The Daw Family 2012 Year End Update



Daw Family 2012 Year End Update

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In 2008 we took the steps to begin this unfamiliar journey of full time missions. We knew without a doubt that our assignment was to share the gospel and serve the Body.

2009 and 2010 were years that God really established our roles and mandates in our family and ministry. Overall, we are committed to building a place of His presence, like the tabernacle of David, where people from all over can come to be trained and equipped to take the gospel “from the rivers and to the ends of the earth”.

In 2011 our whole ministry was shaken to the core when our building collapsed. This, now a memory, has become a reminder that when all is said and done we are after the Lords heart, regardless of circumstance. We also got to experience the joy of partnering with the Lord in the nation of India. Our eyes were truly opened as we preached the message of the gospel, fed the poor and loved the outcasts of society by the thousands.

Now, almost 5 years later, this was an amazing year full of pruning and growth. Right in the midst being a minister to others it felt as though God was drawing Sarah and I to a place where He could minister to us directly. He took a season to prune what has been growing and a cut off what has held us back. We have been asking and longing to go deeper in our relationship with God and further in ministry than ever before. This season was a glorious response from God to it all. Our hearts, marriage, family and ministry have been deeply touched!

We have a fresh resolve to become more like Christ and give just as much. The Lord is showing us that if we want deeper measures of anointing and greater endurance in missions, we have to allow God to enlarge the place of our hearts. Admittedly, its not easy to let Him do this stretching, but we are thankful as we embrace fresh vision to run in 2013.

This make us think of you a well. You have given much and poured out in so many ways. So this is our prayer for you, that as you have been one that “refreshes others [you yourself] will [in turn] be refreshed” this season! (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

We are grateful for all that the Lord is doing in our midst and especially grateful for the ones who continually make it possible. Thank you for your generous support and prayers as we move into this New Year!

Have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season! We are praying for and love you all!

Our Journey in Retrospect

Pursuit Internship

Blessed with incredible speakers from ministries across North America, the lecture phase of this Pursuit Internship was extremely enriching. Testimonies of deliverance, freedom, and fresh revelation could fill this newsletter. Hearts were truly set ablaze with passion for Jesus. One young man, who was a student, got saved one week into the internship! Another student was a woman in her 60s. She experienced a supernatural deliverance from years of addictions and depression only to be followed up by a glorious dream of herself and Jesus! This is what stirs our hearts to work harder and give more! The outreach portion of our internship was a real awakening for the body of Christ in Thailand. There was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like the Indochina Bible Centre had never seen before. We were told that for years they had been praying that some one would come and teach them about the Holy Spirit. We felt very privileged to be that response. Our team was also able to minister to the underground church of Myanmar. Sarah got to teach at a bible school and spend much time ministering to girls rescued from the sex-slave industry and in orphanages. Our next Pursuit Internship will be starting April 3, 2013. Even now we have double the amount of students we had last year with over 40 already registered and there is still space left! Sarah will be part of the full time staff and teaching. I will be part time internship staff due to a different location for the school and other responsibilities I have at the missions base

Pursuit Conference

Each year at the Pursuit Conference God does something completely unique, this year especially so. With dozens of emails, face to face appreciations and reports from every avenue, we know that what we are doing is changing lives forever. With anointed worship and speaking from our IHOP-KC friends, Call2All, Fire Rain Ministries, Cindy Jacobs and our own GPH team the room was electric with the presence of God. I got the privilege of playing guitar for Amanda Cook (Falk) and Braden Scharfenberg and saw a small longtime dream of mine fulfilled when I played with Rick Pino during a ministry set. Seeing people laying it all down for the call of God on their lives and to see His kingdom come was worth it. Many will never be the same.

Looking ahead to 2013

We love how God has moved up until now and we anticipate even greater opportunities in 2013. Our children are growing fast and our desires is be able to keep our family life and income stable. Although these last years have been a privilege they have also shown some financial challenges as well. We are very grateful for what you have done to make these last years possible and would like to thank you as well for continued partnership into 2013. This next year holds many amazing things for the Daw Family. In February we have our first Woman’s Conference, in March we host the first ever “Fire on the Altar” event in Canada, a 50 hour non-stop worship and intercession event created to awaken a burning passion for Jesus, and in April we host our second Worship Summit with Amanda Cook and Ray Hughes. We look forward to sharing this and so much more with you in the coming months!

As we enter into 2013, we need you more than ever. We would not be able to do what we do with you. This coming year is no exception. In ending the 2012 year we are closing with a financial shortfall. If you could consider a special gift to help us finish strong. We need your help. We have included an envelope and a response card for you to send in your gift.

We are extremely excited with the favor and growth of this Missions Base. Thank you again for your love and support. You are an integral part in all that we do. We pray blessings on you and your family in the coming year of 2013!