The Financial Daily-Epaper-09-12-2010



The Financial Daily Epaper

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Pak calls for greater UN in world affairs See on Page 12

No defence talk with Pak: SLanka See on Page 12

Russia eyes Pak oil, gas sectors See on Page 12

*Crude Oil (brent)$/bbl 91.42

*Crude Oil (WTI)$/bbl 88.67

*Cotton $/lb 128.19

*Gold $/ozs 1,395.50

*Silver $/ozs 29.13

Malaysian Palm $ 1,143

GOLD (NCEL) PKR 38,328

KHI Cotton 40Kg PKR 9,860

Yearly(Jul, 2010 up to 7-Dec-2010)

Monthly(Nov, 2010 up to 7-Dec-2010)

Daily (7-Dec-2010)

Total Portfolio Invest (26 Nov-2010)












SCRA(U.S $ in million)

Portfolio Investment

FIPI (8-Dec-2010)

Local Companies (8-Dec-2010)

Banks / DFI (8-Dec-2010)

Mutual Funds (8-Dec-2010)

NBFC (8-Dec-2010)

Local Investors (8-Dec-2010)

Other Organization (8-Dec-2010)

(U.S $ in million)


GDR update


Forex Reserves (27-Nov-10)

Inflation CPI% (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Exports (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Imports (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Trade Balance (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Current A/C (Jul 10- Oct 10)

Remittances (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Foreign Invest (Jul 10-Oct 10)

Revenue (Jul 10-Nov 10)

Foreign Debt (Sep 10)

Domestic Debt (Oct 10)

Repatriated Profit (Jul- Oct 10)

LSM Growth (Sep 10)

GDP Growth FY10EPer Capita Income FY10Population









Rs 495bn


Rs 5234.9bn






Economic Indicators


MCB (1 GDR= 2 Shares)

OGDC (1 GDR= 10 Shares)

UBL (1 GDR= 4 Shares)

LUCK (1 GDR= 4 Shares)

HUBC (1 GDR= 25 Shares)













T-Bills (3 Mths)

T-Bills (6 Mths)

T-Bills (12 Mths)

Discount Rate

Kibor (1 Mth)

Kibor (3 Mths)

Kibor (6 Mths)

Kibor ( 9 Mths)

Kibor (1Yr)

P.I.B ( 3 Yrs)

P.I.B (5 Yrs)

P.I.B (10 Yrs)

P.I.B (15 Yrs)

P.I.B (20 Yrs)

P.I.B (30 Yrs)































Money Market Update

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Australian $ 83.10 84.10

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Danish Krone 15.00 15.10

Euro 112.70 114.70

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Japanese Yen 1.026 1.052

Saudi Riyal 22.68 22.88

Singapore $ 64.35 65.35

Swedish Korona 12.00 12.10

Swiss Franc 86.65 86.75

U.A.E Dirham 23.18 23.38

UK Pound 133.70 135.20

US $ 85.45 85.75

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Australian $ 83.87 84.07

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Danish Krone 15.17 15.21

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Japanese Yen 1.021 1.023

Saudi Riyal 22.81 22.86

Singapore $ 65.06 65.21

Swedish Korona 12.38 12.41

Swiss Franc 86.51 86.71

U.A.E Dirham 23.29 23.35

UK Pound 134.57 134.89

US $ 85.61 85.80

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KSE 100 11,629.93 198.92

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Sensex 30 19,696.48 238.16

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SSE COMP. 2,848.55 27.31

FTSE 100 5,811.81 3.36

*Dow Jones 11,364.15 4.99

Global Indices

Sharif says ‘N’ will never support RGST

See on Page 12

ISTANBUL: Prim Minister Gilani addressing Turkish Businessmen and Investors at a meeting organised by Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Board. -APP

Special Correspondent

ISLAMABAD: Two rentalpower plants Naudero-II andGuddu Power Projects havedeposited Rs2.25 billion in thebank and presented the receiptsbefore the Supreme Court ofPakistan here on Wednesday.

A three-member bench con-sisting of Chief Justice IftikharMuhammad Chaudhry, JusticeGhulam Rabbani and JusticeKhalil-ur Rehman Ramdayheard the case.

The counsel of the Company -with two rental power plantsNaudero-II and Guddu PowerProjects - informed theSupreme Court that Companyhas deposited Rs2.25 billion inthe bank and presented thereceipts before the Court.

Chief Justice IftikharMuhammad Chaudhry whilehearing the case of RentalPower Projects (RPPs)remarked that the spent moneywas nation's wealth and every

one should consider the same.It may be pertinent to mention

here that Chief Justice directedthe companies on Tuesday toreturn the payment along withmark up which had been takenin advance over Naudero-II andGuddu power projects.

The case surfaced whenNepra came to know thatWalters International had relo-cated the machinery of GudduPower Plant to Naudero-IIPower Plant. The company tookan advance on the samemachinery, twice.

Furthermore, Supreme Courthas pardoned DG Concessionsof Petroleum Ministry SherMuhammed Khan, who thecourt charged with contempt ofcourt.

The official submitted hisunconditional apology inresponse to court's contemptnotice served on him.

It should be mentioned herethat DG Concessions ofPetroleum Ministry was

charged with contempt of courtin a case regarding the sale ofBritish Petroleum shares.

A three-member bench of theapex court headed by ChiefJustice of Pakistan JusticeIftikhar Muhammad Chaudhryand comprising Justice GhulamRabbani and Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday heard the peti-tion filed by former chiefJamaat-e-Islami, Qazi HussainAhmed regarding alleged cor-ruption in repurchasing assetsof British Petroleum Company(BPL) on exorbitant rates.

It should be mentioned herethat the court Tuesday issued ashow cause notice to DirectorGeneral Petroleum (DGP) SherMuhammad Khan for usingcontemptuous language regard-ing the litigations which werepending before the courts.

Earlier, the apex courtcharged Sher Khan with con-tempt of court and calledSecretary Petroleum to submit

See # 13 Page 11

RPPs returnRs2.2 billion

CJ says everybody should take care about nation's wealthApex court pardons MoP official over contempt

Staff Reporter

KARACHI: Country's con-sumer price index probably rose15.37 per cent year-on-year inNovember due to rising foodprices, virtually maintaining thesame pace of inflation as inOctober, a Reuters' poll shows.

The index rose 15.33 per centin October. "CPI inflation isexpected to rise once again forNovember, primarily owing toinflationary pressures from thefood group," said FarhanBashir Khan, analyst at InvestCapital Investment Bank.

Food prices have beenincreasing following summerfloods, which are estimated tohave cost Pakistan's economynearly $10 billion. The centralbank last month increased its

key policy rate by 50 basispoints to 14 per cent, its thirdconsecutive rate rise in the pastsix months as it seeks to curbpersistent inflation.

Inflation is expected to rise incoming months because of con-tinued government borrowingfrom the State Bank of Pakistanand a delay in access to thesixth tranche of an $11 billionInternational Monetary Fundloan programme.

"Despite the expected spike inCPI inflation in November, thisis likely to act as more of aspringboard for a furtherincrease especially duringDecember when CPI inflationmay test the 18 per cent year-on-year level," said Khalid IqbalSiddiqui, director at Invest andFinance Securities Ltd.

Nov CPI seen up at 15.38pc

ISTANBUL: Prime MinisterSyed Yousuf Raza GilaniWednesday invited Turkishbusinessmen to explorePakistan's business potential byinvesting in energy, oil and gassectors and offered visa-on-arrival.

Prime Minister, who arrivedhere from Ankara on the secondleg of his three-day official visitto Turkey, was addressing theTurkish businessmen at a lunch-eon hosted in his honour byDEIK - Turkish ForeignEconomic Relations Board.

Gilani said the governmenthad taken a decision to allowVisa on Arrival for 30 days to allTurkish nationals who pos-sessed valid US, UK orSchengen visas.

"We hope that remaining for-

malities will soon be completedfor the conclusion of VisaAbolition Agreement forbonafide businessmen of Turkeyand Pakistan," he said.

"For our Turkish brothers, weare ready to do more. We seek

See # 7 Page 11

PM Gilani woos Turkish investors

On arrival visa for businessmen offered

ISLAMABAD: SupremeCourt of Pakistan onWednesday began hearing aBalochistan government's chal-lenge to a deal with aSingapore company to runGwadar Port in which Chinahas a substantial investment.

The chief minister ofBalochistan is seeking the can-cellation of the contract withSingapore state-owned PSAInternational Ltd on thegrounds that it is a "one-sided"deal.

"In the contract, the federalgovernment did not considerthe reservations of theBalochistan government, norwere we taken into confi-dence," Advocate GeneralSalahuddin Mengal told thecourt.

"We ask the court to order the

federal government to scrap,cancel the contract."

Authorities have dismissedspeculation that the deep-seaport would be handed toChinese control, after Chinaprovided 80 per cent of the ini-tial $248 million developmentcosts.

China helped build the porton Pakistan's Arabian Sea coastpartly with a view to openingup an energy and trade corridorfrom the Gulf, across Pakistanto western China.

Analysts suspect Chinawould push for a major sayover the port to back its bid toexpand its influence in theIndian Ocean. This wouldupset India, which has alreadyexpressed concern over China'sinfluence in the region.

See # 9 Page 11

Gwadar Port casehearing commences

PAC seeks NHA's

debt recordISLAMABAD: PublicAccounts Committee (PAC)was told Wednesday thatNational Highway Authority(NHA) has outstanding exter-nal debt of Rs21 billion but dueto its feeble economic condi-tion it is not in a position torepay the debt.

This was told by theSecretary Economic Affairs toPublic Accounts Committee inits meeting held in ParliamentHouse which was chaired byCH Nisar Ali Khan.

The committee reviewedaudits of ministry of economicaffairs, textile and ministry ofpostal services.

Secretary Economic Affairstold PAC that NHA due to itsfeeble economic condition isnot in a position to repay thedebt of Rs21 billion.

On this AGP said that reportof NHA financial condition besought from the FinanceMinistry.

PAC has ordered Ministry ofFinance to provide the commit-tee with all the debt services ofNational Highway Authority(NHA) and its financial condi-tions as proposed by theAuditor General of Pakistan(AGP).

Secretary Economic Affairsrecommended to PAC ifMinistry of Finance does notsupport the information provid-ed by the Secretary EconomicAffairs, then action must betaken against NHA for not pay-ing off the external debt. -APP

Karachi, Thursday, December 9, 2010, Muharram-ul-Haram 2, Price Rs12 Pages 12

Orakzaibombingkills 14

KOHAT: A suicide bomberblew himself up beside a crowd-ed bus in northwest region onWednesday, killing at least 14people, officials said.

"A boy between the ages of 18and 20, who was carrying about6 kg (13 lbs) of explosives, car-ried out the attack," said DilawarBangash, police chief in thetown of Kohat, whereWednesday's bombing tookplace. Sixteen people werewounded, hospital officials said.

Many shops were destroyed.Witness Inayat Orakzai said:

"The bus, which was filled withpassengers, was about to take offwhen a teenage boy came nearthe door of the bus and blewhimself up."

The bombers attacked while ameeting on ways of strengthen-ing the tribal militias set up tohelp the government fight mili-tants was under way. -Agencies

Studentsprotest againstprivatisation

of institutionsLAHORE: The students onWednesday staged a protest inthe front of Punjab Assemblyand tried to pull down theassembly gate.

The students were protestingagainst the privatisation of edu-cational institutions while thedemo turned into a violent show.The police controlled the situa-tion and baton-charged to breakthem up.

The students went on rampageand broke some chairs, tablesand other furniture lying outsidethe Assembly.

The students raised full-throat-ed slogans against the govern-ment in protest against privatisa-tion and installing boards ofgovernors at educational institu-tions.

In this entire meantime, thestudents kept pelting stones atpolice and Assembly building.

The students transgressed into See # 12 Page 11

LONDON: A high-level dele-gation of PrivatisationCommission and representativesof public and private companiesheaded by federal minister forprivatization, Senator WaqarAhmed Khan has arrived here to

participate in Pakistan CapitalMarkets and PrivatisationForum due to take place atLondon Stock Exchange (LSE)on December 10.

Organised by LSE in See # 11 Page 11

London bourse tolearn about SOEs

Pakistani delegation reaches UK

Zahid Bukhari

KARACHI: ChairmanSilkbank and former financeminister Shaukat Tareen advo-cating the agricultural tax saidthat it is imperative for thecountry's taxation system.

He expressed these viewswhile talking to The FinancialDaily.

Tareen said despite opposi-tion he worked out earnestlyduring his tenure as financeminister and had he not quitoffice as finance minister, the

agri-tax could have beenimposed.

Former finance minister dis-pelling the expression about

See # 10 Page 11

Tareen advocatesagricultural tax

Former finmin talks to TFD

PM awardedhonorarydoctorate

A N K A R A : M a r m a r aUniversity of Turkey hasawarded the honorary doctoratedegree in Journalism to PrimeMinister of Pakistan, SyedYousaf Raza Gilani here onWednesday. -Agencies

KARACHI: Governor, StateBank of Pakistan (SBP),Shahid H Kardar, has constitut-ed a special committee whichwill devise a strategy in con-sultation with Federal andProvincial Governments andother stakeholders for growthof agricultural credit in thecountry.

While chairing a meeting ofthe Agricultural CreditAdvisory Committee (ACAC)here at State Bank building onWednesday, SBP Governorsaid the Committee would con-sist of representatives from theState Bank, commercial banks,agriculture chambers and asso-ciations, said SBP release.

He said that the Committee

would hold meaningful discus-sions at the Federal andProvincial level to formulate aholistic strategy for the devel-opment of agricultural creditwith the consensus of all themajor stakeholders.

The Committee will be head-ed by Executive Director,Development Finance Groupof SBP, Muhammad AshrafKhan while Director SMEFinance Department of SBPMansoor Hassan Siddiqui,Senior Executive VicePresident, Agriculture Group,National Bank of PakistanZiaullah Khan, Head Retailand Consumer Group, HabibBank Limited, Abid Sattar,

See # 8 Page 11

SBP sets up panelto scribe strategy

Pak, Russia,Afghan, Tajik

leaders agree onanti-narco driveMOSCOW: Afghanistan,Pakistan and Tajikistanagreedwith Russia on Wednesday tostep up efforts in fighting theAfghan heroin trade which killsat least 30,000 Russians a year.

"We are neighbours linked bythe same piece of land, and wehave the potential to strengthenour work in fighting a globalmenace,"Russia's anti-drugstsar Viktor Ivanov told hisCentral Asian counterparts.

The quartet of heroin-inflict-ed countries signed an agree-ment to destroy opium cropsand drug-making labs, as wellas exchange information ondrug trafficking and dealers.

Russia is struggling to con-tain a potentially cripplingheroin crisis. Heroin fromAfghanistan -- which producesaround 90 percent of theworld's total -- is smuggledthrough its porous border withimpoverished, ex-SovietTajikistan, then via Kyrgyzstanand Kazakhstan and onto theRussian market, Ivanov said.Through Pakistan, heroin pass-es through India and on toChina and other Asian coun-tries, he added. -Reuters

Agriculture credit growth

Counsel of Co presents receipts before Supreme Court

B'stan government says port deal one-sided

2 Thursday, December 9, 2010



Time Programmes

7:00 News

8:00 News

9:05 Subah Savere

Maya ke Sath

11:00 News

12:00 News

13:10 Newsbeat (Rpt)

14:10 Tonight With

Jasmeen (Rpt)

15:00 News

16:00 News

17:30 Samaa Metro

18:00 News

18:30 Samaa Sports

19:30 Crime Scene

20:03 Newsbeat

21:00 News

22:03 Tonight With


23:00 News

23:30 24

Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: CollectorCustoms NisarMuhammad Khan saidgovernment is honest inproper implementation ofPakistan AutomatedCustoms ClearanceSystem (PaCCS) andnegotiating with Agility,software ProviderCompany in this regard.

The company is makingall out efforts to facilitatemembers and importersto file their GoodsDeclarations online whilesitting anywhere usingthe assigned user IDs andmaking some necessarychanges in the system toincrease its performance.

While suggesting themembers and importerssaid, use one ID and

avoid multiple user IDsso that the system easilyidentify and recognise theapplicant and the delaysand problems will beremoved.

For delays in therelease of consignmenthe informed that NationalBank of Pakistan is con-tacted to increase thecounters for collectingthe payments.

The customs depart-ment has also requestedthe trade bodies to sendrecommendations toNational Bank ofPakistan president forincreasing number ofcounters.

The limited counters atNBP are badly impactingon the performance ofPakistan AutomatedCustoms Computerised

System because usersassociate delays in clear-ance of GDs with thisautomated system and itis entirely a wrong per-ception, he added.

Some vested elementsare playing their role indamaging the repute ofthis prestigious automat-ed solution provided byAgility, a Kuwait basedlogistics company.

Collector CustomsPaCCS Nisar MuhammadKhan further said thatonce PaCCS properlyimplemented, it willshow its built-in strengthsand capabilities.

The system has thestrength to clear any typeof consignment withinfive days; it has thecapacity to reduce itmore.

Govt to work withPaCCS: Customs

Staff Reporter

KARACHI: A worryingnumber of small busi-nesses believe they donot have enough cashreserves to surviveanother economic down-turn, a study by ForbesInsights in associationwith ACCA (theAssociation of CharteredCertified Accountants),Certified GeneralAccountants Associationof Canada (CGA-Canada) and CNDCEC,the professional body forcertified accountants in

Italy, has found.The study was based on

a survey of more than1,750 small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs)in Canada, China, Italy,Singapore, South Africa,and the UK, with 30 percent of the sample microbusinesses employingfewer than 10 people.

It shows that while mostSMEs believed the worstof the recession had past,there was an unexpectedlyhigh number of businesses- between 31 per cent and54 per cent in each coun-try, including those which

have seen high growth andwere less affected by theglobal downturn, who feltthey did not have adequatecash reserves to surviveanother financial crisis.

SMEs surveyed said therecession has forced themto become better busi-nesses and if they take onrisk it is only where theycan have control.Growing businesses,especially in the moredynamic economies,appear to be facing stiffercompetition and risingcosts, putting profit mar-gins under pressure.

Small traders indistress: ACCA

KARACHI: SindhCulture Minister SassuiPlaejo visited the exhibi-tion of Khushal Das afamous wooden ArtArchitect/Artist at SindhMuseum Hyderabad.

She witnessed his cre-ative work and art. MsPalejo appreciated hiscontribution. On the occa-sion The Culture Ministersaid that such work ishighly admirable and Mr.Das is a real asset of theprovince of Sindhbecause Sindh province isrich and potential of lot ofarts, culture and heritage.

Palejo said that the

Culture department isalways encouraging andpromoting the culture andheritage of the provincein every and at everylevel so the departmentfurther promote the suchart in a befitting manner.

She said that we are notaway and will never leftalone to such art and itscreators, announced thatthe culture departmentwould continue to arrangesuch exhibitions of cre-ative art and skill. It maybe mentioned here thatthe exhibition of KhshalDas is running in ZafarKazmi Art gallery, Sindh

Museum Hyderabad inlast week.

The Minister Culturealso disclosed that theCulture Department isgoing to organize suchexhibitions on the lives ofFather of the Nation andfounder of the CountryQ u a i d - e - A z a mMuhmmad Ali Jinnah andShaheed MohtarmaBenazir Bhutto in currentmonth at Hyderabad andKarachi respectively alsoa pictorial book on life ofShaheed Rani would alsobe published to pay richtribute to great personali-ties. -NNI

Govt promoting art& culture: Sassui

KARACHI: Having highsentiments for Muharram,business community isextremely concernedregarding law and ordersituation during Aashura,said Muhammad SaeedShafiq, President KarachiChamber of Commerceand Industry (KCCI),addressing at a specialsession organized at KCCIon security concerns withreference to Muharram.

The KCCI Presidentsaid we hold high senti-ments for the holy month;however, the businesscommunity is extremelyconcerned reference tolaw and order situationduring Aashura days,especially because of thesad incident of Boultonmarket in 2009 and suchincidents should be con-

demned.About the forms issued

by the Police for collect-ing details, Saeed addedthat the forms are irrele-vant and the contents ofthe forms need reconsid-eration and changesshould be incorporated onurgent basis.

Abdul Majeed Memon,former SVP andChairman special com-mittee for small tradersalso rejected the formsissued by the police andsaid that we would neverrecommend the business-men to fill them.

He denoted Khaara Darand Meetha Dar as highsecurity areas among fivepolice zones in South.

Talat Mahmood, SeniorVice President said thepolice should talk to the

chairmen of all relatedmarket associations fromwhich the Aashura pro-cession will pass andincorporate their concernswith reference to securityplan.

Hafeez Aziz, ChairmanSub-committee of Lawand Order also rejectedthe forms and appealedofficials to incorporate thenecessary changes.

He said we would sharehis intention of doingmeetings with the repre-sentatives of market asso-ciations and suggestedthat representatives wouldalso be appointed forsecurity watch.

The newly appointedActing TPO of SaddarTown, Amin Yousufzaiasked the business com-munity to suggest changes

in the forms and expressedwillingness for completecooperation. The formsare for collecting data andshould not be misunder-stood, added Amin.

On his recent appoint-ment for taking control ofsecurity measures, Amininformed that he might berecently appointed in thevicinity but holds theexperience of more than10 years in past forMuharram processionsecurity. Sharing therecent security plan,Acting TPO informed thatfrom 08 Muharram thearea would be sealed.

More than 8000 policeforce would be deployedduring Aashura proces-sions. Rangers and SpecialPolice would also be pres-ent for assistance.-PPI

Traders concerned onsecurity in Muharram

KARACHI: JafferBrothers (JBL) have beenawarded the OraclePartner Network (OPN)APAC FY10 AcceleratePartner of the Year atOracle's annual ExecutivePartner Forum, said ahandout issued here.

The award reflects JBL'ssuccess in utilisingresources from the OracleAccelerate program inPakistan. OracleAccelerate for midsizecompanies combinesOracle Applications andOracle BusinessAccelerators that are rapidimplementation tools, tem-plates and industry- andgeography-specific leadingpractice process flows.

George Wong, Group

Vice President, OracleAsia-Pacific Alliances andChannels, said:"Congratulations to JafferBrothers. They havedemonstrated tangiblesuccess with Oracle'scomplete, open and inte-grated products and tech-nology. Bringing innova-tion and excellence, theyprovide our mutual cus-tomers with proven solu-tions that can help solvecritical business chal-lenges. We thank JafferBrothers for their commit-ment and wish themgreater success in the yearahead."

"Our customers trulyhave reaped the benefitswith this improved accel-erated approach.-PR

Jaffer Bros grabOracle award


Time Programmes

8:00 Chai Time (Rpt)

9:00 News

9:15 Pehla Sauda

10:00 News

10:15 Bazaar

11:00 News

11:05 Ghar Ka Kharch

12:00 News

12:15 Power Lunch

13:00 News

13:05 Islamabad Say


14:00 News

15:02 Akhri Sauda

15:30 Agri Business

16:15 Karobari Dunya

17:05 Ghar Ka Kharch


18:05 Chai Time

19:00 News

19:05 Aap Ka Paisa

19:30 Mang Raha Hai


20:00 News

20:05 Islamabad Say

21:00 Pakistan Aaj Raat

22:00 News

22:05 Doosra Pehlu

23:00 News

23:05 Siyasat Mana Hai

0:00 News

KARACHI: Provincial Minister of InformationTechnology Raza Haroon visiting Landhi

Korangi Towns.-Staff Photo

KARACHI: Indian Minister of Trade AnandSharma, Sultan Chawla, Vice President of SARK

Chamber Iftikhar Ali Malik, Tariq Syed, S MMunir, Zakaria Usman, Zubair Tufail, Aftab Barlas,Nasir Ud Din Shaikh, Khurram Syed and others are

in Group Photo.-Staff Photo

KARACHI: Religious scholar Moulana Shahenshah Hussain Naqvi addressingthe Majlis on the 1st day of the Holy Month of Muharramul Harram at Nishtar


KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah addressinga press cfonference at Chief Minister House.-APP

HYDERABAD: Sindh Home Minister ZulfiqarMirza talking to the newspersons during a press

conference at RPO Office.-Staff Photo

KARACHI: Acting Sindh Governor Nisar Ahmed Khuhro addressing Karachi CustomsAgents Association during his visit.-APP

PSQACteams raid

marketsKARACHI: PSQACMobile Testing Lab TaskForce Team raided atImtiaz Super Market,Awami Markaz, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, along withPrint and Electronic Mediateam and members ofNGOs.

On arrival at Imtiaz SuperMarket, Task Force Teammembers start checking dif-ferent brands variousmandatory food items andcaught some un-registeredproduct too. The Task ForceTeam member includedMasood Ahmad Khan,Director, Quality ControlCentre, PSQCA, FieldOfficer (CA-Karachi)Muhammad Ayyaz Soomroof Standards DevelopmentCentre/PSQCA, MediaAdviser RehmatullahMemon caught unregistereditems of 07 companies i.e.Imtiaz Super Market's ISMTurmeric Powder, ISMChilly Powder, ShangrilaApple Juice, Alpha TeaKanwal, Swat Honey,Ahmad Pickle and AhmadVinegar.-Online

Qaim forearly rehabof flood-hit

areasKARACHI: Sindh ChiefMinister Syed Qaim AliShah Wednesday presidedover a meeting at ChiefMinister House regardingrehabilitation of villagesaffected by floods underunion council based pover-ty reduction program.

The meeting discussed indetail the survey reports ofvarious agencies regardingdestructed houses in vari-ous districts.

Qaim Ali Shah said that itis in the interest of peoplethat houses are constrictedfor homeless people, whoare living in deplorableconditions. He said thatunder the directives ofPresident Asif Ali Zardari acomprehensive programfor construction of low-cost houses for floodaffected people in differentaffected areas has beenchalked out. He said thatvarious projects of housingare in hand which includeconstruction of 10,000houses under BehanBenazir Bhutto Basti,10,000 houses under ZakatProgramme and 7,000houses under communitydevelopment project.

Qaim Shah directed thatwork on the project is to bestarted on war footing,adding President Zardarimany launch the project onDecember 27.-APP

World Oralhealth dayobservedat AKU

KARACHI: To mark theWorld Oral Health Day, theAga Khan University(AKU) organised an eventto highlight the importanceof preventing mouth dis-eases through healthy oralpractices.

An AKU statement hereon Wednesday said thataccording to the WorldHealth Organization, oraldiseases alone prevent chil-dren and adults fromattending school or work,causing millions of hoursto be lost each year.

It said that the most com-mon oral diseases world-wide are dental cavities andperiodontal (gum) disease.

An estimated 60 to 90 percent of school-going chil-dren around the globe havecavities, while tooth lossseen to affect 1 in 4 of theadult population.

For the elderly, poor oralhealth affects eating abili-ties, which then influencesthe food eaten and generalhealth.

Teeth are a very essentialpart of the human body andare vital for everythingfrom chewing and speakingto an individual's overallaesthetics, said Dr FaisalQayyum, ConsultantProsthodontist, Aga KhanUniversity Hospital(AKUH).-APP

Mirzaappeals fortolerance

HYDERABAD: Urgingvigilance and indulgenceduring Muharram fromfollowers of differentsects, Home MinisterSindh Zulfiqar Mirza hasapprehended that terroristscould fan sectarianism bygalvanizing local con-flicts.

"In the past Hyderabad,Kotri, Mirpurkhas,Khairpur remained sensi-tive owing to local sectari-an issues," the ministerobserved while addressinga press conference at RPO(Regional Police Officer)House here on Wednesday.

In order to ensure peace,he informed, the police hasincreased deployment ofpersonnel, which wouldalso include Rangers, toover 1,000 from the lastyear's 800 in Hyderabaddistrict. Besides, state ofthe art equipment andtools were being intro-duced to monitor activityin the city as well as forperforming body checks,he added.-APP

KCCI urgeseffective

law & orderKARACHI: PresidentKarachi Chamber ofCommerce and Industry(KCCI) Muhammad SaeedShafiq has urged all themarket associations tocooperate with the police tomaintain law and order inthe city during Muharram.

In a statement here onWednesday, PresidentKCCI and other seniorleaders of the Chamberduring a special session onlaw and order at KCCI withActing TPO of SaddarTown, Amin Yousufzaisuggested some changes insecurity plan.-APP

MUMBAI: The Indian rupeesnapped a six-session rally andposted its biggest single-day fallin almost a month on Wednesday,weighed by broad losses in thedollar versus major currenciesand weak domestic shares.

The partially convertible rupeeclosed at 45.09/10 per dollar, offthe day's low of 45.1675 but still1 per cent weaker than its44.64/65 close on Tuesday. Thisis the rupee's worst one-day fallsince its 1.1 per cent decline onNov. 12. "Rupee was mainlytracking the euro and the stockmarket today. It may continue totrade in a range of 44.80 to 46.20levels through December withnot much flows expected in thenear-term," said A. Ajith Kumar,a senior foreign exchange dealerwith Federal Bank.

Foreign funds dumped $93.6million worth of local shares onTuesday, after having been netbuyers in the six preceding ses-sions. However, the total foreignfund inflows into local sharesstill stands at a record $29.2 bil-lion this year, on top of the $17.5billion received in 2009.

"Second half of the session wasdull. Some dollar selling emergedon the back of mild gains in theeuro, but 44.80 looks like the

max that the rupee can gain to,"said a senior forex dealer with alarge state-run bank.

"I see the rupee openingbetween 45.00-45.10 levelstomorrow and expect a range of44.95 to 45.15," he added.

Traders also said there were nomajor inflows expected ahead ofan initial public offering (IPO) byPunjab and Sind Bank that openson Dec. 13. One-month offshorenon-deliverable forward con-tracts were quoted at 45.34,weaker than the onshore spotrate, suggesting a bearish near-term outlook. In the currencyfutures market, the most tradednear-month dollar-rupee con-tracts on the National StockExchange and United StockExchange both closed at 45.2750,while they closed at 45.2775 onthe MCX-SX. -Reuters

Indian rupee logs biggest1-day fall in a mth

3Thursday, December 9, 2010

Currency Rates

Karachi: The following are the London Inter-Bank Offered Rates (LIBOR).

British Members Association Interest Settlement Rates.

AT 11:00 LONDON TIME 08/12/2010


O/N 0.24094 0.55563 0.98167 0.66375 SN 0.09313

1WK 0.25500 0.56188 1.02500 0.67750 0.10125

2WK 0.25625 0.56625 1.05833 0.69250 0.10625

1MO 0.26250 0.57813 1.09750 0.76250 0.12313

2MO 0.28063 0.63313 1.15000 0.85250 0.14750

3MO 0.30219 0.74375 1.22750 0.96688 0.18125

4MO 0.34875 0.82625 1.30000 1.03313 0.24125

5MO 0.40563 0.93500 1.36333 1.11688 0.30125

6MO 0.45844 1.04063 1.44167 1.20500 0.34813

7MO 0.51250 1.11688 1.50667 1.25000 0.40000

8MO 0.56500 1.20188 1.58250 1.30125 0.44813

9MO 0.61531 1.28438 1.65000 1.35125 0.49500

10MO 0.66625 1.35938 1.71583 1.40125 0.51875

11MO 0.72156 1.42813 1.80417 1.44625 0.54500

12MO 0.78250 1.49625 1.89000 1.49000 0.57375

Countries Selling Buying BuyingTT & OD TT Clean OD/T.CHQ

U.S.A. 85.75 85.55 85.37U.K. 134.89 134.57 134.27EURO 113.37 113.11 112.85CANADA 84.70 84.50 84.28SWITZERLAND 86.71 86.51 86.28AUSTRALIA 84.07 83.87 83.65SWEDEN 12.41 12.38 12.35JAPAN 1.02 1.02 1.02NORWAY 14.26 14.22 14.18SINGAPORE 65.21 65.06 64.89DENMARK 15.21 15.17 15.13SAUDI ARABIA 22.86 22.81 22.75HONG KONG 11.04 11.01 10.99CHINA 12.88 12.85 12.82KUWAIT 304.00 303.29 302.50MALAYSIA 27.23 27.17 27.10NEW ZEALAND 64.55 64.40 64.23QATAR 23.55 23.49 23.43U.A.E. 23.35 23.29 23.23KR WON 0.08 0.07 0.07THAILAND 2.84 2.84 2.83

London Inter Bank Offered Rates (LIBOR)

Name Bid Ask High Low

EUR-USD 1.3242 1.3245 1.3278 1.3184

USD-CHF 0.9868 0.9873 0.9912 0.9853

GBP-USD 1.5784 1.5786 1.5832 1.5671

USD-CAD 1.0085 1.0089 1.0138 1.0065

AUD-USD 0.9809 0.9813 0.9854 0.9770

EUR-JPY 111.2800 111.3200 111.4500 110.5400

EUR-GBP 0.8384 0.8387 0.8426 0.8364

EUR-CHF 1.3071 1.3075 1.3104 1.3033

GBP-JPY 132.6500 132.7100 132.9800 131.3800

CHF-JPY 85.0800 85.1400 85.2200 84.5000

CAD-CHF 0.9788 0.9795 0.9799 0.9752

Gold 1382.9900 1383.3300 1404.3700 1382.0000

Silver 28.4900 28.5100 29.2300 28.4700

As per 22.00 PST

Time Source Events Forecast Previous

1:00 NZD Official Cash Rate 3.00% 3.00%

4:50 JPY Final GDP q/q 1.0% 0.9%

4:50 JPY Final GDP Price Index y/y -2.0% -2.0%

5:30 AUD Employment Change 21.3K 29.7K

5:30 AUD Unemployment Rate 5.2% 5.4%

Tentative CNY Trade Balance 21.2B 27.2B

12:00 EUR German Final CPI m/m 0.1% 0.1%

9th-11th GBP Halifax HPI m/m 0.3% 1.8%

14:30 GBP Trade Balance -8.1B -8.2B

17:00 GBP Official Bank Rate 0.50% 0.50%

18:30 CAD NHPI m/m 0.2% 0.2%

Source Events Actual Forecast Previous

JPY Core Machinery Orders m/m -1.4% 0.0% -10.3%

JPY Current Account 1.46T 1.55T 1.66T

EUR German Trade Balance 14.3B 15.1B 15.4B

EUR French Gov Budget Balance -133.1B -124.2B

EUR French Trade Balance -3.4B -4.2B -4.4B

EUR German Industrial Production m/m 2.9% 1.1% -1.0%

GBP CBI Industrial Order Expectations -3 -12 -15

Previous Day

Top Economic Events

Central Bank Next Meeting Last Change Current

Interest Rate

Bank of England Dec 09 2010 Mar 05 2009 0.50%

Bank of Japan Dec 21 2010 Dec 19 2008 0.10%

European Central Bank Jan 13 2011 May 07 2009 1%

Federal Reserve Dec 14 2010 Dec 16 2008 0.25%

Swiss National Bank Dec 16 2010 Mar 12 2009 0.25%

The Reserve Bank of Australia Feb 01 2011 Nov 02 2010 4.75%

Bank of Canada n/a Sep 08 2010 1%

Major Central Banks Overview

Division of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)KARACHI, December 08,2010 Treasury Management Division of National Bankof Pakistan (NBP) Monday issued the following Exchange rates:



ABPL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

ABLN 1245 12.95 12.45 12.95 12.95 13.45 13.15 13.40 1340 13.65 13.45 13.95 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

J S B L 1250 13.00 12.60 13.10 12.85 13.35 13.45 13.70 1350 13.75 13.45 13.95 13.70 14.20 14.00 14.50

ASPK 1240 12.90 12.60 13.10 12.80 13.30 13.10 13.35 1335 13.60 13.45 13.95 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

CIPK 1250 13.00 12.60 13.10 12.85 13.35 13.15 13.40 1340 13.65 13.50 14.00 13.70 14.20 13.80 14.30

DBPK 1230 12.80 12.35 12.85 12.50 13.00 12.90 13.15 1320 13.45 13.35 13.85 13.40 13.90 13.60 14.10

FBPK 1250 13.00 12.45 12.95 12.70 13.20 13.15 13.40 1340 13.65 13.55 14.05 13.65 14.15 13.85 14.35

FLAH 1245 12.95 12.50 13.00 12.70 13.20 13.15 13.40 1335 13.60 13.45 13.95 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

HBPK 1235 12.85 12.40 12.90 12.75 13.25 13.10 13.35 1335 13.60 13.45 13.95 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

HKBP 1245 12.95 12.45 12.95 12.80 13.30 13.10 13.35 1330 13.55 13.40 13.90 13.60 14.10 13.65 14.15

N I PK 1250 13.00 12.65 13.15 12.90 13.40 13.25 13.50 1340 13.65 13.50 14.00 13.60 14.10 13.65 14.15

HMBP 1250 13.00 12.55 13.05 12.90 13.40 13.10 13.35 1335 13.60 13.50 14.00 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

SAMB 1240 12.90 12.50 13.00 12.80 13.30 13.15 13.40 1340 13.65 13.50 14.00 13.65 14.15 13.75 14.25

MCBK 1225 12.75 12.40 12.90 12.65 13.15 13.05 13.30 1330 13.55 13.40 13.90 13.50 14.00 13.75 14.25

NBPK 1235 12.85 12.50 13.00 12.70 13.20 13.10 13.35 1325 13.50 13.40 13.90 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

S CP K 12.35 12.85 12.40 12.90 12.60 13.10 13.00 13.25 1325 13.50 13.45 13.95 13.50 14.00 13.70 14.20

UBPL 12.40 12.90 12.40 12.90 12.65 13.15 13.10 13.35 1335 13.60 13.45 13.95 13.60 14.10 13.70 14.20

AVE 12.43 12.93 12.48 12.98 12.76 13.26 13.12 13.37 13.36 13.61 13.46 13.96 13.61 14.11 13.71 14.21

Karachi Inter Bank Offered Rates (KIBOR)

Karachi: The following are the Karachi Inter-Bank Offered Rates (KIBOR)08/12/2010


1 week 0.97 -0.51 0.90 0.72 0.98 0.97 -0.85 -0.971 month 0.81 0.72 0.70 0.84 0.96 0.95 -0.44 -0.723 months 0.86 0.74 0.55 0.72 0.82 0.84 -0.73 -0.706 months 0.86 -0.07 0.59 0.46 0.90 0.84 -0.59 -0.881 year 0.60 0.11 0.28 0.36 0.81 0.66 -0.06 -0.792 years 0.58 0.11 -0.19 0.45 0.78 0.61 -0.51 -0.71

Currencies CorrelationGBP/USD


0-7days 12.60 12.55 12.60 12.45 12.60 12.60 12.57

8-15dys 12.70 12.60 12.70 12.60 12.65 12.70 12.66

16-30dys 12.80 12.80 12.85 12.80 12.80 12.85 12.82

31-60dys 12.90 12.80 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.88

61-90dys 13.05 13.09 13.08 13.08 13.10 13.05 13.08

91-120dys 13.22 13.18 13.18 13.18 13.20 13.15 13.19

121-180dys 13.30 13.20 13.30 13.33 13.40 13.30 13.31

181-270dys 13.50 13.35 13.46 13.50 13.50 13.40 13.45

271-365dys 13.65 13.63 13.63 13.65 13.60 13.65 13.64

2-- years 13.90 13.80 13.80 13.95 13.85 13.85 13.86

3-- years 14.05 14.12 14.03 14.15 14.10 14.00 14.08

4-- years 14.08 14.20 14.08 14.20 14.15 14.05 14.13

5-- years 14.10 14.25 14.12 14.25 14.25 14.10 14.18

6-- years 14.12 14.20 14.18 14.28 14.25 14.14 14.20

7-- years 14.18 14.25 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.15 14.25

8-- years 14.20 14.00 14.20 14.28 14.10 14.15 14.16

9-- years 14.22 14.10 14.05 14.29 14.15 14.05 14.14

10--years 14.25 14.28 14.23 14.30 14.20 14.22 14.25

15--years 14.60 14.40 14.50 14.60 14.45 14.55 14.52

20--years 14.70 14.50 14.65 14.85 14.60 14.70 14.67

Revaluation RatesTreasury Bills / PIBs / FIBs Holding Applicable for December 08, 2010

NEW YORK: The dollar advanced onWednesday, with further gains likely inthe near term, as Treasury yields spikedfollowing a proposed extension of taxcuts that raised growth expectations forthe US economy.

For the first time in weeks, euro-zonedebt concerns were placed on the backburner as investors focused on US eco-nomic fundamentals in a thinning mar-ket. Some analysts said the tax cuts couldboost US gross domestic product growthby as much as 2 percentage points nextyear. Such views have propelled 10-yearUS Treasury yields to 3.295 per cent, alevel not seen since late June.

"These tax cuts are now regarded as agame changer, which will provide sig-nificant support for the US economynext year," said Richard Franulovich,senior currency strategist, at Westpac inNew York.

"What this means is that it reduces the

probability or the odds of quantitativeeasing, which is good for the dollar."

In midday New York trading, the ICEFutures' dollar index, a gauge of its per-formance against a basket of six majorcurrencies, rose0.3 per centfrom late USlevels to80.121, movingabove its 100-day movingaverage at79.981. If sus-tained that would be a bullish signal.

Market concerns over North Koreafiring artillery shells in a suspected mil-itary drill also helped the dollar.

The greenback rose a further 0.8 percent to 84.13 yen after hitting sessionhighs at 84.31.

Traders said there are exporter offersaround the 84.40 area, which could

limit gains, although there are bids atthe 83.80 level.

In the options market, traders saidthere was high investor demand forbullish dollar/yen option structures,

ranging from calls, call spreads, to bar-rier-type options where there's a pay-offif the pair rises.

The focus has therefore returned tooption barriers at 84.50 yen, a breach ofwhich should push implied volatilitieshigher, traders said. On Wednesday,one-month implied vols in dollar/yenrose to 10.36 per cent from a close of

9.75 on Tuesday.The euro fell 0.2 per cent to $1.3239.

Its failure this week and last to holdabove $1.3400 suggests a probe lower,with a sustained break of $1.3180 open-ing the way for a test of $1.3060/50.

Bids from Asian central banks andMiddle East accounts were seen around$1.3200 and $1.3180, respectively,traders said. Few analysts expect theeuro to break below $1.30 anytimesoon. Ireland moved a step closer tosecuring bailout funds after passing thefirst in a series of votes on its toughestbudget on record, but traders saidinvestors were still likely to sell theeuro on any bounce given broader wor-ries about the European Union's abilityto keep debt problems from spreading.

Market participants said dollar posi-tioning was neutral overall at the momentand few investors are keen to take on sig-nificant long positions. -Reuters

Greenback firms as US Treasuryyield rise flags growth

SHANGHAI: China's yuanended down against the dollaron Wednesday after thePeople's Bank of China set aweaker mid-point as the broad-er dollar index rebounded alongwith gains in US bond yields.

The central bank appearedlikely to be relaxed in fixingthe yuan's mid-point, or its ref-erence rate, through next weekwhen new political events willemerge that could pressBeijing to let the yuan appreci-ate slightly, traders said.

A meeting of the US-ChinaJoint Commission onCommerce and Trade will beheld on Dec. 14-15 ahead ofChinese President Hu Jintao'svisit to the United States,which is expected Jan. 17-20.

The PBOC appears to be let-ting the currency move in thesame direction as the US dollarindex, but to confine its move-ments to a small range. It couldlet the yuan gradually rise to cre-ate a favourable environment forthe US-China talks, dealers said.

"It's clear that we are follow-ing the dollar's steps for now,"

said a dealer at an Asian bankin Shanghai. "The dollar'sstrength guided the yuan's falltoday, but we expect the yuanhas the potential to rise slightlynext week."

Spot yuan ended at 6.6617versus the dollar, falling slight-ly from Tuesday's close of6.6446, but still rising 2.50 percent since the PBOC announceda depegging in mid-June.

Before trade began, the PBOCset the day's mid-point at6.6616, which was weaker thanTuesday's 6.6565. The mid-point is a level from which theyuan may rise or fall 0.5 per centagainst the dollar on a given day.

The yuan has largely remainedstable since mid-Novemberwhen the currency hit its highestlevel since its landmark revalua-tion in July 2005.

Offshore, one-year dollar/yuanNDFs were at 6.5220 bid late onWednesday, up slightly fromTuesday's close of 6.4930, withimplied yuan appreciation in ayear's time falling to 2.14 percent from 2.60 per cent onTuesday. -Reuters

Yuan slips, rangetrade seen in week

LONDON: Sterling rose to atwo-week high against the dol-lar on Wednesday, boosted bynews of a surge in industrialorders which was a furtherindication that UK economicrecovery is gaining momen-tum.

Sterling also gained versusthe euro, which analysts saidwas still being dragged downby concerns about the euro-zone's debt crisis.

The Confederation of BritishIndustry survey's total orderbook balance unexpectedlyjumped to -3 this month, thehighest since June 2008, withexport orders hitting a 15-yearhigh as the sector benefitedfrom a weaker pound.

The survey followed data onTuesday showing manufactur-ing output rose twice as muchas forecast in October.

"The decent numbers out ofthe UK, plus the peripheralconcerns in Europe, have tend-

ed to push sterling up," saidAdrian Schmidt, currencystrategist at Lloyds. "And it'shard to say what is going tomove it down lower before theend of the year."

The pound was up 0.13 percent at $1.5779 after hitting$1.5837, its highest since Nov.24 and holding above its 100-day moving average at$1.5738. Traders cited realmoney and sovereign demand

for the UK currency.Sterling gains came on a day

when the dollar rose againstmost other currencies on theback of a spike in US Treasuryyields.

The pound also made head-way against the euro. The eurofell about 0.4 per cent to 83.80pence, taking it closer to lastweek's low of 83.34 pence.

Sterling's gains versus theeuro helped its trade-weightedindex rise to 81.7, its strongestin three weeks. -Reuters

Stg climbs vs dlr, euroon recovery optimism

SEOUL: The South Korean wonand the Indian rupee led declinesin most Asian currencies onWednesday as investors coveredshort positions in the US dollarafter a spike in US bond yields.

The won came under furtherpressure after North Korea firedartillery in a suspected militarydrill. The artillery fire landed onthe North's side of its disputedmaritime border with the Southbut still left investors nervousabout smoldering geopoliticaltensions in the Korean peninsu-la.

US Treasury yields surgedovernight, pushing the dollarhigher, as investors worried thata new deal to extend tax cutswould only exacerbate the coun-

try's massive debt burden, evenif it helped support consumerspending and economic growth.

Asian currencies are expectedto remain weak in the short termas the dollar is seen staying firmand investors may cover moredollar-short positions, analystsand dealers said.

But their declines will be lim-ited as investors are still opti-mistic about the economic out-look of Asia, they added.

"Investors will clear short-term positions before the end ofthis year, but they are likely tokeep strategic positions as Asiais much better than othereconomies," said jeong My-young, a currency strategist atSamsung Futures in Seoul.

The won lost 1.3 per centagainst the dollar on Wednesdayon worries about tensions withNorth Korea and as investorscovered dollar-short positionsbefore year-end.

Still, it is seen finding relieffrom continuous foreigninvestors' stock purchases andexporters' demand for settle-ments, dealers said, addingexporters will chase it around1,150 per dollar.

The Singapore dollar lost 0.6per cent, hit by hectic dollar buy-ing in thin trade as marketsfeared a prolonged shortsqueeze.

Leveraged and fast moneyaccounts were said to be buyers,too, traders added. -Reuters

Asian currencies

Won slips on firm dollar,NKorea firing weighs

SYDNEY/WELLINGTON: The Australian andNew Zealand currencies fell against the US dollaron Wednesday as a spike in US Treasury bondyields helped spark a broad rally in the greenback.

News that North Korea test-fired artillery shellsand worries about an interest rate hike in China thisweekend further conspired to drive both the Aussieand kiwi lower in a jittery market. The Australiandollar fell to as low as $0.9780, nearly 2 full centsoff the overnight high of $0.9966. It was last at$0.9791, down about 0.3 per cent on the day.

Immediate supported is seen at the 14-daymoving average around $0.9775, a break ofwhich could pave the way to $0.9739, the Dec. 3low. "It's definitely a US dollar story today.There's a fair bit of confusion out there, but ulti-mately, the driver is US yields," a dealer said.

Markets shrugged off a better-than-expected1.9 per cent rise in Australian housing finance,with traders saying the data had little bearing onmonetary policy. The Reserve Bank of Australialeft interest rates unchanged at 4.75 per cent onTuesday and released a brief statement that rein-

forced views it was in no hurry to tighten policy.November employment data due on Thursday

could be more interesting. Analysts polled byReuters expect employment to rise 19,000 andthe unemployment rate to ease to 5.2 per cent,from 5.4 per cent. The Aussie dollar outper-formed its kiwi counterpart, reaching to a five-week high of NZ$1.3042, before easing back tolast stand at NZ$1.3001.

Against the greenback, the New Zealand dollarlost about half a cent on the day to $0.7524. Itsslide was halted by support at $0.7516, with resist-ance at $0.7586. Not helping the kiwi, third quar-ter manufacturing sales and residential buildingwork pointed to a soft reading for growth figures.

The Reserve Bank of NZ announces its latestrate decision on Thursday, but is widely expectedto keep rates unchanged at 3.0 per cent.

Analysts will be looking closely at the nuanceof the statement. Some are starting to waver fromthe widely-held view that rate rises will beginfrom the first quarter of next year in the face ofsluggish data. -Reuters

Australian, NZ dollars burntby fired-up greenback

Swiss francdips on broad

dollar riseZURICH: The Swiss francdipped against the dollar onWednesday, moving closertowards parity, after the green-back extended gains triggeredby higher US treasury yields inthe wake of the proposed exten-sion of US tax cuts.

The franc rose against theeuro as concerns about theeuro-zone debt crisis weighedon the euro, but the commoncurrency held above the keylevel of 1.30 francs per euro.

"The euro-franc is showingsome resilience above 1.3000for now, as Ireland passes thefirst round of its budget vote,"Informa Global Markets ana-lyst Tony Nyman said.

"The dollar-franc looks to bea US yields story at themoment," Nyman said. "Theyare flying on US tax cuts and ifyields continue to rise we mayget a parity return this week."

The franc rose 0.3 per centagainst the euro compared to theNew York close, trading at1.3058 per euro at 0743 GMT.The franc was 0.3 per cent weak-er against the dollar at 0.9894per dollar. Against the euro, thefranc was stuck between 1.30and 1.32, a Zurich-based tradersaid. -Reuters

Seen staying weak in short term on more $ short-covering

Dollar index rises above 80, breaches 100-day MA

The US dollar will be asafe investment for thenext six to twelve

months because global mar-kets are focused on the eurozone's troubles but the US'sfiscal health is worse thanEurope's, an adviser to theChinese central bank said onWednesday.

Li Daokui, an academicmember of the central bank'smonetary policy committee,said that US bond prices andthe dollar would fall when theEuropean economic situationstabilized.

"For now, market attention isstill on Europe and for thecoming 6-12 months, it willnot shift to the United States,"Li said, when asked about USPresident Barack Obama'splan to extend tax cuts for allAmericans.

"But we should be clear inour minds that the fiscal situa-tion in the United States is

much worse than in Europe. Inone or two years, when theEuropean debt situation stabi-lizes, attention of financialmarkets will definitely shift tothe United States. At that time,

US Treasury bonds and thedollar will experience consid-erable declines."

China has a big stake in theperformance of dollar assets.The country holds the world'sbiggest stock pile of foreignexchange reserves at $2.64trillion and an estimated two-

thirds of that is invested in dol-lar assets, including USTreasuries.

Li was speaking on the side-lines of a financial forum inBeijing. He sits on the mone-tary policy committee of thecentral bank but does not havereal influence on key decisions

on interest ratesand the yuan.

China's annu-al economicgrowth willexceed 9.5 percent in 2011and will remainabove 9 percentthrough thecoming decade,Li told theforum. China'sl o n g - t e r mgrowth outlookwould beunderpinned bythe need to con-tinue investing

in infrastructure, he said."China has a vast domestic

demand that is untapped, and

that's the fundamental differ-ence between China now andJapan in 1985," Li told aforum. I addition, China wouldhave to spend a lot on "lowcarbon" industries, lendingmore support for the economy,he said.

Li predicted global com-modities prices, including oil,would rise sharply next year.

Speculation about an interestrate rise in the coming dayshas intensified after an officialnewspaper flagged the chancesof an imminent move amidexpectations of rising inflationin November.

Asked whether the centralbank should raise interestrates, Li said it should takesteps to protect depositors.Concerns about hot moneyinflows would be a factorwhen the central bank startsconsidering whether to raiseinterest rates, he added.-Reuters

Disclaimer:All reports and recommendations have been prepared for your information

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ent in securities trading. The facts, information, data, indicators and charts

presented have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but their

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International and its employees are not responsible for any loss arising from

use of these reports and recommendations.

Let’s givefarmersa full ear

Pakistan Kissan Board has announced tolaunch a movement in favor of their fourdemands.

Farmers' body believes that peaceful protestshad failed to produce any positive results inthe past and now they intend to stage sit-ins infront of the provincial assemblies.

The four demands of Board are: 1) resump-tion of subsidies on fertilisers, oil, electricity,machinery etc, 2) payment to growers/farm-ers of their produce through cheques, 3) print-ing of prices of the fertilisers on each bag tostop hoarding and profiteering, and 4) fixationof minimum price of Rs200 per 40kg for sug-arcane. The demand for increase in supportprice of different crops is based on hike in theprices of inputs. Recent floods have alsoimpaired purchasing power of the farmers.

The two common complaints are: 1) Rs2.5billion is yet to be paid for the sugarcane pur-chase of last year 2) late start of sugarcanecrushing delays wheat sowing, somethingmust be done for it. Reportedly out of 42 sugarmills only 18 have started crushing.

It is also necessary to listen to millers' pointof view. According to Iskandar Khan ofPakistan Sugar Mills Association, if sugarcaneprice is fixed at Rs250 per 40kg the cost ofproduction would be Rs83 per kg and addingall other incidental charges the retail price ofsugar would surge to Rs120 per kg.

There was a suggestion that wheat supportprice should be enhanced to Rs1,000 per 40 kgto encourage the farmers to achieve 25 milliontonnes' target, which the government hasdeclined. The other demand was to allowexport of one million tonne wheat which hasbeen accepted.

The reason for the acceptance could be pres-sure from the Punjab government. Theprovince is not only the largest producer ofwheat but also has to keep the largest stock.Reportedly Punjab food department had stockof around 2.9 million tonnes from the lastyears, it procured 3.7 million tonnes leavingtotal availability to 6.6 million tonnes. Of thattotal about 2.5 million tonnes was earmarkedfor federal strategic reserve. The Departmentwas holding 6.1 million tonnes as on October25, 2010. The daily mark-up paid is aboutRs78 million out of which Rs25 million isshared by the federal government while theprovince has to pay Rs53 million.

Addressing the woes of growers of twomajor crops, sugarcane and wheat is neces-sary. Any shortfall would necessitate import,eroding foreign exchange reserves of thecountry as well as affecting rural populationadversely.

The shortfall in production also affects pro-duction in the following year therefore, avoid-ing this vicious cycle is a must. Let's not thinkabout it, better do something.

4Thursday, December 9, 2010

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The Financial Daily InternationalVol 4, Issue 122

Li predicted global commoditiesprices, including oil, would rise

sharply next year. Speculation aboutan interest rate rise in the coming dayshas intensified after an official news-paper flagged the chances of an immi-nent move amid expectations of rising

inflation in November.

US fiscal healthworse than Europe’s

Nigeria's anti-corruptionagency filed charges againstformer US vice president

Dick Cheney and the head of oil serv-ices giant Halliburton on Tuesdayover an alleged scheme to bribeNigerian officials.

The Economic and FinancialCrimes Commission (EFCC) said ithad filed 16-count charges at a feder-al high court in Abuja againstCheney, Halliburton Chief ExecutiveDavid Lesar and two other execu-tives, in a case dating back to themid-1990s.

It also filed charges againstHalliburton as a company, which washeaded by Cheney during the 1990s,and four associated businesses. Cheneywas US vice president from 2001 to2009. "Charges have been filed againstDick Cheney and eight others (individ-ual and entities)," EFCC spokesmanFemi Babafemi said.

Houston-based engineering firmKBR, a former Halliburton unit,pleaded guilty last year to US chargesthat it paid $180 million in bribesbetween 1994 and 2004 to Nigerianofficials to secure $6 billion in con-tracts for the Bonny Island liquefiednatural gas (LNG) project in theNiger Delta. KBR and Halliburtonreached a $579 million settlement inthe United States. But Nigeria,

France and Switzerland have con-ducted their own investigations intothe case.

Halliburton, which sold KBR in2007, said it had not seen the chargesbut repeated that its current opera-tions in Nigeria, raided by the EFCClast month are not involved. "It is still

our position that Halliburton was notinvolved in the project to which thisbribery investigation relates andthere is no legal basis for chargesagainst Halliburton in relation to thatproject," spokeswoman Tara Mulleesaid.

Those charged in Nigeria includeKBR Chief Executive Officer WilliamUtt and former KBR CEO Albert"Jack" Stanley, who worked underCheney when he headed Halliburtonand pleaded guilty in 2008 to UScharges related to the case.

Reading from the charge sheet,Babafemi said the executives were

accused of conspiring to make a $132million payment "for the purpose ofthe gratification of public officials."

In a statement, KBR said Utt hadonly joined the firm in February2006, after the alleged offences tookplace, and that the rest of its execu-tive team was appointed thereafter.

"The actions of the Nigerian govern-ment suggest that its officials arewildly and wrongly asserting blamein this matter," KBR said, adding itwould "vigorously defend itself."

POLITICAL MOTIVATIONHalliburton said last year it had

"reason to believe" payments mayhave been made to Nigerian officialsby agents of its TSKJ consortium,which built the Bonny Island facility.As well as KBR, the TSKJ consor-tium included France's Technip SA,Italy's Snamprogetti, a unit of Italianoilfield services company Saipem,whose parent company is Eni and

Japan's JGC Corp.Among the entities named in the

Nigerian charge sheet alongsideHalliburton and KBR areHalliburton's Nigerian unit, the TSKJconsortium and TSKJ Nigeria,Babafemi said. "I don't imaginesomeone would pull out a sell recom-mendation on Halliburton over this,especially since this goes back anumber of years," said Mike Breard,energy analyst at Hodges CapitalManagement in Dallas, Texas. "It's ahuge company and it's not going tohave that much impact on them ifthey have to pay some kind of courtcosts or a fine," he told Reuters.

Some analysts have suggested thesudden revival of interest in theHalliburton case is linked to Nigerianpolitics as the country is scheduled tohold presidential election in April.Incumbent Goodluck Jonathan facesa challenge for the ruling party nom-ination from former vice presidentAtiku Abubakar, who was in officebetween 1999 and 2007. Abubakar'sopponents have in the past tried tolink him to the case, allegations hehas dismissed as a smear campaign.He was quoted in September as say-ing there was no evidence againsthim and that nobody in the UnitedStates or elsewhere had sought toquestion him on the matter.-Reuters

Nigeria pointingfingers at Cheney

Shabbir Kazmi

Pakistan hasn't succeeded in devel-oping petrochemical industriespartly because of highly inade-

quate indigenous production of crudeoil but following bad policies has alsoadded to woes. At present, Pakistan's oilrefineries are operating at around 60 percent capacity utilization mainly becauseof production of limited products.However, the country remains heavilydependent on imported high diesel andfurnace oil. The situation prevails onlybecause refineries have not beenupgraded technologically. Pakistanshould have learnt from the experienceof Singapore, a country which does notproduce a drop of crude oil but has stateof the art refineries working.

Lately, some hopes were created withthe ongoing talks for establishing threerefineries in the country, but hopes aredying with the passage of time.Pakistanis should feel lucky even if onerefinery commence commercial pro-duction over the next five years.Discussion have been going on regard-ing establishing hydro and/or naphthacracker for nearly four decades butnothing concrete has happened as yet.PARCO is the only refinery established

with the help of Middle Easter spon-sors; else the track record is a little dis-appointing. Lately, equity has beeninjected in Byco (formerly BosicorRefinery) but the size and technologyremains a big question. Attock Groupcan also take pride in having substantialexposure in Pakistan but they couldhave done a lot at a much faster pace.

PSFTill lately, Polyester Staple Fibre

(PSF) was considered a product direct-ly competing with cotton but now itcomplements the silver fibre. Withgrowing preference for blended fabric,for ease in washing demand for man-made fibre is on the rise. Some timeback closure of Dewan Salman Fibrecreated a temporary shortfall necessitat-ing its import. While PSF manufactur-ers are demanding increase in duty,spinners are insisting on reduction induty as local manufacturers are unableto meet the demand.

The first ever PSF plant was estab-lished in the country by a company alsolisted at the local stock exchanges,National Fibres Limited (NFL). Withthe shift in government policy towardsliberalization, deregulation and priva-tion not only the private sector wasallowed to establish PSF manufacturingplants but NFL was also privatized andsubsequently closed down by theacquirer. The growing demand encour-aged establishing new units by the pri-vate sector as well as expansion by theoperating units.

Cognizant of the enormous growthpotential, ICI Pakistan (which alsoowns and operates a PSF unit) alsoestablished PTA manufacturing plant.PTA is produced by using two basic

petrochemicals i.e. PTA and MEG.While the country has been able to alsoexport PTA, MEG is still imported.Lately, majority shares of PTA planthave been sold to a foreign strategicinvestor. Since then the operations ofthe company have improved.

PTALotte Pakistan PTA was the single

largest foreign direct investment ofUS$490 million in Pakistan's petro-chemical industry. In addition to itsown manufacturing facilities, theCompany has helped create a largeinfrastructure network at the PortQasim, which includes a chemical jetty,raw material pipeline and manufactureof industrial gases through third partycontracts.

EthanolGlobally there is growing emphasis

on bio-fuel. While ethanol is added inmotor gasoline, corn/canola oil is addedin diesel to achieve greater reliance onrenewable energy resources. Ironically,use of E-10 (motor gasoline blendedwith 10 per cent ethyl alcohol hasn'tpicked up due to resistance by oil mar-keting companies, one just can't thinkabout adding corn/canola oil in diesel.Ideally an additive becomes attractivewhen it is cheaper than the original fuel.In Pakistan corn and canola oils areused as edible oil and sell at nearly dou-ble the price of diesel. Therefore, thereis a dire need for bringing cost of cornand canola oil to around 30% of the cur-rent prices. Many experts are of theopinion that availability of CNG at verylow price hasn't encouraged use of bio-fuel. With growing shortfall of naturalgas, leading to closure of CNG stationsonce a week, motorists have to be con-

vinced to use bio-fuel. However, con-sumers would only shift to a cheaperfuel. Pakistan should work hard to pro-duce bio-fuel at attractive prices, whichwould automatically help in bringingdown edible oil prices in the country.Interestingly, corn could be cultivatedat less fertile lands and canola is termed'weed' international. Cultivation of cornand canola would not only benefit thecountry but would also improve theincome of farmers.

PolyethyleneGlobally polyethylene is produced

either from crude oil or fermentation ofmolasses. When crude oil prices wentexceptionally low producing polyethyl-ene from ethyl alcohol became uneco-nomical. However, with crude oil hov-ering above US$75/barrel production ofpolyethylene (commonly known asplastic) has once again become eco-nomically viable. Pakistan has around85 sugar mills many with attached dis-tilleries. While only a fraction of alco-hol produced in the country is beingused to produce E-10 addition of poly-merization facilities can help in produc-ing plastic and reduce its import bill.

Way ForwardPakistan has no option but to upgrade

its refineries to make them capable ofproducing value added products.Neighboring countries are also defi-cient in energy products and Pakistancan become 'energy corridor'. Theobjective can be achieved if countrysucceeds in establishing petrochemicalcomplex based on state of the art tech-nology. Buying obsolete technologymay require less capital but would alsoproduce low value added products. Thechoice is ours.

Need to build modernpetrochemical complex

Some analysts have suggested thesudden revival of interest in the

Halliburton case is linked to Nigerianpolitics as the country is scheduled to

hold presidential election in April“

FERTILISER000 tonnesUrea Offtake (Jan to Sep 10) 4,190Urea Offtake (Sep 10) 324Urea Price (Rs/50 kg) 851DAP Offtake (Jan to Sep 09) 680DAP Offtake (Sep 10) 226DAP Price (Rs/50 kg) 2,628

AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLERPAK SUZUKI MOTORUnitsProduction (July 10 to Oct 10) 26,842

Sales (July 10 to Oct 10) 25,279

Production (Octy 10) 7,311

Sales (Oct 10) 7,459

INDUS MOTOR COProduction (July 10 to Oct 10) 17,013

Sales (July 10 to Oct 10) 16,622

Production (Octy 10) 4,827

Sales (Oct 10) 4,830

HONDA ATLAS CARProduction (July 10 to Oct 10) 5,481

Sales (July 10 to Oct 10) 5,172

Production (Octy 10) 1,514

Sales (Oct 10) 1,340

DEWAN FAROOQ MOTORSProduction (July 10 to Oct 10) 186

Sales (July 10 to Oct 10) 70

Production (Octy 10) 0

Sales (Oct 10) 18

BANKING SECTORScheduled bank (Rs in mn)Deposit (Nov 6,10) 4,729,932

Advances (Nov 6,10) 3,011,868

Investments (Nov 6,10) 1,897,426

Spread (Sep 10) 7.57%

OIL MARKETING CO(000 tons)MS (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 744

MS (Oct 10) 198

Kerosene (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 53

Kerosene (Oct 10) 15

JP (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 452

JP (Oct 10) 122

HSD (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 2,182

HSD (Oct 10) 664

LDO (Jul 10 to Oct 10)) 22

LDO (Oct 10) 6

Fuel Oil (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 3,086

Fuel Oil (Oct 10) 854

Others (Jul 10 to Oct 10) 3

Others (Oct 10) 1

PRICES (Ex-Refinery) RsMS (1 Nov 10) 44.53

MS (1 Oct 10) 40.71

MS % Chg 9.38%

Kerosene (1 Nov 10) 51.25

Kerosene (1 Oct 10) 47.31

Kerosene % Chg 8.33%

JP-1 (1 Nov 10) 51.48

JP-1 (1 Oct 10) 47.54

JP-1 % Chg 8.29%

HSD (1 Nov 10) 54.24

HSD (1 Oct 10) 50.38

HSD % Chg 7.66%

LDO (1 Nov 10) 49.51

LDO (1 Oct 10) 46.13

LDO % Chg 7.33%

Fuel Oil (1 Nov 10) 42,046

Fuel Oil (1 Oct 10) 39,276

Sector Updates

Symbol Close Vol (mn)LOTPTA 13.16 34.29 NBP 71.43 14.33 DSFL 3.01 13.51 DCL 2.76 9.91 NML 61.90 8.12

Symbol Close ChangeNESTLE 2,278.50 108.50 RMPL 2,017.40 67.40 COLG 899.57 14.57 POL 289.81 13.80 IDYM 291.97 13.34

Symbol Close ChangeULEVER 4,070.87 -28.81BATA 619.90 -14.1PSEL 161.01 -8.34SRVI 240.67 -5.47EXIDE 181.06 -4.78

Plus 238Minus 141Unchanged 30

Top 5 Volume Leaders

Major Losers

Major Gainers

KSE-100 Index

LSE-25 Index

ISE-10 Index

Active Issues

Thursday, December 9, 2010 5


Bullish rally is likely to sustain drawing strength from continued foreign buying,hopes of good corporate results, and positive development on Margin Trading System(MTS). Therefore we might see new highs above 12,000 points in the coming days.However any negative law & order development and political uncertainty could invitesome correction. Invest in oil stocks and in those banking scrips which are expectedto announce good results. Cement stocks are also investable. There might be someprofit-taking at higher levels today --it would be an opportunity for those investorswho missed the recent rally.

Sajid Bhanji, VP Capital Markets Arif Habib Limited

Faran Rizvi, Technical Analyst Invisor Securities

Continued foreign buying is supporting the market these

days therefore we can see some more positive activities

down the line. However, there might be some profit-taking

at the resistance level of 11,745 points. Investors, there-

fore, must book profits. Market would be mixed today and

adopting a 'sell on strength' stance would be advisable.


Opening 11,431.01

Closing 11,629.93

Change 198.92

% Change 1.74

Turnover (mn) 195.65

Opening 3,595.99 Closing 3,665.74 Change 69.75% Change 1.94Turnover (mn) 13.09

Opening 2,906.50

Closing 2,964.98

Change 58.48

% Change 2.01

Turnover (mn) 0.48

NEW YORK: (L-R) Actors Matthew Gumley, Sebastian Arcelus, Beth Leavel and Amy Spanger ring the final bell at the New York StockExchange at the 87th Annual NYSE Christmas Tree Lighting & Closing Bell at New York Stock Exchange here.-Reuters

HONG KONG/SHANGHAI:China and Hong Kong marketsretreated on Wednesday as adrop in commodity prices hitresources plays and a selloff inUS Treasuries hurt risky assetsin Asian markets.

But declines came on rela-tively light volumes whichaccording to some market play-ers suggested investors weretaking risk off the table ratherthan turning overly bearish onthe market. Hong Kong'sbenchmark Hang Seng Indexfell 1.4 per cent to 23,092.5,erasing all of Tuesday's gains,

with energy and materials thebiggest underperformers.

US bond yields surged onWednesday as the selloff inTreasuries continued for a secondday and was seen adding uncer-tainty heading into year-end.

"That's definitely affectingother markets," said Tom Kaan,a director at Louis CapitalMarkets in Hong Kong.

"But looking at the volumestoday I'd say it's an earlyChristmas. There's no real rea-son for people to add risk at themoment," said Kaan.

A pull back in oil prices from

a 26-month high above $90 perbarrel arrested a five-day rallyfor CNOOC Ltd , which fell 2.4per cent. PetroChina Co slipped2.7 per cent.

Heavyweight mainland banksremained under pressure inHong Kong as well as inShanghai markets amid specu-lation that Beijing could raiseinterest rates this weekend.

China's key stock indexclosed down 1 per cent as spec-ulation about a possible interestrate rise kept investors largelyon the sidelines.

See # 14 Page 11

HK, China stumble asbond selloff hits mkts

MUMBAI: The BSE Sensexfell 1.2 per cent on Wednesdayto its lowest close this month ashigh crude oil prices sparkedconcerns of a possible increasein domestic auto fuel prices thatcould stoke inflation.

Banking shares weigheddown sentiment further, fallingfor the third successive day onworries that rising lending ratesin the sector would affectdemand for loans, even as asharp increase in deposit ratesis likely to squeeze margins.

The main 30-share BSEindex shed 238.16 points to endat 19,696.48, its lowest closingin December. It had fallen asmuch as 1.6 per cent in intra-day trade. Twenty seven of itscomponents closed in the nega-tive.

"Markets will run into road-blocks at every rise. There is

oversupply, people are yet totake profits off the table," saidDeepak Jasani, head of retailresearch at HDFC Securities.

"If there is uncertainty, thedecline should accentuate in thenext few weeks," he added.

Investor sentiment took abeating on speculation of anincrease in petrol and dieselprices, after crude pricestouched a 26-month high ofover $90 a barrel on Tuesday.Earlier in the day, anEconomic Times reportpegged the likely increase at 2rupees per litre.

Oil Secretary S. Sundareshantold reporters India will soontake a decision on raising dieselprices, in an effort to lower thegovernment's subsidy bill andboost the financial health of oilmarketing firms.

See # 15 Page 11

BSE falls; banksslip, oil cos gain

TOKYO: Japan's Nikkei ended0.9 per cent higher onWednesday after hitting itshighest intraday level in almostseven months, as a proposedextension in US tax cuts boost-ed the dollar against the yenand lifted exporters' shares.

The US currency rose to itshighest against the yen in near-ly three months on Tuesdayafter US President BarackObama's proposed extensiontriggered higher Treasuryyields.

Foreign fund operators werekeen on investing in laggingTokyo equities but the bench-mark Nikkei's advance waslimited ahead of the settlementof futures and options prices onFriday, analysts said.

"The dollar/yen rate nowstands at well over 83 yen, and

that's pretty much the biggestpositive factor supportingstocks today," said KenichiHirano, operating officer atTachibana Securities.

The benchmark Nikkei rose91.23 points to close at10,232.33. At one point in themorning, the index rose as highas 10,258.90, its highest sinceMay 18.

The broader Topix indexgained 0.9 per cent to 887.39.

"Unless the Nikkei comfort-ably stays above 10,250 for awhile, the index will probablysee resistance around the cur-rent (10,200) level," saidYutaka Yoshino, chief technicalanalyst at Nikko CordialSecurities. "If it stays above10,250, the next target will bearound 10,380."

See # 16 Page 11

Nikkei hits 7-monthhigh on weaker yen

Nawaz Ali

KARACHI: Spurred by ris-ing international oil pricesand hopes of healthy corpo-rate earnings foreign/localbulls Wednesday earnedKarachi Stock Exchange(KSE) more than 1.7 per centcatapulting it above 11,600points -- 29-month high.

The benchmark KSE 100-Index closed 198 points up ata level of 11,629 points -itshighest closing since July2008.

KSE 30-Index jumped by187 points -1.7 per cent-- toclose at 11,243 points andKSE All Share Index jumpedby 133 points -1.69 per cent-- to close at 8,081 points.

According to AhsanMehanti, Director Arif HabibInvestments, bullish activitywas led by strong foreignbuying in oil, banking & fer-tilisers scrips.

According to NCCPL dataforeign investors did a net-buying of $4.31 million onWednesday which translatesinto a cumulative a-net buy-ing of $32.95 million --todate-- in the month ofDecember.

Ahsan added that risingglobal commodities pricesand PTA margins too playeda catalytic role in the positiveactivity.

The opening bell waswake-up call for bulls asmarket opened 12 point up.Thereabouts gains then keptpiling up owing to continuedbuying by the foreign

investors in key oil andbanking stocks. Moreoverhopes of good corporateresults and rising internation-al oil prices too added fuel tothe buying fire. Thereforeindex during the last half-an-hour touched an intra-dayhigh of 11,633 points (+ve202 points) and ended closeby.

Oil and banking stockswere the leading performers,where Pakistan oilfieldsincreased by Rs13.80 --5 percent-- closing at Rs289.81and Pakistan Petroleumgrew by Rs6.50 - 3.21 percent-- closing at Rs208.95while National Bank closedup by Rs2.71 --3.94 percent-- at Rs71.43 and MCBBank gained Rs4.72 --2.17per cent-- to close atRs221.90.

Investor participationremained impressivethroughout the day as 195.6million shares traded in theoverall market which is 77.4million shares more as com-pared to a turnover of 118.2million shares a day earlier.

Lotte Pakistan stood as thevolume leader with 34.29million shares mainly due toimproving international pri-mary margins. Other toptraded stocks includeNational Bank with 14.33million shares and DewanSalman with 13.51 millionshares.

Out of total 409 activeissues 238 advanced and 141declined while 30 issuesremained unchanged.

100-Indexstandstall on

29-mth top


undermineBritish FTSELONDON: Weakness inheavyweight miners draggedBritain's leading share indexlower on Wednesday, althoughfirmer banks, energy issues andsome takeover speculationhelped limit the falls.

At the close, the FTSE 100was down 13.92 points or 0.2per cent at 5,794.53, having hita three-week high on Tuesday.

"It has been a choppy tradingsession today with a lack of sig-nificant economic data givingthe market very few ... drivers,"said Giles Watts, head of equi-ties at City Index. "As a result,traders have been largely goingthrough the motions with themarkets drifting sideways."

See # 17 Page 11

Rashid Zahirelected asISE BoardChairman

ISLAMABAD: MuhammadRashid Zahir hasbeen electedChairman of theBoard of Directorsof the IslamabadStock Exchange(ISE) unanimous-ly for the year 2010-11, a hand-out issued here on Tuesday said.

The new Board of Directorsin its first meeting unanimous-ly elected Rashid Zahir as theChairman of the Board of theISE.

Zahir has extensive experi-ence of banking and finance.Presently he is the ChiefExecutive of Saudi PakIndustrial and AgriculturalInvestment Company. He isalso Chairman of the Boards ofSaudi Pak Leasing, Saudi PakInsurance and Saudi Pak RealEstate. In addition, he is repre-senting on the board of certainother companies.

Indonesia hits recordclose, but others mixed

South East Asian stocks

European shares hit26-month closing high

US stocks mid-morning

Wall St tadchanged asUSD, bondsup pressure

NEW YORK: US stocks werelittle changed on Wednesday,weighed by gains in the dollarand higher bond yields, butanalysts said they expect themarket to regroup beforeattempting a rally into year-end.

Benchmark yields hovered attheir highest in six months,while the dollar index gained0.4 per cent as the deal toextend tax cuts intensified wor-ries about inflation and thecosts of the government's debtburden.

Higher bond yields make itmore expensive for consumersand businesses to borrow, whilestocks and the dollar have

See # 18 Page 11

Thursday, December 9, 20106

Volume 195,652,832

Value 8,136,421,681

Trades 85,173

Advanced 238

Declined 141

Unchanged 30

Total 409

Current 8,081.33

High 8,083.17

Low 7,947.34

Change h133.99

Current 11,629.93

High 11,634.34

Low 11,431.01

Change h198.92

Current 11,243.73

High 11,262.14

Low 11,056.00

Change h187.73

Market KSE 100 Index All Share Index KSE 30 Index

Current 18,373.81

High 18,384.30

Low 18,102.49

Change h271.32

KMI 30 IndexSymbolsAlert ! Unusual Movements

Technical AnalysisFundamental Highlights

As on Jun 30, 2009

Dadabhoy Cement Industries Limited

DBCI closed up 0.25 at 2.00. Volume was 2,694 per cent above aver-

age (trending) and Bollinger Bands were 25 per cent wider than normal.

The company's profit after taxation stood at Rs78.147 million which

translates into an Earning Per Share of Rs0.10 for the 1st quarter of

current fiscal year (1QFY11).

DBCI is currently 3.5 per cent above its 200-day moving average and

is displaying an upward trend. Volatility is high as compared to the aver-

age volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect

very strong flows of volume into DBCI (bullish). Trend forecasting oscil-

lators are currently bullish on DBCI.

RSI (14-day) 63.92 Total Assets (Rs in mn) 3,964.84

MA (10-day) 1.71 Total Equity (Rs in mn) 554.84

MA (100-day) 1.72 Revenue (Rs in mn) 30.03

MA (200-day) 1.92 Interest Expense 7.78

1st Support 1.71 Profit after Taxation 6.71

2nd Support 1.40 EPS 09 (Rs) 0.068

1st Resistance 2.41 Book value / share (Rs) 5.65

2nd Resistance 2.80 PE 10 E (x) 5.00

Pivot 2.10 PBV (x) 0.35

Technical AnalysisFundamental Highlights

As on Jun 30, 2010

FLYNG closed up 0.16 at 1.91. Volume was 4,204 per cent above aver-

age (trending) and Bollinger Bands were 15 per cent narrower than nor-

mal. The company's loss after taxation stood at Rs28.864 million which

translates into a Loss Per Share of Rs0.16 for the 1st quarter of current

fiscal year (1QFY11).

FLYNG is currently 15.8 per cent below its 200-day moving average

and is displaying a downward trend. Volatility is extremely high when

compared to the average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions.

Volume indicators reflect very strong flows of volume into FLYNG (bull-

ish). Trend forecasting oscillators are currently bearish on FLYNG.

RSI (14-day) 54.90 Total Assets (Rs in mn) 5,548.30

MA (10-day) 1.81 Total Equity (Rs in mn) 1,598.52

MA (100-day) 1.96 Revenue (Rs in mn) 80.62

MA (200-day) 2.27 Interest Expense 28.12

1st Support 1.85 Loss after Taxation (172.17)

2nd Support 1.73 EPS 10 (Rs) (0.978)

1st Resistance 2.02 Book value / share (Rs) 9.08

2nd Resistance 2.07 PE 11 E (x) -

Pivot 1.90 PBV (x) 0.21

Flying Cement Limited

Technical AnalysisFundamental Highlights

As on Jun 30, 2009

ICCT closed up 0.49 at 2.09. Volume was 2,716 per cent above aver-

age (trending) and Bollinger Bands were 95 per cent wider than normal.

The company's loss after taxation stood at Rs24.297 million which

translates into a Loss Per Share of Rs2.43 for the 1st quarter of current

fiscal year (1QFY11).

ICCT is currently 69.8 per cent above its 200-day moving average and

is displaying an upward trend. Volatility is high as compared to the aver-

age volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect

very strong flows of volume into ICCT (bullish). Trend forecasting oscil-

lators are currently bullish on ICCT.

RSI (14-day) 65.71 Total Assets (Rs in mn) 1,457.78

MA (10-day) 1.20 Total Equity (Rs in mn) (179.87)

MA (100-day) 0.84 Revenue (Rs in mn) 1,331.86

MA (200-day) 0.98 Interest Expense 114.72

1st Support 1.50 Loss after Taxation (74.02)

2nd Support 0.95 EPS 09 (Rs) (7.401)

1st Resistance 2.60 Book value / share (Rs) (17.99)

2nd Resistance 3.15 PE 10 E (x) -

Pivot 2.05 PBV (x) (0.12)

ICC Textiles Limited

Technical AnalysisFundamental Highlights

As on Jun 30, 2009

IDSM closed up 0.59 at 5.79. Volume was 1,722 per cent above aver-

age (trending) and Bollinger Bands were 78 per cent wider than nor-

mal. The company's profit after taxation stood at Rs29.202 million

which translates into an Earning Per Share of Rs2.94 for the 1st quar-

ter of current fiscal year (1QFY11).

IDSM is currently 117.2 per cent above its 200-day moving average

and is displaying an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as

compared to the average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions.

Volume indicators reflect very strong flows of volume into IDSM (bull-

ish). Trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on IDSM.

Momentum oscillator is currently indicating that IDSM is currently in an

overbought condition.

RSI (14-day) 74.19 Total Assets (Rs in mn) 740.24

MA (10-day) 4.10 Total Equity (Rs in mn) 28.60

MA (100-day) 3.59 Revenue (Rs in mn) 1,111.39

MA (200-day) 3.10 Interest Expense 71.79

1st Support 4.95 Loss after Taxation (45.32)

2nd Support 4.17 EPS 09 (Rs) (4.569)

1st Resistance 6.18 Book value / share (Rs) 2.88

2nd Resistance 6.63 PE 10 E (x) 0.49

Pivot 5.40 PBV (x) 2.01

Ideal Spinning Mills Limited


Performance of SR Oil and Gas Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,480.02 1,521.69 1,479.79 1,511.75 31.73 2.14

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

14,522,350 - - 65,194.15 mn 1,182,049.22 mn 1,511.75

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

11.00 3.58 32.54 55.94 5.09 1,475.03

Attock Petroleum 691 5.66 324.34 327.90 324.50 326.78 2.44 413269 374.20 287.99 250 - 300 20

Attock Refinery 853 6.59 117.96 120.50 117.02 117.59 -0.37 2818403 137.20 78.51 - - - -

BYCO Petroleum 3921 - 11.77 11.90 11.63 11.68 -0.09 942935 12.49 10.00 - - - -

Mari Gas Company 735 16.31 119.58 122.00 120.10 120.38 0.80 77646 128.90 106.00 32.17 100B 31 -

National Refinery 800 3.91 262.25 266.23 260.00 264.06 1.81 181967 275.40 189.08 125 - 200 -

Oil & Gas DevelopmentSPOT 43009 11.47 167.02 170.99 166.90 169.59 2.57 987911 170.99 142.05 82.5 - 55 -

Pak Petroleum 11950 8.50 202.45 209.84 202.65 208.95 6.50 2792746 214.10 168.70 130 20B 90 20B

Pak Oilfields 2365 6.84 276.01 289.81 276.50 289.81 13.80 5976235 289.81 222.25 180 - 255 -

Pak Refinery Limited 350 - 101.94 106.34 102.01 102.39 0.45 102341 106.34 49.90 - - - -

PSO 1715 4.85 285.13 288.74 285.55 286.74 1.61 1109544 292.15 246.00 50 - 80 -

Shell Gas LPG 226 - 36.50 37.00 35.80 36.06 -0.44 2048 40.28 28.05 - - - -

Shell Pakistan 685 10.23 198.31 200.99 198.02 199.58 1.27 60240 204.40 182.05 330 - 40 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Personal Goods Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

973.64 992.48 963.47 976.23 2.59 0.27

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

12,915,906 - - 47,070.70 mn 130,388.68 mn 980.94

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

6.87 0.59 8.64 16.68 2.43 973.64

AL-Qadir Textile XD 76 - 5.05 5.50 5.50 5.50 0.45 2037 7.75 2.50 - - 10 -Amtex Limited XD 2415 10.34 4.59 4.64 4.53 4.55 -0.04 199522 18.64 4.40 - - 30 -Artistic Denim 840 5.90 20.73 21.39 21.00 21.25 0.52 3250 24.05 18.00 20 - 20 -Azam Textile 133 0.35 2.40 2.85 2.55 2.55 0.15 103 3.45 1.45 - - 7.5 -Azgard Nine 4493 - 10.67 10.84 10.51 10.68 0.01 2476509 12.32 9.32 - - - -Bannu Woolen XD 76 0.47 12.74 13.48 13.20 13.36 0.62 3949 14.50 8.60 - - 20 -Bata (Pak) 76 5.14 634.00 665.69 617.00 619.90-14.10 3739 747.48 436.00 120 - - -Bilal Fibres 141 0.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 -0.05 474 2.80 0.55 - - - -Brothers Textile 98 - 0.69 0.60 0.59 0.59 -0.10 500 1.50 0.12 - - - -Chakwal Spinning 400 0.61 1.24 1.60 1.13 1.39 0.15 181 2.59 0.56 - - 5 -Chenab Limited 1150 - 3.35 3.27 3.14 3.14 -0.21 3004 3.95 3.00 - - - -Colgate Palm 316 33.77 885.00 910.00 865.02 899.57 14.57 1379 930.00 628.00 115 15B - -Colony Mills Ltd 2442 4.09 2.49 2.64 2.37 2.62 0.13 9967 3.33 2.26 - - - -Crescent Jute 238 - 0.80 0.99 0.68 0.78 -0.02 1853 1.49 0.16 - - - -D S Ind Ltd 600 - 1.95 1.97 1.82 1.91 -0.04 8643 2.37 1.44 - - - -Dawood Lawrencepur 514 47.06 38.10 40.00 37.60 40.00 1.90 18124 44.50 36.10 - - 5 -Dewan Khalid Textile 57 0.24 2.35 3.15 3.15 3.15 0.80 500 3.45 0.26 - - - -Dewan Mushtaq Textile 34 0.17 4.51 5.51 4.55 5.48 0.97 9894 6.88 1.60 - - - -Dewan Textile 135 - 4.80 5.80 5.78 5.78 0.98 550 7.00 3.80 - - - -Din Textile 204 0.57 26.49 27.50 25.51 26.50 0.01 8529 30.90 20.80 - - 20 10BFaisal Spinning 100 0.81 34.20 35.70 32.75 32.75 -1.45 201 36.75 24.55 7.5 - 50 -Fazal Cloth 188 1.06 53.97 56.66 56.00 56.66 2.69 900 56.90 41.00 - -100SD -Gadoon Textile XD 234 0.56 50.50 51.00 50.00 50.95 0.45 4998 52.50 34.65 - - 70 -Gillette Pakistan 192 - 62.00 63.50 61.05 61.10 -0.90 1375 73.00 58.05 - - - -Gul Ahmed Textile 635 3.65 25.00 26.25 25.00 25.40 0.40 915 26.25 19.99 5 - 12.5 -Gulistan Spinning 146 1.27 6.54 6.68 5.57 6.68 0.14 2023 8.86 5.01 - 10B 10 -Gulshan Spinning 222 0.90 7.03 7.49 7.00 7.39 0.36 341 10.30 5.51 - 10B 10 20BHira Textile Mills Ltd. 716 0.80 4.21 4.35 4.17 4.24 0.03 77800 4.88 3.35 - - 10 -Ibrahim Fibres 3105 3.16 38.83 40.77 38.00 40.23 1.40 49781 40.77 34.05 - - 20 -ICC Textile 100 - 1.60 2.60 1.50 2.09 0.49 108158 2.60 0.30 - - - -Ideal Spinning 99 0.49 5.20 5.85 4.62 5.79 0.59 152041 5.85 2.02 - - - -Idrees Textile 180 3.53 2.96 3.25 2.91 3.25 0.29 38552 5.35 2.60 - - 10 -Indus Dyeing 181 2.61 278.63 292.56 274.99 291.97 13.34 1612 292.56 209.03 15 - - -Island Textile 5 0.14 144.01 151.21 151.21 151.21 7.20 1121 151.21 75.05 - - 50 -J K Spinning 184 1.30 7.66 8.66 6.80 8.55 0.89 52205 9.90 4.05 - - 20 5BKhalid Siraj 107 - 0.69 0.74 0.61 0.61 -0.08 2035 1.20 0.25 - - - -Kohinoor Ind 303 - 1.50 1.64 1.42 1.47 -0.03 6380 1.94 1.01 - - - -Kohinoor Spinning 1300 0.36 1.24 1.00 1.00 1.00 -0.24 10001 2.00 0.16 - - 5 -Masood Textile 600 1.94 18.55 18.40 18.40 18.40 -0.15 500 22.59 18.01 15 - 15 100RMian Textile 221 - 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.00 5201 0.98 0.01 - - - -Mohd Farooq 189 - 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.10 0.00 127 1.64 0.35 - - - -Mukhtar Textile 145 - 0.40 0.45 0.35 0.36 -0.04 15287 0.95 0.14 - - - -Nishat (Chunian) 1596 1.84 22.25 22.60 22.00 22.12 -0.13 975618 25.14 15.66 - 50R 15 -Nishat Mills 3516 5.31 62.19 62.78 61.56 61.90 -0.29 8121288 63.18 43.90 20 - 25 45RPak Synthetic 560 2.52 6.97 7.49 7.00 7.45 0.48 10004 7.49 5.16 12.5 - - -Ravi Textile 250 - 1.64 1.66 1.56 1.60 -0.04 102179 2.30 1.29 - - - -Reliance Weaving 308 0.62 8.61 9.09 8.55 8.82 0.21 10103 12.00 8.01 - - 25SD -Rupali Poly 341 4.45 36.29 35.40 35.40 35.40 -0.89 500 37.25 31.25 40 - 40 -Saif Textile 264 0.38 4.98 5.20 4.35 4.70 -0.28 4998 6.85 2.01 - - - -Salfi Textile 33 0.27 57.49 60.36 54.62 60.36 2.87 3844 60.36 20.50 - - 25 -Sally Textile 88 0.21 4.19 4.24 4.05 4.15 -0.04 744 6.20 3.30 - - 10 -Sana Ind 55 3.25 40.76 42.79 40.99 42.76 2.00 17002 42.79 27.50 35 - 60 -Saritow Spinning 133 0.38 2.31 2.69 2.30 2.33 0.02 11709 2.99 1.10 - - - -Service Ind 120 8.24 246.14 253.90 236.10 240.67 -5.47 57882 276.50 169.00 200 - - -Shahpur Textile 140 0.61 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.44 -0.01 6015 1.90 0.18 - - - -Shield Corp 39 11.09 88.57 92.99 84.15 90.06 1.49 545 95.55 43.29 - 30B 10 -Sunrays Textile 69 0.58 36.00 37.50 37.38 37.50 1.50 3538 37.50 30.03 10 - - -Suraj Cotton 180 0.77 34.12 34.10 34.10 34.10 -0.02 1000 37.50 29.00 15 - 50 -Tata Textile 173 0.33 34.00 33.80 32.30 33.80 -0.20 1041 35.55 15.00 - - 25 -Thal Limited 307 4.55 103.74 107.99 103.15 106.43 2.69 186531 112.80 86.50 20 20B 80 20BTreet Corp 418 8.98 54.70 56.99 54.50 56.37 1.67 83484 60.50 37.25 - - - -Tri-Star Poly 215 - 1.00 1.00 0.65 1.00 0.00 408 1.50 0.26 4 - - -Yousuf Weaving 400 0.49 1.32 1.60 1.31 1.40 0.08 30558 2.00 0.86 - - - -Zephyr Textile Ltd 594 5.00 3.99 4.20 3.80 3.80 -0.19 2050 4.90 1.50 - - - -Zil Limited 53 3.39 52.03 50.66 50.66 50.66 -1.37 200 55.00 33.00 40 10B 35 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Household Goods Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,076.79 1,092.45 1,070.33 1,084.41 7.63 0.71

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

200,955 - - 3,763.71 mn 5,088.24 mn 1,084.41

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

2.60 0.28 10.64 6.27 2.41 1,076.79

Pak Elektron 1174 3.43 13.54 13.75 13.47 13.60 0.06 123662 15.43 12.82 - 10B - 10B

Singer Pak 341 21.91 19.46 20.45 19.00 19.50 0.04 602 23.50 16.51 - 10B - -

Tariq Glass Ind 231 2.12 16.69 17.69 16.50 17.69 1.00 76686 18.80 14.60 - - 17.5 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Food Producers Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,591.04 1,619.68 1,569.75 1,603.56 12.51 0.79

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

423,565 - - 11,335.33 mn 215,012.05 mn 1,603.56

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

34.65 10.50 30.30 30.57 0.88 1,587.52

Adam Sugar 58 0.89 16.02 16.75 15.72 16.74 0.72 212 16.90 11.00 10 - - -AL-Noor Sugar 186 5.24 49.25 51.70 49.99 51.52 2.27 9213 52.00 39.25 40 - - -Bawany Sugar 87 - 3.00 3.25 2.51 3.20 0.20 58876 3.49 0.85 - - - -Chashma Sugar 287 1.04 12.76 12.90 12.90 12.90 0.14 3002 15.47 8.50 - - - -Clover Pakistan 94 12.00 71.96 75.00 68.95 73.47 1.51 900 75.00 33.50 - - 15 -Colony Sugar Mills 990 - 3.40 3.90 3.36 3.85 0.45 190 4.00 2.54 - - - -Crescent Sugar 214 10.00 5.25 5.30 5.30 5.30 0.05 5000 6.65 5.00 - - - -Dewan Sugar 365 - 2.90 3.34 3.00 3.22 0.32 144023 3.34 1.11 - - - -Faran Sugar 217 3.43 21.13 21.50 20.15 21.25 0.12 464 21.50 16.01 17.5 - - -Habib Sugar 600 6.93 33.86 34.50 33.50 33.60 -0.26 89993 36.00 26.30 35 25B - -Habib-ADM Ltd 200 11.58 12.50 12.95 12.50 12.51 0.01 1308 16.98 11.90 40 - 40 -Ismail Ind 505 32.14 73.94 72.00 70.32 72.00 -1.94 129 77.70 67.38 15 - 17.5 110RJ D W Sugar 490 2.90 85.80 89.89 84.00 86.74 0.94 5908 89.89 63.00 40 - 0 12.5RMehran Sugar 143 3.50 62.39 62.00 59.28 59.32 -3.07 28628 68.49 48.50 35 30B 35 20BMirpurkhas Sugar 70 5.38 63.01 64.90 62.21 64.53 1.52 3072 67.00 53.64 25 10B 15 20BMirza Sugar 141 0.40 6.25 6.60 6.01 6.38 0.13 19513 6.60 4.20 - - - -National Foods 414 16.31 43.39 43.90 43.05 43.72 0.33 530 57.00 39.01 - 25B 12 -Nestle Pakistan 453 25.03 2170.00 2278.50 2115.50 2278.50 108.50 3322 2278.50 1785.00 600 - 450 -Noon Sugar 165 - 14.00 14.00 13.99 14.00 0.00 500 14.84 10.60 50 10B - -Pangrio Sugar 109 0.50 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.10 0.10 21255 6.50 4.00 - - - -Premier Sugar 38 8.64 49.01 50.70 47.00 47.11 -1.90 1331 53.81 32.50 30 - - -Punjab Oil XD 38 3.24 41.19 43.19 39.14 43.19 2.00 1000 43.19 34.00 15 25B 15 28RQuice Food 107 - 2.07 2.09 2.08 2.08 0.01 4000 3.40 1.60 - - - -Rafhan Maize 92 3.20 1950.00 2047.00 1998.95 2017.40 67.40 168 2095.00 1229.00 900 - 600 -Shahmurad Sugar 211 18.19 12.69 13.00 12.50 12.55 -0.14 7432 13.50 8.31 15 - - -Shakarganj Mills 695 - 6.85 7.08 6.30 6.73 -0.12 12601 7.88 3.21 - - - -Thal Industries 150 9.74 69.85 66.36 66.36 66.36 -3.49 501 81.02 61.00 20 - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Automobile and Parts Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,168.08 1,189.69 1,153.99 1,178.41 10.33 0.88

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

1,428,286 - - 6,768.53 mn 42,651.72 mn 1,179.26

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

4.27 1.08 25.35 20.42 4.78 1,161.28

Agriautos Ind 144 5.49 71.40 72.75 70.26 72.42 1.02 14038 73.00 64.99 40 - 90 -Atlas Battery 101 4.80 159.00 161.49 159.00 160.82 1.82 1525 187.90 131.00 100 20B 100 20BAtlas Engineering Ltd 247 14.29 15.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 1.00 2901 19.88 15.00 - 100R - -Atlas Honda 626 7.96 109.00 110.00 107.00 109.80 0.80 1384 122.51 92.50 80 30B - -Dewan Motors 890 - 1.59 1.88 1.71 1.85 0.26 1304311 1.88 1.20 - - - -Exide (PAK) 56 4.28 185.84 193.00 177.00 181.06 -4.78 1220 198.07 126.67 50 - 60 -General Tyre 598 19.05 21.95 22.59 22.04 22.10 0.15 110 26.70 21.00 - - 20 -Ghandhara Nissan 450 3.30 4.89 4.95 4.75 4.75 -0.14 21301 6.09 4.03 - - - -Honda Atlas Cars 1428 - 11.50 11.90 11.27 11.54 0.04 24811 13.40 9.65 - - - -Indus Motors 786 5.97 258.56 263.00 255.10 261.46 2.90 30246 282.45 215.99 100 - 150 -Pak Suzuki 823 11.46 72.25 73.35 71.50 71.99 -0.26 20775 79.50 69.25 5 - - -Sazgar Engineering 150 3.64 19.60 19.99 19.20 19.51 -0.09 2664 27.58 17.92 - 20B 10 20BTransmission 117 - 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 0.00 3000 3.25 1.53 2 - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Industrial Engineering Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,550.41 1,570.04 1,548.03 1,552.22 1.82 0.12

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

202,943 - - 1,336.62 mn 32,587.67 mn 1,555.48

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

8.34 3.17 38.02 131.49 15.76 1,548.75

Ados Pak 66 1.01 15.15 15.90 15.19 15.65 0.50 1700 21.72 14.12 20 - - -

AL-Ghazi Tractor 215 5.22 218.00 218.99 217.95 217.99 -0.01 251 227.45 200.00 400 - 150 -

Bolan Casting 104 - 44.08 44.50 43.00 44.18 0.10 191 51.99 40.50 - 20B 25 10B

Dewan Auto Engineering 214 - 0.67 0.85 0.66 0.74 0.07 28479 1.00 0.21 - - - -

Ghandhara Ind 213 10.49 11.50 11.80 11.31 11.33 -0.17 21765 18.80 10.55 - - - -

KSB Pumps 132 8.38 69.90 70.50 70.00 70.01 0.11 1001 88.00 68.81 35 - - -

Millat Tractors XB 366 6.50 495.79 503.50 495.31 496.72 0.93 151255 597.90 390.00 450 25B 650 25B

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR General Industrials Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

960.50 976.35 955.56 961.31 0.81 0.08

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

159,361 - - 3,043.31 mn 36,069.96 mn 967.66

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

2.73 1.20 43.91 15.55 5.70 955.45

Cherat Papersack 115 2.89 80.85 83.23 81.00 81.29 0.44 89107 83.23 34.00 - - 20 25B

ECOPACK Ltd 230 - 2.34 2.45 2.20 2.27 -0.07 25142 3.13 1.70 - - - -

Ghani Glass 1067 4.55 49.25 51.45 49.40 49.48 0.23 4001 61.99 45.75 30 10B 25 10B

Merit Pack 47 53.15 20.25 21.26 20.00 21.26 1.01 5464 21.26 11.81 - - - -

Packages Ltd 844 54.13 106.20 106.00 104.00 105.55 -0.65 24903 111.88 98.00 32.5 - - -

Siemens Engineering 82 10.73 1295.00 1319.50 1300.00 1300.29 5.29 407 1381.00 1068.75 900 - 900 -

Tri-Pack Films 300 8.22 112.50 113.70 112.20 112.67 0.17 10337 115.00 96.01 100 - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Construction and Materials Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,013.34 1,044.54 1,008.99 1,033.23 19.89 1.96

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

32,803,756 - - 54,792.74 mn 74,729.01 mn 1,033.23

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

7.45 0.53 7.10 19.04 2.55 1,012.57

Al-Abbas Cement 1828 - 3.25 3.46 3.25 3.43 0.18 53941 4.00 2.80 - - - 100R

Attock Cement 866 6.68 62.74 63.50 63.00 63.46 0.72 94181 69.86 57.60 50 20B 50 -

Balochistan Glass Ltd 858 - 1.50 2.50 1.73 2.07 0.57 85526 2.50 1.01 - - - -

Berger Paints 182 - 18.70 19.50 18.90 18.90 0.20 7193 20.45 14.01 - - - 122R

Cherat Cement 956 26.14 11.54 11.90 11.42 11.50 -0.04 12599 12.75 9.51 - - - -

Dadabhoy Cement 982 15.38 1.75 2.49 1.79 2.00 0.25 673827 2.49 1.30 - - - -

Dandot Cement 948 - 2.60 2.60 2.45 2.48 -0.12 2000 3.19 1.09 - - - -

Dewan Cement 3574 - 1.99 2.85 2.21 2.76 0.77 9913660 2.85 1.30 - - - -

DG Khan Cement Ltd 3651 132.79 30.79 32.10 30.85 31.87 1.08 8004208 32.10 23.40 - 20R - 20R

Fauji Cement 6933 15.12 4.90 5.02 4.90 4.99 0.09 833470 5.50 4.52 - - - -

Fecto Cement 502 3.67 7.01 7.40 7.00 7.04 0.03 10000 8.20 4.25 - 10B - -

Flying Cement Ltd 1760 - 1.75 1.95 1.78 1.91 0.16 3616628 2.20 1.70 - - - -

Frontier Ceramics 77 - 2.00 2.78 1.41 2.00 0.00 202 5.00 1.18 - - - -

Gammon Pak 283 - 1.99 1.70 1.50 1.68 -0.31 6016 2.90 0.98 - - - -

Gharibwal Cement 2319 - 7.90 8.70 7.56 7.92 0.02 2522 8.70 2.11 - - - -

Haydery Const 32 - 0.69 0.70 0.61 0.69 0.00 1314 1.39 0.25 - - - -

Kohat Cement 1288 - 7.10 7.20 7.07 7.18 0.08 40527 8.70 5.50 - - - -

Lafarge Pakistan Cmt. 13126 - 3.17 3.50 3.15 3.43 0.26 7296591 3.65 2.71 - - - -

Lucky Cement 3234 6.82 76.14 76.75 75.25 75.86 -0.28 1537222 79.98 67.70 40 - 40 -

Maple Leaf Cement 5261 1.39 2.90 3.04 2.85 2.99 0.09 482290 3.40 2.51 - - - -

Pioneer Cement 2228 - 7.12 7.25 7.07 7.15 0.03 124205 8.58 6.56 - - - -

Shabbir Tiles 361 - 8.25 8.90 8.05 8.64 0.39 5513 11.00 6.30 - - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Industrial Metals and Mining Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

975.60 996.36 952.78 980.16 4.56 0.47

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

240,295 - - 3,596.11 mn 9,491.32 mn 980.16

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

3.19 1.06 33.10 30.91 9.69 967.95

Crescent Steel 565 3.90 25.00 25.49 24.01 24.99 -0.01 83405 25.98 23.75 - - 30 -

Dost Steels Ltd 675 - 2.98 3.29 2.95 3.10 0.12 105013 3.39 1.65 - - - -

Huffaz Pipe 555 9.21 14.50 15.00 14.30 14.74 0.24 15362 16.75 12.25 - 30B - -

International Ind 1199 10.58 50.93 51.50 50.52 50.80 -0.13 30310 54.00 44.00 - - 40 20B

Metro Steel 310 - 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.50 -1.00 505 10.45 6.11 - - - -

Siddiqsons Tin 785 10.74 8.99 9.45 8.72 9.45 0.46 5700 10.80 8.00 10 - 7.5 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Forestry & Paper Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,151.78 1,158.78 1,142.12 1,151.51 -0.26 -0.02

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

17,459 - - 1,186.83 mn 3,191.89 mn 1,151.78

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

5.86 0.44 7.47 25.28 4.31 1,094.37

Century Paper 707 - 16.64 16.40 16.20 16.40 -0.24 4061 21.80 15.28 - 425R - -

Pak Paper Product 50 8.75 45.81 46.97 45.00 45.50 -0.31 6393 62.85 38.61 20 - 25 33.33B

Security Paper 411 6.74 43.25 44.00 43.45 43.68 0.43 7005 44.92 38.00 50 - 50 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Chemicals Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,295.33 1,316.12 1,292.57 1,302.99 7.65 0.59

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

56,684,298 - - 52,251.88 mn 289,170.92 mn 1,302.99

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

8.13 2.85 35.00 48.81 6.00 1,291.30

Agritech Limited 3924 8.45 23.00 24.15 23.25 23.32 0.32 89245 25.38 20.26 - - - -

Bawany Air 68 71.08 8.80 9.72 8.01 8.53 -0.27 504 13.99 7.73 - - 5 10R

BOC (Pak) 250 11.63 84.00 85.00 83.50 84.70 0.70 1217 87.99 66.90 90 - 15 -

Clariant Pak 273 5.96 156.57 158.50 156.00 156.00 -0.57 7557 164.89 149.72 125 - - -

Dawood Hercules XD 1203 7.19 172.76 174.70 173.00 173.50 0.74 9050 185.00 163.51 40 10B 40 -

Descon Chemical 1996 - 2.68 2.82 2.62 2.73 0.05 42006 2.90 1.78 - - - -

Descon Oxychem Ltd. 1020 - 8.08 8.22 8.00 8.16 0.08 356043 8.48 3.20 - - - -

Dewan Salman 3663 - 2.63 3.05 2.72 3.01 0.38 13508754 3.05 1.28 - - - -

Dynea Pak 94 - 10.70 10.85 10.20 10.85 0.15 105 13.79 9.15 15 - 15 -

Engro Corp. Ltd XD 3277 10.29 185.75 189.59 185.20 187.30 1.55 2237797 189.59 169.85 6010B 40R 40 -

Engro Polymer 6635 - 14.19 14.45 14.06 14.13 -0.06 376736 15.20 11.61 - 27.5R - -

Fatima Fertilizer 22000 - 9.65 10.21 9.75 10.11 0.46 5000963 11.74 9.21 - - - -

Fauji Fertilizer XD 6785 8.26 114.16 115.14 113.84 114.00 -0.16 1424361 115.35 103.21 131.5 10B 95 -

Fauji Fert. Bin QasimSPOT 9341 6.83 35.75 36.49 35.72 36.20 0.45 3827865 36.49 26.59 40 - 17.5 -

Gatron Ind 384 2.20 41.00 42.40 39.00 41.01 0.01 1388 46.59 38.00 - - 20 -

Ghani Gases Ltd 725 9.05 11.61 12.10 11.65 11.94 0.33 116520 13.85 7.76 - - - -

ICI Pakistan 1388 7.76 136.58 138.35 137.00 137.69 1.11 100380 139.99 116.00 80 - 55 -

Leiner Gelatine 75 - 18.91 19.90 17.91 17.91 -1.00 329 24.00 6.20 12 - - -

Lotte Pakistan 15142 4.70 12.63 13.25 12.70 13.16 0.53 34285623 13.25 7.96 5 - - -

Nimir Ind Chemical 1106 - 1.54 1.59 1.51 1.54 0.00 210188 1.72 1.16 - - - -

Pak Gum 42 - 21.10 20.05 20.05 20.05 -1.05 340 22.29 18.40 10 - - -

Shaffi Chemical 120 - 2.40 2.40 2.30 2.30 -0.10 203 3.40 1.80 - - - -

Sitara Chem Ind 214 10.12 124.98 125.00 121.00 123.48 -1.50 2186 139.40 101.00 75 - 25 5B

Sitara Peroxide 551 14.63 13.46 13.68 13.40 13.46 0.00 121957 14.69 7.67 - - - -

Wah-Noble 90 6.77 35.86 36.69 35.00 35.18 -0.68 5920 46.25 32.00 50 - 50 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Pharma and Bio Tech Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

906.88 918.09 906.07 909.47 2.59 0.29

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

26,846 - - 3,904.20 mn 30,299.98 mn 911.55

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

7.16 1.60 22.31 44.54 6.22 905.79

Abbott (Lab) 979 8.75 99.29 100.00 99.65 99.87 0.58 3442 104.00 79.00 120 - 20 -

Ferozsons (Lab) 250 6.42 84.00 85.00 83.75 84.98 0.98 2564 118.00 82.20 10 20B - 20B

GlaxoSmithKline 1707 13.54 75.14 76.00 75.00 75.28 0.14 9136 76.00 65.00 50 - - -

Highnoon (Lab) 165 7.15 26.41 26.70 25.80 25.80 -0.61 2004 26.98 22.60 25 - - -

IBL HealthCare Ltd 200 6.21 7.70 8.30 7.70 7.70 0.00 5107 9.00 6.81 - - - -

Otsuka Pak 100 7.23 34.00 33.50 32.40 32.41 -1.59 898 35.00 27.50 15 - - -

Searle Pak 306 5.53 61.25 61.98 61.50 61.50 0.25 3660 64.50 57.89 15 15B 30 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Industrial Transportation Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

744.01 773.32 739.44 759.54 15.54 2.09

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

1,091,322 - - 3,242.17 mn 12,977.73 mn 759.54

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

5.60 1.43 25.53 11.08 1.98 727.84

Pak Int Cont. Terminal 1092 7.55 73.00 76.65 73.00 75.47 2.47 1066940 77.77 60.05 - 20B 40 -

PNSC 1321 36.92 34.99 35.00 33.90 33.97 -1.02 24382 41.00 33.06 30 - 15 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Fauji Fertiliser Bin Qasim 14-Dec 20-Dec 12.50(iii) 6-Dec -

Oil and Gas Development Co 14-Dec 21-Dec 15(i) 6-Dec -

Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills 16-Dec 30-Dec 15.20(B) - 30-Dec

Siemens Pakistan 20-Dec 29-Dec 600 8-Dec 29-Dec

JS Investment # 21-Dec 27-Dec - - 27-Dec

Asian Stocks Fund # 22-Dec 28-Dec - - 27-Dec

Safeway Mutnal Fund # 22-Dec 28-Dec - - 27-Dec

Maple Leaf Cement # 22-Dec 29-Dec - - 29-Dec

Descon Chemicals # 24-Dec 30-Dec - - 30-Dec

BOC Pakistan # 11-Jan 17-Jan - - 17-Jan


# Extraordinary General Meeting

Company From To D/B/R Spot AGM/Date


Johnson & Philips 7.81 8.79 7.3 8.4 0.59 1002Pakistan Cables 53.5 53.5 51.05 51.05 -2.45 725TRG Pakistan Ltd. 3.78 3.89 3.69 3.72 -0.06 1743428Murree Brewery Co 83.58 87 79.75 83.01 -0.57 4827Shakarganj Food 1.15 1.24 1.24 1.24 0.09 500Shezan International 102.46 107.58 100.01 103.79 1.33 1406Lakson Tobacco 295.67 305 296.1 304.94 9.27 136Pak Tobacco 114 115 114 115 1 14229Shifa Int.Hospitals 29 29.3 28.5 28.6 -0.4 501Eye Television 21.18 21 20.2 21 -0.18 420Pak Hotels 35.01 36.76 34 36.76 1.75 150PIAC(A) 2.25 2.25 2.19 2.22 -0.03 89077AKD Capital XD 46.76 47.84 45.1 45.53 -1.23 2817Pace (Pak) Ltd 2.93 3 2.86 2.9 -0.03 541153Netsol Technologies 18.84 18.99 18.61 18.89 0.05 145020Pak Telephone 2.2 2.44 1.9 1.9 -0.3 149

Symbols Open High Low Close Change Vol

Thursday, December 9, 20107

Technical Analysis Leverage Position


Technical Outlook

KSE 100 INDEX closed up 198.92 points at 11,629.93. Volume was 101

per cent above average and Bollinger Bands were 11 per cent wider than

normal. As far as resistance level is concern, the market will see major 1st

resistance level at 11,699.15 and 2nd resistance level at 11,768.40, while

Index will continue to find its 1st support level at 11,495.85 and 2nd sup-

port level at 11,361.75.

KSE 100 INDEX is currently 14.5 per cent above its 200-day moving aver-

age and is displaying an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as com-

pared to the average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indi-

cators reflect moderate flows of volume into INDEX (mildly bullish). Trend

forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on INDEX. Momentum oscillator

is currently indicating that INDEX is currently in an overbought condition.

RSI (14-day) 83.48 Support 1 11,495.85

MA (5-day) 11,450.24 Support 2 11,361.75

MA (10-day) 11,315.16 Resistance 1 11,699.15

MA (100-day) 10,343.28 Resistance 2 11,768.40

MA (200-day) 10,163.07 Pivot 11,565.10

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

National Bank of Pakistan

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

NBP closed up 2.71 at 71.43. Volume was 382 per cent above average

(trending) and Bollinger Bands were 21 per cent narrower than normal.

NBP is currently 6.1 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is dis-

playing an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as compared to the

average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators

reflect moderate flows of volume into NBP (mildly bullish). Trend forecast-

ing oscillators are currently bullish on NBP.

*Arif Habib Ltd 82.1 Buy

AKD Securities Ltd 61.96 Neutral

TFD Research 92.3 Positive

RSI (14-day) 69.90 Free Float Shares (mn) 318.37

MA (10-day) 67.61 Free Float Rs (mn) 22,740.95

MA (100-day) 66.22 ** NOI Rs (mn) 125.37

MA (200-day) 69.81 Mean 70.16

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Nishat Mills Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

NML closed down -0.29 at 61.90. Volume was 117 per cent above average

and Bollinger Bands were 43 per cent wider than normal.

NML is currently 21.6 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is

displaying an upward trend. Volatility is high as compared to the average

volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect very

strong flows of volume into NML (bullish). Trend forecasting oscillators are

currently bullish on NML.

AKD Securities Ltd 59.97 Buy

TFD Research 74.2 Positive

RSI (14-day) 69.59 Free Float Shares (mn) 175.80

MA (10-day) 60.17 Free Float Rs (mn) 10,882.02

MA (100-day) 49.96 ** NOI Rs (mn) 112.64

MA (200-day) 50.89 Mean 62.11

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Dera Ghazi Khan Cement Co Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

DGKC closed up 1.08 at 31.87. Volume was 95 per cent above average

and Bollinger Bands were 17 per cent wider than normal.

DGKC is currently 18.6 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is

displaying an upward trend. Volatility is high as compared to the average

volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect mod-

erate flows of volume into DGKC (mildly bullish). Trend forecasting oscilla-

tors are currently bullish on DGKC.

*Arif Habib Ltd 42 Buy

AKD Securities Ltd 43.29 Buy

TFD Research 36.85 Positive

RSI (14-day) 69.31 Free Float Shares (mn) 182.55

MA (10-day) 29.76 Free Float Rs (mn) 5,817.86

MA (100-day) 26.57 ** NOI Rs (mn) 38.51

MA (200-day) 26.88 Mean 31.40

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Pakistan Oilfields Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

POL closed up 13.80 at 289.81. Volume was 337 per cent above average

(trending) and Bollinger Bands were 53 per cent wider than normal.

POL is currently 23.5 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is

displaying an upward trend. Volatility is high as compared to the average

volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect mod-

erate flows of volume into POL (mildly bullish). Trend forecasting oscilla-

tors are currently bullish on POL. Momentum oscillator is currently indicat-

ing that POL is currently in an overbought condition.

*Arif Habib Ltd 317.2 Buy

AKD Securities Ltd 296.6 Buy

TFD Research 281.35 Neutral

RSI (14-day) 76.49 Free Float Shares (mn) 107.94

MA (10-day) 272.55 Free Float Rs (mn) 31,281.14

MA (100-day) 239.04 ** NOI Rs (mn) 364.05

MA (200-day) 234.72 Mean 283.03

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Bank Alfalah Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

BAFL closed up 0.16 at 10.38. Volume was 141 per cent above average

and Bollinger Bands were 33 per cent narrower than normal.

BAFL is currently 4.7 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is

displaying an upward trend. Volatility is extremely low when compared to

the average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators

reflect moderate flows of volume into BAFL (mildly bullish). Trend forecast-

ing oscillators are currently bullish on BAFL. Momentum oscillator is cur-

rently indicating that BAFL is currently in an overbought condition.

*Arif Habib Ltd 13 Buy

AKD Securities Ltd 10.25 Accumulate

TFD Research 14.01 Positive

RSI (14-day) 71.13 Free Float Shares (mn) 674.58

MA (10-day) 9.81 Free Float Rs (mn) 7,002.12

MA (100-day) 9.02 ** NOI Rs (mn) N/A

MA (200-day) 9.91 Mean 10.32

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Fauji Fertiliser Bin Qasim Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

FFBL closed up 0.45 at 36.20. Volume was 107 per cent above average

and Bollinger Bands were 17 per cent wider than normal.

FFBL is currently 22.3 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is

displaying an upward trend. Volatility is low as compared to the average

volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators reflect very

strong flows of volume into FFBL (bullish). Trend forecasting oscillators are

currently bullish on FFBL. Momentum oscillator is currently indicating that

FFBL is currently in an overbought condition.

*Arif Habib Ltd 34.7 Sell

AKD Securities Ltd 32.06 Accumulate

TFD Research 29.1 Negative

RSI (14-day) 81.74 Free Float Shares (mn) 326.94

MA (10-day) 34.90 Free Float Rs (mn) 11,835.17

MA (100-day) 29.86 ** NOI Rs (mn) 18.23

MA (200-day) 29.75 Mean 36.04

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market

Technical Analysis Leverage Position

Pakistan Petroleum Ltd

Brokerage House Fair Value Rs Recommendations

Technical Outlook

PPL closed up 6.50 at 208.95. Volume was 191 per cent above average

(trending) and Bollinger Bands were 22 per cent narrower than normal.

PPL is currently 7.9 per cent above its 200-day moving average and is dis-

playing an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as compared to the

average volatility over the last 10 trading sessions. Volume indicators

reflect very strong flows of volume into PPL (bullish). Trend forecasting

oscillators are currently bullish on PPL. Momentum oscillator is currently

indicating that PPL is currently in an overbought condition.

*Arif Habib Ltd 235.3 Buy

TFD Research 239.15 Positive

RSI (14-day) 71.60 Free Float Shares (mn) 247.57

MA (10-day) 202.92 Free Float Rs (mn) 51,729.79

MA (100-day) 194.86 ** NOI Rs (mn) 42.40

MA (200-day) 193.66 Mean 205.97

* Target price for Dec-10 & **Net Open Interest in future market


Performance of SR Equity Investment Instruments Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,211.70 1,254.38 1,202.63 1,237.65 25.96 2.14

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

8,265,141 - - 29,771.58 mn 17,995.21 mn 1,237.65

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

20.22 0.45 2.21 104.74 8.05 1,192.96

1st Fid Leasing 264 8.88 1.63 1.58 1.37 1.42 -0.21 602 2.24 1.01 - - - -

AL-Meezan Mutual F. 1375 6.33 7.30 7.65 7.32 7.59 0.29 111411 7.65 5.85 - - 18.5 -

Atlas Fund of Funds 525 1.61 4.48 4.15 4.00 4.00 -0.48 131518 4.50 2.70 - - 2.2 -

B R R Guardian Mod. 780 3.89 1.66 1.88 1.71 1.71 0.05 7501 2.37 0.90 - - 0 -

Constellation Modaraba 65 3.36 1.37 1.77 1.33 1.48 0.11 581 2.99 0.90 - - - -

Crescent St Modaraba 200 1.63 0.60 0.71 0.16 0.65 0.05 252278 1.10 0.16 - - 1.2 -

Elite Cap Modaraba 113 3.74 2.85 3.00 2.90 2.99 0.14 228455 3.09 1.73 4.5 - 5 -

Equity Modaraba 524 10.13 1.62 1.75 1.50 1.62 0.00 38276 2.37 0.86 - - - -

First Dawood Mutual F. 581 0.65 2.01 2.20 1.95 2.05 0.04 37508 2.24 1.30 - - - -

Golden Arrow 760 2.21 3.05 3.10 3.02 3.09 0.04 97179 3.88 2.56 - - 17 -

H B L Modaraba 397 2.25 6.40 6.84 6.75 6.75 0.35 7508 7.00 5.11 5 - 11 -

Habib Modaraba 1008 5.82 6.66 6.90 6.74 6.75 0.09 100144 6.90 5.71 20 - 21 -

JS Growth Fund 3180 60.38 4.53 4.96 4.60 4.83 0.30 2813801 4.96 2.65 - - 5 -

JS Value Fund 1186 16.29 4.50 4.62 4.26 4.56 0.06 485522 4.73 2.31 10 - 10 -

Meezan Balanced Fund 1200 6.25 6.38 6.50 6.39 6.50 0.12 27000 6.64 5.15 - - 15.5 -

Mod Al-Mali 184 11.80 1.05 1.24 1.10 1.18 0.13 69915 2.18 0.56 - - - -

NAMCO Balanced Fund 1000 5.91 3.60 3.80 3.70 3.78 0.18 30626 3.80 2.25 5 - 15 -

Nat Bank Modaraba 250 5.62 6.87 6.50 6.07 6.07 -0.80 5900 8.00 4.50 - - 10 -

Pak Modaraba 125 5.00 0.96 1.09 1.00 1.00 0.04 773 1.40 0.30 - - 3 -

Pak Prem FundSPOT 1698 12.44 8.94 9.00 8.86 8.96 0.02 351568 9.39 7.00 - - 18.6 -

PICIC Energy Fund XD 1000 1.86 6.20 6.40 6.20 6.40 0.20 139420 6.45 4.33 - - 10 -

PICIC Growth Fund 2835 7.22 11.02 11.45 10.52 11.27 0.25 505872 11.45 7.90 - - 20 -

PICIC Inv Fund 2841 6.60 5.42 6.05 5.38 5.81 0.39 2410960 6.05 3.50 - - 10 -

Prud Modaraba 1st 872 2.07 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.00 125 1.20 0.76 - - 3 -

Punjab Modaraba XD 340 - 1.43 1.35 1.35 1.35 -0.08 25000 2.54 0.50 - - 1 -

Stand Chart Modaraba 454 4.41 8.75 9.00 8.75 8.99 0.24 303157 10.99 7.75 16.5 - 17 -

Tri-Star 1st Modaraba 212 - 1.30 1.74 1.25 1.74 0.44 8446 5.80 0.50 - - - -

Tri-Star Mutual 50 3.89 1.38 1.40 1.24 1.40 0.02 1580 2.87 0.86 - - - -

Trust Modaraba 298 3.37 1.51 1.75 1.55 1.75 0.24 698 4.40 1.15 - - 5 -

U D L Modaraba 264 1.60 5.79 5.79 5.64 5.64 -0.15 71783 6.99 4.71 10 - 12.5 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Financial Services Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

431.60 438.64 426.78 432.08 0.48 0.11

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

5,282,537 - - 30,336.44 mn 29,853.01 mn 441.03

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

10.96 0.29 0.91 99.56 3.12 428.77

AMZ Ventures 225 1.48 0.58 0.65 0.56 0.65 0.07 107050 0.95 0.42 - - - -

Arif Habib Investments 360 3.54 17.90 18.19 17.75 18.00 0.10 5152 19.98 13.00 - - - 20B

Arif Habib Limited 450 13.28 26.12 26.37 25.94 26.03 -0.09 35759 34.00 24.40 15 25B - 20B

Arif Habib Corp 3750 4.66 25.38 25.80 25.26 25.37 -0.01 1282314 27.02 20.90 - - 30 -

Dawood Cap Mngt. XB 150 1.34 1.31 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.19 1000 2.14 0.86 - - - -

Dawood Equities 250 - 1.84 2.49 1.81 1.86 0.02 3327 2.70 1.51 - - - -

First Credit & Invest Bank Ltd 650 15.42 3.05 3.70 3.00 3.70 0.65 825 4.50 2.40 - - - -

Grays Leasing 215 - 1.15 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.10 5151 2.90 0.18 - - - -

IGI Investment Bank 2121 15.69 2.57 2.87 2.50 2.51 -0.06 40186 2.90 1.17 - - - -

Invest and Fin Sec 600 687.00 6.87 6.87 6.50 6.87 0.00 626 9.00 6.16 - - 11.5 -

Invest Bank 2849 - 0.62 0.81 0.60 0.69 0.07 73429 1.00 0.44 - - - -

Ist Cap Securities 3166 - 3.52 3.60 3.44 3.50 -0.02 12093 4.80 2.54 - 10B - 10B

Ist Dawood Bank 626 0.70 1.85 1.96 1.90 1.95 0.10 2632 2.84 1.32 - - - -

Jah Siddiq Co 7633 - 12.66 12.85 12.56 12.74 0.08 3884220 14.05 8.80 -243.778B 10 -

JOV and CO 508 - 4.03 4.20 4.00 4.05 0.02 366068 5.38 1.96 - - - -

JS Global Cap 500 7.80 29.20 30.00 28.50 29.02 -0.18 11432 40.00 24.25 150 - - -

JS Investment 1000 29.13 6.95 7.05 6.87 6.99 0.04 592540 7.59 5.10 - - - -

KASB Securities 1000 - 4.47 4.75 4.40 4.50 0.03 34826 4.75 3.32 - - - -

Orix Leasing 821 4.60 6.98 6.90 6.12 6.25 -0.73 4802 7.29 4.50 - - - -

Pervez Ahmed Sec 775 - 2.21 2.31 2.16 2.18 -0.03 100298 2.70 1.35 -231.08R - -

Saudi Pak Leasing 452 - 0.60 0.63 0.62 0.63 0.03 101 0.86 0.42 - - - -

Sec Inv Bank 514 12.00 2.80 3.00 2.80 3.00 0.20 1829 3.90 1.65 - - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Life Insurance Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

945.23 952.02 919.87 926.19 -19.04 -2.01

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

21,732 - - 2,290.72 mn 10,705.45 mn 963.51

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

103.00 3.97 3.85 355.53 3.45 926.19

American Life 500 6.02 17.01 17.99 16.03 17.99 0.98 4322 20.40 16.03 - - - -

EFU Life Assurance 850 45.50 81.88 82.99 80.00 80.08 -1.80 10310 86.95 52.00 5513.33B - -

New Jub Life Insurance 627 30.83 47.00 47.00 45.75 45.93 -1.07 7000 49.14 39.68 10 - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Banks Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,111.48 1,145.55 1,111.51 1,136.69 25.21 2.27

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

35,796,122 - - 257,548.02 mn 689,261.88 mn 1,136.69

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

8.06 1.12 13.94 40.49 5.03 1,068.52

Allied Bank Limited 7821 6.31 63.98 65.10 63.75 64.98 1.00 734206 65.10 48.51 40 10B 20 -Askari Bank 6427 7.97 16.56 16.85 16.50 16.73 0.17 633486 17.20 14.10 - 20B - -Atlas Bank 5001 - 1.61 1.70 1.55 1.61 0.00 176055 2.55 1.50 - - - -Bank Alfalah 13492 13.31 10.22 10.53 10.15 10.38 0.16 5291870 10.55 7.65 8 - - -Bank AL-Habib 7322 7.50 34.51 35.00 34.60 34.81 0.30 142797 35.00 29.50 20 20B - -Bank Of Khyber 5004 5.41 4.10 4.28 4.05 4.06 -0.04 28433 4.70 2.50 - - - -Bank Of Punjab 5288 - 10.08 10.33 10.12 10.22 0.14 2767694 10.59 7.63 - - - -BankIslami Pak 5280 822.50 3.31 3.39 3.25 3.29 -0.02 40549 3.88 2.70 - - - -Faysal Bank XB 7309 4.81 14.75 15.10 14.70 14.91 0.16 43245 17.10 13.01 - - - 20BHabib Bank Ltd 10019 7.26 112.76 117.00 112.99 116.23 3.47 839176 117.00 92.55 60 10B - -Habib Metropolitan Bank 8732 7.79 25.11 25.50 25.25 25.46 0.35 65901 26.74 18.02 10 16B - -JS Bank Ltd 6128 - 2.61 2.75 2.52 2.66 0.05 181295 3.00 2.00 - - - 66RKASB Bank Ltd 9509 - 2.68 2.77 2.25 2.70 0.02 5670 2.90 2.10 - 26B - -MCB Bank Ltd XD 7602 9.84 217.18 223.50 217.95 221.90 4.72 1958830 223.50 182.61 110 10B 55 -Meezan Bank 6983 8.56 15.90 16.24 16.00 16.17 0.27 47669 16.32 14.05 - 5B - -Mybank Ltd 5304 - 2.36 2.60 2.30 2.46 0.10 225585 2.69 1.81 - - - -National Bank 13455 6.24 68.72 71.80 68.70 71.43 2.71 14334678 71.80 62.01 75 25B - -Network Mic Bank 300 - 1.40 1.40 1.15 1.33 -0.07 3102 1.69 0.62 - - - -NIB Bank 40437 - 2.92 3.09 2.89 3.06 0.14 3005405 3.18 2.46 - - - -Royal Bank Ltd 17180 - 4.66 4.73 4.50 4.54 -0.12 129639 8.10 3.91 - - - -Samba Bank 14335 - 1.80 1.90 1.77 1.88 0.08 961668 2.65 1.51 - - -63.46RSilkbank Ltd 26716 - 2.66 2.75 2.60 2.70 0.04 2133142 3.08 2.50 - - - -Soneri Bank 6023 - 7.10 7.40 7.00 7.21 0.11 124044 8.00 5.01 - - - -Stand Chart Bank 38716 12.58 8.01 8.24 8.03 8.18 0.17 6375 8.80 6.00 - - - -Summit Bank Ltd 5000 - 3.40 3.60 3.26 3.31 -0.09 91123 3.80 2.30 - - - -United Bank Ltd 12242 7.59 62.79 64.90 62.70 64.55 1.76 1915608 64.90 49.90 25 10B 10 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Non Life Insurance Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

748.94 762.23 747.48 753.38 4.43 0.59

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

1,086,214 - - 11,111.34 mn 46,790.47 mn 760.08

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

12.54 0.65 5.20 79.54 6.35 748.94

Adamjee Insurance 1237 23.75 81.34 82.40 81.51 81.95 0.61 407910 84.45 63.05 30 10B 10 -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Gas Water and Multiutilities Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,507.88 1,542.11 1,487.45 1,503.75 -4.13 -0.27

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

670,122 - - 12,202.80 mn 32,245.56 mn 1,625.54

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

9.59 1.09 11.41 66.79 6.97 1,503.75

Sui North Gas XD 5491 8.12 27.00 27.60 26.85 27.28 0.28 311754 34.75 26.75 - - 20 -Sui South Gas 8390 3.10 20.83 21.31 20.43 20.58 -0.25 358368 30.70 20.43 - - 15 25B

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Electricity Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,248.96 1,262.65 1,245.60 1,253.67 4.71 0.38

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

11,536,450 - - 95,369.29 mn 102,601.62 mn 1,253.67

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

13.45 1.26 9.35 104.13 7.74 1,239.12

Genertech 198 - 0.90 0.93 0.80 0.91 0.01 509 1.45 0.51 - - - -

Hub Power 11572 6.66 36.25 36.51 36.21 36.39 0.14 619371 37.00 32.75 33.5 - 50 -

Japan Power 1560 - 1.75 1.85 1.61 1.70 -0.05 221004 2.25 1.20 - - - -

KESC 7932 - 2.53 2.65 2.49 2.57 0.04 1561137 2.66 1.94 - 31R - 7.8R

Kohinoor Energy 1695 10.81 19.04 19.50 19.45 19.45 0.41 500 26.50 17.95 45 - 15 -

Kot Addu Power 8803 4.87 40.10 40.50 40.00 40.10 0.00 2037608 42.95 38.35 64.5 - 50 -

Nishat Chunian Power Ltd 3673 3.33 15.27 15.45 15.02 15.20 -0.07 3137843 15.80 10.00 - - - -

Nishat Power Ltd 3541 25.74 16.00 16.14 15.80 15.96 -0.04 3153914 16.70 10.00 - - - -

Sitara Energy Ltd 191 3.56 18.75 19.35 18.87 19.06 0.31 4817 23.49 17.98 20 - 20 -

Southern Electric 1367 - 2.10 2.20 2.09 2.10 0.00 797046 2.90 2.05 - - - -

Tri-star Power XD 150 - 1.11 1.13 0.82 1.02 -0.09 2701 1.75 0.33 3 - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)


Performance of SR Fixed Line Telecommunication Index

Open High Low Close Change % Change

1,135.08 1,156.21 1,134.98 1,144.50 9.42 0.83

Turnover Total cos Defaulter cos Listed cap Market cap 5-Day High

1,641,767 - - 50,077.79 mn 79,120.75 mn 1,158.93

P/E (x) P/BV (x) ROE (%) Payout (%) Div Yield (%) 5-Day Low

6.21 0.80 12.84 62.56 10.07 1,135.08

Pak Datacom 78 4.93 80.00 79.90 76.50 79.90 -0.10 151 117.99 76.50 70 - 80 -Pakistan Telecomm Co A 37740 12.96 19.30 19.60 19.30 19.44 0.14 377240 20.12 17.77 15 - 17.5 -Telecard XD 3000 0.67 2.19 2.29 2.21 2.25 0.06 277906 2.69 1.80 - - 1 -WorldCall Tele 8606 - 2.63 2.77 2.65 2.67 0.04 986470 2.98 2.31 - - - -Wateen Telecom Ltd 6175 - 3.50 3.50 3.40 3.49 -0.01 242467 4.50 3.35 - - - -

Paid up Last 60 days 2009 2010

Company Cap(mn) PE Open High Low Close Chg Volume High Low Div BR Div BR

(%) (%) (%) (%)

Ask Gen Insurance 204 6.45 11.49 11.45 10.55 10.64 -0.85 20288 12.75 8.45 - - - 25R

Atlas Insurance 369 5.96 37.45 38.00 37.01 37.50 0.05 1138 38.00 27.37 40 10B - -

Century Insurance 457 6.71 11.00 11.35 10.63 10.73 -0.27 4530 12.00 9.42 - - - -

Crescent Star Insurance 121 - 4.25 4.25 3.26 4.25 0.00 1702 7.30 3.10 - - - -

EFU General Insurance 1250 - 45.12 46.00 44.70 45.24 0.12 35476 48.63 34.76 40 8.7B - -

Habib Insurance 400 2.98 12.80 12.94 12.25 12.51 -0.29 20996 13.00 10.04 35 - - -

IGI Insurance 718 16.50 88.02 90.02 88.00 88.91 0.89 97108 92.89 68.27 35 - 10 20B

New Jub Insurance 791 15.89 58.21 60.90 58.80 58.95 0.74 1001 60.90 52.25 30 20B - -

Pak Reinsurance 3000 41.87 16.22 16.40 16.20 16.33 0.11 466816 17.20 12.80 30 - - -

Pak Gen Insurance 250 1.54 6.50 6.51 6.50 6.50 0.00 875 8.30 5.06 5 25B - -

PICIC Ins Ltd 350 - 6.11 6.60 6.40 6.41 0.30 13111 8.30 1.66 - - - -

Premier Insurance 303 5.81 10.55 10.90 10.45 10.75 0.20 13137 10.90 8.00 20 15B - -

Silver Star Insurance 253 4.35 6.75 7.00 6.90 7.00 0.25 1784 8.17 6.01 - 20B - -

United Insurance XB 400 2.14 6.01 6.70 5.12 6.52 0.51 290 7.20 4.49 - 16B - -


EWLA 2.85 2.94 2.60 2.61 -0.24 100

ELSM 20.92 21.20 21.20 21.20 0.28 100

TSML 35.00 36.75 35.94 35.94 0.94 100

JVDC 58.00 60.00 58.00 59.98 1.98 95

PASM 10.25 11.10 10.10 10.20 -0.05 72

KTML 5.30 5.71 5.30 5.47 0.17 63

NOPK 23.91 25.10 24.60 24.60 0.69 52

MQTM 7.52 7.90 7.56 7.56 0.04 51

CICL 58.72 60.59 59.00 59.00 0.28 50

SHDT 13.96 14.40 14.40 14.40 0.44 50

PMTFC6 87.00 87.00 87.00 87.00 0.00 50

SMCPL 6.25 6.39 5.52 6.19 -0.06 49

ULEVER 4099.68 4127.99 4050.00 4070.87 -28.81 45

SANSM 13.39 13.68 13.41 13.68 0.29 40

LEUL 2.27 2.60 1.74 1.82 -0.45 31

FIBLM 2.95 2.95 2.90 2.90 -0.05 25

MUCL 13.45 14.40 14.40 14.40 0.95 20

WYETH 1050.00 1099.00 1060.00 1060.00 10.00 20

BAFS 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 19

MWMP 1.69 1.69 1.36 1.46 -0.23 19

SAPL 132.00 131.00 128.00 130.13 -1.87 15

GRAYS 53.75 56.42 51.86 51.86 -1.89 13

FNEL 8.91 8.94 8.06 8.86 -0.05 11

ISTM 6.49 6.78 6.75 6.75 0.26 10

UDPL 9.00 9.10 9.00 9.10 0.10 10

FECS 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 0.00 9

FANM 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 5

SCLL 2.65 2.89 2.70 2.70 0.05 5

CFL 13.99 13.02 13.02 13.02 -0.97 5

PRWM 13.97 14.35 14.35 14.35 0.38 5

AGSML 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 5

KCL 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 5

AASM 23.55 24.72 23.00 24.72 1.17 4

PSEL 169.35 161.01 161.01 161.01 -8.34 4

SHCM 9.05 8.10 8.10 8.10 -0.95 3

LATM 7.00 8.00 6.01 6.51 -0.49 3

SASML 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 0.00 3

FPRM 8.50 8.70 8.50 8.50 0.00 2

SHNI 13.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 0.50 2

GUTM 27.00 26.00 25.65 25.65 -1.35 2

KML 2.95 3.45 3.15 3.15 0.20 2

BFMOD 3.25 3.90 3.89 3.89 0.64 1

FIMM 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 0.00 1

BCML 9.75 9.00 9.00 9.00 -0.75 1

FZTM 395.63 413.20 392.00 392.00 -3.63 1

HMIM 0.51 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.46 1

PRET 27.52 27.52 27.52 27.52 0.00 1

SFL 117.60 117.60 117.60 117.60 0.00 1

STML 21.38 22.44 22.44 22.44 1.06 1

SHJS 94.51 94.49 94.49 94.49 -0.02 1

HINO 133.41 133.41 133.41 133.41 0.00 1

MDTL 47.00 49.35 49.35 49.35 2.35 1

BUXL 9.00 8.81 8.70 8.81 -0.19 1

ICL 27.25 27.00 27.00 27.00 -0.25 1

PAKL 2.82 3.60 3.60 3.60 0.78 1

DIIL 9.35 9.35 9.00 9.35 0.00 1

Symbols Open High Low Close Change Vol


NML-DEC 62.57 62.98 61.90 62.09 -0.48 2325500

POL-DEC 277.36 291.22 278.15 291.22 13.86 1654500

NBP-DEC 69.20 72.30 69.20 71.93 2.73 1331000

DGKC-DEC 30.93 32.05 30.99 31.88 0.95 523000

MCB-DEC 217.34 223.25 218.00 221.97 4.63 390000

PPL-DEC 203.34 210.51 203.50 209.92 6.58 285000

FFBL-DEC 34.75 35.44 34.87 35.23 0.48 237500

ENGRO-DEC 187.06 190.60 187.00 188.64 1.58 235000

LUCK-DEC 76.59 77.25 76.00 76.26 -0.33 154500

PSO-DEC 286.47 290.65 286.99 289.12 2.65 133500

ANL-DEC 10.78 10.98 10.66 10.78 0.00 77000

OGDC-DEC 164.50 168.00 165.00 167.64 3.14 39000

AICL-DEC 81.94 82.69 82.11 82.42 0.48 29000

UBL-DEC 62.99 64.50 63.40 64.50 1.51 13000

BOP-DEC 10.15 10.45 10.20 10.28 0.13 5500

PTC-DEC 19.55 19.80 19.50 19.70 0.15 1500

NCL-DEC 22.72 23.00 23.00 23.00 0.28 500

Symbols Open High Low Close Change Vol


AABS 94.99 94.90 94.90 94.90 -0.09 0.00

AATM 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.95 -0.04 0.00

ANNT 12.85 12.75 12.75 12.75 -0.10 0.00

ASFL 2.81 2.85 2.85 2.85 0.04 0.00

BHAT 259.99 258.99 258.99 258.99 -1.00 0.00

BTL 47.98 47.00 47.00 47.00 -0.98 0.00

EMCO 3.25 3.20 3.20 3.20 -0.05 0.00

FAEL 11.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 1.00 0.00

GFIL 3.76 3.78 3.78 3.78 0.02 0.00

HWQS 22.78 21.70 21.70 21.70 -1.08 0.00

INKL 9.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 -0.50 0.00

JDMT 15.14 15.00 15.00 15.00 -0.14 0.00

NATM 7.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 1.00 0.00

PECO 280.00 279.00 279.00 279.00 -1.00 0.00

POAF 8.78 8.50 8.50 8.50 -0.28 0.00

QUET 43.00 40.85 40.85 40.85 -2.15 0.00

SLCL 2.50 2.40 2.40 2.40 -0.10 0.00

Symbols Open High Low Close Change Vol

Al-Abbas Cement 60.53 3.30 3.15 3.50 3.60 3.40

Allied Bank Limited 85.21 64.10 63.25 65.45 65.95 64.60

Attock Cement 52.34 63.15 62.80 63.65 63.80 63.30

Arif Habib Corp 52.50 25.15 24.95 25.70 26.00 25.50

Arif Habib Limited 44.21 25.85 25.70 26.30 26.55 26.10

Adamjee Insurance 61.76 81.50 81.05 82.40 82.85 81.95

Askari Bank 63.66 16.55 16.35 16.90 17.05 16.70

Azgard Nine 45.13 10.50 10.35 10.85 11.00 10.70

Attock Petroleum 58.27 324.90 323.00 328.30 329.80 326.40

Attock Refinery 49.55 116.25 114.90 119.70 121.85 118.35

Bank Alfalah 71.13 10.15 9.95 10.55 10.75 10.35

BankIslami Pak 48.73 3.25 3.15 3.35 3.45 3.30

Bank.Of.Punjab 64.91 10.10 10.00 10.30 10.45 10.20

Dewan Cement 80.07 2.35 1.95 3.00 3.25 2.60

DGK Cement 69.31 31.10 30.35 32.35 32.85 31.60

Dewan Salman 78.48 2.80 2.60 3.15 3.25 2.95

Dost Steels Ltd 66.24 2.95 2.75 3.25 3.45 3.10

EFU General Insurance 52.83 44.60 44.00 45.90 46.60 45.30

EFU Life Assurance 55.12 79.05 78.05 82.05 84.00 81.00

Engro Chemical 63.21 185.15 182.95 189.50 191.75 187.35

Faysal Bank 51.50 14.70 14.50 15.10 15.30 14.90

Fauji Cement 52.46 4.90 4.85 5.05 5.10 4.95

Fauji Fert Bin 81.74 35.80 35.35 36.55 36.90 36.15

Fauji Fertilizer 67.30 113.50 113.05 114.80 115.65 114.35

Habib Bank Ltd 76.77 113.80 111.40 117.85 119.40 115.40

Hub Power 63.99 36.25 36.05 36.55 36.65 36.35

ICI Pakistan 65.40 137.00 136.35 138.35 139.05 137.70

Indus Motors 58.99 256.70 251.95 264.60 267.75 259.85

JOV and CO 52.80 3.95 3.90 4.15 4.30 4.10

Japan Power 53.87 1.60 1.50 1.85 1.95 1.70

JS Bank Ltd 48.37 2.55 2.40 2.75 2.85 2.65

Jah Siddiq Co 44.21 12.60 12.45 12.90 13.00 12.70

Kot Addu Power 55.16 39.90 39.70 40.40 40.70 40.20

KESC 75.24 2.50 2.40 2.65 2.75 2.55

Lotte Pakistan 76.84 12.85 12.50 13.40 13.60 13.05

Lucky Cement 54.81 75.15 74.45 76.65 77.45 75.95

MCB Bank Ltd 76.32 218.75 215.55 224.30 226.65 221.10

Maple Leaf Cement 56.11 2.90 2.75 3.05 3.15 2.95

National Bank 69.90 69.50 67.55 72.60 73.75 70.65

Nishat (Chunian) 48.38 21.90 21.65 22.50 22.85 22.25

Netsol Technologies 47.55 18.65 18.45 19.05 19.20 18.85

NIB Bank 64.43 2.95 2.80 3.15 3.20 3.00

Nimir Ind.Chemical 54.06 1.50 1.45 1.60 1.65 1.55

Nishat Mills 69.59 61.40 60.85 62.60 63.30 62.10

Oil & Gas Dev XD 78.77 167.35 165.05 171.40 173.25 169.15

PACE (Pakistan) Ltd. 51.53 2.85 2.80 3.00 3.05 2.90

Pervez Ahmed Sec 49.68 2.15 2.05 2.30 2.35 2.20

PIAC (A) 47.81 2.15 2.10 2.25 2.30 2.20

Pioneer Cement 43.24 7.05 7.00 7.25 7.35 7.15

Pak Oilfields 76.49 280.95 272.05 294.25 298.70 285.35

Pak Petroleum 71.60 204.45 199.95 211.65 214.35 207.15

Pak Suzuki 38.00 71.20 70.45 73.05 74.15 72.30

PSO XD 58.99 285.30 283.80 288.45 290.20 287.00

PTCLA 52.30 19.30 19.15 19.60 19.75 19.45

Shell Pakistan 55.33 198.05 196.55 201.05 202.50 199.55

Sui North Gas 33.33 26.90 26.50 27.65 28.00 27.25

Sitara Peroxide 58.67 13.35 13.25 13.60 13.80 13.50

Sui South Gas 30.10 20.25 19.90 21.10 21.65 20.75

Telecard 47.52 2.20 2.15 2.30 2.35 2.25

TRG Pakistan 31.26 3.65 3.55 3.85 3.95 3.75

United Bank Ltd 80.46 63.20 61.85 65.40 66.25 64.05

WorldCall Tele 55.24 2.65 2.60 2.75 2.80 2.70

Company RSI 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Pivot

(14-day) Support Resistance


Mehran Sugar Mills 09-Dec 10:30

Mirza Sugar Mills Limited 09-Dec 10:30

Pangrio Sugar Mills Limited 09-Dec 12:00

KASB Securities Limited 09-Dec 10:00

Fauji Fertiliser Bin Qasim Ltd 23-Dec 10:30


Company Date Time

Thursday, December 9, 2010 8

KARACHI: An aircraft operated by a Russian airline is inspected by Germanground control at the Schoenefeld airport in Berlin, here.-Reuters

HK Cathay Pacific gets new chief

Cathay's fresh flights get wing

SYDNEY: Australia's Qantassaid new rules imposed after anA380 engine blast meant the470-seat superjumbo couldcarry just 80 passengers to LosAngeles and was "uncommer-cial" on the key route.

The regulations, which directlower engine thrust, made theA380 commercially unsuitablefor the trans-Pacific trip,according to legal documentsfiled in the carrier's case againstengine manufacturer Rolls-Royce.

"If Qantas is to avoid using themaximum takeoff thrust of72,000 pounds, in accordancewith a Rolls-Royce directive, ondeparture from Los Angeles,Qantas must ensure that anyTrent 900-powered A380 air-craft carries no more than a pay-load of approx 30,000 kilograms

on one runway or 20,000 kilo-grams on the other runway atLos Angeles," a Qantasspokesman told AFP, readingfrom the airline's statement ofclaim.

"The operation of the LosAngeles routes at the reducedpayloads makes it uncommercialfor Qantas to use a Trent 900-powered A380 on the LAXroutes at all, since operation atthat reduced level involves areduction in carrying capacity sothat typically only 80 passengerswill be able to be transported."

The statement was filed in theFederal Court in Qantas's caseagainst Rolls-Royce, followinglast month's explosion of a Trent900 engine over Indonesiawhich forced an A380 carrying469 people back to Singapore.

Preliminary investigations

have identified a potentially"catastrophic" manufacturingdefect which caused oil leakageand a fire in the engine as thelikely cause of the blast.

Qantas grounded all six of itsA380s after the November 4explosion and are yet to resumeflying the world's largest pas-senger jet between Australia andLos Angeles due to the extraengine thrust required.

The spokesman said the law-suit was "just part of a legalprocess" to ensure Qantas wasable to claim damages if negoti-ations with Rolls-Royce failed,and stressed that it may neverend up in court.

Britain's Rolls-Royce, alsofacing compensation demandsfrom Airbus, has offered nocomment on the Qantas legalaction.-Agencies

A380, ‘uncommercial’,alleges Aussie airlines

BANGKOK: The Pacific Asia TravelAssociation (PATA) has renewed its memoran-dum of understanding (MoU) with the AfricanTravel Association (ATA) to encourage the sus-tainable development of the travel-and-tourismindustry to Africa.

The MoU was signed this week by GregDuffell, the PATA chief executive officer, and

Edward Bergman, ATA executive director.According to a press release, the MoU offers

the two associations a reciprocal membershipaffiliation together with their products and serv-ices, and marks the intent of both to exploreresources to facilitate African tour operators toenter the Pacific Asian market and vice-versa.

"The African continent is growing in impor-tance in trade with Pacific Asia. Tourism will

play a vital role promoting international under-standing and appreciation of our respective cul-tures." Said Duffell.

"ATA has partnered with PATA since 2005 andvery much enjoys the reciprocal membershipaffiliation. We look forward to working withPATA to explore avenues of cooperation in theareas of climate change and industry expansionand to consider together how we can increasetravel-and-tourism arrivals and investmentsbetween Africa and Asia", Said Bergman.

The ATA was established as an internationaltravel industry trade association in 1975 to pro-mote travel, tourism and transport to and withinAfrica, and to strengthen intra-Africa partner-ships. ATA international headquarters are basedin New York, USA.-NNI

PATA renews MoU with ATA

ISLAMABAD: The presidentof Pakistan Airlines' PilotsAssociation (PALPA), CaptSuhail Baloch has expressedhis deep concerns over rapidlydeteriorating image ofPakistan's commercial air safe-ty compliance record.

Talking at the exclusivemembers' meeting to markWorld Aviation Day, heexpressed his deep reservationsover the endeavors to improveairline safety standards, result-ing in three plane crashes inpast four months; an aspect that

had caused serious considera-tions for Country's aviationsecurity.

He was especially critical ofPIA management over its fail-ure to recognise and evolve acomprehensive strategy for avi-ation safety, by taking all avia-tion community onboard.

He said that recent fatalcrashes had proved the help-lessness of management,especially pilot community toregister its concerns and rec-ommendations for aviationsafety.-APP

Crash after crashups Palpa’s pulse

KARACHI: PIA has nowachieved proactive SafetyManagement System (SMS)which ensures compliance ofover 860 safety standards asbeing practiced in theInternational AviationIndustry, the PIA Spokesmansaid here.

He stated that this had beendone strictly in accordancewith the high safety standardsas laid down by theInternational Civil AviationOrganization (ICAO) andother global regulatory agen-cies.

By doing so, PIAspokesman added, in a shortspan of two and a half yearsthe airline has now been wellacknowledged for its safetystandards and has also beencertified by competent exter-nal safety auditors and agen-cies.

He said that IATAOperational Safety Audit(IOSA) registration in 2008 isrecognition that airline'soperations are absolutelysafe.

The airline's commitment tosafety helped in implement-ing occupational health safetyand an international certifica-tion of OSHAS 18001.

This certification has beendone for PIA for achievingsafety in all operational areascompared to other Asian air-lines.

The formation of PIASafety Action Group whichmonitors operational safety

hazards and carries out riskassessments of airline's oper-ational activities, is function-ing as a watchdog to ensuresafe operations of PIA flightswith a proactive approach.

This has now been docu-mented as an implemented(SMS) approved by the CAAPakistan and audited byIOSA.

The airline has a CAA certi-fied training programme andinstructors to impart (SMS)implementation training tothe aviation industry inPakistan.

The airline has also indige-nously developed software toaddress risk management andcomply with national andinternational requirements inthe field.

This state of art software ifpurchased from internationalmarket by the airline wouldhave cost about $0.5 million.

In this regard AirNavigation Order (ANO)issued by CAA Pakistan inSeptember 2008 also requiredphased implementation ofSMS by each airline operatorin Pakistan.

However, it was only PIAwhich implemented SMSmuch before the CAA ANO,a fact that needs to beacknowledged.

The PIA Spokesman saidthat the Safety Action Group(SAG) in PIA consists ofPilots of high professionalstandards who are also mem-bers of Palpa. .-APP

Best safetysystemlandsat PIA

Cruiser'senginefails in

AntarcticBUENOS AIRES: A cruiseship carrying 160 people on areturn trip from Antarctica lostpower in one of its enginesTuesday in rough weather, theArgentine navy said.

Crews were later able to fixthe problem and the ship wassailing to the world's southern-most city Ushuaia in high seaswith its passengers unharmed,it added in a statement.

One of the cruise ship'sengines had broken down andcaused what the navy termed as"serious... handling limita-tions," but causing no risks toits passengers and crew.

The vessel, described on thePolar Cruises website as arefurbished, ice-strengthened,all-suite luxury cruise ship,telephoned its emergency to asearch and rescue coordinationcenter in Ushuaia, 3,200 kilo-meters (1990 miles) south ofBuenos Aires.

The engine failure occurredmid-day Tuesday about 845kilometers (525 miles) south ofUshuaia in the Drake Passage,where the ship faced stormyconditions including winds of90 kilometers (56 miles) perhour.-Reuters

Delta ticket,gate agents

stay off unionATLANTA: Delta Air Lines Incticket and gate agents have votedto reject union representation,dealing another blow to laborgroups seeking to represent amajority of workers at the carrier.

The International Associationof Machinists and AerospaceWorkers (IAM), which was seek-ing to represent the customerservice agents, also failed to get amajority vote for unionisingamong Delta baggage handlersand TechOps Stores workers lastmonth.

The Association of FlightAttendants-CWA (AFA) also lostits bid to represent 20,000 Deltaflight attendants in November.

Elections for Delta workgroups that include about 50,000employees took place this fall toresolve labor representation afterthe 2008 acquisition of mostlyunionised Northwest Airlines byDelta, the least unionised ofmajor US airlines.

The union losses bolster Deltain its bid to remain largely union-free. But they handed setbacks tolabor unions which were hopingto make gains in wake of a USlaw change that was believed toenhance their chances of winning."It doesn't matter what the rulesare," said Mike Campbell, Deltaexecutive vice president forhuman resources and labor rela-tions, during a reporter briefing."Our people are saying they don'twant to be represented by theIAM or the AFA."

The National Mediation Boardsaid on Tuesday that of 12,518valid votes cast from Delta pas-senger service employees, whichinclude gate and ticket agents,customer-facing cargo agents andreservation sales workers, 3,772favored unionisation. Thatincludes 3,638 votes for themachinists, while 8,746 chose nounion. There were 15,436employees eligible to vote.-Reuters


welder ruled

guilty in 2000

Concorde crashPONTOISE: A French courtfound Continental Airlines anda mechanic at the US airlineguilty of involuntarymanslaughter for their part inthe 2000 Concorde crash, in aruling Continental called"absurd."

The verdict more than adecade after a deadly accidentthat spelled the end of thesupersonic airliner could nowaffect how planes are main-tained and inspected.

The court ruled that a smallmetal strip, which fell onto therunway from a Continental air-craft just before the Concordetook off, caused the crash,which killed 113 people.

Continental, which was fined200,000 euros and ordered topay Concorde's operator AirFrance a million euros in dam-ages, said it would appeal averdict it described as unfairand absurd.

Welder John Taylor washanded a 15-month suspendedprison sentence for having goneagainst industry norms and usedtitanium to forge the piece thatdropped off the plane.

"I do not understand how myclient could be considered tohave sole responsibility for theConcorde crash," lawyerFrancois Esclatine told FrenchiTele television.

Continental, which has sincebeen swallowed to formUnited Continental Holdings,will have to pay 70 per cent ofany damages payable to fami-lies of victims, the ruling said.Airbus parent EADS wouldhave to pay the other 30 percent.

The verdict exposesContinental and EADS to dam-ages claims that could run totens of millions of euros ifinsurance companies seekreimbursement for sumsalready paid to relatives.

Individual damages in suchcases can reach some $3-4 mil-lion in the United States, buttend to be lower in Francewhere damages for wrongfuldeath are closer to $50,000(31,828 pounds) and economiclosses are compensated on astrict scale, legal specialistssay.

A Continental spokesmansaid the ruling showed "thedetermination of the Frenchauthorities to shift attention andblame away from Air France well as from the Frenchauthorities responsible for theConcorde's airworthiness andsafety."

The crash sped up the demiseof the droop-nosed Concorde --the fastest commercial airlinerin history and a symbol ofFranco-British co-operation --as safety concerns coupled witheconomic downturn after 9/11drove away its wealthy cus-tomers.-Reuters

KARACHI: The CathayPacific Airways has announcedthat it will expand its already-extensive international

network by adding two newroutes in 2011 - a four-times-weekly service to Abu Dhabi,the capital city of the UnitedArab Emirates (UAE), com-mencing June 2, and a dailyflight to Chicago in the UnitedStates, which launches onSeptember 1.

It said that the Chicago serv-ice, which will be operated bya Boeing 777-300ER, willboost the airline's presence inNorth America and providepassengers with increased con-nectivity between theMidwestern United States andHong Kong and the rest ofAsia.

Given the demand for travelto other US cities via Chicago,Cathay Pacific intends tolaunch code-share services

from its new gateway withoneworld alliance partnerAmerican Airlines and looksforward to announcing detailsin the near future, theannouncement added.

The Abu Dhabi service willbe operated by an AirbusA330-300 aircraft with depar-tures to and from Hong Kongon Tuesday, Thursday,Saturday and Sunday.

Meanwhile, Airline CathayPacific has announced thatchief operating officer JohnSlosar will take over as chiefexecutive next year when cur-rent head Tony Tyler leaves tohead the industry lobby groupIATA.

In a press release, the HongKong flag carrier said Slosarwould take up the post afterTyler steps down on March 31.Slosar, 54, was managingdirector of parent companySwire Pacific's beverage divi-

sion before joining Cathay in2007.

Tyler, who served as IATA'schairman for a year from June2009, will succeed GiovanniBisignani as director-generaland chief executive of theGeneva-based International AirTransport Association.

He helped bring Cathaythrough one of its toughesttimes during the global finan-cial crisis, which saw a plungein air travel and global exportvolumes.

Tyler told staff that after 32years with the airline his movewould be "a wrench", butadded: "I know I will be leav-ing the company in extremelygood hands."

IATA represents some 230carriers that account for morethan 90 percent of scheduledair traffic globally but does notinclude many of the big budgetairlines.-APP

KUALA LUMPUR:Malaysian crude palm oil fellon Wednesday for the first timein over a week on a firmer USdollar and weaker technicals,and as traders took profits fromthe run of gains.

But the market, which hasrisen 34 per cent in 2010, mayrally further if more monsoonrains lash oil palm estates inMalaysia and dry weatherheightens the risk of a poorSouth American soy crop,traders said.

"The US dollar created someexcuses to take profit as well assome weak technicals. Mostpalm oil players will sit tightuntil the Malaysian Palm OilBoard issues likely bullish dataon Friday," said a dealer with a

foreign trading firm. The benchmark Feb 2011

crude palm oil contract on theBursa Malaysia DerivativesExchange ended 0.4 per centlower at 3,594 ringgit ($1,143)a tonne, easing from a 29-month high hit on Monday.

Traded volume more thandoubled to 24,790 lots of 25tonnes each from the usual10,000 lots as traders bookedprofits after a public holiday onTuesday. Reuters technicalanalysis suggested Malaysian

palm oil will retrace to 3,496ringgit per tonne as it complet-ed a five-wave cycle atMonday's high of 3,618 ringgit.

Other vegetable oils broadlyfell, with China's markets onthe lookout for any monetarytightening from the world'slargest consumer of commodi-ties. US soyoil for Decemberdelivery fell 1.2 per cent andthe most active September2011 soyoil contract on China'sDalian Commodity Exchangedropped 1.5 per cent. -Reuters

Palm snaps 6-day winningstreak on dollar, technicals

9Thursday, December 9, 2010


Cash & Settlement 1310 1250

December (3rd Wednesday) 1320 1260

January (3rd Wednesday) 1320 1260


LME Official Prices, US$ per tonne for December 07 2010

LME Official Prices, US$ per tonne for December 07 2010



Cash buyer 2240 2325 9023 2401 24025 26175 2307 2235

Cash seller 2250 2325.5 9024 2402 24050 26180 2307.5 2240

3-months buyer 2215 2345 8985 2423 24195 26200 2317 2260

3-months seller 2220 2345.5 8986 2427 24200 26225 2318 2270

15-months buyer 2170 2403 8705 2282 23685 25785 2350 2280

15-months seller 2180 2408 8715 2287 23785 25835 2355 2290

27-months buyer 2170 2435 8280 2238 23065 2325 2330

27-months seller 2180 2440 8290 2243 23165 2330 2340


LONDON: Oil fell onWednesday to around $88 abarrel as a US governmentreport showed inventories ofgasoline and other fuels rose inthe world's top consumer,countering lower crude stocks.

Gasoline stocks rose by amore-than-expected 3.81 mil-lion barrels, the EnergyI n f o r m a t i o nAdministrat ionsaid in its report.Stocks of distil-lates, expected todecline, rose by2.15 million bar-rels.

US crude forJanuary was down 57 cents at$88.12 a barrel at 1612 GMTwhile ICE Brent was at $90.88,down 51 cents. US crudereached a 26-month high earli-er this week of $90.76 a barrel.

"We don't have the extremesof yesterday's API number, buton the surface this is a bearishreport showing lacklustredemand with the increase inproducts," said MikeZarembski of OptionsXpressin Chicago.

According to the EIA, US

crude stocks fell by 3.82 mil-lion barrels, more than expect-ed. Industry group theAmerican Petroleum Institute(API) had said on Tuesday theyfell 7.3 million barrels, whiledistillates rose by 1.7 millionbarrels.

Oil had recovered from loss-es earlier on Wednesday,

despite a stronger dollar, onoptimism that US tax cuts willhelp revive economic growthwhile cold weather would con-tinue to support demand.

"The US government extend-ed both tax cuts from the Bushera and the jobless benefits,which are generally both posi-tive for the US oil demand,"said James Zhang fromStandard Bank.

President Barack Obama'sproposal to extend tax cuts wasseveral times reinterpreted by

the market as it aims to supporteconomic growth, but alsounleashed fears about thelonger-term rise in US debt.

Other analysts said thedownward trend could persistif China, the second-largest oilconsumer, was to raise rates tocool down growth.

"For the holiday period themain risk willcome fromChina as theodds for aninterest ratehike areincreasing,"said OlivierJakob from

Petromatrix.The Organization of the

Petroleum ExportingCountries, source of more thana third of the world's oil, meetson Dec. 11 in Ecuador and isnot expected to change its pro-duction policy. OPEC twoyears ago announced a recordproduction cut as recession hitprices and demand, but itscompliance with the agreementhas declined because of recov-ering consumption and risingprices. -Reuters

Crude oil falls to $88as US fuel stocks rise

Europeanvegetableoil prices

ROTTERDAM: The follow-ing were the Wednesday'sRotterdam vegetable oil pricesat 22:00 PST.

RAPEOIL: Dutch/EU eurotonne fob exmill Feb11/Apr111010.00+5.00, May11/Jul111005.00+5.00, Aug11/Oct11955.00+0.00, Nov11/Jan12960.00+0.00.

SUNOIL: EU dlrs tonneextank six ports optionFeb11/Mar11 1420.00-15.00,Apr11/Jun11 1385.00-10.00,Jul11/Sep11 1400.00-10.00.

LINOIL: Any origin dlrstonne extank RotterdamDec11/Jan12 1310.00+37.50.

CRUDE PALM OIL:Sumatra/Malaysia slrs optiondlrs tonne cif R'dam Dec101200.00-5.00, Jan11 1202.50-2.50, Feb11/Mar11 1195.00-10.00, Apr11/Jun11 1177.50-10.00.

PALMOIL: RBD dlrs tonnecif Rotterdam Feb11/Mar111217.50.

PALMOIL: RBD dlrs tonnefob Malaysia Feb11/Mar111172.50.

PALM OLEIN: RBD dlrstonne fob MalaysiaFeb11/Mar11 1182.50,Apr11/Jun11 1152.50-22.50,Jul11/Sep11 1132.50-22.50.

PALM STEARIN: Dlrs tonnefob Malaysia Dec10 1145.00,Jan11 1145.00.

PALM FATTY ACID DIS-TILLATE: Dlrs tonne fobMalaysia Dec10 1030.00.

COCONUT OIL: Phil/Indondlrs tonne cif RotterdamNov10/Dec10 1640.00,Dec10/Jan11 1630.00+10.00,Jan11/Feb11 1630.00+10.00,Feb11/Mar11 1630.00+10.00.

PALMKERNEL OIL:Mal/Indon dlrs tonne cifRotterdam Nov10/Dec101715.00+25.00, Dec10/Jan111715.00+15.00, Jan11/Feb111715.00+15.00.

CASTOROIL: Any origindlrs tonne extank RotterdamFeb11/Mar11 1925.00+0.00. -Reuters

National Commodity Exchange Ltd Trading SummaryDate Commodity Contract Price Open High Low Close Traded Volume Previous Current Open Interest

Date Quotation in lots Settlement Settlement in Lots

Price Price

8-Dec-2010 CRUDE100 JA11 US$ Per Barrel 90.40 90.75 87.70 88.07 326 87.8 88.1 66

8-Dec-2010 CRUDE100 FE11 US$ Per Barrel 90.70 91.08 88.13 88.60 94 88.3 88.6 26

8-Dec-2010 CRUDE100 MA11 US$ Per Barrel 90.96 90.96 89.06 89.06 - 88.8 89.1 -

8-Dec-2010 SILVER - SL500 JA11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 30.51 30.69 28.52 28.88 326 28.6 28.9 35

8-Dec-2010 SILVER - SL500 FE11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 30.49 30.49 28.89 28.89 - 28.6 28.9 -

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 01oz JA11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1426.60 1431.00 1390.80 1391.80 1,890 1392.0 1391.8 834

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 01oz FE11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1427.50 1432.00 1391.00 1392.40 3,035 1392.6 1392.4 1,006

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 01oz MA11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1428.50 1433.00 1392.70 1393.40 2,278 1393.6 1393.4 766

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 100oz JA11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1427.20 1427.20 1391.80 1391.80 - 1392.0 1391.8 -

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 100oz FE11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1431.00 1431.20 1391.60 1392.40 67 1392.6 1392.4 7

8-Dec-2010 GOLD 100oz MA11 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1428.80 1428.80 1392.40 1392.40 - 1393.6 1393.4 -

8-Dec-2010 GOLD DE10 Per 10 grms 39410.00 39458.00 38307.00 38336.00 39 38328.0 38336.0 10

8-Dec-2010 GOLD JA11 Per 10 grms 39446.00 39446.00 38314.00 38348.00 23 38339.0 38348.0 36

8-Dec-2010 GOLD FE11 Per 10 grms 39340.00 39340.00 38362.00 38362.00 - 38354.0 38362.0 -

8-Dec-2010 KILOGOLD DE10 Per 10 grms 39285.00 39285.00 38309.00 38309.00 - 38300.0 38309.0 -

8-Dec-2010 KILOGOLD JA11 Per 10 grms 39297.00 39297.00 38309.00 38309.00 - 38311.0 38320.0 -

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD50 DE10 Per Tola 45835.00 45835.00 44696.00 44696.00 - 44686.0 44696.0 -

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD100 DE10 Per Tola 45835.00 45835.00 44696.00 44696.00 - 44686.0 44696.0 -

8-Dec-2010 MINIGOLD MON Per 10 grms 40403.00 40403.00 39402.00 39402.00 - 39392.0 39402.0 -

8-Dec-2010 MINIGOLD TUE Per 10 grms 40446.00 40446.00 39444.00 39444.00 - 39434.0 39444.0 -

8-Dec-2010 MINIGOLD WED Per 10 grms 40361.00 40361.00 39458.00 39458.00 - 39448.0 39458.0 -

8-Dec-2010 MINIGOLD THU Per 10 grms 40375.00 40375.00 39374.00 39374.00 - 39365.0 39374.0 -

8-Dec-2010 MINIGOLD FRI Per 10 grms 40389.00 40389.00 39388.00 39388.00 - 39378.0 39388.0 -

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD MON Per Tola 46461.00 46461.00 45293.00 45293.00 - 45282.0 45293.0 -

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD TUE Per Tola 46400.00 46510.00 45300.00 45341.00 7 45330.0 45341.0 5

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD WED Per Tola 46412.00 46412.00 45357.00 45357.00 - 45346.0 45357.0 -

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD THU Per Tola 45755.00 46429.00 45261.00 45261.00 12 45250.0 45261.0 19

8-Dec-2010 TOLAGOLD FRI Per Tola 46000.00 46445.00 45200.00 45277.00 2 45266.0 45277.0 10

8-Dec-2010 IRRI6W 09DE10 Per 100 kg 2402.00 2402.00 3301.00 3301.00 - 3302.0 3301.0 -

8-Dec-2010 RICEIRRI - 6 DE10 Per 100 kg 3309.00 3309.00 3308.00 3308.00 - 3309.0 3308.0 -

8-Dec-2010 RBD PALMOLEIN DE10 Per Maund 4914.00 4914.00 4912.00 4912.00 - 4914.0 4912.0 -

8-Dec-2010 KIBOR3M 10-Dec Per Rs. 100 86.53 86.53 86.53 86.53 - 86.5 86.5 -

8-Dec-2010 KIBOR3M 11-Mar Per Rs. 100 85.52 85.93 85.52 85.93 - 86.0 85.9 -

Note: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 06:00 pm of previous day to 06:00 pm of current day

Tokyo rubber

pares losses

on weaker yenTOKYO: Key Tokyo rubberfutures edged higher onWednesday on supply concernsand as a weaker yen revivedappetite from investors afterthey took profits from priceshovering near 30-year highs.

The key Tokyo CommodityExchange rubber contract forMay delivery settled at 377.2yen per kg, up 1 yen or 0.3 percent. The most active Shanghairubber futures for May deliveryfell 1,025 yuan to close at32,200 yuan ($4,845) pertonne. Volume picked up to896,800 lots from 683,698 lotson Tuesday.

Traders have said thatTOCOM sentiment was hurt bythe recent weakness inShanghai rubber futures onconcerns over measures fromChina to contain inflation.

Traders have also said wor-ries about supply shortageskept support firm, although thatalone was unlikely to pushTOCOM futures to fresh peaks.

Asian physical rubber pricesdefied weakening Tokyofutures and rose again onWednesday after heavy rainscurbed supply in the main pro-ducing countries. -Reuters

AHMEDABAD - MUMBAI: An Indian saleswoman arranges 22-carat gold necklaces in a shop in

Ahmedabad. -Agencies

NEW YORK: US cottonfutures ended down for a sec-ond consecutive day onTuesday, as prices extended aphase of consolidation fromrecent gains and buyers sidedwith caution in front of a gov-ernment crop report due atthe end of the week, brokerssaid.

'It was a consolidation day,'said Mike Stevens, an inde-pendent cotton analyst inMandeville, Louisiana.

'We did not come close toyesterday's highs and thatwas a bit of a disappointmentto the bulls. It wasn't failure

... it was a consolidation day.' The benchmark March cot-

ton contract on ICE FuturesUS eased 0.06 cent to end at$1.3037 per lb, after movingfrom $1.2821 to $1.3425.

'We sold off, but did notviolate yesterday's lows,'Stevens said, adding short-term technical support at the21-day moving average heldthe downside in check.

Volume reached 22,600 lotsby 2000 GMT, about 37 percent below the 30-day aver-age of 36,000 lots, ThomsonReuters preliminary datashowed.

Market players expect vol-umes to remain relatively lowahead of the monthly sup-ply/demand report from theUS Agriculture Departmentdue out on Friday.

Furthermore, traders willalso focus on the USDA'sweekly crop progress reporton Monday at 2100 GMT.

Analytical firm InformaEconomics upped its US cot-ton plantings forecast in 2011to 12.2 million acres, a 4-yearhigh and nearly 12 per centhigher than 2010 cotton sow-ings of 10.909 million acres. -Reuters

US cotton endsdown for 2nd day

LONDON: Copper prices turnedpositive late on Wednesday, tokeep within touching distance ofrecord highs, as worries overtight supplies offset a firmer dol-lar and lingering concerns on ratehikes in China.

Three-month copper on theLondon Metal Exchange closedWednesday at $9,015 a tonne.The metal used in power and con-struction hit a record high $9,044on Tuesday before dipping backto end the day at $8,880.

"Markets are shrugging offmacro concerns -- the expectationof higher investor physicaldemand through ETPs, and there-fore tighter markets, is drivingmetals at the moment," saidDavid Wilson, an analyst atSociete Generale.

In general stocks of copper atLME warehouses have declinedsince February, indicating a pick-up in demand and against a back-drop of tight supply. The latestdata showed stocks fell 1,125tonnes to 350,250 tonnes, on theirway to the biggest annual declinein six years. Traders and analystssaw room for more correction inprices in the short term afterTuesday's rally, given broaderworries about the euro-zone'sability to keep debt woes fromspreading.

An official newspaper onTuesday said China is likely toraise interest rates in the comingdays in a demonstration of the

government's resolve to tameinflation.

Fears of an interest rate hike inChina have stoked worries aboutdemand from the world's top cop-

per consumer.Meanwhile, investors kept an

eye on a dominant position con-trolling between 50 and 80 percent of cash warrants for tin, cop-per and nickel, subject to LMElending guidance.

Large holdings of LME stockscan occur unintentionally and arenot unusual for large companieswith many divisions and clientsthat delve into metals markets.

A lack of copper supply fromDecember has underpinnedprices of the three-month con-tract, with the price of metal fornearby delivery having traded at apremium against the benchmarkcontract since early November.

Among other metals zinc endedat $2,314 a tonne from $2,305.Lead closed at $2,405 from$2,398 a tonne, while nickelended at $24,000 from $24,095 atonne. Aluminium ended at$2,375 from $2,305 a tonne.

Tin was untraded at the closebut last bid at $25,600 from$25,100. -Reuters

Copper back nearrecord highs,

ETPs eyed

Cocoa eases;

focus remains

on Ivorian crisisLONDON: ICE cocoa futureseased on Wednesday fromTuesday's four-month high asinvestors locked in gains in anervous market and continuedto eye Ivory Coast tensions fol-lowing a disputed presidentialelection.

Sugar prices rose on uncer-tainty about anticipated exportsfrom India while coffee futureseased, pressured partly by astronger dollar.

Second-month, March cocoafutures on ICE were down $40or 1.3 per cent at $3,044 atonne at 1635 GMT, still withinsight of Tuesday's four-monthpeak of $3,140.

Liffe second-month cocoawas down 25 pounds or 1.2 percent to 2,013 pounds per tonne,not far off Tuesday's four-month high of 2,081 pounds.

ICE raw sugar rose and themarket waited for India toannounce when and how muchsugar they will export.

The market also derived sup-port from expectations of asugar deficit in China.

China will face a sugar short-fall of more than 2 milliontonnes this crop year, the thirdstraight deficit as consumptionoutpaces production growth,the official China SecuritiesJournal reported onWednesday.

ICE March raw sugar was up0.59 cent or 2.1 per cent at29.00 cents a lb. Liffe Marchwhite sugar rose $3.40 to$735.70 per tonne.

ICE arabica coffee futureswere lower, in line with overallweakness in the commoditycomplex, as shaky confidencein global economic growthdampened investor sentiment.

Coffee prices eased as out-side markets continued to influ-ence the direction of commodi-ties.

ICE March arabicas weredown 5.4 cent at $2.025 per lb,while Liffe March robusta cof-fee futures were down $11 at$1,866 a tonne. -Reuters

LONDON: Gold was set forits largest one-day fall in amonth on Wednesday after ini-tial weakness stemming from astronger dollar was exacerbat-ed by a flurry of profit-taking aday after the metal reached arecord peak.

Gold hit an all-time high at$1,430.95 an ounce onTuesday as risk aversion flaredin the euro-zone, but has nowfallen by about 3.8 per centafter the rally ran out of steam.

Spot gold was bid at$1,375.02 an ounce at 1600GMT, against $1,400.86 late inNew York on Monday, havingearlier fallen by as much as 2.1per cent to a one-week low of$1,371.45. US gold futures forFebruary delivery fell $36.0 anounce to $1,373.10.

"It really is just good oldfashioned profit-taking," saidCredit Agricole analyst RobinBhar. "This year every timegold makes a new high, it sub-sequently, collapses," headded.

"It is noticeable that we hadquite an influx of momentumtraders as well, as the price wasmoving higher and they'renotorious for being short-termplayers."

Setting gold on the backfoot

early in the day was a rally inthe dollar, after a proposedextension in US tax cutsprompted a spike in bondyields on Tuesday, which inturn raised the cost of holdinggold to non-US investors.

While gold has shaken off itstraditional inverse relationshipwith the US currency in thepast, when risk aversion hasworsened, this has not been thecase this week, when the nega-tive correlation has strength-

ened.On the investment front,

holdings of the world's largestgold-backed exchange-tradedfund, the SPDR Gold Trust,eased to 1,297.726 tonnes byDec 7 from 1,298.030 tonnes aday before.

The world's largest silver ETF,iShares Silver Trust, said itsholdings hit another record at10,941.34 tonnes by Wednesday.Silver was bid at $28.09 anounce against $28.66, still welloff the 30-year high at $30.68 itreached on the previous day,causing the gold/silver ratio inturn to pull back from its recentnear-four year low.

Platinum was at $1,671.74 anounce against $1,688.50, whilepalladium was at $718.22 ver-sus $729.97. -Reuters

Gold slides, draggedby dollar strength

Shanghai copper fallsShanghai, the benchmark

third month copper contract

lost 0.8 per cent to 65,940

yuan ($9,922) a tonne.

Indian sugarcloses steadyMUMBAI: India's spot sugarended steady on Wednesday asaccelerated cane crushing out-weighed hopes the governmentwill allow exports of the sweet-ener, dealers said.

"Cane crushing has picked upin Maharashtra and UttarPradesh. Most mills in bothstates have started operations,"said a member of the BombaySugar Merchants Association.

Sugar output in Maharashtrarose by 11 per cent to 1.21 mil-lion tonnes so far in the 2010/11season that began on Oct. 1, dueto higher cane crushing, a sen-ior industry official told Reutersearlier this week.

In Kolhapur, a key market intop-producing Maharashtrastate, the most traded S-varietyedged up by 0.14 per cent to2,793 rupees ($62) per 100 kg.

India, the world's number 2sugar producer after Brazil,could approve "open generallicence" sugar exports in threetranches of 500,000 tonneseach in December, January andFebruary, a senior industry offi-cial told Reuters last month. -Reuters

China interest rates, OPEC meeting in focus

10Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wie of the US plays shot during the DubaiLadies Masters European Tour golf tourney

Farhat sendslegal noticeto Mazhar

MajeedKARACHI: Pakistani Testopener Imran Farhat hasbecome the first player to senda legal notice to Pakistanibookmaker Mazhar Majeed fornaming him among a group ofseven players allegedlyinvolved in spot-fixing.

Farhat has sent the noticethrough his lawyer in theUnited Kingdom, John Tinker.

"The notice will be deliveredto Mazhar Majeed in personand we have asked him toeither tender an unconditionalapology or face a suit for dam-ages," Farhat said.

Farhat also added that hewas upset and disturbed by theallegations made by Mazharagainst him and he wanted toexpose the man.

"I can't tolerate anyone mak-ing such allegations against meand trying to defame me," hesaid.

Mazhar, who was the agentfor several Pakistani players,said in a video that wasreleased by the 'News of theWorld' tabloid last August inEngland that he had bribedSalman Butt, MohammadAamer and Mohammad Asif todeliberately bowl no-balls inthe fourth Test against Englandat Lords.

The ICC subsequently sus-pended the trio who are nowfacing several charges fromthe ICC anti-corruption andsecurity unit.

Last week in a leaked videoshown on Geo News channel,Mazhar claimed that he hasfour other players working forhim.

Mazhar named Imran Farhat,Kamran Akmal, Umar Akmaland Wahab Riaz as thoseworking for him.

All the four players havesaid they will be sending himlegal notices but Imran hasbecome the first one to actual-ly do so.-Agencies

KARACHI: Swiss govern-ment to investigate corrup-tion in sports bodies in wakeof FIFA decisions overWorld Cups.

The Swiss government isto investigate the risk of cor-ruption in sports bodiesbased in the country follow-ing FIFA's award of the2018 and 2022 World Cuptournaments to Russia andQatar respectively.

FIFA is among more than50 governing bodies basedin Switzerland that currentlybenefit from favourable leg-islative and tax arrange-ments, including exemptionfrom Swiss anti-corruptionlegislation.

But following the conclu-sion of the 2018 and 2022bid campaigns, which weremired in allegations of cor-ruption and deal-making, the

Swiss government is toreview these arrangements.

At a news conferenceSwiss Federal CouncillorUeli Maurer said the govern-ment was "concerned" aboutthe rise in corruption allega-tions, and confirmed that thesports ministry has beenmandated to begin investi-gating how deal with corrup-tion in sport.

Maurer said that thatrecent allegations againstsports bodies have made theissue a priority:"Switzerland must become amodel in fighting corruptionin sport," he said.

FIFA general secretaryJerome Valcke said thisweek that there were noplans to reform its biddingor voting system, and saidthe process had been han-dled "perfectly".-APP

Swiss govt toinspect corruptionin sports bodies

MANCHESTER: ManchesterUnited needed a rare goal fromAnderson in a game burstingwith missed chances for theirmore usual scorers to draw 1-1with Valencia on Tuesday andsecure top spot in ChampionsLeague Group C.

The 22-year-old Brazilianmidfielder scored only his sec-ond goal since joining in 2007to bring United level after theSpaniards had taken a first-halflead through Pablo Hernandez.

United needed to avoiddefeat at Old Trafford to winthe group and peppered theValencia goal with chancesbefore their hopes of becomingthe first team to go through thegroup stage without concedingwere dashed with the opener.

Dimitar Berbatov, whoscored five goals in United's 7-1 win in their last PremierLeague match againstBlackburn Rovers, threatenedto open the floodgates againbut saw chances from his headand feet repeatedly blocked bykeeper Vicente Guaita.

"Berba could have scoredanother five," ManchesterUnited manager Alex Fergusontold a news conference. "Hewas unlucky, the goalkeepermade two great saves from

him."We played a lot of good

football, we had a lot of goodchances. I was pleased the pen-etration of the team was goodbut I just felt that about fiveminutes after we scored thegoal, and we should have gone2-1 up in that time, we startedto settle for what we had andthat is always a dangerousgame. (It was) a lack of experi-ence in the back there."

Ferguson had fielded the 20-year-old Da Silva twins, Rafaeland Fabio, on either side ofexperienced central defendersRio Ferdinand and NemanjaVidic. Ferdinand went off justafter halftime with a tight ham-string and was replaced by 21-year-old Chris Smalling.

SWIFT BREAKAfter a bright start by two

teams who had already quali-fied for the next round, Unitedwent behind when midfielderPablo Hernandez slotted homein the 32nd minute after a swiftbreak.

Young home keeper BenAmos, a surprise name on theteam sheet, was beaten afterthe midfielder was set up byAlejandro Dominguez afterUnited's Michael Carrick lostpossession in midfield.-Reuters

Andersongoal puts

United on top

Sana getsfemalesoccer


LAHORE: Pakistan FootballFederation (PFF) hasapproved National ChampionYoung Rising Star's captainand central defender SanaMehmood as new captain ofPakistan National WomenTeam to take part in SAFFWomen championship beingplayed from December 12Bangladesh.

Pakistan is placed in GroupB of the eight-nationevent.The other teams inGroup B Nepal, Afghanistanand Maldives. Group A com-prises India, Sri Lanka andBhutan.Two top teams fromeach of the two groups willplay in the semifinal.

Sana, 21, took over the cap-tain's arm band from midfield-er Ishrat Fatima of Lahore'sSports Sciences Department(Punjab University) who cap-tained Pakistan at Dhaka'sBangabandhu NationalStadium earlier this year infive-nation League of 11thSouth Asian Games 2010.Ishrat is also in the squad.HEC's Asmaa Usman will actas Sana's deputy.

The 18-player squad for theFirst-ever SAFF WomenChampionship had alreadybeen finalized. Young RisingStar's Asmara Habib,HESCO's Naila Rani, andDiya FC's Marium Laghariwill earn international cap forthe first time while other 15,including Sana, have alreadyrepresented Pakistan in 11thSouth Asian Games.-APP

LAHORE: Pakistan's topranked tennis player SamirIftikhar has justified his selec-tion by Asian Tennis federationfor the elite "high performanceevaluation camp" by beatingIndonesian and former top 100junior David Agung in 3 setmarathon match with scores 6/76/2 10/2 (super tie break) in theround robin matches atBangkok.

Samir has put up sterling per-formance in the camp whichbegan from December 28 to pol-ish the skills of most outstandingjunior tennis players of Asia,said the information made avail-able here.

Samir lost the first set in the tiebreak at 6/7 and made magnifi-

cent come back afterwards bydisplaying skilful to win the sec-ond set. He final set went intosuper tie break where Samirbroke the experiencedIndonesian serve with powerfulreturns and won the super tiebreak at 10/2.

Samir had earlier won 2matches by beating former top80 ranked Warit Sornbutnark andKongpop Lertchai of Thailandand lost to world number 74Viadic Munsshaw of India's in anail biting match 4/6 6/2 8/10having led 8/6 in the super tiebreak . The Asian TennisFederation has invited 9 eliteUnder 20 players from Asia forover all evaluation by the reputedInternational Coaches and physi-

cal trainers from US, Argentina,Spain . Samir has been emergedon top in fitness after the resultsof the fitness test.

Samir's father and formerDavis cupper Tayyab Iftikharwho is in Bangkok with Samir ascoach told APP that Samir hasimproved his game to a higherlevel amid the presence ofworlds qualified coaches whoseguidance has encouraged theyoung tennis player to attainmore glory for the country.

"Samir alongwith other partic-ipants is undergoing six hoursdaily training and practice andthe experience which the playersare gaining will really help themto become good seasoned tennisplayers.-APP

Samir shines at HPECcamp in Thailand

KARACHI: The dramarevolving around JavedMiandad's appointment asPakistan's batting consultantfinally ended when thePakistan Cricket Board (PCB)Chairman Ijaz Butt successful-ly removed the former cap-tain's concerns about the job.

Miandad, who also holds thepost of Director-General in thePCB, met the chairman yester-day to express his concerns onthe matter that turned bitterafter coach Waqar Younis'

comments on his appointment.The former captain, who earli-er showed his willingness toassist Pakistan batsmen follow-ing the PCB's offer for the tourof New Zealand and the pre-ceding training camp, was leftfuming after Younis said hewould have to work accordingto his described limits.

The batting legend hascoached Pakistan three timesand was also unhappy after hewas given the condition that hewould have to work under

Younis which he refused.However, Ijaz had a successfulmeeting with the former cap-tain after which he confirmedhis appointment.

"Miandad will work as thebatting consultant for the tourand will attend the trainingcamp as well," said Ijaz.Miandad, however, is yet toconfirm his travel with theteam, saying that he "will assistthe batsmen during the campbut has not decided about trav-elling with the team yet".-APP

Miandad to assistPakistan players

KARCHI: The way Australiaare playing it is going to bevery hard indeed to win two ofthe next three Tests and regainthe Ashes.

These are uncharted watersfor Australia. This is the firsttime England have beatenthem by an innings in Australiafor 24 years. That is a long,long time and England have ahell of a reason to celebrateand be excited.

It seems like it is a real rolereversal. Both sides have beenpretty even for some time, butnow England look like the bet-ter team and they have provedthey are not scared ofAustralia.

This performance hereproves that all the talk beforethe Ashes was not a phoneywar. They are a team of 11believers and they are playingwith confidence and passion.They believe they have gotwhat it takes to beat Australiain Australia.

This is crunch time for myold team. They are 1-0 downand have to make some harddecisions about all parts oftheir game - their bowling,their batting and their plans.

They have to crack the ques-tion of how are we going tobeat England, but they have lit-tle time to find the formula.

It will be very hard forAustralia to win the series evenif they draw in Perth. IfEngland win at the Waca theywill be unstoppable, and couldwin three or four nil, whichwould be an unbelievableresult.

But do not look too far aheadif you are an England fan,because I know Australia willfight. They showed guts andfight in the second innings atAdelaide, and let's just seewhat happens. The next fewdays will be an interestingtime to see what Australiadecide to do.

They need to work out a way

of getting 20 wickets and theyneed to find a leader of theattack. Who is that? No onesprings to mind at the moment,but making inroads into thattop order is crucial and some-thing that has been absent fromthis current side.

Spin-bowling options aredifficult. Xavier Doherty hasnot had an ideal situation tocome in and play two Testmatches. He has been behindthe eight ball every time so it isvery hard if they say, "Sorry,you are out mate". He wasobviously a Ricky Pontingselection. He wanted him in,but given the situation of theseries, Australia may need togo with an experienced player.

We are now back to what Isaid before the series started.Where do they go? Do they optfor Nathan Hauritz or a wrist-spinner like Steve Smith? Dothey play two spinners or noneat all and prepare a green,grassy wicket in Perth? That

would be a big gamble againstEngland's seam attack. Thepitch is not fast and bouncythese days, so maybe you get alocal guy who knows the Perthconditions, like left-arm spin-ner Michael Beer. Sometimeshorses for courses works.Australia have to explore alloptions and win this next matchto get back in this series. Theyneed to look at all avenues andgo all out for a win.

There has been a bit writtenin Australia and people havebeen asking me about makinga comeback. All I can say isthat it is very flattering to hearthose words. It must be toughfor Ricky Ponting at themoment. Leading a losingteam and being the only cap-tain who could lose threeAshes series in the modern erais hard for such a great player.Let's hope he can get back inthe runs in Perth, which willhelp his cause andAustralia's.-Agencies

Aussies dumped deep in trouble

Aqeel insingles semis

of Khybertennis c’ship

PESHAWAR: Davis Cupperand top seed Aqeel Khandefeated Shehzad Khan toreach into the semi-finals ofthe Men's singles event of the29th Chief of Air Staff KhyberCup Tennis Championshipbeing played here at OfficerMess Courts on Tuesday.

A spirited Aqeel althoughfaced tough resistance at thehands of Shehzad Khan, espe-cially in the second gamewhere they were tied 6-6.Aqeel Khan got the first set by6-4 without facing any hardship apart from a little resist-ance from Shehzad Khan.

Shehzad Khan is base lineplayer tried his hard to keepaway Aqeel from the net hethinks Aqeel can strike but hefailed as Aqeel fully dominat-ed and took the set by 7-6 toseal the fate of Shehzad Khanto 2-0.

In the second quarter-finalYasir Khan beat MuhammadAbid in a thrilling three setsbattle lasted for one hour and20 minutes. The score was 6-0,2-6 and 6-3. Tanveer Ashiqdefeated Muniq Aashiq inanother thrilling match lastedfor one hour and 30 minutes.Tanveer took the first set by 6-2 but failed to come up in thesecond won by Munir at 4-6. Inthe third game tough battle waswitnessed between Tanveerand Munir in the third set wonby Tanveer at 7-5 (6-6).-APP

LONDON: Manchester United's Wayne Rooney shoots past Valencia's Alejandro Dominguez during theirChampions League Group C soccer match.-Reuters

11Thursday, December 9, 2010

International & Continuation


Japanmachineryorder fall

signalstough times

TOKYO: Japanese coremachinery orders fell at aslightly faster pace than expect-ed in October, in a sign thatcompanies are holding backspending due to the yen's stub-born strength and slowingdemand at home and abroad.

The data provides further evi-dence that the economy'srecovery since last year isscreeching to a halt as exportsslow and stimulus-drivendomestic consumption wanes,with economists predicting amodest contraction in GDP inthe current quarter.

Adding to the murky outlookfor the economy, bank lendingmarked its 12th straight monthof annual declines in Novemberas ample fund supplies by theBank of Japan fail to filterthrough the economy due tocompanies' reluctance to invest.

"The machinery orders datasuggests corporate capitalspending has not fully recov-ered to the pre-crisis level andmay see a slowdown in the cur-rent quarter and next quarter asthe economy stalls," saidTakeshi Minami, chief econo-mist at Norinchukin ResearchInstitute.

"If forthcoming Japaneseeconomic data turns out to besimilarly dour, the Bank ofJapan is likely to be promptedto take fresh action."

Economists expect the econo-my to resume its recovery earlynext year on the strength ofemerging economies, but thisscenario is far from assured dueto China's policy tightening,weakness in the US job marketand credit worries in Europe.

Core machinery orders fell1.4 per cent in October from theprevious month, down for asecond straight month, CabinetOffice data showed onWednesday.-Reuters

BRUSSELS: The EuropeanCommission unveiled plans onWednesday to clamp down onspeculators in commoditiessuch as grain, following in thefootsteps of Washington whichhas already acted to preventspikes in food prices.

The EU executive wantstraders to disclose their posi-tions, a cap on mega-trades andpower for regulators to inter-vene in order to curb specula-tors suspected of driving foodand energy prices to recordhighs in 2008.

"If someone is doing some-thing which affects the marketthen he or she must be held toaccount," Michel Barnier, theEU commissioner in charge ofthe reform, told journalists."Hyper-speculation is scan-dalous."

Barnier, a former Frenchagriculture minister,announced his blueprint fornew rules as France continuesto push for tighter regulation ofthe sector, having taken overthe presidency of the Group of20 (G20) top globaleconomies.

France, the EU's biggestgrain producer, wants to stemspeculation on futures marketsdesigned to help farmers guardagainst the risks of a poor cropby guaranteeing a payout at afixed price.

Barnier's proposals, whichcould become law in 2012, arepart of a sweeping reform ofEU rules known as MiFID (the

Markets in FinancialInstruments Directive), whichgovern financial instruments.Many blame financial toolssuch as derivatives for globaleconomic difficulties and saythe existing regulations failedto keep such trading in check.

Barnier will also tackle high-frequency trading, the millisec-ond buying and selling bycomputers of stocks and bondsthat is suspected of triggeringthe flash crash in July, whenUS stock markets plunged,only to recover within minutes.

The change to rules will alsodemand more information forregulators about trading pricesin so-called dark pools, wherethe price of a deal is publishedonly after it has happened.

"This reform has been over-due because the markets brokedown in the same way as banksdid," said Sony Kapoor, afinancial expert with Londonthink tank Re-define.

"No one knows what is goingon in the markets in Europe.They are playing catch-up withthe United States. Regulatorsthere already know more abouthow the markets work."

As part of Wednesday's pro-posals, the Commission alsolaunched a push to raise penal-ties across the region for finan-cial crimes such as insider trad-ing, and to force national regu-lators to name and shameoffenders.

The EU executive is leadinga shake-up of financial services

across the 27-country EU afterwhat began as a freeze in banklending led to recession,widening budget deficits andultimately sucked whole coun-tries into a debt crisis.

Its proposals will need thebacking of the European par-liament as well as powerful EUmember states such asGermany and France.

European commodity mar-kets are under pressure to tight-en regulation as the UnitedStates pushes forward withplans to tame speculative activ-ity.

"I don't think there is any rea-son why we Europeans shouldbe any less rigorous than theAmericans," Barnier said.

Politicians have repeatedlyblamed financial speculatorsfor causing the global financialcrisis but officials in Brusselsare grappling to understandhow big their role really was.

A recent internal study failedto find a link between a gov-ernment's cost of borrowingand swings in the price ofinsuring against debt defaultthrough credit default swaps --an area that had been identifiedas a cause of concern.

"Complaints that speculationleads to market manipulationmisunderstands what drives thecommodity markets, which isfundamental demand and sup-ply," said Andrew Moorfield,head of the oil and gas divisionof banking group Lloyds.-Reuters

EU unveils drive tocontrol commodity

speculatorsBERLIN: German industrialoutput soared past expecta-tions and France's central bankupped its forecast for fourth-quarter growth on Wednesday,signs that Europe's biggesteconomies are speeding aheadwhile the debt crisis puts thebrakes on smaller peers.

Upbeat economic signs fromGermany, France and Britainalso contrasted with the UnitedStates, where authorities arestill worried enough about jobsand growth to be taking newsteps on taxes and bond-buy-ing to stimulate the economy.

German industrial produc-tion rose by 2.9 per cent on themonth in seasonally adjustedterms, beating even the mostupbeat forecasts in a Reutersmedian poll of 1.0 per cent,preliminary data from theEconomy Ministry showed onWednesday.

That adds to evidenceEurope's largest economy willstart 2011 in high gear, even asa sovereign debt crisis andresulting budget austerityundermines hopes for growthin Spain, Portugal, Ireland andothers.

The crisis has alreadyprompted Greece and Irelandto seek EU/IMF aid and fearsare spreading that Lisbon andpossibly Madrid could be next.

"The data show the corecountries in the euro zone arein good shape, with Germanyleading the pack. Only theperipheral states are strug-gling," said Fabienne Riefer,an economist at PostbankResearch. "The divergence ishere to stay for 2011."

French firms capitalised onGermany's stronger imports byexporting more to Germany inOctober and France's centralbank also raised its fourthquarter growth forecast to 0.6

per cent in a report onWednesday.

UK manufacturing figureswere again upbeat, reinforcingthe case for countries to presson with strong budget consoli-dation.

However, a survey of pur-chasing managers earlier thismonth in Greece, which isgoing through its deepestrecession since 1974, showedits manufacturing sector con-tinued to contract inNovember, with domesticdemand weak.

Meanwhile, a key gauge ofbusiness confidence inPortugal fell for a secondstraight month in November.


The strong tone contrastswith the United States, wherethe jobless rate last month hit aseven-month high andPresident Barack Obama hasagreed to extend tax cuts fortwo years to reinflate the econ-omy.

The deal with Republicans topreserve Bush-era tax cutsgave stock markets a boostacross the globe, but concernsit may also spell longer-termbudget strife drove US bondyields to six-month highs.

That compares with effortsby the Federal Reserve, whichthis week hardened its tone ona $600 billion bond-buyingprogramme that aims to bringyields and borrowing costsdown.

US 10-year yields are around70 basis points above wherethey were when the Fedannounced its "QE2" bond-buying programme in earlyNovember.

Li Daokui, an academicadviser to the Chinese centralbank pointed to questionmarksover Washington's fiscalapproach in comparison to

European governments whohave been desperately cuttingback on spending in a bid toease pressure on marketyields.

"For now, market attention isstill on Europe and for thecoming 6-12 months, it willnot shift to the United States,"Li said when asked about USPresident Barack Obama'splan to extend tax cuts for allAmericans.

"But we should be clear inour minds that the fiscal situa-tion in the United States ismuch worse than in Europe.

Employment in the UnitedStates barely grew inNovember, hardening viewsthe Federal Reserve will stickto its $600 billion plan to shoreup the anemic recovery.

Other data from Germanyshowed unadjusted importsrose to a post-war record inOctober -- a sign of risingdomestic demand whichEuropean and global peershope will spread the benefitsof German growth and helpease global imbalances.

Euro zone peers have criti-cised Germany for its relianceon exports and weak consumerspending but imports fromeuro zone countries toGermany rose 17 per centcompared to a year ago.

"As domestic demand recov-ers in Germany, that may helpthe peripheral countries, butthat won't be a topic before2012," said Riefer atPostbank.

Economists expect the eurozone economy to expand 1.7per cent in an uneven recoverythis year, the highest in twoyears of polling. It is thenexpected to slow to 1.4 percent next year before pickingup again to 1.7 per cent in2012.-Reuters

Europe data upbeat,market eyes new

US stimulus

Tokyo have a legacy of bitterness stemming from Japan's bru-tal colonial rule of Korea and a dispute over islands. Mullen saidhe was encouraged to see South Korea sending observers to thisweek's US-Japan joint military drill and applauded a trilateralmeeting of foreign ministers in Washington.

"I would hope that we would see more trilateral action in theregion in the future," he added. A US aircraft carrier group, themilitary's ultimate show of strength, has been involved in itsrecent combined maneuvers with South Korea and Japan. Moredrills will irritate China which says they are threatening andbring instability to the region. On Tuesday, Beijing hit back at theUnited States and its Asian allies for their refusal to talk to NorthKorea, saying dialogue was the only way to calm escalating ten-sion on the divided Korean peninsula.

But Mullen said the Chinese must do more. "They are a worldleader and leaders must lead -- particularly to prevent crises andto prevent the kinds of destabilising activities that are very evi-dent coming out of the leadership in Pyongyang," he said.

"China has unique influence. Therefore, they bear uniqueresponsibility," Mullen told a news conference in Seoul.

He said the US and South Korean militaries would avoid tak-ing steps that would escalate into a conflict on the peninsula.

"The North should not mistake this restraint as a lack of resolve-- nor should they interpret it as willingness to accept continuedattacks to go unchallenged," he said. -Reuters

Continued from page 12No #1

September, Crowley suggested. "We will have further conversa-tions on the substance with the parties, and we will continue to tryto find ways to create the kind of confidence that will eventually,we hope, allow them to engage directly," he said. But while thePalestinians expressed dismay at the US announcement, the Israeliright could hardly contain its delight. "Israel has held out and notgiven in to the Americans' bizarre and extreme demands and thesky has not fallen on our heads," crowed Danny Dayan, head of theYesha Council of settlers."Finally, Israel's credibility has beenstrengthened because it defended its own national interests andeveryone who thought we wouldn't stand up to US pressure hasbeen proved wrong," Dayan told Israel's army radio. -Agencies

Continued from page 12No #2

as some issues that fell entirely within the Assembly's domain,they were instead taken up by the Security Council. -Online

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Dr Abdul Wahid Soomro, Dr Talat Mahesar, Sardar TalibHassan Nakai, Syed Haider Ali Shah, Malik Nauman AhmadLangerial and Shagufta Sadiq besides Secretaries, Ministers ofPorts & Shipping, Commerce and Additional Secretary, Ministryof Defence. -Reuters

Continued from page 12No #4

country, how can a country run its industrial sector when thereis no gas, how can poverty and unemployment be eliminatedunder the current prevalent conditions.Sharif said there is no needfor RGST when the money acquired will be consumed during theprocess, and if we can save this tax money then we do not needthe Kari Lugar bill, he added before imposing RGST the govern-ment should first curb corruption. -Online

Continued from page 12No #5

December, 20, he told. Responding to a question he said oppos-ing process of transferring of ministries to the provinces by someministers is their personal stance. Parliamentary committee willcall these ministers in its meeting, he said adding the ministriesof education and health would however be transferred to theprovinces.He was of the view that no employee of federal gov-ernment would be sacked nor would be sent to surplus pool.

President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousuf

Continued from page 12No #6

Raza Gilani would decide about the fate of the ministers inrespect of the ministries which had been devolved to theprovinces, he told. -Online

your investments, we desire joint ventures, and we want to worktogether in the spirit of win-win partnership," he said. Reiteratinghis government's desire for a greater, more extensive and robusttrade and economic relations with Turkey, he assured the Turkishbusinessmen of providing them conducive and enabling environ-ment to do business in Pakistan.

Gilani said his visit to Istanbul had a particular focus to interactwith the local businessmen and find out the ways to give a strategicdirection to the commercial and economic relations betweenPakistan and Turkey. He said despite Pak-Turk friendship, thestrong ties somehow had not been translated into robust trade andeconomic relations, as the bilateral trade volume of around $782million did not reflect the potential and the opportunities that exist-ed in the two countries. He said despite some external and internalshocks in shape of global financial crisis, volatility in oil prices andenergy shortfall, Pakistan's economy had shown resilience and amodest growth this year. He said many attractive incentives wereavailable including 100% equity ownership, full repatriation of cap-ital, tax breaks, and customs duty concessions on import of plantand machinery and raw materials. He said Special Economic Zoneshad been created with efficient infrastructure where one-windowfacility was being offered by the Board of Investment.-Agencies

Continued from page 1No #7

Executive Vice-President and Country Head, Agriculture,Askari Commercial Bank, Farooq Abid Tung, CEO Icepak Ltd,Mansoor Arifeen, Chief Executive Specialists Group Inc. farmersSultan Barq and Dr Syed Nadeem Qamar of Sindh AgricultureChamber would be members of the committee.

As a result, out of total outstanding agri. advances in affectedareas of Rs 53 billion, Rs 32 billion had become non-performing.

Continued from page 1No #8

China and Pakistan call each other "all-weather friends" andtheir close ties have been underpinned by long-standing warinessof their common neighbour, India, and a desire to hedge againstUS influence in the region.

China is Pakistan's main supplier of conventional arms and ana-lysts believe China supported Pakistan's nuclear weapons pro-gramme in past decades.-Agencies

Continued from page 1No #9

agri-tax said it should not be aimed at all farmers but thosewhose earnings exceed Rs0.3 million, added it is irony that feudallords earn big bucks through other channels, but show them underagri-head thus evade the tax net.

Tareen spelling out three points for the progress of Pakistaneconomy said that merit should be held at top of the priority, alldecisions should be taken keeping the national interest in fore, andinfluential class should respect the law and don't consider them-selves above it.

Continued from page 1No #10

conjunction with Nomura Dubai, the forum will showcase awide range of Pakistani companies including Pakistan PetroleumLimited (PPL), Pakistan State Oil (PSO), Oil & Gas DevelopmentCompany Limited (OGDCL), Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited(SNGPL), Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) and PakistanMineral Development Corporation (PMDC), Pakistan Railways,Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO), Pakistan Steel,ENGRO, Luck, HUBCO, MCB, Bestway, BMA, AKD Securities,Jahangir Siddique, Arif Habib, KASB Bank, Trust Bank, Barclaysand SCB.

Senator Khan has been invited by the London Stock Exchangefor the keynote address. The minister is accompanied by highlevel representatives of large number of companies besides the

Continued from page 1No #11

the Assembly's premises however, they could not make into the main hall thanks to heavy contin-gents of police.At least two vehicles were torched on the violent spot. -NNI

Continued from page 1No #12

another report regarding sale of BPL shares.Qazi Hussain in his petition objected to government'smove to purchase its sold out assets from British Petroleum (BP) at exorbitant rates.

Continued from page 1No #13

Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Privatisation, Senator Wasim Sajjad and members of thePrivatization Committee Senators Adnan Shah, Ilyas Bilour and Imtiaz Shaikh.

The event will showcase the opportunities available to international investors in the Pakistan econ-omy and is designed to both represent a number of Pakistan based listed and public companies andconnect them with a wide range of senior representatives from the international buy-side investorand corporate advisor communities. -APP

Reports of a government plan to support a high-speed rail network spurred a rally in railway-relat-ed stocks. Investors awaited a flurry of economic data including inflation figures expected nextweek that may offer hints about the government's next monetary move.

The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2,848.5 points, closing once again below the closelywatched 250-day moving average now at 2,868 points. "Investors are adopting a wait and see atti-tude," said Zhang Qi, analyst at Haitong Securities in Shanghai, adding that investors are uncertainabout the impact tightening measures will have on the availability of cash in the stock market.

Analysts expect volume to pick up again by the start of next year as investors start focussing onceagain on corporate earnings, government stimulus measures and valuations. Official media reportedon Wednesday that the government would invest $600 billion in high-speed rail networks, spurringspeculative buying in related stocks.-Reuters

Continued from page 5No #14

The government ended state controls on pricing of petrol in June and raised prices of diesel, cook-ing gas and kerosene, but has ruled out full deregulation of diesel prices in the near future.

Shares in state-run oil marketing firms gained, with Indian Oil Corp ending up 0.8 per cent,Hindustan Petroleum Corp rising 3.4 per cent and Bharat Petroleum Corp gaining 2.1 per cent.

By 0900 GMT, US crude for January fell 83 cents to $87.99, after touching $90.76 on Tuesday,the highest price since October 2008. "There is concern over a fuel price hike, this will add to infla-tion pressure. This is going to be negative for the overall market," said KK Mital, chief executivefor portfolio management services at Globe Capital Markets.

Annual headline inflation in India was 8.58 per cent in October, well above the Indian centralbank's end March target of 5.5 per cent. State-run explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corp closed up 0.5per cent after rising as much as 2 per cent in intra-day trade. The company said on Tuesday its boardwould meet on Dec. 16 to consider a bonus share issue, stock split and payment of a special divi-dend ahead of a planned share sale.-Reuters

Continued from page 5No #15

In relatively active trading, analysts said foreign funds were seen selling JGB futures and buyingNikkei futures, helping to boost the cash market's volume. Trading volume reached 1.93 billion shareson the Tokyo exchange's first section, slightly exceeding the previous day's 1.73 billion and last week'sdaily average of 1.8 billion. Major exporters led the advance with Sony Corp adding 1.9 per cent to3,040 yen and earth-moving equipment maker Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd gaining 1.4 percent to 2,000 yen.Silicon wafer maker Sumco Corp tumbled 9.6 per cent to 1,211 yen on 3.9 times its30-day average volume after the company said it expected a net loss of 66 billion yen ($790 million)for the year to January 2011, compared with its previous forecast of a 12 billion yen loss.

"The market could also be overheating after rallies since early November but foreign investors arestill keen to pour their money into Japanese shares," said Takashi Ohba, senior strategist at OkasanSecurities.-Reuters

Continued from page 5No #16

Miners fell back as metal prices eased on the back of a stronger dollar, after US Treasury yieldssurged on a proposed extension in US tax cuts, and as concerns over potential rate hikes in Chinaweighed on sentiment. Silver miner Fresnillo and gold miner Randgold Resources were among theworst off, down 4.9 and 3.5 per cent respectively. Capital Shopping Centres was the biggest FTSE100 faller, shedding 5.4 per cent after shareholder Simon Property said it might sell its 5 per centstake in protest over CSC's 1.6 billion pound ($2.5 billion) plan to buy a UK mall, which it sees asvalue destructive. Most banks managed to rally on relief at a lack of fresh concerns about Europeansovereign debt, although global bank HSBC fell 1 per cent, weighing the sector down.

Part-nationalised Lloyds Bank gained 1.4 per cent, while Standard Chartered added 2 per centahead of a trading update due on Thursday. Insurers were also in demand, led by Prudential, up 3.7per cent, with UBS adding the firm to its "Key Calls" list and raising its price target, citing growthprospects in Asia.Integrated oils were buoyed by gains in BP, up 0.4 per cent, helped by a bullishnote from Morgan Stanley. A smattering of takeover speculation also helped out. The FTSE 100index is seen gaining more than 8 per cent by the end of 2011, with equity investors shrugging offeconomic gloom, a Reuters Poll found.-Reuters

Continued from page 5No #17

moved in opposite directions of late. A rise in yields and the dollar could also draw moneyaway from equities. McDonald's Corp dragged on the Dow, falling 2.1 per cent to $78.61 afterreporting weaker-than-expected global sales for November. The Dow Jones industrial averageedged down 16.92 points, or 0.15 per cent, at 11,342.24. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index wasoff 1.57 points, or 0.13 per cent, to 1,222.18. The Nasdaq Composite Index added 1.09 points,or 0.04 per cent, to 2,599.58.

The S&P 500 hit a two-year intraday high on Tuesday, but closed with a small gain. Steady economic improvement should fuel stock gains through 2011, according to a poll of

investors and strategists, but international concerns could limit advances in the second half ofthe year.-Reuters

Continued from page 5No #18

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MOSCOW: Anti-drug chiefs from Afghanistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Pakistan shake hands during a news briefing after their meeting in Moscow. -Reuters

Staff Reporter

KARACHI: RussianFederation AmbassadorBudnik Andrey said politicalrelations between his countryand Pakistan are improvingand Russian companies inter-ested to invest in various sec-tors of Pakistan.

He expressed Russia's inter-est in oil, gas exploration,Pak Iran gas pipeline,Turkmenistan, Afghanistan,Pakistan, India gas pipeline,electricity transmission.

"Both countries shouldexplore a new beginning bybuilding strong edifice ofinteraction aimed at strategic,

political and economic con-vergence.

"There is desire to raiseeconomic cooperation levelwhich needs to be worked outlooking at our potentials. Weneed to diversify and findnew areas. There are vastopportunities for mutuallybeneficial ties that must beutilised optimally for mutualadvantage," Andrey said inmeeting with President,Federation of PakistanChambers of Commerce &Industry FPCCI.

Chawla said annual bilater-al trade between Pakistan andRussia is around US$400 mil-lion, which is "very low and

is in favor of Moscow.Pakistani businessmen face

difficulties in getting busi-ness visa, whereas it is easyto get tourist visa." He feltrelations lacked depth,dimension despite strong pos-sibilities for mutual coopera-tion.

FPCCI chief said economicinteraction lacked behindstrong political desire toforge close ties.

He called for activatingtrade, economic ties as wellas opportunities for improv-ing investment climate andexpands direct contactsbetween two countries' busi-ness communities.

Russia eyes Pakoil & gas sectors

Federation Ambassador meets Chawla

JERUSALEM: The MiddleEast peace process lay in tat-ters Wednesday afterWashington admitted defeat inits efforts to secure an Israelifreeze on settlement building,the Palestinians' condition forresuming talks.

Speaking late on Tuesday,US officials admitted top-levelefforts to coax Israel intoimposing new curbs on WestBank settlement constructionhad gone nowhere, promptingcries of victory and backslap-ping among Israel's hardliners.

Without a new freeze, thePalestinians have refused tonegotiate, effectively dead-locking direct peace talks thatopened on September 2 only torun into the ground just weekslater when building resumedin the settlements.

"We have been pursuing amoratorium as a means to cre-ate conditions for a return tomeaningful and sustained

negotiations," US StateDepartment spokesman PhilipCrowley said in New YorkCity.

"After a considerable effort,we have concluded that thisdoes not create a firm basis towork towards our shared goalof a framework agreement,"Crowley said.

A top aide to Western-backed Palestinian presidentMahmud Abbas said it wasIsraeli recalcitrance that hadtorpedoed US efforts to rescuethe direct talks.

"The policy and the effortsof the US administration failedbecause of the blow it receivedfrom the Israeli government,"Yasser Abed Rabbo told Voiceof Palestine radio.

Israeli and Palestinian offi-cials are now expected to visitWashington next week for sep-arate talks with the US admin-istration on ways to keep thepeace process alive, Crowley

said.Israeli press reports said that

US Middle East envoy GeorgeMitchell would meet separate-ly with Palestinian chief nego-tiator Saeb Erakat and hisIsraeli counterpart YitzhakMolho in the coming days.

The United States has forweeks been trying to convinceIsraeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu toimpose a new moratorium onsettlement construction in theoccupied West Bank.

A previous 10-month freezeexpired on September 26,shortly after the launch of newpeace talks between Israel andthe Palestinians -- the firstdirect negotiations in nearlytwo years.

It now appears the two sidesare likely to return to someform of indirect, or "proximi-ty" negotiations similar tothose held between May and

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Direct Mideasttalk run aground

US bid to freeze Israeli settlement fails Pak calls for greater UN role in

world affairsUNITED NATIONS: Voicingconcern over the progressiveerosion of the UN GeneralAssembly's role, Pakistan hascalled for steps to strengthenthe 192-member body so that itcan effectively deal with globalproblems.

"It is an abiding irony that theonly universal principal organof the United Nations that canbe regarded the world parlia-ment, is engaged in a seeming-ly endless exercise to have itsstatus recognized ungrudging-ly," Pakistani AmbassadorAbdullah Hussain Haroon saidin a debate on revitalization ofthe General Assembly.

Pointing out that the SecurityCouncil was muscling its wayinto matters that traditionallyfell under the Assembly'spurview he called for a bal-anced relationship between dif-ferent organs of the UnitedNations.

Despite some progress in theAd Hoc Working Group onrevitalization of the GeneralAssembly, Ambassador Haroonsaid the fact remained that theAssembly was not enjoying itsrightful place in the scheme ofthings.

The heart of the matter, headded, was that, barring gen-uine political will, revitaliza-tion of the Assembly wouldcontinue to be an exercisereplete with cliché, while offer-ing little in terms of substance.

There was a gap between dif-ferent stakeholders, and where

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Sharif says will notaccept RGSTSUMUNDRI: PML-N ChiefMian Nawaz Sharif Wednesdayresolved to make PML-N a rev-olutionary party.

Addressing a public gather-ing at Sumundri, Nawaz saidthat corruption in Hajj arrange-ments is an unpardonable mis-take.

"It is the height of corruptionin our country; the federal min-ister himself admitted the irreg-ularities", he lamented.Referring to RGST, he said,"The government should elimi-nate corruption prior to impos-ing the RGST Bill."

"We will not accept this Bill".Nawaz maintained that thegovernment would not be inneed of loans, if it spends themoney being collected throughtax judicially".

He denied the allegation lev-eled on him by Wikileaks, say-ing that Musharraf dubbed hima hijacker wrongly. "Do I looklike a hijacker?" the PML-Nchief asked the audience.

He further blamed the incum-bent government for the preva-lent power shortage.

"This kind of situation ariseswhen one person becomes thesole owner of the country,"Nawaz said, added there is nogas, no electricity in the

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SEOUL: The top US militaryofficial said Tokyo, SeoulandWashington must build aneven stronger alliance in theface of North Korean aggres-sion, while calling on Beijingto show leadership by reiningin its ally Pyongyang.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chair-man of the US Joint Chiefs of

Staff, flew into Seoul onWednesday where he alsoagreed with his South Koreancounterpart to stage more jointmilitary drills to deter NorthKorea from attacking again.

"It is my hope that, to thedegree possible, these willinclude participation by yourneighbours and partners, in

particular the Japanese," hesaid.

"The goal clearly is to have adeterrent effect, so that all-outwar never occurs," he toldreporters, without providingdetails about future joint drills.

While they are allies, rela-tions between Seoul and

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US urges firm tieswith Seoul, Tokyo

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka hasfirmly ruled out any defencecooperation pact withPakistan.

Gotabhaya Rajapakse, thepowerful defence secretary,said the government did notdiscuss the possibility of adefence cooperation agree-ment (DCA) during the recentfour-day visit by PakistanPresident Asif Ali Zardari.

"President Mahinda

Rajapakse hadn't discussedany defence-related proposalwith his Pakistani counter-part," the privately-run Islandnewspaper quoted the defencesecretary, who is also the pres-ident's younger brother.

The Island said the defencesecretary dismissed what hecalled unsubstantiated mediareports on a post-war DCAbetween Sri Lanka andPakistan.

However, a joint statementissued by Pakistan and SriLanka at the end of Zardari'svisit last month said they hadagreed to promote a dialogueon, among other things,defence and security issues.

Zardari, who held closed-door talks with PresidentRajapakse, discussed increas-ing trade and defence coopera-tion, the president's office saidon November 28. -Online

No defence pactwith Pak: SLanka

ISLAMABAD: Senator RazaRabbani, chairmanParliamentary Commission forimplementation of 18thamendment has made it clearthat health and education min-istries will be devolved to theprovinces, adding reservationsbeing expressed by some min-isters on this count are theview points of their own.

He said this while talking tomedia men here Wednesdayafter presiding over the com-

mission meeting at parliamenthouse.

The commission expressedfull satisfaction over theprocess of transferring of fiveministries to the provincesduring the first phase besidesreviewing the legal complica-tions in respect of the min-istries to be transferred to theprovinces in the second phase.

Talking to journalists afterthe meeting Raza Rabbani saidthe process for devolution of

five ministries to the provincesin line with the recommenda-tions of the parliamentarycommission has been finalisedin befitting manner while thefederation had amended itsrules of business.

The commission had startedworking out its recommenda-tions for devolution of morefive ministries to the provincesand its first meeting in thisrespect would take place on

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Edu, health ministriesto be given to provinces

ISLAMABAD: NationalAssembly StandingCommittee on DefenceWednesday met to discuss the"Carriage by Air Bill-2010and decided to take it up againin its next meeting.

The meeting held at theParliament House was chairedby chairperson of the commit-tee Dr Azra Fazal Pechuho.

Officers from State Bank ofPakistan, Federal Board ofRevenue, and Air Carrier com-panies also attended the meet-ing.

The representative from tex-tile exporters of Pakistanapprised the committee theirconcerns and problemsregarding the proposed Bill.

While the Government func-tionaries informed that therole of freight forwardingagents will be regularised

through a regulatory bodywhich is under process offraming.

The committee appreciatedthe role of exporters in earningthe foreign exchange forPakistan and asked SBP andFBR that the issue of nonpay-ment of exporter bill by thefreight forwarding agents beresolved on urgent basis.

The proposal submitted bythe Pakistan Apparel Forumwas handed over to theSecretary, Ministry ofCommerce to examine themfor inclusion in the bill or oth-erwise.

The Committee also dis-cussed the clauses of the billsin detail and decided to con-vene another meeting onJanuary 12th, 2010 to finalisethe recommendations of theStanding Committee.

Furthermore, Inter-ServicesIntelligence (ISI) regretted togive a formal briefing toNational Assembly's StandingCommittee on Defense at itsrespective headquarters due tosecurity concerns.

However it would give abriefing to the parliamentarybody on ISI role in war againstterror at an alternate venue onJanuary 13.

Chief of the ISI Lt GeneralAhmed Shuja Pasha alongwith other senior members ofthe committee will give adetailed and methodical brief-ing on the role of the ISI onwar against terrorism andunremitting drone attacks.

Those who attended themeeting included Cap (Retd)Rai Ghulam Mujtaba Khural,Nawab Abdul Ghani Talpur,

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NA body adoptsCarriage Bill 2010

ISI refuses briefing on security grounds