The Daintree By Ava Campbell Where is the Daintree? It is in the northern part of Queensland


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The DaintreeBy Ava Campbell

Where is the Daintree?

It is in the northern part of Queensland

You would either get a boat tour or a walking tour

What would you do?

The history of the Daintree

The Daintree is the oldest continually growing tropical rainforest thought to be 165 million years old. And also the Kuku Yalanji were aboriginals from the Daintree.

What is the weather?

It is usely 26 degrees

Because it is a outstanding example of Australian history e.g.

Why is the Daintree important?

By not littering and not touching anything

How can I show respect this place?


Did you know that the grape vine is a naturel food source

Endangered Animals

*Did you know the striped *there is only around possum is a mammal 156 left
