The Fey’ri Amossa - · and the full spectrum of...


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The Fey’ri Amossa

“We are the Archfey. We represent all that men fear about the treacherouswilds. My family and I seek to uphold the balance of the world with our gifts

of creation, yet our talents are tempered by our own ambitions, and even Iam not above fury and my fury is the doom of the world.”

The Dark Pana, Lady of the Night Wood and Wine

An account of the Epic Saga of the Archfeythroughout the history of Ethilistyr.

Lord Golothoma stole the Mask and the Mirror fromthe World Serpent. Golothoma, he Archfey

son of the Goddess of Dark Magic, Wee Jas and the Lord ofall beasts, Baphomet, used these terrible devices to exilethe gods from the world and left the Archfey to rule the

wilderness and to forever be at war.

The Fey’ri Amossa, The Whisper of the River

The Raven Queen, the Mother of the Archfey

Melora, lady of the Waters and the Stars

ObadHai, lord of Druids and Doors

Ehlonna, Lady of innocence and the Wind

The Faun, the teacher of children and the watcher at the door

Olidamarra, lord of thieves, brother of the Faun

Osha, Daughter of Melora and lady of whispers

Gruumash, the evil eye in the sword

Corellon Larethian, god of Nature

Dark Pana, younger sister of the Raven Queen, lady of night wine

The Raven, original creator, forever locked away from his creation

Orcus, Prince of undeath

The Gods and the Archfey of Ethilistyr

Gharimyn, Son of Orcus, the first Undead

Sesha, medusa, lady of swords, repentant lover of Orcus

Blendhaven, the first Sherriff of Ethilistyr, now Archfey

Rinn Faro, ancient Warrior king of Maralynn

Bheirstaff, architect of the Fey Wilds

Baphomet, the Lord of Beasts

Ahsentaign, Wrathful Titan, father of Baphomet

Wee Jas, Baronness of Magic, Wife of Orcus, lover of Baphomet

Golothoma, The Keeper of the Mask and the Mirror

Lesivith, the Horned King, wielder of Anul Grey

The Cast

It is said that in the fiery first moments of its existence, even the stars fell in love with the world Dao Tyr with such an eternal commitment that they then turned their normal course and began their slow orbits to just be close to the new earth. For in all things on this level of consciousness are personalities subscribed and assigned. These powers, all eternal and forever capable of love, hate and the full spectrum of wordly passions, come from a dark and fey source, from where all life and all magic springs. These powers, for the first several thousand years of cultural history, as told in the histories of the Raelfaen eladrin, served the Dragongods. The Dragongods were a circle of twelve primordial lords who together dreamed the weather of the world and shaped the topographies of its continents. The world of Dao Tyr was then known as Unon. Before there was the Prime Material world, before there was the Underdark,, the Feywilds, the Feydark, or even the Shadowfel, there was Unon. In Unon, a clean and united wilderness that stretched across Dao Tyr, the grim Dragongods did not aid the Raelfaen, acknowledge their magic or attend to the fey societies for a score of millennia. The long rule of the Dragongods and their circle of magic, called the Bonatian Ring, was interrupted when The Chromatic and the Metallic Dragons arrived and spread discord across the face of the land. In some tales, the Dragongods have lost their names and are simply referred to as the Primordials. Their haunt was ruled by Tiamat and her husband Bahamut who still to this day rule dragonkind, although their marriage has long since been sundered. It was the Thunderbird, the spirit of the Earth and the Sky who presided over the illfated wedding of the Newcome Dragongods at Emeressa in Ethilistyr. Thunderbird, the eldest of the Archfey, is a native spirit of the land and is the father to the Silver Wing, lord of all birds in the Valley. Some tales speak of the Curse of the Thunderbird, which is a reference to the vows that the holy bird swore over their nuptials. He warned that the only way these new Arcane and Divine powers could sustain themselves would be if care was paid to the ancient, native powers of the world: the Fate Weaver, the Great Bear, the World Serpent and others whose names have been lost. The gods of the world followed the path of Bahamut and Tiamat then called Unonbate and Tiamanthia, among them were The Raven Queen, dark mother of many of the Archfey, and Queen of wine, winter and death. Her sister Melora of the waters came with her then too, the dancer dressed in blue. Among their parade were the lovers Obadhai and Ehlonna, the parents of the Faun and his more powerful elder brother, Olidamarra who is the betrayer of men. The families came and aided the first peoples of the world in building the most beautiful city in all creation, a towering metropolis of Silver, Gold and fueled to wealth by the eldritch and doomed

The Faun will visit elf children in their dreams and lead them into the woods.they say he is looking for a lost Prince or Princess who will find Golothoma’s

Mask and Mirror and restore Glorious Unon

mineral Cathoid. They called the City Khepathia which meant The Throne of Fire in ancient Raelfaen and it was here that the Archfey gathered and became known. The City of Khepathia was ruled by the Raven Queen and to this day, although the land has transformed and in its place stand the City of Men, Gavin Wel, and the wildernesses of Ethilistyr, the Raven Queen is still regarded as the mother of the City and her church of Sinis Oebyr still is filled with the thick smoke of ancient incense. The Raven Queen’s youngest daughter, Wee Jas, betrayed her family by feeding her thirst for power and inviting to the world, Orcus, her then lover and future lord of all that is unholy. Wee Jas and Orcus, accompanied by the Orcish lord, Gruumash attempted an overthrow of Khepathia by enchanting the fey peoples of the woods with the promise of riches and the destruction of the foreigner’s city. It was here that the Orcus, as a culture, split. There are orcs in the world who see through the illusion of Gruumash as a source of honor, and sadly for the other peace-loving peoples of the world, there are those who do not. The first god of the Elves, Corellon Larethian and his best friend, Ralmana, the soon to be original king of the Feywilds, saw through the many curtains of deception and perceived the dark heart of the would be false liberators. In a vicious fight outside the gates of the old city,Corellon, famously took the eye of Gruumash and in so doing took his place among the first Pantheon of Elven divinities. After he lost his eye, Grummash began a campaign of the utmost savage level of violence against the fey peoples of the world that was unparalleled in the history of the world. With a new sword, one of the original Swords of Doom, forged by the Anathemancer in Old Khepathia, Anulgray, Grummash killed thousands of Raelfaen and with his infinitely sharp blade, slashed wounds in the fabric of Unon. The shadow from beyond creeped through onto the land and never again would reality be whole. The younger sister of the Raven Queen, the Dark Pana, a spirit of the world who was self realized with the touch of these unworldly shadows, was instrumental in then leading Gruumash from the wilds of Ethilistyr. It was the Dark Pana, who named the land she lead the orc god to as the Shadowfel. After Orcus learned of how Grummash was tricked and lead into this new dark world, the Demonlord was intrigued. It was at this moment that Orcus first crossed a threshold in his destiny and learned of how to turn death backwards in an abominable fashion and created the first undead creature. The Demonlord’s first creation was Ghairmyn, the original undead. How quickly then did he raise his army of evil as the great city of Khepathia began to decline under its own internal pressures. The legion of undead that marched across wilderness that was already made of the ruins of the thousand year city of Khepathia laid waste to the small cultures that were just beginning to take root outside the City gates. It was then that Orcus took a lover. Sescha, a Medusa of the old ages, who he loved and with whom he betrayed the love of Wee Jas. In later years, when after she

Sescha, who was once a Demon Queen, now uses hermagic for good and constructs enchanted weapons

for the people of the Dreamwater.

to had been betrayed by the Demon Lord, Sescha turned from the path of evil and for now over two thousand years, mourning the loss of her love, the gentleman Orcus, has turned her innate power of artiface by enchanting the items of men and fey in creating new weaponry to fight the powers of undeath. As the legions of Orcus marched across the newfound country of Ethilistyr and the young and first Sherriff, Blendhavian, faught so valiantly under the command of RinnFaro, the commander of the resistance, it became clear, in this, the one hundred years war, that the fey were at a loss. How can you fight that which has already dead and does not feel pain or sorrow? Towards the west most end of Ethilistyr Rinnfaro conscripted the science of Bheirstaff, a fey spirit that only the true son of Obadhai and Ehlonna could find. The Faun, otherwise known by men as Pan, the lord of honey and music, lead Rinnfaro to Bheirstaff who taught the archfey who to build a new world, a hiding place from Orcus’ terrible army. Thus it was that the Feywild was born. Never again were new realities to be made. It is with the founding of the Feywild did all think the doors of creation were closed. So false as we find in modern times, this commandment to be false. With the coming of the Feywild came the founding of Maralynn, the first city of the Fey, the first city of the elves in the Sorado and indeed the first attempt at civilization across elven Dao Tyr. It was Rinnfaro who founded Maralynn, and with that gave the primal powers of the nature of Good, a place to defend themselves and a culture against the evil of Undeath. When the Feywild became extant in the world, deeper, older powers were awakened with terrible wrath. The Okidajuroo tells us of the Titanwars and how the Raelfaen in ancient ages of the world faught a race of immortal men, twenty stories tall, and full of malice. The titans, it is told, sleep now under the land that all mortals and immortals alike tread upon. With the dawning of the Feywild did Ahsentaign wake and begin a long and sorrowful campaign of vengeance that sleep did deprive him of. In dark council did Ahsentaign construct a new lord of Beasts and Baphomet did he name him. A maliciousl beast of Earth that does not worship Orcus but is Demon entire. An identity that exists in wrath but not in evil. Baphomet is a beast of the Feywild who is against the denizens of the feywild. The ultimate wilderness predator and because of this, in a twisted manner, where common enemies make friends are Orcus and Baphomet both labeled by men as Demons. Ahsentaign remains if the Feywild, both involved and aloof, but always against the Raelfaen, his sworn, eternal enemy. Wee Jas, Baronness of magic, fell in love with Baphomet, to the betrayal of Orcus and with the lord of beasts, bore the child Golothoma. It is with Golothoma does the contemporary world forgive and curse the state of things.

Rinn Faro, helped create the Feywilds in order to shelterhis people from the armies of Orcus. He still haunts thecouncil meetings in the City of his founding, Maralynn.

Golothoma, with the aid of his mother, stole the Deathmask and the Gherivon Mirror from the primordial Earth Serpent who, with Chronespis, the Dragongod of time, watches for the return of the original Bonatian Dragon gods of DaoTyr. These two supremely powerful artifacts work together to the Doom of the world. It is by Golothoma’s terrible toys did both the Feywild and the Shadowfel become infinitely large and stretch over the whole of creation. And by this act, forever shunned by the Dragongods and the original father of the all the Gods, the Raven Mormellon humself forever now estranged from the light of the world. As well in so doing, for when archfey gaze through the mask at the mirror, creation shifts, The Raven Queen let herself open to the attacks of Orcus, a war that still rages for the soul of the world. Now the Gods are defined as being not of this world and cannot join in being in this world. The Archfey continue their immortal terrestrial existence. It is rumored that this power that flows between the mask and the mirror could fuel the unhallowed souls of the twelve Ebon Titans who now do the will of the new Horned King, the arch lich Lesivith, who was once a man and now a ruler of the Ebon Stone. With the same blade that once slashed so many wounds into the fabric of reality, Anul Gray, Lesivith has brought about a new world that merges the Fey wilds and the Shadowfel, and it is called the FeyDark, a land of grim savagery and wild darkness from where the grim master Lesivith may rule a new kingdom to conquer and bleed the old. Osha, blessed daughter of Melora, seduced Golothoma and from him stole the Mask and the Mirror . She took them to deep river in FeyDark and hid them in the muddy clay. So enraged was Golothoma that he attacked Osha’s mind and removed from her memory where she hid the Mask and the Mirror and now they are seemingly forever lost. Thus is the State of things as the Hegemon, an archangel comes to rule GavinWel, eleven hundred years after the fall of Khepathia. The Archfey, a patchwork pantheon of wild powers that with out clear destiny have fallen into brutally powerful roles in the shaping of the world and its doomful history. In essence, they are all sworn to neutrality for their immortal hearts sing it to be so, but they are all so moved by power and the lust for it, there is no stopping any of them until the end of the world. Lest it be that men, then, to steer the course of fate, for in this age it seems, fate swells and breaks, leaving all bereft of hope, in the land of the Dreamwater where the evil wild forever threatens the way of light.