the effect of cow and chicken manure on tomato plant



laporan hasil penelitian ini ditulis oleh Supriyo Kelas XII ATPH1 SMKN 1 SUKAMARA untuk Lomba LKS Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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A. Background Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) Tomato is one of the vegetables that contain high

vitamin A and vitamin C is quite high, and almost all the edible parts. a vegetable crop that has been cultivated for centuries ago. Tomato plants from the Americas, namely Peru. Originally known as the tomato plants just weeds, but, as the development of the cultivated tomato, both field and home perkarangan as material consumption. Tomatoes are one of a multi-use commodities. Tomatoes are not only functions as a vegetable and fruit course, tomatoes are also often used as complementary spices, fresh drinks, good source of vitamins and minerals, and natural dyes, and even tomatoes can be used as a base for cosmetics or pharmaceuticals. Therefore, the demand continues to increase so that the tomato has a great opportunity for farmers to develop a tomato (Purwati and Khairunisa, 2007).

Sukamara is an isolated area. It is hard for this region to fulfill the vegetable need including the need for tomato. Most of tomatoes suply come from Java and the local tomato are not enough to supply the need. In the contrary, only a few farmers plant tomatoes because the yield is not satisfaction. The fruit cannot compete with tomatoes from Java especially in height and colour. Unfortunately, most of farmers use inorganic fertilizer in their farm. They are not interested in applying organic fertilizer since the effect on the plants is slower if it is compared to inorganic fertilizer. In fact, the use of inorganic fertilizer “kill” the soil while organic fertilizers improve and sustain the soil (Monroework, 2012)

This condition are contradiction with the availability of livestock population in Sukamara. Almost 98% of the population are cow and chicken (Sukamara dalam Angka 2009). It means that the availability of oganic fertilizer is enough for farming. The use of organic fertilizer from animal manure can increase the yield and quality of agricultursal crops (Tonfack et al., 2009). From the problem discussed, the writer interested in how the organic fertilizer, cow and chicken manure, influence the tomato plants.

B. Research QuetionsThe research question that guide this study are:1. How the cow and chicken manure influence the tomato plant on its weight of fruit

and the number of fruit?2. Which organic fertilizer, the cow and chicken manure, can give the best effect to

the tomato plant on its weight of fruit and the number of fruit?

C. Objective of the study1. To describe how cow and chicken manure influence the tomat plant on the weigth

of fruit and the number of fruit 2. To determine which organic fertilizer, cow manure or chicken manure, can give

significant influence onthe weigth of fruit and the number of fruit


D. Significance of the study3. To give scientific information about the effect of cow and chicken manure on

tomato plant 4. To give practical information about the most influence organic fertilizer on

tomato plant
