THE ENDOROIS OF KENYA Endorois Welfare Council. The Endorois` Eviction Endorois is a minority...


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THE ENDOROIS OF KENYATHE ENDOROIS OF KENYAEndorois Welfare CouncilEndorois Welfare Council

The Endorois` Eviction• Endorois is a minority indigenous

community in Kenya

• Over 60,000 people have been marginalized over the years

• Significance of land

• Between 1974 and 1979, the Kenyan government forcefully evicted the Endorois

• Eviction devastated the Endorois economically, socially and culturally

The Endorois` Struggle1986 – the community realized that they had

been conned and petitioned the government

Government responded by intimidation, arrests, torture and persecution

1995 – Endorois Welfare Council (EWC) was formed

2001 –1st case in high court was lost2003 - resort to ACHPR, in The Gambia

2009 – ACHPR ruling: eviction was illegal2010 - the African Union adopted the ruling

How EWC organizes the community

Mission:social justice and sustainable


Organized groups: Religious Leaders Forum Endorois Women Forum Endorois Youth Forum Lake Bogoria Management

Committee Compensation Committee Boundary Committee

Achievements of the Endorois after the ACHPR’s Decision

International recognition of the Endorois as a minority indigenous people (UN, AU, etc.)

National recognition and inaugural commemorative ceremony in 2010

EWC legal registration and recognition

Illegal mining of rubies was stopped

Implementation issue is on the agenda of the Parliament

Challenges and Needs of the Endorois

Direct funding to community-based organizations - Small grants can make a big change!

Direct support to help access educationDirect support and capacity building to

help facilitate engagement with the state

Prior and informed consent of indigenous communities in development programmes

Challenges and Needs of the Endorois

Mainstreaming women in development projects

Direct support to income-generating activities

Technical and financial support to the Endorois Welfare Council and the existing committees

Direct support to conflict management and peace building among Tugen, Pokot & Ilchamus tribes


Wilson K. Kipkazi

Programmes Coordinator

Endorois Welfare Council

P.O.BOX 921-20100

Nakuru, Kenya

Tel: 254 721 549649

Email: or ewcbogoria@hotmail,com

