The European Effort in NSDD 2006 – 2011



The European Effort in NSDD 2006 – 2011. Dimiter L. Balabanski. Approached institutions: EC Laboratory Directors European Commission (EUROATOM) FP7 ENSAR Preparatory Phase NuPECC NuPNET project within FP7. In 2006 Alan Nichols initiated an action to organize European funding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


The European Effort in NSDD 2006 – 2011

Dimiter L. Balabanski

Approached institutions:

• EC Laboratory Directors • European Commission (EUROATOM)• FP7 ENSAR Preparatory Phase • NuPECC• NuPNET project within FP7

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


In 2006 Alan Nichols initiated an action to organize European funding

Actions: 1. Bottom – up approach (contacting parties interested to

contribute to NSDD); 2. Contacts with different authorities within Europe (EC, Lab

directors, NuPECC, etc.)

In 2006 and 2007 an attempt was done to identify the European priorities in data evaluation; different organizations were contacted (CSNSM, U.Surrey, IFIN, U.Jyvaskyla, IFJ – Krakow, ATOMKI, CIEMAT – Madrid, etc.)

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


Funding opportunities with in FP7

• research infrastructure I3 action within program Capacities • three types of activities: TA, JRA, NA• suggested activities need to strengthen the European RI

• program EUROATOM

• other options • ERANET action • e-libraries

slide presented at the St. Peterburg meeting of NSDD, June 2007

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


In 2008 interest expressed by:1. Romania: IFIN – HH, Bucharest (Victor Zamfir, Alexandru Negret)2. Poland: IFJ – Krakow (Adam Maj, Kazimierz Zuber)3. Finland: U. Jyvaskila (Matti Leino, Sakari Juutinen)4. Bulgaria: U. Sofia (Stefan Lalkovski); INRNE (D. B., Tsanka Venkova)5. Hungary: ATOMKI, Debrecen (Janos Timar)6. Spain: CSIC, Madrid (Jose Los Agros, Monica Galan)7. UK: U. Manchester (Jon Billowes), U.Surrey (Paddy Regan)8. Germany: GSI (Christoph Scheidenberger, Bernd Pfeiffer)9. Turkey: U. Istanbul (M. Nizamettin Erduran), U. Nigde (Sefa Erturk)

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


Nucl. Phys. News. 17(4), 19-23 (2007)

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


November 2008, IAEA, Vienna

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


Parties: Uni. Sofia and INRNE, Bulgaria IFJ-PAN and HIL, Poland Uni. Jyvaskyla, Finland IFIN-HH, RomaniaGANIL and CEA – LNHB, France CIEMAT, SpainGSI, Germany TAEK, TurkeyATOMKI, Hungary U.Manchester, UK

signed in 2009 – 2010

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


A network of Nuclear data evaluators was NOT included in the EC I3 ENSAR project which is funded through the FP7 Capacities programme in the period 2010 – 2014.

A network of Nuclear data evaluators does NOT fit the priorities of the FP7 EUROATM programme.

Following the advise of NuPECC the effort was directed towards the FP7 ERA-NET mechanism within the Capacities programme (the NuPNET project, which is funded in the period 2008 – 2011).

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


NuPNET is an ERA-NET in the field of Nuclear PhysicsNuPNET thus stands for Nuclear Physics Network.

Provide Europe with a more coherent fundingof Nuclear Physics infrastructures and equipments.

1. CNRS IN2P3 10. CEA http://www.cea.fr2. PT _GSI 11. NPI ASCR http://www.ujf.cas.cz3. BMFT 12. HIP http://www.hip.fi4. INFN 13. GSRT http://www.gsrt.gr5. FECYT 14. NIH MICINN 15. RuG http://www.rug.nl7. FRNS 16. NCBiR http://www.ncbir.pl8. FWO-V 17. IFIN-HH http://www.nipne.ro9. INRNE 18. STFC

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


Manpower (FTE) Travel and subsistence

Equipment Consumables Total cost FTE

existing required

FTE k€

CEA/LIST 2.5 1 50 50 3.5

GANIL 0.25# 0.5 40 10 5 55 0.5

JYFL 0.2 0.5 35 5 40 0.7

IFIN-HH 0.75 1 35 10 45 1.75

U.Surrey* 1 50 50 1

ATOMKI 0.25 0.5 20 10 5 35 0.75

CIEMAT n.n. 0.3 27 1.5 1 29.5 0.3 +nn


0.25 0.5 20 10 5 2 37 0.75

GSI/Univ. Giessen**

1# 1 70 10 5 2 87 1

IFJ Krakow 1# 1 30 10 5 1 46 1

Univ. Nigde, Turkey

0.5 18 4 3.5 25.5

5.7+ nn 5.8 395 70.5 28.5 6 500 11.75+nn

Manpower: 400 k€/yearTravel and subsistance: 70 k€/yearEquipment and consumables: 30 k€/yearIn total: 500 k€/year

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 1:34 PM Subject: NuPNET short list of topics for a pilot action

Dear all,

Based on the preferences received from most of the NuPNET partners, the coordination committee has recently elaborated a tentative short list of topics for the NuPNET pilot call. Although this list is nothing more than a suggestion to be further discuss, and the  number of topics could still be reduced, the ones we have in the list at the moment are the following:

1. R&D on new detectors in particular for nuclear structure and reactions- gamma and neutron detection technologies based on new scintillationmaterials and new photo-sensors (APDs, SiPMs, ..)- silicon and micropatterned gas tracking detectors (GEM, Micromegas):low and high energy applications- large-area diamond detectors for beam monitoring or timing

2. R&D on future ISOL facilities (EURISOL): high-power acceleratorcomponents, target and ion sources

3. Targeted action on nuclear structure and reactions theory4. Support to the European Nuclear Structure Data Base (ENSDD)

Best regardsJose

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna


call out: Feb. 11, 2011call deadline: April 22, 2011

April 4th, 2011 19th NSDD Meeting, IAEA,Vienna




1. Keep the community together (organize a ENSDD meeting in 2011).

2. Extend MoU beyond 2012.3. Keep evaluators involved (find support for their activities).

HOW ?4. Apply for a next call within NuPNET (if any in 2012). 5. Raise funds within the National Funding Agencies.

HOW ?6. Prepare for FP8 (which will be organized “ala NuPNET

