The Effect of Patent Litigation on Firm Performance


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Dis cus si on Paper No. 13-015

The Effect of Patent Litigation on Firm Performance –

Evidence for Germany

Paula Schliessler

Dis cus si on Paper No. 13-015

The Effect of Patent Litigation on Firm Performance –

Evidence for Germany

Paula Schliessler

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Non-technical Summary While the benefits of patents for society as well as for patentees have extensively been studied in the theoretical and empirical economics of innovation literature, re-searchers in recent years have more and more concentrated on potential negative effects of patents. These negative effects can arise if the estimated costs of the patent system to an innovator exceed the estimated benefits (Bessen and Meurer 2008). This can for example be the case if the costs of defending a patent right ex-ceed the profits of owning it. If there is a negative impact of patent litigation for patentees or inadvertent infringers an ex-post tax is imposed on the innovative ef-fort which results in an ex-ante reduction of innovation incentives (Bessen Meurer 2008). Against this background the contribution at hand considers the costs and benefits of patents by analyzing how patent litigation affects the firm value of the disputing firms. Making use of the fact that patents involved in patent infringement litigation consti-tute highly valuable intangible assets I expect decisions about the infringement of these highly valuable patents to be reflected in the value of the firms involved in litigation. This paper has two main objectives. The first objective is to model, in a stylized way, the impact of patent litigation and its outcome on the firm value of the plaintiff and the defendant, taking into account the particularities of the German patent litigation system. The second objective is to empirically test the hypotheses derived from this stylized model by using changes in credit rating for German firms as a proxy for changes in firm value. I find evidence that patent litigation is indeed reflected by changes in the firm value of plaintiffs and defendants. Defendants are negatively affected by a loss in trial or a settlement deal, while a victory leaves their firm value unchanged. I further show that small and inexperienced defendants are at a disadvantage compared to larger and more experienced firms, indicating that they are affected more severely by busi-ness disruption and financial distress. By contrast I find a positive treatment effect of litigation on the plaintiffs, independent of the outcome of the case. The results match theoretical considerations on the functioning of the bifurcated patent litiga-tion system in Germany: The temporal separation of decisions on patent infringe-ment claims and corresponding patent invalidity (counter) claims provides a strate-gic advantage to the plaintiff. The delayed decision of invalidity counterclaims (tem-porarily) shifts a large share of the bargaining power to the plaintiffs as they have little to lose from the infringement trial. This may lead to defendants being forced into unfavorable settlement agreements.

Das Wichtigste in Kürze Während der private und gesellschaftliche Nutzen von Patenten in der theoretischen und empirischen Innovationsökonomik bereits ausgiebig erforscht wurde, mehren sich in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Studien, die potentielle negative Effekte von Pa-tenten aufgreifen. Diese entstehen, wenn die für einen Innovator durch das Patent-system entstehenden Kosten den Nutzen übersteigen (Bessen und Meurer 2008). Wenn zum Beispiel Patentstreitigkeiten einen rechtmäßigen Patentinhaber oder einen versehentlichen Verletzer eines Patentes schädigen, gleicht dies einer ex-post Steuer auf den Innovationsaufwand und führt zu einer ex-ante Reduktion von Innovationsan-reizen (Bessen und Meurer 2008). Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese Studie wie Patentverletzungsverfahren den Firmenwert des Klägers (Patentinhabers) und des Beklagten beeinflussen. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass in Patentprozesse involvierte Patente besonders wertvoll sind, erwarte ich, dass sich Entscheidungen über die Verletzung dieser Patente im Firmen-wert widerspiegeln. Diese Studie hat zwei Ziele. Zum einen wird der Einfluss von Patentverletzungspro-zessen und deren Ausgang auf Kläger und Beklagten in einem stilisierten Modell dar-gestellt. Hier wird insbesondere auf die Eigenheiten des deutschen Rechtssystems eingegangen. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die aus dem Modell abgeleiteten Hypo-thesen empirisch getestet, indem Veränderung im Bonitätsindex einer Firma als Indi-kator für Veränderungen im Firmenwert genutzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich Patentverletzungsprozesse tatsächlich im Firmen-wert widerspiegeln. Für die Beklagten ist der Einfluss negativ, wenn sie verlieren oder einem Vergleich zustimmen, während sich bei einem Sieg keine Veränderung zeigt. Des Weiteren wird deutlich, dass kleine und unerfahrene Beklagte im Vergleich zu großen und erfahreneren Firmen im Nachteil sind, sobald sie in einen Prozess invol-viert werden. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass sie stärker von durch Unsicherheit ausge-lösten wirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Schwierigkeiten betroffen sind. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt sich ein durchgängig positiver Effekt von Verletzungsver-fahren auf den Kläger (Patentinhaber), unabhängig vom Prozessausgang. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit den theoretischen Überlegungen zur Praxis des deut-schen Patentverletzungssystems überein. Die zeitliche und örtliche Trennung von Patentverletzungsklagen und den zugehörigen, als Verteidigung der Beklagten ge-nutzten, Patentnichtigkeitsklagen, bringt dem Patentinhaber einen strategischen Vorteil. Da Nichtigkeitsklagen meist erst nach dem Urteil zur Patentverletzung ent-schieden werden, liegt ein Großteil der Verhandlungsmacht beim Kläger, der nur indi-rekt vom Verlust seines Patents bedroht ist. Dies erhöht seinen Verhandlungsspiel-raum im Patentverletzungsprozess und ermöglicht einen vorteilhaften Vergleich. .

The Eect of Patent Litigation on Firm

Performance - Evidence for Germany ?

Paula Schliesslera

January 2013

aCentre for European Economic Research (ZEW) & KU Leuven


I analyse how patent litigation outcome in Germany aects the performance of

the disputing rms by interpreting changes in a rm's credit rating as a proxy

for changes in rm performance. The results match theoretical considerations on

the functioning of the bifurcated German patent litigation system: The separation

of litigation and invalidity decisions, resulting in invalidity decisions taking much

longer than decisions on infringement, provides patent holders with a window of

opportunity to enforce patents that may later be invalidated. This shifts a major

share of the immediate risk to the defendant and allocates bargaining power to

the plainti. The estimation results provide support for this incongruity. Plaintis

on average prot from litigation while defendants agreeing upon a settlement deal

lose as much as defendants losing in trial. I further show that small, inexperienced

defendant rms are at a disadvantage when dealing with litigation.

Key words: Patent, Patent Litigation, Credit Rating, Firm Value

JEL: O34, K41

? I am grateful for the funding of this research project by the Centre for Euro-

pean Economic Research (ZEW) within the Research program "Strengthening Ef-

ciency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK) and

by the Thyssen Foundation. I thank Dirk Czarnitzki, Antonio Della Malva, Rein-

hilde Veugelers, Daniel Höwer, Katrin Cremers, Bart Leten, Jörg Claussen, Bettina

Peters for helpful comments.


1 Introduction

The benets of patents for society as well as for patentees have extensively

been studied in the theoretical and empirical economics of innovation litera-

ture (Nordhaus 1962, Jae and Traitenberg 2002, Scotchmer 2004). Private

benets arise from innovation returns to the patented technology that exceed

the patent's R&D costs. These materialize through an increased market share,

a price premium for high quality products, the reduction of production costs

or from licensing revenues (Greenhalgh and Rogers 2007). Many contributions

have shown that patents and patent quality as measured by forward citations

in general have a positive eect on rm value that goes beyond the R&D ex-

penditures of the rm (Hall 2000, Hall, Jae and Trajtenberg 2005, Czarnitzki

and Kraft 2004).

In recent years however, with the increased focus on the notion of probabilistic

patents (Lemley and Shapiro 2005), researchers have more and more stressed

potential negative eects of patents. These negative eects can arise if the

estimated costs of the patent system to an innovator exceed the estimated

benets (Bessen and Meurer 2008a). This is the case if the prot an innovat-

ing rm receives from owning its own patents is smaller than the cost it has to

incur to hold o allegations of patent infringement (Collins 2009, p.1). These

costs may for example be related to the validity decision of the patent. Farrell

and Shapiro (2008) demonstrate that in case of uncertain property rights de-

termining patent validity prior to licensing (as a measure to avoid litigation)

is socially benecial as weak patents can still yield high licensing royalties

because "challenging the patent is a public good for the downstream rms"

(Farrell and Shapiro 2008, p. 1362). And Shapiro (2010) shows that for weak

patents, covering a minor feature of a high-margin product that takes time to

redesign, a large fraction of royalties negotiated during patent litigation can

be attributable to hold-up and not to the value of the patented technology as


If there is a negative impact of patent litigation for patentees or inadvertent

infringers an ex-post tax is imposed on the innovation (Bessen and Meurer

2008b, p. 3) which can result in an ex-ante reduction of innovation incentives

(Bessen and Meurer 2008b, p.26).

Against this background the contribution at hand considers the costs and ben-


ets of patents by analysing how patent litigation aects the performance of

the disputing rms. Making use of the fact that patents involved in patent

infringement litigation are generally located the very top of the patent value

distribution (Lanjouw Schankermann 2001, 2004, Cremers 2004) and thus con-

stitute highly valuable intangible assets I expect decisions about the infringe-

ment of these highly valuable patents to be reected in the performance of the

rms involved in litigation.

This paper has two main objectives. The rst objective is to model, in a styl-

ized way, the impact of patent litigation and its outcome on the rm value of

the plainti and the defendant, taking into account the particularities of the

German patent litigation system. The second objective is to empirically test

the hypotheses derived from this stylized model by using changes in credit

rating for German rms as a proxy for changes in rm performance. A condi-

tional dierence-in-dierence approach can be applied to evaluate the eect of

patent litigation on the performance of both plainti and defendant, which is

then analyzed with respect to dierences between trial outcome, trial-specic

characteristics as well as rm characteristics.

I nd evidence that defendants are negatively aected by a loss in trial or a set-

tlement deal, while a victory leaves their rating unchanged. I further show that

small and inexperienced defendants are at a disadvantage compared to larger

and more experienced rms, indicating that they are aected more severely

by business disruption and nancial distress. By contrast I nd a positive

treatment eect of litigation on the plaintis, independent of the outcome

of the case. The results match theoretical considerations on the functioning

of the bifurcated patent litigation system in Germany: The temporal sepa-

ration of decisions on patent infringement claims and corresponding patent

invalidity (counter) claims provides a strategic advantage to the plainti. The

delayed decision of invalidity counterclaims (temporarily) shifts a large share

of the bargaining power to the plaintis as they have little to lose from the

infringement trial. This may lead to defendants being forced into unfavorable

settlement agreements.

This paper builds on the existing literature on the impact of litigation on rm

value, but to my knowledge is the rst to disentagle the eect with respect to

the dierent trial outcomes and the rst to consider the particularities of the

German system.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 summarizes


existing studies on the eect of litigation on rm value. Section 3 presents a

stylized model of the eect of litigation on plaintis and defendants. I derive

several hypotheses on the impact of litigation on rm performance. Section 4

contains the empirical analysis, starting with an argument for credit rating as

a measure for rm performance, followed by the the estimation approach, a

data description and the descriptive analysis. I then present the matching pro-

cedure and terminate with the estimation results and some robustness checks.

Section 5 summarizes the main ndings and concludes.

2 Previous Empirical Literature

Most empirical contributions focusing on the private costs of patent litigation

make use of stock market data and apply event study methods. The basic

concept of the event study methodology in the context of patent infringe-

ment suits is that new information contained in the beginning or termination

of patent infringement litigation leads the market to update its expectations

about future prots and to accordingly adjust the stock market value of the

rm. Abnormal stock returns are then attributed to the litigation eect and

used to quantify the eect of litigation on the market value of the rm.

Bessen and Meurer (2008b) estimate the expected private costs of patent lit-

igation ling by using the event study methodology. Their sample obtained

from Derwent' s LitAlert database covers most patent lawsuits led against

US public rms from 1984 to 1999. They nd that the cumulative abnormal

returns around the ling date of the cases show a loss of 0.62% of the stock

market value for alleged infringers. The eect for patentee litigants is -0.38%.

The expected joint loss to the litigating parties is therefore negative. Consider-

ing factors inuencing the abnormal returns, Bessen and Meurer nd patentee

litigants with high liabilities relative to assets to have more negative returns.

They further nd that belonging to dierent industries increases the loss in

stock market value for the alleged infringer, that small infringers suer larger

losses, and that being sued by a new public rm litigant makes alleged in-

fringers better o. They nd some limited evidence that R&D intensive rms

are aected by more negative returns.

Using a small sample of 65 pairs of plaintis and defendants involved in lit-


igation in the information technology industry Raghu et al. (2008) estimate

that the ling of patent infringement litigation has negative eects for the

stock market of the defendant rm, but positive eects for plainti rms. The

combined abnormal returns for the plainti and defendant rms are found to

be negative.

Using a small sample of 108 Taiwanese patent litigation suits in the electronic

industry Wang et al. (2010) nd that patent litigation negatively aects the

prices of the defendants' underlying stocks. Marco (2005) compares market re-

sponses to patent litigation ruling in 475 US patent litigation cases to market

responses to the particular patent's grant und nds that the resolution about

invalidity or infringement is worth as much as the initial patent grant.

Using data on 355 corporate lawsuit ling and settlement announcements in

the Wall Street Journal 1981 to 1983, including patent litigation, Bhagat et al.

(1994) estimate the stock-market reactions to inter-rm litigation. The mar-

ket reaction to the ling of the 20 patent infringement cases included in their

database shows that in the 2-day window ending on the day the case appears

in the Wall Street Journal, the combined market value of the plainti and

defendant falls on average -3.1 percent.

Focusing on US biotech rms between 1980 and 1992 Lerner (1995) nds for

the 26 litigation cases occuring within that period that in the same 2-day

window the combined market-adjusted change in market value of plainti and

defendant falls by two percent.

The major dierence of these contributions to my approach is the fact that

they use stock market data instead of credit rating information. In addition

to this they mostly look at the eect of litigation ling while I dierentiate

between the eect of the dierent outcomes of trial.

3 Theoretical considerations and hypotheses

In order to understand how patent litigation may aect the involved plaintis

and defendants I start by summarizing the main features and specicities of

the German patent litigation system. As the outcome of the trial case is the

most crucial factor for the eect of litigation on the value of a rm, aecting

the market shares and economic freedom of the plainti and defendant, I then

present a simple scheme of the basic eects of dierent trial outcomes on the


involved plaintis and defendants. In the subsequent section I relax some of

the assumptions of the model and discuss how further factors may aect the

reaction of the litigator's performance to litigation.

3.1 The German Patent Litigation System

A granted patent, coming from a German patent application or from a Germany-

designated European Patent Oce (EPO) application, becomes national law.

If the patentee or one of his licensors suspects the infringement of the patent

by another rm or an individual, he can send an ocial warning to the in-

fringer (caution), asking him to stop infringing the patented invention and

to provide a legally binding "cease and desist" declaration. If the defendant

does not react, the plainti may le a suit that is aimed at declaring and

prohibiting the infringement as well as dening the damages to be paid to

the patentee/licensee. The defendant may be required to destroy produced

goods that use the disputed technology. The major dierence of the German

system compared to most other systems is the practice of bifurcation, the

separation of nullity and infringement decisions. While patent infringement

cases are dealt with by the district courts, decisions about the nullity of a

patent are dealt with at the German Federal Patent Court. In an infringe-

ment suit the patent is generally assumed to be valid and the decision made

concerns only the infringement action. The threat of a nullication of the dis-

puted patent is thus less prevalent than in most other countries such as the

US. It is however possible and common practice for the defendant to le a

nullity suit at the Federal Patent Court as a defense to the infringement suit.

In this case, given that the nullity suit has some chance of success, the district

courts will sometimes defer their decision until the nullity suit has been de-

cided. Usually however, the invalidity suit is not decided yet when a decision

about infringement is rendered. The delayed decision of invalidity trials at the

German Patent Court connected to infringement trials at the district courts

is frequently referred to as injunction gap or injunction trap, hinting at the

temporal incongruities of these interconnected trials. A visalization of this can

be found in Appendix 7.2. Given that an additional trial with new costs risks

has to be opened by the defendant the hurdle to le a nullity claim is much

higher than in systems without bifurcation. The risk for the patent owner of


losing the monopoly rights thus still exists, but only through an indirect link.

The losing party is obliged to pay the attorney fees of the winning party and

the court costs. The attorney and court fees are being calculated according to

a formula based on the estimated value of the dispute. For a detailed overview

on the infringement proceedings in Germany please refer to European Patent

Oce (2010), Busche et al. (2010), Pitz (2010) and Stauder (1989).

3.2 A Simple Model of the Eect of Litigation on Plainti and Defendant

The following scheme depicts in a stylized way the pre- and post-trial payos

from using the patented technology for the plainti and defendant. I suppose

that there are only two rms producing a similar product with the technology,

which is claimed to be patent protected by the patentee. Prior to litigation the

market is split between the two rms, such that both obtain a payo of 1/2V ,

the prot to be obtained from that particular product in the German market.

V denotes the overall prot to be obtained from the market, D denotes the

damages to be paid by the defendant in case of losing and C denotes the trial

costs. P stands for the expected probability of the plainti prevailing in trial.

I assume the decision by the court to be rendered immediately such that there

are no costs of delay or business disruption and I assume that no decision

about the validity of the patent will be involved.


Table 1: Payo Patentee

Payo Win Loss Settlement

Pre-litigation 12V 1

2V 1


Post-Litigation V +D 12V − C S >= p(V +D) + (1− p)(1

2V − C)

∆ Payo 12V +D −C −C < ∆Payo< 1

2V +D

Table 2: Payo Defendant

Payo Win Loss Settlement

Pre-litigation 12V 1

2V 1


Post-Litigation 12V 0− C −D S <= p(0− C −D) + (1− p)(1

2V )

∆ Payo 0 −C −D − 12V −C −D − 1

2V < ∆Payo< 0

Prior to litigation the payo for both will be 12V as the market is split equally

between the two rms. If the plainti wins the trial, meaning that infringement

is declared and damages are awarded, the payo after litigation comprises the

entire market (V ) as the defendant has to render his share of the market to the

plainti plus the damages obtained from the defendant to cover lost prots

(D). Compared to the pre-trial situation the plainti thus improves by 12V +D.

When losing in trial the plainti obtains a similar payo as prior to trial which

is the duopoly payo 12V . As the losing party also has to cover the trial costs

the overall payo is 12V − C which downgrades the plainti's situation by

−C compared to the pre-trial setting. In case of a settlement the payo lies

in between the payo obtained from winning and the payo obtained from

losing in trial, depending on the probability of the plainti prevailing in trial.

As trial costs C are rather small compared to damages 1 and the prot that

can be obtained from the patent, the plainti's payo from settlement will

usually make him better o compared to the pre-trial setting. This is due

to the little risk the plainti has when entering into trial in this simplied

model. The only risk is the risk of having to cover the trial costs when losing.

1 For a jurisdictional value of 2 million Euros the overall trial costs are 100000 Euros

and include court costs and lawyer costs for both parties (Meissner Bolte 2012). See

Harho (2009, p. 31) for a comparison of countries.


Given that trial costs are rather negligible compared to the other costs such

as damages, it becomes clear that the average eect of litigation on plaintis

should be positive.

The situation for the defendant is dierent. If he wins the pre-trial situation

is unchanged as the two rms keep sharing the market. If, however, he loses in

trial he has to give up his share of the market, pay damages and cover the trial

costs, which makes him denitely worse o. In case of a settlement deal the

best case would be a payo as in case of a victory which leaves the pre-trial

situation unchanged. All other possible settlement deals make the defendant

worse o compared to the pre-trial setting.

This very simplistic setting demonstrates that the plainti is generally at an

advantage as he has far less to lose from trial than the defendant. In two out

of three possible outcomes (win and settle) the plainti is likely to improve

his situation, whereas a loss will only result in comparatively little costs. The

defendant on the contrary is likely to worsen in two out of three possible

outcomes (loss and settle) and to not experience any change in case of winning.

This leads to the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: The average eect of litigation on defendants is expected to

be negative, while the average eect on plaintis is expected to be positive.

Hypothesis 2: A loss or a settlement outcome negatively aects the rm

value of the defendant while winning keeps his rm value unchanged. A loss

is expected to have a more severe impact than a settlement outcome.

Hypothesis 3: A victory or a settlement outcome positively aects the rm

value of the plainti while losing keeps the rm value unchanged.

3.3 The Role of Uncertainty

The above model abstracts from some important features of patent litigation

reality to stress the main eects expected from the dierent outcomes of lit-

igation. I will now consider additional factors aecting rm value that come

into play when relaxing two of the model assumptions. The rst assumption


that needs to be relaxed is that the court immediately renders a decision. This

assumption implies that there are no costs of delay or business disruption and

that the business partners of the involved rms do not take notice of the trial.

In reality the average patent litigation trial however takes almost 1 year. Dur-

ing this period the involved rms and their business partners face uncertainty

about outcome and costs of the trial. This may lead to interrupted business

activities; taking out a loan may become more dicult and the distraction of

management may result in inecient investments (Bhagat et al. 1994). The

empirical literature on nancial distress suggests that these costs are sub-

stantial 2 . A rm's ability to deal with business disruption and nancial or

economic distress depends on its overall size, experience and diversication of

risk. As suggested by previous literature on patent litigation I expect small

rms to be aected more severely by litigation than larger rms due to less

nancial exibility. I expect this eect to be more pronounced for defendants

as these are the ones that may be faced with a preliminary injunction and the

risk of no longer being able to use a technology, which may alter their busi-

ness partner's willingness to sign business contracts. I further expect rms

with prior experience in IP disputes to be able to deal with uncertainty and

distress more easily which should be reected in repeat litigators being bet-

ter o from litigation than rst-time litigators. Regarding the diversication

of risk I expect the impact of uncertainty costs to be more pronounced if a

patent is particularly important to the business of the patentee or infringer.

The stakes in the case will be measured in three dierent ways. The rst mea-

sure diers for plaintis and defendants: For defendants it is dummy variable

indicating whether the defendant is a trader rather than a producer of goods

using the patented technology. It is supposed to capture whether the defen-

dants production facility depends on the disputed technology and may have

to pause during trial or may have to be changed when losing the case. For the

plaintis I build a similar measure that indicates whether the plainti is a sim-

ple licensee compared to being the patentee himself or the exclusive licensee.

The stakes for patentees or exclusive licensees are expected to be much higher

than for a rm that is a licensee among numerous other licensees. The second

2 In their case study Cutler and Summers (1988) examine capital-market reactions

to dierent events in the lawsuit Pennzoil vs. Texaco and show that for every dollar

Texaco lost, Pennzoil gained only 17 cents. They attribute this to the nancial

distress imposed on Texaco by the lawsuit (Bhagat et al. 1994).


measure relates the value at stake to the overall turnover of the rm. If the

relative importance is small, the eect of litigation is expected to be small as

well, whereas a rm that highly relies on the disputed technology should be

aected more severely. The third measure of the involved stakes is the number

of fellow plaintis or defendants. These considerations lead to the next three


Hypothesis 4: The eect of litigation is more severe for small rms.

Hypothesis 5: Repeat litigants have an advantage in coping with litigation

compared to rst time litigants.

Hypothesis 6: Parties with lower stakes are aected less severely by litigation

than parties with high stakes in the case.

3.4 The Role of Nullity Suits

The second model assumption that needs to be relaxed is that no decision

about the validity of the patent will be involved, such that the plaintis over-

all risk in the case is rather small. The bifurcation system in Germany is

characterized by an indirect link of infringement and nullity trials. Though in-

fringement trials generally assume the disputed patent to be valid it is possible

for the defendant to le an invalidity suit at the German Patent Court as an

act of defense to the accusation of infringement (Again see Appendix 7.2 for a

owchart of the process). The possibility of ling a nullity suit shifts some of

the risk to the plainti that suddenly may be faced by the threat of losing his

monopoly right. The nullity suit led at the German Patent Court can either

be allowed or rejected. If rejected the defendant faces the court costs for this

additional trial, and the infringement trial continues as before. If the nullity

suit is accepted there are two options: Either the infringement trial continues

as usual and the decision about validity is delivered ex post or, in high doubt

of the validity of the patent, the infringement trial is put on hold until the

validity question has been resolved. In the rst case the infringement trial

is not disturbed by the validity decision and the rm value of the rms will

not yet be aected by any validity decisions, but only by the outcome of the

infringement trial. If the infringement trial is delayed until the decision about


the validity of the patent and the patent is declared invalid the infringement

suit will be dropped. In this case the plainti loses his monopoly right and has

to cover the trial costs. Interviews with lawyers and anecdotal evidence sug-

gests that putting a case on hold for the nullity proceedings rarely happens.

This implies that in most cases the nullity suit should not have an immediate

impact on the rm value of the plainti. If however a patent is (partially)

invalidated while the infringement trial is put on hold this should negatively

aect the rm value of the plainti. The plainti then has to cover the trial

costs and accept the loss of his monopoly right. As I am able to match the

litigated patents to a database from the German Patent Oce, containing all

invalidity trials at the German Patent Court, I am able to identify whether a

patent has been partially or entirely invalidated during the infringement trial.

As expected this rarely happens. For thirty percent of the cases a nullity suit

is led, which results in a (partial) invalidation in 20 percent of the nullity

suits (6 percent of all cases) 3 . However, I observe an invalidation that is de-

cided upon during the proccedings of the infringement suit for only 13 of our

observations, which is less than 1 percent of all cases. I expect the rare event

of nullication during trial to signicantly aect the rm value of the plainti.

Hypothesis 7a: If a nullity suit comes up during trial and the patent is

(partially) invalidated while the infringement case is put on hold the rm

value of the plainti is negatively aected.

Hypothesis 7b: On the contrary I expect a positive eect for the defendant

that will prot in form of a win in trial or a very favorable settlement deal if

the patent is invalidated during trial.

3 All other nullity suits are either abandoned because of a settlement deal or the

patent has been upheld. The data provided by the German Patent Oce unfortu-

nately does not distinguish between these 2 options.


4 Empirical Analysis

4.1 Credit Rating as Approach to Measure the Private Value of Intellectual


Empirical studies so far have estimated the impact of litigation by using the

market value approach. The classical market value approach introduced into

the innovation literature by Griliches (1981) and put forward extensively by

Hall(2000) and Hall et al. (2005) is based on the idea that the private returns

to innovative activity can be measured via the market value of that rm 4 .

The advantage of the market value approach is that data is available on a

daily basis and changes can thus be identied precisely using the event study

methodology. The most severe drawback is that it is only feasible for rms

listed in the stock market which reduced the size of the sample. For Germany

where only a small share of all rms is listed in the stock market, such a

sample would not be representative for the entire economy.

To address this shortcoming I follow Czarnitzki and Kraft (2004, 2007) who

have rst used credit rating data for German rms to analyze the impact of

innovation activities on rm value. Credit rating information is available for

almost every rm looking for bank loans or supplier credits and thus covers a

much broader range of companies. While stock market data is associated with

the market's expectation of future prots and may well be aected by short-

term uctuation in shareholder condence, credit rating information is based

on the evaluation of default risk by a rating agency that rates basically all

German rms. The German credit rating agency Creditreform provides credit

rating data calculated based on business and nancial risks, such as industry

characteristics, competitive position, management, productivity, protability,

liquidity as well as nancial policy and exibility. "Thus a rating reects both

currently observable rm characteristics and expectations regarding future

developments"(Czarnitzki and Kraft 2004, p. 378), which makes it suitable as

a proxy for changes in rm value or performance. The index takes values from

100 to 600, with 100 being the best possible rating and 600 denoting default

and insolvency procedures.

4 For papers that have analyzed the market value of patent applications and grants

see for example Austin (1993) and Darby et al. (2004)


4.2 Estimation Approach

Given the theoretical considerations and the advantages of using changes in

credit rating data as a proxy for changes in rm performance, the idea of the

empirical approach is to analyze the impact of being involved in patent litiga-

tion on the credit rating of the rm. This is the dierence between the rating of

a rm having been involved in litigation and the rating of that rm in case of

not having been involved in litigation. The main challenge for this empirical

methodology is the estimation of the so-called counterfactual situation, the

rating of the rm had it not been involved in litigation. As factors aecting

the litigation probability are at the same time aecting the future rm perfor-

mance, the treatment (being involved in litigation) is an endogenous variable

in the estimation of rm performance. The econometric literature on treat-

ment eects suggests a number of methods that can be applied to control for

this endogeneity problem (Blundell and Costa-Dias 2009). I will apply the con-

ditional dierence-in-dierence estimator, a mixture of the matching method

and the dierence in dierence estimator, in this paper. The DiD estimator is

estimated as the dierence between the outcome of the treated rm after the

treatment and the outcome of the treated rm prior to its treatment. In order

to control for general macroeconomic changes a second dierence is calculated

between the outcome of a non-treated control sample observed for the same

time period that matches with respect to a set of observable characteristics

that aect the selection into treatment. The dierence in rating between the

treatment group and the matched group of twin rms can then be attributed

to the litigation eect. A detailed description of this estimator can be found

in the Appendix.

4.3 Data

This paper is based on rm-level patent litigation data of German rms. The

underlying patent litigation database comprises litigation court records cov-

ering about 80% of all patent litigation cases led in Germany between 2000

and 2008. As no centralized register exists this comprehensive database has

been collected manually by going into the archives of the three major patent

litigation courts in Germany. For this analysis the most relevant information


available in this database is the identity of plaintis and defendants, the patent

number of the litigated patents, the start and end date and the outcome of

trial. I further use information on the value of the court case and the relation-

ship of the involved plaintis and defendants to the disputed patent.

The litigation trials handle disputes about the infringement of German patents

that can arise between German and foreign rms active in the German mar-

ket. I restrict the analysis to German rms involved in litigation as plaintis

or defendants as rm level data and credit rating information is available for

Germany only.

These rms have been matched to the Mannheim Enterprise Panel, a biannual

panel data set of rms located in Germany maintained at ZEW in cooperation

with Creditreform, the largest business information service in Germany. The

Mannheim Enterprise Panel contains detailed rm data, amongst others, on

employment, sales, legal form, founding date, sectors, bankruptcy events and

the credit rating. The Mannheim Enterprise Panel has been matched to patent

applications at the European Patent oce such that I can construct a patent

stock variable for each rm as well as the distribution of the patent stock

across six broad technology areas. In addition to providing rm information

for rms involved in litigation the Mannheim Enterprise Panel is also used as

basis for the control group.

4.4 Descriptives

The unit of analysis is a rm-trial case observation, a rm involved in a par-

ticular court case as either plainti or defendant. After dropping those cases

starting prior to 2001, where no rating information was available yet, I obtain

4243 rm-trial observations for the period 2001 to 2008. These observations

involve 2406 rms. Before starting a detailed description of the database used

I have to pay close attention to the possibility that a rm may be involved

in dierent trials that overlap with respect to the time frame of the trials. A

rm can obviously be involved in several trials at the same time that either

start or end in the same year or just overlap for some of the trial time. If

this is the case changes in rating cannot unambiguously be attributed to one

particular trial case and its outcome. 538 out of the 2406 rms involved in

litigation are involved in multiple overlapping trials at once. I chose to ex-


clude those overlapping rm-trial observations from the database in order to

reduce the blurring eect of confounding parallel trials 5 . I need to keep in

mind that by doing so I exclude the very litigious rms that are constantly

involved in patent litigation trials and thereby no longer analyse the entire

population of litigation cases. This restriction reduces the database to 2171

rm-trial observations. For 1558 of those observations I observe the change in

credit rating from half a year prior to trial to half a year after the end of trial.

This database then contains 1432 dierent rms and 1244 court cases, indi-

cating that rms can appear multiple (non-overlapping) times and one trial

case can appear in combination with dierent rms, which can be dierent

plaintis or defendants.

The dependent variable of interest is the change in credit rating half a year

after trial compared to half a year prior to trial. This variable compares the

valid credit rating of a rm shortly after trial has ended to the last valid pre-

trial rating that is observed within the 6 month prior to trial. As credit rating

is dened on a scale from 100 to 600, with 100 indicating the best and 600 the

worst possible rating, a positive delta can be interpreted as a worsening of the

rating while a negative delta indicates an improvement of the rating 6 . Table

3 summarizes the change in rating for all rm-trial observations and distin-

guishes between plaintis and defendants as well as the dierent outcomes of

trial. I see that on average the rating increases by 9.6 rating points, which

indicates a worsening of the rating. Looking at plaintis and defendants sep-

arately I nd that the change in rating diers signicantly between plaintis

and defendants. The rating for defendants increases by 12.2 points while the

rating for plaintis increases by only 5.4 points. This dierence is statistically

signicant at a 5% signicance level. When taking into account the outcome

of trial, which can be a victory, a loss, a settlement or a partial victory/loss,

I nd that the change in rating varies with respect to the outcome of trial.

While the dierences across outcomes are not signicant in the group of plain-

tis there are highly signicant dierences between winning and losing in the

5 This excludes 22% of the rms involved in litigation.6 The rating is available to us on a half-yearly basis, such that we obtain the most

recent rating every 6 months. If there is no change in rating the previous rating is

reported as it does not lose validity. The rating of a rm is updated upon request

and adapted every time one of the input values (such as expected turnover, order

situation) changes. Larger rms are also researched without request on a regular



group of defendants.

Table 3: Observed Change in rating for all rm-trial observations

Change in rating Observations Mean Change in Rating Std. Dev. Min Max

All rm-trial observations 1558 9.6 58.0 -248.0 398.0

All Plaintis 597 5.4 45.6 -200.0 395.0

All Defendants 961 12.2 64.4 -248.0 398.0

Plainti Win 136 7.0 34.9 -86.0 264.0

Plainti Loss 122 3.6 46.0 -200.0 307.0

Plainti Settlement 294 5.2 49.4 -199.0 395.0

Plainti Partial Win 45 7.4 48.6 -100.0 266.0

Defendant Win 131 2.0 48.0 -120.0 328.0

Defendant Loss 235 16.0 67.7 -103.0 396.0

Defendant Settlement 507 13.6 65.8 -115.0 398.0

Defendant Partial Loss 87 9.2 67.7 -248.0 375.0

4.5 Matching Procedure

As I do not know whether the worsening of the rating that I observe is due to

the litigation eect or due to an overall trend that applies to all rms I need

to compare the change in rating to a control group of similar rms observed

for the similar time period. The goal is therefore to apply a dierence in dif-

ference approach that compares the change in rating of each litigating rm

to the change in rating of a similar rm over the same time span. This "twin

rm" should exhibit a similar ex-ante probability of being involved in litiga-

tion as the rm actually involved in litigation. This means that when chosing

that rm I need to consider the literature on rm-level drivers of litigation:

There are currently only two contributions investigating the driving factors of

litigation at the rm level. These are Bessen and Meurer (2005) and Ziedonis

(2003) focusing on patent litigation among semiconductor companies. Bessen

and Meurer (2005) show that the size of the rms, the number of patents

held by potential plaintis, the R&D performed by prospective defendants,

the capital intensity of the parties, and the technological distance between the

parties matter for the litigation likelihood. The likelihood of being involved in

trial as alleged infringer increases with the R&D spending of a rm, indicating

that fuzzy patent boundaries can make rms unintended infringers. Ziedonis

(2003) nds that rms involved in litigation are characterized by larger patent

portfolios, numbers of employees and sales. The results by Bessen and Meurer


and Ziedonis indicate that size, patent portfolio, R&D expenditures, market

value and technology area all matter for the litigation decision and should thus

be used for the matching procedure. As R&D expenditures are not available

in the Mannheim Enterprise Panel I use patents as a proxy and instead of

market value I use the credit rating.

In order to obtain "twin" rms I proceed in two steps: In a rst step I use the

Mannheim Enteprise Panel to draw a stratied control group for the litigat-

ing rms. This is done to reduce the large database of more than 20 Million

observations to a more manageable size. The second step then uses this strat-

ied control group to conduct a propensity score matching that will yield one

control observation for each litigation observation.

4.5.1 Step 1: Stratied control group

I refer to the Mannheim Enterprise Panel and start by drawing a stratied

control group in order to reduce the large sample of potential control rms. For

each of the 1558 rm-trial observation I draw 50 control rms 7 that match, for

the same year as the litigation rm, with respect to legal form, a broad rm size

category, industry (as measured by 2 digit WZ-codes) and a dummy indicating

whether the rm owns EPO-patents. For these control rms I extract credit

rating information for the same time span as for their corresponding litigating

rms, such that the change in rating can be compared between treated and

non-treated rms observed for the exact same time period. The variables used

for the pre-selection of potential controls are dened as follows:

• Legal form of the rm is variable indicating the form of organization

of he rm, wich can be for example a limited liability company, a general

partnership, or a corporation.

• Firm size range is categorical variable dividing the rms with respect to

their pre-trial number of employees in 10 dierent size categories (<10, 1-19,

20-49, 50-99, 100-249, 250-499, 500-999, 1000-9999, 10000-49999, >=50000).

• Industry classication is the industry classication as measured by 2

digit WZ-2008-codes.

7 Note that for many rms I found less than 50 potential controls such that the

control group size is not equal to 50*1558. However, for 95% of all rms I was able

to nd at least 20 potential control rms.)


• EP Dummy is a dummy indicating whether the rm owns EPO-patents.

Table 4 and 5 compare the litigating rms, distinguishing between plaintis

and defendants, to their samples of potential control rms with respect to the

observed change in credit rating, the pre-trial rating, the size as measured by

employees, and the technology distribution of the rm's patent stock. While

there is obviously no signicant dierence with respect to the set of variables

used for stratifying the group of potential controls (not reported) I nd that

the average patent stock, the size of the companies and particularly the pre-

trial rating dier signicantly. When conducting a matching to obtain a more

similar control sample the most important factor will be matching on the pre-

trial rating as the treatment group, both for plaintis and defendants, exhibits

an about 15 rating points better rating than the control group.

The variable of interest, the change in rating, diers between the plainti

and defendants and their respective potential control groups. The dierence is

only signicant for the group of plaintis compared to their potential control

group. While the rating increases by 8.9 points for the potential control group

it only increases by 5.4 points for the plaintis, indicating that plaintis on

average prot from litigation. At this point of the analysis I nd a signicant

treatment eect of being involved in litigation as plainti, but no eect for



Table 4: Comparison of defendants and their potential control group

Defendants Potential Controls p-value of two-

N=961 N=36928 sided test on

mean dierences

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

L2_employees 1215.7 10857.6 1.0 194982.0 383.5 5201.5 1.0 362063.0 0.0

Patent stock 6.4 40.0 0.0 930.8 1.8 25.6 0.0 3941.5 0.0

L2_Credit_Rating 223.1 51.7 100.0 600.0 237.4 70.4 100.0 600.0 0.0

Age 27.8 31.1 1.0 208.0 28.8 36.6 0.0 1004.0 0.3

Share_Electrical_Engineering 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0

Share_Instruments 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.6

Share_Chemistry 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1

Share_Process_Engineering 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1

Share_Mechanical_Engineering 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 1.0

Share_Consumption 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.0

P(X) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0

Change in credit rating 12.2 64.4 -248.0 398.0 10.8 60.9 -409.0 473.0 0.5


Table 5: Comparison of plaintis and their potential control group

Plaintis Potential Controls p-value of two-

N=597 N=21357 sided test on

mean dierences

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

L2_employees 499.5 2608.7 1.0 43265.0 167.0 823.9 1.0 50000.0 0.0

Patent stock 15.4 81.3 0.0 1513.4 3.7 42.8 0.0 3620.7 0.0

L2_Credit_Rating 218.5 57.0 100.0 600.0 233.1 67.0 100.0 600.0 0.0

Age 38.3 37.1 2.0 190.0 32.1 43.2 -7.0 1003.0 0.0

Share_Electrical_Engineering 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.0

Share_Instruments 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 1.0

Share_Chemistry 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.4

Share_Process_Engineering 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.4

Share_Mechanical_Engineering 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.9

Share_Consumption 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0

P(X) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0

Change in credit rating 5.4 45.6 -200.0 395.0 8.9 55.3 -322.0 478.0 0.1


4.5.2 Step 2: Propensity Score Matching

In order to make sure that the control rms also match with respect to the

pre-trial date rating, the exact size, and the structure and size of their patent

portfolio I chose to follow a propensity score matching approach. This should

yield a control group that does no longer dier to the treatment group with

respect to these observables. Using the large sample of control rms already

stratied by sector, size, legal form and a patent dummy I conduct two propen-

sity score matchings, one for the plaintis and one for the defendants. I do so

by estimating two separate probit models for the treatments "plainti" and

"defendant" as theoretical considerations as well as existing empirical evidence

suggests that being involved as plainti or defendant is driven by dierent fac-

tors and that plaintis and defendants are aected dierently by litigation.

The variables used to conduct the matching in order to obtain an even more

similar control group are dened as follows:

• L2.Credit_Rating measures the rating of the rm prior to the ling date

of the court case.

• L2.Employees measures the number of employees prior to the ling date

of the court case.

• Age measures the age of the rm in years at the beginning of trial.

• Patent stock measures the rm's patent stock at the time of trial. It is

measured by calculation the stock of EPO patent applications of the rm

starting from 1978 and by applying a depreciation rate of 15%.

• Technology distribution measures the the technology distribution of the

rm's patent stock over the 6 technology classes Electrical Engineering,

Instruments, Chemistry, Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and



Matching Protocol

(1) Specify and estimate probit models to obtain the propensity scores P (X)

(2) Restrict sample to common support (if common support is small, matching is

not applicable)

(3) Choose one observation from subsample of treated rms and delete it from that


(4) Calculate Mahalanobis distance between this rm and all non-treated rms in

order to nd most similar control observation: MDij = (Xj −Xi)Ω−1Xj −Xi)

where Ω−1 is the empirical covariance matrix of the matching argument X (in

our case the propensity score) based on the sample of potential control rms.

(5) Select observation with minimum distance from remaining sample (selected

controls are not deleted from the control group) and additionally matching on

the pre-dened stratication categories (industry code, size category, patent

dummy, legal form, observed time span)

(6) Repeat steps 3 to 5 for all observations on treated rms

(7) The average eect on the treated = mean dierence of the change in rating of

matched samples

(8) Sampling with replacement can lead the ordinary t-statistic on mean dier-

ences to be biased (neglects appearance of repeated observations). Therefore I

need to correct standard errors by applying Lechners (2001) estimator for an

asymptotic approximation of the standard errors.

The probit models from the matching procedure can be found in the appendix.

Table 6 displays summary statistics after the propensity score matching. There

is no longer a statistically signicant dierence with respect to the matching

variables between the group of defendants and the control group. The propen-

sity score P(X) no longer diers between the two matched groups as it does

between the treated rms and their potential control group (see table 2 and

3). The change in rating diers between the defendants and the control group

such that defendants have a 12.2 point increase of their rating while the se-

lected control group exhibits an increase of 10.1 points only. The dierence

is therefore 2.1 points, but it is not signicantly dierent from zero. I cannot

identify a signicant average treatment eect of litigation as a defendant on

the credit rating of a rm.

For the plaintis (table 7) I also nd the control and treatment group to not


dier signicantly with respect to the matching variables, indicating that the

matching was successful. The increase in rating however is 8.6 rating points

higher for the selected control group compared to the plaintis. I therefore

nd a positive treatment eect for plaintis 8 .

Table 6: Comparison of defendants and their selected control group

Defendants Selected Controls p-value of two-

N=961 N=961 sided test on

mean dierences

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.

L2_employees 1215.68 10857.55 1525.21 16020.20 0.62

Patent stock 6.38 40.03 4.45 41.25 0.299

L2_Credit_Rating 223.13 51.65 221.05 52.41 0.381

Age 27.81 31.0568 29.14 32.26 0.355

Share_Electrical_Engineering_Patents 0.10 0.26 0.09 0.26 0.794

Share_Instruments_Patents 0.05 0.19 0.05 0.20 0.692

Share_Chemistry_Patents 0.05 0.19 0.05 0.19 0.703

Share_Process_Engineering_Patents 0.09 0.24 0.09 0.25 0.968

Share_Mechanical_Engineering_Patents 0.09 0.24 0.09 0.25 0.703

Share_Consumption_Patents 0.04 0.16 0.04 0.17 0.561

P(X) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.538

Change in credit rating 12.20 64.35 10.13 54.53 0.447

8 Note that for plaintis, defendants as well as their matched control groups there

is no change in rating for about 40 percent of the observations.


Table 7: Comparison of plaintis and their selected control group

Plaintis Selected Controls p-value of two-

N=597 N=597 sided test on

mean dierences

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.

L2_employees 499.47 2608.70 511.33 2502.43 0.94

Patent stock 15.36 81.29 23.81 221.47 0.46

L2_Credit_Rating 218.48 57.00 217.60 59.05 0.81

Age 38.34 37.11 37.04 36.84 0.59

Share_Electrical_Engineering_Patents 0.16 0.32 0.20 0.36 0.11

Share_Instruments_Patents 0.08 0.22 0.08 0.23 0.97

Share_Chemistry_Patents 0.06 0.19 0.06 0.21 0.87

Share_Process_Engineering_Patents 0.17 0.31 0.15 0.31 0.28

Share_Mechanical_Engineering_Patents 0.16 0.31 0.16 0.32 0.88

Share_Consumption_Patents 0.09 0.25 0.07 0.21 0.07

P(X) 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.26

Change in credit rating 5.44 45.61 14.05 61.02 0.02

4.6 Disentangling the average treatment eects

Given the absence of a signicant average treatment eect for being involved

in litigation as defendant and the positive average treatment eect of being

involved in litigation as plainti the next step is to try disentangling the av-

erage treatment eects with respect to specics of the rms and the outcomes

of trial. I expect signicant dierences when testing whether the treatment

eects I observe vary across trial outcomes and rm characteristics. For doing

so I regress the change in credit rating on the entire set of matching variables

as well as the treatment variable (defendant or plainti). I then interact the

treatment eect (defendant or plainti) for each observation with the out-

comes of trial and with several rm characteristics expected to matter for the

change in rating. I estimate separate equations for the plaintis and defen-

dants. The estimation method is basic OLS and I cluster the standard errors

by rm as some rms appear multiple times in my dataset. I also control for

the trial year and the duration of the observed time span as this may aect

by how much the rating of both treated and non-treated rms changes. The

rm and trial variables used are dened as follows:


• Loss is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the party has lost the case

and 0 otherwise.

• Win is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the party has won the case

and 0 otherwise.

• Settle is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the parties have settled the

case and 0 otherwise. I interpret dropped cases as settled as interviews with

specialized patent attorneys have indicated that parties often drop their

case but do not notify the court about a private settlement agreement.

• Partial Loss is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the defendant has

lost some but not all of the claims of the case and 0 otherwise.

• Partial Win is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the plainti has

won some but not all of the claims of the case and 0 otherwise.

• ln(L2.Employees) is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the party has

less than 50 employees.

• Number Parties is an integer variable indicating how many rms are

involved in trial at the side of the rm of interest.

• Repeat Litigant is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the party is

involved in trial several times in our database and can thus be considered

more experienced in litigation.

• Defendant Trader is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the defendantis a trader rather than a rm producing goods with the patented technology

and 0 otherwise.

• Plainti Simple Licensee is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the

plainti is one among many licensees rather than the patentee himself or

his exclusive licensee.

• Value at stake/turnover is a variable measuring the importance of the

case relative to the rms overall turnover.

• Patent invalidated is a variable measuring whether the patent has been

invalidated during trial.

In a robustness check I have further included the Jae (1986) proximity mea-

sure for technological similarity of the patent portfolios of plainti and defen-

dant in order to see whether technological closeness alters the overall eect of

litigation. As this does not yield any signicant results I do not report these

estimates due to limitations of space.


4.6.1 Defendants

Table 8 displays the regression results for the defendants. Specication (1)

includes the simple treatment variable "defendant", indicating whether the

rm was involved in litigation as a defendant or whether it is a control rm.

As seen before there is no treatment eect of being involved in litigation as a

defendant as such. Specication (2) interacts the defendant dummy with the

dierent possible outcomes of trial, using a victory in trial as baseline cate-

gory. I nd that a loss and a settlement outcome both signicantly increase the

credit rating of the defendant compared to a win in trial, which corresponds

to a worsening of the rating. I nd no dierence for the outcome partial loss,

which may be due to the large degree of heterogeneity in this outcome cate-

gory. Specication (3) interacts the treatment dummy with the outcomes and

ve other variables that are expected to have an eect on how a rm's rating

reacts to litigation. I again nd that a loss and a settlement outcome both

signicantly increase the credit rating of the defendant compared to a win

in trial. While dierences across outcomes are already interesting as such, a

more meaningful result is a comparison of being involved in litigation with a

particular outcome to not being involved in litigation at all. In order to nd

the overall eect of being involved as a defendant and losing, the coecients

for defendant and loss have to be summed up. The overall eect is 21.9 and an

F-test indicates that this diers signicantly from zero at the 10% signicance

level. Similarly the eect of being involved as a defendant and agreeing upon

a settlement deal is 20.4 and also signicantly dierent from zero. I further

nd that the eect of losing and settling does not dier signicantly. When

switching the baseline category for the outcomes to loss such that I can obtain

a coecient for a win in trial I nd that winning makes defendants signi-

cantly better o than losing (as seen before), but I also nd that the overall

treatment eect of being a defendant and winning compared to not being in

litigation is not signicantly dierent from zero. I do nd support for hypothe-

sis 2, stating that a loss and a settlement deal negatively aect the defendant.

I do however not nd a signicant dierence between a loss and a settlement


The interaction with the number of employees shows that small defendants

are at a disadvantage when involved in litigation. I nd the rating of repeat

litigants to drop by 7.1 points compared to the rating of rst-time litigants


when being involved in litigation, supporting our hypothesis that repeat liti-

gants are at an advantage in coping with alleged infringement. I further nd

evidence for hypothesis 6 that focuses on the eect of stake size on the impact

of litigation: All three specications of stake size show the expected eect.

Regarding the number of fellow parties accused of infringement in trial I nd

more parties to coincide with an improvement of the rating, indicating that

sharing the risk in trial makes defendants better o. Defendants being traders

experience a drop of 7.8 rating points when involved in litigation compared to

a producers of goods produced with the patented technology. As production

goes along with costly facilities that might be shut down during trial or may

become obsolete when losing in trial stakes are generally higher for producers

compared to traders. The eect of the relative importance of the case for the

litigant as measured by the relation of the value at stake to the rm's overall

turnover also supports hypothesis 6. I further nd that a (partial) invalidation

of the patent during trial makes the defendant signicantly better o, which

can be attributed to the defendant proting from a favorable settlement deal

with the plainti or a dropping of the case.


Table 8: Interaction of the treatment eect with rm and trial-specic characteristics- Defendants

(1) (2) (3)

Coef. Std. Err. Coef. Std. Err. Coef. Std. Err.

Defendant 2.198 (2.682) −6.193 (4.722) 9.114 (7.112)

Defendant*Loss (baseline: Win) 12.044∗ (6.175) 12.742∗∗ (6.022)

Defendant*Settle (baseline: Win) 9.466∗ (5.193) 11.259∗∗ (4.954)

Defendant*Partial Loss (baseline: Win) 4.908 (8.338) 6.228 (8.176)

Repeat Litigant −7.056∗ (3.995)

Number of Defendant rms −2.868∗∗ (1.246)

Value at stake/turnover 0.916∗ (0.517)

Patent invalidated −37.191∗∗∗ (13.262)

Defendant trader −7.819∗ (4.065)

Defendant*Ln(L2.employees) −2.277∗ (1.204)

L2.Credit Rating −0.053 (0.039) −0.051 (0.039) −0.056 (0.039)

Share_ElectricalEng −11.181 (7.823) −10.656 (7.721) −11.315 (7.760)

Share_Instruments −24.357∗∗ (10.070) −23.045∗∗ (9.879) −23.486∗∗ (9.898)

Share_Chemistry −17.439∗∗ (8.434) −16.902∗∗ (8.321) −17.288∗∗ (8.316)

Share_ProcessEng −14.309∗∗ (7.062) −13.713∗∗ (6.973) −16.182∗∗ (6.956)

Share_MechanicalEng −9.617 (8.716) −9.481 (8.637) −10.143 (8.698)

Share_Consumption −17.483∗∗ (7.972) −17.438∗∗ (7.911) −17.087∗∗ (7.955)

Patent stock/L2.employees −0.094 (0.167) −0.111 (0.169) −0.329∗∗ (0.167)

EP dummy 13.089 (8.344) 12.729 (8.258) 13.042 (8.288)

Age 0.077 (0.068) 0.076 (0.068) 0.072 (0.068)

Ln(L2.employees) −1.963∗∗ (0.963) −1.949∗∗ (0.960) −0.775 (0.933)

Duration 3.531∗∗∗ (1.274) 3.566∗∗∗ (1.281) 4.298∗∗∗ (1.373)

Industry dummies yes yes yes

Legal form dummies yes yes yes

Year dummies yes yes yes

Constant 86.036 (62.847) 85.119 (62.062) 84.027 (60.491)

Observations 1922 1922 1922

R2 0.069 0.071 0.085

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Standard errors clustered at the rm level.

4.6.2 Plaintis

Table 9 display the regression results for the plaintis. Specication (1) in-

cludes the simple treatment variable "plainti", indicating whether the rm

was involved in litigation as a plainti or whether it is a control rm. Anal-

ogously to the descriptive results there is a positive treatment eect of being

involved in litigation as a plainti: The rating improves by 8.65 rating points


when the rm is involved in litigation as plainti, which supports hypothe-

sis 1 stating that plaintis on average prot from litigation. Specication (2)

interacts the plainti dummy with the dierent possible outcomes of trial,

using a loss in trial as baseline category. I nd none of these interaction ef-

fects to be able to explain or alter the litigation-induced increase in rating.

Hypothesis 3 can not be conrmed. Specication (3) interacts the treatment

dummy with ve other variables that are expected to have an eect on how

the plainti's rating reacts to litigation. I do not nd support for hypothesis 4

and 5, stressing the eects of experience and size, and I nd limited evidence

for hypothesis 6, focussing on the eect of the relative stakes in the court case.

Plaintis that are simple licensees rather than the patentee or the unique li-

censee prot more from litigation which indicates that they are aected less

by the thread of nullication of the patent. Regarding hypothesis 7, consid-

ering the eect of in-trial invalidation of the disputed patent I do not nd

that a (partial) invalidation of the disputed patent during the infringement

proceedings signicantly aects the performance of the plainti. This result

may however be due to the fact that there are only 3 observations with an

invalidation during trial.


Table 9: Interaction of the treatment eect with rm and trial-specic characteristics- Plaintis

(1) (2) (3)

Coef. Std. Err. Coef. Std. Err. Coef. Std. Err.

Plainti −8.650∗∗∗ (3.057) −10.316∗∗ (5.001) −28.212∗ (14.506)

Plainti*Settle (baseline: Loss) 0.199 (5.248) −0.021 (5.260)

Plainti*Win (baseline: Loss) 4.395 (5.694) 3.776 (5.595)

Plainti*Partial Win (baseline: Loss) 7.238 (8.554) 7.870 (8.820)

Repeat litigant 1.225 (5.236)

Number of Plainti rms 13.823 (11.998)

Plainti simple licensee −10.704∗∗ (4.863)

Value at stake/turnover −0.043 (0.160)

Patent invalidated 24.260 (28.342)

Plainti*Ln(L2.employees) 1.022 (1.351)

Ln(L2.employees) −0.771 (1.173) −0.744 (1.175) −1.391 (1.530)

Patent stock/L2.employees 0.082 (0.081) 0.088 (0.082) 0.087 (0.088)

L2.Credit rating −0.048 (0.048) −0.049 (0.049) −0.048 (0.048)

EP dummy −10.466 (12.113) −11.089 (12.204) −10.801 (12.290)

Share_ElectricalEng 13.283 (13.037) 13.651 (13.086) 13.565 (13.060)

Share_Instruments 1.451 (11.945) 1.951 (12.002) 1.280 (11.925)

Share_Chemistry −3.273 (12.723) −3.198 (12.760) −2.880 (12.716)

Share_ProcessEng 5.336 (10.326) 6.124 (10.405) 6.041 (10.362)

Share_MechanicalEng −2.095 (11.134) −1.984 (11.166) −2.206 (11.085)

Share_Consumption 11.854 (10.357) 12.444 (10.482) 12.134 (10.392)

Age 0.082 (0.052) 0.082 (0.051) 0.078 (0.051)

Duration 6.993∗∗∗ (2.335) 7.010∗∗∗ (2.339) 6.851∗∗∗ (2.421)

Industry dummies yes yes yes

Legal form dummies yes yes yes

Year dummies yes yes yes

Constant 22.482 (16.185) 21.748 (16.411) 22.781 (16.855)

Constant 22.482 (1.39) 21.748 (1.33) 22.781 (1.35)

Observations 1194 1194 1194

R2 0.118 0.118 0.122

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Standard errors clustered at the rm level.

4.7 Robustness Checks

Though the observed change of the credit rating is a clear signal of or a positive

a negative impact of litigation, it is rather dicult to grasp how severe the

eect really is and to which degree rms are hurt or prot from litigation.

Therefore I now apply a dierent measure to capture the eect of litigation.


I dene a bankruptcy event as the rm going bancrupt sometime in between

the ling of the court case and at the latest 1 year after the end of trial.

This measure is based on the exit information in the Creditreform data that

indicates whether and when a rm exits for bankruptcy reasons. Using the

dummy variable bankruptcy event as dependent variable I estimate two probit

models of bankruptcy. I use the same structure as above and again cluster the

standard errors at the rm level. The results are displayed as average marginal


4.7.1 Defendants

The probabiliy of bankruptcy within the period of trial plus 1 year after the

end of trial is 3.9 percent for the control group and 4.2 percent for the defen-

dants. This dierence is not signicantly dierent from zero. Table 10 displays

the estimation results for the defendants 9 . Overall the eects reect the pre-

vious results obtained when using the change in rating as dependent variable.

The average eect of being defendant in litigation is not signicantly dierent

from zero, but the bankruptcy probability signicantly increases with the de-

fendant losing or settling in trial compared to winning. Additionally, smaller

litigants and those with a high value at stake relatively to their turnover are

more likely to experience bankruptcy from trial. The bankruptcy probabil-

ity decreases with multiple defendants involved in trial. These results suggest

that litigation does have visible eects on the involved defendants that can go

beyond the (maybe rarely visible) change in credit rating.

4.7.2 Plaintis

The probabiliy of bankruptcy within the period of trial plus 1 year after the

end of trial is 4.4 percent for the control group and 2.3 percent for the plain-

tis. This dierence is signicantly dierent from zero, indicating that, again,

the treatment eect of litigation on plaintis is on average positive. Table 11

displays the estimation results for plaintis. I nd that plaintis on average

prot from litigation as indicated by a lower bankruptcy probability. This

eect increases even more if the plainti wins in trial or agress upon a set-

9 The number of observations reduces as bankruptcy is a rather rare event and does

not happen in each of the industry classes.


tlement deal compared to losing. This is the rst time I can actually identify

an eect of the outcome of trial for the plaintis. The direction of the eect

is as expected. Similar to the defendants I also nd small rms involved in

litigation be be more likely to go bankrupt than larger litigants. The eects

of the number of fellow plaintis, the plaintis relation to the disputed patent

and the relative value of the case to the plainti are opposite to what I would

expect. The bankruptcy probability signicantly increases with the number of

plaintis and the plainti being a licensee rather than the patentowner. At the

same time the bankruptcy probability signicantly reduces with an increase

of the relative value of the case to the plainti. One explanation for this might

be that these parties take more caution because they are particularly aware of

potential negative eects from invalidation. The eect of an invalidation of the

disputed patent during trial cannot be analyzed as none of the invalidations

leads to a bankruptcy event such that the variable has to be ommited in the

estimation 10 .

10Note that the variable partial win is also ommited as none of the plaintis with a

partial win go bancrupt


Table 10: Probability of bankruptcy- Defendants

(1) (2) (3)

Marg. eect Std. Err. Marg. eect Std. Err. Marg. eect Std. Err.

Defendant 0.002 (0.009) −0.050∗ (0.028) −0.044 (0.032)

Defendant*Loss (baseline: Win) 0.059∗∗ (0.029) 0.098∗∗∗ (0.031)

Defendant*Settle (baseline: Win) 0.055∗ (0.028) 0.094∗∗∗ (0.030)

Defendant*Partial Loss (baseline: Win) 0.071∗∗ (0.033) 0.111∗∗∗ (0.035)

Repeat litigant −0.035 (0.033)

Number defendant rms −0.013∗∗ (0.006)

Value at stake/turnover 0.003∗∗∗ (0.001)

Defendant trader −0.022 (0.015)

Defendant*Ln(L2.employees) −0.005 (0.004)

L2 Credit Rating 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000)

Share_ElectricalEng 0.022 (0.034) 0.024 (0.034) 0.022 (0.034)

Share_Instruments 0.002 (0.043) 0.006 (0.043) 0.004 (0.041)

Share_Chemistry −0.058 (0.037) −0.057 (0.037) −0.056 (0.035)

Share_ProcessEng 0.010 (0.032) 0.015 (0.033) 0.017 (0.033)

Share_MechanicalEng 0.027 (0.035) 0.028 (0.035) 0.027 (0.035)

Share_Consumption −0.036 (0.045) −0.034 (0.045) −0.037 (0.044)

Patent stock/L2.employees −0.077∗ (0.044) −0.086∗ (0.050) −0.064∗∗∗ (0.017)

EP dummy −0.029 (0.033) −0.033 (0.034) −0.033 (0.034)

Age 0.000∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.000∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.000∗∗∗ (0.000)

Duration 0.009∗∗ (0.004) 0.010∗∗∗ (0.004) 0.010∗∗∗ (0.004)

Industry dummies yes yes yes

Legal form dummies yes yes yes

Year dummies yes yes yes

Observations 1638 1638 1629

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Standard errors clustered at the rm level.


Table 11: Probability of bankruptcy- Plaintis

(1) (2) (3)

Marg. eect Std. Err. Marg. eect Std. Err. Marg. eect Std. Err.

Plainti −0.020∗∗ (0.010) 0.005 (0.016) 0.019 (0.029)

Plainti*Settle (baseline: Loss) −0.035∗ (0.019) −0.037∗∗ (0.019)

Plainti*Win (baseline: Loss) −0.042∗ (0.025) −0.056∗ (0.029)

Repest litigant −0.001 (0.025)

Number of Plainti rms 0.037 (0.024)

Plainti simple licensee 0.056∗ (0.030)

Value at stake/turnover −0.431∗∗ (0.189)

Plainti*Ln(L2.employees) −0.011∗ (0.006)

Ln(L2.employees) −0.005 (0.004) −0.004 (0.005) −0.004 (0.005)

Patent stock/L2.employees −0.019 (0.016) −0.024 (0.022) −0.034 (0.040)

L2.Credit Rating 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000) 0.001∗∗∗ (0.000)

EP dummy −0.066∗∗ (0.028) −0.064∗∗ (0.031) −0.067∗∗ (0.033)

Share_ElectricalEng 0.070∗∗∗ (0.023) 0.069∗∗∗ (0.025) 0.076∗∗∗ (0.029)

Share_Instruments 0.075∗∗∗ (0.026) 0.070∗∗ (0.028) 0.092∗∗∗ (0.033)

Share_Chemistry −0.421∗∗ (0.188) −0.445∗∗ (0.174) −0.361∗ (0.186)

Share_ProcessEng −0.043 (0.033) −0.046 (0.035) −0.026 (0.033)

Share_MechanicalEng 0.062∗∗ (0.025) 0.053∗∗ (0.026) 0.067∗∗ (0.028)

Share_Consumption 0.054∗ (0.029) 0.050 (0.033) 0.044 (0.032)

Age 0.000∗ (0.000) 0.000∗∗ (0.000) 0.000∗∗ (0.000)

Duration 0.013∗∗∗ (0.005) 0.014∗∗∗ (0.005) 0.018∗∗ (0.007)

Industry dummies yes yes yes

Legal form dummies yes yes yes

Year dummies yes yes yes

Observations 878 806 804

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Standard errors clustered at the rm level.

5 Discussion and Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to derive predictions on the eect of patent lit-

igation on the rm performance of plainti and defendant and to emprically

test these by estimating treatment eects of patent litigation.

The results suggest that patent litigation in Germany constitutes a severe

threat for alleged infringers. Not only losing a case but also reaching a set-

tlement agreement has a negative impact on the defendant. This might be

explainable by a high bargaining power of the plainti that can force defen-

dants into settlement: Either plaintis are to a large degree correct in their


presumption of infringement and can demand high settlement amounts to

avoid an unfavorable judgment for the defendant or they have a systematic

strategic advantage over the defendants. The fact that small, rst time de-

fendants are aected more severely by litigation than other rms implies that

they have more diculties in coping with litigation, which can be attributed

to their ability to deal with economic and nancial distress. With respect to

the plaintis I show that there seems to be no tax on innovation for the paten-

tee himself: Plaintis generally prot from litigation in terms of their credit

rating, independent of the outcome of trial.

In a robustness check I then estimate the probability of a bankruptcy event

in between the ling date of trial and one year after its closing date. The

eects remain robust for the defendants. The estimation for plaintis reveals,

as before, that plaintis on average prot from litigation. It does however ad-

ditionally show that a victory or a settlement deal has a positive eect for the

plainti compared to losing in trial, which could not be shown in the prior

analysis, but which matches the theoretical considerations.

The fact that I am only able to identify moderating and intensifying factors

for the group of plaintis in the robustness check using the bankruptcy event

rather than the credit rating as dependent variable may be due to several

reasons: One reason may be the positive signalling eect of litigation. Being

known to sue another rm for infringement can discourage others from enter-

ing into the market and improve the rm's position. Given that the rating of

a rm is only updated upon request it is possible that the rating increases in

expectation of a positive litigation outcome. A negative outcome has a com-

paratively little eect for plaintis as it does not involve the nullication of

the patent, this may then not be enough for a request for a new investigation

of the rm and a subsequent worsening of the rating. A bankruptcy event

however, the most severe consequence for the plainti, is in any case reported

in the data independent of a request and can thus be related to the trial out-

come according to my expectations.

Taking together the study highlights two aspects: Small and inexperienced

rms are at a disadvantage when trying to deal with alleged infringement.If

litigation is mainly the result of unintended infringement, as suggested by

Bessen and Meuer (2008) or plaintis' strategies of "being infringed" rather

than willful infringement policy makers may think about mechanisms of sup-

porting rms, particularly small and inexperienced rms, in avoiding litiga-


tion. The so-called ex-post tax on innovation on these small rms is partic-

ularly severe as the innovativeness of SMEs is particularly important for the

performance of any economy. Suering from litigation may hamper this inno-

vativeness both through immediate eects from business interruption as well

as impaired access to nance.

The second aspect concerns the bifurcated litigation proceedures in Germany.

My results nicely reveal the spatial and temporal separation of invalidity and

infringement decisions. This split is generally seen to favour plaintis/patentees

in an infringement action as they are not faced with the direct thread of an

invalidation of their patent. With nullity suits frequently being a defendant's

most important defense, but taking much longer than an infringement trial,

the patentee can expect to win the infringement trial prior to the ruling of the

nullity trial. This puts him in a strong position to negotiate a favorable settle-

ment deal. This can also explain the dierences in results when comparing this

study to studies on the US system: Studies like Bessen and Meurer (2008b)

show the expected eect of litigation for plaintis to be negative, reecting

the risk that the disputed patents gets invalidated during the infringement

proceedings, while I identify a positive realized eect of litigation, reecting

the fact that in Germany patents rarely get invalidated during infringement

trials. Infringement judgments may of course later have to be reversed due

to invalidation. This produces lots of transaction and opportunity costs and

given that innovations are produced and marketed at a very high speed the

economic damage resulting from wrong judgments can be immense. A simulta-

neous decision of both validity and infringement would solve this incongruity

and deliver immediate and reliable judgments. This would of course be at the

cost of a longer overall duration of the trial. At this point patent quality comes

into play. The higher the quality of the patents issued by the patent oce the

less likely an invalidation of the patent and the less needed an invalidation

suit in parallel to an infringement suit.

Of course there are also several shortcomings. Compared to stock market stud-

ies that can track developments in rm value for the exact ling date the in-

terval of 6 months in between the publishing of the updated ratings leads to

rather rough estimates of the impact of litigation. Also it is not possible to dis-

tinguish between wilful infringement, unintended infringement and plaintis'

strategies of being infringed.


A Probit Models

Table A1: Probit Model Defendants


Coef. t-value

Ln(L2.employees) 0.038∗∗∗ (4.87)

L2.Credit Rating −0.001∗∗∗ (−4.22)

Patent stock/L2.employees 0.009∗∗∗ (2.75)

Share_ElectricalEng 0.138∗∗ (2.48)

Share_Instruments −0.035 (−0.47)

Share_Chemistry 0.064 (0.87)

Share_ProcessEng 0.027 (0.47)

Share_MechanicalEng −0.097∗ (−1.68)

Share_Consumption 0.205∗∗ (2.33)

Age −0.002∗∗∗ (−3.63)

Constant −1.772∗∗∗(−22.04)

Observations 37889

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.

Table A2: Probit Model Plaintis


Coef. t-value

Ln(L2.employees) 0.046∗∗∗ (4.36)

L2.Credit Rating −0.001∗∗ (−2.57)

Patent stock/L2.employees 0.008∗∗ (2.56)

Share_ElectricalEng 0.086 (1.49)

Share_Instruments −0.039 (−0.52)

Share_Chemistry −0.122 (−1.39)

Share_ProcessEng −0.015 (−0.27)

Share_MechanicalEng −0.111∗ (−1.89)

Share_Consumption 0.296∗∗∗ (3.92)

Age 0.000 (1.16)

Constant −1.895∗∗∗(−18.53)

Observations 21954

Signicance: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.


B Flowchart Proceedings


C An Example of a Litigation Case

As an example of a litigation suit consider the case heard at the district

court of Düsseldorf with case number 4b O 479/03. The case has been led

by BSH Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH on January 5th 2004 against the

Italy-based rm Merloni Elettrodomestici regarding the Patent EP 92113435

titled "Refrigeration apparatus, especially refrigerator or freezer". Merloni

Elettrodomestici sells refrigerators in Germany through its German subsidiary.

BSH Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte accuses the defendant of the infringement of

its patent on refrigerators and les for omission of infringement as well as

damages. The defendant les for the dismissal of the case and parallely les a

nullity suit at the Federal Patent Court in Munich on May 10th 2004. It re-

quests a stay of the proceedings until a decision on validity has been rendered.

Based on a low probability of success of the invalidity suit the Düsseldorf court

refuses a stay of proceedings and judges on September 16th 2004 that infringe-

ment took place. The defendant is ordered to omit further infringement, to

disclose exact numbers on produced refrigerators based on the disputed patent

and to pay damages according to these numbers. The value at stake in this

case was 500000 Euros resulting in a cost risk (court plus lawyer costs) of

about 40000 Euros. The decision on validity is rendered only on the 3rd of

May 2005, almost 9 months after the judgment on infringement: The court

does not invalidate the patent 11 .

D Empirical Methodology

Given the theoretical considerations and the advantages of using changes in

credit rating data as a proxy for changes in rm value, the idea of the empirical

approach is to analyze the impact of being involved in patent litigation on the

credit rating of the rm. The impact of being involved in litigation on the

rating of a rm can be calculated as follows:

αTT = E(Y T |L = 1

)− E

(Y C |L = 1

), (D.1)

11 Source: Own data collected at Düsseldorf court


with Y T denoting the rating of a rm having been involved in litigation and

Y C denoting the rating of the rm in case of not having been involved in

litigation. Variable L stands for the treatment status being 1 if the rm has

received a treatment (litigation) and 0 otherwise. The average treatment eect

on the treated αTT thus results from comparing the rating of a rm involved

in litigation to its (hypothetical) rating in case of not being involved in lit-

igation. While the rst term in equation 1 can easily be calculated by the

sample mean of the rating of the treated rms the so-called counterfactual

situation has to be estimated. While it is tempting to simply calculate the

average rating of the rms not involved in litigation and subtract this from

the average rating of the treated rms to obtain the average treatment eect

on the treated, this can lead to a severe bias in the results. It is quite pos-

sible that the rms involved in litigation would have a dierent rating than

the non-litigating rms even if they were not involved in litigation. This is

because certain rms are more likely to be aected by patent litigation than

others: dierent R&D expenditures, dierences in industry and size can result

in an overall dierent condition of the rms. As factors aecting the litigation

probability are at the same time aecting the future rm value, the treatment

(being involved in litigation) is an endogenous variable in the estimation of

rm value. The econometric literature on treatment eects suggests a num-

ber of methods that can be applied to control for this endogeneity problem.

For a survey of the methods refer to Blundell and Costa-Dias (2009). Possible

methods include instrumental variable estimations, selection models as well as

matching estimators and dierence-in-dierence estimations. As instrumental

variable and selection models require valid instruments for the treatment that

are uncorrlated with the outcome variable and it is dicult to nd such vari-

ables in the context of rm value and litigation, I will apply the conditional

dierence-in-dierence estimator, a mixture of the matching method and the

dierence in dierence estimator, in this paper.

The matching estimator is a non-parametric estimator to identify the treat-

ment eect. It is aimed at nding a twin rm for each treated rm that matches

with respect to a set of observable characteristics X that aects the selection

into treatment, but does not receive the treatment. The dierence in rating

between the treatment group and the matched group of twin rms can then

be attributed to the treatment. Rubin (1977) has introduced the conditional

independence assumption that states that treatment and the rating outcome


are independent for rms with the same exogenous characteristics X. Given

that X contains all relevant variables that determine the treatment as well as

the outcome, the counterfactual situation can be estimated by

E(Y C |L = 1, X = x

)= E

(Y C |L = 0, X = x

). (D.2)

The average treatment eect on the treatment can then be estimated as

αMTT = E

(Y T |L = 1, X = x

)− E

(Y C |L = 0, X = x

), (D.3)

given that the sample of non-treated rms oers a counterpart to each treated


As the vector of observable characteristics X can contain numerous variables

it becomes dicult to nd non-treated rms that exactly match with respect

to these characteristics ("curse of dimensionality"). In order to overcome this,

Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) have shown that the vector of observable char-

acteristics can be reduced to a single index, the propensity score, which is

the estimated probability of receiving a treatment. The matching can then be

applied to this composite index. This methodology is called propensity score

matching and I chose to conduct nearest neighbor matching, which keeps for

each treated rm only the most similar control observation. It is possible to

impose further restrictions on the control group, and I impose industry, a

broad rm size category, a patent dummy and rm legal form dummies to

match between the treated ms and their control rm.

While the advantage of the matching estimator is that it requires no functional

form assumptions about the outcome equation, the disadvantage is that it

controls only for observable dierences between the treatment and the control

group. Therefore I combine the matching estimator with a dierence in dif-

ference estimator. The DiD estimator requires a panel database as it is based

on estimating the counterfactual situation as the outcome of the treated rm

in a period prior to the treatment. It is estimated as the dierence between

the outcome of the treated rm after the treatment and the outcome of the

treated rm prior to its treatment. In order to control for general macroe-

conomic changes a second dierence is calculated between the outcome of a

non-treated control sample observed for the same time period. The DiD esti-

mator is then calculated as the double dierence:

αDiDTT = E

(Y T1 − Y T

0 |L = 1)− E

(Y C1 − Y C

0 |L = 0). (D.4)


The advantages of the DiD approach are straightforward: both common macroe-

conomic trends and constant individual-specic unobserved eects can be con-

trolled for. The conditional DiD estimator now combines the advantages of the

matching estimator with the advantages of the DiD estimator. By chosing the

control group of the DiD based on a matching approach that ensures the

treated and the control rms to match on the set of observables X, common

macroeconomic trends, constant individual-specic unobserved eects as well

as observable dierences between the groups can be controlled for (Heckman

et al. 1998). It is estimated by


(Y T1 − Y T

0 |L = 1, X = x)−E

(Y C1 − Y C

0 |L = 0, X = x).(D.5)



Bessen, J. and Meurer, M. (2008a). Patent Failure. How Judges, Bureaucrats,

and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk. Princeton University Press.

Bessen, J. and Meurer, M. (2008b). The Private Costs of Patent Litigation.

Boston University School of Law Working Paper Series. Law and Economics

Working Paper No. 07-08.

Bessen, J. and Meurer, M. (2005). The Patent Litigation Explosion. Boston

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