The Crusades The Plague The Inquisition The Building of...


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The Crusades

The Plague

The Inquisition

The Building of



1st Crusade=1095 – 1099 :

While there were several crusades. We will focus on: 4 major crusades and 2 minor.

Pope Urban II calls for a crusade to help the Byzantines defeat the Turks and reclaimed Jerusalem.

It is Pope’s hope to:

1. unite the Christian world

2 end feudal wars in Europe

3. increase the prestige of the church.

Pope Urban, tells his people that those who march to Jerusalem are doing a “Holy Work” and if they die, they will pass purgatory and go directly to heaven.

This series of Crusades, ends in a victory for the Pope and his Catholic crusaders. They enter Jerusalem in 1099.

They divide the Holy Lands (Palestine and Syria) into 4 crusader states: Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem.

The 2nd Crusade1147-1149

The city state of Edessa falls to the Turks in 1144 and a French Monk, Bernard of Clairvaux, called for the second great crusade.

The second crusade ends in failure as the Europeans are not able to retake Edessa.

The European Army was too small and the Turks were more unified in their fight against them.

3rd Crusade1189 - 1192

• In 1187, the Muslim General

Saladin, captured Jerusalem.

• He offered to negotiate a

treaty w/ European Kings but

they refused.

• Richard I ( the lion heart) of

England and Philip I of France

led this crusade.

• While they were able to win

back some land, they were not

able to re-take Jerusalem.

• The 3rd Crusade ends in a

draw and the Europeans are

forced to negotiate with the


• A truce was drawn

up that allowed

Christians to enter

the Holy city.

However they

could not be on the

streets at night.

• The truce also

guaranteed their

safety, but only in

the day time.

4th Crusade1202 - 1204

The 4th crusade assembled in


Venetian merchants convinced

crusaders to attack the city of

Constantinople, their chief

trading competitors.

The Venetians made out like

the traders in Constantinople

were in league w/ the Muslims.

Crusaders (A.) Capture


(B.) Sack its rich Christian


(C.) Set up a new government

in Greece.

The Peasants Crusade of 1096

Before the Pope could outfit an Army of Knights, thousands of poor unarmed Peasants from France and Germany set off for the Holy Lands.

Led by a barefoot preacher named Peter “the Hermit”, these peasants believed that he was leading them to heaven.

Disorganized, without food or money this Army looted small villages in Eastern Europe.

The Byzantine King sent them into Asia Minor where they were all killed by the Turks

The Children's Crusade of 1212

A young Sheppard boy

named Stephen from the

town of Cloyes in France

had a vision where Jesus

Christ gave him a

personal letter for the

French King.

The French King was

unimpressed and the boy

was sent on his way.

Stephen began to preach

about a new crusade of


The children were to march to the port city of Marseilles, in southern France, Where God would part the Mediterranean sea and allow Europe's children to walk into the Holy Land.

Eventually, 20,000 children from the age of 3 – 25 end up in Marseilles.

The sea never opens for them, but a North African Trader explains that he has had a vision as well and is suppose to carry the children to the Holy Land !

So 20,000 children

get on to the ships

belonging to North

African SLAVE

traders and are

carried away

NEVER to be

heard from again!!!

The Black Plague 1348- 1350

The Bubonic Plague, a

disease carried by the

fleas on mice and rats,

comes to Europe from

trade ships out of the

Black sea.

The disease caused knots

to form under the arm or

in the groin area.

The Black Plague 1348-


• These knots grew to a size from an egg to a medium apple.

• Causing great pain and eventually rupturing the victims blood veins.

• As the disease spread through Europe, entire towns were destroyed.

The Black Plague 1348- 1350

• About 1/3 of the European population is killed by the disease.

• Panic and fear drove people to desperate measures.

some families were walled up in their homes and others the homes were burnt to the ground.

others believing that this was the end of time found ways to humble themselves.

The Black Plague 1348- 1350

The Black Plague 1348- 1350

• Eventually, most people

began to clean up

around themselves and

burn trash, wash dishes

• The plague would come

and go in Europe for

over 100 years and it

still exist in some third

world nations to this


The Inquisition 1231 - 1805

• Pope Gregory IX sets up special Church courts to stamp out heresy .

• Anyone who was accused of non-beliefwas brought to the courts.

• The courts used torture to get the heretic to confess his/her sins and then kill them.

• Believing that after they confessed and took the sacraments, and died, they could go to heaven.

Building of National Monarchies

The Europe of the Late Middle ages consist of mostly city states.

Italy and Germany would not be unified until 1870/1871.

The other major National Monarchies England, France, Spain and Russia came much earlier.

England 3500BC

• 3500 BC = windmill people.

• 2500 BC = Battle Axe people.

• 1000 BC = Celts. ( Iron weapons, horses,


• 55 BC = Romans come to England.

• 43 AD = Roman Emperor Claudius

invades England and leaves General

Platus to set up a government.

England 476

• 123 AD = Emperor Hadrian builds

a wall to divide and protect

England from the Scotts and

Picks (the Scottish)

• 476 AD = Rome leaves/ Danes


Rome leaves, Roads,

Christianity, and Town sites


• 500 AD = King Ambrosius,

Roman Army trained, (maybe)

King Arthur.

England 570

• 570 AD = 3 tribes of

people, Jutes, Saxons,

and Angles were being

ruled through a



• 597 AD = Pope Gregory

invites missionaries to


Augustine, Bishop

of Hippo, is the First

missionary in England.



North Umbria


East Anglia





871-899 AD

Alfred “The Great”

Beats the Danes.

Translated Latin into Anglo/Saxon.

Promotes Anglo/Saxon Chronicles (History)

England 1066Battle of Stamford Bridge Battle of Hastings

England 1066

Edward the Confessor

Godwin of Wessex

William the Conqueror

Harold of Wessex Tostig of Wessex

Harold Hardrada

Battle of Hastings

1. divided Anglo-Saxon land between his Norman Knights

2. forced Norman Barons to swear loyalty to him as King.

3. Established the foundation for a strong central government

Replaced hereditary

Office holders with paid Royal Officials.

Allowed Barons to make payments in stead of

military service.

Organized a central treasury. The Exchequer!

William I the Norman(1066-1087)

William II (1087-1100)

Henry I ,William’s youngest son,(1100-1135)

Henry II, Grandson to Henry I (1154 – 1189)

Expanded the Power of the Royal Courts.

Grand Juries to decide which cases would be brought to


Trial Juries which issued verdicts on the cases.

Circuit Judges would then sentence the guilty and release

the innocent.

Richard “The Lionhearted” (1189 – 1199)

John I (1199 – 1216)

Lived most of the time in France.

Spoke very little English.

Used England as a source of revenue to fund his many military campaigns.

Younger brother of Richard.

Battled unsuccessfully with both the church and Barons.

1215, John is forced by the Barons to sign the Magna Carta,

a document that granted certain rights to the English Nobility.

The French Monarchy

The Capetian Dynasty:

I.) 987 AD The count of Paris, Hugh Capet, is elected King of France by French warlords.

II.) The French had hundreds of years of direct male rule, so there were no quarrels over right of succession.

III.) most French Kings lived to advanced years, the rule was 30 years, so most Kings came to office as grown mature adults.

IV.) The people of France were fortunate to have long years of good crops and an increase of trade and industry.

V.) The French usually had the support of the catholic Church.

VI.) The capital of France, Paris, became the cultural, economic, and education center of European society.

French Monarchy II

Hugh Capet (987-



Capetian Dynasty

Laid ground work

for the modern

French State by

consolidating and

extending French

power and


Louis “The Fat”(1108-1137)

Centralized French bureaucracy (the way governments do business) by consolidating power from local Robber Barons and defending French lands from Norman nobility in England.

Pacifies French businessmen and allows the new middle class to


Philip Augustus (1180-1223)

Also known as Philip II

Grandson of Louis “the fat”.

Established France as a European Power.

Brings large amounts of western France into French Kingdom.

Established the “Baillis” an office of administrators who ruled over newly acquired lands for the King.

Louis “The Lion” (1223-1226)

A great soldier who added lands to the French Kingdom.

Louis IX

A just ruler, He is considered an ideal Christian King.

Very tolerant of Catholics in France he was very intolerant of Heretics and Jews in France.

Standardized French Coinage

Canonized as Saint Louis in 1270.

Philip IV “The Fair” (1285-1314)

Attempted gaining control of the Catholic Church in France by controlling church lands in France.

Established the French National assembly called The Estates General,

I. no power to tax

II. No control over government bureaucracy

The Hundred Years War 1337-1453

• A series of wars fought

between France and


• When Eleanor of

Aquitaine marries Henry

III of England, it brings

her vast lands in France

under English control.

• When Henry tried to claim

the French throne war

broke out.

Hundred years War II

• At the start, the English won stunning victories over a poorly led French Army. At Cre’cy, and Poitiers.

• The English used two new weapons:

I. The long bow= was used with deadly accuracy against the heavily armored French Knights.

II. Gun Powder= used with improved cannon, they were able to destroy the fortified walls of cities and forts.

Cross Bow

Long Bow


Maps of Hundred Years War

Joan of d’Arc

• 1429= A 17 year old

uneducated peasant

girl finds herself in

front of Charles VI.

• He is the uncrowned

King of France and

she has heard

heavenly voices that

tell her to lead the

French Army into


Joan II

• Charles has little to lose… so With Joan at the head of his Army, they force the English to retreat from the city of Orleans.

• Because of Joan’s personal faith and patriotism the French are inspired to victory over the English.

• 1429= Charles is crowned King of France with Joan at his side.

• Charles allows Joan to be captured by the Burundians, they sell her to the English who use the Inquisition to try her as a heretic!

• 1431 she is burned at the stake.

• Now as a martyr for the French.

• By 1453 they push the English off the European continent.

Effects of the Hundred Years War

French emerge with a sense of National Pride and a strong loyalty to their King.

French King gained the right to raise taxes in order to keep a standing Army instead of depending on vassal knights.

Creates bureaucracy that is the basis for the absolute power of later French Kings.

The English are now able to focus on ruling in England.

Parliament is stronger because the King must ask them in order to raise taxes.

Loyalty to King and Country in both France and England would replace old feudal loyalties.

The changing of feudal loyalties and changing nature of warfare made an end to the Middle ages

The End!
