The Excretory System. Kidney Ureter Urinary Bladder Urethra


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The Excretory System

The Excretory System



Urinary Bladder


The Excretory SystemThe Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function/involvement in excretory system

1.Kidneys Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons, which filter the blood and eliminate urea, excess water, and other wastes.

The Excretory System

The kidneys are "bean-shaped" organs measuring approx. 10 cm long and 5.5 cm in width. The kidneys account for only 0.4% of body weight, however, they can filter 180 liters of blood each day.

The Excretory SystemThe Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

1. Kidneys Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons, which filter the blood and eliminate urea, excess water, and other wastes.

2. Ureters 25-30 cm long tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

The Excretory SystemUrine travels from each kidney through the ureters to the urinary bladder.

The Excretory SystemThe Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

1. Kidneys Each contain about 1 million nephrons, which filter the blood and eliminate urea, excess water, and other wastes from the body

2. Ureters 25-30 cm long tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder

3. Urinary


A sacklike muscular organ that stores urine.

The Excretory System

When the bladder is full, its wallsstretch and you feel the needto urinate.

The Excretory System

The Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

1. Kidneys Each contain about 1 million nephrons, which filter the blood and eliminate urea, excess water, and other wastes from the body

2. Ureters 25-30 cm long tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder

3. Urinary


A sacklike muscular organ that stores urine.

4. Urethra

A small tube through which urine leaves the body from the urinary bladder.

The Excretory System

The Excretory System

Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons, which filter all of the blood in an adult’s body 20 to 25 times each day!

The filtering processThe filtering process

The Excretory SystemThe filtering processThe filtering process

Nephrons remove waste from the blood and produce urine.Urine formation is a multi-stage process


1. Blood from an artery enters the nephrons insidethe kidneys

The Excretory SystemThe filtering processThe filtering process

Nephrons remove waste from the blood and produce urine.Urine formation is a multi-stage process


2. The blood reaches a cluster of capillaries where urea, water, glucose, and other substances are removed and enter a long twisting tube.

The Excretory SystemThe filtering processThe filtering process

Nephrons remove waste from the blood and produce urine.Urine formation is a multi-stage process


3. As the materials taken from the blood flow through the tube, needed materials such as glucose and water are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

The Excretory SystemThe filtering processThe filtering process

Nephrons remove waste from the blood and produce urine.Urine formation is a multi-stage process


4. The remaining wastes (urea, other chemicals, and some of the water) remain in the tube and are packaged into urine.

“Mrs. Harris or Mr. Adkins, can I please go to the bathroom now ?!?”

The urine is sent out of the kidneys, through the ureters and into the bladder.

The Excretory SystemRemember what homeostasis means??

The kidneys play an important role in maintaining homeostasisby regulating how water is put back into the blood inside the

nephrons, and how much is removed from the body in the urine.

If you’re playing soccer on a hot day and you haven’t drank much water, how will your kidneys react to maintain homeostasis??

The Excretory System

Your need to drink at least 2 litersevery day for your kidneys to

maintain the proper water balancein your body!!

Eating fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water can help.

The Excretory SystemWhat if your kidneys stopped

functioning?? What possible problems could this cause in your


A dialysis machine is designed

to filter the blood just like your kidneys do.

The Excretory System

The Excretory SystemOther Organs of ExcretionOther Organs of Excretion

A little bit of review…A little bit of review…

Why are the lungs considered part of

the excretory system?

The Excretory System

The Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

5. The Lungs

Carbon dioxide and water vapor are excreted through

the alveoli and leave the body as you exhale.

The Excretory System

The Excretory SystemOther Organs of ExcretionOther Organs of Excretion

A little bit of review…A little bit of review…

What role does the skin play in the excretory system?

The Excretory System

The Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

5. The Lungs

Carbon dioxide and water vapor are excreted through the alveoli and leave the body as you exhale.

6. The Skin

Through the production/formation of perspiration (sweat), the skin gets rid of excess water, salts and urea through the pores.

The Excretory SystemOther Organs of ExcretionOther Organs of Excretion

Many wastes need to be broken down before they can be excreted. The liver breaks down proteins to produce urea, which is then transported to the


The Excretory System

The Excretory System: A system in the body that collects wastes

produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.

Organ Function / involvement in excretory system

5. The Lungs

Carbon dioxide and water vapor are excreted through the alveoli and leave the body as you exhale.

6. The Skin

Through the production/formation of perspiration (sweat), the skin gets rid of excess water, salts and urea through the pores.

7. The Liver

Produces urea, a waste product that comes from the breakdown of protein, and sends it to the kidneys.
