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The Definitive Guide to


INTRODUCTIONConventional wisdom says that to lose weight, you must eat less and burn as many calories as you can every day. While this is a true statement, there is more to healthy, long-lasting, natural weight loss.

Counting calories, doing cardio for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger leads to needless suffering and wastes your time and precious, limited willpower. This type of harsh approach to weight loss does not work in the long-term just because it is not sustainable. Eventually, almost everyone gives up.

This is the practical guide to follow to lose weight and keep it off. We advocate a 3-step process to achieve your healthy weight loss goals: mental preparation, a healthy diet, and regular, proven, calorie-burning and strength-building exercises.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Mental Weight Loss Tip #1: Set Small Goals

Try setting small, realistic and specific goals when you’re trying to shed weight. If you have your sights set too high, you might get discouraged.

You have probably heard this before. You compliment someone on his or her weight loss, and you get the reply, “Thanks. I still have 10 pounds to go!”

Although the person probably enjoyed hearing your compliment, that reminder of their ultimate goal is still a major mental hurdle. If that person had set smaller goals along the way, he or she might have responded, “Thanks. I’ve already hit my first two goals!”

So, in your case try to avoid generalized goals, such as “I should eat less at lunch and exercise more each week.”

Instead, set specific and short-term (daily or weekly) goals, such as:

• I will bring a healthy lunch from home instead of going out at least three times each week

• I will limit my exposure to junk food• I will take my dog on a 30-minute walk

every evening• I will choose a few healthy dinner recipes and

shop for the ingredients on Sunday morning

The key to making this strategy work is to keep your goals small enough that they’re easy to accomplish every day. The successes you have with these will boost your morale and confidence and spur you on to additional goals.

Mental Weight Loss Tip #2: Make a Firm Decision

Have you ever said that you were going to try to lose weight?

Trying isn’t the same as doing.

Let’s say you’re doing intermittent fasting (more about this later) and you are outside of your eating window. You’re not supposed to consume calories for the next 16 hours, until the following day. However, you have a movie date with a friend where you will undoubtedly be tempted to eat buttery popcorn and a soda...


The first area we will focus on is mental preparation for your weight loss journey and—soon to be—new permanent lifestyle.

If you say something like, “I am doing an intermittent fasting eating schedule for the next 12 weeks, this is proven by science to contribute to weight loss substantially.” Your commitment to your fast will ensure that you’re more likely to stick with it.

Be confident in your ability to stick to your decisions. When you’re optimistic about your plans, you’re more likely to follow them.

Mental Weight Loss Tip #3: Reward Yourself When You Accomplish a Goal

You often hear people talk about rewards when it comes to weight loss. However, if you’re used to rewarding yourself with food, it can feel challenging to give yourself an effective pat on the back.

Link Reward to Motivation

What is your motivation to lose (and keep off) your excess weight?

Determine your motivation and come up with a few linked rewards (3-5) that you can give to yourself along the course of your weight loss journey.

For example, if your motivation is to have a “beach body” that you can be proud of, then buying a nice swimsuit or cool swim trunks, could contribute to keeping your dreams alive. You could buy one that you love when you hit your first weight loss goal.

Treat yourself, and/or your family, to a special outing or weekend getaway when you hit a specific goal. Go to the beach, lake, or go on a hike to somewhere you have never been before to take advantage of your newfound energy.

Mental Weight Loss Tip # 4: Trick Your Willpower

The American Psychological Association says that willpower is a limited resource and we as humans must recognize this and adjust accordingly according to each of our individual goals.

The more you deprive yourself, the more likely you are to ditch all self-control by the end of the day.

One study involved putting participants in a room with freshly baked cookies and radishes. One group was told that they could sample the cookies. The other group was asked to eat the radishes instead. Participants were then later asked to complete a challenging puzzle.

The group that had sampled the cookies proved to have more self-control. They persevered for a more extended period than the radish-eating group while completing the puzzle. The group that had used up their willpower to avoid eating the cookies gave up on the puzzle more quickly.

If you’ve been restricting yourself all day, you’re more likely to give up on your healthy eating habits in the evening.

Instead of limiting your food options, why not expand them?

Here a few simple ways to do just that:

• Focus on eating delicious meals that satisfy your hunger (this will help to avoid snacking)

• Concentrate on getting a variety of food groups on your plate

• Eat all the vegetables you want for every meal• Allow for unlimited fruit and vegetable

snacking• Experiment with new cooking techniques and


Mental Weight Loss Tip #5: Do Something Active Every Day

Many people think that if they aren’t running hard, sweating buckets, and pushing themselves to their limits with heavy weights at the gym, it’s not worth working out.

The problem with this mentality is that it will inevitably lead to burnout.

Developing a habit involves consistency. Losing weight and maintaining a fit body does, too. If you burn out, break your routine, and stop exercising for a week (or more), you’ve just taken a step back.

Make an effort to move your body daily. You don’t have to run five miles; you just have to do something. It can be as simple as a 30-minute walk, going dancing with your partner or friends, or playing frisbee at the park.

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #1: Intermittent Fasting

Several research-backed strategies can aid weight loss, one of which is intermittent fasting.Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that involves regular short-term fasts and consuming meals within a shorter time period during the day.

Several studies have indicated that short-term intermittent fasting, which is up to 24 weeks in duration, leads to weight loss in overweight individuals.

The most common intermittent fasting methods include the following:

• Alternate day fasting (ADF): Fast every other day and eat normally on non-fasting days.

• The 5:2 Diet: Fast on 2 out of every 7 days. On fasting days eat 500–600 calories.

• The 16/8 method: Fast for 16 hours and eat only during an 8-hour window. For most people, the 8-hour window would be around 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or noon to 8 p.m.

• A study on this method found that eating during a restricted period resulted in the participants consuming fewer calories and losing weight.

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #2: Eat Protein for Breakfast

Protein is the most critical nutrient for consistent, natural weight loss. This is because the body uses more calories to metabolize protein, compared to fat or carbs. Protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

Adding more protein to your diet is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight. Studies show that protein can help curb your appetite and keep you from overeating.

Many studies are examining how protein at breakfast affects eating behavior. Some of them have shown that high-protein meals reduce hunger and help people eat up to 135 fewer calories later in the day.

MRI scans have shown that eating a protein-rich breakfast reduces the signals in the brain that control food motivation and reward-driven behavior

Protein also helps you feel full. This is because it activates the body’s signals that curb appetite, which reduces cravings and overeating.

High-protein breakfasts reduce calorie intake later in the day. They improve the levels of your appetite-regulating hormones, leading to reduced hunger and cravings.


The second area you must focus on for healthy, natural weight loss (and sustaining a fit, healthy body) is to focus on your diet.

Some easy, high-protein, breakfast options include:

• Eggs (cooked any way you like)• Turkey or Chicken Sausage• Cheese• Peanut Butter • Protein (in a smoothie or yogurt)

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #3: Cut Back on Sugars and Refined Carbs

It’s time to cut back—substantially—on the amount of sugars you are consuming each day. You simply do not need it.

In today’s day and age, our diet is increasingly high in added sugars and add hidden sugars . This has obvious links to obesity. Whether you are consuming these sugars in beverages or food, the end result is the same.

You should also cut out refined carbohydrates whenever possible. These are heavily processed foods that no longer contain fiber and other nutrients. They include bread, white rice, and pasta.

These foods are quick to digest, and they convert to glucose rapidly.

Again, while not unhealthy in small amounts, if you are in the habit of consuming large portions of these refined carbs multiple times per day/week, it might be time to cut back and limit your consumption. This will facilitate weight loss much more effectively.

Excess glucose enters the blood and provokes the hormone insulin, which promotes fat storage. This simply means more weight gain—the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

Whenever possible, you should swap processed and sugary foods for more healthful options.

Here are some excellent food swap options:

• Fruit, nuts, and seeds instead of high-sugar snacks

• Smoothies with water, low-fat milk, or almond milk instead of fruit juice

• Whole-grain rice, bread, and pasta instead of the white versions

• Black coffee, hot or iced tea, and fruit-infused water instead of sugary sodas

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #4: Eat Fiber Daily

The next thing you want to implement into your diet is fiber. For many, this is not something that immediately comes to mind when beginning a weight loss journey.

Dietary fiber describes plant-based carbohydrates that are not possible to digest in the small intestine, unlike sugar and starch.

Including plenty of fiber in the diet can increase the feeling of fullness, potentially leading to weight loss.

Fiber-rich foods include:

• Fruit and vegetables• Beans and peas• Nuts and seeds• Whole-grain cereals, whole-wheat pasta, whole-

grain bread, oats, barley, and rye

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #5: Eat Mindfully

Mindful eating is simply where you pay attention to how and where you eat your food. This practice can enable you to enjoy the food you eat and maintain a healthy weight.

The real benefit of practicing mindful eating is that you narrow your focus in regards to the type of food you are eating, the speed at which you are consuming it, and develop an awareness for the calorie intake your body needs to function properly on a day-to-day basis.

Because you, like most people, lead a busy life, you probably often tend to eat quickly, whether it is on the run, in the car, working at your desk, or while watching TV.

As a result, you are most likely barely aware of the food you are eating.

Techniques for mindful eating include:

• Eating slowly: Take time to chew and savor the food. This technique helps with weight loss, as it gives your brain enough time to recognize the signals that you’re full, which can help to prevent overeating.

• Avoiding distractions while eating: Do not turn on the TV, laptop, or phone.

• Smart, deliberate food choices: Choose foods that are nutritious and ones that will leave you satisfied and full for hours on end.

Best Diet Tip to Lose Weight #6: Switch to Water

You’ve probably heard it more than once: drinking more water will help you lose more weight. But does water really help weight loss? Yes!

But, how so?

First, water is an appetite suppressant. Drinking it before meals can make you feel fuller, therefore reducing the amount of food you eat. Health resource website WebMD states that “people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during the meal.” Over the course of a week, that can really add up.

Drinking water before just one meal per day would cause you to ingest 27,000 fewer calories per year. Do the math: You’d lose about eight pounds per year only from drinking more water!

Second, drinking water instead of sodas and other sugary drinks lead to fewer calories consumed. If you think water tastes boring, add a slice (or 3) of lemon, lime, cucumber, watermelon, or even a few cut strawberries.

Weight Loss Exercise #1: Interval Training

The number one training method the experts turn to again and again for natural weight loss: interval training.

Interval training is basically any form of exercise where your heart rate spikes and then comes down repeatedly.

This generally means going hard for a set interval of time (hence the name), followed by active rest, then going hard again.

The easiest, most straightforward example of this is if you were to run for 30 seconds and then walk for a minute, then run again for 30 seconds again, walk again for another minute. You would repeat for 10-15 minutes.

Another popular form of high interval training is cycling, either on the road or in a spin class at the gym.

Weight Loss Exercise #2: Weight Training

Many experts consider weight training to be one of the core, most essential, forms of exercise to incorporate into your weight loss routine. Resistance training, whether it’s with your body weight alone or with added weights, is an effective method to help build muscle and burn fat.

Lifting weights has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate, which means your body burns more calories even when you’re not working out. The effect isn’t immediate, but building muscle means more muscle mass to churn through calories as you go about your day and also energy.

Additionally, by gaining muscle, you have increasingly more strength to take on your workouts as you progress in your weight loss journey.

Furthermore, by lifting weights at high intensity you get what is commonly referred to as the “afterburn effect,” which means your body continues to use up energy (and calories) even when your workout is complete.

Ideally, you want to incorporate weight training into your workout 3 times per week.

If you’ve never done it before, be sure to read these strength training tips for beginners before you get started. Also, check out the this article on full body workouts for burning fat for fun and effective routines.


Finally, once your weight loss mentality and diet are in check, you can zero in on your exercise routine. By adding in exercise, you will be unstoppable in your quest to effective, natural weight loss and a permanent healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Exercise #3: Running

All you need is a pair of sneakers, a hill you can sprint up, or a treadmill that allows you to crank up the incline.

Running up hills forces you to work your glutes and legs—two of your body’s most prominent muscle groups—even more, which requires smaller muscle recruitment and more energy expenditure.

As noted earlier, the more energy you’re using, the brighter that calorie-burning fire burns. However, proper form is critical.

Lean into the hill, and drive your knees as high as you can, striking the ball of each foot down directly under your body. Keep your hands open, and arms bent at 90 degrees, and drive your arms straight forward up to face level, then backwards to the top of your back pocket.

Try not to let your arms cross over your body—that’ll just waste the precious energy your muscles need. If you’re training indoors, here is a fat-burning treadmill routine to get you started.

Weight Loss Exercise #4: Swimming

If you’re opposed to the idea of running or want to work out without much impact on your joints, think about doing a few laps in the pool. It’s a low-impact exercise that will work all of your major muscle groups.

As with most workouts, it helps to go in with a plan.

Consider this swimming routine for burning calories and losing weight:

• Tread water for as long as possible by standing upright in the deep end and using your arms and legs to stay afloat.

• Then rest for two minutes.

• Now, swim ten sets of 100 meters (that’s back-and-forth laps in an Olympic-sized pool), resting for one minute in between sets.

This exercise is an aquatic form of high-interval training. By the time you climb out of the pool, your muscles will be pleasantly worn out.

Weight Loss Exercise #5: Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a hugely overlooked exercise for natural, efficient weight loss. A jump rope is cheap, portable, and can be used just about anywhere.

After just a few minutes you will feel your heart racing and sweat beading down your forehead.

To get started, check out this beginner’s guide on jumping rope for fat loss.

Weight Loss Exercise #6: Yoga

Yoga is an excellent weapon in your weight loss arsenal, but alone it isn’t a significant activity for weight loss.

The benefits of yoga are that it keeps you flexible and healthy for your other, more intense workouts. However, that’s not all. Yoga requires balance and stability, which promotes functional strength, and it helps our mental health.

If you can squeeze in yoga one time per week, you will begin to see and feel the benefits in your body and mind.

To get started with yoga, here is a yoga routine for beginners. Additionally, YouTube is filled with hundreds of yoga instruction videos that can help to add variety to your yoga routine.

There you have it! We are confident that if you follow the advice in this guide to build your natural weight loss routine, you will not only lose weight but keep it off, too. By focusing on improving your mental, dietary, and physical approach to losing weight, nothing and no one can stand in the way between you and your ideal weight and fitness goals.


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