The Fire Chronicle Book Cover. I did a picture of a storm because in the begging of the book the...


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The Fire Chronicle Book Cover

I did a picture of a storm because in the begging of the book the owner of the orphanage threw a party and while the party was going on a big storm happened.

I did a picture of time travel because while the storm was going on Kate, Michael, and Emma were in a office getting the atlas when a schreecher showed up and it was trying to kill them. That’s when Kate got the Atlas and traveled 100 years in the past with the schreecher.

I did a picture of New York City because that’s the place where Kate and the schreecher traveled.

I did a picture of a witch because when Kate was in New York she went to a witch to ask her if she would ever see her brother and sister again. Finally Kate realized the witch was not real because she tried to sell Kate and get money for her.

I did a picture of a coffin because Kate and Michael had to go into a certain coffinto find out where the chronicle is.

I did a picture of a skeleton because while Michael was in the coffin he found a room and in the room was a skeleton with 3 bottles in front of him.

I did a picture of a dragon with lava because once Michael and Emma founda castle Michael knew the dragon was holding the book in the lava untilthe keeper comes to get it.


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