THE EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH...Feb 03, 2019  · places where Your mystery remains hidden,...


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The Congregational Church of Westborough UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

57 West Main St, Westborough, Massachusetts 01581


No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

WE WELCOME VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS! We are an “Open and Affirming” Church

February 3, 2019


Statement of Inclusion We, the people of The Congregational Church of Westborough, United Church of Christ,

believe that all people are created equal, in God’s image. “We are all God’s children.” In

our journey of faith, we strive for justice and equality for all.

We invite and welcome into our community and into the full life and Christian ministry of this

church, persons of every race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and

expression, family structure, faith background, economic circumstance, mental and physical

ability. We say, and mean, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you

are welcome here.”

We declare ourselves an Open and Affirming Christian community, actively expressing our

belief in diversity and inclusion. We seek to be a faith community centered in Christ, ready to

proclaim the Gospel and seek to grow through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

We offer to each person acceptance and the responsibilities and blessings of participation in

this congregation.

Some Notes to Help You Feel at Ease this Morning


Four and Under: The nursery is available downstairs during the service if


Pre-K and Up: Will go to Faith Formation after the Time with Children & Youth

except on Communion Sundays, they will go after the Lord’s Prayer. Outside

the sanctuary are bags filled with crayons to keep little hands busy in pews!

Visitors of all ages...

We're glad you are here!

You are welcome to an all-age fellowship after worship in the room downstairs

directly under the sanctuary

Folks new and returning to worship...

There are no assigned seats; sit where you feel most comfortable.

We celebrate the noises of small children; they remind us that we're alive!

Generally, we stand for the opening of the service and for singing.

We sing with joy and Spirit, without fear of judgement.

We share our prayers vulnerably, and hold them with care.

We pray with our eyes closed and open, our heads bowed and raised. We

pass the peace with hugs and handshakes, with nods and smiles.

We share communion with all who are willing-especially children



Feb 3, 2019 10:00 AM

*The Congregation is invited to stand.




*OPENING SONG “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” by Brian Doerksen

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Based on Psalm 133)

Leader: We have gathered from our different places to worship here.

People: How good it is to worship together in unity!

Leader: We come from our different occupations, our diverse activities.

People: How good it is to worship together in unity!

Leader: We come as unique individuals, bound together in the love of Christ.

People: How good it is to worship together in unity!

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Please be seated) Rev. Sue Remick

Holy God, we confess that we have betrayed the Good News by turning inward, serving

ourselves first. We have not taken up our cross and we have been too quick to build up

worldly possessions for ourselves. Forgive us for not helping to reveal Christ to the world.

Forgive us for not living into Christ’s example and serving those in need before serving

ourselves. Draw us back to the way of Christ, so that we might know the reign of God is

drawing near. Amen.


God is the Creator who calls forth light out of darkness. God is the One who restores the earth

after the flood. God is the One who makes all things new. You are made new in Christ. Go and

share in a super way, the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness. Amen.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be

done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For

thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

(Children leave now to go to Faith Formation)


JOYSPRING ANTHEM “Known” by Tauren Wells, Jordan Sapp,

and Ethan Hulse



Invitation: God has blessed us with both spiritual and material gifts. As God has been

generous with us, let us be generous and joyful givers.

(In each of our pews today is a black friendship book which we encourage you to fill out and pass to

the person next to you during the offering. If you have been with us before, just put down your name,

but if you are new today, please let us know who you are. If you can, please leave the sheet on the top

of the book at the end of the pew. Thanks!)

Chancel Choir Anthem “Come to the Table” by Allen Pote

*DOXOLOGY (unison)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts: Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION (Unison) Linda Duncan

Accept these gifts we humbly offer, gracious God. Use them, and use us, to reach into

places where Your mystery remains hidden, where Your goodness is not yet known. Make

us good stewards of Your word. Make us responsible heirs of Your promises, in Jesus’

name. Amen.

SCRIPTURE Matthew 25:31-46 Rev. Sue Remick

(Pew Bible page 807)

HYMN #490 “Sister, Let Me Be Your Servant” THE SERVANT SONG

(please remain seated)

SERMON “Careless and Careful” Rev. Sue Remick

HYMN #419 “All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly” HOLY MANNA (please remain seated)


(Communion at our church is always served with gluten free bread.)


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (as found on the inside rear cover of your hymn book)








*SUNG BENEDICTION “Go Ye Now in Peace” Joyce Elaine Eilers

Go ye now in peace, and know that the love of God will guide you. Feel his presence here

beside you showing you the way. In your time of trouble, when hurt and despair are there to

grieve you, know that the Lord will never leave you. He will bring you courage. Know that

the God who sent his Son to die that you might live will never leave you lost and alone in His

beloved world. Go ye now in peace. Go ye now in peace.

*POSTLUDE “Known” by Tauren Wells, Jordan Sapp,

and Ethan Hulse

Linda Duncan served as liturgist.

Rhona Naddamba and Elaine Moore are Deacons of the day.

Communion servers: Marketa Rosecka, Nancy Cook, Theresa DiMeo, Lynne Caldwell and

Cathie & Steve Achorn


Bereavement: Leigh, Zach & Mallory Walker upon the passing of Richard Hopkins (Leigh Walker’s dad)

Continued Prayers: Joan Gates; Betty Barclay; Carolyn Bent; Serena Leiser; Joshua Nichols (grandson of

Richard Nichols); Anna Gavel, granddaughter/cousin of Karen Gavel and the Oevermanns; Linda Polatka

(Cathie Achorn’s sister); Linda & Dick Birch; Ron and Nancy Clark’s daughter, Melissa Dickinson.

Prayer requests: You can place prayer concerns on the church’s email distribution list at If you would like a prayer request included in today’s service, please let a

Deacon know prior to the start of worship. Prayers will remain listed for 8 weeks. If you would like a

prayer renewed, please call the church office.


Call: The 294th Annual Fiscal Meeting of The Congregational Church of Westborough will be held

Sunday, February 10, 2019 at or after 11:30 AM in the Chapel. The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

1. To hear and act upon the reports of the Church Clerk and the Treasurer.

2. To transact such other business as may regularly come before the meeting.

David R. Smith, Church Clerk



Join us tomorrow night, Feb. 4, 2019 at 6pm for our next Women’s Fellowship program. We will be

having a Pot Luck Supper at 6pm, followed by Chair Yoga, led by Latha Radhakrishnan. Last names, A-L

Bring a salad, M-Z Bring a main dish, Program Committee will bring dessert.

Monthly Mission: Valentine Boxes for College students.


Each Wednesday, join us at “The Well,” for worship, reflection, conversation, and study in a relaxed

environment designed for mid-week spiritual refreshment. We gather on Wednesday nights at 7:00 in the

chapel. There will be contemplative worship, Bible study, and deep conversation, clear and cool and

refreshing enough to get you through the rest of the week. Come thirsty and drink deeply. The Well is

facilitated by Pastoral Associate, Pete Graham.


Our church goes on the first Thursday of the month to cook and serve a meal with the people of Dismas

House, a home for ex-prisoners. If you would like to help, be in touch with Karen Hutchinson at The next dinner will be Thursday, Feb 7th

. Donations of Stop and Shop cards are

greatly appreciated to help with the shopping for the meals! Thank you.


If you would like to dedicate flowers in honor or in memory of another individual, please put your name on

the flower chart in the vestry or contact a member of the flower committee or let the office know which

Sunday you would like. If you have never done this before, contact a committee member and they will

inform you of the procedure. It’s always nice to have special flowers on the chancel!


2018 Goal: $ 8,000 2018 Total: $ 6,890.50

2019 Goal: $ 8,000 2019 YTD: $ 471.25

OOPS! We were $1100 short of our commitment to the Church Operation Budget for 2018 by about

$1,100. Together we can change that for 2019 as we all set new goals. If every grocery shopper in Church

carries a grocery card for just those quick trips into the store and if all our faithful customers continue to be

faithful, we can meet this challenge together. Eat healthy, shop locally, and carry a grocery card. If you

can’t make it to church contact Karen Hutchinson at 508.870.1782 or or Nancy

Quimby at 774.249.4431 or or Sally Petersen at and

366.5169. They’d be happy to deliver them.


We are encouraging people to speak to a pastor upstairs before the service if you want a prayer lifted up on

Sunday morning, or you can fill out a blue card (located at a table near the front entrance, outside the

sanctuary and in the pews) and give it to a Deacon, Thanks!


Would you like to serve by helping out with the coffee hour after church downstairs? Please look for the

sign-up downstairs on the coffee hour table. Email Suzanne Arpante at Thanks!


CALENDAR – Feb 3rd

FEB 10th

Feb 3 Communion Sunday/Souper Bowl 10:00 AM Worship

Souper Bowl of Caring Tailgate

11:30 AM Deacons/Kerygma Room 5:30 PM GSA/Vestry

Feb 4 Monday (office closed) 6:00 PM Women’s Fellowship Pot Luck 7:30 PM AA/Nursery

Feb 5 Tuesday 10:00 AM Whitney Place Service 10:30 AM Beaumont Service 11:15 AM Willow’s Communion 7:00 PM Trustees/Kerygma Room

Feb 6 Wednesday 9:15 AM Called to Care/Library 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM The Well/Fannie Forbes 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM JoySpring

Rev. Sue Remick, Interim Pastor –

Wendy Reardon, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries -

Joseph Stillitano, Interim Minister of Music –

Sue Menzel, Director of Bells –

Peter Graham, Pastoral Associate –

Office hours: closed Mon; Tues & Wed 9am-2pm, Thurs 10am-2pm, Fri 9am-1pm

Church office phone 508/366-2000

General Church email –, Church website

Feb 7 Thursday 9:00 AM Playgroup/Nursery 1:30 PM PCC/Fannie Forbes Rm. 5:00 PM Dismas House Dinner

Feb 8 Friday (no scheduled events)

Feb 9 Saturday

Meal Packing at Good Shepherd

Lutheran Church

Feb 10 Sunday 10:00 AM Worship & Faith Formation 11:15 AM Annual Fiscal

Meeting/Chapel 11:30 AM Deacons/Kerygma 2:30 PM GSA/Vestry 5:30 PM GSA/Vestry

The Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 with a simple prayer said by Reverend Brad Smith of Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.” Twenty two churches raised $5,700 in the first year.

The Souper Bowl of Caring utilizes Super Bowl weekend in America to mobilize young people to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. Its vision is to transform Super Bowl weekend (the weekend of the first Sunday in February) into America's largest youth-led weekend of giving and serving. Young people collect monetary and food donations during the week leading up to Super Bowl Sunday. 100% of the money and food is then given directly to local charities of the group's choice. Started at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina, the Souper Bowl of Caring has branched out to include schools, businesses and congregations of all faiths. The Souper Bowl of Caring has gained national attention, securing partnerships with nine different NFL Teams, in addition to finding National Advocates in former President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush and former President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter.

Souper Bowl 2018 STATS

$8,207,963 cash and food items collected 3,862 Participating Groups 2,646 Charities Helped YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR 7TH ANNUAL TAILGATE PARTY after worship today, donate a non-perishable food item or make a monetary donation. Enjoy the party and know that you are helping us to… TACKLE HUNGER! ~ Thank you!


“Our Story”

by the Louloudes Family

Everybody is so busy these days. Between work, family,

extracurricular activities, and other commitments, I wonder

most days how we do it all. Despite a full calendar, I felt

selfish at times. I am so blessed with all I have! I wanted to

participate in so many exciting opportunities and missions

provided by this church, but often found the commitment

incompatible with my crazy work/family schedule.

Then I thought about Dismas House and connected with

Karen Hutchinson. I figured I could easily make a meal once a

month (already doing it 5x/week), include my children in

giving back and feel good about it all! So, the Louloudes

Family committed to serving monthly meals for Dismas in

2018. Each month we sat down as a family to discuss the

menu, assign parts of the meal to each member, then learned

how to fit in the task to our individual schedules.

As a family, we learned from this experience. We found that

helping others is fun and easy (Melina says "people love my

desserts"). Despite a busy schedule, it worked. Nick said,

"Sometimes I felt lazy and just didn't want to do it, but then

realized someone was counting on me, so it motivated me to

cook." I realized one month just wasn't going to work, but

found I could reach out for help from others (our carpool

family chipped in one crazy month of baseball). We all

learned how lucky we are to have food, shelter, family and

friends and will continue to keep giving back when we can.

So, please say yes when I approach you in church to help

make a salad, dessert, meal for Dismas some first week of the

month. Then we all can be a part of this giving experience

