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NIM: 1110014000071





FORM (FR) No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-089

UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 5 Januari 2009 FITK No. Revisi: : 01 Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 Indonesia Hal : 1/1


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Siti Hadijah

Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Jakarta, 5 Maret 1992

NIM : 1110014000071

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahsa Inggris






Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA.

2. Neneng Sunengsih, M. Pd.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggung jawab seara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, 30 November 2014

Mahasiswa Ybs.


NIM. 1110014000071



حیم حمن الر بسم هللا الر

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent and The Merciful

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds for the blessing, the strength,

and the guidance to the writer in completion of this research. Peace and blessing

from Allah SWT be upon to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his

companions, and his followers.

It is a valuable thing that the writer finally accomplishes her “skripsi”

entitled “The Effectiveness of Know Want Learn Plus and Jigsaw Techniques in

the Teaching of Expository Reading Texts to the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8

Tangerang Selatan in the 2014-2015 Academic Year”. It is presented to the

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (Bachelor of Art) in English Language


First, the writer would like to express the greatest gratitude to her beloved

parents, Hadim and Nurseha, the best part of writer’s life. Moreover, her brothers,

Agus Haeruddin, Dani, and Nuryadi,. I thank for love, support, and contributions

both moral and material to the writer.

Furthermore, the writer would like to give the deepest gratitude and the

greatest honor to:

1. All lecturers in Department of English Education for the knowledge, the

motivation, and patience to the writer during her study at State Islamic

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University.

2. Drs. Syauki, M. Pd., the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum., the Secretary of Department of English

Education and the researcher’s academic advisor.


4. Nurlena Rifa’i, M. A., Ph. D., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

5. Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA. and Neneng Sunengsih, M. Pd., the advisors who

have given guidance, advice, motivation and patience to the writer in

accomplishment of this “skripsi”.

6. Imam Supingi, S. Pd, MM. as the headmaster of SMAN 8 Tangerang

Selatan. He had gave permission to do her research.

7. Tri Aji Anugroho, S. Pd. as the English teacher of the eleventh grade

students at SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan, Cirendeu. He gave permission to

the writer to do her research in his class. Moreover, He helped, advised

and supported the writer during the research.

8. All of students at eleventh grade at SMAN 8 tangerang Selatan, Cirendeu,

participated in this research.

9. All of beloved friends of The Class of PBI B in Department of English

Education. In addition, specially thanks to Yusri, Alfi, Iyang, Tami,

Uswah, Tia, and Fyan.

10. To any other persons who give contribution to the researcher and cannot

be mentioned one by one.

Finally the researcher truly realizes that this “skripsi” cannot be considered as

a perfect masterpiece. Therefore, it is a very precious thing for her to get

suggestion and criticism which can make this better.

Jakarta, 8 December 2014

The writer



Siti Hadijah (NIM: 1110014000071). The Effectiveness of Know Want Learn Plus and Jigsaw Techniques in the Teaching of Expository Reading Texts to the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan in the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Skripsi of Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University, 2014. Advisor I : Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA. Advisor II : Neneng Sunengsih, M. Pd.

Key Words: Know Want Learn Plus, jigsaw, reading, expository text.

The objective of this research was to find empirical evidence whether the use of Know Want Learn Plus is more effective in teaching analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw technique. The population was the eleventh grade of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan, Cirendeu. The sample were class XI MIA 2 as the experimental class who taught by using Know Want Learn Plus and XI MIA 3 as the controlled class who taught by using jigsaw technique. For the sampling, the researcher used purposive sampling. This research used quantitative approach with experimental method and quasi-experimental design. The instrument of this research was a test. In analyzing the data, the writer used t-test to analyze the students’ achievement test, by holding a pre-test to know whether or not the two different classes are relatively at the same level, and post-test to know whether or not that the use of Know Want Learn Plus technique is more effective in teaching analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw technique. The findings of this research shows that the students’ pre-test mean score ( ��𝑥 ) of the experimental class was 53.71 while the students’ post-test mean score ( ��𝑥 ) was 71.89. In contrary, the students’ pre-test mean score ( ��𝑥 ) of the controlled class was 55.09 and the post-test mean score ( ��𝑥 ) was 69.66. The significant effect was shown by the students’ post-test mean score ( ��𝑥 ) of the experimental class which was treated by using Know Want Learn Plus technique was greater than the post-test of the controlled class which was treated by using Jigsaw. The result of statistical hypothesis test found that on significance level 1 - ½α, t-value was 3.05 while t-table with df = 68 was 1.995 or t-value > t-table. Thus, the Ho (Null Hypothesis) was rejected and the Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. It proved that the application of Know Want Learn Plus technique is more effective in teaching analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 8 South Tangerang.



Siti Hadijah (NIM: 1110014000071). The Effectiveness of Know Want Learn Plus and Jigsaw Techniques in the Teaching of Expository Reading Texts to the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan in the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Skripsi pada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014. Pembimbing I : Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA. Pembimbing II : Neneng Sunengsih, M. Pd.

Kata Kunci: Know Want Learn Plus, Jigsaw, membaca, teks eksposisi,

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti yang empiris apakah penggunaan teknih Know Want Learn (KWL) Plus lebih effektif dalam pengajaran teks eksposisi analisis daripada teknik jigsaw. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 11 SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan. Sempel yang diambil adalah siswa kelas sebelas (XI) MIA 2 sebagai kelas eksperiment yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik KWL Plus dan XI MIA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik jigsaw. Untuk teknik pengambilan sampel, penulis menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Sementara, instrument yang digunakan adalah tes. Untuk menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan perhitungan t-test. Untuk menentukan sample yang akan dijadikan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan pre-test dan melihat hasilnya apakan dua kelas yang berbeda memiliki level yang relative sama. Sementara, post-test digunakan untuk melihat apakah penggnaan teknik KWL Plus lebih efektif dalam pengajaran analytical exposition text daripada penggunaan teknik jigsaw. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata skor pre-test kelas eksperimen adalah 53.71, sementara post-test yang didapat adalah 71.89. Berbeda dengan kelas eksperimen, skor rata-rata kelas control yang didapat adalah 55.09 dan skor rata-rata post-test adalah 69.66. Efek yang signifikan dapat dilihat dari skor rata-rata post-test dari kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik KWL Plus lebih besar dari skor post-test kelas control yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik jigsaw. Hasil uji hipotesis statistic menunjukan bahwa dengan taraf signifikansi 1 - ½α, α = 0,05/5%, didapatkan t hitung sebesar 3.05 sementera t table dengan df = 68 yaitu 1.995 atau disebut t hitung > t table. Berdasarkan pertihungan statistic, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa penggunaan KWL Plus teknik lebih efektif dalam pengajaran teks eksposisi daripada penggunaan teknik jigsaw di kelas sebelas SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan.






APPROVAL ................................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT .......................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................... xii


A. The Background of the Research ........................................................ 1

B. The Formulation of the Problem ........................................................ 4

C. The Limitation of the Problem ........................................................... 5

D. The Objectives of the Research .......................................................... 5

E. The Significance of the Research........................................................ 5


A. Reading and Reading comprehension ................................................. 7

a. The Understanding of Reading ..................................................... 7

b. The Understanding of Reading Comprehension ........................... 8


c. The Purpose of Reading ................................................................ 9

d. The Types of Reading ................................................................... 11

e. The Components of Reading ......................................................... 13

f. Reading Texts ................................................................................ 14

1. The Understanding of Analytical Exposition Text ................. 14

2. The Purpose of Analytical Exposition Text ........................... 15

3. The Schematics Structure of Analytical Exposition Text ....... 15

4. The Language Features of Analytical Exposition Text .......... 16

g. Affecting Factors in Reading ........................................................ 17

B. Know Want Learn Plus Technique ..................................................... 17

1. The Understanding of Know Want Learn Plus Technique ........... 17

2. The Procedures of Know Want Learn Plus Technique ................. 18

C. Jigsaw .................................................................................................. 22

1. The Understanding of Jigsaw Technique ...................................... 22

2. The Stages of Jigsaw Technique .................................................. 23

D. Previous Relevant Studies ................................................................... 25

E. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 27

F. Hypotheses of the Research ................................................................ 28


A. The Method of the Research ............................................................... 29

B. The Place and Time of the Research .................................................. 29

C. The Population and Sample ................................................................ 29

D. The Technique of Data Collecting ...................................................... 30

E. The Technique of Data Analyzing ...................................................... 30

F. The Procedures of the Research ......................................................... 33


A. The Data Description ......................................................................... 35

a. The Data of Experiment Class ...................................................... 35

b. The Data of Control Class ............................................................. 35


B. The Analysis of The Data and Hypotheses Testing ............................ 36

1. Item Test Analysis ......................................................................... 36

2. Analysis of Pre-test and Post-Test ................................................ 36

3. Analysis of Data ............................................................................ 41

4. Hypotheses Testing ....................................................................... 42

C. Interpretation ....................................................................................... 43


A. The Conclusion .................................................................................. 46

B. The Suggestion .................................................................................... 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 48

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 51




Table 4.1 Normality of Pre-Test Using One-Sample Komogorov-Smirnov 37

Table 4.2 Normality of Pre-Test Using Lilliefors .......................................... 38

Table 4.3 Normality of Post-Test Using One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov 38

Table 4.4 Normality of Post-Test Using Lilliefors ........................................ 39

Table 4.5 Homogeneity of Pre-Test ............................................................... 40

Table 4.6 Homogeneity of Post-Test .............................................................. 40




Appendix 1 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test from Experiment Class .... 51

Appendix 2 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test from Control Class .......... 53

Appendix 3 Table of Interval Class ............................................................... 55

Appendix 4 Table of Comparison score of Gained Score ............................. 57

Appendix 5 The Result of Validity Test of Pre-Test ..................................... 59

Appendix 6 The Result of Validity Test of Post Test .................................... 67

Appendix 7 Instrument of Pre-Test ................................................................ 75

Appendix 8 Instrument of Post-Test .............................................................. 84

Appendix 9 Kisi-Kisi Pre-Test ....................................................................... 93

Appendix 10 Kisi-Kisi Post-Test ................................................................... 95

Appendix 11 Answer Key of Pre-Test and Post-Test .................................... 97

Appendix 12 RPP of Experiment Class ......................................................... 98

Appendix 13 Know Want Learn Plus Chart .................................................. 130

Appendix 14 RPP of Control Class ................................................................ 132

Appendix 15 Surat Pernyataan telah Malakukan Penelitian .......................... 168




Figure 2.1 Example of Know Want Learn Chart ........................................... 20

Figure 2.2 Example of Mapping .................................................................... 21

Figure 2.3 Example of Jigsaw Technique ...................................................... 25



A. The Background of the Research

Reading is source of learning and a source of enjoyment. It can be a goal in its

own right and a way of reaching other goals.1 In learning a language, reading skill has

important role because it helps us to comprehend the English articles, books,

magazine, and nonfiction books. Moreover, for some people it may be the way to use

and to practice English. Furthermore besides printed materials, nowadays information

that is found in the internet and computer technology uses English language.

We are able to get a lot of information, pleasure, and problem solution by

reading various printed materials as mentioned in paragraph before. Hence, the ability

to read those printed materials in any form will contribute a great deal of advantages

in our life such as gaining success at school and have a lot of information.

Reading is an active process. It has to be done with conscientiously with a

questioning and curious mind. Do not just accept what someone else writes. Do not

just ignore what at first you do not understand. Reading is struggle, but it will make

the reader thinker and writer .2

Based on Kurikulum 2013, the forth core competence is students should

“analyzing, comprehending, and presenting developments of concrete and abstract

domains of the learned material; being able to apply various methods according to

scientific principle”.

1 I. S. P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge, 2009), p. 49.

2 Santi V. Buscemi, A Reader for Developing Writers (Fifth Edition), (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002), pp. 2-3.



Furthermore, one of the standard competence in Kurikulum 2013 is “students

is to be able to get the main idea of analytical exposition text and provide or present

the solution to solve the problems that related to the natural environment in form of

exposition text”.

As it has been mentioned in the paragraph above, analytical exposition text is

one of the texts that should be learned by students. It is a text that presents one side of

an issue to be discussed and solved so can give advantages to the reader. Actually,

there are two kinds of exposition text.3 There are hortatory exposition and analytical

exposition text. Both types are alike, but the difference located on the generic

structure and function of each text. Hortatory exposition is to give recommendation to

the reader about an issue discussed. It is influence the reader to follow what the

writer’s point of view. Meanwhile, in analytical exposition text, it is only give the

exposure of an issue, just to let the reader know and convince the rightness about the


However, reading is one of skills which have to be learned by the students. In

Senior High School, students are expected to be able to comprehend a kind of

functional texts and essay in a form of narrative, procedure, recount, and exposition

text. Reading lesson may the difficult one to the students. Most students argue that

reading an English text is very difficult. Hence, the writer found a technique in

reading that has low of attention from the teachers. Know Want Learn Plus is one of

the pre-reading activities that concerned to students metacognitive ability.

Based on the interview on August 5th, the writer interviewed the English

teacher in SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan about the teaching and learning process in

reading skill. The teacher stated that the students get bored when they get reading

text. The teacher said that one of the techniques that worked in the class that he used

3 Musafak, The Use of Film to Teach Analytical Exposition Writing, Encounter, Volume 3, No. 2, 2012, p. 117.


is jigsaw. He stated that when he used jigsaw, some of the students too dominant in

their group and some are not. Moreover, while the writer doing observation in the

class, the teacher only give the reading text then asked the students to read, translate

and asking the main idea, after that he gave explanation of grammar and topic from

the text. In addition, according the data from UNESCO states that among countries in

worldwide ASEAN has the lowest interest in reading, especially Indonesia. It can be

counted, Indonesia has comparison among 1000 inhabitants only one person who has

high interest in reading.4 For such this condition, teachers as the important role holder

in students’ learning success are expected to be able to build students’ interest in

reading whether in or outside the school. Teacher should have a creative way in

teaching and learning process to boost students’ interest in the class.

Considering the facts above, there is an urgent need to implement a technique

that can help to solve these problems and involve the teachers and students in

cooperative and interesting activities. In addition, a teacher need a technique or a way

in teaching reading in the classroom that can motivate students in learning reading, or

they can apply the strategy independently outside of class at least to increase their

interest in reading or to build their reading habit.

In English language teaching there are many kinds of techniques that can be

used by the teacher in teaching and learning reading skills. Therefore the writer is

interested in investigating the teaching reading of analytical exposition texts with the

alternative techniques. There are Know Want Learn Plus and Jigsaw technique.

Know Want Learn (KWL) Plus and Jigsaw are two different type of reading

techniques that can be used in the process of teaching and learning. KWL Plus is

4 Maulana, Akses Buku Sulitm Minat Baca di Indonesia Masih Rendah, 2013, Retrieved October 2nd, 2014.


firstly conducted by Ogle in 1987.5 The KWL Plus technique is designed to activate

students’ metacognitive skill before they read a text. Students’ metacognitive skill is

activated by calling attention to prior knowledge. This KWL Plus is one of the newest

techniques used in teaching and learning reading. Although KWL Plus is firstly

conducted in 1987, its use in reading lesson is still rarely in a class. So, the writer is

interested in applying this technique in her research to see the effectiveness of its

technique in class.

Meanwhile, there is also jigsaw that can be useful in the classroom reading

learning. Jigsaw is one of the techniques used in cooperative learning. This technique

is more frequently used by teachers in learning process, in which, cooperative

learning is used as a variety in teaching learning activity in class that focuses

particularly to students. With cooperative learning, students work together in group

where usual size is two to four members in a group. In cooperative learning, students

can interactive with other students in a group and share about the material which is


Based on the thinking above, the writer is interested in doing an experimental

study to compare the effectiveness of KWL Plus with Jigsaw technique in the title of

Skripsi is: “The Effectiveness of Using Know Want Learn Plus and Jigsaw

Techniques toward Students Learning Achievement in Reading Exposition

Text” (A Quasi-Experimental Study at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8 Tangerang

Selatan). The writer used KWL Plus in the first class and Jigsaw technique in the

second class to develop students’ skill in reading analytical exposition text.

B. The Formulation of The Problem The formulation of the problem in this research mentioned bellow:

5 Donna M. Ogle, K-W-L: A Teaching Model that Develops Active Reading of Expository Text, International Reading Association, 39, 1986, pp. 564-570.


“Is the use of Know Want Learn Plus more effective in teaching analytical

exposition text than the use of Jigsaw technique?”

C. The Limitation of The Problem

It is important to set some limitation of the problem to avoid

misunderstanding and to clarify the problem. The writer limits the extend of the

research only in the implementation of Know Want Learn Plus compared with Jigsaw

technique in teaching reading of analytical exposition at the eleventh grade students

of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan.

D. The Objective of The Research

In line with the formulation of the problem above, the objective of this

research is to find the empirical evidence whether the use of Know Want Learn Plus

is more effective in teaching analytical exposition text than the use of Jigsaw


E. The Significance of The Research

The results of this research are expected to give some benefits not only

theoretically, but also practically in English language teaching and learning. These

benefits can be conveyed to:

First, for the writer is to fulfill the one of the requirements of graduation. And

also it is intended to know about factual condition in which the KWL Plus and Jigsaw

technique are applied as a part of method in English teaching and learning activity.

This study also gives more understanding about the implementation of KWL Plus and

Jigsaw in the frame of cooperative learning in the future to different students’ level.


Second, for the teacher. It gives an alternative method in teaching reading

skill and it can improve the teacher’s quality of his/her strategies to make students

ease in learning English.

Third, for the students. It helps them to solve their problem in reading

expository text and also helps them to improve their reading skills.

The last for the institution. It can be beneficial regarding to improve education




A. Reading and Reading Comprehension a. The Understanding of Reading

As a skill, reading is one of important skill for English learner as a second

or a foreign language. Reading the English text for learner as a foreign language

meets very complex process. Constructing meaning from text or spoken language

is not a separate literacy skill, but a merging of all acquired prior knowledge,

personal experience, and vocabulary with the strategy of deductive and inductive

reasoning and making connections.1

Mc Donough and Shaw argue that reading is the most important foreign

language skill, particularly in cases where students have to read English material

for their own specialist subject but may never have to speak the language, such

cases are often referred to as ‘English as a library language’.2

From the statements above, reading is an active and complex process that

constructs meaning from the text. While constructing the meaning, the readers use

their prior knowledge and personal experience to connect the text. By reading a

lot of printed materials, the students become familiar with the words. In addition,

to complete the understanding of reading, here some experts propose the

definition of reading.

Reading consists of two related process. First is word recognition that

refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s

1 Judy Willis, M. D., Teaching the Brain to Read, (Virginia: ASCD, 2008), p. 127. 2 Jo Mc Donough and Christoper Shaw, “Materials and Method in ELT”: A Teacher’s

Guide (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 89.



spoken language and second is comprehension, the process of making sense and

connect to the text.3

Other definition comes from Daniels and Bizar in their book. They stated

that reading is an interaction between the reader and the author that construct the

understanding of the text, in which the reader use a strategy to connect with the


In Teaching Readers of English Students, Texts, and Contexts, Wolf stated

“Reading is neuronally and intellectually circuitous act, enriched as much by the

unpredictable indirections of a reader’s inferences and thoughts, as by the direct

message to the eye from the text”.5

Based on the experts’ statements above, reading is an active process that

consists of two important processes: recognition and comprehension. While the

reader is reading, a reader’s brain actively is processing recognition of the written

symbols, they try to making a sense symbols in order to connect to the text.

b. The Understanding of Reading Comprehension

Lems, Miller and Soro defined reading comprehension is the ability to

construct meaning from a given written text. Reading comprehension is not a

static competency; it varies according to the purposes for reading and the text that

is involved.6

The NEAP Reading Framework Committee defined reading

comprehension as “an active and complex process that involves understanding

3 Elizabeth S. Pang and friends, Teaching Reading, (Chicago: IAE Educational Practice Series, 2003), p. 6.

4 Harvey Daniels and Marilyn Bizar, Teaching the Best Practice Way: Method that Matter, K-12, (Portland: Stenhouse Publishers, 2005), pp. 38-39.

5 John S. Hedgcock and Dana R. Ferris, Teaching Readers of English Students, Texts, and Contexts, (New York: Routledge, 2009). p.15.

6 Kristin Lems, Leah D. Miller, and Tenena M. Soro, Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Insights from Linguistics, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010), p. 170.


written text, developing and interpreting meaning, and using meaning as

appropriate to the type of text, purpose, and situation”.7

Furthermore, in Reading Instruction Competence Assessment by Wynne,

Cooper defined comprehension as a strategic process by which readers construct

or assign meaning to a text by using the clues in the text and their own prior


RAND Reading Study Group defined reading comprehension as the

process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language. They also stated three

elements of comprehension: the reader who is doing the comprehending, the text

that is to be comprehended and the activity in which comprehending is a part.9

Based on all the statements above, the writer can take a conclusion that

reading comprehension is a dynamic and active process of the reader’s brain, to

connect with the text and interpreting the messages that given in the text. In order

to get connection with the text, the reader uses their prior knowledge and the clues

in the text by using a reading strategy. Comprehension process is also a brain

process to construct meaning from the text, in order to get the message that given

in the text. Moreover, like Lems, Miller and Soro’s statement, comprehension also

the process that depends on the reader’s purpose of reading.

c. The Purposes of Reading

There have been some experts proposing the purpose of reading. Some of

them have similar ideas on the purposes of reading, some do not. Some of experts

propose them specially, but some generally.

7 Susan E. Israel and Gerald G. Duffy, Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension, (New York: Routledge, 2009).p. 32.

8 Sharon Wynne, Reading Instruction Competence Assessment: Teacher Certification Exam, (Boston: XAMonline, Inc., 2008), p. 68.

9 RAND Reading Study Group, Reading for Understanding; Toward and R&D Program in Reading Comprehension, (Santa Monica: RAND, 2002), p. 11.


In general, Harmer divided purposes or reasons for reading, as receptive

skill, in two general categories. They are instrumental and pleasurable


1. Instrumental Category

It means that reading and listening as receptive skill take place because the

readers want to achieve a particular objective. For example, someone read a road

sign to know where to go or read an instruction in a machine to know how to

operate it. For students, reading is useful for language acquisition, the more they

read the more they get at it. It gives the students positive effect on their

vocabulary knowledge on spelling and on their writing.11

Furthermore, Grabe and Stoller proposed some purpose of reading: to

search for simple information, skim quickly, learn from texts, to get general

information, and to integrate information, write and critique texts.12

2. Pleasurable Category

Another reason why people read is for pleasure. They want to entertain

themselves by reading a novel or short story. Hence, some people read magazine

or newspaper to spend their time. Others read poetry or a comic to get relaxed.

It can be concluded that the general purposes of reading are for

instrumental and pleasurable categories. Some people read because they want to

get information or to learn something from the texts and some other want to

entertain themselves by reading such as reading a novel, comic or newspaper.

10 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Third Edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 200.

11 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English New Addition, (Harlow: Pearson Education, 2007), p. 99.

12 William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 13.


d. The Types of Reading

According to Harmer, the reader reads a text generally for pleasure and

general understanding improvement. Based on the purpose above, there are two

types of reading as intensive reading and extensive reading.13

1. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is reading of shorter texts to get specific information.

Intensive study of reading texts can be a means of increasing learners’ knowledge

of language features and their control of reading strategies that can improve their

comprehension skill.14 The term intensive reading, on the other hand, refers to the

detailed focus on the construction of reading texts which take place usually in


In order to get students reading in the class, intensive reading needs

teacher’s role in the class. The teacher chooses the genre and topic of the text may

be determined by the specific purpose that the students are studying for such as

for business or science.16 There are the roles when the teacher asking the students

to read intensively: organize purpose of reading by giving clear instructions how

to read, observe the students’ progress of reading, giving feedback organizer to

check whether they have completed the task successfully, and prompt students to

notice the language features in the text.17

From the explanation above, intensive reading is reading activities that

take place in the classroom. The genre of the text is chose by the teacher based on

the learning purpose.

13 Harmer, op. cit., 2001, p. 210. 14 I. S. P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge,

2009), p. 25. 15 Harmer, op. cit., 2007, pp. 99-100. 16 Ibid. 17 Harmer, op. cit., 2001, p. 213.


2. Extensive Reading

Beside of intensive reading that proposes the students to read in the

classroom in their learning activity. There is also extensive reading, a wider scope

of reading. Extensive reading is reading of longer texts to get general information

for pleasure.18 The term extensive reading refers to reading which students do

often away from the classroom, they may read novels, web pages, newspaper or

magazine.19 Extensive reading fits into the meaning-focused input and fluency

development strands of a course, depending on the level of the books that the

learner read.20

In addition, Nuttal also states that in improving students’ reading skill, the

most effective way to do it is getting the students to read extensively. She also

illustrated of extensive reading that it is assumed that in order to understand the

whole (e.g. book), we must first understand the parts (sentences, paragraph,

chapters) of which it is made up. However, we can in fact understand a text

adequately without grasping every part of it; students have to be encouraged to

develop this facility.21

From the statement above, extensive reading is a way to improve reading

skill in which students have to read a longer text that they choose their books

freely and read a part of the book that they are interested in.

To sum up, the types of reading skill are generally divided into two types.

First, intensive reading that require the students to read in the class in order to

follow teacher’s instruction and extensive reading that the students read for their

pleasure outside the class, for example reading novels.

18 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercise, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), pp. 4.

19 Harmer, op. cit., 2007, p. 99. 20 I. S. P. Nation, op. cit., 2009, p. 49. 21 Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language, (Oxford:

Heinemann, 1996), p. 38.


e. The Components of Reading

There are some components of reading that the reader achieved while

reading a text. Grabe and Stoller divided the explanation of reading’s components

into two parts. The lower-level processes that represent the more automatic

linguistic processes and are typically viewed as more skills oriented. Then, the

higher-level processes generally represent comprehension processes that make

much more use of the reader’s background knowledge and inferencing skills.22

Furthermore, Munby in Assessing Reading distinguishes the reading

‘microskills’ as the component of reading. It is focus on the product of reading as


1. Recognizing the script of a language

2. Deducing the meaning and use an unfamiliar lexical items

3. Understanding explicitly stated information

4. Understanding implicitly information

5. Understanding conceptual meaning

6. Understanding the communicative value of sentence

7. Understanding relation within the sentence

8. Understanding relations between parts of a text through lexical cohesion


9. Understanding cohesion between parts of a text through grammatical cohesion


10. Interpreting text by going outside it

11. Recognizing indicators in discourse

12. Identifying the main point or important information in discourse

13. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details

14. Extracting salient details to summarize (the text, an idea)

15. Extracting relevant points from a text selectively

22 Grabe and Stoller, op. cit., 2002, pp. 19-20. 23 J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2000), pp. 10-11.


16. Using basic reference skills

17. Skimming

18. Scanning to locate specifically required information

19. Transcoding information to diagrammatic display

f. The Reading Texts

There are many kinds of reading text that used in the senior high school to

be learnt by students or printed materials that found in our daily life. Based on the

curriculum available, there are procedure, narrative, and exposition text that

should be learn by students on the second grade senior high school. For this

research, the writer focuses in the materials on analytical exposition texts of

second grade of senior high school students.

1. The Understanding of Analytical Exposition Text

The writer only discussed one of the text types that will be used for her

research that is analytical expository text. Analytical exposition is a text that

elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.24 Analytical

Exposition text has social purpose to persuade the reader or listener that

something is the case.25

Based on that definition, analytical exposition text is one of the texts

should be learned by students to improve their reading comprehension, the text

that expose one side of an issue that is correct according to the writer and

persuade the reader to agree with the opinion. Analytical exposition text itself to

persuade the reader that there is something that, certainly need to get attention. It

is to analyze a topic and persuade the reader that an opinion is correct and

supported by arguments.

24 Shirin Amarain and friends, Text Form and Features: A Resource for International Teaching, (Jakarta: Umbrella Corporation, 2009), p. 10.

25 Musafak, The Use of Film to Teach Analytical Exposition Writing, Encounter, Volume 3, No. 2, 2012, p. 117.


2. The Purpose of Analytical Exposition

People read text might be basically they want to get some factual

information from the text. For example, people read a newspaper, might be they

want to read updated information from the newspaper or want to get job

information. Then, from the information that they got, a response will appeared as

influence of the text. It means they have something to be known, and the

information is available in the text. This is in line with Musafak’s statement “the

purpose of analytical exposition text is to persuade the reader or listener by

presenting one side of an argument that is case the case for of the case against.”26

To sum up, the purpose of analytical exposition text is to influence the reader to

do or belief something that is the writer’s point of view.

3. The Schematics Structure of Exposition Text

An effective expository text has several steps which a reader may use as

standard to guide his reading by author. In traditional expository text usually have

three sections. The first section introduced the author’s point of view and can

preview arguments that may follow in the text. The next is a series of arguments

that aim to convince the audience. The final section is a conclusion to sum up the

arguments and reinforce the author’s point of view.27

a. An introductory statement

An introductory paragraph is in the first paragraph. It consists of the

author’s point of view as the thesis of the argument and the introduction that

include a preview of the arguments. The thesis introduces a topic and indicates the

writer’s position and the outline of the main paragraph to be presented.28

26 Ibid. 27 Amarain and friends. Op. cit., 2009. p. 10. 28 Ibid.


b. A series of arguments to convince the audience

This is the main part of the analytical exposition paragraph. It is the

content of the paragraph that exposes the argument to support the thesis statement.

A new paragraph is used for each new argument with each topic sentence that

introduces the argument. The thesis statement is followed by the supporting


c. A conclusion summing up the arguments

This past is the last section. Here, the author restates his or her thesis

(point of view) and give a summary of what has been stated in the section above

may include here.

d. The Language Features of Analytical Exposition

The language features usually found in expository text are:29

1. Using relational process, e.g. don’t interfere, etc.

2. Using internal and causal conjunction, e.g. therefore, etc.

3. Using general and abstract nouns, e.g. car, policy, etc.

4. Using technical verb, e.g. species.

5. Using relating verbs, e.g. that is important, etc.

6. Using actions and thinking verbs, e.g. I believe, etc.

7. Using modal verbs and modal adverbs, e.g. we must preserve, etc.

8. Using connectives, e.g. firstly, secondly, etc.

9. Using evaluating language, e.g. important, valuable, etc.

10. Using passive voice and simple present tense.

29 Amarain and Friends, Op.cit., 2009. p. 10.


g. The Affecting Factors in Reading

When reading a text, the readers will use their reading skill to comprehend

the text. There are also the factors that affect in comprehending a text. Here some

factors that can affect in reading.

David divides the factors which affect reading comprehension into two categories; inside and outside of mind. The inside factors are linguistic competence that the readers have, interest about various topics, motivation (how much the reader care about the reading task), and the reader’s reading ability. The outside factors fall into two categories – the element on the page and the qualities of the reading environment. The elements on the page –textual characteristics- include factors like text readability and text organization. The qualities of reading environment include factors like the things the teacher does before, during, or after reading to help students understand what is the text; the ways peers react to the task; and the general atmosphere in which the task is to be completed.30

From the explanation above, the factors that affect reading are divided into

two. The inside of mind, what the readers have in their mind and their feeling to

the text. Then, the outside factors related to the text itself and the environment or

reading situation.

B. Know Want Learn Plus Technique a. The Understanding of Know Want Learn Plus Technique

Know Want Learn originally was conducted by Donna M. Ogle in 1986.

She assumed that this easy procedure helps teacher become more responsive to

students’ knowledge and interest when reading expository material, and it models

for students the active thinking involved in reading for information.31

Then in 1987, Ogle and Carr completed the K-W-L by adding two

sections: mapping and summarizing. They stated “we have developed a reading-

thinking strategy called K-W-L Plus which focuses on the student as learner. The

30 Pearson P. David, Teaching Reading Comprehension, (New York: Hollt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978), p. 9.

31 Donna M. Ogle, K-W-L: Teaching Model That Develops Active Reading of Expository Text, The Reading Teacher, Vol. 39, No. 6 (Feb., 1986), p. 564.


title derives from the three principal components of K-W-L recalling what is

known; determining what students want to learn, and identifying what is learned-

plus mapping text and summarizing information.”32

The K-W-L is a process in which the teacher models and guides the

students in active engagement with informational text. 33 Taught in this K-W-L

strategy make the students to self-regulated what they want to learn from the text,

it can act as self-controlled curriculum differentiator in the ability that individual

determine what they want to discover about a topic, and it provides relatively

direct feedback concerning what students actually did learn.34 In addition mapping

and summarizing are added to K-W-L because reorganizing and writing of the

text are strength tools in helping student process information from the text.35

From the paragraphs above, K-W-L Plus is included in pre-reading

activity that motivate students by recalling their metacognitive skill. K-W-L Plus

is an easy process in learning reading that helps the learner to comprehend the

text. It is also powerful device to stimulate students mind to critically think about

a topic.

b. The Procedures of Know Want Learn Plus Technique

Ogle as the first developer has stated the steps in this K-W-L as a logical

three-step procedure. She has named this three-step procedure the K-W-L for the

three basic cognitive steps required: accessing what I Know, determining what I

Want to learn, and recalling what I did learn as a result of reading.36 For the

further explanation, the following paragraphs provide the explanation of each


32 Eileen Carr and Donna Ogle, K-W-L Plus: A Strategy for Comprehension and Summarization, Journal of Reading, 1987, p. 626.

33 Camille Blachowicz, Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Independent Learners, (New York: Guilford Press, 2008), p. 113.

34 Raymond Philippot and Michael F. Graves, Fostering Comprehension in English Classes, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2009), p. 123.

35 Carr and Ogle, loc. cit. 36 Ogle, op.cit., 1986, p. 565.


The teacher and students begin the process by doing brainstorming

together what they know about the topic given. Here, the teacher has an important

role to motivate and guide the students to investigate their prior knowledge in

order to stimulate so that they can explore everything that they have already know

about the topic.37 After brainstorming and discussing, students note on their

individual worksheet what they know about the topic in the column K (what I

know).38 Then, the students have to categorize the information that they have

already know. That will be useful to students in reading to involve them in

thinking of the more general categories of information.39 For example, from the

figure 1 the students categorize what they know about “killer whales” as

description, food and location.

The second step of the logical procedure is exploring students’ curiosity.

Using the list of information and categories generated, students identify areas

about which they want to uncover more information. This activity develops the

students’ own reason for reading-reading to find answers to questions that will

increase their source of knowledge on the topic.40 The students should note again

the question that they have on the worksheet column W (what I Want to know).

After brainstorming and questioning the topic, moreover the students have

finished their reading. The last step is “what I did Learned”, here the teacher ask

the students to describe, usually in written form, what they learned from the

completion of reading. This will take much time for students to describe what the

important information from the reading text.41

To make the explanation clear, the example of K-W-L chart activity is given as follow:

37 Blachowicz, op.cit., 2008, p. 114. 38 Carr and Ogle, op. cit. 1987, p. 627. 39 Ogle, 1986, loc. cit. 40 Ibid, p. 566. 41 Philippot and Graves, op. cit., 2009, p. 123.


A 9th grade disable reader’s K-W-L worksheet on killer whales42

K (Know) W (Want) L (Learned)

They live in oceans. They are Vicious. They eat each other. They are mammals. Description Food Location

Why do they attack people? How fast can they swim? What kind of fish do they eat? What is their description? How long do they live? How do they breathe?

D – They are the biggest member of the dolphin family. D – their weigh 10,000 pounds and get 30 feet long. F – they eat squids, seals, and other dolphins. A – they have good vision underwater. F – They are carnivorous (meat eaters) A – they are the second smartest animal on earth. D – they breathe through blow holes. A – they do not attack unless they are hungry. D – warm blooded. A – they have echo-location (sonar). L – they are found in the oceans.

Final category designations developed for column L, information Learned about killer whales: A = abilities, D = description, F = food, L = location.

Figure 2.1

The last in K-W-L plus strategy explains how far students can learn from

their reading. A written component which features concept mapping and

summarizing increases students’ independent learning to think critically. A map

is a graphic outline to organize text information. Otherwise, making summary can

help students improve comprehension.43 The following are the example of

mapping and summarizing.

42 Carr and Ogle, op. cit., 1987. p. 628. 43 Carr and Ogle, op. cit., 1987, pp. 628- 629.


The 9th grade’s concept map44

Abilities (2) Description (1) Kill for food Warm blooded Detect pebble sized aspirin Dolphin family tablet in 30 feet of water Second smartest animal Find food in cloudy water next to man Echo-location Born alive

10,000 lbs 30 feet long Blow holes

Location (4) Food (3) All oceans small dolphins Sea worlds carnivorous 400 lbs. salmon daily (1) Through (4) indicate the order of categories the student chooses later for writing summary.

Figure 2.2

The summarization looked like this:45

Killer whales are warm blooded mammals and part of the dolphin family. They are the second smartest animal next to man. Killer whales are born alive. They are 30 feet long and weigh 10,000 pounds. They breathe through their blow holes.

They are able to kill for food. They can detect a pebble the size of an aspirin in a 30 foot tank. Killer whales also can feed in very cloudy water using echo-location. They eat as much as 400 pounds of salmon a day.

They are located in all oceans.

From the explanation above, K-W-L Plus is a useful strategy that can be

applied in the classroom by students in group or individually. This strategy helps

teacher to organize the learning activity sequentially by following the steps. Then

for the students, they can evaluate their reading ability.

44 Carr and Ogle, op. cit., 1987, p. 629. 45 Carr and Ogle, op. cit., 1987, p. 630.

Killer whales


C. Jigsaw Technique a. The understanding of Jigsaw Technique

In cooperative learning method, there are many kinds of techniques used

in teaching and learning process. Those are used as a tool of learning of education

and various subjects. One of the cooperative learning techniques is jigsaw. Jigsaw

was developed by Elliot Aronson and his colleagues at the University of Texas.

In applying jigsaw technique, each group consists of five to six

heterogeneous members in which the materials are given to the students and each

student has to understand the material. Student, who have the same part of the

text, gather with the other students. After they got deeper comprehension, they

come back to their jigsaw and explain it to the other members of the jigsaw

group.46 Jigsaw requires learners to communicate with each other in order to fill

in missing information and integrate it with other information.47

In this technique the teacher is not the provider of knowledge but the

teacher asks students get the material in other resources. Jigsaw technique is

efficient way to learn students are active participants in the learning process.

Meanwhile, according to Sholomo, Jigsaw is widely technique that is

similar to group-to-group exchange with one important difference; every single

student teaches something. Each student learns something which when combined

with the material learned by others forming a coherent body of knowledge or


Based on the theory above, students have more opportunities to express

their thought, and manage information obtained and can improve communication

skills, each member of the group responsible for the success of the group and

completeness of the material being studied, and can deliver to home group.

46 http://jigsaw_Reading_Rockets.htm (retrieved on September, 12th 2014). 47 Mahnaz Kazemi, “The Effect of Jigsaw Technique on the Learners’ reading

Achievement: The Case of English as L2”, MJAL Journal, 4:3, (Iran: Autumn 2012), p. 173. 48 Shlomo Sharan (editor), Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, (London:

Praiger Publisher, 1999), pp. 202.


From the statement above, it can be concluded that jigsaw technique is a

technique of cooperative learning that emphasizes the establishment of expert

groups and these groups presenting the results of their discussion on each group

member. Thus, in jigsaw technique, students are required to be experts in a

particular matter and were able to present its expertise in the group. Jigsaw

technique differs from other techniques in cooperative learning. It is because in

jigsaw technique, the materials are divided into segments and each student in

home group has different segments.

b. The Stages of Jigsaw Technique

According to Clark in Shlomo’s book, she conducted four generic stages

in the process of Jigsaw approach.49

a. Stage 1: Introduction

In this stage, the teacher organizes the class into heterogeneous “home”

group. Then, the teacher introduces the topic, text information or the material to

be learnt. The teacher should explain how students learning will be assessed

through learning experience.

b. Stage 2: Focused Exploration

In this stage, students recognize to form focus group. During this stage

students need encouragement to think out loud in order to clarify their ideas and

build understanding together.

c. Reporting and Reshaping

In this stage, student returns to their hoe group to take turns describing the

ideas generated their focus groups. Meanwhile, during the reporting stage the

member of groups should pose a question.

49 Ibid., p. 35.


d. Integration and evaluation

The last stage is integration and evaluation. In this stage, the teacher ask

the students to help the students reflect on how they worked together and about

the materials they have learnt.

According to Aronson, there are ten steps in implementation of the jigsaw

in the classroom:

1. Students are divided into a 5 or 6 person jigsaw group. The group should be

distinct in terms of ethnicity, gender, ability, and race.

2. One student should be appointed as the group leader. This person should

initially be the most mature student in the group.

3. The day’s lesson is divided into 5-6 segments (one for each member)

4. Each student is assigned one segment to learn. Each student should only have

direct access to their own segment.

5. Students should be given time to read over their segment at least twice to

become familiar with it. Students do not need to memorize it.

6. Temporary experts group should be formed in which one student from each

jigsaw group joins other students assigned to the same segment. Students in

this expert group should be given time to discuss the main points of their

segment and rehearse the presentation they are going to make to their jigsaw


7. Students come back to their jigsaw group.

8. Students present their segment to the group. Other members are encouraged to

ask question for clarification.

9. The teacher needs to float from group to group in order to observe the process.

Intervene if any group is having trouble such as a member being dominating

or disruptive. There will come a point that the group leader should handle this

task. Teachers can whisper to the group leader as to how to intervene until the

group leader can effectively do it themselves.


10. At the end of the session, a quiz on the material should be given so students

realize that the sessions are not just for fun and games, but that they really

count. 50

In the following is the simple description of jigsaw technique:51

Home Teams

(Five or six members grouped heterogeneously)

Expert Teams

(Each expert team has one member from each of the home teams)

Figure 2.3

D. Previous Relevant Studies 1. A journal entitled “Evaluating KWL Charts Strategy in Relation to Iranian

EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Culturally Unfamiliar Texts” written by

Mona Roozkhoon, Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri, and Mortaza Yamini, an

active journal of Islamic Azad University, which was published on April 30,

2013, Volume 2, Number 1.

The objective of the research was to examine the effects of using KWL

charts strategy on EFL learners’ comprehension of culturally unfamiliar texts.

The researcher conducted this research to forty two intermediate EFL learners

50 Elliot Aronson, Jigsaw Classroom. Retrieved on October 1 2014.

51 Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach, (Ninth Edition, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007), p. 353.








with all the participants were female and native speakers of Persian in Bahar

Language School in Shiraz. The participants were divided into two group,

experimental group and control group.

The method used was a quantitative research and the design used was an

experimental. The instrument used was a test. The pre-test was given in order

to check their reading comprehension before treatment. Then, the post-test

was given to the participants to see whether the application of KWL charts

had any effects on EFL learners’ comprehension.

The result of this research showed that there was no significance

improvement on EFL learners’ performance on reading quizzes while using

KWL charts and KWL charts did not have any positive effect on Iranian EFL

learners’ comprehension.52

2. A journal entitled “The Integration of The Know-Want-Learn (KWL) Strategy

into English Language Teaching for Non-English Majors” written by Zhang

Fengjuan from Soochow University, Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics,

Published on August 2010, Volume 33, Number 4.

The objective of the study is to address the integration of the KWL

strategy into English courses in ELT for non-majors. The questions considered

included: 1) how can we integrate the KWL instructional schema into ELT for

non-major? 2) what are response will learners make to this integration?.53

The method that used in this study was experimental. The instrument used

was test and questionnaire. Questionnaire was about students’ evaluation of

the KWL schema. As to written work, the mean score of the experimental

group was 12.2470 and that of the control class was 11.8677. The result

showed that there is a significance difference with the calculation of t-test

result is 2.161 and p = 0.034 (<0.05). It is showed that the KWL strategy had

brought improvement in comprehension and writing performance. The

52 Mona Roozkhoon and friends, Evaluating KWL Charts Strategy in Relation to Iranian EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Culturally Unfamiliar Texts, English Linguistic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013, p. 72.

53 Zhang Fengjuan, The Integration of The Know-Want-Learn (KWL) Strategy into English Language Teaching for Non-English Majors, Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistic, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2010, p. 78.


questionnaire survey showed about 75% of the participants circled “4” and

“5”, indicating that they were in favor or strongly favor of KWL strategy.

Based on the previous relevant study, the first study result that there is no

effect in teaching reading by using K-W-L technique toward EFL learners.

Meanwhile, from the second study result that there is an improvement in both

students’ reading comprehension and writing by using K-W-L technique.

Hence, the researcher is going to conduct K-W-L Plus technique with design

of experimental study in teaching analytical exposition text compare with the

use of jigsaw technique.

E. Conceptual Framework

In reading a text, students meet many difficulties. For example, sometimes

they tried hard to get the main idea especially in reading analytical exposition text.

Teacher to facilitate students’ learning activity use some strategy to support their

learning, one of the techniques in cooperative learning is jigsaw.

In this study, the writer previously assumed that Jigsaw as one of

cooperative learning techniques is better than KWL Plus in teaching reading

analytical exposition text. It is because jigsaw techniques can motivate students

learning in social group. They can interact with other students in a group and

share their knowledge. Meanwhile, KWL Plus uses students’ schemata or their

metacognition skill to comprehend a text. In applying KWL Plus students’ prior

knowledge is important to make a connection to the text given.

First Class is taught by using KWL Plus

Second Class is taught by Jigsaw

The score from both classes are compared

Post-Test Pre-Test


F. Hypotheses of The Research

Based on the theory in conceptual framework above, the writer concludes

the hypotheses could be formulated as follow:

1. Formulating alternative hypothesis (Ha):

The use of Know Want Learn Plus is more effective in teaching reading of

analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw in teaching reading of

analytical exposition text.

2. Formulating null hypothesis (Ho):

The use of Know Want Learn Plus is not more effective in teaching reading of

analytical exposition text than the use of Jigsaw in teaching reading of

analytical exposition text.



A. Method of the Research

For this research, the writer used experimental method in quantitative

study since it requires numerical data. She conducted experiment in two different

classes with two different techniques. The writer used Know Want Learn Plus in

experiment class and Jigsaw in controlled class, in teaching analytical exposition


In analyzing the data, the writer used t-test to analyze the students’

achievement test, by holding a pre-test to know whether or not the two different

classes are relatively at the same level, and post-test to know whether or not there

is any significant different achievement of using Know Want Learn Plus and

Jigsaw techniques.

B. Place and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan. It was carried

out from September to November, 2014 for six meetings which consisted of

giving pre-test, presenting materials and giving post-test in the last meeting.

C. Population and sample of the research

The population of this research was the eleventh grade of SMAN 8

Tangerang Selatan. The eleventh grade of this school consisted of four classes

with 35 students in XI MIA 1, 35 students in XI MIA 2, 35 students in XI MIA 3,

and 38 students in XI MIA 4. So, the total numbers of the students in eleventh

grade were 143 students.

The writer took the sample only two classes taken from class XI MIA 2

(35 Students) and XI MIA 3 (35 students). The sample was taken by using

purposive sampling technique. All the class were given the pre-test and two closer



Mean was become the sample, XI MIA 2 and XI MIA 3. In which mean score of

XI MIA 2 was 53.71 and mean score of XI MIA 3 was 55.09. So, XI MIA 2 was

an experiment class using Know Want Learn Plus Strategy and XI MIA 3 was an

controlled class using Jigsaw in teaching analytical exposition.

The strategy used in this quantitative research was purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling permitted the researcher to assume that she can used their

knowledge of the population to judge whether or not a particular sample will be


D. Technique of Data Collecting

The technique of data collecting in this research was quantitative. Design

of this research is quasi-experimental research. Meanwhile, the design of this

research was experiment. The instrument was test. The test consisted of pre-test

and post-test. The pre-test provided a measure on some attribute or characteristic

that assess for participant in an experiment before they received a treatment.1 The

pre-test consisted of 25 question items in two different classes, an experiment and

controlled class. Meanwhile, the post-test was a measure on some attribute or

characteristic that is assessed for participants in an experiment after a treatment.2

The post-test consisted of 25 question items was given either in experiment class or

controlled class. From these data the writer analyzed and obtained the result of the


E. Technique of Data Analysis

To compare the differences between students score in using Know Want

Learn Plus in teaching reading of exposition texts and using Jigsaw in teaching

reading of exposition texts, the writer used t-test.

1 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, (Third Edition, New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2008), p. 301.

2 Ibid.


The formula of t-test is expressed as follow:3

M1 : Mean of difference of Variable X (Experiment Class)

M2 : Mean of difference of Variable Y (Controlled Class)

SEM1 : Standard Error of Variable X (Experiment Class)

SEM2 : Standard Error of Variable Y (Controlled Class)

Before doing the calculation of t-test, there are several steps to be taken,

the steps are:4

a. Determining Mean of Variable X (Variable 1)

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥 =∑𝑥𝑥𝑁𝑁1

b. Determining Mean of Variable Y (Variable 2)

𝑀𝑀𝑦𝑦 =∑𝑦𝑦𝑁𝑁2

c. Determining Standard Deviation of Variable X score

𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥 = �∑𝑥𝑥2


d. Determining Standard of Deviation of Variable Y score

3 Anas Sudiyono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2011), pp. 346-348.

4 Ibid.

𝑡𝑡0 =𝑀𝑀1 −𝑀𝑀2



𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑦𝑦 = �∑𝑦𝑦2


e. Determining Errors Standard of Mean Variable X

𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥 =𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠1

�𝑁𝑁1 − 1

f. Determining Error Standard of Mean Variable Y

𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑀𝑀𝑦𝑦 =𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠2

�𝑁𝑁2 − 1

g. Determining Error Standard of the Difference between Mean Variable X and

Mean Variable Y

𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀1 −𝑀𝑀2 = �𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀12 + 𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀22

h. Determining to

𝑡𝑡0 =𝑀𝑀1 −𝑀𝑀2


i. Determining Degree of Freedom

𝑑𝑑𝑓𝑓 = [𝑁𝑁1 + 𝑁𝑁2] − 2

For that purpose the writer proposed the alternative Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) and

Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) as bellow:

𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎 = “The use of Know Want Learn Plus is more effective in teaching reading

of analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw in teaching reading of

analytical exposition text.”

𝐻𝐻0 = “The use of Know Want Learn Plus is not more effective in teaching

reading of analytical exposition text than the use of jigsaw in teaching reading

of analytical exposition text.”


With note that: If 𝑡𝑡0>t-table, it means that 𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎 is accepted and 𝐻𝐻0 is

rejected; but If 𝑡𝑡0<t-table, it means that 𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎 is rejected and 𝐻𝐻0 is accepted.

F. Procedure of the Research

In conducting the research, the writer did some procedures in order to gain

the result of the research. The procedures consisted of some steps as mentioned


First, the writer began the research by doing observation in the class to see

the condition and population of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan in the eleventh grade.

She also took some supporting data for the research. The writer observed the

teaching and learning reading skill in the class.

Second, the writer made a test instrument (pre and post-test). Then, she did

the test validity in the school and arranged the pre-test and post-test to be given to

the sample of the research.

Third, the writer began to give pre-test to see the students’ reading score

before they get the materials of reading analytical exposition by using Know Want

Learn Plus and Jigsaw technique.

Forth, the writer took the sample from the population of the eleventh grade

students of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan. The sample was took by giving the pre-

test to the groups of class, then two of them that has closer mean were took as the

sample. The samples were XI MIA2 (with mean score 53.71) and XI MIA 3 (with

mean score 55.09). The first class was experiment class and another class was the

controlled class.

Fifth, it was the treatment. In this treatment the writer conducted the

teaching learning process in class by herself. She conducted the same materials

which was analytical exposition text to the two classes, but treated them in two

different techniques. The experiment class was taught by using Know Want Learn

Plus, and the controlled class was taught by using Jigsaw technique.


Sixth, after the treatment that consisted of four meetings finish, the writer

administered post-test to students in both two classes (the experimental class and

the controlled class) by using the different format from pre-test but has same level

of difficulty. So, the meetings were held in six times.

Finally the data that have been collected from the pre-test and post-test

were calculated using statistical calculation of t-test to figure out the result or

conclusion of the research. The writer also calculated the normality and

homogeneity test by using SPSS Statistic 18 calculation.

Table 3.1



Month September October November

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Observation √ Test Validity √ Experiment Class Pre-Test √ Treatment 1 √ Treatment 2 √ Treatment 3 √ Treatment 4 √ Post-Test Controlled Class Pre-Test √ Treatment 1 √ Treatment 2 √ Treatment 3 √ Treatment 4 √ Post-Test Data Analyzing √ √ √



A. Data Description

1. The Data of Experiment Class

Based on the statistical calculation, the mean score of pre-test is 53.71

with the maximum score was 76 and minimum score was 36 (see appendix 1). It

can be classified by using Sturgess formula, the interval class is 6 and the length

of interval class is 7. It showed that there are 4 students got score between 71 to

77, 4 students got score between 64 to 70, 7 students got score between 57 to 63, 6

students got score between 50 to 56, 7 students got score between 43 to 49, and 7

students got score between 36 to 42 (see appendix 3).

Furthermore, the mean score of post-test is 71.89, with the maximum score

is 88 and minimum score is 52 (see appendix 1). The interval class is 6 and the

length of interval class is 6, too. It showed that there are 4 students got score

between 85 to 91, 7 students got score between 78 to 84, 8 students got score

between 72 to 77, 6 students got score between 65 to 71, 7 students got score

between 58 to 64, and 3 students got score between 52 to 57 (see appendix 3).

Meanwhile, the calculation showed that the mean of gained score of pre-

test and post-test in experiment class is 18.34, with the maximum score is 28 and

minimum score is 4.

2. The Data of Control Class

The result showed that the mean score of pre-test was 55.09 with the

maximum score was 76 and minimum score was 20 (see appendix 2). The length

of interval class of the data is 10. It can be drawn that 4 students got score

between 70 to 79, 9 students got score between 60 to 69, 11 students got score



between 50 to 59, 8 students got score between 40 to 49, 2 students got score

between 30 to 39, and only 1 student got score between 20 to 29 (see appendix 3).

Otherwise, the mean score of post-test was 69.66 with the maximum score

was 84 and minimum score was 44 (see appendix 2). The length of interval class

is 7. The score can be grouped as 9 students got score between 79 to 85, 8 students

got score between 72 to 78, 2 students got score between 65 to 71, 9 students got

score between 58 to 64, 5 students got score between 51 to 57, and the last 2

students got score between 44 to 50 (see appendix 3).

Meanwhile, the mean of gained score of pre-test and post-test from control

class is 13.6, with the maximum score is 24 and minimum score is 4.

B. The Analysis of The Data and Hypotheses Testing

1. Item Test Analysis

Before giving pre-test to the sample of research, the writer did the item test

validity first. The test divided into two times. First, test validity of instrument I for

pre-test items and test validity of instrument II for post-test items. The test validity

of instrument I shown that there are 15 items is significant and 15 items is low of

significant with the test reliability is 0.77 (high). Meanwhile, the test validity of

instrument II shown that there are 13 items is significant and 17 items is low of

significant with the test reliability is 0.52 (medium). Then, the writer modified the

quality of distractor of the items that low of significant to be the instrument pre-

test and post-test.

2. Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test

In calculating the normality and homogeneity of pre-test and post-test, the

writer use One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Lillifors test.

a. Normality

Before calculating the t-test value to find out the hypothesis of the

research, a test of normality and homogeneity are needed to know whether the


data has been normality distributed or not; the data are homogeneous or


The writer used SPSS Statistic 18 to count the normality of each test. The

test would be normal distribution if the result of calculation from SPSS Statistic

18, the number showed less than the result in Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the

number of sample (n) is 35.

These tests are valued using SPSS Statistic 18. The normality Using One-

Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test results can be seen as bellow:

Table 4.1

Normality of Pre-test Using One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

KWL Plus Jigsaw

N 35 35 Normal Parametersa,b Mean 53.7143 55.0857

Std. Deviation 11.53147 12.12040 Most Extreme Differences

Absolute .136 .130 Positive .090 .099 Negative -.136 -.130

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .803 .769 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .539 .595 a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data.

The normality calculation above used One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Test. From the table above, it is shown that the absolute difference (D) of KWL

Plus (Experiment) Class data is 0.136. It is much less that absolute difference in

Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the closest Kolmogorov-Smirnov critical points of

35 = 0.224. It means that the pre-test of experiment class data is normal.

Meanwhile, the absolute difference of Jigsaw (Controlled) Class data is 0.130. I is

also much less than D-table with the closest Kolmogorov-Smirnov critical points


of 35 = 0.224. It can be conclude that the pre-test of controlled class is normal,


Table 4.2

Normality of Pre-test Using Lilliefors

kelompok Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Nilai KWL

Plus .136 35 .102 .948 35 .096

Jigsaw .130 35 .142 .965 35 .315 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Besides using the normality test calculation of One-Sample Kolmogorov-

Smirnov Test the writer also using Lilliefors test. It shows that the normality is

significant too. It is shown the absolute difference (D) in Lilliefors table of KWL

Plus (Experiment) Class data is 0.136 and the absolute different (D) in Lilliefors

table of Jigsaw (Controlled) Class data is 0.130. Both absolute different (D) of

Experiment class data and the absolute different (D) of Controlled Class data are

much less than the calculation Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with critical points of

35 = 0.224.

Table 4.3

Normality of Post-test Using One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

KWL Plus Jigsaw

N 35 35 Normal Parametersa,b Mean 72.1714 68.6857

Std. Deviation 9.99260 10.78062 Most Extreme Differences

Absolute .106 .132 Positive .090 .125 Negative -.106 -.132

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .629 .780 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .824 .576 a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data.


As in the pre-test, the normality calculation of post-test above used One-

Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test too. From the table above, it is shown the

absolute difference (D) of KWL Plus (Experiment) Class is 0.106. It is much less

than the calculation in Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the closest Kolmogorov-

Smirnov critical points of 35 = 0.224. It is means the post-test of experiment class

is normal. While the absolute difference (D) of Jigsaw (Controlled) Class data is

0.132. It is also much less than Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the closest

Kolmogorov-Smirnov critical points of 35 = 0.224. It is also means that the post-

test of controlled class is normal distribution.

Table 4.4

Normality of Post-test Using Lilliefors

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

KWL Plus



.155 35 .033 .949 35 .103

Jigsaw Class


.140 35 .081 .931 35 .029

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The writer using the Lillifors test for normality of post-test, it shows that

the normality is significant too. It is shown the absolute (D) in the Lillifors table

of KWL Plus (Experiment) class data is 0.155 and the absolute difference (D) of

Jigsaw (Controlled) Class data is 0.140. Both absolute difference (D) of

experiment and controlled class are much less than the calculation in Kolmogorov-

Smirnov table with critical points of 35 at degrees significance 0.05% = 0.224.

Hence, it can be conclude that the data is normal distribution.


b. Homogeneity

The calculation of homogeneity of pre-test and post-test was counted by

using SPSS Statistic 18, too. The test would be homogenous if the calculation of

test result is higher than the Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with the critical points of

35 = 0.224.

Table 4.5

Pre-Test of Homogeneity of Variance


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Nilai Based on Mean .062 1 68 .804

Based on Median .098 1 68 .755

Based on Median and

with adjusted df

.098 1 63.937 .755

Based on trimmed


.095 1 68 .758

From the calculation table of homogeneity test of pre-test above, it can be

conclude that all of degrees of significance are 0.804, 0.755, 0.755, and 0.758.

These are higher than 0.05. So, it shows that both of the groups are homogenous.

Table 4.6

Post-test of Homogeneity of Variance


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Nilai Based on Mean 1.161 1 68 .285

Based on Median .900 1 68 .346

Based on Median and

with adjusted df

.900 1 67.973 .346

Based on trimmed


1.166 1 68 .284


From the calculation table of homogeneity test of pre-test above, it can be

conclude that all of degrees of significance are 0.285, 0,346, 0.346, and 0.284.

These are higher than 0.05. So, it shows that both of the groups are homogenous.

3. Analysis of Data

Hypothesis testing is the last step to find out the answer of hypothesis.

From the hypothesis test, it will be found whether Know Want Learn Plus more

effective to students than jigsaw. To analyze the hypothesis the writer used T-test

formula as bellow:

𝑡𝑡0 =𝑀𝑀1 −𝑀𝑀2


And the statistic calculation can be seen as follows:

a. Determining Mean of Variable X (Variable 1)

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥 = ∑𝑥𝑥𝑁𝑁1

= 18.34

b. Determining Mean of Variable Y (Variable 2)

𝑀𝑀𝑦𝑦 = ∑𝑦𝑦𝑁𝑁2

= 13.6

c. Determining Standard Deviation of Variable X score

𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = �∑𝑠𝑠2

𝑁𝑁1= �


= √48.1110286 = 6.9362114

d. Determining Standard of Deviation of Variable Y score

𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = �∑𝑦𝑦2

𝑁𝑁2 = �1190.4

35 = √34.0114286 = 5.83193181

e. Determining Errors Standard of Mean Variable X


𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀𝑠𝑠 = 𝑠𝑠𝐷𝐷𝑥𝑥 �𝑁𝑁1−1

= 6.9362114√35−1

= 1.18955044

f. Determining Error Standard of Mean Variable Y

𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀𝑦𝑦 = 𝑠𝑠𝐷𝐷𝑦𝑦�𝑁𝑁2−1

= 5.83193181√35−1

= 1.00016805

g. Determining Error Standard of the Difference between Mean Variable X and

Mean Variable Y

𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀1 −𝑀𝑀2 = �𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀12 + 𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀22

= √1.189550442 + 1.000168052

= 1.5541449

h. Determining to

𝑡𝑡0 = 𝑀𝑀1−𝑀𝑀2𝑠𝑠𝐸𝐸𝑀𝑀𝐼𝐼−𝑀𝑀2

= 18.34−13.61.5541449

= 3.04990867

i. Determining Degree of Freedom

𝑑𝑑𝑓𝑓 = [𝑁𝑁1 + 𝑁𝑁2] − 2

= [35 + 35] − 2

= 70 – 2

= 68

4. Hypotheses Testing

The research was held to answer the question whether Know Want Learn

Plus technique more effective than jigsaw technique on students’ ability in reading

analytical exposition text on eleventh grade students of SMAN 8 Tangerang

Selatan. In order to provide answer for the question above, the Alternative

Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) and Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) were proposed as follows:

a. 𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎 (Alternative Hypothesis): “The use of Know Want Learn Plus is more

effective in teaching reading of analytical exposition text than the use of

jigsaw in teaching reading of analytical exposition text.”


b. 𝐻𝐻0 (Null Hypothesis): “The use of Know Want Learn Plus is not more

effective in teaching reading of analytical exposition text than the use of

jigsaw in teaching reading of analytical exposition text.”

To prove the hypothesis, the obtained data from experiment class and

controlled class were calculated by using t-test formula with assumption as


If 𝑡𝑡0 ≥ t-table in significant difference of (1 - ½ α), the Alternative Hypothesis

(𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) is accepted and Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) is rejected. It means that the use of

Know Want Learn Plus is more effective in teaching reading of analytical

exposition text than the use of jigsaw in teaching reading of analytical exposition


If 𝑡𝑡0 ≤ t-table in significant difference of (1 - ½ α), the Alternative Hypothesis

(𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) is rejected and Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) is accepted. It means that the use of

Know Want Learn Plus is not more effective in teaching reading of analytical

exposition text than the use of jigsaw in teaching reading of analytical exposition


Based on the calculation above, the value of 𝑡𝑡0 is 3.05 and the degree of

freedoms is 68 with 1 - ½ α degree of significance is used by the writer. The

writer used 1 - ½ α because she did a social research. Based on the significance, it

can be seen that on degree of freedom of 68, and 1 - ½ α (α = 0.05) in degree of

significance the value of t-table is 1.995. By comparing the result of t-table to, in

the degree of significance of 5%, it can be seen that 𝑡𝑡0 > t-table (3.05 > 1.995).

According to the results, it can be conclude that the Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) is

rejected, meanwhile the Alternative Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) is accepted.

5. Interpretation

From the research findings above, it can be shown that in the post-test,

students from experiment class perform better than students from controlled class.

It can be seen from the result of the average score of post-test of experiment class


and controlled class. The average score of post-test in experiment class is 71.89.

Meanwhile, the average score of post-test in controlled class is 69.66. So the

average score of post-test of experiment class is higher than average score of post-

test of controlled class or 71.89 > 69.66.

Afterward, the experiment and controlled class students’ gain score

illustrates that the average gain score for experiment class students is higher than

the average gain score for controlled class students. The average gain score of

experiment class is 18.34. Then, the average gain score of controlled class is 13.6.

In addition, from the data testing we can interpret that both pre-test and

post-test have normal distribution as shown by the normality test that was count

by the use of SPSS calculation.

The result of normality of pre-test shown the absolute difference (D) of

experiment class (KWL Plus) data is 0.136. It is much less that D-table with the

critical points of 35 = 0.224. Moreover, the absolute difference (D) of controlled

class (Jigsaw) data is 0.133. It is also much less than D-table with critical points of

35 = 0.224. It means the pre-test of both experiment and controlled class is


In the other side, the result of normality of post-test shows the absolute

difference (D) of experiment class is 0.155. Then, the absolute difference (D) of

controlled class is 0.140. Both of the absolute difference (D) data are much less

than Kolmogorov-Smirnov table with critical points of 35 = 0.224. It can be

concluded that the post-test of both experiment and controlled class is normal.

Moreover, it is also confirmed that both experiment and controlled class

are classified as homogenous group according to the SPSS calculation. From the

result of homogeneity test of pre-test, it can be seen that the degrees of

significance are 0.804, 0.755, 0.755, and 0.758. It is higher than 0.01. And from

the result of homogeneity test of post-test, it can be seen that the degrees of


significance are 0.285, 0.346, 0.346, and 0.284. It is also higher than 0.01. So, it

can be concluded that both of the groups are homogenous.

Last of all, based on the result of analysis data, the value of t-table in the

degree of significance of 1 - ½ α with α = 0.05 was 1.995, while, the value of 𝑡𝑡0

was 3.05. It means that the Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) was rejected and the Alternative

Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎) was accepted. Therefore, it can be inferred that Know Want

Learn Plus is more effective in teaching analytical exposition text than the use of

Jigsaw. The t-observation (𝑡𝑡0= 3.05) which is higher than t-table (t-table = -1.995)

shows that the effectiveness of Know Want Learn Plus Technique is significant in

teaching reading analytical exposition text compared to the use of Jigsaw

technique on SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan.



A. Conclusion

Teaching reading of analytical exposition by using Know Want Learn Plus

has given a positive influence, shown from mean score of post-test. The mean

score of first class which used Know Want Learn Plus is bigger than the mean of

second class which used Jigsaw technique.

According to the result of the analysis of the research shown that the value

of 𝑡𝑡0 is bigger than the value of t-table. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (𝐻𝐻𝑎𝑎)

is accepted and Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝐻0) is rejected, or it can be said that teaching

reading of analytical exposition by using Know Want Learn Plus is more effective

than teaching reading of analytical exposition by using Jigsaw technique at the

eleventh grade of SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan, Cirendeu.

Based on the result in the calculation of 𝑡𝑡0 it is shown that the 𝑡𝑡0 = 3.05

and df = 70 (there is no df = 68). The writer took only the degree of significance

in level 1 - ½ α with α = 5% to give interpretation of the result of this research.

With df = 70 the degree of significance in level 1 - ½ α = 1.995. Then the writer

compares the 𝑡𝑡0 with the value of t-table, the result is 𝑡𝑡0 : t-table = 3.04 > 1.995. It

can be conclude that the used of Know Want learn Plus in teaching reading of

analytical exposition is more effective than the use of Jigsaw to the students of

SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan, Cirendeu.

B. Suggestion

Dealing with the conclusion, the writer would like to give suggestion as


1. For students:



Students do not have to feel that reading is difficult because there are

many techniques that can be applied to make reading process easy to do. That is

Know Want Learn Plus can be applied easily and attractively in or outside the

classroom by themselves.

2. For teachers:

Teacher should teach any kind of materials by using appropriate

techniques and make variation in every meeting in order to motivate students in

learning. Moreover, in using a technique, teacher should make sure that she or he

has organized it well and be ready for some possibilities that can be happened in

students’ learning activities. In addition, teacher should keep trying to find out the

suitable method and technique in the class condition.

3. For the experts, researchers, and academicians:

Based on the data, it can be concluded that Know Want Learn Plus would

be helpful to teaching reading in the classroom. Moreover, Know Want Learn Plus

gives positive effects to the process of students’ reading comprehension




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Appendix 1

The score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experiment Class (XI MIA 2)

Students Pre Test Score Post Test Score Gained Score

1 60 64 4

2 48 60 12

3 60 88* 28

4 36 64 28

5 72 88* 16

6 60 84* 24

7 36 64 28

8 48 64 16

9 56 84* 28

10 64 88* 20

11 44 56 12

12 40 70 30

13 36 60 24

14 64 80* 16

15 72 88* 28

16 60 80* 8

17 36 56 20

18 48 72 24

19 56 72 16

20 60 80* 20

21 56 76* 20

22 72 76* 4

23 48 68 20

24 76 80* 4

25 40 60 20

26 36 52 16


27 52 68 16

28 64 76* 12

29 60 76* 16

30 48 72 24

31 44 68 24

32 52 68 16

33 52 68 16

34 64 80* 16

35 60 76* 16

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 1880

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 53.71

MAX = 76

MIN = 36

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 2516

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 71.89

MAX = 88

MIN = 52

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 642

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 18.34

MAX = 30

MIN = 4

*mencapai KKM (75)

Mpre-Test = ∑𝑥𝑥0𝑁𝑁

= 53.71

Mpost-tets = ∑𝑥𝑥1𝑁𝑁

= 71.89

Mgain = ∑𝑥𝑥2𝑁𝑁

= 18.34


Appendix 2

The score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Class (XI MIA 3)

Students Pre-Test Post-Test Gained Score

1 72 80* 8

2 48 64 16

3 56 72 16

4 48 64 16

5 68 80* 12

6 44 68 24

7 36 56 20

8 72 84* 12

9 64 80* 16

10 56 76* 20

11 56 64 8

12 36 44 8

13 56 68 12

14 56 72 16

15 64 84* 20

16 76 76* 0

17 76 84* 8

18 68 80* 12

19 44 56 12

20 52 64 12

21 56 80* 24

22 56 64 8

23 40 56 16

24 52 64 12

25 20 44 24

26 60 76* 16


27 44 64 20

28 56 64 8

29 52 76* 24

30 48 56 8

31 68 80* 12

32 60 72 12

33 48 56 8

34 60 64 4

35 60 72 12

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 1928

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 55.09

MAX = 76

MIN = 20

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 2438

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 69.66

MAX = 84

MIN = 44

∑𝑥𝑥1 = 476

𝑀𝑀𝑥𝑥1 = 13.6

MAX = 24

MIN = 4

*mencapai KKM (75)

Mpre-Test = ∑𝑥𝑥0𝑁𝑁

= 55.09

Mpost-tets = ∑𝑥𝑥1𝑁𝑁

= 69.66

Mgain = ∑𝑥𝑥2𝑁𝑁

= 13.6


Appendix 3


Perhitungan distribusi frekuensi kelompok, menentukan banyaknya kelas interval dengan menggunakan rumus Strugess: k = 1 + 3,322 log n, dimana n (jumlah seluruh data adalah 35).

(𝑖𝑖) =𝑅𝑅𝑘𝑘

=76 − 36

6= 7

Group Distribution Pre-Test of Experiment Class

Interval Class Tally Frequency 36 – 42 IIIII II 7 43 – 49 IIIII II 7 50 – 56 IIIII I 6 57 – 63 IIIII II 7 64 – 70 IIII 4 71 – 77 IIII 4

(𝑖𝑖) =𝑅𝑅𝑘𝑘

=88 − 52

6= 6

Group Distribution Post-Test of Experiment Class

Interval Class Tally Frequency 52 - 57 III 3 58 - 64 IIIII II 7 65 - 71 IIIII I 6 72 - 77 IIIII III 8 78 - 84 IIIII II 7 85 - 91 IIII 4


(𝑖𝑖) =𝑅𝑅𝑘𝑘

=76 − 20

6= 10

Group Distribution Pre-Test of Controlled Class

Interval Class Tally Frequency 20 - 29 I 1 30 - 39 II 2 40 - 49 IIIII III 8 50 - 59 IIIII IIIII I 11 60 - 69 IIIII IIII 9 70 - 79 IIII 4

(𝑖𝑖) =𝑅𝑅𝑘𝑘

=84 − 44

6= 7

Group Distribution Post-Test of Controlled Class

Interval Class Tally Frequency 44 - 50 II 2 51 - 57 IIIII 5 58 - 64 IIIII IIII 9 65 - 71 II 2 72 - 78 IIIII III 8 79 - 85 IIIII IIII 9


Appendix 4

The Comparison of Scores of Each Student of the Experiment and Controlled Class

Students X Y x y x2 y2

1 4 8 -14.34 -5.6 205.6356 31.36

2 12 16 -6.34 2.4 40.1956 5.76

3 28 16 9.66 2.4 93.3156 5.76

4 28 16 9.66 2.4 93.3156 5.76

5 16 12 -2.34 -1.6 5.4756 2.56

6 24 24 5.66 10.4 32.0356 108.16

7 28 20 9.66 6.4 93.3156 40.96

8 16 12 -2.34 -1.6 5.4756 2.56

9 28 16 9.66 2.4 93.3156 5.76

10 20 20 1.66 6.4 2.7556 40.96

11 12 8 -6.34 -5.6 40.1956 31.36

12 30 8 11.66 -5.6 135.9556 31.36

13 24 12 5.66 -1.6 32.0356 2.56

14 16 16 -2.34 2.4 5.4756 5.76

15 28 20 9.66 6.4 93.3156 40.96

16 8 0 -10.34 -13.6 106.9156 184.96

17 20 8 1.66 -5.6 2.7556 31.36

18 24 12 5.66 -1.6 32.0356 2.56

19 16 12 -2.34 -1.6 5.4756 2.56

20 20 12 1.66 -1.6 2.7556 2.56

21 20 24 1.66 10.4 2.7556 108.16

22 4 8 -14.34 -5.6 205.6356 31.36

23 20 16 1.66 2.4 2.7556 5.76

24 4 12 -14.34 -1.6 205.6356 2.56

25 20 24 1.66 10.4 2.7556 108.16

26 16 16 -2.34 2.4 5.4756 5.76

27 16 20 -2.34 6.4 5.4756 40.96


28 12 8 -6.34 -5.6 40.1956 31.36

29 16 24 -2.34 10.4 5.4756 108.16

30 24 8 5.66 -5.6 32.0356 31.36

31 24 12 5.66 -1.6 32.0356 2.56

32 16 12 -2.34 -1.6 5.4756 2.56

33 16 8 -2.34 -5.6 5.4756 31.36

34 16 4 -2.34 -9.6 5.4756 92.16

35 16 12 -2.34 -1.6 5.4756 2.56

N1 = 35 N2 = 35







Mean 18.34 13.6 48.11 34.01

Appendix 5

SKOR DATA DIBOBOT=================

Jumlah Subyek = 35Butir soal = 30Bobot utk jwban benar = 1Bobot utk jwban salah = 0Keterangan: data terurut berdasarkan skor (tinggi ke rendah)Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No Urt No Subyek Kode/Nama Benar Salah Kosong Skr Asli Skr Bobot 1 17 Rizma ... 25 5 0 25 25 2 19 Shadow... 23 7 0 23 23 3 13 Dinda ... 22 8 0 22 22 4 25 M Syaf... 22 8 0 22 22 5 15 Hana I... 21 9 0 21 21 6 18 Bayu M... 21 8 1 21 21 7 9 Suci I... 20 10 0 20 20 8 10 Shuma ... 20 10 0 20 20 9 14 Ratu C... 20 10 0 20 20 10 21 Widya ... 20 10 0 20 20 11 22 Arsya ... 20 10 0 20 20 12 27 Verel ... 20 10 0 20 20 13 28 Rissa ... 20 10 0 20 20 14 29 Putri ... 20 10 0 20 20 15 32 Donny ... 20 10 0 20 20 16 6 Zalfa ... 19 11 0 19 19 17 7 Cherun... 19 11 0 19 19 18 16 Dwi Fi... 19 11 0 19 19 19 23 Ram Da... 19 11 0 19 19 20 24 Shandi 19 11 0 19 19 21 5 Fajar ... 18 11 1 18 18 22 30 Safriz... 18 12 0 18 18 23 3 Meidya... 17 13 0 17 17 24 11 Vicky ... 17 13 0 17 17 25 20 Belmir... 17 13 0 17 17 26 26 Jihan ... 17 13 0 17 17 27 2 Siti S... 16 14 0 16 16 28 4 Rafly ... 16 14 0 16 16 29 33 Nezar ... 16 14 0 16 16 30 8 Bahar ... 15 14 1 15 15 31 34 Adhyas... 14 16 0 14 14 32 31 Fadly 13 17 0 13 13 33 12 Yonabilah 11 19 0 11 11 34 35 Muhamm... 11 17 2 11 11 35 1 Gustia... 7 22 1 7 7



Rata2= 18.06Simpang Baku= 3.64KorelasiXY= 0.62Reliabilitas Tes= 0.77Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No.Urut No. Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor Ganjil Skor Genap Skor Total 1 1 Gustian Rizaldi 3 4 7 2 2 Siti Silma Mu... 7 9 16 3 3 Meidyana Savitri 7 10 17 4 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 7 9 16 5 5 Fajar Januar 9 9 18 6 6 Zalfa Adelia ... 8 11 19 7 7 Cherunnisa Ad... 10 9 19 8 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 6 9 15 9 9 Suci Indah Sari 10 10 20 10 10 Shuma Widyatami 10 10 20 11 11 Vicky Carin S 6 11 17 12 12 Yonabilah 5 6 11 13 13 Dinda Arfiani 11 11 22 14 14 Ratu Chita A 9 11 20 15 15 Hana Ika Okta... 8 13 21 16 16 Dwi Fitria 8 11 19 17 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 13 25 18 18 Bayu Mertayasa 9 12 21 19 19 Shadow Haq W 10 13 23 20 20 Belmiro Dava ... 7 10 17 21 21 Widya Ananta 9 11 20 22 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 10 20 23 23 Ram Darius W 7 12 19 24 24 Shandi 9 10 19 25 25 M Syafri Hidayat 10 12 22 26 26 Jihan Sarah Dewi 7 10 17 27 27 Verel Antares 9 11 20 28 28 Rissa Pratama... 9 11 20 29 29 Putri Selly N 9 11 20 30 30 Safrizal Rahm... 8 10 18 31 31 Fadly 4 9 13 32 32 Donny Hikmawan 10 10 20 33 33 Nezar Patria L 7 9 16 34 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 6 8 14 35 35 Muhammad Firn... 7 4 11

KELOMPOK UNGGUL & ASOR======================


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 19 Shadow Haq W 23 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 13 Dinda Arfiani 22 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 4 25 M Syafri Hidayat 22 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 15 Hana Ika Okta... 21 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 6 18 Bayu Mertayasa 21 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 9 Suci Indah Sari 20 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 8 10 Shuma Widyatami 20 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 9 14 Ratu Chita A 20 - 1 1 1 1 1 - Jml Jwb Benar 3 8 8 9 9 9 3

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 19 Shadow Haq W 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 13 Dinda Arfiani 22 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 4 25 M Syafri Hidayat 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 15 Hana Ika Okta... 21 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 6 18 Bayu Mertayasa 21 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 7 9 Suci Indah Sari 20 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 8 10 Shuma Widyatami 20 - - 1 1 1 1 - 9 14 Ratu Chita A 20 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 Jml Jwb Benar 8 3 9 8 8 9 7

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 25 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 19 Shadow Haq W 23 1 1 1 - - 1 - 3 13 Dinda Arfiani 22 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 4 25 M Syafri Hidayat 22 - 1 1 - - 1 - 5 15 Hana Ika Okta... 21 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 6 18 Bayu Mertayasa 21 1 - - 1 1 1 - 7 9 Suci Indah Sari 20 1 - - 1 1 1 1 8 10 Shuma Widyatami 20 - 1 1 1 - - - 9 14 Ratu Chita A 20 1 - - 1 1 1 - Jml Jwb Benar 7 6 5 5 6 8 1

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 25 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 19 Shadow Haq W 23 1 1 1 - 1 - - 3 13 Dinda Arfiani 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 4 25 M Syafri Hidayat 22 1 1 1 - - 1 - 5 15 Hana Ika Okta... 21 1 1 - - 1 - - 6 18 Bayu Mertayasa 21 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 7 9 Suci Indah Sari 20 - 1 - - 1 1 - 8 10 Shuma Widyatami 20 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 9 14 Ratu Chita A 20 - 1 - - 1 1 -

Jml Jwb Benar 6 9 5 2 8 7 1

29 30 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 29 30 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 25 1 1 2 19 Shadow Haq W 23 1 1 3 13 Dinda Arfiani 22 1 1 4 25 M Syafri Hidayat 22 1 1 5 15 Hana Ika Okta... 21 1 1 6 18 Bayu Mertayasa 21 1 1 7 9 Suci Indah Sari 20 1 1 8 10 Shuma Widyatami 20 1 - 9 14 Ratu Chita A 20 1 1 Jml Jwb Benar 9 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Siti Silma Mu... 16 - 1 - - 1 - - 2 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 16 1 1 1 1 - - - 3 33 Nezar Patria L 16 1 - - 1 - - - 4 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 15 1 1 - 1 1 - - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 14 - 1 1 - - - - 6 31 Fadly 13 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 12 Yonabilah 11 - 1 1 - - - - 8 35 Muhammad Firn... 11 1 - 1 - 1 * - 9 1 Gustian Rizaldi 7 1 - - 1 1 - * Jml Jwb Benar 5 6 5 5 5 1 0

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 Siti Silma Mu... 16 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 2 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 16 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 3 33 Nezar Patria L 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 4 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 15 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 14 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 6 31 Fadly 13 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 7 12 Yonabilah 11 1 - 1 - - 1 - 8 35 Muhammad Firn... 11 1 - - 1 1 1 - 9 1 Gustian Rizaldi 7 - - - - 1 1 - Jml Jwb Benar 8 2 6 5 7 9 1

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 Siti Silma Mu... 16 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 2 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 16 - 1 - 1 1 - -

3 33 Nezar Patria L 16 1 1 - - - - - 4 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 15 1 1 - - - * - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 14 1 - - - 1 1 - 6 31 Fadly 13 - - - - - - - 7 12 Yonabilah 11 1 - - 1 - - 1 8 35 Muhammad Firn... 11 - - - - - - * 9 1 Gustian Rizaldi 7 - 1 - - - 1 - Jml Jwb Benar 4 5 0 3 3 3 1

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 Siti Silma Mu... 16 1 1 - - 1 - - 2 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 16 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 3 33 Nezar Patria L 16 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 4 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 15 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 14 1 1 - - 1 1 - 6 31 Fadly 13 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 7 12 Yonabilah 11 1 1 - - 1 - - 8 35 Muhammad Firn... 11 1 1 1 - - - - 9 1 Gustian Rizaldi 7 - - - - - - - Jml Jwb Benar 8 5 5 0 7 5 0

29 30 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 29 30 1 2 Siti Silma Mu... 16 1 1 2 4 Rafly Nur Sap... 16 1 - 3 33 Nezar Patria L 16 - 1 4 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 15 - - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 14 - - 6 31 Fadly 13 - - 7 12 Yonabilah 11 - - 8 35 Muhammad Firn... 11 1 - 9 1 Gustian Rizaldi 7 - - Jml Jwb Benar 3 2

DAYA PEMBEDA============

Jumlah Subyek= 35Klp atas/bawah(n)= 9Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Kel. Atas Kel. Bawah Beda Indeks DP (%) 1 1 3 5 -2 -22.22 2 2 8 6 2 22.22 3 3 8 5 3 33.33 4 4 9 5 4 44.44 5 5 9 5 4 44.44

6 6 9 1 8 88.89 7 7 3 0 3 33.33 8 8 8 8 0 0.00 9 9 3 2 1 11.11 10 10 9 6 3 33.33 11 11 8 5 3 33.33 12 12 8 7 1 11.11 13 13 9 9 0 0.00 14 14 7 1 6 66.67 15 15 7 4 3 33.33 16 16 6 5 1 11.11 17 17 5 0 5 55.56 18 18 5 3 2 22.22 19 19 6 3 3 33.33 20 20 8 3 5 55.56 21 21 1 1 0 0.00 22 22 6 8 -2 -22.22 23 23 9 5 4 44.44 24 24 5 5 0 0.00 25 25 2 0 2 22.22 26 26 8 7 1 11.11 27 27 7 5 2 22.22 28 28 1 0 1 11.11 29 29 9 3 6 66.67 30 30 8 2 6 66.67

TINGKAT KESUKARAN=================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Jml Betul Tkt. Kesukaran(%) Tafsiran 1 1 15 42.86 Sedang 2 2 29 82.86 Mudah 3 3 26 74.29 Mudah 4 4 26 74.29 Mudah 5 5 30 85.71 Sangat Mudah 6 6 22 62.86 Sedang 7 7 8 22.86 Sukar 8 8 33 94.29 Sangat Mudah 9 9 8 22.86 Sukar 10 10 31 88.57 Sangat Mudah 11 11 29 82.86 Mudah 12 12 31 88.57 Sangat Mudah 13 13 35 100.00 Sangat Mudah 14 14 15 42.86 Sedang 15 15 18 51.43 Sedang 16 16 20 57.14 Sedang 17 17 6 17.14 Sukar

18 18 23 65.71 Sedang 19 19 22 62.86 Sedang 20 20 25 71.43 Mudah 21 21 2 5.71 Sangat Sukar 22 22 24 68.57 Sedang 23 23 29 82.86 Mudah 24 24 12 34.29 Sedang 25 25 6 17.14 Sukar 26 26 32 91.43 Sangat Mudah 27 27 22 62.86 Sedang 28 28 3 8.57 Sangat Sukar 29 29 27 77.14 Mudah 30 30 23 65.71 Sedang

KORELASI SKOR BUTIR DG SKOR TOTAL=================================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Korelasi Signifikansi 1 1 -0.127 - 2 2 0.388 Signifikan 3 3 0.301 - 4 4 0.411 Signifikan 5 5 0.371 Signifikan 6 6 0.606 Sangat Signifikan 7 7 0.200 - 8 8 0.313 - 9 9 0.181 - 10 10 0.532 Sangat Signifikan 11 11 0.557 Sangat Signifikan 12 12 0.156 - 13 13 NAN NAN 14 14 0.518 Sangat Signifikan 15 15 0.350 Signifikan 16 16 0.078 - 17 17 0.500 Sangat Signifikan 18 18 0.196 - 19 19 0.392 Signifikan 20 20 0.433 Signifikan 21 21 -0.176 - 22 22 -0.144 - 23 23 0.472 Sangat Signifikan 24 24 0.022 - 25 25 0.183 - 26 26 0.403 Signifikan 27 27 0.276 - 28 28 0.052 - 29 29 0.635 Sangat Signifikan

30 30 0.616 Sangat Signifikan

Catatan: Batas signifikansi koefisien korelasi sebagaai berikut:

df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01 df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01 10 0,576 0,708 60 0,250 0,325 15 0,482 0,606 70 0,233 0,302 20 0,423 0,549 80 0,217 0,283 25 0,381 0,496 90 0,205 0,267 30 0,349 0,449 100 0,195 0,254 40 0,304 0,393 125 0,174 0,228 50 0,273 0,354 >150 0,159 0,208

Bila koefisien = 0,000 berarti tidak dapat dihitung.

KUALITAS PENGECOH=================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli a b c d * 1 1 20--- 15** 0-- 0-- 0 2 2 2++ 4-- 29** 0-- 0 3 3 4+ 5- 26** 0-- 0 4 4 3++ 26** 5- 1- 0 5 5 30** 2++ 3-- 0-- 0 6 6 1-- 22** 10--- 1-- 0 7 7 8++ 8** 9++ 9++ 0 8 8 2--- 33** 0-- 0-- 0 9 9 8** 15- 4- 7++ 0 10 10 31** 2+ 2+ 0-- 0 11 11 1- 29** 1- 4-- 0 12 12 3--- 31** 1+ 0-- 0 13 13 0 0 35** 0 0 14 14 15** 4+ 12-- 4+ 0 15 15 17--- 18** 0-- 0-- 0 16 16 2- 1-- 20** 12--- 0 17 17 29--- 6** 0-- 0-- 0 18 18 5++ 23** 4++ 3+ 0 19 19 22** 0-- 4++ 9--- 0 20 20 25** 0-- 4++ 5+ 0 21 21 7+ 7+ 18- 2** 0 22 22 0-- 11--- 0-- 24** 0 23 23 0-- 3+ 2++ 29** 0 24 24 22--- 12** 0-- 1-- 0 25 25 1-- 0-- 28--- 6** 0 26 26 3--- 0-- 32** 0-- 0 27 27 2- 22** 3+ 8-- 0

28 28 3** 4- 24--- 4- 0 29 29 27** 4+ 1- 3++ 0 30 30 2- 9--- 1-- 23** 0

Keterangan: ** : Kunci Jawaban++ : Sangat Baik+ : Baik- : Kurang Baik-- : Buruk---: Sangat Buruk

REKAP ANALISIS BUTIR=====================

Rata2= 18.06Simpang Baku= 3.64KorelasiXY= 0.62Reliabilitas Tes= 0.77Butir Soal= 30Jumlah Subyek= 35Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\SITI HADIJAH 1110014000071\HASIL UJI ISTRUMENT\I\TES VALIDITAS 1.ANA

Btr Baru Btr Asli D.Pembeda(%) T. Kesukaran Korelasi Sign. Korelasi 1 1 -22.22 Sedang -0.127 - 2 2 22.22 Mudah 0.388 Signifikan 3 3 33.33 Mudah 0.301 - 4 4 44.44 Mudah 0.411 Signifikan 5 5 44.44 Sangat Mudah 0.371 Signifikan 6 6 88.89 Sedang 0.606 Sangat Signifikan 7 7 33.33 Sukar 0.200 - 8 8 0.00 Sangat Mudah 0.313 - 9 9 11.11 Sukar 0.181 - 10 10 33.33 Sangat Mudah 0.532 Sangat Signifikan 11 11 33.33 Mudah 0.557 Sangat Signifikan 12 12 11.11 Sangat Mudah 0.156 - 13 13 0.00 Sangat Mudah NAN NAN 14 14 66.67 Sedang 0.518 Sangat Signifikan 15 15 33.33 Sedang 0.350 Signifikan 16 16 11.11 Sedang 0.078 - 17 17 55.56 Sukar 0.500 Sangat Signifikan 18 18 22.22 Sedang 0.196 - 19 19 33.33 Sedang 0.392 Signifikan 20 20 55.56 Mudah 0.433 Signifikan 21 21 0.00 Sangat Sukar -0.176 - 22 22 -22.22 Sedang -0.144 - 23 23 44.44 Mudah 0.472 Sangat Signifikan 24 24 0.00 Sedang 0.022 - 25 25 22.22 Sukar 0.183 - 26 26 11.11 Sangat Mudah 0.403 Signifikan 27 27 22.22 Sedang 0.276 -

28 28 11.11 Sangat Sukar 0.052 - 29 29 66.67 Mudah 0.635 Sangat Signifikan 30 30 66.67 Sedang 0.616 Sangat Signifikan

Appendix 4

SKOR DATA DIBOBOT=================

Jumlah Subyek = 35Butir soal = 30Bobot utk jwban benar = 1Bobot utk jwban salah = 0Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No Urt No Subyek Kode/Nama Benar Salah Kosong Skr Asli Skr Bobot 1 1 Gustia... 19 11 0 19 19 2 2 Siti S... 12 14 4 12 12 3 3 Meidya... 13 17 0 13 13 4 4 Rafly ... 12 18 0 12 12 5 5 Fajar ... 13 17 0 13 13 6 6 Zalfaa... 15 14 1 15 15 7 7 Chaeru... 15 15 0 15 15 8 8 Bahar ... 15 15 0 15 15 9 9 Suci I... 12 18 0 12 12 10 10 Shuma ... 11 19 0 11 11 11 11 Vicky ... 17 13 0 17 17 12 12 Yonabila 11 19 0 11 11 13 13 Dinda ... 13 17 0 13 13 14 14 Ratu C... 13 17 0 13 13 15 15 Hana I... 15 9 6 15 15 16 16 Dwi Fi... 14 15 1 14 14 17 17 Rizma ... 12 18 0 12 12 18 18 Bayu H... 18 12 0 18 18 19 19 Shadow... 18 12 0 18 18 20 20 Belmir... 12 18 0 12 12 21 21 Widya ... 17 12 1 17 17 22 22 Arsya ... 10 12 8 10 10 23 23 Ram Da... 14 15 1 14 14 24 24 Shandi 13 13 4 13 13 25 25 M Syaf... 8 22 0 8 8 26 26 Jihan ... 15 13 2 15 15 27 27 Verel ... 14 16 0 14 14 28 28 Rissa ... 17 13 0 17 17 29 29 Putri ... 19 11 0 19 19 30 30 Safriz... 10 20 0 10 10 31 31 Fadly 13 16 1 13 13 32 32 Donni ... 12 18 0 12 12 33 33 Nezar ... 4 26 0 4 4 34 34 Adhyas... 18 12 0 18 18 35 35 Muhamm... 18 12 0 18 18

RELIABILITAS TES================

Rata2= 13.77Simpang Baku= 3.25KorelasiXY= 0.35Reliabilitas Tes= 0.52Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No.Urut No. Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor Ganjil Skor Genap Skor Total 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 8 11 19 2 2 Siti Silma Mu... 4 8 12 3 3 Meidyana Savitri 5 8 13 4 4 Rafly Nur sap... 6 6 12 5 5 Fajar januar R 6 7 13 6 6 Zalfaa Adelia... 7 8 15 7 7 Chaerunnisa A... 6 9 15 8 8 Bahar Nur Haidy 8 7 15 9 9 Suci Indah Sari 6 6 12 10 10 Shuma Widyatami 5 6 11 11 11 Vicky Carin S 7 10 17 12 12 Yonabila 5 6 11 13 13 Dinda Arfiani 6 7 13 14 14 Ratu Chita A 6 7 13 15 15 Hana Ika Octa... 6 9 15 16 16 Dwi Fitriana 7 7 14 17 17 Rizma Rahmala... 5 7 12 18 18 Bayu Hertayasa 6 12 18 19 19 Shadow Har W 5 13 18 20 20 Belmiro Dava ... 6 6 12 21 21 Widya Ananta 7 10 17 22 22 Arsya Putri M... 4 6 10 23 23 Ram Darius W 5 9 14 24 24 Shandi 3 10 13 25 25 M Syafri Hidayat 6 2 8 26 26 Jihan Sarah Dewi 5 10 15 27 27 Verel Antares 6 8 14 28 28 Rissa Pratama... 7 10 17 29 29 Putri Selly N 8 11 19 30 30 Safrizal Rahm... 4 6 10 31 31 Fadly 5 8 13 32 32 Donni Hikmawan 3 9 12 33 33 Nezar Patrial 2 2 4 34 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 7 11 18 35 35 Muhammad Firn... 7 11 18

KELOMPOK UNGGUL & ASOR======================


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 19 - 1 1 1 - 1 1

2 29 Putri Selly N 19 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 18 Bayu Hertayasa 18 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 19 Shadow Har W 18 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 18 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 6 35 Muhammad Firn... 18 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 7 11 Vicky Carin S 17 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 21 Widya Ananta 17 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 28 Rissa Pratama... 17 - - 1 1 1 1 1 Jml Jwb Benar 0 8 9 9 5 9 9

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 19 - 1 1 1 - - 1 2 29 Putri Selly N 19 - 1 1 1 - - 1 3 18 Bayu Hertayasa 18 - - 1 1 - - 1 4 19 Shadow Har W 18 - 1 1 - - - 1 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 18 - - 1 1 - - - 6 35 Muhammad Firn... 18 - - 1 1 - - - 7 11 Vicky Carin S 17 - 1 1 1 - - 1 8 21 Widya Ananta 17 - 1 1 1 - * 1 9 28 Rissa Pratama... 17 - 1 1 1 - - 1 Jml Jwb Benar 0 6 9 8 0 0 7

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 29 Putri Selly N 19 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 3 18 Bayu Hertayasa 18 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 4 19 Shadow Har W 18 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 18 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 6 35 Muhammad Firn... 18 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 7 11 Vicky Carin S 17 - - - 1 1 1 - 8 21 Widya Ananta 17 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 9 28 Rissa Pratama... 17 1 1 - 1 - 1 - Jml Jwb Benar 7 8 6 9 3 9 0

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 19 - 1 - - 1 - 1 2 29 Putri Selly N 19 - 1 - - 1 - 1 3 18 Bayu Hertayasa 18 - - 1 - 1 - 1 4 19 Shadow Har W 18 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 18 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 6 35 Muhammad Firn... 18 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 7 11 Vicky Carin S 17 1 1 1 - - - - 8 21 Widya Ananta 17 1 1 1 - - - - 9 28 Rissa Pratama... 17 - 1 - - 1 - 1 Jml Jwb Benar 5 5 6 2 7 2 5

29 30

No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 29 30 1 1 Gustian Rizaldy 19 - 1 2 29 Putri Selly N 19 - 1 3 18 Bayu Hertayasa 18 - 1 4 19 Shadow Har W 18 - 1 5 34 Adhyasta Dirg... 18 - 1 6 35 Muhammad Firn... 18 - 1 7 11 Vicky Carin S 17 - 1 8 21 Widya Ananta 17 - - 9 28 Rissa Pratama... 17 - 1 Jml Jwb Benar 0 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 1 1 - 1 1 - - 2 20 Belmiro Dava ... 12 1 1 - 1 - - - 3 32 Donni Hikmawan 12 1 1 - - - - - 4 10 Shuma Widyatami 11 1 1 - 1 - - - 5 12 Yonabila 11 1 1 - 1 - - - 6 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 - 1 1 1 1 * * 7 30 Safrizal Rahm... 10 1 1 - 1 - - - 8 25 M Syafri Hidayat 8 1 - 1 - - - - 9 33 Nezar Patrial 4 1 1 - - - - - Jml Jwb Benar 8 8 2 6 2 0 0

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 - 1 1 - - - 1 2 20 Belmiro Dava ... 12 - 1 1 - - - - 3 32 Donni Hikmawan 12 - - - - 1 - 1 4 10 Shuma Widyatami 11 - 1 1 - - - 1 5 12 Yonabila 11 - 1 1 - - 1 - 6 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 - 1 1 - * * - 7 30 Safrizal Rahm... 10 - 1 1 - - - - 8 25 M Syafri Hidayat 8 - 1 1 - - - - 9 33 Nezar Patrial 4 - - - - 1 - - Jml Jwb Benar 0 7 7 0 2 1 3

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 - - - 1 1 - 1 2 20 Belmiro Dava ... 12 - - 1 - - - 1 3 32 Donni Hikmawan 12 1 1 1 1 - - - 4 10 Shuma Widyatami 11 1 - 1 - 1 - - 5 12 Yonabila 11 - 1 1 1 - - - 6 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 - * * 1 - - * 7 30 Safrizal Rahm... 10 - 1 1 1 - 1 -

8 25 M Syafri Hidayat 8 - - - 1 1 - - 9 33 Nezar Patrial 4 - - 1 - - - - Jml Jwb Benar 2 3 6 6 3 1 2

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 - - - - - - 1 2 20 Belmiro Dava ... 12 1 1 1 - - 1 1 3 32 Donni Hikmawan 12 - - 1 - 1 - 1 4 10 Shuma Widyatami 11 - - - - - - 1 5 12 Yonabila 11 1 1 - - - - - 6 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 - - - * 1 - - 7 30 Safrizal Rahm... 10 - - - - - - - 8 25 M Syafri Hidayat 8 - 1 - 1 - - - 9 33 Nezar Patrial 4 - - - - - - - Jml Jwb Benar 2 3 2 1 2 1 4

29 30 No.Urut No Subyek Kode/Nama Subyek Skor 29 30 1 17 Rizma Rahmala... 12 - 1 2 20 Belmiro Dava ... 12 - - 3 32 Donni Hikmawan 12 - 1 4 10 Shuma Widyatami 11 - 1 5 12 Yonabila 11 - - 6 22 Arsya Putri M... 10 1 1 7 30 Safrizal Rahm... 10 1 - 8 25 M Syafri Hidayat 8 - - 9 33 Nezar Patrial 4 - - Jml Jwb Benar 2 4

DAYA PEMBEDA============

Jumlah Subyek= 35Klp atas/bawah(n)= 9Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Kel. Atas Kel. Bawah Beda Indeks DP (%) 1 1 0 8 -8 -88.89 2 2 8 8 0 0.00 3 3 9 2 7 77.78 4 4 9 6 3 33.33 5 5 5 2 3 33.33 6 6 9 0 9 100.00 7 7 9 0 9 100.00 8 8 0 0 0 0.00 9 9 6 7 -1 -11.11 10 10 9 7 2 22.22 11 11 8 0 8 88.89

12 12 0 2 -2 -22.22 13 13 0 1 -1 -11.11 14 14 7 3 4 44.44 15 15 7 2 5 55.56 16 16 8 3 5 55.56 17 17 6 6 0 0.00 18 18 9 6 3 33.33 19 19 3 3 0 0.00 20 20 9 1 8 88.89 21 21 0 2 -2 -22.22 22 22 5 2 3 33.33 23 23 5 3 2 22.22 24 24 6 2 4 44.44 25 25 2 1 1 11.11 26 26 7 2 5 55.56 27 27 2 1 1 11.11 28 28 5 4 1 11.11 29 29 0 2 -2 -22.22 30 30 8 4 4 44.44

TINGKAT KESUKARAN=================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Jml Betul Tkt. Kesukaran(%) Tafsiran 1 1 14 40.00 Sedang 2 2 31 88.57 Sangat Mudah 3 3 21 60.00 Sedang 4 4 32 91.43 Sangat Mudah 5 5 21 60.00 Sedang 6 6 18 51.43 Sedang 7 7 14 40.00 Sedang 8 8 2 5.71 Sangat Sukar 9 9 26 74.29 Mudah 10 10 33 94.29 Sangat Mudah 11 11 16 45.71 Sedang 12 12 4 11.43 Sangat Sukar 13 13 4 11.43 Sangat Sukar 14 14 23 65.71 Sedang 15 15 19 54.29 Sedang 16 16 20 57.14 Sedang 17 17 23 65.71 Sedang 18 18 29 82.86 Mudah 19 19 16 45.71 Sedang 20 20 20 57.14 Sedang 21 21 4 11.43 Sangat Sukar 22 22 8 22.86 Sukar 23 23 10 28.57 Sukar 24 24 10 28.57 Sukar

25 25 5 14.29 Sangat Sukar 26 26 11 31.43 Sedang 27 27 3 8.57 Sangat Sukar 28 28 18 51.43 Sedang 29 29 3 8.57 Sangat Sukar 30 30 24 68.57 Sedang

KORELASI SKOR BUTIR DG SKOR TOTAL=================================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli Korelasi Signifikansi 1 1 -0.651 - 2 2 0.058 - 3 3 0.542 Sangat Signifikan 4 4 0.551 Sangat Signifikan 5 5 0.215 - 6 6 0.733 Sangat Signifikan 7 7 0.713 Sangat Signifikan 8 8 -0.021 - 9 9 -0.001 - 10 10 0.443 Signifikan 11 11 0.691 Sangat Signifikan 12 12 -0.254 - 13 13 -0.198 - 14 14 0.399 Signifikan 15 15 0.435 Signifikan 16 16 0.514 Sangat Signifikan 17 17 0.024 - 18 18 0.417 Signifikan 19 19 -0.024 - 20 20 0.658 Sangat Signifikan 21 21 -0.142 - 22 22 0.293 - 23 23 0.242 - 24 24 0.400 Signifikan 25 25 0.080 - 26 26 0.470 Sangat Signifikan 27 27 0.213 - 28 28 0.145 - 29 29 -0.201 - 30 30 0.297 -

Catatan: Batas signifikansi koefisien korelasi sebagaai berikut:

df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01 df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01

10 0,576 0,708 60 0,250 0,325 15 0,482 0,606 70 0,233 0,302 20 0,423 0,549 80 0,217 0,283 25 0,381 0,496 90 0,205 0,267 30 0,349 0,449 100 0,195 0,254 40 0,304 0,393 125 0,174 0,228 50 0,273 0,354 >150 0,159 0,208

Bila koefisien = 0,000 berarti tidak dapat dihitung.

KUALITAS PENGECOH=================

Jumlah Subyek= 35Butir Soal= 30Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

No Butir Baru No Butir Asli a b c d * 1 1 16--- 14** 4+ 1-- 0 2 2 1+ 2+ 31** 1+ 0 3 3 6+ 7+ 21** 1-- 0 4 4 32** 0-- 0-- 3--- 0 5 5 5++ 4++ 5++ 21** 0 6 6 15--- 0-- 1-- 18** 0 7 7 14** 2- 4+ 11- 0 8 8 5- 8+ 2** 20-- 0 9 9 7--- 0-- 26** 1- 0 10 10 33** 0-- 2--- 0-- 0 11 11 4+ 13--- 16** 2- 0 12 12 24--- 5- 1-- 4** 0 13 13 4** 9++ 9++ 8++ 0 14 14 2- 7- 3+ 23** 0 15 15 19** 1-- 6++ 9- 0 16 16 20** 2- 1-- 9-- 0 17 17 0-- 5++ 4++ 23** 0 18 18 2++ 2++ 29** 0-- 0 19 19 16** 2- 2- 15--- 0 20 20 2- 20** 11--- 2- 0 21 21 8++ 18- 4** 3- 0 22 22 11++ 8** 6+ 10++ 0 23 23 10** 5+ 2-- 16-- 0 24 24 1-- 9++ 13- 10** 0 25 25 5** 6+ 2-- 21--- 0 26 26 12+ 5+ 6+ 11** 0 27 27 7+ 10++ 3** 14+ 0 28 28 18** 3+ 2- 12--- 0 29 29 12++ 3** 10++ 10++ 0 30 30 5+ 24** 4++ 2+ 0

Keterangan: ** : Kunci Jawaban++ : Sangat Baik

+ : Baik- : Kurang Baik-- : Buruk---: Sangat Buruk

REKAP ANALISIS BUTIR=====================

Rata2= 13.77Simpang Baku= 3.25KorelasiXY= 0.35Reliabilitas Tes= 0.52Butir Soal= 30Jumlah Subyek= 35Nama berkas: D:\SKRIPSI SITI\ISTRUMENT\II\MENTAH.ANA

Btr Baru Btr Asli D.Pembeda(%) T. Kesukaran Korelasi Sign. Korelasi 1 1 -88.89 Sedang -0.651 - 2 2 0.00 Sangat Mudah 0.058 - 3 3 77.78 Sedang 0.542 Sangat Signifikan 4 4 33.33 Sangat Mudah 0.551 Sangat Signifikan 5 5 33.33 Sedang 0.215 - 6 6 100.00 Sedang 0.733 Sangat Signifikan 7 7 100.00 Sedang 0.713 Sangat Signifikan 8 8 0.00 Sangat Sukar -0.021 - 9 9 -11.11 Mudah -0.001 - 10 10 22.22 Sangat Mudah 0.443 Signifikan 11 11 88.89 Sedang 0.691 Sangat Signifikan 12 12 -22.22 Sangat Sukar -0.254 - 13 13 -11.11 Sangat Sukar -0.198 - 14 14 44.44 Sedang 0.399 Signifikan 15 15 55.56 Sedang 0.435 Signifikan 16 16 55.56 Sedang 0.514 Sangat Signifikan 17 17 0.00 Sedang 0.024 - 18 18 33.33 Mudah 0.417 Signifikan 19 19 0.00 Sedang -0.024 - 20 20 88.89 Sedang 0.658 Sangat Signifikan 21 21 -22.22 Sangat Sukar -0.142 - 22 22 33.33 Sukar 0.293 - 23 23 22.22 Sukar 0.242 - 24 24 44.44 Sukar 0.400 Signifikan 25 25 11.11 Sangat Sukar 0.080 - 26 26 55.56 Sedang 0.470 Sangat Signifikan 27 27 11.11 Sangat Sukar 0.213 - 28 28 11.11 Sedang 0.145 - 29 29 -22.22 Sangat Sukar -0.201 - 30 30 44.44 Sedang 0.297 -


Appendix 7


Text 1

The Trial of Lindy Chamberlain

In 1982 Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murdering her baby Azaria

while camping at Anyer’s Rock. In my opinion, Lindy should not have been

convicted for Azaria’s murder however there is too much conflicting evidence.

Firstly, there is the question of the blood found in the car. It was claimed

that it was the baby’s blood. On the other hand, the tests used to identify the blood

were later found to be unreliable and the blood could have come from an adult.

Another piece of conflicting evidence concerns a dingo. Lindy claimed

that Azaria was taken by a stray dingo. Some of the campers said that they saw no

dingo, whereas there were several who confirmed Lindy’s story, and who stated

that they heard a dingo’s cry just before Azaria went missing.

And finally there is the matter of the baby’s jumpsuit which was later

found with holes in it. The prosecution maintained that those holes could only

have been made by a pair of nail scissors the ones the claimed Lindy used to kill

her baby. The defiance as demonstrated that the holes could just as easily have

been made by a dingo’s teeth.

In the light of such conflicting evidence, I believe that it was wrong to

convict Lindy Chamberlain without finding more definite proof of her guilt.

(Adapted from: How Texts Works, Beverly Derewianka)

1. Which of the following sentences is implied based on the text?

a. The baby Azaria was killed by a Big Dingo.

b. The writer believes that the murderer of baby Azaria is not her mother,

Lindy Chamberlain.


c. Lindy Chamberlain killed her baby by using scissor.

d. The Dingo killed baby Azaria by using scissor.

2. The word “prosecution” in line 12 has similar meaning with….

a. Execution

b. Nonfulfillment

c. Judgment

d. Reward

3. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true based on the text?

a. Blood that found in the car could from an adult’s blood

b. Lindy Chamberlain killed her baby by using a scissor

c. The holes in the baby’s jumpsuit have been made by bingo’s teeth

d. One of the camper hear bingo’s cries before the missing of Azaria

Text 2

Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problems with your

health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much


One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work

harder. This may lead to a heart attack; or it may lead to other heart problem.

In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood.

This can cause serious disease such as diabetes.

Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.

More studies are needed about all these problems. But one thing is clear,

extra fat may make your life shorter.

(Adapted From: Let’s Write English)

4. What is the reiteration of all the facts of being fat?

a. By all the problems of being fat, it reduce our age easily

b. By all the problems of being fat, it increases our sugar composition


c. By all the problems of being fat, it can reduce our blood pressure

d. By all the problems of being fat, it can destroy our heart

5. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To inform the reader that being fat is so many risks

b. To inform the reader that obesity is one of the cause blood pressures

c. To describe how people can get obesity

d. To describe how to avoid obesity

6. What is the thesis of the text above?

a. The important of being fat

b. The serious problems of being fat

c. The advantages of being fat

d. The effect of being fat to our blood

Text 3

The Important of English Language

I personally think that English is the world’s most important language.

Why do I say that?

Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people

all over the world, either as a first or second language.

Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and

technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development

of many countries in the world.

Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants

who master either active or passive English are more favorable that those who


From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to

greet the global era.

(Adapted from: Student Book For SMA, BalaiPustaka)


7. The word “those” in the last lines of paragraph 4 refers to….

a. Job applicants c. Requirements

b. Jobs d. English

8. The word “favorable” according to the text above means . . . .

a. Famous

b. Acceptable

c. Familiar

d. Disapproving

9. What is the reiteration of the text above?

a. English is needed to learn economics and politics development

b. Study English can open our worldwide knowledge

c. People need to learn English in this modern era

d. People need to learn English to get a better job

Text 4

The Power of Music in Our Life

Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has

certain role completing our day to activities. Here are some reasons why music is

heard everywhere and anywhere.

Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music

we’d listen to would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for music

that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re

happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too.

Song can help to memorize the last experience. A favorite song is a

powerful documentary. People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain

would remember details about songs they were familiar with. For example, an

elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name would

remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her

feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.


Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song

with good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all

people. We can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jackson’s

Heal the World. It can arouse humanism of lot people in this world.

So what would the world be like without music? It would be lonely.

10. What is the topic of the paragraphs?

a. Music as a media to express feeling

b. Role of music in human life

c. Role of music for Alzheimer disease

d. Variation of music in world

11. The word “arouse” in line 16 has similar meaning with . . . .

a. Reach

b. Build

c. Raise

d. Increase

12. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To persuade the reader that music has energy in human life

b. To persuade the reader that music can help people to solve their mind


c. To inform the reader that music is a source of feeling formation

d. To describe how music can music influence people’s feeling

13. According to the text, which statement is NOT discussed in the passage?

a. Music can help children to memorize their learning experience

b. Music is used as a media to express people’s feeling

c. Music can influence people to be united

d. Music can stimulus to Alzheimer to remind their family’s name or past



Text 5

The Importance of Reading

I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why

do I say so?

Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the

world such as Science, technology, Sports, arts, culture, etc. written either in

books, magazine, newspaper, or etc.

Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about

something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.

Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we

read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy,

short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.

The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a

book about Irian Jaya we may feel we are really sitting in the jungles not at home

in our rooms.

From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get

knowledge, information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say

reading is truly important in our life.

14. What does the text tells about?

a. The function of reading

b. The important of reading

c. The disadvantages of reading

d. The purpose of reading

15. Why is reading very important in our life? Because…..

a. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, and experience.

b. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.

c. By reading, we can get relaxation.

d. By reading, we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and



16. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?

a. Borrow a lot of books

b. Look for newspaper and magazine

c. Sell and buy many expensive books

d. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.

17. Based on the text, what kind of reading text that will be read if you want to


a. Textbook, comic, and newspaper

b. Agenda, textbook, and magazine

c. Magazine, comic and short story

d. Yellow pages, comic, and newspaper

Text 6

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government,

state governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are

necessary. This is so for number of reasons.

First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the

economy in order and look after like defense.

Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For

example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school.

Finally, local government looks after the small things. They look after

things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have disease.

Thus for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the

government are necessary.

18. What is the thesis of the text?

a. The important of three levels of governmentss

b. The three levels of Australia’s government


c. The function of governments of Australia

d. The duties of Australia’s government

19. The three levels governments are necessary. This statement is included into

schematic structure of. . . .

a. Reiteration

b. Supporting details

c. Topic sentence

d. Thesis

20. Who is responsible for defense based on the text?

a. Federal government

b. Federal and State Government

c. Federal and Local Government

d. Local Government

21. The litter management is the responsibility of....

a. Australians

b. Federal government

c. State government

d. Local government

Text 7

Smoking in Restaurant

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is

rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.

Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects

all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and

not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.

Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it

can do to others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker

can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.


Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes

cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in


Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a

health risk to the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

22. We have many reasons to say that smoking must be avoided. The word

reasons mean…..

a. Argument

b. Reinforcement

c. Conclusion

d. Statement

23. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

a. Smog from the smoker is not dangerous to other people.

b. Passive smoker has risks as same as the active smoker.

c. Restaurant is the right place to people that want to smoke.

d. Smog from the active smoker has not influence to other in the restaurant.

24. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is……

a. Harmful

b. Impolite

c. Rude

d. Risk

25. Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is

rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.

The sentence above characterize as….. of the text.

a. Arguments

b. Thesis

c. Topic sentence

d. Supporting details


Appendix 8

INSTRUMENT 2 (Post Test)

Text 1


People read for different reasons and purposes. Newsreader, for example,

read for a living and students read for learning. Others read for knowledge and

some read for enjoyment and pleasure.

Newsreaders are specially trained to read the news accurately, carefully,

and distinctively. Students have to read textbooks in order to absorb the contents

in their memories for examination. Businessmen, politicians, scientist, and

lecturers read for knowledge, others read to kill time, or for enjoyment and


Nevertheless, good books are not cheap. One way to minimize the cost is

by exchanging books with friends. The other way is by going to book rentals or

borrowing books from libraries.

Sometimes, there are many book exhibitions held in big cities. Some

publishers take these kinds of event as an opportunity to offer huge discounts.

Books lovers can take this opportunity to get many books at a low cost.

1. What is the topic discussed in the text above?

a. The ways people read

b. The purpose of people read

c. Types of the materials people read

d. The reasons to be a reader

2. According to paragraph 2, who reads for knowledge?

a. Students

b. Housewives and daughters

c. Businessmen and politicians

d. Newsreaders


3. Based on the text, why do people read?

a. Some people read to practice their fluency in reading

b. Some people want to get entertainment, amusement, and for living

c. Some people read for a living, learning something, knowledge, and


d. Some people read because they want to increase their reading habit

4. Good books are sometimes expensive. According to the text, what can people

do to minimize the cost?

a. Borrow books from libraries

b. Read the books at the bookstore

c. Make a copy of the books

d. Wait patiently until sale season

5. What is the advice that the writer gives to the readers?

a. To buy more book

b. To meet publishers

c. To buy expensive books

d. To borrow books from libraries

6. “Books lovers can take this opportunity” (last sentence of paragraph 4), the

bold words refers to . . . .

a. A chance to borrow many books at book exhibitions.

b. A chance to buy many second good books at book exhibitions.

c. A chance to sell our second book at book exhibitions.

d. A chance to get many books in a low cost at book exhibitions.

7. The word absorb in the passage has similar meaning with. . . .

a. To learn

b. To get

c. To put

d. To share


Text 2

The Trial of Lindy Chamberlain

In 1982 Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murdering her baby Azaria

while camping at Anyer’s Rock. In my opinion, Lindy should not have been

convicted for Azaria’s murder however there is too much conflicting evidence.

Firstly, there is the question of the blood found in the car. It was claimed

that it was the baby’s blood. On the other hand, the tests used to identify the blood

were later found to be unreliable and the blood could have come from an adult.

Another piece of conflicting evidence concerns a dingo. Lindy claimed

that Azaria was taken by a stray dingo. Some of the campers said that they saw no

dingo, whereas there were several who confirmed Lindy’s story, and who stated

that they heard a dingo’s cry just before Azaria went missing.

And finally there is the matter of the baby’s jumpsuit which was later

found with holes in it. The prosecution maintained that those holes could only

have been made by a pair of nail scissors the ones the claimed Lindy used to kill

her baby. The defiance as demonstrated that the holes could just as easily have

been made by a dingo’s teeth.

In the light of such conflicting evidence, I believe that it was wrong to

convict Lindy Chamberlain without finding more definite proof of her guilt.

(Adapted from: How Texts Works, Beverly Derewianka)

8. According to the text, who is baby Azaria?

a. Other camper’s baby

b. Lindy Chamberlain’s maid

c. Lindy Chamberlain’s child

d. The Dingo’s name

9. Whose blood that found in the car after the murdering?

a. Suspected as Dingo’s blood

b. Suspected as Lindy’s Blood


c. Suspected as Azaria’s blood

d. The blood of Dingo’s victim

10. The word “it” in line 12 refers to ….

a. Dingo

b. Baby’s Jumpsuit

c. Holes

d. The Car

Text 3

Dust Bins

To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins

should be increased.

When we look at classrooms, school corridors and school yard, there are

paper mineral water cups, straws, and napkins here and there. The condition of

uncleanliness and discomfort really hinders learning and teaching environment.

Litters thrown are carelessly cause disease, especially empty plastic cup or

glasses. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be

placed for dengue mosquitoes to spread out.

Besides, this rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well painted wall and

green school yard do not mean anything litters are scattered everywhere.

Anyway I notice that most of the students in our school have

responsibilities for the school environment. They put their litters on the proper

places. But some are not diligent enough to find the dust bins.

The numbers of dust binds in our schools are not enough. More dust bins

should be put beside each of steps, outside of the classrooms, and some more also

the corridors. Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when

students want to throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.

When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, we do not have

problems of freak and discomfort any more. Our school will be very clean and

become a nice place to study.


11. According to the writer, more dust bins….. in every ten meters.

a. Should be placed

b. Should be painted

c. Should be decorated

d. Are unnecessary

12. What is the writer’s argument on a sufficient number of dust bins?

a. They can serve janitor’s energy

b. They make school environment neat

c. Students can throw garbage away easily

d. They can prevent litters

13. Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the scene.(Paragraph 2).

What is the synonym of underlined word….

a. Destroy

b. Improve

c. Minimize

d. Reduce

Text 4

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are

commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining different

management operations is the most effective way to control pests.

Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the

environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality

of farm product.

Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means

that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.

Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish

and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well.

So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control.

Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don't affect the

ecological balance and environment.


Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option

to fight pest in agriculture and livestock.

14. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?

a. Ecology

b. Animals

c. Environment

d. Human Beings

15. What can you say about paragraph two and four?

a. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides

b. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four

c. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm


d. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals

mentioned in paragraph four

16. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is …

a. Killing fish and bees

b. Creating balanced ecosystem

c. Increasing crops productivity

d. Helping reduce pollutants in the environment

17. Why the use of pesticides should be managed, chosen, and applied carefully?

a. In order to saving the pesticides

b. Because pesticides is very expensive

c. In order they don’t affect to the ecology balance and environment

d. In order to keep chemicals of soil

18. Secondly, pets can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 3)

The word resistant in the sentence above means . . . .

a. Fragile

b. Change

c. Influenced

d. Unaffected


Text 5

The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel

too busy to do that. However, many experts said that exercise has great role in

making our body healthy. Being physically active offers many advantages.

In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become

fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and

reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due

to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can

increase our life quality and expectancy.

How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly

found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go

walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up

and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.

Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of

exercise will help better.

19. For such a busy people, they can do the simple exercise by . . . .

a. Jogging in the morning while go to office

b. Choose stairs rather than lift to run up and down

c. Cycling in the evening after work

d. Sitting up after wake up in the morning

20. What is the reiteration of the text above?

a. We can do exercise everywhere and every time

b. More exercise is better than never

c. A little bit exercise is better than never

d. It is better to exercise at the fitness center

21. “Many experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.”

What part of schematic structure do we call this sentence?

a. Reiteration

b. Argumentation


c. Introduction

d. Thesis

Text 6

Smoking in Restaurant

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is

rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.

Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects

all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and

not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.

Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it

can do to others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker

can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.

Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes

cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in


Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a

health risk to the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

22. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell a story to the readers

b. To inform the readers to the readers

c. To persuade to the readers

d. To argue about smoking to the readers

23. Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because……

a. It is harmful to others

b. It can cause heart and lung disease

c. It’s dangerous to the food

d. It’s can make the restaurant looks dirty

24. “The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food”

The idiom “turn off” in the sentence above means. . . .

a. Having good interest


b. Take on the food

c. Having smell of smoke

d. Lose interest

25. Since we can find a thesis, arguments and reiteration in the text, so we can

conclude that this text belongs to…..

a. Hortatory Exposition

b. Anecdote

c. Procedure

d. Analytical exposition


Appendix 9



Kompetensi Inti Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis Soal

Nomor Soal Jumlah

3. memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dn kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. 4. mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah

3.10. menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunannya.

Menagkap makna teks berbentuk eksposisi analitis (dengan cara): 1. Menemukan makna

gagasan dalam teks • Gagasan Pokok • Gagasan Pendukung • Informasi factual • Informasi spesifik

2. Menentukan langkah

retorika (Schematic Structure) dalam teks seperti: • Orientation • Argument • Reiteration

3. Menentukan makna tersirat

dalam teks


10,5,14 13,9,6 17,23


18,19, 22,25





konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari apa yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

4.14. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum.

4. Kosa Kata (vocabulary)

5. Making inferences




Appendix 10



Kompetensi Inti Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis Soal

Nomor Soal Jumlah

3. memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dn kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. 4. mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah

3.10. menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunannya.

Menagkap makna teks berbentuk eksposisi analitis (dengan cara): 1. Menemukan makna

gagasan dalam teks • Gagasan Pokok • Gagasan Pendukung • Informasi factual • Informasi spesifik

2. Menentukan langkah

retorika (Schematic Structure) dalam teks seperti: • Orientation • Argument • Reiteration

3. Menentukan makna tersirat

dalam teks


1,22 2,4,19

3,8,14,16 5,9,10,11,17

23 12,21





konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari apa yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

4.14. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum.

4. Kosa Kata (vocabulary)

5. Making inferences




Appendix 11


Pre Test

1. C 11. A 21. C

2. C 12. B 22. B

3. B 13. C 23. A

4. A 14. B 24. A

5. B 15. B 25. D

6. B 16. A

7. A 17.A

8. A 18. D

9. B 19. D

10. B 20. D


Post Test

1. B 11. D 21. D

2. C 12. A 22. C

3. A 13. A 23. A

4. D 14. C 24. B

5. D 15. B 25. B

6. A 16. C

7. A 17. B

8. C 18. A

9. D 19. D

10. A 20. A


Appendix 12


(Experiment Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : Ke-1 (Kesatu) G. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

3. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.


4. 15. Menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.

I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model Facebook dan contoh-contoh efek negatifnya.


b. Materi Konsep

The Negative Effects of Facebook

Do you have Facebook account? I think you do. Do you see that Facebook as the most popular social networking websites on the internet bring negative effect to the users? It is not only available on your computer but through mobile device like call phones and I-Phone. Here are some negative effects of using Facebook.

First, Facebook is quite addictive. Once you get started you will find yourself absorbed. You will quickly hook on reading all your friends updated status messages and trying to come up with the interesting one to post for yourself. Every time Facebook gives you notification for any message or you see who are online. You’ll be attracted to replay your friend status, see pictures, or chat with your school friends or former sweetheart from the past time.

Second, Facebook offers you game on line which will ask you to invite friends and started playing together, once you play it, and you will find that time runs very fast just for the games. You will spend hours upon hours instead of doing your main duty as student to do the homework and do the school project. The thing that is worse, it’s that you will look so serious with your own illusion world than the real world, as you have no time to have a gathering with your families or to have dinner or picnic.

Third, Facebook will own you. Once you sign up for Facebook account, you’ll have Facebook expose you to the world. All your secret things such as identity or personal pictures, family, or your school friends and all will be accessed by anyone easily without asking your permission. Foreigners, or anyone who wants to find out anything about you, or people in your life who wants to stalk you or intimidate you, they will have easy access to you.

To sum up my speech, although you may say that Facebook give you more friends, and chance to meet anyone anywhere and anytime, but I should conclude that Facebook still gives negative effects to the users if they aren’t careful and smart when they get in touch with foreigners.

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Know Want Learn Plus Strategy (Worksheet Terlampir)


M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar 1. Media:

- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis

2. Alat: - Gambar - Video

3. Sumber Belajar - Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi waktu

Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

b. Memberi motivasi belajar siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan

d. Menyampaikan cakupan

materi analytical exposition text dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

a. menyimak, mendengar, dan menghayati informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru

b. mencatat hal-hal penting, yang berkaitan dengan makna pembelajaran

c. memahami makna, dan manfaat dari tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

10 Menit

Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan gambar berupa lambang Facebook.

b. Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang membangun pemahaman siswa:

1. What do you know about

• Mengamati gambar yang ditunjukkan guru.

• Siswa menyebutkan apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema.

• Memberikan jawaban yang

20 Menit


facebook? 2. what do we get from facebook? 3. What are the effects of Facebook? c. Guru memberi siswa

worksheet 1. d. Guru menuliskan di

papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

e. Guru meminta sswa menjelaskan kembali apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema dengan cara memanggil secara random.

f. Guru menuliskan beberapa, di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

relevan dengan pertanyaan.

• Masing-masing siswa

mengisi worksheet yang

diberikan guru, mengisi di

kolom K (what I know)

tentang apa saja yang mereka

tahu tentang tema teks yang

akan diberikan.

• siswa menyebutkan dan

memjelaskan apa yang

mereka tahu dengan

menggunakan Bahasa inggris

yang baik, sementara siswa

yang lain menyimak.

Menanya a. Membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk bertanya berdasarkan tema serta berdasarkan apa yang telah mereka tulis di kolom K.

b. Membantu siswa untuk mengeksplor kemampuan mengkritisi tema atau judul yang diberikan.

c. Guru bertanya kepada

siswa (random) tetang apa yang ingin mereka tahu dari tema. (meminta siswa menjelaskan pertanyaan yang mereka

• Siswa menuliskan

pertanyaan yang mereka

kembangkan dari

pengetahuan yang telah

mereka tulis di kolom K lalu

menuliskannya di kolom W

(Want to Know) di

worksheet 1.

• Siswa menyebutkan


yang sudah mereka eksplor.

10 menit


buat di kolom W)

d. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa dan menandai struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya.

Mencoba While Reading a. Guru meminta siswa

memulai membaca teks

yang telah diberikan.

b. Meminta siswa

menjawab pertanyaan

yang sudah mereka buat

di kolom W.

• Siswa membaca teks secara


• Siswa menuliskan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang mereka buatsesuai dengan isi teks di kolom L (Learn) pada worksheet 1, selesai mereka membaca .

25 Menit

Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa

untuk menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan.

b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur

kebahasaan teks yang


c. Mengamati (sikap, pengetahuan , ke terampilan)

a. Menganalisis struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

teks eksposisi analitis, serta

mendiskusikan makna yang

terdapat dari teks.

d. memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

5 Menit

Mengkomunikasikan/membentuk jaringan

Post Reading a. Kembali menanyakan

a. Siswa mempresentasikan

apa yang telah mereka

15 Menit


apa yang mereka pelajari

dari teks yang telah


b. Mengamati (sikap,



c. Memfasilitasi siswa

untuk mendiskusikan ide

pokok dari teks yang

diberikan, fungsi dan

unsur kebahsaan sesauai

dengan tema.

d. Meminta siswa untuk

mengisi worksheet 2

yaitu membuat mapping

dari worksheet 1 tantang

apa yang sudah pelajari

dan membuat summary

dengan menggunakan

Bahasa mereka sendiri.

e. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan permasalahan dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menganalisis teks eksposisi analitis.

pelajari dari teks setelah

mereka selesai membaca

(sesuai dengan kolom L

yang telah mereka isi).

b. Siswa mengkomunikasikan

pengetahuan mereka tentang

ide pokok teks, unsur

kebahsaan serta bersama-

sama menyimpulkan fungsi

sosial dari teks sesuai tema.

c. Siswa memuat mapping dan


d. menuliskan permasalahan

dalam menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk menganalisis

teks eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. Mendeskripsikan

keseluruhan rangkaian

aktivitas pembelajaran

a. Refleksi diri

b. Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

5 Menit


dan hasil-hasil yang

diperoleh untuk

selanjutnya secara

langsung maupun tidak

langsung dari hasil

pembelajaran yang telah


b. Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran

c. Melakukan kegiatan

tindak lanjut dalam

bentuk pemberian tugas,

baik tugas individual

maupun kelompok; dan

b. Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya

pembelajaran berikutnya

c. Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya



(Experiment Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : ke-2 (kedua) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.2. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

5. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

6. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.

I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


5. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

6. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

7. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

8. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

6. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

7. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

8. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

9. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

10. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model uang, celengan, dan gambar anak yang sedang menabung.

b. Materi Konsep


Save Your Money Now!

You may be asking yourself why it is compulsory to save money. If you have enough to pay for everything you need, why should you worry about putting some money aside each month? There are a variety of reasons to begin saving money. Different people save for different reasons. Here are some reasons that you may consider saving your money.

One reason is for emergency funds. It is important to have an emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expense. This could cover an unexpected car repair, improvements on your house, an illness or a sudden job loss. Ideally your emergency fund should be about three to six months of your expenses. In addition, you need to make sure you have a plan and good insurance in place to help you survive the unexpected financial events in your life.

Another important reason to save money is for your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. You can put your money to work for you. As you continue to contribute overtime you will be earning more interest on the money you have.

A third reason to save money is for vacation or secondary items. Your buying and negotiating power goes a lot farther when you have a significant saving. You can save up for your tour to Bali or Europe. Your negotiating power is stronger if you have cash in hand on binger purchases. You can also negotiate the price of the car much lower if you are willing to pay cash at the dealership.

Last but not least, the reason to begin saving money is for your future education. Each year more people return to school to earn their master or doctoral degrees. You may also consider saving for your child’s education when the time comes. Better educations usually demand expensive costs.

From the reasons mentioned above, it is unquestionable that saving money is a good habit and it is a compulsory, like an old proverb saying “forewarned, forearmed.”

(adapted from: http//

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis


- Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Know Want Learn Plus Strategy (Worksheet Terlampir)

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar 4. Media:

- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis

5. Alat: - Gambar - Video

6. Sumber Belajar - Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi waktu

Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

b. Memberi motivasi belajar siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan

• menyimak, mendengar, dan menghayati informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal penting, yang berkaitan dengan makna pembelajaran

• memahami makna, dan manfaat dari tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

10 Menit

Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan gambar berupa gambar seorang yang sedang menabung dan gambar uang.

b. Guru memberikan

• Mengamati gambar yang ditunjukkan guru.

• Siswa menyebutkan apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema.

20 Menit


pertanyaan yang membangun pemahaman siswa:

1. What do you know about saving money?

2. What are the advantages of saving money?

3. Why we have to save our money?

c. Guru memberi siswa

worksheet 1.

d. Guru menuliskan di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.s

e. Guru meminta sswa menjelaskan kembali apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema dengan cara memanggil secara random.

f. Guru menuliskan beberapa, di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

• Memberikan jawaban yang relevan dengan pertanyaan.

• Masing-masing siswa

mengisi worksheet yang

diberikan guru, mengisi di

kolom K (what I know)

tentang apa saja yang mereka

tahu tentang tema teks yang

akan diberikan.

• siswa menyebutkan dan

memjelaskan apa yang

mereka tahu dengan

menggunakan Bahasa inggris

yang baik, sementara siswa

yang lain menyimak.

Menanya a. Membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk bertanya berdasarkan tema serta berdasarkan apa yang telah mereka tulis di kolom K.

b. Membantu siswa untuk mengeksplor kemampuan mengkritisi tema atau judul yang diberikan.

c. Guru bertanya kepada siswa (random) tetang apa yang ingin mereka tahu dari tema.

• Siswa menuliskan

pertanyaan yang mereka

kembangkan dari

pengetahuan yang telah

mereka tulis di kolom K lalu

menuliskannya di kolom W

(Want to Know) di

worksheet 1.

• Siswa menyebutkan


yang sudah mereka eksplor.

10 menit


(meminta siswa menjelaskan pertanyaan yang mereka buat di kolom W)

d. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa dan menandai struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya.

Mencoba While Reading a. Guru meminta siswa

memulai membaca teks

yang telah diberikan.

b. Meminta siswa

menjawab pertanyaan

yang sudah mereka buat

di kolom W.

• Siswa membaca teks secara


• Siswa menuliskan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang mereka buatsesuai dengan isi teks di kolom L (Learn) pada worksheet 1, selesai mereka membaca .

25 Menit

Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa

untuk menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan.

b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur

kebahasaan teks yang


c. Mengamati (sikap, pengetahuan , ke terampilan)

• Menganalisis struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

teks eksposisi analitis, serta

mendiskusikan makna yang

terdapat dari teks.

• memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

5 Menit

Mengkomunikasikan/membentuk jaringan

Post Reading a. Kembali menanyakan

apa yang mereka pelajari

dari teks yang telah

• Siswa mempresentasikan

apa yang telah mereka

pelajari dari teks setelah

mereka selesai membaca

15 Menit



b. Mengamati (sikap,



c. Memfasilitasi siswa

untuk mendiskusikan ide

pokok dari teks yang

diberikan, fungsi dan

unsur kebahsaan sesauai

dengan tema.

d. Meminta siswa untuk

mengisi worksheet 2

yaitu membuat mapping

dari worksheet 1 tantang

apa yang sudah pelajari

dan membuat summary

dengan menggunakan

Bahasa mereka sendiri.

e. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan permasalahan dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menganalisis teks eksposisi analitis.

(sesuai dengan kolom L

yang telah mereka isi).

• Siswa mengkomunikasikan

pengetahuan mereka tentang

ide pokok teks, unsur

kebahsaan serta bersama-

sama menyimpulkan fungsi

sosial dari teks sesuai tema.

• Siswa memuat mapping dan


• menuliskan permasalahan

dalam menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk menganalisis

teks eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. Mendeskripsikan

keseluruhan rangkaian

aktivitas pembelajaran

dan hasil-hasil yang

diperoleh untuk

• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

5 Menit


selanjutnya secara

langsung maupun tidak

langsung dari hasil

pembelajaran yang telah


b. Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran

c. Melakukan kegiatan

tindak lanjut dalam

bentuk pemberian tugas,

baik tugas individual

maupun kelompok; dan

b. Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya



(Experiment Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : ke-3 (ketiga) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.3. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

7. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

8. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.

I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model buku-buku dan gambar siswa yang sedang membaca.

b. Materi Konsep


Why Books are Important for Us?

A wise man once said, “Learning without books mean nothing.” In my opinion this statement is true. Why do I say that? This is for several reasons.

Firstly, books are important because they develop the minds of people who read them. Even if you don’t agree with what an author has done in a book, you can at least have formed your own ideas on what would have been better. This leads to critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills are a necessarily for the development of cultures.

Secondly, books contain so much more than just the story. They record facts. They review history. Books are the documentations of themes that relate to everyone. You can even learn about a period in history just looking at what books were popular and published during that time. For instance, the Classic Tales of Two Cities by Charles dickens is set in the French Revolution era.

The last thing I’ll say is that books are essential to life because they do not only carry knowledge, but they also entertain us. They entertain us with stories ranging from mystery and drama to comedy, adventures and autobiographies. In other words, you can read a book about anything. The possibilities are limitless and that is one of the many lessons you can learn from reading books.

Based on the reasons listed above, it is obvious that books have a great influence in our lives. Without books we may learn nothing.

(retrieved from Pathway to English)

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Know Want Learn Plus Strategy (Worksheet Terlampir)

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar Media:

- LCD - Laptop


- Papan Tulis


- Gambar - Video

Sumber Belajar

- Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi waktu

Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

b. Memberi motivasi belajar siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan.

• menyimak, mendengar, dan menghayati informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal penting, yang berkaitan dengan makna pembelajaran

• memahami makna, dan manfaat dari tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

10 Menit

Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan gambar berupa seorang yang sedang membaca dan tumpukan buku.

b. Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang membangun pemahaman siswa:

1. What do you know about book or reading book? 2. what do we get from reading a book? 3. What are the advantages of reading books?

• Mengamati gambar yang ditunjukkan guru.

• Siswa menyebutkan apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema.

• Memberikan jawaban yang relevan dengan pertanyaan.

• Masing-masing siswa

20 Menit


c. Guru memberi siswa

worksheet 1.

d. Guru menuliskan di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

e. Guru meminta sswa

menjelaskan kembali apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema dengan cara memanggil secara random.

f. Guru menuliskan

beberapa, di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

mengisi worksheet yang

diberikan guru, mengisi di

kolom K (what I know)

tentang apa saja yang mereka

tahu tentang tema teks yang

akan diberikan.

• siswa menyebutkan dan

memjelaskan apa yang

mereka tahu dengan

menggunakan Bahasa inggris

yang baik, sementara siswa

yang lain menyimak.

Menanya a. Membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk bertanya berdasarkan tema serta berdasarkan apa yang telah mereka tulis di kolom K.

b. Membantu siswa untuk mengeksplor kemampuan mengkritisi tema atau judul yang diberikan.

c. Guru bertanya kepada

siswa (random) tetang apa yang ingin mereka tahu dari tema. (meminta siswa menjelaskan pertanyaan yang mereka buat di kolom W)

d. Mempersiapkan teks untuk dibaca oleh siswa dan menandai struktur teks dan unsur

• Siswa menuliskan

pertanyaan yang mereka

kembangkan dari

pengetahuan yang telah

mereka tulis di kolom K lalu

menuliskannya di kolom W

(Want to Know) di

worksheet 1.

• Siswa menyebutkan


yang sudah mereka eksplor.

10 menit


kebahasaannya. Mencoba While Reading

a. Guru meminta siswa

memulai membaca teks

yang telah diberikan.

b. Meminta siswa

menjawab pertanyaan

yang sudah mereka buat

di kolom W.

• Siswa membaca teks secara


• Siswa menuliskan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang mereka buatsesuai dengan isi teks di kolom L (Learn) pada worksheet 1, selesai mereka membaca .

25 Menit

Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa

untuk menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan.

b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur

kebahasaan teks yang


c. Mengamati (sikap, pengetahuan , ke terampilan)

a. Menganalisis struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

teks eksposisi analitis, serta

mendiskusikan makna yang

terdapat dari teks.

e. memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

5 Menit

Mengkomunikasikan/membentuk jaringan

Post Reading a. Kembali menanyakan

apa yang mereka pelajari

dari teks yang telah


b. Mengamati (sikap,


• Siswa mempresentasikan

apa yang telah mereka

pelajari dari teks setelah

mereka selesai membaca

(sesuai dengan kolom L

yang telah mereka isi).

15 Menit



c. Memfasilitasi siswa

untuk mendiskusikan ide

pokok dari teks yang

diberikan, fungsi dan

unsur kebahsaan sesauai

dengan tema.

d. Meminta siswa untuk

mengisi worksheet 2

yaitu membuat mapping

dari worksheet 1 tantang

apa yang sudah pelajari

dan membuat summary

dengan menggunakan

Bahasa mereka sendiri.

e. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan permasalahan dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menganalisis teks eksposisi analitis.

• Siswa mengkomunikasikan

pengetahuan mereka tentang

ide pokok teks, unsur

kebahsaan serta bersama-

sama menyimpulkan fungsi

sosial dari teks sesuai tema.

• Siswa memuat mapping dan


• menuliskan permasalahan

dalam menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk menganalisis

teks eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. Mendeskripsikan

keseluruhan rangkaian

aktivitas pembelajaran

dan hasil-hasil yang

diperoleh untuk

selanjutnya secara

langsung maupun tidak

langsung dari hasil

pembelajaran yang telah

• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya

5 Menit



b. Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran

c. Melakukan kegiatan

tindak lanjut dalam

bentuk pemberian tugas,

baik tugas individual

maupun kelompok; dan

b. Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya



(Experiment Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggri C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : ke-4 (keempat) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.4. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.4. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

9. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

10. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.


I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa: 1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa

Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional. 2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman. 3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks

eksposisi analitis. 4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks

eksposisi analitis. 5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Materi Fakta Gambar model siswa yang sedang mencontek ketika ulangan.

b. Materi Konsep

Cheating on the test doesn’t take any benefit at all

Some social observers say that corruption practices in a country may begin with the smallest dishonesty done in a daily life, especially at schools when students are


doing their test papers or examinations. Small practices of dishonesty and cheating are neglected but have a great impact on the future. Indeed, cheating on tests doesn’t have any benefit at all to students for several reasons.

In the first place, students have no idea about their actual ability and competency in each school subject. By cheating at the tests, students don’t use their own brain to think. It makes students bury their potential ability without knowing how far they have understood the lesson and mastered the skills.

Moreover, cheating at the tests causes students to depend upon others. Students who are accustomed to cheating during the tests will get into trouble when others cannot help them. Students will have no idea what to do in such a situation as they don’t prepare well for the tests.

Lastly, the worst of all cheating habit could create a corruption culture. When students cheat at the tests, they are actually fooling themselves. They are lying to themselves to get good marks and take the benefit for themselves. This bad habit will teach students from time to time to do everything and to get everything in a way to get what they want, even by practicing corruption. In corruption practices, people commonly lie and do anything for their own benefits. So, it is no doubt that cheating is a “small form” of corruption.

Based on the reason we talk above, we can draw a conclusion that cheating is a bad habit and doesn’t have any benefit at all of students.

(adapted from: Pathway To English)

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Know Want Learn Plus Strategy (Worksheet Terlampir)

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar


- LCD - Laptop


- Papan Tulis


- Gambar - Video

Sumber Belajar

- Buku ajar siswa - Internet

n. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi waktu

Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

b. Memberi motivasi belajar siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan.

• menyimak, mendengar, dan menghayati informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal penting, yang berkaitan dengan makna pembelajaran

• memahami makna, dan manfaat dari tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

10 Menit

Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan gambar berupa seorang siswa yang sedang mencontek temannya saat ujian.

b. Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang membangun pemahaman siswa:

1. what do the man do? 2. is that good or bad attitude? 3. What are the effects of cheating on your friends when taking examination?

• Mengamati gambar yang ditunjukkan guru.

• Siswa menyebutkan apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema.

• Memberikan jawaban yang relevan dengan pertanyaan.

• Masing-masing siswa

20 Menit


c. Guru memberi siswa

worksheet 1.

d. Guru menuliskan di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

e. Guru meminta sswa menjelaskan kembali apa yang mereka tahu tentang tema dengan cara memanggil secara random.

f. Guru menuliskan beberapa, di papan tulis apa yang siswa ketahui tentang topic.

mengisi worksheet yang

diberikan guru, mengisi di

kolom K (what I know)

tentang apa saja yang mereka

tahu tentang tema teks yang

akan diberikan.

• siswa menyebutkan dan

memjelaskan apa yang

mereka tahu dengan

menggunakan Bahasa inggris

yang baik, sementara siswa

yang lain menyimak.

Menanya a. Membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa untuk bertanya berdasarkan tema serta berdasarkan apa yang telah mereka tulis di kolom K.

b. Membantu siswa untuk

mengeksplor kemampuan mengkritisi tema atau judul yang diberikan.

c. Guru bertanya kepada

siswa (random) tetang apa yang ingin mereka tahu dari tema. (meminta siswa menjelaskan pertanyaan yang mereka buat di kolom W)

d. Mempersiapkan teks untuk dibaca oleh siswa dan menandai struktur teks dan unsur

• Siswa menuliskan

pertanyaan yang mereka

kembangkan dari

pengetahuan yang telah

mereka tulis di kolom K lalu

menuliskannya di kolom W

(Want to Know) di

worksheet 1.

• Siswa menyebutkan


yang sudah mereka eksplor.

10 menit


kebahasaannya. Mencoba While Reading

a. Guru meminta siswa

memulai membaca teks

yang telah diberikan.

b. Meminta siswa

menjawab pertanyaan

yang sudah mereka buat

di kolom W.

• Siswa membaca teks secara


• Siswa menuliskan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang mereka buatsesuai dengan isi teks di kolom L (Learn) pada worksheet 1, selesai mereka membaca .

25 Menit

Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa

untuk menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan.

b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur

kebahasaan teks yang


c. Mengamati (sikap, pengetahuan , ke terampilan)

a. Menganalisis struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

teks eksposisi analitis, serta

mendiskusikan makna yang

terdapat dari teks.

f. memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

5 Menit

Mengkomunikasikan/membentuk jaringan

Post Reading a. Kembali menanyakan

apa yang mereka pelajari

dari teks yang telah


b. Mengamati (sikap,


• Siswa mempresentasikan

apa yang telah mereka

pelajari dari teks setelah

mereka selesai membaca

(sesuai dengan kolom L

yang telah mereka isi).

15 Menit



c. Memfasilitasi siswa

untuk mendiskusikan ide

pokok dari teks yang

diberikan, fungsi dan

unsur kebahsaan sesauai

dengan tema.

d. Meminta siswa untuk

mengisi worksheet 2

yaitu membuat mapping

dari worksheet 1 tantang

apa yang sudah pelajari

dan membuat summary

dengan menggunakan

Bahasa mereka sendiri.

e. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

• Siswa mengkomunikasikan

pengetahuan mereka tentang

ide pokok teks, unsur

kebahsaan serta bersama-

sama menyimpulkan fungsi

sosial dari teks sesuai tema.

• Siswa memuat mapping dan


• menuliskan permasalahan

dalam menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk menganalisis

teks eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. Mendeskripsikan

keseluruhan rangkaian

aktivitas pembelajaran

dan hasil-hasil yang

diperoleh untuk

selanjutnya secara

langsung maupun tidak

langsung dari hasil

• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya

5 Menit


pembelajaran yang telah


b. Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran

c. Melakukan kegiatan

tindak lanjut dalam

bentuk pemberian tugas,

baik tugas individual

maupun kelompok; dan

b. Menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya



ht ©



n M




. All






What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned


Name _______________________________________________ Date ______________________

KWL Chart

Before you begin your research, list details in the first two columns. Fill in the last columnafter completing your research.





Appendix 14


(Controlled Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : Ke-1 (kesatu) G. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar 1.1. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

3. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

4. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.


I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model Facebook dan contoh-contoh efek negatifnya.

b. Materi Konsep

The Negative Effect of Facebook


Do you have Facebook account? I think you do. Do you see that Facebook as the most popular social networking websites on the internet bring negative effect to the


users? It is not only available on your computer but through mobile device like call phones and I-Phone. Here are some negative effects of using Facebook.

First, Facebook is quite addictive. Once you get started you will find yourself absorbed. You will quickly hook on reading all your friends updated status messages and trying to come up with the interesting one to post for yourself. Every time Facebook gives you notification for any message or you see who are online. You’ll be attracted to replay your friend status, see pictures, or chat with your school friends or former sweetheart from the past time.



Second, Facebook offers you game on line which will ask you to invite friends and started playing together, once you play it, and you will find that time runs very fast just for the games. You will spend hours upon hours instead of doing your main duty as student to do the homework and do the school project. The thing that is worse, it’s that you will look so serious with your own illusion world than the real world, as you have no time to have a gathering with your families or to have dinner or picnic.



Third, Facebook will own you. Once you sign up for Facebook account, you’ll have Facebook expose you to the world. All your secret things such as identity or personal pictures, family, or your school friends and all will be accessed by anyone easily without asking your permission. Foreigners, or anyone who wants to find out anything about you, or people in your life who wants to stalk you or intimidate you, they will have easy access to you.



To sum up my speech, although you may say that Facebook give you more friends, and chance to meet anyone anywhere and anytime, but I should conclude that Facebook still gives negative effects to the users if they aren’t careful and smart when they get in touch with foreigners.


c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Strategy : Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw) Model : Group of five Metode : individual and Groupwork

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar 1. Media:

- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis

2. Alat: - Gambar - Video

3. Sumber Belajar - Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi


Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik

secara psikis dan fisik

untuk mengikuti proses


b. Memberi motivasi belajar

siswa secara kontekstual

sesuai manfaat dan

aplikasi materi ajar

• menyimak, mendengar,

dan menghayati

informasi yang

disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal

penting, yang berkaitan

dengan makna


10 Menit


c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang

akan dicapai; dan

d. Menyampaikan cakupan

materi analytical

exposition text dan

penjelasan uraian

kegiatan sesuai silabus.

• memahami makna, dan

manfaat dari tujuan

pembelajaran yang akan


Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i

Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan

gambar berupa lambang

Facebook dan beberapa

contoh efek negative

bermain Facebook.

b. Guru memberikan

pertanyaan yang

membangun pemahaman


1. What do you know about facebook? 2. what do we get from facebook? 3. What are the effects of


• Siswa mengamati

gambar tersebut serta

menarik kesimpulan dari


• Siswa memberikan

jawaban yang relevan

dengan pertanyaan.

10 Menit

Menanya a. Membimbing dan

mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya berdasarkan


b. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa

dan menandai struktur

• Siswa mengajukan

pertanyaan yang sesuai

dengan tema.

• Siswa mengggali rasa

ingin tahu mereka

mengenai tema atau

judul teks yang

5 Menit


teks dan unsur



Mencoba a. Guru menugaskan siswa

untuk membentuk ke

dalam 6 kelompok, setiap

kelompok berjumlah 5-6


b. Guru membagikan teks

eksposisi analitis. Serta

guru memberikan kartu

berisikan pertanyaan2

tentang teks tersebut. Guru

memberikan huruf pada

kartu-kartu tersebut yaitu

A, B, C, D, dan E.

c. Selanjutnya guru meminta

setiap anggota kelompok

untuk berhitung dari A

sampai E kemudian guru

membagikan kartu kepada

setiap anggota kelompok

sesuai dengan huruf yang

telah mereka hitung.

d. Guru meminta siswa

untuk berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf yang

mereka dapat.

e. Guru meminta siswa

membentuk kembali home

group selesai siswa

berdiskusi dalam expert


• Siswa membentuk

kelompok Home Group.

• Siswa mempersiapkan

diri untuk

mendiskusikan teks

yang diberikan.

• Siswa membentuk

expert group dengan

berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf

yang mereka dapat.

30 Menit


While Reading

a. Guru menunjuk dua orang

siswa dalam setiap

kelompok untuk menjadi

pemimpin diskusi dan

notulen. Pemimpin diskusi

bertugas untuk memimpin

diskusi dengan cara

menanyakan petunjuk

yang dimiliki siswa

sedangkan notulen

bertugas untuk menuliskan

jawaban pada lembar


b. Setiap anggota kelompok

memberitahukan petunjuk

secara lisan tanpa

menukar atau

memperlihatkan isi dari

petunjuk tersebut pada

anggota lain dalam


c. Siswa dalam home group

diminta untuk membuat

pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan teks untuk

ditukarkan dengan

kelompok lain.

d. Setelah selesai, guru

menukarkan hasil kerja

kelompok dengan

kelompok lain dan guru

• Siswa berdiskusi dengan

dipimpin oleh satu orang

moderator dan satu

orang notulen.

• Siswa mendiskusikan

bagian teks yang mereka

dapatkan. Siswa


a. Main Idea

b. Supporting details

c. Difficult vovabularies

• Siswa berdiskusi

bersama home group



menunjuk satu orang

siswa secara acak untuk

menuliskan jawaban di

papan tulis dan melakukan

pembahasan secara


e. Guru mengumpulkan hasil

kerja kelompok dan

memberikan reward pada

kelompok yang

mendapatkan nilai paling


Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang hangat


b. Memberi feedback kepada

siswa tentang fungsi social

dan unsur kebahasaan

c. Mengamati (sikap,

pengetahuan , ke


• Menganalisis struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

eksposisi analitis

• memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

teman tentang fungsi

sosial dan unsur


10 Menit




Post Reading

a. Memfasilitasi presentasi

hasil diskusi / proses

penemuan konsep tentang

contoh eksposisi analitis

tentang topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan secara

lisan dan tertulis di kelas.

• Mempresentasikan

hasil analisis teks

naratif tentang

legenda berdasarkan

struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan sesuai

dengan konteks

• menuliskan

20 Menit


b. Mengamati (sikap,

pengetahuan, ketrampilan)

c. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. guru memberikan

kesimpulan umum tentang


b. guru memberikan

kesempatan kepada siswa

untuk bertanya seputar

materi dan metode jigsaw.

• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas





(Controlled Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : ke-2 (kedua) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.2. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

5. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

6. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.

I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model uang, celengan, dan anak sedang menabung.

b. Materi Konsep

Save Your Money Now!


You may be asking yourself why it is compulsory to save money. If you have enough to pay for everything you need, why should you worry about putting some


money aside each month? There are a variety of reasons to begin saving money. Different people save for different reasons. Here are some reasons that you may consider saving your money.



One reason is for emergency funds. It is important to have an emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expense. This could cover an unexpected car repair, improvements on your house, an illness or a sudden job loss. Ideally your emergency fund should be about three to six months of your expenses. In addition, you need to make sure you have a plan and good insurance in place to help you survive the unexpected financial events in your life.



Another important reason to save money is for your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. You can put your money to work for you. As you continue to contribute overtime you will be earning more interest on the money you have.



A third reason to save money is for vacation or secondary items. Your buying and negotiating power goes a lot farther when you have a significant saving. You can save up for your tour to Bali or Europe. Your negotiating power is stronger if you have cash in hand on binger purchases. You can also negotiate the price of the car much lower if you are willing to pay cash at the dealership.



Last but not least, the reason to begin saving money is for your future education. Each year more people return to school to earn their master or doctoral degrees. You may also consider saving for your child’s education when the time comes. Better educations usually demand expensive costs.

From the reasons mentioned above, it is unquestionable that saving money is a good habit and it is a compulsory, like an old proverb saying “forewarned, forearmed.”


(adapted from: http//

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

d. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Strategy : Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw) Model : Group of five Metode : individual and Groupwork

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar Media:

- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis


- Gambar - Video

Sumber Belajar

- Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi


Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik

secara psikis dan fisik

untuk mengikuti proses


b. Memberi motivasi belajar

siswa secara kontekstual

• menyimak, mendengar,

dan menghayati

informasi yang

disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal

penting, yang berkaitan

10 Menit


sesuai manfaat dan

aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang

akan dicapai;

dengan makna


• memahami makna, dan

manfaat dari tujuan

pembelajaran yang akan


Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i

Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan gambar

berupa orang yang sedang

menabung serta gambar

mata uang.

b. Guru memberikan

pertanyaan yang

membangun pemahaman


1. What do you know about saving money?

2. What are the advantages of saving money?

3. Why we have to save our money?

• Siswa mengamati

gambar tersebut serta

menarik kesimpulan dari


• Siswa memberikan

jawaban yang relevan

dengan pertanyaan.

10 Menit

Menanya a. Membimbing dan

mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya berdasarkan


b. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa

dan menandai struktur

teks dan unsur

• Siswa mengajukan

pertanyaan yang sesuai

dengan tema.

• Siswa mengggali rasa

ingin tahu mereka

mengenai tema atau

judul teks yang

5 Menit


kebahasaannya. diberikan.

Mencoba a. Guru menugaskan siswa

untuk membentuk ke

dalam 6 kelompok, setiap

kelompok berjumlah 5-6


b. Guru membagikan teks

eksposisi analitis. Serta

guru memberikan kartu

berisikan pertanyaan2

tentang teks tersebut.

Guru memberikan huruf

pada kartu-kartu tersebut

yaitu A, B, C, D, dan E.

c. Selanjutnya guru

meminta setiap anggota

kelompok untuk

berhitung dari A sampai

E kemudian guru

membagikan kartu

kepada setiap anggota

kelompok sesuai dengan

huruf yang telah mereka


d. Guru meminta siswa

untuk berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf yang

mereka dapat.

e. Guru meminta siswa

membentuk kembali

home group selesai siswa

berdiskusi dalam expert

• Siswa membentuk

kelompok Home Group.

• Siswa mempersiapkan

diri untuk

mendiskusikan teks

yang diberikan.

• Siswa membentuk

expert group dengan

berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf

yang mereka dapat.

30 Menit



While Reading

f. Guru menunjuk dua

orang siswa dalam setiap

kelompok untuk menjadi

pemimpin diskusi dan

notulen. Pemimpin

diskusi bertugas untuk

memimpin diskusi

dengan cara menanyakan

petunjuk yang dimiliki

siswa sedangkan notulen

bertugas untuk

menuliskan jawaban pada

lembar jawaban.

g. Setiap anggota kelompok


petunjuk secara lisan

tanpa menukar atau

memperlihatkan isi dari

petunjuk tersebut pada

anggota lain dalam


h. Siswa dalam home group

diminta untuk membuat

pertanyaan yang

berkaitan dengan teks

untuk ditukarkan dengan

kelompok lain.

i. Setelah selesai, guru

menukarkan hasil kerja

kelompok dengan

• Siswa berdiskusi dengan

dipimpin oleh satu orang

moderator dan satu

orang notulen.

• Siswa mendiskusikan

bagian teks yang mereka

dapatkan. Siswa


d. Main Idea

e. Supporting details

f. Difficult vovabularies

• Siswa berdiskusi

bersama home group



kelompok lain dan guru

menunjuk satu orang

siswa secara acak untuk

menuliskan jawaban di

papan tulis dan

melakukan pembahasan

secara bersama-sama.

j. Guru mengumpulkan

hasil kerja kelompok dan

memberikan reward pada

kelompok yang

mendapatkan nilai paling


Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa

untuk menganalisis

teks eksposisi analitis

tentang topic yang

sedang hangat


b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan

unsur kebahasaan

c. Mengamati (sikap,

pengetahuan , ke


• Menganalisis struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

eksposisi analitis

• memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

teman tentang fungsi

sosial dan unsur


10 Menit




Post Reading

a. Memfasilitasi presentasi

hasil diskusi / proses

penemuan konsep tentang

contoh eksposisi analitis

tentang topic yang sedang

• Mempresentasikan

hasil analisis teks

naratif tentang

legenda berdasarkan

struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan

20 Menit


hangat dibicarakan secara

lisan dan tertulis di kelas.

b. Mengamati (sikap,



c. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

yang benar dan sesuai

dengan konteks

• menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. guru memberikan

kesimpulan umum

tentang materi.

b. guru memberikan

kesempatan kepada siswa

untuk bertanya seputar

materi dan metode


• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya



(Controlled Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : Ke-3 (Ketiga) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.3. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

7. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

8. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.

I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan. 2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan. 3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan. 4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang

sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran c. Materi Fakta

Gambar model buku-buka dan sesorang sedang membaca.

d. Materi Konsep

Why Books are Important for Us?


A wise man once said, “Learning without books mean nothing.” In my opinion this statement is true. Why do I say that? This is for several reasons.


Firstly, books are important because they develop the minds of people who read them. Even if you don’t agree with what an author has done in a book, you can at least have formed your own ideas on what would have been better. This leads to critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills are a necessarily for the development of cultures.



Secondly, books contain so much more than just the story. They record facts. They review history. Books are the documentations of themes that relate to everyone. You can even learn about a period in history just looking at what books were popular and published during that time. For instance, the Classic Tales of Two Cities by Charles dickens is set in the French Revolution era.



The last thing I’ll say is that books are essential to life because they do not only carry knowledge, but they also entertain us. They entertain us with stories ranging from mystery and drama to comedy, adventures and autobiographies. In other words, you can read a book about anything. The possibilities are limitless and that is one of the many lessons you can learn from reading books.

Based on the reasons listed above, it is obvious that books have a great influence in our lives. Without books we may learn nothing.

(retrieved from Pathway to English)

e. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna

f. Materi Prosedur:

- Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Strategy : Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw) Model : Group of five Metode : individual and Groupwork


M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar


- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis


- Gambar - Video

Sumber Belajar

- Buku ajar siswa - Internet

a. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi


Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik

secara psikis dan fisik

untuk mengikuti proses


b. Memberi motivasi belajar

siswa secara kontekstual

sesuai manfaat dan

aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang

akan dicapai;

• menyimak, mendengar,

dan menghayati

informasi yang

disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal

penting, yang berkaitan

dengan makna


• memahami makna, dan

manfaat dari tujuan

pembelajaran yang akan


10 Menit

Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i

Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan

gambar berupa gambar

• Siswa mengamati

gambar tersebut serta

menarik kesimpulan dari

10 Menit


buku dan gambar orang

yang sedang membaca.

b. Guru memberikan

pertanyaan yang

membangun pemahaman


1. What do you know about book or reading book? 2. what do we get from reading a book? 3. What are the advantages of reading books?


• Siswa memberikan

jawaban yang relevan

dengan pertanyaan.

Menanya a. Membimbing dan

mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya berdasarkan


b. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa

dan menandai struktur

teks dan unsur


• Siswa mengajukan

pertanyaan yang sesuai

dengan tema.

• Siswa mengggali rasa

ingin tahu mereka

mengenai tema atau

judul teks yang


5 Menit

Mencoba a. Guru menugaskan siswa

untuk membentuk ke

dalam 6 kelompok, setiap

kelompok berjumlah 5-6


b. Guru membagikan teks

eksposisi analitis. Serta

guru memberikan kartu

berisikan pertanyaan2

tentang teks tersebut.

Guru memberikan huruf

pada kartu-kartu tersebut

• Siswa membentuk

kelompok Home Group.

• Siswa mempersiapkan

diri untuk

mendiskusikan teks

yang diberikan.

30 Menit


yaitu A, B, C, D, dan E.

c. Selanjutnya guru

meminta setiap anggota

kelompok untuk

berhitung dari A sampai

E kemudian guru

membagikan kartu

kepada setiap anggota

kelompok sesuai dengan

huruf yang telah mereka


d. Guru meminta siswa

untuk berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf yang

mereka dapat.

e. Guru meminta siswa

membentuk kembali

home group selesai siswa

berdiskusi dalam expert


While Reading

f. Guru menunjuk dua

orang siswa dalam setiap

kelompok untuk menjadi

pemimpin diskusi dan

notulen. Pemimpin

diskusi bertugas untuk

memimpin diskusi

dengan cara menanyakan

petunjuk yang dimiliki

siswa sedangkan notulen

bertugas untuk

• Siswa membentuk

expert group dengan

berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf

yang mereka dapat.

• Siswa berdiskusi dengan

dipimpin oleh satu orang

moderator dan satu

orang notulen.

• Siswa mendiskusikan

bagian teks yang mereka

dapatkan. Siswa


g. Main Idea

h. Supporting details

i. Difficult vovabularies

• Siswa berdiskusi


menuliskan jawaban pada

lembar jawaban.

g. Setiap anggota kelompok


petunjuk secara lisan

tanpa menukar atau

memperlihatkan isi dari

petunjuk tersebut pada

anggota lain dalam


h. Siswa dalam home group

diminta untuk membuat

pertanyaan yang

berkaitan dengan teks

untuk ditukarkan dengan

kelompok lain.

i. Setelah selesai, guru

menukarkan hasil kerja

kelompok dengan

kelompok lain dan guru

menunjuk satu orang

siswa secara acak untuk

menuliskan jawaban di

papan tulis dan

melakukan pembahasan

secara bersama-sama.

j. Guru mengumpulkan

hasil kerja kelompok dan

memberikan reward pada

kelompok yang

mendapatkan nilai paling


bersama home group



Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang hangat


b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur


c. Mengamati (sikap,

pengetahuan , ke


• Menganalisis struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

eksposisi analitis

• memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

teman tentang fungsi

sosial dan unsur


10 Menit




Post Reading

a. Memfasilitasi presentasi

hasil diskusi / proses

penemuan konsep tentang

contoh eksposisi analitis

tentang topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan secara

lisan dan tertulis di kelas.

b. Mengamati (sikap,



c. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

• Mempresentasikan

hasil analisis teks

naratif tentang

legenda berdasarkan

struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan sesuai

dengan konteks

• menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

20 Menit

Penutup a. guru memberikan

kesimpulan umum

• Refleksi diri


tentang materi.

b. guru memberikan

kesempatan kepada siswa

untuk bertanya seputar

materi dan metode


• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya



(Controlled Class)

A. Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan B. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris C. Kelas : XI (Sebelas) MIA 3 D. Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analisis E. Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 Menit F. Pertemuan : Ke-4 (Keempat) G. Kompetensi Inti KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rsa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesisfik dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar

1.4. Menyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.4. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

9. 10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks exposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya.

10. 15. menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang hangat dibicarakan.


I. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

2. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

3. Siswa mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari jenis teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

4. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topic yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.

J. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari materi “Teks Eksposisi Analitis” siswa:

1. Dapat menunjukkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Dapat menunjukkan sikap perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

4. Dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis.

5. Dapat memahami teks eksposisi analitis secara baik dan benar.

K. Materi Pembelajaran a. Materi Fakta

Gambar model seorang murid yang sedang mencontek ketika ulangan.

b. Materi Konsep

Cheating on the test doesn’t take any benefit at all



Some social observers say that corruption practices in a country may begin with the smallest dishonesty done in a daily life, especially at schools when students are doing their test papers or examinations. Small practices of dishonesty and cheating are neglected but have a great impact on the future. Indeed, cheating on tests doesn’t have any benefit at all to students for several reasons.



In the first place, students have no idea about their actual ability and competency in each school subject. By cheating at the tests, students don’t use their own brain to think. It makes students bury their potential ability without knowing how far they have understood the lesson and mastered the skills.



Moreover, cheating at the tests causes students to depend upon others. Students who are accustomed to cheating during the tests will get into trouble when others cannot help them. Students will have no idea what to do in such a situation as they don’t prepare well for the tests.



Lastly, the worst of all cheating habit could create a corruption culture. When students cheat at the tests, they are actually fooling themselves. They are lying to themselves to get good marks and take the benefit for themselves. This bad habit will teach students from time to time to do everything and to get everything in a way to get what they want, even by practicing corruption. In corruption practices, people commonly lie and do anything for their own benefits. So, it is no doubt that cheating is a “small form” of corruption.

Based on the reason we talk above, we can draw a conclusion that cheating is a bad habit and doesn’t have any benefit at all of students.

(adapted from: Pathway To English)

c. Materi Prinsip: 1. Mengidentifikasi 2. Menganalisis 3. Menangkap makna


d. Materi Prosedur: - Definisi teks eksposisi analitis - Fungsi sosial dari teks eksposisi analitis - Struktur teks eksposisi analitis - Unsur Bahasa dari teks exposisi analitis

L. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran Strategy : Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw) Model : Group of five Metode : individual and Group work

M. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar 4. Media:

- LCD - Laptop - Papan Tulis

5. Alat: - Gambar - Video

6. Sumber Belajar - Buku ajar siswa - Internet

N. Langkah Pembelajaran

Komponen Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i Alokasi


Pendahuluan a. Menyiapkan peserta didik

secara psikis dan fisik

untuk mengikuti proses


b. Memberi motivasi belajar

siswa secara kontekstual

sesuai manfaat dan

aplikasi materi ajar

c. Menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang

akan dicapai.

• menyimak, mendengar,

dan menghayati

informasi yang

disampaikan oleh guru

• mencatat hal-hal

penting, yang berkaitan

dengan makna


• memahami makna, dan

manfaat dari tujuan

pembelajaran yang akan


10 Menit


Kegiatan inti Kegiatan guru Kegiatan Siswa/i

Mengamati Pre- Reading

a. Guru menunjukan

gambar berupa lambang

Facebook dan beberapa

contoh efek negative

bermain Facebook.

b. Guru memberikan

pertanyaan yang

membangun pemahaman


1. what do the man do? 2. is that good or bad attitude? 3. What are the effects of cheating on your friends when taking examination?

• Siswa mengamati

gambar tersebut serta

menarik kesimpulan dari


• Siswa memberikan

jawaban yang relevan

dengan pertanyaan.

10 Menit

Menanya a. Membimbing dan

mengarahkan siswa untuk

bertanya berdasarkan


b. Mempersiapkan teks

untuk dibaca oleh siswa

dan menandai struktur

teks dan unsur


• Siswa mengajukan

pertanyaan yang sesuai

dengan tema.

• Siswa mengggali rasa

ingin tahu mereka

mengenai tema atau

judul teks yang


5 Menit

Mencoba a. Guru menugaskan siswa

untuk membentuk ke

dalam 6 kelompok, setiap

kelompok berjumlah 5-6


b. Guru membagikan teks

eksposisi analitis. Serta

guru memberikan kartu

• Siswa membentuk

kelompok Home Group.

• Siswa mempersiapkan

diri untuk

mendiskusikan teks

yang diberikan.

30 Menit


berisikan pertanyaan2

tentang teks tersebut.

Guru memberikan huruf

pada kartu-kartu tersebut

yaitu A, B, C, D, dan E.

c. Selanjutnya guru

meminta setiap anggota

kelompok untuk

berhitung dari A sampai

E kemudian guru

membagikan kartu

kepada setiap anggota

kelompok sesuai dengan

huruf yang telah mereka


d. Guru meminta siswa

untuk berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf yang

mereka dapat.

e. Guru meminta siswa

membentuk kembali

home group selesai siswa

berdiskusi dalam expert


While Reading

f. Guru menunjuk dua

orang siswa dalam setiap

kelompok untuk menjadi

pemimpin diskusi dan

notulen. Pemimpin

• Siswa membentuk

expert group dengan

berkumpul sesuai

dengan bagian huruf

yang mereka dapat.

• Siswa berdiskusi dengan

dipimpin oleh satu orang

moderator dan satu

orang notulen.

• Siswa mendiskusikan

bagian teks yang mereka

dapatkan. Siswa



diskusi bertugas untuk

memimpin diskusi

dengan cara menanyakan

petunjuk yang dimiliki

siswa sedangkan notulen

bertugas untuk

menuliskan jawaban pada

lembar jawaban.

g. Setiap anggota kelompok


petunjuk secara lisan

tanpa menukar atau

memperlihatkan isi dari

petunjuk tersebut pada

anggota lain dalam


h. Siswa dalam home group

diminta untuk membuat

pertanyaan yang

berkaitan dengan teks

untuk ditukarkan dengan

kelompok lain.

i. Setelah selesai, guru

menukarkan hasil kerja

kelompok dengan

kelompok lain dan guru

menunjuk satu orang

siswa secara acak untuk

menuliskan jawaban di

papan tulis dan

melakukan pembahasan

secara bersama-sama.

j. Main Idea

k. Supporting details

l. Difficult vovabularies

• Siswa berdiskusi

bersama home group



j. Guru mengumpulkan

hasil kerja kelompok dan

memberikan reward pada

kelompok yang

mendapatkan nilai paling


Menalar a. Menugaskan siswa untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis tentang

topic yang sedang hangat


b. Memberi feedback

kepada siswa tentang

fungsi social dan unsur


c. Mengamati (sikap,

pengetahuan , ke


• Menganalisis struktur

teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

eksposisi analitis

• memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru dan

teman tentang fungsi

sosial dan unsur


10 Menit




Post Reading

a. Memfasilitasi presentasi

hasil diskusi / proses

penemuan konsep tentang

contoh eksposisi analitis

tentang topic yang sedang

hangat dibicarakan secara

lisan dan tertulis di kelas.

b. Mengamati (sikap,



c. Memberikan kesempatan

untuk menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

• Mempresentasikan

hasil analisis teks

naratif tentang

legenda berdasarkan

struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan sesuai

dengan konteks

• menuliskan

permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

20 Menit


menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk

menganalisis teks

eksposisi analitis.

eksposisi analitis.

Penutup a. guru memberikan

kesimpulan umum

tentang materi.

b. guru memberikan

kesempatan kepada siswa

untuk bertanya seputar

materi dan metode


• Refleksi diri

• Mencatat hal-hal penting

yang berkaitan dengan

pembelajaran berikutnya

• Memahami dan

mempersiapkan tugas

pembelajaran berikutnya


Home Group

Expert Group