The Effects of X- rays on Star Formation and Black Hole Growth in Young Galaxies



The Effects of X- rays on Star Formation and Black Hole Growth in Young Galaxies. Marco Spaans (Kapteyn, Netherlands). Ayçin Aykutalp (Kapteyn), John Wise (Georgia), Rowin Meijerink (Kapteyn/Leiden ). BHs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Effects of X-rays on Star Formation

and Black Hole Growth in Young


Ayçin Aykutalp (Kapteyn), John Wise (Georgia), Rowin Meijerink (Kapteyn/Leiden)

Marco Spaans (Kapteyn, Netherlands)


Many galaxies contain BHs : MBH~10-3 Mbulge

Need accretion onto seed BHs and the formation of Pop III and PopII/I at early times

Even z~6 SMBHs of 109 M exist

Possible evolution in Magorrian rel. at high z (Walter ea 04)

BHs produce UV and X-ray radiation: feedback

Seed BHs formed as remnants of Pop III stars or through singular collapse in primordial atomic cooling halos. The latter requires a strong UV background (103-5 J21) and/or Lyman α trapping (Bromm & Loeb 03, Spaans & Silk 06, Shang ea 08, Dijsktra ea 08, Inayoshi & Omukai 12)

XDRs σ ~ E-3

1keV 1022 cm-2 penetration Secondary

Ionizations Dominate

FX =84 L44 r100-2 erg

cm-2 s-1

X-ray flux over 1-100 keV with a power law E-0.9

think of a Seyfert AGN at 100 pc

E > 1 keV

Heating: X-ray photo-ionization fast electrons; 10-50% H and H2 vib excitation; UV emission (Ly α, Lyman-Werner)

Cooling: [FeII] 1.26, 1.64; [OI] 63; [CII] 158; [SiII] 35 μm; CO

thermal H2 vib; gas-dust

1 keV photon penetrates 1022 cm-2 of NH


Heating efficiency 10-50%

X-rays penetrate further than UV

High opacity of metal-rich gas Large energy deposition rate (~FX/nH)

X-rays ionize and drive the ion-molecule chemistry, hence the H2 formation


Box size of 3 Mpc/h

3.6 pc proper resolution

Include X-ray chemistry by porting XDR code (Meijerink&Spaans 05): dust & ion-molecule chemistry, heating, cooling (escape probability for lines); pre-computed tables in nH, NH, FX, and Z/Z (176 species, more than 1000 reactions)

Employ Moray (Wise et. al. 12): UV and X-ray radiation transport (polychromatic spectrum) around the seed BH and every star particle

XDR (metallicity dependent) + Enzo non-equilibrium chemistry (9 species) run in parallel


Consider singular collapse scenario for UV backgrounds of 103 J21 and 105 J21, which facilitate destruction of H2 and suppresses fragmentation

Introduce seed BH M=5 x 104 M at z=15

BH at 10% Eddington (Kim et. al. 11 prescrip.) produces UV (90%) and X-ray (10%)

Star formation recipes for Pop III (H2 > 5 x 10-4) and Pop II/I (Z > 10-3.5 Z) from z=30

SN feedback, metal enrichment followed

Density-temperature (left) and column density-radius (right) profiles for zero and solar metallicity cases at z=14.95 (top) and z=14.54 (bottom).

High opacity effect of metal enriched gas




Zero Zero



H2 Fraction

Low (103 J21) and high (105 J21) UV bg. cases at z=14.95 (left), 14.86 (middle), and 14.78 (right).



Pop III stars

Low UV bg, at z=14.95!!!



Accretion rate

High UV bg case: 105 J21 Low UV bg case: 103 J21

BH growth

Strong UV background prevents growth to a SMBH!

X-ray feedback/BH growth self-regulating

X-ray Flux

X-ray flickering





z=12.15 z=12.00

HII region

High UV bg case, at z=12.86

Conclusions X-rays important & metals boost X-ray opacity


Weaker 103 J21 UV background allows Pop III star formation and enrich the medium with metals

X-ray feedback/BH growth is self-regulating

Singular collapse scenario does not yield SMBHs at z=6 for 105 J21 UV background

Interesting though for slowly evolving dwarfs today, unless there is later time UV weakening and/or metal enrichment

For low UV bg, 105 M MBH grows at 10-3 M/yr, doubles in mass in Edd. time (usual suspects for SMBHs at z=6)


3 Mpc/h box size: Merger rate, maximum halo mass underestimated

No Jets included

Self-shielding approximated locally

No UV background evolution

The simulations are still running!!!
