The Ethics of Alternative Medicine



The Ethics of Alternative Medicine. Acupuncture. Dr . NUSHROTUL LAILIYYA, Sp.S, Sp.AK Neurologist & Acupuncturist Department of Neurology-Hasan Sadikin Hospital-Medical Faculty-Padjadjaran University. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Neurologist & Acupuncturist

Department of Neurology-Hasan Sadikin Hospital-Medical Faculty-Padjadjaran University

Mr. Chen, a 40 y.o. patient originally from China, had lumbar problems for one year. The condition includes dull pain in his leg and the inability to sit for long periods. X-ray examination reveals a prolapsed lumbar disc. He has been treated with conventional pain medication with minimal effect.

His physician, Dr Robert O., recommends back surgery, but Mr Chen reluctant to take this opinion. Instead, he asks the doctor to refer him to an acupuncturist because his insurance coverage requires physicians’s approval for alternative therapy.

But Dr Olsen is skeptical about any kind of alternative therapy. He refuses to order the acupuncture.

Did the physician act ethycally?



Penyebaran akupunktur

Dokter Belanda : - Ten Rhiyne (1683) - E Kampfer (1712)Perancis : L Berlioz (1816)Belgia : Y Koyen (1849)Swiss : - Y Cramer (1857) - Soulie de Morant (1929) : terjemahkan

Pelajaran akupunktur dan moksibusi Elektro-akupunkto-kauterisator Elektro-detektor


Penyebaran akupunktur

Amerika : 1826 Meksiko : 1940 Argentina : 1950 Brasil : 1950Korea Utara : Prof Kim Bong Han → meridian dan titik akupunktur 1949 : penelitian klinis 1958 : akupunktur anestesia 1963 : Indonesia – RSCM : tim riset ilmu pengobatan timur – UPF akupunktur 1996/97 : DitJen BinKesMas (akupressure dan pengobatan tradisional)

Diintegrasikan ke dalam sistim pelayanan formal

- Resolution WHO 44.34

- Permenkes RI NO. 1186/Menkes/ Per/XI/1996


Standard acupuncture nomenclature part 1Standard acupuncture nomenclature part 2Guidelines for clinical research on acupunctureGuidelines on basic training and Safety in acupuncture

Dokumen - dokumen WHO ttg Akupunktur


is the philosophical study of the ethical controversies brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethicists are concerned with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, philosophy, and theology.



The field of bioethics has addressed a broad swath of human inquiry, ranging from debates over the boundaries of life (e.g. abortion, euthanasia) to the allocation of scarce health care resources (e.g. organ donation, health care rationing) to the right to turn down medical care for religious or cultural reasons.


The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research was initially established in 1974 to identify the basic ethical principles that should underlie the conduct of biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects. However, the fundamental principles announced in the Belmont Report (1979)--namely, autonomy, beneficence and justice--have influenced the thinking of bioethicists across a wide range of issues. Others have added non-maleficence, human dignity and the sanctity of life to this list of cardinal values.









Babies, acupuncture and the secret to a good night's sleep

Safety in Acupuncture

Amankah tindakan Akupunktur ? Ditangan yang kompeten akupunktur merupakan suatu tindakan yang relatif aman dengan beberapa kontra indikasi dan komplikasi. Perhatikan transmisi infeksi yang merupakan faktor resiko tindakan akupunktur

Resiko Tindakan akupunktur :

- Transmisi infeksi (hepatitis, HIV) - Jarum patah, bengkok - Reaksi yang tdk diharapkan - Nyeri dan rasa tidak nyaman - terlukanya organ dalam

Pencegahan Infeksi :

• Lingkungan kerja yang bersih• Tangan pengobat yang bersih• Persiapan bagian tubuh yang akan di akupunktur• Jarum , alat dan kotak penyimpanan harus steril• Tehnik aseptis• Penanganan yang cermat untuk jarum bekas dan

kapas bekas

Kontra Indikasi

• Kehamilan • Kedaruratan medik • Kasus pembedahan• Tumor ganas• Gangguan pembekuan darah dan sedang

dalam pengobatan antikuagulantia






• Malam• Barat/utara• Dingin• Air• Bulan

• Perut• Permukaan dalam• Darah

• Kronis• Merasa dingin• Depresi• Lemah• Sakit

• Siang• Timur/selatan• Panas• Api• Matahari

• Punggung• Permukaan luar• Energi/chi

• Akut• Merasa panas• Senang• Kuat• Sehat




Aktivitas energi di meridian

• Meridian I (Paru-paru)• Meridian II (UB)• Meridian III (Lambung)• Merridian IV (Limpa-pankreas)

• Meridian V (Jantung)• Meridian VI (UK)• Meridian VII (KK)• Meridan VIII (Ginjal)• Meridian IX(Sampul jantung)

• Meridian X (Tri pemanas)• Meridian XI (K.Empedu)• Meridan XII (Hati)

• Jam 3.00 – 5.00• Jam 5.00 – 7.00• Jam 7.00 – 9.00• Jam 9.00 – 11.00• Jam 11.00 – 13.00• Jam 13.00 – 15.00• Jam 15.00 – 17.00• Jam 17.00 – 19.00• Jam 19.00 – 21.00• Jam 21.00 – 23.00• Jam 23.00 – 1.00• Jam 1.00 – 3.00


Medical ethics

is the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to medicine. As a scholarly discipline, medical ethics encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, and sociology.

What Can Acupuncture Treat?

While acupuncture is often known to its effectiveness in pain control, The World Heatlh Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wider range of medical problems, including: Muscular and Skeletal Disorders: arthritis,tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, neck pain, TMJ, sciatica, low back pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain.

Acupuncture is most commonly used for pain, such as back, neck and spine pain, herniated discs, nerve irritation, sciatica, headache, facial pain, jaw pain (TMJ), menstrual pain, arthritis, sprains, muscle strain, repetitive strain injuries, tendonitis, sports or auto injury. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are also very effective for viral infections such as colds/flu’s and hepatitis.

Are there ailments acupuncture isn't effective to treat?WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE ?

Cancer is not treatable by acupuncture, although it is effective in resolving the nausea associated with chemotherapy treatment. AIDS also does not respond to acupuncture, although acupuncture can be used to boost the immune system, it cannot reverse the effects of HIV.

Safety in Acupuncture

Amankah tindakan Akupunktur ? Ditangan yang kompeten akupunktur merupakan suatu tindakan yang relatif aman dengan beberapa kontra indikasi dan komplikasi. Perhatikan transmisi infeksi yang merupakan faktor resiko tindakan akupunktur

Medical ethics

tends to be understood narrowly as an applied professional ethics, whereas bioethics appears to have worked more expansive concerns, touching upon the philosophy of science and issues of biotechnology. Still, the two fields often overlap and the distinction is more a matter of style than professional consensus. Medical ethics shares many principles with other branches of healthcare ethics, such as nursing ethics.

Penelitian Akupunktur :* Penelitian Akupunktur Dasar

- Titik Akupunktur - Meridian - Mekanisme kerja * Penelitian Akupunktur klinis terkait dengan setiap sistem tubuh

Berbagai penelitian telah membuktikan keberadaan titik akupunktur,

yg berbeda dengan sembarang lokasi bukan titikakupunktur dalam hal :

• Struktur anatomi dan histologi • Fenomena khas • Efek rangsang

Struktur Anatomi dan Histologi Titik Akupunktur• Kellner (1965) melalukan 12.000 mikroseksi pada 11 titik akupunktur : tidak ditemukan sesuatu yang unik, kecuali akhiran saraf pada lokasi titik akupunktur lebih padat Pada lokasi akupunktur, satu reseptor untuk 2,80 mm2 dan lokasi bukan titik akupunktur 12,83 mm2.• Gunn et al (1976) meneliti 70 buah titik akupunktur : 47 terletak pada titik motorik (tipe I) 11 terletak di garis sagital, pertemuan saraf superfisial kedua belah tubuh (tipe II) 12 terletak pada pleksus saraf atau saraf kutaneus superfisial (tipe III) 1977 : titik akupunktur terletak di atas otot –tendon (tipe IV) kesimpulan : titik akupunktur terletak di area kaya saraf superfisial.

• Fan et al (1990) : dengan mikroskop elektron pada pembesaran 20.000 kali mendapatkan celah antar sel (gap junction) di epidermis pada lokasi titik akupunktur dua kali lebih banyak dibanding lokasi bukan titik akupt.• Croley & Carlson (1991) mendapatkan papila dermis pada lokasi titik Akupunktur dua kali lebih banyak• Kawakita (1993) : reseptor rangsang akupunktur, mekanis maupun termis, adalah sama yaitu reseptor polimodal, yg merupakan akhiran bebas yang teranyam dari saraf sensorik tak bermielin (serabut C), saraf sensorik kecil bermielin (serabut A-delta) dan saraf sensorik besar bermielin (serabut A-beta) reseptor polimodal : sensitisasi memunculkan nyeri tekan; eksitasi menimbulkan : rasa jarum, reaksi inflamasi lokal, aktivasi sistem analgetik (dimediasi opioid atau mediator kimiawi lainnya), serta aktivasi sistem regulatorik.

Ethical Considerations for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinical Trials: A Cross-cultural Perspective*

Christopher Zaslawski

College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Medical and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Many ethical concerns revolve around the four basic principles of research: merit and integrity, respect for human beings, weighting of risk–benefit and justice. These principles

form the basis for any discussion concerning human research ethics and are applicable to all areas of research including acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. World Health Organisation document, Guidelines for Clinical Research on Acupuncture, states that ‘consideration should be given to the different value systems that are involved …..

For reprints and all correspondence: Christopher Zaslawski, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Medical and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney

2007, Australia. Tel: +61-2-9514-7856; Fax: +61-2-9514-7866; E-mail:

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineMethodological and Ethical Issues in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture

Richard Hammerschlag, Ph.D. Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Santa Monica, California.

In this review, controlled clinical trials of acupuncture are placed into five categories on the basis of the treatment with which acupuncture is compared. Methodological and ethical issues relevant to each category are discussed. Wait list (or no treatment) controls, which are ethically acceptable for stable, chronic conditions, assess the efficacy of acupuncture relative to the natural history of the condition but do not control for nonspecific treatment effects. Placebo controls, defined here as noninvasive procedures such as inactive transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or mock needling, assess whether acupuncture has an effect beyond that of the therapeutic milieu. Sham controls, defined as invasive but inappropriate procedures such as shallow needling at nonacupoint sites, assess whether acupuncture efficacy depends on the style and location of needling….

To cite this article:Richard Hammerschlag. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Summer 1998, 4(2): 159-171. doi:10.1089/acm.1998.4.159. Published in Volume: 4 Issue 2: September 10, 2007

For the current study, published in the journal Cephalalgia, German researchers followed more than 15,000 adults with chronic headaches; all had been suffering from either migraine or tension-type headaches at least twice a month for 1 year or more.

The largest "randomized" acupuncture study ever done

Category: Alternative medicine • Clinical trials • Medicine


At 3 months, the number of days with headache decreased from 8.4 ± 7.2 (estimated mean ±s.e.) to 4.7 ± 5.6 in the acupuncture group and from 8.1 ± 6.8 to 7.5 ± 6.3 in the control group (P < 0.001). Similarly, intensity of pain and quality of life improvements were more pronounced in the acupuncture vs. control group (P < 0.001). Treatment success was maintained through 6 months.


Visualisasi Meridian Menggunakan Teknik Pemeriksaan Kedokteran Nuklir

Radiofarmaka: Tc-99m pertechnetateBiodistribusi: Kel. ludah, kel. tiroid, lambung,


Statik 5 menit, aliran ke atas / ke PC1 (Tianquan) (?)

SJ5 (Waiguan), statik 10 & 20 mntKiri: Titik Akup(Deqi), Kanan: intradermalKiri: aliran ke atas ke SJ10(Tianjing?)

SJ10 (?)



SJ10 (?)



SJ10 (?)












Aliran radiofarmaka ≈ Meridian

PC1 (Tianchi) PC6 (Neiguan) PC8 (Laogong) 250 µCi/titik,20 menit, WBS


