The ESL Globe - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga · ~ Our Mission ~ The mission of the ESL...


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The ESL Globe

A publication of ESL Institute

Spring 2014

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

~ Our Mission ~

The mission of the ESL Institute is to serve international students by developing their English proficiency and by assisting them in their transition to American culture. Within a supportive environment, the ESL Institute respects and promotes the individual needs and

goals of each student, whether their goals include learning English for personal, business, or academic reasons.

What do you think about the ESL Institute? “We can learn different languages and get to know about other countries’ culture.” (Seon Choi)

“I had good moments and I have met good friends. All these help me to improve my English.” (Eddie)

“It’s nice learning about other cultures, not just American.” (Sertac)

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Here we are, smiling for the group newsletter picture in front of our house. It’s a fine old house.

We are, and we do, many things here. We represent fifteen countries. We are ambassadors of sorts. We are kind to each

other, and we work hard together to better our English skills and better ourselves as citizens of the world. We are all part of a

sturdy and colorful fabric that covers us in a great life experience.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

When did you decide to become a teacher? I became a teacher when I worked in an Indonesian Restaurant in London. I saw difficulties in

communication between front of house (native English speakers) and kitchen staff (Indonesians) which presented problems in the work space. On Sundays I began “Satay School” to teach basic communication English to the kitchen staff. We had fun and it was fantastic to see the enthusiasm from students who needed to go out and use that English every day.

Why did you leave your home country? I graduated from University in 2009, at a time when it was very difficult for graduates to get a job. After

a string of unfortunate events, I decided to return to China (having lived in Hong Kong for a year during University) and teach English.

Why did you leave China? I left China to move on with my career and find new challenges. I was a manager of an English training

school for over a year and decided to move on to further my experience in International Education. What brought you to America? And why Chattanooga? I met my husband in China and when we decided to move on together, we had to choose between

Chattanooga or London. Chattanooga won! It had presented us with more opportunities: We’ve been able to explore the career fields we are interested in, enjoy nature whilst living in a city, and buy a house.

Why are you interested in working for ESL? I love teaching ESL. It is fantastic to enable International students to communicate with each other in

their non-native language. English is an important language for a world citizen and so to help people improve their English presents new opportunities in work, life, and travel.

What’s your teaching philosophy? I like to think of teaching as providing the tools to equip the student to further study by themselves.

Classrooms can provide only so many hours, but if students want to really learn they have to find a connection with the language. That’s why I like to use media in my classroom such as YouTube or podcasts. By providing interesting sources, I hope to encourage students to seek out articles, stories, movies and music in English. I also like to present language through context and situational dialogues to demonstrate the possibilities of use in the ‘real world’.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Tell me a little bit about yourself. I never stop. I thrive off of being busy; whether it be working,

meeting up with friends, playing the piano, travelling or reading.

Greetings, Florence!

Interviewed by Sertaç

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on 15 January 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. Martin’s father, Michael, came from a humble family. He was second of ten children. He left his family and moved to Atlanta at the age of sixteen with nothing more than a sixth grade education and a pair of shoes.

He worked on several jobs, studied and slowly developed a reputation as a preacher. He met Alberta Christine Williams. Alberta was a well-educated young woman, daughter of a well-establish Baptist reverend, Adam Daniel Williams. She was a graduate of Atlanta’s Spellman College and attended the Hampton Institute in Virginia and returned to Atlanta to teach.

Michael and Alberta got married and moved to Alberta’s parents’ home in Auburn Avenue, the main street of Atlanta’s African American business district.

So Martin and his brothers, Christine and Alfred were born in a financially secured middle class family. They received a better education than the average child of their race. They all took piano lessons. They also enjoyed sports such as football and basketball. But Martin was an exceptional and dedicated student that never wasted the opportunity he had to learn.

Nevertheless his happy childhood, Martin encountered mild racial discrimination. One day, Martin and his father went to buy some new shoes. The clerk told them to go to the back of the store, “we do not serve colored in the front of the store”. Martin learned then already at an early age that things were not the same for black and for white. And this is how Martin decided to devote his talent and life to find a way to change the laws and the society.

Martin got married and had four kids, finished his doctoral studies at the age of 26 and developed a powerful nonviolent speech, being one of the most influential African-American spokesperson of the 60´s. During the 1960’s America was struggling thru international conflicts and deep social changes. Martin was very active in his fight for civil rights but never abandoned his firmly-rooted beliefs about racial integration and nonviolence. In December 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Unfortunately Martin was victim of intolerance and was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on 4th April 1968.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

By Zoila

What is the Day of the Dead? Dia de Muertos: The Day of the Dead

In Mexico, the Day of the Dead, Dia de Muertos, is a very popular celebration that we have for the people we love who have died. We remember them each year on November first.

At home on the Day of the Dead, we dedicate an altar to them. First, this altar is decorated with a special flower that is called the blossom of the dead, or in Spanish “flor de muerto”. Second, a candle for every death is lighted, and last, we put the loved one’s favorite foods, drinks and bread on the altar. This bread is called “pan de muerto” and made especially for that day.

The night of November first we share a family dinner with stories about our dead. We also listen to music that they liked and imagine them dancing to the music. Therefore, a mixture of feelings rises. We laugh and cry at the same time, remembering our lost loved ones, and believe it brings them great joy. We then light an extra candle outside of any window for the already forgotten. These actions happen each Day of the Dead.

In conclusion, the Day of the Dead is a beautiful tradition that I love to share with my daughters, no matter where in the world we are.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

by Obdulia

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Valentine’s Day is celebrated all around the world. But who was St. Valentine and what meaning does St. Valentine have in the different countries?

There are different stories about St. Valentine. The most reasonable one tells that he was a Roman who lived in Italy in the 3rd

century. He was martyred for refusing to give up his Christian faith. In 469 Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom. Over the centuries he became the patron saint of lovers, engaged couples, and happy marriages.

In the USA the celebration of Valentine’s Day has a long tradition. It’s the day for romance, best friends, spouses, significant others, and schoolmates. Letters, cards, chocolate and candy are given away to friends. Lovers enjoy romantic candle-light dinner or even give gifts like jewelry.

In Europe Valentine’s Day is more exclusive for lovers and married couples. They are far less commercial about this day.

Remarkably in Brazil, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated June 12th. In recent years Valentine’s Day also became popular in countries with religions other than Christianity such as China and India.

However the basic message of Valentine’s Day is to celebrate friendship and love.

Valentine’s Day

by Obdulia

The festival of San Fermin is the most famous event in Spain. It takes place in Pamplona from July 6th to July 14th.

First , the quiet city of Pamplona with almost 200,000 inhabitants receives one million people from other countries during this week. Some of them from as far away as Australia and the USA. Everyone comes to participate and enjoy this “Fiesta.”

Second, this event is known all over the world for the running of the bulls called “Encierro.” This is an exciting race, one half mile long , that starts at 8:00 am every morning and only lasts three or four minutes. The bulls run very fast. Therefore it is impossible for men to complete the race. They are only able to sprint some yards. This is a dangerous experience and it´s necessary for runners to follow the rules. For example, don’t drink before , don´t call the bulls and don’t touch them. Nowadays it is imitated in many other cities.

Furthermore, this festival is very diverse in its activities. It involves a religious celebration, music, typical food and drink, a carnival, fireworks and bullfighting. It´s assured that everyone can find something that he or she likes.

Finally, San Fermin has gained international attention due to Ernest Hemingway´s novel The Sun Also Rises, the best book ever written about it. For all these reasons, the Festival of San Fermin could be considered the most popular party in Spain.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

San Fermin, the best party of Spain

by Arantza


Skydiving is new experience for me that I will never forget because it was a crazy and dangerous sport. I had never thought that I will do it before I went to skydive. In that moment, I was very fearful and nervous. Before free fall time, my tandem instructor told me that I did not need to be fearful. I thought maybe I just had a great chat with my tandem instructor pre-jump to get over my fear.

The free fall was at 14000 feet and 120 miles an hour. It took me ten minutes to arrive a landing field. The scenery was very beautiful, but it was painful for me. For example, the speed and pressure caused me to breathe hard and hurt my ears. It was so crazy. I could not believe I had done it. However I underwent a fully incredible voyage. In short, I came back to my life and have an implausible experience of free fall for me.

If you want to try it, you will need to look below these steps. First, you can search skydiving website to understand what is skydiving. Before you do it, make sure you overcome your fear and check your health. Second, you need to look for reputable drop zones and ask some details about their hours, schedules, instructors, and the weather. If the weather is bad or windy, you will not finish it. Third, before your first jump, you must watch skydiving video and follow the instructor’s rules because skydiving is a dangerous sport. Next, you will enjoy the feeling of free fall at 120 miles an hour from 14000 feet. But it is most important that you need to learn how to breathe during the speedy drop. If you finally conquer your fear of heights, you will enjoy a 360 degree view. Finally, if you enjoy the feeling of free fall and want to try it yourself more times, you can do it again and again until you are competent enough to jump without instructor supervision and become a licensed skydiver. To sum up, you will never forget your first skydiving experience and enjoy it awfully much.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

by Eddie!

Brazil, the Country of Soccer

One of most traditional sports in my country is soccer. In fact, a long time ago Brazil became a reference in soccer, became a country with many players internationally known, such as: Neimar, Kaká, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and the most famous player in Brazil and, why not say, in the world: Pelé.

Soccer is a cheaper sport, and the majority of kids in Brazil like to play it and also, play this in every place, like streets, inner gardens and sometimes, in the main room of their houses!

Actually we have many championships in soccer in Brazil. Indeed, it is possible to see an official game all through the year. The next big championship that will occur is the World Cup, and this event is bringing much joy for all the country. In summary, these are some reasons to call Brazil the country of soccer.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

by Marcio

My Favorite Book

Reading is a hobby of mine, and I have read a lot of books in my life. One of my favorites is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I can read this book again and again because of the action and depth of representation of characters in the book. And mostly I like the great love story of this book.

The author writes about the relationship between a

young Russian man Alexsey Vronsky and a women called Anna Karenina, who is already married to another man and has a son with him. Anna was an upper class woman whose husband was a minister in the government of Czar Alexander. Vronsky was also upper class. These people could have become secret lovers, which happened not rarely inside their class. But honest and brave Anna didn’t want to lie and decided to be openly against the society rules of the Russia of those days. She confessed to her spouse, and it dramatically changed her life.

In the 19th century, it was not easy to leave one

husband and to build a new family. Anna did it, but unfortunately she had to leave her son with the ex-husband. Also, the entire circle of her friends broke contact with her. It was not easy for the poor woman. Finally she killed herself, which made the story quite sad.

Indeed, I can recommend Anna Karenina, Tolstoy’s great

novel, to everybody. Anna Karenina is a monumental book.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

A Book Review by Merina

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Here’s the latest news about German Prime Minister Christian Wulff’s corruption scandal. He and his extravagant wife Bettina Wulff have been the most glamorous couple for the last decade in Germany’s political scene. In contrast to Wulff’s previous success in the past he is now in trouble. Some paparazzi came up with a bad story about him. They blamed him for getting money and a paid vacation from a friend in the film industry. To pay back all the extras that Wulff got from the filmmaker he helped this friend in an illegal way, raising money for his movie. The story got bigger and emerged more and more into the public view. In this upheaval, Wulff decided to resign. The latest news from the court shows that he is probably not guilty because they didn’t find enough evidence against him. According to this information, it is hard to figure out if he is guilty or not.

Scandal!? by Jessica

UPDATE! By MELISSA EDDY, NEW YORK TIMES, FEB. 27, 2014 BERLIN — A former president of Germany, Christian Wulff, was acquitted on Thursday of corruption charges from his time as a regional governor. The ruling handed him the exoneration he had sought since stepping down from the presidency in 2012.

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Marina Diane is owner and CEO of the company business health®, which offers health support programs for hard working people who have no time to take care of their health. On February 18th 2014, Marina gave a presentation on “Well-Being and Stress Management“ for teachers and students of the ESL Institute at The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. She explained what defines health and why everybody should try to prevent chronic stress. Marina offered her audience relaxation techniques and explained their benefits before offering a course on “Autogenic Training“. After Q+A Marina got positive feedback from the participants. Everyone received their own copy of her step-by-step instruction sheets to be able to practice the relaxation program on their own.



Stress reduction is one of the most important skills of

becoming and staying healthy.

Autogenic Training is a fast and efficient method for

mind and body relaxation. German doctor Johannes

J.H. Schultz developed it at the beginning of the 20th

century. This technique is scientifically proven to

provide effective and complete relaxation.

Autogenic Training is one of the most well-known and

effective therapies used in doctor’s offices, hospitals,

and as self-therapy. It is widely popular for many

reasons. The first reason is that it takes a relatively

short time to learn this method, and can be done

quickly once learned. Secondly, no special

equipment is needed for it. As a result Autogenic

Training can be done discreetly anywhere at any


With Autogenic Training you learn how to relax your

body parts and bodily functions. Bit by bit you influence

positively your muscles, circulatory system, breathing,

digestive system, and release tension in your shoulder

and neck area. In spite of stressful situations it can

help you with:

• stress at your workplace and in your personal life • blood pressure and circulation problems • digestion problems, headaches, and tinnitus • sleeping and concentrating problems • many other disorders and illnesses.

business health ® Integral Health Support l Vision & Strategies

for the long-lasting health of your company l Owner Marina

Diane l l I

The ESL Globe Spring 2014



The relaxed state can be achieved through self-

suggestions. Autogenic training allows your

muscles to become relaxed by imagining you

are heavy. So if I say that my arm is heavy, the

muscles in my arm will become relaxed. By

relaxing your muscles through Autogenic

Training, you activate your parasympathetic

nervous system which will automatically relax

other bodily functions i.e. blood pressure,

heart rate, breathing, etc. Autogenic Training uses

short statements that are repeated to oneself in order

to achieve muscle relaxation. Each formula will be

repeated 3 to 6 times to one’s self. The formulas are

recited with one’s breathing rhythm. You can close

your eyes if you want to. It is not required, but it helps

with concentration.

Focus your attention on your breathing. Let your thoughts float away like clouds in the sky…

My right arm is heavy (x 3) My left arm is heavy (x 3) My right leg is heavy (x 3) My left leg is heavy (x 3)

During the exercise, you could feel a prickly feeling in your

fingers, hands or arms. The areas of focus could feel larger,

or weightless or heavier or a combination of different

sensations simultaneously. With regular training, you will

achieve these results consistently.

If you are continuing your daily routine afterwards, you will

need to reactivate your muscles after the exercise. Clench

your fists tightly and pump your forearms bringing your fists

quickly and energetically toward your shoulders. Take a

couple deep breaths, and open your eyes.

business health ® Integral Health Support l Vision & Strategies

for the long-lasting health of your company l Owner Marina

Diane l l I

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

SPOT THE DIFFERENCES! Can you tell what is different in each photograph?

This is your Spring 2014 GLOBE staff!

The ESL Globe Spring 2014



1. 1.

2. 3.



4. 5.


6. 7.


ACROSS 1. Someone who speaks particularly a lot? Where is he from? 2. What is Thamer and Osama's country? 3. Nice clothes Obdulia is from…? 4. Most cute ladies Zoila, Arantza, and Isabel are from…? 5. Most sweet Filiz and her son Sertac's country? 6. The tall gentleman Safwan is from…? 7. Our very own policeman is from…?

DOWN 1. Most funny Marcio, tall girl Vanessa, and delicate Jennifer are from…? 2. Serene Maiko is from…? 3. Someone who speaks m-m-ma-ma-maybe a lot is from…? 4. Rookie Sunghun, veteran Jongwoo and passionate Sunny are from…? 5. Our GLOBE artist is from…? 6. Pink lady Karin, smart Elisabeth, Jessica, Merina, and Klaudia's country? 7. Quiet Melissa is from?

This land is your land. Or…the clue answer is.

The Esl Globe Spring 2014

INFORMATION on the 50 States * No. State Acronym Nickname Capital Biggest City Size(㎢) Size Rank. Population('00) Pop. Rank. No. of County Entered Union

1 Alabama AL Heart of Dixie Montgomery Birmingham 135,775 30th 4,779,736 23rd 67 1819-12-14

2 Alaska AK The Last Frontier Juneau Anchorage 1,717,854 1st 626,932 47th 11 1959-1-3

3 Arizona AZ The Grand Canyon State Phoenix Phoenix 295,254 6th 5,130,632 17th 15 1912-2-14

4 Arkansas AR The Natural State Little Rock Little Rock 137,732 29th 2,673,400 32nd 75 1836-06-15

5 California CA The Golden State Sacramento Los Angels 410,000 3rd 35,484,453 1st 58 1850-09-09

6 Colorado CO The Centennial State Denver Denver 269,837 8th 5,029,196 22nd 64 1876-08-01

7 Connecticut CT The Nutmeg State Hartford Bridgeport 14,371 48th 3,405,565 29th 8 1788-01-09

8 Delaware DE The First State Dover Wilmington 6,452 49th 783,600 45th 3 1787-12-07

9 Florida FL Sunshine State Tallahassee Jacksonville 170,451 22nd 15,982,378 4th 67 1845-03-03

10 Geogia GA Peach State Atlanta Atlanta 154,077 24th 8,186,453 9th 159 1788-01-02

11 Hawaii HI The Aloha State Honolulu Honolulu 28,337 43rd 1,211,537 43rd 5 1959-8-21

12 Idaho ID Gem State Boise Boise 216,632 14th 1,293,953 39th 44 1890-07-03

13 Illinois IL The Inland Empire Springfield Chicago 149,998 25th 12,419,293 5th 102 1818-12-03

14 Indiana IN The Hoosier State Indianapolis Indianapolis 94,321 38th 6,080,485 15th 92 1816-12-11

15 Iowa IA The Hawkeye State Des Moines Des Moines 145,743 26th 2,926,324 30th 99 1846-12-28

16 Kansas KS The Sunflower State Topeka Wichita 213,096 15th 2,688,418 33rd 105 1861-01-29

17 Kentucky KY Bluegrass State Frankfort Louisville 104,749 37th 4,173,405 26th 120 1792-06-01

18 Louisiana LA Pelican State Baton Rouge New Orleans 134,382 31st 4,468,976 22nd 64 1812-04-30

19 Maine ME The Pine Tree State Augusta Portland 86,542 39th 1,274,923 40th 16 1820-03-15

20 Maryland MD Old Line State Annapolis Baltimore 32,160 42nd 5,296,486 19th 24 1788-04-28

21 Massachusetts MA Bay State Boston Boston 27,360 44th 6,349,097 13rd 14 1788-02-06

22 Michigan MI The Wolverine State Lansing Detroit 250,494 11st 9,938,444 8th 83 1837-01-26

23 Minnesota MN North Star State Saint Paul Minneapolis 225,365 12nd 4,919,479 21st 87 1858-05-11

24 Mississippi MS Magnolia State Jackson Jackson 125,443 32nd 2,697,243 31st 82 1817-12-10

25 Missouri MO The Show Me State Jefferson City Kansas City 180,693 21st 5,595,211 17th 115 1821-08-10

26 Montana MT Treasure State Helena Billings 381,156 4th 902,195 44th 56 1889-11-08

27 Nebraska NE Comhusker State Lincoln Omaha 200,520 16th 1,711,263 38th 93 1867-03-01

28 Nevada NV Silver State Carson City Las Vegas 286,367 7th 1,998,257 35th 17 1864-10-31

29 New Hampshire NH Granite State Concord Manchester 24,239 46th 1,235,786 41st 10 1788-07-21

30 New Jersey NJ The Garden State Trenton Newark 22,608 47th 8,717,925 10th 21 1787-12-18

31 New Mexico NM Land of Enchantment Santa Fe Albuquerque 315,194 5th 1,819,046 36th 33 1912-1-6

32 New York NY The Empire State Albany New York 141,205 27th 18,976,457 3rd 62 1788-07-26

33 North Carolina NC Tar Heel State Raleigh Charlotte 139,509 28th 8,049,313 11st 100 1789-11-21

34 North Dakota ND Peace Garden State Bismarck Fargo 183,272 19th 642,200 47th 53 1889-11-02

35 Ohio OH The Buckeye State Columbus Columbus 116,096 34th 11,353,140 7th 88 1803-03-01

36 Oklahoma OK Sooner State Oklahoma City Oklahoma City 181,196 20th 3,450,654 27th 77 1907-11-16

37 Oregon OR Beaver State Salem Portland 255,026 6th 3,421,399 28th 36 1859-02-14

38 Pennsylvania PA Keystone State Harrisburg Philadelphia 119,283 33rd 12,281,054 6th 67 1787-12-12

39 Rhode Island RI Little Rhody Providence Providence 4,005 50th 1,048,319 43rd 5 1790-05-29

40 South Carolina SC Palmetto State Columbia Columbia 82,965 40th 4,012,012 26th 46 1788-05-23

41 South Dakota SD The Mount Rushmore State Pierre Sioux Falls 199,905 17th 754,844 46th 66 1889-11-02

42 Tennessee TN Volunteer State Nashville Memphis 109,247 36th 5,689,283 16th 95 1796-06-01

43 Texas TX Lone Star State Austin Houston 696,241 2nd 20,851,820 2nd 254 1845-12-29

44 Utah UT Beehive State Salt Lake City Salt Lake City 219,887 13rd 2,233,169 34th 29 1896-01-04

45 Vermont VT The Green Mountain State Montpelier Burlington 24,923 43th 608,827 49th 14 1791-03-04

46 Virginia VA Old Dominion Richmond Virginia Beach 110,862 35th 7,196,750 12nd 134 1788-06-25

47 Washington WA The Evergreen State Olympia Seattle 184,824 18th 5,894,121 14th 39 1889-11-11

48 West Virginia WV Mountain State Charleston Charleston 62,809 41st 1,808,344 37th 55 1863-06-20

49 Wisconsin WI Badger State Madison Milwaukee 169,790 23rd 5,363,675 20th 77 1848-05-29

50 Wyoming WY Equality State Cheyenne Cheyenne 253,348 11st 493,782 50th 23 1890-07-10

* Chart created by Jongwoo

The ESL Globe Spring 2014













- Seafood

- First session

- I’m a complex person, and thus I’d need more than one sentence.

- I will have a lot of visitors during the next few months and will move back to Germany in 2015

- I l ike to travel, to hike, and to read. I also enjoy music.

- I don’t have to work and I travel a lot.

- Boston (MA) and San Diego (CA): I have already visited a lot of other cities.

ARANTZA ECENARRO 423-987-4573 July 20


- Spanish and Asian food

- First semester

- I am friendly and quiet.

- Enjoy the Summer and come back in the Fall

- Reading, watching movies, crafts, being with family and friends

- The outdoors, the weather, and the people

- San Francisco (CA) , New York (NY)

DENIS BOCONEGRA 423-316-1036 August 21


- Seafood (Lobster and Shrimp)

- First session

- I am a friendly person.

- I’ll go back to my country

- Taking care of my new baby

- The peace with who lives here

- Las Vegas (NV)

EDDIE HSU 423-227-2163 March 18


- Chinese food, fish, vegetables

- Second semester

- I’m a good guy who is honest and compassionate.

- I will go back to Taiwan to find a new job

- I enjoy going outside and eating with my friends

- I enjoy learning English in my life in the USA

- New York (NY)

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

ISABEL ROMANOS 423-800-2009 July 13


- Chocolate

- First semester

- I am friendly.

- Continue learning English in my country


- The weather and relaxing

- Chicago (IL)

JENNIFER LOPES 214-991-6576 July 17


- Pasta

- First semester

- I’m funny and sweet, I think.

- I don’t know yet

- Watching movies and hanging out with friends

- I don’t know!

- Miami and Orlando (FL), New York (NY), Las Vegas (NV), somewhere in Colorado…

JESSICA KALKE 423-994-3133 May 5


- Sushi

- It’s my second semester

- I am a funny and cautious person.

- I don’t know yet

- Hiking and yoga at the Sports Barn

- The weather! It’s always so nice and warm.

- Los Angeles (CA)

JONGWOO SUH 404-834-1999 October 26


- Sushi

- For 5 semesters

- I’m very inquisitive and optimistic.

- Getting a Master’s degree in Entymology

- Playing baseball (watching also), traveling, and photography

- Everything – except the U.S. is not my home country

- Honolulu (HI) and Anchorage (AK)

FILIZ TUNA 423-580-1898 June 6


-Kebop, Baklava

-Since September 2012

-I am peaceful and sentimental.

-I will try to improve my English

-Shopping, traveling, new friends

-I get to know different cultures

-I would like to visit Los Angeles (CA)

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

MAIKO IBUKI 423-364-7643 May 31


- Miso soup

- First semester

- I look like a child

- I’m going to get married and move to Germany

- I enjoy playing tennis

- I enjoy eating lots of meat and chips

- Orlando (FL) – DISNEY WORLD!

KLAUDIA WEIDHAUS 423-645-2869 May 18


- Italian food

- First semester

- I like to be out in nature.

- I will go to the next class

- Hiking, bike riding, dancing, and reading

- Friendly people and the wide and open landscape

- New York (NY), San Francisco (CA)

LENA BURYKINA 803-767-5845 February 26


- Fruits and vegetables

- Second semester

- I’m a friendly person and I like to paint.

- After ESL I will work as an artist in Chattanooga and travel with my husband.

- Outside of class I enjoy yoga, cooking, and reading books

- I enjoy seeing and experiencing nature.

- Washington DC, San Francisco (CA), New Orleans (LA), and Miami (FL)

MARCIO ANDREOTTI 423-432-8775 December 22


- Steak, seafood, and pasta

- First session

- I define myself as a persistent, engaged, and curious person who values family, work, and responsibility.

- Take some architecture courses

- Reading, watching movies, and the theater

- Living in Chattanooga. It is a very nice city!

- Los Angeles (CA) and Washington, D.C.

KARIN BACHHUBER 423-310-3385 June 11


- Steak and baked potato

- First session

- I am open-minded and interested in different countries and cultures.

- I want to practice what I have learned in my ESL classes

- Traveling, hiking, ballroom dancing, and reading

- The huge variety of beautiful landscapes and cities.

- New York (NY) at Christmas time

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

OSAMA ALREHAILI 423-657-4045



- First semester


- Study at UTC

- Soccer



OBDULIA ENGELMANN 423-596-7754 August 5


- Spanish food

- Second semester

- I am a friendly person.

- Maybe I will continue next semester.

- Riding my bicycle

- The weather in Chattanooga.

- Boston (MA)

MELISSA MAS 423-303-9830 June 23


- Ceviche

- 4 semesters

- I’m an unknown person

- After ESL, I want to study Master’s degree for MBA

- Running around midnight

- I like the people live in Chattanooga

- Everywhere!



- European and Asiatic

- Second semester

- I love life and I intend to enjoy it.

- Look for work in the naval industry.

- Make new friends, go to clubs, try different activities, and sports

- There is always something to do and nice persons to meet

- San Francisco (CA)

MARINA DIANE 423-645-9660 April 18

- Germany and Russia

- Eggplant with cheese and garlic

- First semester

- I am a rarely stressed relation specialist.

- Promote my company – BUSINESS HEALTH

- Yoga, hiking, and reading

- The weather

- NY (NY) and San Francisco (CA)

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

SUNGHUN BAE 423-316-1183 February 20



- First semester


- I don’t know

- Working out


- Miami (FL)

SEON CHOI 423-227-9978 April 4


- Italian food

- 4 Semesters

- I am an outgoing person

- I will go to California for further study

- Going to the gym

- Shopping and meeting people from other countries

- Las Vegas (NV)

SERTAC TUNA October 16


- Turkish foods

- Second semester

- I am usually calm and uncomplicated.

- I’ll continue my education.

- Soccer, Basketball

- Making new friends and getting to know new cultures

- New York (NY), Los Angeles (CA), and Las Vegas (NV)

THAMER AL AYID 423-580-1408 May 12


- Kabsah, Mtaziz, Om. Ali

- First semester

- I am a social person.

- Complete my studies

- Soccer

- Enjoy nature and evolution

- Anywhere in Hawaii

SAFWAN KHALIFEH 423-488-8825 April 27


- Seafood, pizza

- First semester


- Complete my studies

- Sports and drawing

- Nature

- Washington, D.C. and cities in California

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

CANDACE LONG 423-902-6556 January 29


- Too many to list!

- Since September 2006

- I am a very outgoing person.


- Travel, photography, reading, going to movies

- Freedom

- Chicago (IL)

ZOILA 423-280-6931 June 2


- Mediterranean food

- This is my first session.

- I am very friendly!

- I will speak English.

- I enjoy reading and walking.

- Meeting people from different countries

- Seattle, WA

ANNE RITTENBERRY 423-667-2062 April 24


- Spaghetti

- Since 2001

- I enjoy helping students with their English and fostering their progress

- Coming back next session!

- I like to garden, read, enjoy music, and visit with friends

- The variety of climates, the people, and the customs

- Sonoma (AZ)


VANESSA PARREIRA 423-645-1953 April 25


-Brazilian Food, Mexican Food and Japanese Food!

-Taking the fourth semester

-I like living a peaceful life

-I will go back to Brazil!

-Going to the Gym, watching movies and surfing in the internet

-Go shopping, food, meeting different people.

-San Diego(CA), Las Vegas(NV)

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

KATHY INGRAM 423-486-5197 October 24



-1 year



-I enjoy being with my family, music, and crafts.



JERAD BREWER 423-425-5923 May 15


- Roast chicken with risotto and green beans

- Nearly 2 years

- I am the sort of person who likes novelty ties but hates dress socks.

- I will try to look busy doing chores

- In the Spring, I enjoy hiking, riding my bike, and being outdoors


- Although I’ve been before, I would like to visit New York with my daughter

JILL TYSON 423-298-1938 October 18


- Pizza done the right way

- Third session

- I have severe wanderlust.

- Now that I’ve finally mastered English, I’d like to learn Russian!

- I try to enjoy ALL of my activities outside of class.

- My husband and my family live here (ha-ha)! I like the diversity of peoples and landscapes.

- A city that has a metro, the ocean, Palmetto trees, China Town, and a theater district – PERFECT!

CAROLYN RANDLE 423-280-0402 September 10


- Butter pecan ice cream

- 18 years

- I love being an ESL teacher at UTC.

- I will never complete ESL! I love it!

- Road trips

- There is a variety of scenery

- Cities in Alaska




- First session






The ESL Globe Spring 2014

WADE RITTENBERRY 423-313-6921 November 3


- Peanut and Banana Sandwich…still!

- On and off for 8 years or so

- I enjoy the simple things and the company of my family and friends.

- I will hopefully come teach again next session!

- Working on my home and in the yard, baseball, and playing bass

- My home, family, and friends are all here!

- Austin (TX), Gettysburg (PA), and Fairbanks (AK)

NANCY NEFF 423-266-8633 September 11


- Fried Chicken

- 6 years

- I am a talkative, history-loving, political junkie teacher

- I want to keep teaching ESL forever

- Reading, Watching movie, Traveling, Playing with my dog

- The freedoms and opportuninties

- I love New York, but I’ve been there, so San Francisco would be lovely to visit






























KHIAH ASHBY 540-227-0557 August 7


- Tex-Mex!

- 2-3 years

- I am so unique I cannot be described in one sentence.


- Reading, printmaking, watching television, and swimming

- The diverse cultures and climates all in one country

- San Francisco, CA

How do you say…? ‘Hello’ ‘Thank You’ ‘Good bye’ ‘I love you’


merahaba shcan maslama Ana ahobek

Chinese 你好 谢谢 再见 我爱你

Nǐ hǎo Xièxiè Zàijiàn Wǒ ài nǐ

French Bonjour Merci au revoir Je t'aime

German Hallo danke Auf Wiedersehen Ich liebe dich

Korean 안녕하세요 감사합니다 안녕히 가세요 나는 당신을 사랑합니다

annyeonghaseyo gamsahabnida annyeonghi gaseyo naneun dangsin-eul salanghabnida

Japanese こんにちは ありがとう さようなら 私はあなたを愛して

Kon'nichiwa Arigatō Sayōnara Watashi wa anata o aishite

Portuguese Olá obrigado adeus Eu te amo

Russian привет спасибо до свидания Я люблю тебя

privet spasibo do svidaniya YA lyublyu tebya

Spanish Hola Gracias Adios Te quiero

Turkish merhaba teşekkür ederim elveda Seni seviyorum

Ukrainian привіт спасибі до побачення Я люблю тебе

pryvit spasybi do pobachennya YA lyublyu tebe

The ESL Globe Spring 2014

Cover design by Elena Burykina