The envelope of gasses that surrounds the · The envelope of gasses that surrounds the earth. 2 Jan...


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1Jan 5­8:17 AM

Define atmosphere

The envelope of gasses that surrounds the earth

2Jan 5­8:36 AM

What is ozone

An oxygen molecule with 3 oxygen atoms

3Jan 5­8:36 AM

What phase of matter is water vapor, is it steam?

Water vapor is a gas. It is NOT steam

4Jan 5­8:37 AM

What percent of the atmosphere is oxygen?


5Jan 5­8:38 AM

What is the instrument used to measure air pressure?


6Jan 5­8:38 AM

How is an aneroid barometer different that a mercury barometer?

An aneroid barometer does not contain a liquid, a mercury barometer does

7Jan 5­8:39 AM

What tool measures wind direction?

Wind vane

8Jan 5­8:39 AM

What happens to air pressure as you move up through the atmosphere

Air pressure decreases

9Jan 5­8:40 AM

How are the main layers of the atmosphere classified?

According to changes in temperature

10Jan 5­8:40 AM

Which layer of the atmosphere has all weather?


11Jan 5­8:41 AM

What does the atmosphere contain that protects us from ultraviolet radiation?


12Jan 5­8:41 AM

List the layers of the atmosphere from earth to space

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesospherethermosphere

13Jan 5­8:42 AM

What is the freezing point of water on the Celsius scale?

0 degrees

14Jan 5­8:43 AM

What is heat transfer through direct contact?


15Jan 5­8:44 AM

What causes winds?

Differences in air pressure

16Jan 5­8:45 AM

What is heat transfer within a fluid called?


17Jan 5­8:45 AM

What tool measures wind speed?


18Jan 5­8:46 AM

Earth's rotation makes the winds curve. What is this curvature of the wind called?

Coriolis effect

19Jan 5­8:46 AM

What tool measures humidity?


20Jan 5­8:47 AM

Will moisture form more quickly on a glass of hot water or cold water?


21Jan 6­9:43 AM

What type of clouds produce thunderstorms?


22Jan 6­9:44 AM

What is the name of high, feathery clouds?


23Jan 6­9:45 AM

Layer clouds that cover most of the sky are called?


24Jan 6­9:45 AM

Any form of water that falls from the sky is called


25Jan 6­9:46 AM

What is the process that allows liquid water to change to water vapor?


26Jan 6­9:46 AM

Which type of precipitation is liquid in the cloud and freezes in the air?


27Jan 6­9:47 AM

What type of front occurs when a rapidly moving cold front moves into a slowly moving warm air mass?

Occluded front

28Jan 6­9:48 AM

When a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet but do not move what front occurs?

Stationary front

29Jan 6­9:49 AM

Define lightning

A sudden spark or discharge of energy in the atmosphere

30Jan 6­9:49 AM

Define tornado

A rapidly whirling funnel shaped cloud that reaches down from a storm cloud to touch Earth's surface usually leaving a destructive path.

31Jan 6­9:51 AM

Where is the best place to seek shelter during a tornado?

The basement

32Jan 6­9:52 AM

What are scientists called that study weather and weather patterns?


33Jan 6­9:52 AM

The temperature zone you live in depends on what factor?


34Jan 6­9:53 AM

A = mP (maritime polar)B = cP (continental polar)C = mP (maritime polar)D = mT (maritime tropical)E = cT (continental tropical)F = mT (maritime tropical)

Y = place most likely for a tornado to occur

35Jan 6­9:55 AM

This symbol indicated which type of front?


36Jan 6­9:56 AM


37Jan 24­9:40 AM

This symbol indicates which type of front?


38Jan 24­9:40 AM

This symbol indicates which type of front?


39Jan 6­9:56 AM

What type of weather usually accompanies a warm front

Stratus clouds that bring steady, light rain followed by warming temperatures

40Jan 6­9:57 AM

A sea breeze blows from sea to land

41Jan 6­9:58 AM

What substance heats and cools the quickest, land or water?


42Jan 6­9:59 AM

What is the difference between a wet bulb and a dry bulb thermometer?

The wet bulb thermometer is a thermometer that has wet gauze wrapped around the tip if it. A dry bulb thermometer is just a regular thermometer

43Jan 24­9:43 AM
