The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014




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the everydaythe everydaythe everyday

DivineDivineDivine a publication of The Bridge of Storm Lake

Spring 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1

We are committed to valuing individuals, nurturing

relationships, and witnessing the transforming power of

Jesus Christ.

The Everyday Divine Spring 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1 Published four times a year by The Bridge of Storm Lake

SUBSCRIBE Subscriptions are free of charge to addresses in the United States. Contact The Bridge to subscribe.

DONATIONS For information on how you can support the ministry of The Bridge, call (712) 213-0195 or visit

CONTACT 205 Flindt Drive, Suite 1 Storm Lake, IA 50588 (712)213-0195 Blog:

The Bridge of The Bridge of

Storm Lake Storm Lake

is a ministry of Christ For the City


2 The Bridge of Storm Lake

What does it mean to really value an individual? Anne Dahlhauser explores this concept from her point of view at Seneca Center.

6 | give & receive

A young boy from Park Center gives the angels a reason to celebrate in this story recounted by Nellie Jimenez.

8 | A Party in Heaven!

Here are a few glimpses of life at the Seneca and Park Centers!

10 | Our Everyday Divine

12 | Bridge NEWS

From updates on the summer camps ministry to a special milestone at The Bridge, this section has all the latest info.

CONTENTSCONTENTS Spring 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1

Tess Posekany, Bridge volunteer, and a girl from Park Center area take advantage of the ordinary moments to connect and share a laugh.

Front Cover

Bob and Natalie Schaller describe how God is directing them to start The Bridge’s third neighborhood center.

4 | Planting of Tulip Center

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 3

From the Editor Anne Dahlhauser, The Bridge Communications Director

Can you hear the music?

T he day-to-day life at The Bridge isn’t made up of flashy, emotionally-charged

experiences. No spotlights, no cameras rolling, no red carpet. And, there is certainly no heart-felt theme song highlighting all the divine moments.

But, if there were music in the background, at what moment would the theme song play?

Would it be at the hundredth time I wipe a certain runny nose? Is that when love finally moves in, and the child feels cherished?

Would it be during a hug after a conference about grades and behavior when the student finally starts to grasp God’s grace and forgiveness?

Would it be during a routine Bible study when the hesitant newcomer feels comfortable asking questions late into the night?

Or, maybe it’s during the weekly Food Distribution, amidst plastic bags of leftover food, when the gathering of hungry souls experience a sense of community in giving and in receiving?

Or, during The Bridge’s Tuesday morning prayer time, when a group of random people bow their heads and lift up names, the ministries, the leaders, the community of Storm Lake?

Maybe it’s in that stillness, without highlights or spotlights, when the cymbals explode. The director’s arms

soar in and out, and the brass horns raise, proclaiming that this, this is THE moment.

Although we can’t really hear it, we believe the music must be in the mundane and the routine of life at The Bridge. From our front porches to our kitchen tables, God’s always teaching us to offer up our “commonplace” and our “everydays” to be used for His divine work. As Jesus modeled, we believe that beautiful, divine moments happen when we are willing to treasure the little ones, love people, share food with each other, teach about His Word, tell stories, and have conversations. As Renato likes to say, “it’s so simple, people don’t get it!”

For this reason, we’ve entitled this publication “The Everyday Divine.” Rather than a newsletter, we are switching to a quarterly magazine-format. This is the effort of us all, as we attempt to document what we are learning, what God is doing here, and how He is glorifying Himself in the midst of our everydays.

Through it, we hope you are not only informed and inspired about what is happening at The Bridge, but also that you are encouraged to see your own “everyday” in a new way. May you embrace your routine moments and witness how God’s hands mold them all into something remarkable.

And, be listening closely, for you may hear the cymbals that herald the mundane as

something miraculous.

W e entered marriage knowing we

were called to be witnesses for

Jesus no matter where we lived. We

have felt led to focus on Romans 12:1-2

as the theme verse for our lives

together, and desire for our family to be

a living sacrifice for the glory of God.


During our time serving with Campus

Crusade for Christ (CRU), God

nurtured a love for other cultures in our

hearts. We considered joining staff full-

time with CRU, but God had other



Natalie attended medical school and

Bob had the opportunity to teach

inner-city students in Kansas City, MO.

During these four years, we had the

opportunity to meet physicians and

mentors who lived among the people

they serve in some of the most under-

served neighborhoods in the United

States. Our passion grew for this sort of

ministry, and God continued to put the

pieces of our life’s puzzle together.

4 The Bridge of Storm Lake

The Planting o f Tulip CenterThe Planting o f Tulip CenterThe Planting o f Tulip Center

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 5


God richly blessed our lives with the

opportunity to complete Natalie’s

training at In His Image Family

Medicine Residency in Tulsa, OK (a

Christian medical program). She joined

and trained under a sensational team that

spurred us to consider our calling to do


teaching, and

daily life as a

ministry for

God’s glory.

Bob assisted

with ESL


during this

era and made

precious connections with the

international students as he worked

toward completing his Master’s in ESL.


We were connected with Jay and Anne

Dahlhauser during our interview day

with the clinic in Storm Lake, and

immediately loved the vision of The

Bridge. God led us to join them and we

began to search for a way to bring a

neighborhood center to the Tulip Lane

area. We found a house for bid that

needed to be moved from the hospital

property…but we didn’t have anywhere

to place it. We brainstormed and found

an empty lot perfectly situated next to

the apartment complex. After much

prayer and seeking, we were able to

purchase the lot. Unfortunately, the

bidding on the house had already

closed! So, we moved into a rental home

in Storm Lake August 2013. Later, we

found that the house for bid had not yet

been moved. Through further

investigation, we learned that the

previous contract

fell through

and the


couldn’t be

moved… we


believe it!

Jay and Bob

went out and

measured the

streets and house together…and sought

out a second opinion. A moving

company told us that this could be done!

By God’s grace, the hospital re-opened

the bid on the house after our request…

and we were the winners!

The house has now been moved, and we

anticipate Tulip Center opening this

summer! God has been the guide for

each step of this process, and we have

seen that His timing and ways are

perfect. We have seen His faithfulness

over the years, and it is a joy to look

back at how He has been shaping our

future from the beginning!■

Bob and Natalie Schaller,

Tulip Center

The Planting o f Tulip CenterThe Planting o f Tulip CenterThe Planting o f Tulip Center

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do

not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern

what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2

6 The Bridge of Storm Lake

O ne of my neighbors makes food for us consistently.

At first it was a great mystery to us:

What is the green stuff?” Okra.

“What kind of meat?” Lamb.

“How do you use this spongy-bread-type thing?”

With your fingers. With your fingers.

You can eat everything with your fingers.

Sometimes the facts get lost in translation, and we don’t really know what

kind of meat it is or what the ingredients are. What we do know is that it is

not pizza, or cheeseburgers, or steaks. We are not in Iowa anymore.

More important than any ingredient or smell, however, is the heart and

message behind the cooking. She offers it to us. We thankfully, humbly

receive it. She is the giver; we are the recipients. Two-way relationships

are vital in our world of neighborhood ministry.

give & receive

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 7

give & receive We are not the rescuers, reaching

down to others. While we have certain

attributes to offer, like the ability to

speak English, the opportunity to have

an education, and numerous

connections in this community, a true

relationship includes meaningful

giving and receiving from both parties.

What that really means is, it is

absolutely necessary to intentionally

value the individuals around us.

My neighbor has talents and individual

resources beyond my comprehension.

Just because they don’t always fit

naturally into the Western priorities

and standards doesn’t make them any

less notable.

She is a survivor. She has birthed more

children than I have, and without pain

killers, far from any hospital, crouched

low over the African soil – all after a

day’s work. She has crossed an ocean

and arrived in a strange land with light

bills and driver’s licenses. She has

striven to understand a new life, with a

strange white neighbor lady who goes

running when nothing chases her, lets

her husband cook and clean, and sits at

the computer for hours. Her kids speak

an unfamiliar language and represent a

way of life which she struggles to

understand at all. The skills she

learned under the African sun, like

grinding corn and cooking, are not

recognized here amidst drive-thru

lanes and frozen meals. Yet, she

presses on.

She brings us the letters she can’t read.

Jay fixes their computer, windows,

plumbing. We pray with her before

appointments, clear their driveway,

give rides and more rides to their kids.

And, she brings me food. This week,

she made us supper two times.

Tonight I could get supper on my table

in less than a half hour; my cooking is

simple, efficient, and very Western.

Thus, her gift comes in an unlikely

form, seemingly out of the scope of

our life, or needs, or priorities. Yet, in

order to truly value an individual, we

must acknowledge her contributions.

And so, I choose to appreciate the long

hours my neighbor has taken, the cost

of the meat she bought, and the care

she took to make us something. I need

to value it if I value our friendship at

all. She wants to give, and the real

beauty of the two-way relationship

happens when I choose to receive with


Anne Dahlhauser, Seneca Center

“Nellie, are devils and demons


It was another typical after school day

here at Park Center. The boy asking

this question was 6 years old and was

stopping in after school.

You might be shocked at his straight

forwardness but those questions have

actually been asked around here quite

a bit by other kids too.

Of course we’re pretty open here and

truthful to the kids and explain,

age-appropriately, what they’re asking

about. We talked about his question.

Heaven and Hell. Sin.

“I don’t get it, Nellie, where did

that all come from?”

I went back to the beginning of

Creation with the story of Adam and

Eve. Talked more and more… We

started with sitting on the couch and

by this time we had traveled through

the living room and now standing at

the kitchen sink.

I’m thinking, as kids do a lot of the

time, he’ll ask some questions and

then within a second after you’ve

started talking their attention is on

something else...but not this time. I

turned around and he was looking up

at me with his adorable big brown

eyes just listening to every word I


Then I shared about having Jesus in

your heart and asked if he knew how

to have Jesus in his heart. He thought

for a bit…"like being good, doing

good stuff?”

We talked about how we were all

born with sin, what Jesus did for him,

and how all he had to do was ask

Jesus to forgive him his sins and ask

him to come into his heart and then

try to live the way Jesus would want

him to.

He repeated it all so I knew he

8 The Bridge of Storm Lake

A Party in Heaven!A Party in Heaven!A Party in Heaven!

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 9 8 The Bridge of Storm Lake

understood, the way a 6 year old

would. After that he ran off, I thought,

to play. He went into the bathroom

and shut the door.

Shortly after, this little guy came

walking in, smiling.…"Nellie, I did


At first I didn't realize what he was

talking about...I was caught so off-

guard! "What did you say?" I asked.

"Well, what you told me, like

forgiveness, and about asking Jesus

in my heart."

I told him, right at that moment up in

heaven, there was an angel choir

singing just because one person

accepted Jesus. They are celebrating

(pretty much having a party!) just

because of him! He could hardly

believe it, and there was a big grin on

his face!

What an unexpected turn to this

"typical" Monday. When the Lord has

an appointment, well….you just never

know! ■

Nellie Jimenez, Park Center

A Party in Heaven!A Party in Heaven!A Party in Heaven!

10 The Bridge of Storm Lake

everyday DivineDivineDivine An early out?? That usually means I’ll be having a lot of company for the rest of the day. The last time the kids had an early out, they started trickling in about 11:45. Cold? Yes. Hungry? Yes. Hyper? Umm…yeah. Hot chocolate was the first thing asked for after the cold walk from the bus stop. We cooked a meal and ate lunch together. Then baked some cake and rolls and played games. Each of the kids got their own piece of dough to make whatever they wished. Of course, the dough ended up molded into a variety of objects and stuck in many places before the end of the night!

-NJ, Park Center

BridgeKIDS started up again at Seneca Center! BVU students have committed to coming each Thursday to tutor and do activities! Here they all are making valentines and doing homework. –AD

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 11

Every Monday night we host a Bible study around our kitchen table here at Park Center. It’s usually a lively evening! A mix of people attend from in and around our area. Together we learn about Jesus and a lot from each other, considering our different languages and backgrounds. It’s been exciting to see the power of God’s Word work in everyone’s lives.

And, not only are we getting spiritually fed but this sweet lady from our group makes sure our bodies get fed too! This week she brought us dinner—delicious Lao food! Sticky rice, glazed chicken, and some nice ‘n spicy chile. Our mouths were watering

when she first opened the containers, and the aroma filled the air. It was soo good! -NJ

I have loved watching the kids race for the bus every Wed. evening over the past weeks! They have been going to the Kids for Christ program at Summit Church. We have been so grateful for our faithful bus drivers, the volunteers who ride

along, and those at Summit who have loved, fed, and taught the kids every week. –AD

Here is Super Bowl Sunday at Seneca,

writing thank you notes from The Bridge.

It’s all hands-on-deck when it comes to

mailings! We eventually got to watching

the game (1/2 hour late) but we had fun

together. -AD, Seneca Center

12 The Bridge of Storm Lake


A Milestone

On Friday, February 21, the Leadership Council and ministry leaders of The Bridge met for an afternoon and evening retreat. It was a time of sharing, reflecting, and praying together. Most of all, it was a time set apart to seek the Lord and His guidance.

“It was encouraging to me to see how the Leadership Council came together to pray for this ministry, to support its missionaries, and to take a spiritual responsibility for it. The retreat gave us opportunities to connect and share about how God’s been at work in our areas of ministry as well as our personal lives. It was great to sense the unity among all of us, first because of Jesus and also because of a common mission.” – Jay Dahlhauser, Director

New Blog!

Reflections, updates, and lots of pictures are posted weekly by Jay & Anne (Seneca Center), Renato & Nellie (Park Center), and Bob & Natalie (Tulip Center) about life in neighborhood ministry. Feel free to check it out, subscribe, and leave a comment! We love to hear from you.

Go to:

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 13

All the Way

from Honduras

Josue is a missionary from Honduras who has come to serve at The Bridge and to learn English. His dad is a missionary with Christ For the City International, the parent organization of The Bridge. We are excited to have Josue here for the next 6 months, and we are looking forward to working together! Josue plans to spend the first weeks and months concentrating on learning English and becoming accustomed to life and ministry here while staying with Zach and Abbey Green. Once the Schaller’s house is moved, he will live with Bob and Natalie at Tulip Center and help there. Josue will be a wonderful addition to the team! Please keep Josue in your prayers as he adjusts here and be sure to welcome him if you see him around!

Summer Camps UpdateSummer Camps UpdateSummer Camps Update

Plans are being made for summer 2014, namely for the middle school summer camps. There will be some changes this year and new developments! SONS OF HONOR will now be held August 13-16, rather than in June. Also, what was formerly called “SUMMER SIZZLE” will now be split into two separate camps for girls. This will help accommodate the growing number of campers! We are planning to hold both camps July 14-18 with one camp held in the mornings, and the other one in the afternoons: MASTERPIECES is a summer camp that seeks to equip 5th/6th grade

girls with an understanding of their value and image in Christ. MOSAIC is a summer camp that seeks to nurture 7th,8th & 9th grade girls

in their cultivation of healthy relationships with Christ and with others.

If you are willing to serve in The Bridge’s Summer Camps ministry, please contact

For more info, go to

14 The Bridge of Storm Lake

NEWSNEWSNEWS 2nd Annual 2nd Annual 2nd Annual Run for our FutureRun for our FutureRun for our Future

Team Bridge will again be running in the local

Marathon to Marathon race this June in order to

raise funds, prayers, and awareness for The Bridge

Summer 2014 Youth Programs. Currently, there

are two committed marathoners, two half-

marathoners, and four runners for a marathon

relay. Would you also commit to running for

this cause? In addition to runners, The Bridge is

looking for area business and community partners

who will sponsor the run and then receive advertising benefits. Consider

how you could sponsor this effort and help make an impact on area

young people—our future!

Contact for details!

My New Retirement! {Jill Engelmann}

Bruce and I have lived in the Storm Lake area our whole lives, and we have watched it change drastically right in front of our eyes. As most of you know, Storm Lake has 28 different language groups and at least 32 different cultures. It seems to us that the Lord has brought the nations to us, so we had to ask

ourselves—what we were going to do about it? We decided to get involved with The Bridge in Storm Lake, and we are so blessed to be a part of this ministry. This past summer, we were part of Park Center’s Bible study, and we were the only ones in a group of 8-12 people who didn’t speak Spanish. We met 6 blocks from our home and I felt like I was in a different country. Yet, what a joy to be a part of! The Lord continues to lead me “out of my comfort zone” and earlier this month I attended Orientation and Training with Christ for the City International in Omaha. I’ve been approved as a base missionary for The Bridge of Storm Lake. I am not sure exactly how the Lord will use this, but I am willing to serve where He calls me – this is my new retirement!

The Everyday Divine, Spring 2014 15


For more current news about The Bridge, go to


For additional articles, pictures, and reflections about The Bridge’s neighborhood ministry, go to


The Bridge sends out a weekly email with updates and ways to pray. Also, the Dahlhauser and Jimenez families email monthly newsletters. Sign up for any of these emails at

Give?Give?Give? If you are inspired by the work God’s doing in this area through The Bridge, please consider a tax-deductible gift

to this ministry. The Bridge is a ministry sustained by God’s grace because of the partnership of many volunteers

and financial contributors. The full-time staff are all missionaries with Christ For the City International who raise their own financial support in faith. God’s continued provision for this ministry is a testimony of His faithfulness and blessing!

Please complete the enclosed response device and return it with your donation in the envelope provided or go to and click on “Donate.”

Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!





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