cleaning up the highway.

We all woke up early and met at the lodge at 8 am.

When we got to highway 83, we parted into 2

groups, and started cleaning the road. Once we

were done, we all went home

-AJ Ammon

Officer Elections and

Testimonial Dinner

On May 14 Ayden, Eric, Dewey, Jacie, Jordan, and I

all went up to Green Bay for Testimonial and

Elections for State Officers for the upcoming year.

When we got there we all greeted everyone and

talked with friends until elections started. Once it

started they went over everything and we started

elections. First was an election for State Master

Councilor, the candidates were Casey F. and Jesse

H. Casey won for State Master Councilor. Next was

elections for State Councilors and the three people

who ran won which were Paul G. Gavin M. and

Ross B. Then finally there was a State Sweetheart

Elections and Aliza L. won. Once all of the elections

were done, we sat through a presentation about

what sweethearts do for the Chapter. Once that

was done we went downstairs for lunch which was

delicious then we went back upstairs for the State

Sweetheart Testimonial. Then we had dinner and it

was Bryce's testimonial. A dance then followed,

when we had enough dancing, we headed to the

hotel and swam. Then we played a deadly game of

Risk which I won technically. The next day we all

headed home and that was that.

-AJ Ammon

Conclave 2016

Conclave is literally around the corner guys, make

sure that you have everything you need.


The Galahad Gossip

July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3 (Carlos)

Culvers Night

On May 23 the Galahad Guys went to Culvers for

our fundraiser. We all showed up around 4:45 pm

and started at 5 pm. We had a lot of people coming

through the drive threw more that in to dine. At

the end we made over $200 which was good. We

talked for a little then went home.

-AJ Ammon

Pork Chop Dinner

On May 23 Ayden and Eric helped out with the

Lodge’s Pork Chop Dinner. They didn't have as

many as they were hoping but they did have a

crowd for a little bit. When it was over, there was

still pork chops left over and a few brought them

back home with them.

-A.J. Ammon

Bethel #76 Installation

On June 4 Will and I went to the lodge to witness

the Jobies installation. I was asked to pull chairs,

like usual and I did. Ashton C. was being installed as

Honored Queen. Then for remarks, she called on

me and I wasn't prepared to remark and I just died

in front of them. They all laughed at/with me but I

was cool with it. After the installation we went

downstairs for food and cake. Then we all went


-AJ Ammon

Movie Night

To all that may be interested, on July 15th, we are

planning to go to Flippy’s for a fantastic meal as

well as to go see a movie at the Plaza of our

choosing. It would be awesome if you could join

us on the fun! It will be $10 for the Movie

and whatever you spend on Dinner.

See you at the Lodge at 5:30 pm!

SG Installation of Officers

On June 11 the Galahad guys came to the lodge for

the installation. The members and the installing

team started showing up around 1 pm. We mainly

talked and stuff, even though we planned to have a

practice going on. More people started to show up

around 2:30. At 3 pm we started the installation. I

was installed as Master Councilor. When it was my

time to talk, I was nervous but okay about it.

Afterwards we went downstairs and ate food and

cake and just talked. When everyone left, I had to

stay and clean everything as well as I helped clean

the lodge. Once we were done we all went home.

-A.J. Ammon

Visit Milburn Chapter

On June 15 Eric, Dewey and I jumped the border to

Illinois to visit Millburn Chapter. When we got

there, we were fed with hot dogs and chips as well

as big red. Then we went upstairs and just went

through business and ideas on fundraisers and fun

events for these guys. Afterwards we went back

downstairs and had a Foosball competition and Eric

and Dewey won. When that was over, we went to

steak and shake and bragged about it to Bryce

which he was at the other side of the country for

International Supreme Council. Once that was done

we all went home

-AJ Ammon

SG Car Wash and Brat Fry

On June 18, the Galahad guys showed up at

gooseberries around 9 am we had a good amount

of people show up and it was a great time. We

washed around 10 cars and sold a lot of brats and

burgers. When we were done, we packed up and

went home.

-A.J. Ammon

Checkout our up to date Online Calendar at

Father's Day Breakfast

On June 19 the Galahad guys showed up to the

lodge around 6:45 am and started to serve people

around 7 am. We had a big rush right away and it

died down as the morning progressed. We had a

great amount of people show up and had a great

time. Once we were done we cleaned up and went


-The Ammonator

Visit Kenosha Chapter

On June 21 Eric, Bryce and I all went over to

Kenosha for their meeting. We showed up around

6:45 pm and their meeting started around 7:15 am.

Their meeting was pretty good as well as the snack

they had afterwards. Then after we said our

goodbyes, we went to the truck stop and dined at

George Webb’s which was fantastic. Then we all

went home

-AJ Ammon

Doric Chapter Installation

On June 25, Eric, Cassidy, and I all went up to Doric

to sit in and help out with their installation. It

started at 6:30 pm on the dot. Ryan T. was installed

as Master Councilor. After the installation, we went

downstairs for tacos and cake. Afterwards, we

went to Kopps for more food and ice cream. Then

we went home.

-AJ Ammon

Editor: Sir Galahad Chapter Advisor:

AJ Ammon Dad Shawn Noble

Contributing Reporters: AJ Ammon, A.J. Ammon,

The Ammonator, AJ 4 LYFE, Bryce Fransway

CMP Tactical Laser Tag

On this day December 11, 1943, Er... I mean… June 30

2016, a date which will live in infamy (and gave Dad

Noble an ulcer). It all started calm and quiet, too quiet,

as if on cue the unsuspecting souls restoring their

energy from a long night of RISK were awakened

suddenly, with no just cause. The Noble living room

filled with an agonizing yet intoxicatingly appealing bark

of the seventeen week old puppy Ava.

She is an adorable puppy, loved by most and loathed by

one a dashing and heroic State Master Councilor named

Bryce Fransway due to her never ceasing yearning

desire to wake me up in the morning. Anyway… Jacob,

Trenton (my friend), and I scrambled out of our hovels

to silence the ever insistent Ava. Dad Noble enjoying his

life working from home decided to check out the

commotion that he had heard coming from the living

room to find three young men on the floor of the

kitchen cuddling Ava and siphoning her warmth after

the harsh cold Russian Winter Er… I mean night of rest.

After our adorable encounter with Ava, we suddenly

were filled with an exasperating amount of boredom…

There was nothing to do… Not a gosh darn thing, I

would be willing to bet that Ole Georgey Washington

had more fun getting his wooden dentures installed! So

we sat, and sat, and sat, and sat, and sat, until Jacob

caved like the weak thirteen year old he is and started

up the X Box One. Trenton and I looked at each other

and with a pompous yet hearty laugh from the both us

pulled out our laptops to rub the console peasants face

in our superior gaming capabilities. Until we realized

that movies were pretty great and we (Trenton and I)

wanted to go and see one! So I looked up what would

be playing and came across “Independence Day:

Resurgence” and asked Trenton if he wanted to go see

that. Trenton being the heretic that he is obviously said

no because he has not seen the first film; well neither

Dewey, Trenton, nor I had brought the original

“Independence Day” with us. Of course we went to ask

Dad Noble if he had owned it and you can guess he did

not. So with our final hope we searched for Netflix

desperately looking for the movie we yearned to watch.

Of course, Netflix is Netflix and did not have it on


I said to heck with the garbage and went on the internet

and watched the movie off of a site for free. We began

watching the movie, but with the weather being

beautiful outside Trenton and I decided to go out on

Dad Noble’s front porch in the Ole wooden rocking

chairs sipping our sweet tea as we watched the movie.

After that whole ordeal I had managed to coax Dad

Noble into allowing us to eat out for lunch at Buffalo

Wild Wings. After ordering our drinks and soaking in

the beautiful sunshine coming in through the window

Trenton, Dewey, and I competitively answered the

questions, but little did we know a storm was brewing

in a far off land. We joked, ate our food, and had our

fun until we returned to a very Noble home. ;) Where

Dad Noble looking at the radar and weather forecast

and was forced to call CMP to be certain the session

was still on. After informing the manager in Lake

Geneva of the impending storm Dad Noble would hang

up to await their return call.

These were grave times as Dad Noble panicked to

ensure the survival of this long awaited event of the

year. Dad Noble scrambled trying to keep the event

together wandering to the magical land of Facebook to

inform all of what may happen. As he wandered the

Facebook, the phone began to ring. It was as we all had

feared the dreaded manager of CMP calling us back

stating that they would cancel and refund our session

due to the concerns of the weather. Being the clever

individual Dad Noble is he immediately asked about

Milwaukee. And thank the maker that their 7:45 pm

session had fifteen slots available.

In his hurried state Dad Noble contacted everyone

through any means and watched as GDB picked up their

shiny red ball and stayed at home. That’s right; with the

slightest change GDB dropped our event, but Dad Noble

made it work. We would all meet at the Lodge in

Burlington and left together. Everyone arrived with little

difficulty and our Noble advisor, General William

Tecumseh Sherman (Dad Noble) led us at full speed

around, blazing everything in his wake as we marched

toward the sea (Lake Michigan) with record haste.

Arriving at CMP, we unloaded and registered. Then we

sat and waited. Once it was time, we saddled up and

readied for war. Our Noble Red Army was ready for

battle, our tactics solid and battle plans drawn. To our

dismay a turn coat was in our midst a young Benedict

Arnold abandoned his hoped for glory in the Red Army

and left to be with the filthy Blues.

The battles began with an early victory, but things

would rapidly deteriorate as our Blue enemy would blitz

and blitz crippling our capabilities to react. The front

would soon become far too large for our enemy to

handle as the Red Army made small gains and

prevented the Blues from gaining any more points. Our

Blue enemies plan had failed Operation Barbarossa had

left the Red Army up by 4 points and on the defense of

the final round for the heist. We held the Blues as long

as we could; many souls were lost in the defense of the

getaway car. One causality hit home and rallied the Red


Comrade Noble had been hit as he fell the Red Army

fought on, but those final words still haunt us all to this

day “Medic… Medic… Man Down… Man Down…”

Despite this the Red Army fought on and destroyed the

Blue advance and won the day. We celebrated with the

picture above and were awarded t-shirts that you may

view below. Seeking sustenance after our victory we

feasted for many moons on the Pizza from Domino’s

then went home and went to sleep after a relaxing and

refreshing shower!

All in all it was a great event despite the setbacks

caused by the weather. Without the dedication of Dad

Noble and the willingness to take three hours out of his

schedule for work to insure everything was set this

event never would have happened. Thank him for all he

does when you see him next

- Bryce Fransway, State Master Councilor,

signing off for the final time as SMC, thanks for

the great memories guys!!!