The dangers of buying essays from essay writing companies


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The Dangers of Buying Essays from Essay Writing Companies Essays are typically purchased by school and college students who do not have enough time to

put in writing it. However blindly buying an essay online can result in wastage of time and

money as you can end up buying crap which will not be of any use for you! With the stresses of

modern school or college, it's understandable that there is growing increase in students paying

for essays. Why this wrong, and what is are the consequences?

Teachers and lecturers don't get you to write essays for the fun of it. Being able to write

something, form an argument, and meet a deadline, are all critical life skills. These can only be

developed by writing an essay, thesis, or report. It's also a much better way to learn that just

reading a book. You may have heard the phrase "if you want to learn something, try teaching it

to someone else." Writing an essay means that you have to understand what you are talking


By not actually writing the essay, you think you are getting one over on the teacher, but it is

actually yourself you are cheating. In the long run, you will suffer. The consequences of cheating

by buying essays are very serious - for both yourself, and society. Imagine that you were in a car

accident. You get rushed to the emergency room, and a surgeon starts putting on his rubber

gloves. Sweat begins to trickle down his forehead - the essay he submitted to pass this part of his

medical course was one he bought online. He may be officially qualified to operate on you, but

he cheated. And now you are going to pay the consequences. Look around the World, and you

will see that cheating is rife in poorer countries. Those same children that pay their way through

their essays grow up to be the officials that accept bribery in senior jobs. Corruption starts in the


Individually, if you get caught - the price you may pay may be severe. You may get thrown off

your course, or have "cheat" permanently followed you wherever you go. Don't believe

everything you read about the essays that you buy being "unique." The chances are that the same

essay has already been submitted by dozens of other students around the World. Universities,

Schools and Colleges are working together to share information. All it takes is for them to scan

in your essay, and check it against the database of known copies.

There is also an issue of plagiarism. This is the deliberate copying of someone else's work, then

sticking your name on it. In the age of the Internet, it is actually quite easy to catch plagiarists -

there are specialist programs that can search the Internet for text in your essay. Even though

these essay writing companies that sell essays claim to be plagiarism-free, there is no guarantee

of this. So, spending a few dollars online may seem the easy way out of a difficult piece of work.

But you won’t learn anything from it, and you could find that one little essay results in you

getting barred from the college course, or job, that you've been working so hard to get.